HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03768_Well Construction - GW1_20230602 WELL.CONS` RUC'fION-RECORD Far ttvcraaltfsc.DNLY:. • ' 'This-form can be used for single or multiple wells' 1.Well.Conti:titor Information: `'U ;.WATERZONES . • - • Stefan Smith FROM ''ID 1 DESCRIt'TION Well Crnartclor K<rntc R. ft, 3576A ft: rt. • f NC Well Cornlacior Certification NumberIS OUTER CASING triteiiiattkised sleds)OR LlNLRtif in-lleablc)+- FROM TO DIAMETER TnICKNE.SS MATERIAL (I. rl.• la . SAEDACCO Inc JJJ • ' ConspaurrlimnC• I6:9NNER.CASING'OR-TUBING:I acrihtrmal'clu ed-kiapl • .. . - FROM TO DIAMETER TRIMNESS MATERIAL 2.WctI Coostrvetitin Permit-14 ft. ' • ft. 'tl1: Lid XI applicable will prinks fiat Crnrnry.:Stthc,Variance,frig 'GR etc.)) ft.• ft. tn. 3,.Well:Ii5e(diet!:y)'dl asse): -.17:SCREEN - 'Water Supply Well: _ - FROM '10 DIAMETER sr.OTsin: TnICKNPSS 1 MAIPRIM, gu(eultutal D24ltinicipiWttblic ft: ft. in, • ElA °Geothermal(Heatin rCooli ng•Su) l'} .°Residential Water Supplyft. ft. .in, !t' U t P} (single) 0lndustrialiConunercial • ©Residential Water.Supply(shared") .'Tt)i GROUT: E . . _. . .. FROSI Tt?. MATERIAL 1 EMPLICENIENT METHOD&AMOUNT El Irrigation . . . •ft. fL • - Not=1Vnter Supply Well . 6dMoniloring DRecm•ery _ , w If .Injection Wed; . ft. ft.. OAgniferRcchargc gClionndwaterRcincdi;itiou `-19 SANDidRAVEL'LACK'(ifajrplLshter- _ - FROM • 10 NI ATERtAI. - 1 •RMPIACEMENT NIf7111OD DAgilifcr.Stgragc aid Rccovety °Salinity Barrier rt.: (t, CJ Aquifer Test DStonnisatcr Drainage . . • ft. (t. DEgTerimcntal Tcchnatoggy OSnbsidencc Control '%,It DRILL1'G'LOG7altadh additional sheets if icec"ssar t OGolhemtal(Closed Loup) DTracer FROM TO nEscruPTto's(L»br,hurtlnemsri4'rnck OW::.rtun site,dt.1 DG.otheitnal(HeatinuCooliug Return) DOiher(explain under#21 Retuades) 0 .tt.. 14 ft, silt with'sand lens 14 It: 30 It. sand, {P'� r �.,q — r .a?l,�y .� .4:Date Wel1(s).Completed: 5/3/2023 Welt DrtRDC-2 ft ft. y ..1.J Z"'.• =---— . 50.Well Locution: rt. IL 20•[3 J U ti (f Pearce's Grocery . ft, ft, ' Faciltty.'C wocrNmac - • Facility IDS:(`ifappix:ablc) — i,: '111` le<,i; i1 U 4695 Pearces Rd., Zebulon, NC, 27597 . • . rt. . ft, Plnsical Addiest.City_and Zip 21:RENlARKs- • Franklin DPT grab- sample using SP22 sampler at_3 intervals County - ] accl Id airie iiouNo.(PIN) 5b..Latitude and'l.ongttirde in degrees/rninutts/seconds iir-decirnal dcgfecs:• 22.C'ertitieation: tit.oat!1kld,oree!MAWS i$•srdfeieIU) ' % 35.916147 N 78.307203 VY - 5/9/2023 Sigi t" ofce.;fi d Welloatnstar'— Dale 6.rs(are)lhe.well(s)t.1:Permanent or SITentporarti' h,ti ilr signing r faiirr,,i hereby eertifv'fhru rlrr,irll(sl way(r,rrdl roegtireteri to;utvonlmiar• with I51 rVCIC 02C.0Ip or 154.NCiC O2C.,02001Weil Constrr+rftnn Srandanti<fnd rlssra 7.is this a reit:di-to alit isttngwell: 17Ye. or KINte etprof riilr retrial ii,'4Neu provided roohe uiril ruttier, if thly.di o ret.Tlr,fill(Nit ha+,tidal well nonsnuetlori lrr/orrrritrhni twu7 t'Sp(A)1t flit'rntaue of Mr • 'repair under dt'i-revnari s sixties pr iw she brunt of this forts 23:Site dillgrart or additional well details: You ma}'_use the back of this page to provide additional well site details:or Well 8.ISutuherof wells constructed- 1 • . consttuctioti details, You'nay ilia-atlachadditiouat pages if necessary. For aaaltiple rrtjeerion o,-o wI-❑erer ruppiy wells ONLY airli rht.smrreci*rrstr'frrrion,you ma =knit one form. SUBMITTAL INST LICTIONS 9.Total Welt depth below land stiff:Wei 29 (ft,).•2da. For Ant Wells: Snhntit this fonn within 30 days of comptction'of well Fornrnitipk iorllsllsr all depths ifdlfiiv<•n'(errrrpk•-d@200'and 2@lOfft construction to the foltotting-. 10.Static water lei'el ltclow top of casing (B,) Dh isitin of Water Reumrces,lnfhrtntttiun Processing Unit, if toner level ds dtbove ensfnq,etra"-" 1617 M til.Scnlec Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 . 11.Borehole din nctcra 2.25" (in,) 241i For infection Wells ONLY: in addition to-senditigthe form to the address in 24a above_also submit a.copy of this faint within 30-days'of completion of well 12.Well construction method:DPT -construction(o-Else following" ' 0.e.auer,rotary,cable direct push.etc.} Dlvisloit of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control.Program, - FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY 1636 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a Yield(kgirm) "Ltctllod of test: 24e.For Water Supply&Injection Welts: Also submit one copy of this form within 30 dab'sofcontpletion.of 13h.Disinfection type: Amount: well constmction to the county health department oe the county wile= constructed. I i I Form GW-t NonhCrolina Dcpamacnt of Enyiroruo u and Natural Resources-Division of Water R.aLrc Revised ALrgust'11)I i