HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03723_Well Construction - GW1_20230602 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD GW-1 For Into Uae On y: 1.WeU Contractor furor, don: la: .AT R. $ m FROM TO DESCRIPTION ft. Well Contractor Name ft. for•m �eaaed ivi lla R'ua cable C 0 DIAMETER TBICf4fpa8 MATE NC Well Contractor CortiBeation N bar To d' �12.. G t�toM, ft. ft• �.JaL.S h'' $l�fZ�t � 4 .0 It90 t ermal'•9 oa d-loo TE� I U qER T=mcI0YE89 Company Name �r'r� 1�ail FROM To I ff. ft' Z,Well Construe Permit#: ft. b, 2 all l COPPonror Nell oonstruclron permits UIC,County,Stare,Variance,era j 3.Well Use(check well use): 1'" N DIAMETER sLOT IZE T111 a MATERIAL FROM TO W r Supply Well; ft. rt fa Agricultural �MunicipallPirblic ft. Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) OP-0 idendal Water Supply(single) ft. Realdential Water Supply(shared) ig, _ •UT MA EMPLACEMENT METHOD&AMOUNT IndustriaUCommoroial FROM To kd stion O G ft. Non-Water Supply Well: ft. Recove ft. •Monitoring tt. In ec on ell: E3Groundwater Romedlation YEI:pp 1C to Ii a la• EMPLACEMENT METHOD • .19.SA � M^TEw'u' Aquifer Recharge Salinity Barrier FROM TO Aquifer Storage and Recovery �.`..` fL ft. Aquifer Test ti;`�`,'�. .0Storinwator Drainage ft ft. "V..! [3SubsidenceControl Experimental Technology` fi'I 20.0 LIN OG' Hadif "v-grR1PTIONacolor beerdoess aoWrock sin era Geothermal(Closed Loop) E)Tfacer FROM TO Geothermal Heatin Coolln Return .Other ex lain under 921 Remarks fL ft. 'i g Completed.'- LL .3 WeU Imft fa ft. ' 4.Date Wells ') - —.Y� ;-•,e..,;� 5a,Well Locution: ft. . _.. E fE IDN(ifapp8cable) � Facility/Owner Name �+ i y fL ft' ri r ii Physice�dross, Ity,and Zip 2f. ARKS Parcel Identi8oationNo.(PIN) Cowry 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22,Certification: �. (if wall field,one latllong is sufficient) ! W � s � ;- �L N Data Signatum of CerdBed Wa8 Contractor ()�rmauent or Temporary By slg+tins this form,I hereby cerlljy that the weN(sJ was(were)constructed!n accordance 6.Is(are)the well s No with I SA NCAC 02C.0100 orl �o the all or0,me�e/!Corun•ucrlon Standards and that c Well: Yes ar With y ojthLs record has been Provided 7.is this a repair to an exlsttug pp p if this Is a report,JI►I out known well construction lryformalion nd explain the no of 23.Site diagram or addlHoual well details: You may use the beak of this page to provide additional wall alto details or wel -repair under f121 remarks seclton or on the back ojrhls jomr, You may also attach additional pages if necessary. robe/DPT or CiOaed-Irbop;Geothermal Wells having fw8U=0 construction details. 8.For Geog 1 OW-1 is needed,'indicata TOTAL NUN® BR construction,only _(fL) 24a.Fnr A i Wel1S: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of we 9,Total well depth below land surface: o0"and 2®1001 construction to the following: For multiple wells list all depths Ud pferenf(e)ample-3@7 O (fL) Division of Water Resources,information 27699 16]7 Unit, 10.Static water level below top of ceslugt•' Processiu 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh, l f water level Is above casing use'+" � 24b. r slon Wells: in addition to sending the form to the address in 2 Il.Borehole diameter: —( ') above,also aubmlt one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of w owing: 12.WeU construction methods construction to the foll auger,rotary,cable,direct push.etc,) Division 1636 MooeService�Contor�Raleigh,NC 276991636 ater ('r Program, .e. y in addition to sending the form FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: v . >+uuDiv&Intecdon��§r /ji_I yl 24c. of this form wig 30 Sys Metbod of test:_--s— the addresses) above, also submit one copy health department of the cou 138.Yield(gpm) completion of well construction to the county p Amount: where conanticted. 13b.Disinfection type: G Revised 2•22.7 out of Environmental Quality.Division of Water Resources North Caroline DePartm Form OW-1 J