HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03721_Well Construction - GW1_20230602 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECO r�v_�. . For blemalUse 093-r I i L Well Con .Information: s 14 WATERZONES "- Well Coauactor FROM TO DESCaII'1ION 9T 0Oft• OOP ft m NC ollContracwrcadacadoaN 15.OUTMRCASIIVG farmulfi-casedwdb ORJjrM tfa Noble FROM TO DYAMETER I TIDC[Q�SS MATEEtrAL CompaayName ft ft 7�� 26.XI MR CASING ORTUBING eotbermat elofed-lao 2.Well Construction Permit#:- lJ / FROM I TO IDIA11fErEg T�QgL Lid aff apph-blewel[wnsozwionpesa lr ge WC.Cmmry,Slats;,WMC4 fjr) 4 ft 7 3.Well Use(checkwelluse): ft ft in Water Supply We1L• 47.SCRMMN OAgricultural 0 FROM TO DL1MbTIIt Qr O Q ZE T�CRNESS MATERIAL NltmicipaUPublrc ft ft 0 Geothermal(Heating/Cooling,Supply) &dential Water Supply(single) ft ft in.' Oladustrial/Commercial dential'WaW Supply(shared) 01nigatiop Non-WaterSnppl yWelL• 18.GROUT OWeIIs>100 000 GPD FROM TO MATERLLL EMPLAC.EMufrMkMOD&AMOUNT O ft ft �,�, OMonitoring CRecovery ft Injection Well: O Y F•j 3 t-•d ,i,Jl OAquiferRecharge OGroimdwaterRemediation ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovety OSalinit� 11SAND/GRAVELPACIC ifa liable - yBariler FROM TO MATERXAL E0LSCEMVfrMI=0D OAquiferTest OStormwaterDrainage ' ft ft ORxpedmental Technology OSubsidmee Control ft ft OGcothermal(Closed Loop) E=r'a 20.DRILLING LOG atlaeb additional sb«ts if n OGeothermal(Reating(CoolingRetum) 00thw( lainunder#21Remarks) I FROM To DFseRa�troN eemnFsae soaindc sv�dr- ft ft 4.Date Wells)Completed: - - 2,3 Well ID# ft 'tt San.Well L1 ocaaon: ft ft • Facility/OwnaNamc Faa7ityID#(ifappScable) ft $ 5'�v 1Ck lit • D 0l d 1 1.e sl-fit• C at 1�• '"ft ft PIzidIAdan.sx11 aty,ana zip d 1'S S�Io dl ftIca ft CO.-' 'Parrol Mandfication No. 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: (ifwell field,one Lt4ong is saffieiect) 22.C • n. 6.Is(are)the weII(s): [ ermanent or OTem o "-��2 3 p rary Si bf eII Conhaetor Date 7. Bysfaningth joisn.lhmebyeoYifyrhalthewrl[(s)war(were)consvuettd[naeeordaieew[di If this this a repair to An casting wen OYes or To 15ANCtC 02C.0100 or7SANCSC OIC.02001rdl(74mvz nron Standard&ad rinrt a copy ljthu itarepair,fl[mdTmq�ra irr11 wasp WIgn information and ap[a[n the namm ojthe ojthis reeordhar bemp vWded to thecae!!owner. rcpafrrmdcr02Jrmanbjewo'oronthe back ojth[ijonn 23.Site diagram or additional well details: S.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closea--Loop Geothermal Wells baviug the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional well construction,info. construction,only 1 GW-1 is needed. indicate TOTAL NCIMBER of wells (add see Ova'in Remarks Box).YOUMV also attach additional pages ifnecessary. drilled 24.SIIB1VMAL tal 1NST1tIICTIONS 9.To well depth below land surface: Form+dtip[eweOrlfst all dcpth&jdffurnt(armnplo-3Q2 �2t;)a l00� Submitthis GW 1 within 30 days of well completion per the following: 10.Static water level below top of casing. G d (�) 24a.For All Yells: original form to Division of Water Resources (Dy{/It),' ljwater[evel is above aarfn&�e j informaaoaPmOZISUnit,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 1L Borehole diameter: (� {m.) 24b.For Injection Wells:COPY to DWR,Underground Injection Control(IUC) Program.1636 MSQ Raleigb.NC 27699-1636 12.Wclt construction method: 0 (�a auger rotary.cable,diced push,etc,) 24c.For Water Snuuly and Ooen--Loon Geothermal Return Wells Copy to the wanly environmental health departrnent.ofthe couoty where installed FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.For Water Wells urodurinL-over 100 000 GPD•Copy to DWR.CCpCUA 132.Yield(gpm) D Method of test:. P�rmrtProgr'am,1611 MSC,Italetgb NC 27699-1611 I 13b.Disinfection type: From GW-1