HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-2721A EM Johnson Waste Pit Reclamation Plan - Rev1_FINAL3 t R2721A EM Johnson Waste Pit Reclamation Plan �r a FLATIRON pB RANCH FLATIRON �BRANGH May 18, 2023 NC Department of Transportation Turnpike Authority 1 South Wilmington Street Raleigh, NC 27699-1578 Attn: Mr. Robby Hoffman, Resident Engineer RE: R2721A NC540 Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension Reclamation Plan for Waste Site Dear Mr. Hoffman, Flatiron -Branch JV is submitting the attached reclamation plan for approval to waste excavated materials on EM Johnson Enterprises, Inc. property. The reclamation plan meets the requirements of NCDOT Specifications Section 802 and follows the most recent reclamation procedures outlined in the "Borrow, Waste and Staging Site Reclamation Procedures for Contract Projects." The proposed waste site is adjacent to the project limits. The approval of the waste site and reclamation plan facilitates the embankment of the lateral 4' base ditch within the project limits. The Design -Build Team sees significant benefit to the Owner and Departments as outlined: • Future Maintenance — The current plan ditch is nearly 40 vertical feet below the hinge point of the embankment. Access to maintain, clean and restore a riprap lined ditch after project completion will be difficult. A piped network will be easier to maintain. • Safety for Pedestrian & Vehicular Travel — The current plan has sidewalks running both parallel and perpendicular to the open ditch. The plan sidewalk elevation is nearly 40' above the plan ditch with a 2:1 slope adjacent to it. A closed pipe system will allow for embankment that will eliminate the significant drop off next to the pedestrian travel. The proposed grades are ultimately safer for vehicular traffic. • Future Utility Access — Utility poles are currently located in the final plan location. The locations are near the toe of slope along Kildaire Farm Road. Access to the poles will require traversing down the plan slope near the riprap ditch to perform maintenance. The proposed closed system will facilitate additional embankment that will require pole relocations to the hinge point. This will allow for significantly easier access and avoidance of the open ditch. The Design -Build team has included a Plan Narrative, Environmental Evaluation, Environmental Permit Compliance Review, Natural Resources Review, Cultural Resources Review, Erosion Control Plan, Revised Contract Plans, and Reclamation Plan Review Checklist. Please review the attached proposal for approval. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, Flatiron Constructors, Inc. — Branch Civil, Inc. Joint Venture TABLE OF CONTENTS Borrow, Waste and Staging Site Reclamation Procedures for Contract Projects ........................ 1 Reclamation Plan for Contract Projects — Plan Narrative............................................................... 7 Environmental Evaluation for Waste Site....................................................................................... 13 Natural Resources Review................................................................................................................ 15 Cultural Resources Review............................................................................................................... 16 ErosionControl Plan.......................................................................................................................... 21 ContractDrawings............................................................................................................................. 32 Reclamation Plan for Contract Projects — Plan Review Checklist ................................................ 71 12/2020 Borrow, Waste and Staging Site Reclamation Procedures for Contract Projects A Reclamation Plan shall accompany any land disturbing activity associated with the project that exceeds the project limits. This includes waste and borrow sites as well as applicable staging areas. Waste consists of all excavated materials that are not utilized in the construction of the project, including overburden from borrow sources and soil type base course sources. This shall include permanent or temporary stockpiles placed beyond the project limits. Borrow consists of excavated material brought in from outside of the project limits and utilized in the construction of the project. Staging areas consists of temporary areas, beyond the project limits, utilized during the pursuit of a contract, to store equipment, materials, supplies, or other activities related to the project. In order to comply with Section 107-1 of the NCDOT Standard Specifications, it is necessary to provide documentation ensuring all sites do not impact jurisdictional features such as, but not limited to, buffer zones, wetlands, streams, and threatened or endangered species habitats. Approval of the use of the borrow, waste and/or staging sites for activities exclusively in support of a North Carolina Department of Transportation project will be, in part, dependent on the presence or absence of these sensitive environmental resources at the candidate sites. Staging areas that do not contain erodible material or involve land disturbing activities shall require an environmental evaluation as described in the Environmental Evaluation section of these procedures. Buffer areas and wetlands found within the staging area boundary shall be delineated using highly visible fencing, with the contractor receiving compensation for highly visible fencing or equivalent. Staging areas that contain erodible material or involve land disturbing activities shall require a full Reclamation Plan submitted to the Engineer as outlined in these procedures. Staging areas located at existing office, institutional, commercial, residential, or industrial facilities that do not contain erodible material or involve land disturbing activities are exempt from an environmental evaluation and reclamation plan, unless jurisdictional features are present. Staging areas related to mobile operations that involve overnight parking of equipment are exempt from an environmental evaluation and reclamation plan. These sites may require erosion control if ground becomes disturbed from equipment. Reclamation Plan Procedure • The Contractor will submit the reclamation plan to the Resident Engineer. • See Plan Checklist for additional distribution of final plan. • The Resident Engineer performs a cursory review to determine if the plan is complete and includes the property owner signatures and the environmental assessment. • The Resident Engineer will forward a copy of the completed reclamation plan to the REU Field Ops Engineer and DEO for review prior to approval. • The Resident Engineer must make a site visit. It is suggested that the Contractor and Property Owner be contacted and invited to attend this visit. • The Resident Engineer should assure that an adequate number of devices are specified and sized to control erosion and address drainage. Devices should be sized to comply with Best Management Practices (BMPs), including sediment storage volume, surface settling, and spillway capacity. • Assure that minimum undisturbed vegetated buffers and setbacks have been delineated on the plan: e.g. 50' riparian buffer for regulated basins and jurisdictional streams, 50' buffer from wetlands (additional buffer areas may be required if it is determined that the regulated wetland and/ or stream Borrow, Waste and Staging Site Reclamation Plan Procedures for Contract Projects 1 12/2020 will be indirectly impacted by borrow pit operations), 50' buffer from trout waters, 10' setback from property lines (local ordinances may require additional setbacks). The environmental consultant should assure that any additional buffers, such as additional buffers around watersheds or live streams not in a currently protected basin, imposed by local or statewide governing bodies, are complied with. • Remember that the haul road is a part of the plan and must comply with applicable setbacks. Assure that the haul road is shown on the plan. • Disturbed areas in HQW zones shall be limited at any time to a maximum total area within the boundaries of the tract of 20 acres. Only the portion of the construction activity within a HQW zone shall be subject to the 20-acre limit. Larger disturbed areas may be allowed with the written approval by DEQ upon providing adequate engineering justification with a specific construction sequence that addresses phasing, limited exposure, weekly submitted self -inspection reports and/or more conservative design than the 25-year storm. 