HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03764_Well Construction - GW1_20230602 1.WV t Centraeto Informa4 /be
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WeltCoatrectorName PROM TO DISCRIPItON
(4\a - 17 ./�ft .9lf f s G74-,
NCWenComn Certification Number a)6.OUTERCAS1iK(i'(fdirmdHsiiaEd:wi'II4'oItj;11YER t6A-..tr'�thrT '
fie �irc 1.Jel I c b? 2 &S&rzct? u / n f1
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/j • �1 YVNER.CAsobsorialm rr.'eco---'Ihimiit);died-l$bp)-,..,�.;.rr-^' =r
• 2.Well Construction Permits: /3 / 7 MOM TO owning TA[C)C1ES4 MATERIAL
L st'tl applimyre weUemmrver on gem t(l e.UIC.County.Stare,Variance.etc.)" it tr. ID.
3.Well Use(checkwell use): rt. fr. In.
WiserSapplylPen: tre.S RER '. s.�.. :...�Fil _ --- -- . '
.FROM ro Mastetca SLOTSIxE TD r_atasS MATERIAL•
)Agricultural n rcipaYPoblic 0 ft• rt. in.
0Geothermal(lleating1Cooling Supply) Residential Water Supply(single) R. te in. -.
)lnduetrialiCommereial DResideaual Water Supply(shercd) ,,,,.�,w;,�;,. _..._. ` s -•:
Non-Water Supply wen: •
(', rt. d re '_ N 4-MieC �nitrtd inter
In anon Well:nitoring )Recovcty et. rt.
ft f►.
• .- AquiferReclwrge [)GroundweterRemediation
AqutfcrStorrrgesadRecovery Safi " Barrier la?VitelWGRAVEGPACKDf lhiliaitere2 =- :PI.%C :.:f.. E11IOD 4n: '
Ddy mar TO MATERIAL saircacsannir amnion
_Aquifer Test. . •)StarmwaterDrainage m fr.
Experimental Technology 13Subsidence Control - rG R.
• ['Geothermal(Closed loop),.. )Tracer z1oaDRiLP11141: :�iiirelau dltiouiiilieetr'it`:ee'c(aiiii)-_•- " �= =
nGeothermal(Reating/CaolingRetum) Maher(viola 7Ob[ TO DFSCRIPr[OY(color ndnns,solVtvckl�C)fct+Nece,cu)
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4,Date Well(s)Completed Well IDs. G ft ,9 tr. re"40 eix<
5fa �cllLDealiarr: / �f IL �� /oitlGY'/`�
• }ia S��✓Avsy f 99.?;) ? ft. ff. __
FaeTitylOwnerName PicalitrH U(rfepptcable) R ft.
' f,, s (-,r t� tl N iK".,_'
• 7 o � /i/� QT�1474{i° c 2ilafC : f
Physical Addled,City,sad Tip = rt. ft.
61'r-fp\ •357/.7, f 7 L2:.111-,�_= _:=__�_f- .r:._yV-,,V;�-.
it,wi asZLt, w_,_ 7r_..-
Count) Parcel ldemificatiae No.(PIN)• Sb.Latitude and longitude in degreeshnInuteslseconds or decimal degrees:
. �W�en��`bi.an���� �)x �/ (' l `) � w 22.Certification: • p�,�j g g-
iqrk,t_ LIAW aldievi-573/71-2))
6.Is(are)the well(s) Permanent or )Temporary Signat ue o mined Well Convector Dee
By 41ning ids form.I hereby car*than the ra(s)war(were)contented at accordance
• e 7.Is this a repair to no existing well: ❑Yea or o with HA MAC 01C.0100 or iU:CAC 02C.0200 Well Commotion Standard,and that a
((this it arepaf,fMmabroinrwdi emurruelioahlarmaria,anderplaar thenahm of the copy of ens record has been provide(to thenell ornrer
repair andera21 remark section or on the bock 4'ddsjonn. •
23.Site diagram or additional well details:
• 8.For GeoprobelDPT or Closed.Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You may use rho back of this page to provide additional well site details or well
Construction,only 1 GW l is needed. indicate TOTAL,NUMBER of wells construction details.You may also attach additional pages if necessary.
9.Total well depth below land surfaces (it.) 24a. Per All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well
For mntapir wear(rrr ail deprh.Jtipetent(example.3(a)200•and 2@l00') construction to thefoilowing:
10.Static water level below top of casing: if (eta Division of Water Resources.information ProcessingUnit,"water latent above crying rue+" 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617
11.Borehole diameter. 6 14.l (In.)
t 246.For inlection Wells: In addition to sending the threw the address in 24a
12.Well construction method: P(,`to,r about,also submit one copy of this them within 30 days of completion of well
(i.e auger.rotary.cable,duect push.eta) construction to de following:
FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division at Water Resources,Underground injection Control Program,
1636 Mail Service Centel...Raleigh,NC 27699-1636
(Cpfn) r t� �P�
13a.Yield Method of test: �r�11•' �(r- 24e.For Water Sunnis*&Infection Wells; In addition tii sending the[ecru to
j /� tine address(es)above, also submit one copy of this fame within 30 days of
13b.Disinfection 1 l r Amount: • completion of well construction to the county health depanment of the county
where constructed.
FarmGW-I Nona Caron=I/ma mmatafl:avimnaieoralQualiry-DivisionofWate:Resource Revised2-22-2016'