15A NCAC 04B .0124 • No waste activities can occur within the 100-year floodplain. Borrow activities can occur within the 100-year floodplain if stockpiling of borrow material is limited. • If isolated wetlands are located within the site, the consultant must contact the NCDEQ Division of Water Resources for consultation. • If the site is for waste, the only waste allowed, without a permit from the Solid Waste Division, is for beneficial fill consisting of inert debris strictly limited to concrete (encapsulated rebar is OK), brick, concrete block, uncontaminated soil, rock and gravel. Asphalt, placed a minimum of 4 feet above the water table, is allowed but is not considered beneficial fill. If wood is present in the waste, then the rules for a Land Clearing and Inert Debris Landfill must be followed. Wood waste should not be buried. See Section 802 of the Standard Specifications. • After review by the Roadside Environmental Field Operations Engineer, the Resident Engineer will submit approved copies of the reclamation plan as detailed on the Reclamation Plan Checklist Sheet. Any revisions must be initialed by the Contractor and Property Owner prior to final approval. • If the site is expanded, the original environmental evaluation must have been performed over the area in which the expansion is planned and must account for the expansion and the expanded activity, or a new environmental evaluation must be submitted. It is suggested that the entire parcel be included during the initial environmental evaluation. • The boundaries of the site and any environmentally sensitive areas within the site or within the area of the environmental evaluation must be physically delineated and GPS coordinates must be provided. • The Resident Engineer should advise the property owner that the site will be monitored for one year following the final inspection. A 1-year, post -final compliance review will be held. If corrective work is needed as a result of the 1-year, post -final compliance review, the Property Owner will allow access to DOT or its contractor to perform the work. The post final compliance review can occur sooner if the site is deemed permanently stable. During Construction • Assure that if buffer zones are required, they have been physically delineated, and the GPS coordinates compare correctly with the physical delineation. • Assure that approved erosion and sediment controls are adequately installed. • Inspect each site at least weekly as a part of the routine weekly erosion control inspection and after each qualifying rain event as required by NCGO1 permit. Borrow, Waste and Staging Site Reclamation Plan Procedures for Contract Projects 2 12/2020 • Require the stockpiling of topsoil for replacement on pit slopes. • Seed and mulch the stockpile and provide temporary erosion and sediment control if needed per NCGOI requirements. • If water is being pumped, ensure that BMP's have been designed, installed, operated, and maintained to minimize turbidity to the extent to avoid habitat degradation or removal of a use designation. Refer to Procedures for Monitoring Borrow Pit Discharge Special Provision for more details. • During pumping into BMP, monitor the pumping operation every 4 hours (max.) to ensure effluent in BMP is not at a level to overflow and erode the earthen structure of the BMP. • Limit the erodible slope area to 1 acre prior to beginning seeding. • Excavate sites in a manner that allows for dressing and seeding of slopes in keeping with the I -acre tolerance. • Assure that a minimum of 4 feet of water will remain in the pit if it is to serve as a pond. • Occasionally check the site for plan conformance and either revise the plan or correct the site. • Check slope rates during construction. Slopes should be built to plan rates during the initial disturbance to provide the best opportunity for permanent stability and limit the need for temporary seeding. Final Inspection • At project final, compare the final condition of the pit to the plan and amend the plan or the pit if differences exist. • Ensure that a permanent stand of vegetation is being pursued or covering the site. The type of vegetation should meet the seeding and mulching requirements for borrow and waste locations specified in the contract. • Ensure that a minimum of 4 ft. of water is remaining in the pit if it is to serve as a pond. Water table data and excavation data will be needed to prove 4 feet can be achieved. • Assure that a minimum of 6 inches of soil, capable of supporting vegetation, is covering waste. • Ensure that no standing pools of water remain. • Ensure that all temporary erosion and sediment controls have been removed. • Ensure that the final contours are compatible with the surrounding topography and with the submitted cross sections. • IN WRITING, notify the Property Owner that the project is complete and all work on the site is complete. This notification shall refer to the property owner's signed statement allowing site inspections and any repair work during the post final 1-year monitoring period. Observation Period • Upon completion of the final inspection punch list and permanent seeding, the site will be monitored for up to I year following the final inspection date for any repairs, additional seeding or modifications that need to be made. If repairs or additional seeding are needed, the contractor will perform the work to provide a stable site with groundcover suitable to restrain erosion. Borrow, Waste and Staging Site Reclamation Plan Procedures for Contract Projects 12/2020 Environmental Evaluation for Borrow/Waste/Staging Sites The attached information is provided to assist you in the review of the necessary documentation to confirm that candidate borrow, waste and/or staging sites do not impact wetlands, surface waters (streams, lakes or ponds), regulated riparian buffers or federally -protected species. The Resident Engineer and Division Environmental Officer will evaluate the environmental documentation that is required, along with the reclamation plan and associated checklist. In order to provide the necessary environmental documentation to the Resident Engineer and Environmental Officer, it will be necessary for the Contractor to engage the services of a qualified environmental consultant to perform appropriate site investigations that will confirm or refute the occurrence of wetlands, surface waters, regulated riparian buffers and federally protected species within the impact limits of the proposed waste and/or borrow sites and associated access or haul roads. Contractor Employs Environmental Consultant In order to ensure that the candidate borrow, waste and/or staging sites have been properly evaluated, the contractor may employ the services of an experienced environmental consultant. The environmental consultant must be competent in the natural sciences, with proficiency in jurisdictional wetland and stream identification and delineation, protected riparian buffer identification, and experience in conducting site investigations for the presence of federally protected species. Once the consultant has completed thorough field inventories of the candidate borrow, waste and/or staging sites, a concise technical report should be submitted to the contractor, detailing any pertinent findings. The following information should be included in the report: • General description of candidate site location including a location map, USGS Topographic Map, and a Soil Survey Map. • General description of the vegetative communities at and adjacent to the candidate site. • Identification, delineation, and discussion of jurisdictional wetlands at the candidate site including a discussion of soils, vegetation, and hydrology and completion of USACE wetland data sheets. • If isolated wetlands are located within the site, the consultant must contact the NCDEQ Division of Water Resources for consultation. • Identification, delineation, and discussion of jurisdictional surface waters (streams, ponds, or lakes) at the candidate site. If dewatering of the pit is proposed, define the point at which the discharge effluent enters jurisdictional waters. Include GPS coordinates for upstream and downstream sampling locations. • Identification, delineation, and discussion of regulated riparian buffers at candidate sites and within 50 feet of candidate sites located within river basins that are subject to buffer rules. If a stream, pond or lake is depicted on the most recent U.S. Geologic Service topographic map (1:24,000 scale) or soil survey prepared by the U.S. Department of Agriculture -Natural Resource Conservation Service, (formerly Soil Conservation Service), the system is subject to the riparian buffer rule. The contractor may contact the NCDEQ Division of Water Resources for an on -site determination to identify inaccurately depicted surface waters or waters that the consultant determines may be jurisdictional but are not depicted. • Evaluation of potential habitat for federally protected species and surveys for federally protected species if habitat is identified at the candidate sites. Biological conclusions shall be rendered for each species. Borrow, Waste and Staging Site Reclamation Plan Procedures for Contract Projects 4 12/2020 • If jurisdictional areas are identified within the proposed pit or the 400 foot perimeter and dewatering/wet mining/excavating below seasonal water table or adjacent streambed elevation is planned, the contractor may maintain a 400 foot buffer between the land disturbing activity or obtain concurrence for the proposed activity from the USACE. When jurisdictional areas are within 400 feet of the borrow pit, follow the procedures outlined in Skaggs Method for Determining Lateral Effects of a Borrow Pit on Adjacent Wetlands found on REU Field Operations website (https://connect.ncdot.gov/resources/roadside/FieIdOperationsDocuments/SkaggsMethodBuffers.pdf). Any meeting with the USACE will include the Resident Engineer or a member of their staff. Identification of jurisdictional wetlands, surface waters, and protected riparian buffers at the site or within a 400-foot perimeter of the site are required. These types of maps include U.S. Geologic Service topographic map, soil survey prepared by the U.S. Department of Agriculture -Natural Resource Conservation Service, and site map. All copies of the reclamation plan shall include color topographic maps. The maps should be clear enough to allow someone unfamiliar with the locale to travel to the site and identify all points of interest discussed in the report using GPS coordinates (i.e. wetlands, surface waters, regulated riparian buffers and federally protected species). Local roads should be labeled, and each map must be prepared to scale. At least one figure should identify the boundaries of the candidate site, using GPS coordinates, within a larger landscape setting. Additionally, boundaries of the candidate site shall be flagged. The environmental consultant shall consider impacts to adjacent wetlands and surface waters within a 400-foot perimeter of the proposed site. • If water is to be pumped from the site, and the site falls within one of these 15 counties; Beaufort, Carteret, Craven, Duplin, Edgecombe, Greene, Jones, Lenoir, Martin, Onslow, Pamlico, Pitt, Washington, Wayne, Wilson, the contractor's plan to comply with the NCDEQ Division of Water Resource's Central Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area rules shall be discussed. Engineer should verify CCPCUA permit. • Include State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) Review form for borrow and waste sites. (https://files.nc.gov/ncdcr/historic-preservation-office/environmental- review/NCHPO ER FORM BorrowWaste.pdf) • Additional information on SHPO. https://www.ncdcr.gov/about/history/division-historical- resources/nc-state-historic-preservation-office/environmental-I • Qualifications and experience of the investigators and the methodologies employed in the investigation. The purpose of this report is to verify whether there are wetlands, surface waters, regulated riparian buffers, or federally protected species at the site prior to the initiation of construction activities. The contractor should attach the technical report to the reclamation plan at the time the report is submitted to the Resident Engineer. The Resident Engineer will forward a copy of the report to the Division Environmental Officer. Borrow/Waste/Staging Site Erosion and Sediment Control Plan 1. Person preparing this plan must be Level III ESC/Stormwater Certified. 2. Include an inset showing a vicinity map. This vicinity map may be a copy of a county secondary road map. 3. The map will be an accurately scaled drawing, aerial photograph or enlarged topographic map showing the following: a) Property lines, easements, and rights of way of the tract(s) of land under consideration. Borrow, Waste and Staging Site Reclamation Plan Procedures for Contract Projects 5 12/2020 b) Wetlands & buffer zones. c) Jurisdictional streams & buffer zones shown either on topographic maps or soil conservation maps or as field determined by the Division of Water Resources. d) Outline of the proposed pit or waste area. e) Outline of stockpile areas. f) Location of access roads, haul roads and ditches along with proposed sediment and turbidity (if dewatering) control measures. g) Show size and type of specific erosion control measures. Indicate drainage area and disturbed area flowing to each device. 1) Erosion Control Devices that utilize a stone outlet can only be used at drainage areas with less than 1 acre. Include calculations for time of concentration, sediment storage volume (3600 ft3/disturbed acre), peak flow for design storm (Qiopeak in ft3/s), surface area in ft2 (A = 435 * Q10peak), basin dimensions (limit depth to 3 ft. max), and stone spillway capacity (L=4 ft; limit H to 0.5 ft. max; use C = 2.5). Use 25 year design in High Quality Water zones and trout waters. 2) For drainage areas of 1 acre or more, devices that drain from the surface such as skimmer outlets should be utilized. Sediment storage volume (1800 ft3/disturbed acre), peak flow for design storm (Qiopeak in ft3/s), surface area in ft2 (A=325*Q10peak), basin dimensions (limit depth to 3 ft. max), and geotextile lined spillway capacity (L=Q/0.8, H=1 ft. min.; use C = 2.5 and L=4 ft. min). 3) For drainage areas of greater than 10 acres, a Riser Basin (riser pipe with skimmer attached) should be used with a surface area in ft2 requirement of (A = 435*QlOpeak). Use 25-year design (Q25peak) in High Quality Water zones and trout waters. h) If borrow pit requires dewatering, the volume of the borrow pit dewatering basin will be based on a 2-hour retention time. Using the formula, V= 8.0203 * Q * t, where V is volume in cubic feet, Q is the pump rate in gallons per minute (GPM), and t is the retention time of 2 hours. The pump rate shall not exceed 1,000 GPM (60,000 GPH). The basin shall conform to the following: rectangular in shape with 2:1 to 5:1 length to width ratio; maximum depth of 3 feet; interior and exterior slopes of basin must be no steeper than 2: 1. The outlet riser pipe and barrel shall have a minimum diameter of 12 inches or D=3.5Q (Q in CFS), whichever is larger. The top invert of the riser must be set 0.5 feet (6 inches) below the top of the dam. i) Since some borrow pits require dewatering result in significant topographical changes and significant reduction in stormwater runoff, the perimeter erosion control design shall be sequenced to address this rapid construction phase. j) Show the cross section, e.g. 3: 1, degree of slope for all slopes, whether fill or cut slopes. Include the cross slope and longitudinal slope of any ditch employed in the plan. k) Map Legend: 1) Name of Contractor 2) Plans prepared by 3) Level III ESC/Stormwater Certification Number 4) Name of Property Owner(s) 5) North Arrow 6) County 7) Project Number or WBS Element 8) Contract Number 9) TIP Number 10) Scale 11) Date Prepared Borrow, Waste and Staging Site Reclamation Plan Procedures for Contract Projects 6 Reclamation Plan for Contract Projects- Plan Narrative Please select at least one of the following Plan types: ❑ Borrow Pit Site ❑� Waste Site ❑ Staging Area Division: 5 County: Wake Enter the following Contract and Project Information: Contract Number: C204196 Project Name: NC 540 - Triangle Expressway TIP Number: R-2721A Project #/WBS Element: 37673.3.GV3 Enter Prime Contractor Information: (indicate Responsible Party for Contractor in Contact Name) Prime Contractor Information: Company Name: Flatiron Branch A Joint Venture Contact Name: Todd Brannan Address: 3909 West Lake Road City: Apex State: NC Zip: 27539 Phone Number: (919) 830-2743 Enter Property Owner and Site Information: Property Owner Information: Site Information: Name: Patricia Johnson E & M Johnson Enterprises, Inc. Site Name: E & M Johnson Enterprises, Inc. Address: 86 Canopy Address: 4424 Kildaire Farm Road City: Pittsboro City: Apex State: NC Zip: 27312 State: NC Zip: 27539 Phone Number: (919) 272-2119 General Site Information: Total Proposed Acreage: 1.56 Expected Depth (pit/waste): Variable Present Land Use: Personal Land Use after Reclamation: Personal Site Distance at SR: 280' NOTE: HAUL/ACCESS ROAD MUST BE INCLUDED IN THEACREAGE FOR THE CANDIDATE SITE. Reclamation Plan Site Description: 1. Complete at least one of the following sections based on the planned site use: a. Borrow Sites: Describe the proposed sequence of excavation (include the area/amount of clearing & proposes slope rates). Ensure the existing and final site cross sections are provided with the plan sheets. N/A b. Waste Sites: Expected type of waste that will be placed in the site (examples: asphalt, concrete, soil, stone, etc.): Dirt and soil will be the only material permanent placed on the site. Describe the proposed sequence of placing waste (include proposed slope rates). Will the area be excavated prior to wasting material? What will the depth of burial be and the depth of backfill on top of material be, if any?: Safety fence, silt fence, and erosion control devices will be installed prior to the placement of waste. The vegetated area will be cleared and grubbed. Access for logging/clearing operations will be on the established/plan haul route. Drainage will be installed from str. 3023 towards str. 3041. Upon completion of the erosion control devices and drainage installation, dirt will be hauled in using offroad dump trucks on the established haul route. The dirt will be placed and compacted based on standard construction methods and best practices. c. Staging Areas: Expected type of material/equipment that will be placed in the site (examples: asphalt, concrete, soil, stone, pipe, parking, etc.): The only permanent material placed within the site will be dirUsoil. Construction entrance/haul route stone will be added as needed for access. Safety fence/erosion control devices will be added during construction. Equipment for clearing, drainage installation and dirt movements will work within the site. This will include but is not limited to offroad dump trucks, loaders, compactors, bulldozers, and excavators. 2. Did the Environmental Evaluation Report indicate the presence of any wetlands or endangered species? (if yes, briefly list findings and indicate physical means by which buffer zone will be delineated): The immediate study/impact area did not indicate the presence of wetlands or endangered species. In coordination with the Property Owner it was determined that a wetland/buffer delineation has been performed for the entirety of the property. WithersRavenel performed a wetland/buffer delineation on December 1, 2021 that identified a wetland adjacent to the study/impact area outlined in this reclamation plan. The wetland/buffer delineation was verified by NCDWR on February 9, 2022 (NBRRO#21-458) and by USACE on September 15, 2022 (SAW-20022-00346). Flatiron -Branch will avoid impacting the wetland in the aforementioned delineation and provide a 50' buffer within the reclamation area. 3. Is any portion of the candidate site or access & haul roads located within a watershed that has riparian buffer zone requirements? (if yes, indicate physical means by which buffer will be delineated and how diffuse flow into the buffer zone will be maintained): All buffer zone requirements and delineations are accounted for in the R2721A permit due to the proximity of the study/impact area. There will not be any delineation required for the work outlined in this reclamation plan. 4. Is the site adjacent to High Quality Waters as defined by the Department of Environmental Quality? (if yes, note how the devices have been designed to meet NCDEQ requirements): No 5. Describe the intended plan and sequence for final site reclamation and subsequent use of all affected lands; indicate the general methods to be used in reclaiming this land, including any stockpile areas, haul roads, and ditches. Attach a site map which illustrates this plan, showing the location and design of all temporary and permanent erosion control devices. All features must comply with the appropriate specifications, NCDOT standards, and reflect Best Management Practices (BMPs). The plan must indicate setbacks to adjacent properties, buffer zones, and if de -watering is required, and the pit is located within the 15 county region of the CCPCUA, the GPS coordinate location of any well located within 1,500 ft. of the pit. The work will be sequenced and performed in accordance with the attached site map/erosion control plan. If applicable, the minimumF setbacks and buffers will be maintained during construction. All best management practices will be followed during construction. The be embanked at a 2:1 slope. As the fill progresses, shoulder berms and slope drains will be installed to manage runoff. Phased seedi be utilized to establish stabilization within NCDOT standard timeframes. Wattle barriers will be installed when the embankment reach height. All slopes will receive erosion control matting. Upon completion of the embankment, permanent seeding will be placed using t NCDOT standard mix type and application procedures to establish permanent vegetation. After permanent vegetation is established, remaining erosion control devices will be removed and haul routes will be established to the original condition or to a condition deem( acceptable by the property owner. 6. Will excavation extend below the water table? (If yes, complete below): No a. Specify how de -watering will be accomplished. Include proposed method of reducing effluent turbidity so that it meets the requirements of the Division of Water Resources. Show any pit dewatering basins, construction details, and calculations on the plan: nrcA b. If the pit is located within the Central Coastal Plain Capacity Use Area, has the permit been approved? If so, list the person responsible for completing the Division of Water Resources CCPCUA spreadsheet and method of submission to the Resident Engineer. Has the permit been approved by DWR? 1►//d1 c. If water is to remain in the pit after completion, state the estimated depth of the water (minimum depth is 4 ft.). Indicate the water table depth prior to beginning excavation and the method used to obtain this information. N/A d. If Yes, and a buffer less than 400' has been proposed, has the Skaggs Method report been attached? N/A 7. Describe the proposed schedule of permanent seeding and mulching for the site. Detail the frequency of permanent seeding and mulching. Note: a stand of permanent vegetation is required prior to a final inspection. Top soil will be placed on the slopes as embankments progress to promote stabilization. Temporary and phased seeding will be utilized to establish stabilization within NCDOT standard timeframes. Upon completion of the embankment, erosion control matting and permanent seeding will be placed using the NCDOT standard mix type and application procedures to establish permanent vegetation. Other/Additional Information: The NPDES report for R2721A will incorporate the waste site during inspections and list SDO locations & actions. Property Owner's Statement: I hereby certify that I am in agreement with this development, use, and Reclamation Plan, and any exceptions noted when approved by the Engineer, and that I understand that I will be responsible for the site upon completion of its use in the construction of the project noted in the map key. I understand that this plan, when approved, will serve as a guide in controlling erosion and sediment in accordance with the Mining Act and the Sediment and Pal lution Contra Act and as enforced by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)_ I understand that any work exceeding the minimum necessary for compliance with DEQ requirements, should be negotiated between the Contractor and the Property Owner. My signature below authorizes The Department of Transportation (DOT), the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) or its agents, to enter upon my property for a period of one year from the date of final acceptance of the project for which this site plan is executed. if necessary, the DOT will be allowed to have the Contractor repair any areas that are not in compliance with DEQ requirements. After a one-year inspection is held, I will be solely responsible for assuring that the site is in compliance with DEQ regulations_ I have the right to change the condition of the site after the final inspection and prior to the one year follow-up inspection. However, if I make such changes, I acknowledge that DOT is released from all obligations and conditions of this agreement and I will become solely responsible for the condition of the site beginning on the date that I change the final inspection condition. Signatures: Contractor's Representative_ I Le� __1 (authorized to sign supplemental agreements/ date) Owners of Record:` Witness; - Owner, F_ 4-m ;�o 4)L) SD ,L) Ir P_ PPJ s 5� f L, Resident Engineer: Exceptions: Concurrence with exceptions: �&.7 Name Date Name Date (Name/Date) Environmental Evaluation for Waste Site The NC 540 -Y5- -Y5A- Reclamation Area (Reclamation Area) encompasses approximately 6 acres in the southwest quadrant of the relocated Kildaire Farm Road/Holly Spring Road intersection in Wake County, NC. The Reclamation Area includes and is adjacent to (west of) the NC 540 Holly Springs Road detour route, a two-lane asphalt roadway with guardrail. About 1.52 acres of the Reclamation Area falls outside of the construction area associated with the ongoing Complete 540 construction project. Areas within the construction area are disturbed. This evaluation includes only the 1.52 acres outside of existing transportation right-of-way (ROW) and easements (i.e., Study Area). (Figure 1) 1; Figure 1: Reclamation Area (red outline) is about 6 acres. The Study Area (white cross hatch) focuses on the area outside of existing ROW and easement about 1.5 acres. NOTES: 1) WETLAND/BUFFER DELINEATION PERFORMED BY WR ON 12/1/2021. 2) WETLAND/STREAM/BUFFER LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE, BASED ON GPS LOCATION, WAKE COUNTY GIS DATA, AND TOPOGRAPHIC INTERPRETATION. 3) BUFFER SUBJECTIVITY VERIFIED BY NCDWR ON 02/09/2022 (NBRRO#21-458). 4) THIS PROJECT MAY BE SUBJECT TO ADDITIONAL MUNICIPAL BUFFERS AND SHOULD BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO DESIGN. 5) DELINEATION AND JURISDICTIONAL STATUS WAS VERIFIED BY USACE ON 09/15/2022 (SAW-2022-00346). STREAM 4 INTERMITTENT SUBJECT TO BUFFERS �\ POND 1 \ SUBJECT TO BUFFERS \ 1 STREAM 1 PERENNIAL SUBJECT TO BUFFERS 50 U RIPARIAN BUFFER WETLAND A \ ,.540 CD FUTURE\ \ AKRIDGE — HOLLY SPRINGS ASSEMBLAGE REVIEW AREA POND 2 NOT SUBJECT TO BUFFERS NON -JURISDICTIONAL TO THE USACE GRAPHIC SCALE 0 125 250 1 inch = 250 ft. 6 m T n WETLAND D WETLAND B CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT BOUNDARY STIR INTERMITTENT suAM 3BUFFERS STREAM 2 INTERMITTENT SUBJECT TO BUFFERS it III ; I WithersRavenet APPROVED WETLAND/BUFFER DELINEATION EXHIBIT Engineers l Planners l Surveyors A IS Natural Resources Review The Reclamation Area consists of four terrestrial communities, in order of predominance: maintained/disturbed, mesic mixed hardwood forest, cutover/early successional, and pine plantation. Approximately 4.48 acres were previously disturbed by construction activities and include fill slopes and drainage features. Based on NRCS Web Soil Survey, Pacolet sandy load (PaD) covers 98.4% of the Reclamation Area and the entire Study Area. The Pacolet series is widely distributed in the NC Piedmont and is characterized as very deep, well -drained, moderately permeable soils that formed in residuum weathered mostly from felsic igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Piedmont uplands. Slopes commonly are 15 to 25 percent but range from 2 to 60 percent. (NRCS Official Soil Series Descriptions). The Pacolet series is not included on the Hydric Soils List for North Carolina (NRCS State Soil Data Access). As of May 5, 2023, USFWS lists seven federally protected species for Wake County. - Red -cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), Endangered - Neuse River waterdog (necturus lewisi), Threatened - Carolina madtom (Noturus furiosus), Endangered - Altantic pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni), Threatened - Dwarf wedgemussel (Alasmidonta heterodon), Endangered - Yellow lance (Elliptio lanceolata), Threatened - Michaux's sumac (Rhus michauxii), Endangered Potential habitat was not identified for any of the above federally protected species and no critical habitat is present in the Study Area. Cultural Resources Review: GF staff meeting the Secretary of Interior's Professional Qualification Standards for archaeology and architectural history reviewed available data and conducted a site visit on May 4, 2023. Based on this review, the Reclamation/Study Area as proposed does not appear to affect any previously identified cultural resources. No new cultural resources were identified by staff during the site visit. A review of HPOWeb did not identify any known National Register (NR) listed or eligible historic properties in or adjacent to the Study Area. The Study Area overlaps a historic property previously evaluated and determined not eligible for the NR (G.L. Pierce House [WA0604]) (Figure 3). The site visit did not locate any previously unidentified historic properties within or adjacent to the Study Area. Based on a review of the Intensive Archaeological Survey and Evaluation of the Preferred Alternative for Complete 540 Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension, Wake and Johnson Counties, North Carolina (Previous Survey Report) it is assumed the Reclamation Area is directly adjacent to the previously surveyed area of potential effects (APE) in the "C" section (Figure 4). This previous survey utilized three methodologies in the vicinity of the subject Reclamation Area (Figure 5): - shovel testing within the adjacent APE; - pedestrian only survey (walk -over) was conducted in areas nearby within the APE; and - other areas nearby were written off as disturbed. Based on the previous survey, there are no known archaeological sites in or adjacent to the Study Area. Figure 4. Excerpted from Previous Survey Report (Figure 4.3-1a on p. 4-13) showing the APE and survey methodology (i.e., Yellow = Shovel Tested at 30-m (98 ft) Interval, Non -Eroded Soils; Blue = Pedestrian Reconnaissance Only, Eroded Soils, and Red = Disturbed/Sloped/ Low and Wet, Non -Eroded Soils). Figure 5. Excerpted from Previous Survey Report (Figure 4.3-2a on p. 4-18) showing location of previously identified/known archaeological sites. INTENSIVE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY AND EVALUATION OF THE PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE FOR COMPLETE 540 TRIANGLE EXPRESSWAY SOUTHEAST EXTENSION, WAKE AND JOHNSTON COUNTIES, NORTH CAROLINA State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) Project Nos. R-2721, R-2828, and R-2829 State Project Nos. 6.401078, 6.401079, and 6.401080 Federal Aid Project Nos. STP-0540(19), STP-0540(20), and STP-0540(21) WBS Nos. 37673.1.TA2, 35516.1.TA2, and 35517.1.TA1 ER-98-0457 TECHNICAL REPORT VOLUME I of NO R rl-I OF o o� TRPNSe DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS UNIT ARCHAEOLOGY GROUP SEPTEMBER 2017 COMMENTS: Two quartz flakes were recovered during shovel testing in a mixed secondary forest situated on a gentle side slope resting on the edge of an upland area. This pair of artifacts derived from Zone 1 of a single positive shovel test. Radial shovel tests excavated in four directions at 15-m intervals yielded no additional material. RECOMMENDATIONS: These artifacts lack sufficient context for further interpretation and are unlikely to yield additional information on Native American settlement of the Piedmont of North Carolina. This isolated find is not eligible for the NRHP under Criteria A, B, C, or D. Table 4.3-7: Segment C Survey Summary. Segment C (STIP R-2721) Length 964.85 in (3,165.51 ft) Area 57.18 ha (141.30 acres) Total Previously Surveyed Area (Eroded and Non -Eroded Soils) Eroded Soils Total Area with Pedestrian Reconnaissance Only 27.50 ha (67.95 acres) Total Area with Shovel Testing (30-m/98-ft Interval or Judgmental) .79 ha (1.95 acres) Total Area with Pedestrian Transects (10-m/39-ft Interval) 1.80 ha (4.45 acres) Access Denied Non -Eroded Soils Total Area Shovel Tested at 30-m (98-ft) Interval 10.49 ha (25.91 acres) Total Area Shovel Tested with Judgmental Test Placement Total Area Shovel Tested at Expanded Interval Total Area with Pedestrian Transects at 10-m (39-ft) Intervals Total Area, Combined Strategy (Shovel Tests/Pedestrian Transects) Access Denied or Horse Pasture Not Surveyed Total Area Disturbed / Sloped / Low and Wet 16.61 ha (41.04 acres) Total # of Shovel Tests 295 Total # Sites Documented 1 Total # Isolated Finds Documented 1 Segment C, which is approximately 964.85 in (3,165.51 ft) long, extends from Sunset Lake Road in the west to Holy Springs Road in the east (see Figure 4.3-1a). The segment crosses Kildare Farm Road, extending over 560 in (1,837 ft) north along the road from the main corridor. This segment of the APE also extends a total of about 1,953 in along Sunset Lake Road and about 1,237 in along Holy Springs Road. Soils within Segment C consist predominantly of the Appling, Cecil, and Wehadkee series. Appling gravelly sandy loam covers approximately half of the segment area, and the most extensive single soil unit in the segment is Appling gravelly sandy loam, 2 to 6 percent slopes, moderately eroded. Appling and Cecil soils are classified as well -drained, while Wehadkee soils are classified as poorly drained. At the time of the survey, the ground cover primarily consisted of woods, recently logged areas, and residential lots with no ground surface visibility. Two artificial ponds are located within Segment C, encompassing a total area of approximately 0.62 ha (1.56 acres). Ground surface visibility was near zero percent throughout the segment. This segment was surveyed with shovel tests excavated at 30-m (98-ft) intervals and with visual inspection at 30-m (98-ft) intervals. Areas directly around houses were avoided because of the likelihood for buried utilities and disturbance. Shovel testing was limited om SniirrPc Commonwealth Heritage Group, Inc., 2017. Intensive Archaeological Survey And Evaluation Of The Preferred Alternative For Complete 540 Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension, Wake And Johnston Counties, North Carolina. Technical Report: Vol. 1. ER-98-0457. NCDOT, 2014, Natural Resources Technical Report, Complete 540 — Triangle Expressway Southeast Extension, Wake and Johnston Counties, North Carolina. NCH PO, HPOWeb accessed May 5, 2023, https://nc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.htm I?id=le75810952a7410c81bee55963le0 3d7 USDA NRCS, Official Soil Series Descriptions accessed May 5, 2023, https://soiIseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/osdname.aspx USDA NRCS State Soil Data Access accessed May 5, 2023, https://efotg.sc.egov.usda.gov/references/Public/IL/State List NRCS Hydric Soils Report Dynamic Data-html USFWS, IPaC accessed May 5, 2023, https://ipac.ecosphere.fws.gov/ C a� -C 0 C a CL C a d C O s 3 -0 �o V STATE STATE PROJECT REFERENCE NO. N®.1 SCiCCTS 1303 1594 °' BFUN H N.C. R-2721A I a 77 � - 10 0 5805 ` a 396 H uceo. n STATE PROD. NO. F. A. PROD. NO. DESCRIPTION FLATIRON 37673.3.GV3 A NHP-0540 041 PE, Ww 5430 1302 = 1539 Y5 Y5A WASTE SITE 5806 rtn 305 5428 Q a - o� PLANS PREPARED BY: 396s One Glenwood Avenue aas 5807 z M'^ °a c 0 Suite 900 ���y7 Raleigh. NC 27603 5005 3V 1300 q 4. 3,a haC-1, ay 4089 215 a_ rC PLAN Gannett Flornin� 1303 �/ saz9 - saga a " 478� P (919) 42D-7660 4795 z s428 5099 `4789 2. ms RLAY Excellence Delivered As Promised NCCic. No. F-0270 I cr s T T90 & 15 5412 47 :c 4723 0 299 _ sr 491aY o °°ys' NOTES: DURING CONSTRUCTION: 3994 2 2994 401 P99V ° v a WASTE 9 10�`1152 1 $ a 1 • p - -MINIMUM 50' RIPARIAN BUFFER FOR JURISDICTIONAL STREAMS, -INSTALL PIPE SYSTEM. INCREASE THE DEPTH OF STRUCTURES 95 .ycf �6 33934 `y = a 9e9°^ ' 1580 5537`f 0 - MNIMUM 50' BUFFER FOR WETLANDS. UNDER FILL AS PROJECT PROGRESSES. WAKE COUNTY -AREA c° 4710 3951 13�M°r4 -MINIMUM l0' BUFFER FOR PROPERTY LINES. _ WORK IN AREAS ADJACENT TO PROJECT FIRST (HIGHLIGHTED AREA). SITE 9 a7 4�949 p - NO ACTIVITIES TO OCCUR IN HIGH QUALITY WATER ZONES. - ASSURE ALL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES ARE FUNCTIONING CONTRACT: C204196 4700 502 5829 5832 4016 4037_ 3936 3 3935 401- THE HAUL ROAD WILL BE ADJACENT TO THE CONSTRUCTION AREA. PROPERLY. 0 oe3a as 5832 1300 3938 394 ° 1152 ° / 5833 NO OTHE CONSTRUCTION HAUL ROAD WILL NOT IMPEDE ANCE IS NEEDED. FLOW THROUGH THE DITCHES. ALL - TEMPORARY SEEDINGS SHALL BE PROING �DEDOAS NEEDED. PREPARED BY: AN N E GAMB E R Y s � _ °c9c 582 v • 5830 3929 \ 1389 R 1301 1301 392 EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL NOT BE IMPACTED BY HAUL ROADS. SLOPES SHOULD BE BUILT TO PLAN RATES DURING THE Q� • a R 1301 - CONTOURS ARE SHOWN AT 5-FOOT INTERVALS. INITIAL DISTURBANCE TO PROVIDE THE BEST OPPORTUNITY >_o LEVEL III CERTIFICATION NO.: 0322 1301 1 %922 r ,-;%- - SLOPE RATE IS 2:I (H:V). FOR PERMANENT STABILITY AND LIMIT THE NEED FOR O 3921 5425 TEMPORARY SEEDING. 5-17-2 02 3 5427 PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION: -ALL WASTE PILE SLOPES SHOULD BE MATTED WITH 3976 v7 I '%486 - ASSURE ALL EROSION CONTROLL DEVICES ARE INSTALLED AND IN EROSION CONTROL MATTING. + m ti o 397 e� 1485 542 U \ V.! OO 3973 0� GOOD STANDING. - INSTALL WATTLE BARRIERS WHEN PILE IS T 25' „ 483 �n1ey 1484 - ASSURE THAT WETLAND BOUNDARIES HAVE BEEN PHYSICALLY HEIGHT AND EVERY 25' AFTERWARDS. \ \ u- �� �_ "'Ino ceY 3974 7647 �e148 1389 c 4 DELINEATED. to I v �\ 01 + 543 Q s7 -INSTALL STRUCTURES 304/ AND 3023 AND ASSOCIATED PIPES.FINALCONSTRUCT�\ \ \ \ \\ Z 0, \ w ccv i 115 1534 533 TIE TO STRUCTURE 17118. - APPLY SEEDING AN M C . T E Y E OF VE ATION O_ �. > \ _ Q 1535 _ UTILIZE SHOULDER BERMS AND SLOPE DRAINS AS WASTE AREA SHOULD MEET MIXT RE ST E l T E C T ACT AL ZU~ e N z� \ �� \v5sa 386 INCREASES IN HEIGHT. PROVISIONS. � � o �� . ,� ENSURE NO AN NG 0 S OF W T R. Q 0" ,� i Cl? \ 4045 Q' Q 6 1549 1390 m BEENSURE AED.TE OR Y S l N ON R DE V 58 ZE a- N j ?� m ti0 \ M= o a 43 x 21 x 3 SEE SHEET 2 FOR - ENSU THE HE F/ AL CO T U R C PAT/B &M JOHNSON ENTERPRISES INC �� UQ M M + ' R u 1.5 inch Skimmer HAUL ROUTE u ROUN NG T P GR P NO PLA 3 PG FILE 82 �� F ° N .{ with .75 inch '<<' Q VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) Orifice Diameter 1 P O F T 5 27 x 3 4 ft. weir L IT E FENCE 1. inch mer "� '� 1 Q J Bz' ID 17118 /I it .125 inch�o 0 ' ice •ameter t F- -{ \ M Q �' 00 7- �, �, �, C / ft. we' / i 1 ++ = o CN I C �o o Te p ra oc J/ I D 041 RT 4 1 1 v m M I 0 6l l� a v 0 \ \ S' C ec T e A 1 7 �, �,► n \ .0 f.w i ei ht p + U ; I AN O Wtg \ o CP c0 O e � w, 0 + 80. 00 Y5q_ V 150. n a zr k o _ - - _ / 157.00' LT \� +5800 .n w I o w o 0 - \ F 1 .00 �G I.a . o LT MATTING 4.25 -YS �1600 l Z8 � ° u- \ \ oa m � 0 `.c ow o 7' -Y5- PROTECTION E + 7 .00 _ \ \ 110.00 T Q��w o cn M rr 00LT SEE DETAIL 95A281.00L \.0 - LT +28. TD ) 2 -Y5-Y o000 .n o o r 277. \ 6 .00' LT 303.0 LT Q� o \ \ o of TDE TDE / ,+78.0 -YS_ °o \ 2 .57' w w//H 34 X 17 X 3 +35.26-YSDET- Tp + 3.00 0' LT / `� \ 5 LT o Z \ \ ooQ 6� o o o 80.06' LT 0 LTA / is �--- �--- TD t� ti 0 29 ��r� y +00.00-YSDET- - - CB DI \ � �� rn � � �� � � ID 3 041 LT ,.� -�DE ti � > \ �. �' so.00' Lr 'G oo LT ti ti LA. I SEE \\n \ ' ����� �O 1 1 , 9 E E 20 50.00 -Y5- +00.00 _ _ E E 0 .021 _ DET F F„OFVE 33 I - I 6.00 L I 203.00' LTYS GTD s? 48 RCP-V y \ \ A X �'° PDE se o°°° PDE 60„ csP PDE + -Y - 5A, G 165. LT - I o ,c G - 60" CSP + 98.92 -YS- ET 19 ��� 150.00' - r ILL BA a, o, O� LT i i TO C) \ �� o --I L 0 ti I To I EL. 'O \ TTING MA4173 1� s 304 B p a, � � � SEEOTECT N E NO PLAT 0 G 1 182 + 76. .o' � s A A D AIL 95 - - - - 0 I N A- CB DI Is, °"0 p�, y/vRO o 0 c� u, CP III 8' Poo /6 (� `� O 1c � � + 12.95 -YS- r � 2 0 RCP II 03 f � 60.00 / c» / La o0 0° 0 0 5 cr �,0 150.00 LT / 28 o°oo ° ti END C/A i 15, o s END FENCE � KLES o O ti �� SEE DETAIL ITCH / 0 EROSION AND SEDIMENT C®NTR®I, MEASURES W � �° °° ° < SPEC. bq � 02 D RC III / "- DB OREq pUNCAN a SEd. Description 1 a7� emporary Roc I G � 969 P 2221 � 1630.03 Temporary Silt Da(c�n TSD .' t� Type ,q 1630.05 Temporary Diversion TD RCP-1 282 ` I 1605.01 Temporary Silt Fence " p �' Ts � 1606.01 Special Sediment Control Fence ------ /11 1622.01 Temporary Berms and Slope Drains -------------- � ~ 3011 1 1 RCP -III DI 15" RCP -III � EW � � C 1630.02 Silt Basin Type ]E$________________________. er REM. RCP -III DI � - _ C ® •t i GqT 1 GREU TL-3 301 15 RCP -III D1 HivU S 1633.01 °][°ennnpn®rarp l[$®ek Sal( �"�aee]� �[°ype-A------- - CAT-1 301 3015 15„ RCP -III DI 1 "- ON F 4 GREU 71-3 =77777747:Temporary Rock Sal( Check Type a ith rl ice m 2� L ze � 3018 1 Matting and P®lryaerylamide (PAM)-------------- eir � 1633.02 Temporary Rock Salt Check Type-B )10. Erosion Control Narrative - Clear/Grub & Intermediate Phasing a` Wa tfle / Coir Fiber Wm6(le-------------------------- ) Ew cFw � n - Wattle / C®nr Fiber Wa�cle with Polyaerglam ile (ll�AM) � _Clear & Grub CB 303 1634.01 Temporary Rock Sediment DaType-A oo CLEAN WATER DVERSUN 163�.02 Temporary l[$®�➢� Sediment Dam �[°ype-l�--- _ 1634.01 TeeRock ray Rock Seth en Trap °�°��e��___ CWD � � CWD � � CWD � � CWD � � CW-Clearing & grubbing will take place in approximately 1.56 AC outside of the ROW and easements. 1635.02 Rock Pipe Inlet SeAanaI Trap Type-lR---- ° Prior to any clearing & grubbing safety fence will be installed per the plan designation. (Not to S C a e) -Prior to grubbing the CWD, silt fence, basin 3041 RT and 17118 will be installed per the plan designation. 1630.06 Special S allanng Basin ------------------------ 9 All EC devices and basins installed during the C&G phase will remain in place through the intermediate phase. Rock Inlet Sediment Trap- STABILIZE EXCAVATED MATERIAL + 7.00 -YS- C 1632.01 Type A -------------------------------------- A ❑ .Intermediate Phase ° c-90_Q0' SOIL STABILIZATION GEOTEXTILE t7 n C 1632.02 + 70. o -Y5_ Type ---------------------------- PVE 90.0 OFFSITE CLEAN WATER 'Basin ID 3041 LT, 17119, and 1712 will be installed as the embankment in the adjacent sections progress. The topography will be monitored as 1632.03 Type C progress p p p p GRAPHIC SCALE ,' MIN. I embankments ro ress to ensure basins are installed per the intended Ian watersheds. The directional ditches will be installed per Ian. The ��an�ner 1�asa� attached drainage pipe construction sequencing elaborates on the installation of basin 3041 RT and the corresponding construction sequencing. 50 25 0 50 100 Tiered Skimmer Basin --------------------- � 1, MIN. Inlet protection will be installed before drainage structures are operational. ° 4' 1-11 n Infiltration Basin �< v I � v� 6148 p _•9..�wAN 2/t.13 -Y56_ I � PLANS P i PC 422 8M I Qp" 85 .2RT_I /a// 1.5 inch Skimmer with 1.25 inch Orifice Diameter 6 ft. weir ID 1712 CLEAN WATER DVERSUN I ---o- ---o- CWD � � CWD � � CWD � � CWD � � CWII (Not to Scale) STABILIZE EXCAVATED MATERIAL SOIL STABILIZATION GEOTEXTILE OFFSITE CLEAN WATER 1' MIN. IL hill N, MIX FAVUW\\%01 1' MIN. s R2721 A RECLAMATION PLAN ROW, EASEMENTS AND FILL LINE \4- ' k F / `L \L r `A MINIMUM 50' BUFFER `L AROUND WETLANDS C F / C \i- WETLAND D g F F� F F \4- F� �F F� P SPAS SITE 33 F/ / P i \F F I ` P J 25+00 30+00 , 20+00 p -Y5DET- *Am SDET_ DD S GREU TL_3 - Y5- -Y5NB- 17 _�(5NB' -Y5- —Y5SB— 5 DESIGNED REVISIONS SPECIFICATIONS AND REFERENCE DRAWINGS SEAL REV DATE DESCRIPTION BY CHKD SPECIFICATION or DRAWING DESCRIPTION DATE DRAWN R2721 A : NC 540 DATE CHECKED SOUTHEAST EXTENSION FLATIRON JOB Na. DRAWING Na. DATE APPROVED DATE SUPERSEDES PRINTS OF THIS DRAWING WITH REVISIONS PREVIOUS TO C & G Basin Designer 25 Year TIP No.: R-2721A NCDOT Division: Construction Sheet # Reclamation Plan I Reclamation Plan Reclamation Plan Reclamation Plan Closest City Raleigh Interior Basin Sideslopes:1 1.5 Design 1 Basin ID(Sta. No./Const. Line/It,rt or median) 1712 1 17119 3041 LT 3041 RT 17118 Calculate Peak Flow: Q = CIA Time of Concentration,Tc (min) = 5 5 5 5 5 Disturbed Area (Acres) 1.9 0.26 0.34 1.28 1 Undisturbed Area 1 (Acres) 0 0.8 Undisturbed Area 2 (Acres) 0 0 Undisturbed Area 3 (Acres) 0 0 0 Total Drainage Area (Acres) 1.90 0.26 1.14 1.28 1.00 Disturbed Area C Factor 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 Undisturbed Area 1 C Factor 0.85 0.00 0.00 Undisturbed Area 2 C Factor 0.25 0.00 0.00 Undisturbed Area 3 C Factor 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Drainage Area C 0.35 0.35 0.10 0.35 0.35 Rainfall Intensity Factor (in/hr) 7.78 7.78 7.78 7.78 7.78 Peak Flow Rate Q25 (cfs) 5.17 0.71 0.93 3.49 2.72 Basin Design Selection Skimmer Basin Silt Basin B Silt Basin B(@ inlet) Skimmer Basin Skimmer Basin Required Surface Area and Sediment Storage Surface Area (ft) = 435 x Q25 1681 308 301 1133 885 Sediment Storage = 3600 ft3 per Disturbed Acre 3420 936 612 2304 1800 Suggested Basin Size Length (ft) 58 24 24 48 42 Width (ft) 29 12 12 24 21 Quantity Calculator Length (ft) 66 38 22 54 42 Width (ft) 33 14 11 27 21 Quantity 0.77 0.58 1.24 0.78 1.00 Final Basin Design Basin Length (ft) 58 32 28 48 43 Basin Width (ft) 29 16 13 24 21 Basin Design Depth (ft) = 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Weir Length (ft) = Q25 / 0.8 6 4 4 Basin Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 Surface Area (ft) 1682 512 364 1152 903 Storage (ft) 3953 969 620 2565 1926 Additional Storage Requirement (ft) 0 1 0 0 0 0 Skimmer Basin Design Orifice Diameter (in.) 1.250 N/A N/A 0.875 0.750 Skimmer Size (in.) 1.5 N/A N/A 1.5 1.5 Velocity Check Calculations Sheet 30 Permanent Ditches Station Alignment Elevation Location Station Alignment Elevation Location Ditch Grade 250'/% Ditch Grade (FT) Velocity Checks Required Say F R O M 55+95 Y5 406.00 RT T O 52+50 Y5 394.82 RT -3.24% -3.2406 -77 4.47 5 52+50 Y5 394.82 RT 50+50 Y5 382.60 RT -6.11 % -6.1100 -41 4.89 5 55+00 Y5 380.00 LT 52+79 Y5 374.00 LT -2.71 % -2.7149 -92 2.40 3 52+79 Y5 374.00 LT 47+80 Y5 372.48 LT -0.30% -0.3046 -821 0.61 1 14+00 Y5B 397.80 LT 11+00 Y5B 403.71 LT -1.97% -1.9700 -127 2.36 3 14+00 Y5B 397.75 RT 11+00 Y5B 404.19 RT -2.15% -2.1467 -116 2.58 3 Temporary Ditches Description Location Length Estimated % Ditch Grade 250'/%Velocity DitchChecks Grraid ade Required Say -Y5RPBSB 10+50 TO 12+00 LEFT 150 1.38 181.2 0.8 1 -Y5RPBSB- 12+00 TO 12+30; LEFT 30 0.31 806.5 0.0 1 -Y5A- 10+75 TO 13+50; LEFT 225 2.15 116.3 1.9 2 -Y5- 47+00 TO 55+70 LEFT 870 0.49 510.2 1.7 2 -Y5A- 13+50 to 16+00 LEFT 250 4.02 62.2 4.0 5 HAUL ROUTES HAUL ROUTE AFTER TRAFFIC SWITCH OFF Y5DET DRAINAGE PIPE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCING c a� (D (1) s N) c a a 0• SHEET NO. 2 D-1 N O N > w C rn I 0 fV O F-I w 0 I 2 V F- 0 �I 0 _I (V w i LO 00 00 LO O, O i N DETAIL 2A SPECIAL CUT 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) of Front Natural `?'/ o �'� het Doc e Ground rF/4}f D F\O P d er Geotextile Min. D= 0.5 Ft. Type of Liner= Class B Rip -Rap Max. d= 0.5 Ft. F ROM STA. 11 + 00 -Y5 E- RT TO STA. 11 + 65 -Y5 E- RT DETAIL 3A SPECIAL CUT 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) Front of Ditch Natural 2 �'1 ttet Slope Ground Fjoff or D Min. D=1.0 Ft. FROM STA. 212 + 60 -L- LT TO STA 215 + 65 -L- LT FROM STA. 27+19 -Yl- RT TO STA. 27+85 -Yl- RT FROM STA. 13 + 80 -Y2- RT TO STA. 18 + 50 -Y2- RT FROM STA. 18 + 49 -Y5A- RT TO STA. 25 + 00 -Y5A- RT FROM STA. 2 6 + 61 -Y5A- RT TO STA. 2 8 + 00 -Y5A- RT FROM STA. 29 + 64 -Y5A- LT TO STA. 31 + 00 -Y5A- LT FROM STA. 12+40 -Y5F- LT TO STA. 14+00 -Y5F- LT FROM STA. 14 + 75 -Y5F- LT TO STA. 17 + 00 -Y5F- LT FROM STA. 20+85-Y5RPD- LT TO STA. 23+00 -Y5RPD- LT FROM STA. 18 + 50 -Y6- RT TO STA. 21 + 50 -Y6- RT DETAIL 4A LATERAL BASE DITCH (Not to Scale)) Natural Fill Ground d ? / D `L, t fit' Slope GEOTEXTILE B Min. D=1.5 Ft. d=Top of Bank *When B is < 6.0' B=2.0 Ft. Type of Liner=Class B Rip -Rap b=5.0 Ft. FROM STA. 204 + 32 -L- LT TO STA. 208 + 52 -L- LT FROM STA. 210 + 00 -L- LT TO STA. 211 + 02 -L- LT FROM STA. 211 + 70 -L- LT TO STA. 212 + 60 -L- LT FROM STA. 68 + 36 -Y5- RT TO STA. 69 + 50 -Y5- RT FROM STA. 11 + 80 -Y5A- RT TO STA. 15 + 11 -Y5A- RT FROM STA. 24+08-Y5RPB- RT TO STA. 26+08.65 -Y5RPB- RT FROM STA. 10+00 - Y5RPBNB- RT TO STA. 12+11.05 -Y5RPBNB- RT DETAIL 5A LATERAL BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) I Natural Fill Ground d ?'/ D `L1 1'"rt. Slope GEOTEXTILE �' g Min. D=0.5 Ft. d=Top of Bank *When B is < 6.0' B=3.0 Ft. b = 5.0 Ft. FROM STA. 146+00 -L- RT TO STA. 146+80 -L- RT (CL B RIPRAP) FROM STA. 148+54 -L- RT TO STA. 151+80 -L- RT (CL I RIPRAP) FROM STA. 151+80 -L- RT TO STA. 153+50 -L- RT (CL B RIPRAP) DETAIL 6A LATERAL BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural Fill Ground d ? / D `tip VAR.. At' Slope GEOTEXTILE g Min. D=4.5 Ft. d=Top of Bank *When B is >_ 6.0' B=6.0 Ft. FROM STA. 80+55 -LREV- RT TO STA. 82 + 83 -LREV- RT (b = 5.0 Ft., CL I RIPRAP) FROM STA. 13+20-Y5RPA- RT TO STA. 14+80-Y5RPA- RT (b=VAR., CL II RIPRAP) DETAIL 7A LATERAL BASE DITCH (Not to Scale)) Natural Fill Ground d ? / D Slope GEOTEXTILE g Min. D=3.5 Ft. d=Top of Bank *When B is < 6.0' B=4.0 Ft. Type of Liner=Class II Rip -Rap b=5.0 Ft. FROM STA. 47+75 -Y5- LT TO STA. 52+67 -Y5- Ll DETAIL 9A STANDARD BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural Natural Ground d .7 D Ground Geotextile B Min. D=4.0 Ft. d=Top of Bank *When B is < 6.0' B=4.0 Ft. Type of Liner= Class I Rip -Rap FROM STA. 52 + 67 -Y5- 148' LT (ELEV. = 372.5') TO STA. 55 + 02 -Y5- 292' LT (ELEV. = 380.3'), L = 290' DETAIL 10A LATERAL BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) bb Natural I ' Fill Ground d ? / D �1 t fit' Slope GEOTEXTILE B Min. D=0.5 Ft. Max. d=Top of Bank *When B is < 6.0' B-2.0 Ft. Type of Liner= Class I Rip -Rap b=5.0 Ft. FROM STA. 170 + 68 -L- LT TO STA. 173 + 70 -L- Ll DETAIL 11A LATERAL BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale)) Natural I I Ground 2•/ D •1 1',ft. Fill Slope I o I Min. D= 0.5 Ft. l.�►I B= 2.0 Ft. b = 5.0 Ft. FROM STA. 29+20 -Yl- RT TO STA. 30+17 -Yl- RT DETAIL 14A SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural \ °t t Fill Ground ?./\ptte D Slope Min. D=1.0 Ft. FROM STA. 13 + 44 -Yl LPBREV- LT TO STA. 14 + 95 -Yl LPBREV- LT DETAIL 16A SPECIAL BACK OF CURB CUT DITCH (NOT TO SCALE) NATURAL GROUND `' 'I F70}fo°r �\O\het Min. D=1.0 Ft. o t FROM STA. 26 + 90 -Y5- RT TO STA. 30 + 75 -Y5- RT FROM STA. 31 + 70 -Y5- RT TO STA. 33 + 80 -Y5- RT FROM STA. 47 + 00 -Y5- LT TO STA. 55 + 71 -Y5- LT FROM STA. 10 + 79 -Y5A- LT TO STA. 16 + 00 -Y5A- LT FROM STA. 11 + 00 -Y51- LT TO STA. 14 + 23 -Y51- LT FROM STA. 10 + 50 -Y5J- LT TO STA. 10 + 66.50 -Y5J- LT FROM STA. 10+49-Y5RPBSB- LT TO STA. 12+33-Y5RPBSB- LT DETAIL 17A MEDIAN V DITCH (Not to Scale) Shoulder Shoulder Point 3 t Point 0 F/o ar 3A cset der �\O FROM STA. 32+10 -LREV- TO STA. 33+50 -LREV- FROM STA. 169 + 21 -L- TO STA. 170 + 54 -L- FROM STA. 39 + 00 -Yl- TO STA. 42 + 00 -Yl- FROM STA. 43+88 -Yl- TO STA. 44+20 -Yl- DETAIL 18A SPECIAL LATERAL 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) __< Natural R.N °et Fill Ground u?./ D\p6 Slope Min. D = 0.5 Ft. FROM STA. 2 7 + 00 -Y5- LT TO STA. 2 7 + 72 -Y5- LT FROM STA. 11 + 50 -Y5C- RT TO STA. 11 + 79 -Y5C- RT FROM STA. 11 + 50 -Y5C- LT TO STA. 11 + 89 -Y5C- LT DETAIL 19A SPECIAL CUT 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) Front of Ditch Natural tt'� het Slope Ground 4•/ D F\0 Min. D=1.0 Ft. FROM STA. 103 + 50 -L- RT TO STA. 106 + 50 -L- RT FROM STA. 227+92 -L- LT TO STA. 230+50 -L- LT DITCH DETAILS DETAIL 20A LATERAL BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) bb Natural I ' Fill Ground d ?'/ D �.1 1'/Ft. Slope GEOTEXTILE g Min. D=1.5 Ft. Max. d=Top of Bank *When B is < 6.0' B = 2.0 Ft. Type of Liner= Class I Rip -Rap b=5.0 Ft. FROM STA. 15 + 35 -LREV- LT TO STA. 18 + 28 -LREV- LT FROM STA. 50 + 50 -Y5- RT TO STA. 55 + 95 -Y5- RT FROM STA. 209 + 85 -L- RT TO STA. 210 + 50 -L- RT FROM STA. 15 + 84 -Y3- RT TO STA. 16 + 43 -Y3- RT FROM STA. 24+00-Y5RPB- LT TO STA. 24+40 -Y5RPB- LT DETAIL 22A LATERAL 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) 2•/ b Natural id ;- err Fill Ground TD 1'/Ft. Slope °t t ,e Geotextile 001, Min. D=1.0 Ft. Max. d=Top of Bank b = 5.0 Ft. FROM STA. 36+08 -LREV- RT TO STA. 37+30 -LREV- RT (CL B Rip -Rap) FROM STA. 69+05 -Y5- LT TO STA. 70+50 -Y5- LT (CL II Rip -Rap) DETAIL 24A SPECIAL CUT 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) Front of Ditch Natural �'� ttet Slope Ground FS D F\o Min. D=1.0 Ft. FROM STA. 153 + 50 -L- LT TO STA. 154 + 00 -L- LT FROM STA. 193 + 50 -L- LT TO STA. 195 + 50 -L- LT FROM STA. 228+00 -L- RT TO STA. 228+50 -L- RT FROM STA. 39+50 -Yl- RT TO STA. 41 + 2 5 -Yl- RT FROM STA. 41 + 77 -Yl- RT TO STA. 42 + 50 -Yl- RT FROM STA. 34 + 26 -Y4- LT TO STA. 37 + 00 -Y4- LT FROM STA. 22 + 00 -Yl RPCREV- LT TO STA. 23 +50 -Yl RPC REV- LT DETAIL 27A FALSE CUT (Not to Scale) 2-GI 2.0' t N.GJf.B. ° A•, stet Fill 2.0' Slope Pipe � Exist. Ditch Bed FROM STA. 226+01 -L- LT TO STA. 226+69 -L- LT FROM STA. 227+37 -L- LT TO STA. 227+92 -L- LT FROM STA. 41 + 2 5 -Yl- RT TO STA. 41 +77 -Yl- RT DETAIL 28A LATERAL 'V' DITCH (Not to Scale) b Natural Fill Ground ? / D �.1 1' ft. Slope d Geotextile Min. D=1.5 Ft. Max. d=Top of Bank Type of Liner= Class B Rip -Rap b-5.0 Ft. 11\V/Y\ JI/1. IIJTV/ -L- 1\1 IV JIl1. IIV TJV -L- 1\1 DETAIL 31A CHANNEL CHANGE (Not to Scale) Natural Ground d I ?•/ D 111/Ft. GEOTEXTILE B Min. D=4.0 Ft. d-Top of Bank B = 6.0 Ft. Type of Liner= Class I Rip -Rap Proposed Natural Fill Slope Ground Exist. Channel FROM STA. 66 + 50 -LREV- LT TO STA. 67 + 20 -LREV- LT (b = VAR.) FROM STA. 68 + 14 -LREV- LT TO STA. 68 + 84 -LREV- LT (b = VAR.) FROM STA. 69 + 89 -LREV- LT TO STA. 76 + 17 -LREV- LT (b =10 Ft.) DETAIL 32A STANDARD BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural Natural Ground .7 rl•� Ground d D Geotextile B Min. D=2.0 Ft. d=Top of Bank *When B is < 6.0' B = 3.0 Ft. Type of Liner- Class I Rip -Rap FROM STA. 55+62 -L- 181' LT (ELEV. = 374.1') TO STA. 56 + 02 -L- 199' LT (ELEV. = 371.2'), L = 44 Ft. FROM STA. 83 + 25 -LREV- LT TO STA. 85 + 39 -LREV- LT DETAIL 33A LATERAL BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural I Fill Ground d ? / D 'L1 t fit' Slope GEOTEXTILE g Min. D=2.5 Ft. d=Top of Bank *When B is < 6.0' B-4.0 Ft. FROM STA. 77 + 20 -LREV- RT TO STA. 79 + 00 -LREV- RT, (CL I Rip -Rap, b = 2.0 Ft.) FROM STA. 16+26 -Y5- RT TO STA. 17+00 -Y5- RT, (CL II Rip -Rap, b=5.0 Ft.) DETAIL 36A STANDARD BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural Natural Ground d 2•/ D 0 \ Ground Geotextile g Min. D=2.0 Ft. d=Top of Bank *When B is < 6.0' B=5.0 Ft. Type of Liner= Class II Rip -Rap FROM STA. 86 + 98 -LREV- 130' RT (ELEV. = 346.0') TO STA. 86+98 -LREV- 179' RT (ELEV.=345.2'), L=49 Ft. DETAIL 37A STANDARD BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural Natural Ground d �•/ D �-N Ground Geotextile g Min. D=4.5 Ft. d-Top of Bank *When B is < 6.0' B = 6.0 Ft. Type of Liner= Class II Rip -Rap FROM STA. 14+80-Y5RPA- RT TO STA. 15+25-Y5RPA- RT DETAIL 38A TOE PROTECTION (Not to Scale) otter F\ Natural \ °t S\oQe 'L' F�\\ Ground b �d d = 2.0 Ft. b = 2.0 Ft. Geotextile Type of Liner= Class B Rip -Rap FROM STA. 52 + 30 -LREV- RT TO STA. 56 + 53 -LREV- RT FROM STA. 58 + 02 -LREV- RT TO STA. 61 + 01 -LREV- RT FROM STA. 69 + 79 -LREV- RT TO STA. 77 + 16 -LREV- RT FROM STA. 79 + 92 -LREV- LT TO STA. 81 + 00 -LREV- LT FROM STA. 84 + 86 -LREV- LT TO STA. 88 + 52 -LREV- LT FROM STA. 87 + 22 -LREV- RT TO STA. 90 + 00 -LREV- RT FROM STA. 115 + 53 -L- RT TO STA. 115 + 83 -L- RT FROM STA. 123 + 50 -L- RT TO STA. 124 + 70 -L- RT FROM STA. 123 + 70 -L- LT TO STA. 124 + 17 -L- LT FROM STA. 124 + 51 -L- LT TO STA. 125 + 66 -L- LT FROM STA. 125 + 02 -L- RT TO STA. 125 + 82 -L- RT FROM STA. 125 + 91 -L- LT TO STA. 127 + 50 -L- LT FROM STA. 126 + 06 -L- RT TO STA. 12 7 + 49 -L- RT FROM STA. 140 + 81 -L- RT TO STA. 142 + 23 -L- RT FROM STA. 141 + 17 -L- LT TO STA. 141 + 71 -L- LT FROM STA. 146 + 80 -L- RT TO STA. 147 + 18 -L- RT FROM STA. 146 + 68 -L- LT TO STA. 147 + 66 -L- LT FROM STA. 147 + 89 -L- LT TO STA. 153 + 00 -L- LT FROM STA. 166 + 00 -L- RT TO STA. 169 + 03 -L- RT FROM STA. 166 + 00 -L- LT TO STA. 168 + 59 -L- LT FROM STA. 210 + 86 -L- LT TO STA. 211 + 72 -L- LT FROM STA. 224+50 -L- RT TO STA. 227+50 -L- RT FROM STA. 226+16 -L- LT TO STA. 226+59 -L- LT FROM STA. 227 + 35 -L- LT TO STA. 227 + 92 -L- LT FROM STA. 22 + 51 -Yl RPBREV- LT TO STA. 23 + 67 -Yl RPBREV- LT FROM STA. 12 + 00 -Y3- RT TO STA. 15 + 28 -Y3- RT FROM STA. 13 + 66 -Y3- LT TO STA. 15 + 08 -Y3- LT FROM STA. 15 + 81 -Y3- LT TO STA. 19 + 50 -Y3- LT FROM STA. 22 + 50 -Y3- RT TO STA. 25 + 34 -Y3- RT FROM STA. 29 + 13 -Y3- LT TO STA. 31 + 50 -Y3- LT FROM STA. 16 + 33 -Y5- LT TO STA. 17 + 94 -Y5- LT FROM STA. 17 + 00 -Y5- RT TO STA. 19 + 29 -Y5- RT FROM STA. 47 + 31 -Y5- LT TO STA. 48 + 50 -Y5- LT FROM STA. 23+50-Y5RPB- LT TO STA. 24+77 -Y5RPB- LT FROM STA. 16 + 50-Y5RPC- RT TO STA. 17 + 00-Y5RPC- RT FROM STA. 18+39-Y5RPC- RT TO STA.20+41-Y5RPC- RT FROM STA. 13+10-Y5RPD- LT TO STA. 15+70-Y5RPD- LT FROM STA. 14 + 00 -Y6- RT TO STA. 14 + 83 -Y6- RT DETAIL 39A LATERAL BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural T Fill Ground d ?•1 D `L� t fit' Slope T f6 T GEOTEXTILE *When B is < 7.0' Min. D = 3.0 Ft. d=Top of Bank Type of Liner=Class I Rip -Rap b=5.0 Ft. FROM STA. 50 + 41 -LREV- LT TO STA. 55 + 90 -LREV- LT (B = 3.0', T =1.5') FROM STA. 55 + 90 -LREV- LT TO STA. 56 + 10 -LREV- LT (B = 6.0', T = 2.5') FROM STA. 56 + 10 -LREV- LT TO STA. 57 + 74 -LREV- LT (B = 6.0', T =1.5') I � BFlANCH FLATIRON PLANS PREPARED BY: One Glenwood Avenue Suite Son GannettReming Raleigh. NC27603 (919) 420- 7660 Excellence Delivered As Promised NC Lir. No. P-0270 DETAIL 40A STANDARD BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural Natural Ground d 2•/ D �•� Ground Geotextile g Min. D=2.0 Ft. d=Top of Bank *When B is < 6.0' B=2.0 Ft. Type of Liner= Class I Rip -Rap FROM STA. 150+66 -L- 111' LT (ELEV.=371.8') TO STA. 150 + 81 -L- 125' LT (ELEV. - 382.3'), L = 20 Ft. FROM STA. 192 + 52 -L- 213' RT (ELEV. = 387.3') TO STA. 193 + 67 -L- 149' RT (ELEV. = 376.0'), L =136 Ft. FROM STA. 226 + 29 -L- 141' LT (ELEV. = 368') TO STA. 226+38 -L- 123' LT (ELEV=367.5', L=20 Ft. FROM STA. 227+46 -L- 154' LT (ELEV.=370.2') TO STA. 227+50 -L- 129' LT (ELEV. = 368.3'), L=25 Ft. DETAIL 41A STANDARD BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural Natural Ground d ?•/ D Ground GEOTEXTILE B Min. D=2.0 Ft. d=Top of Bank *When B is < 6.0' B=8.0 Ft. Type of Liner= Class II Rip -Rap FROM STA. 22+96-Y5RPA- 193' RT (ELEV. = 355.0') TO STA. 12+14-Y5RPANB- 166' RT (ELEV. = 355.6), L=30 Ft. DETAIL 42A LATERAL BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale)) Natural I Fill Ground ?'/ D �'� 1',Ft. Slope d GEOTEXTILE �� g Min. D=3.5 Ft. d=Top of Bank *When B is < 6.0' B = 5.0 Ft. Type of Liner= Class I Rip -Rap b=VAR. FROM STA. 17 + 37-Y5RPA- RT TO STA. 19 + 39-Y5RPA- RT DETAIL 43A STANDARD BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural Natural Ground d e•/ D rL•� Ground Geotextile g Min. D=2.0 Ft. d=Top of Bank *When B is < 6.0' B=4.0 Ft. Type of Liner= Class I Rip -Rap FROM STA. 29 + 95 -Yl- 185' RT (ELEV. = 343.1') TO STA. 30 + 23 -Yl- 136' RT (ELEV. = 341.10), L = 55 Ft. FROM STA. 15 + 10 -Y5A- 123' RT (ELEV. = 391.0') TO STA. 15 +29 -Y5A- 154' RT (ELEV. = 392.4'), L= 35 Ft. DETAIL 45A STANDARD BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural Natural Ground d ?•/ D �*N Ground Geotextile @ Min. D=2.0 Ft. d=Top of Bank *When B is < 6.0' B=2.0-4.0 Ft. Type of Liner= Class II Rip -Rap FROM STA. 11 +67-Y5RPBSB- 162' LT (ELEV. = 379.0') TO STA. 12+32-Y5RPBSB- 148' LT (ELEV.=376.5'), L=28 Ft. DETAIL 46A STANDARD BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural Natural Ground y/ ,6.'\ Ground D Min. D=2.0 Ft. I. B I B=2.0 Ft. FROM STA. 21 + 86 -Y5J- 50' LT (ELEV. = 403.3') TO STA. 22+24 -Y5J- 124' LT (ELEV. = 402.8'), L=84 Ft. DETAIL 47A STANDARD BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural Natural Ground d 2•/ D to Ground Geotextile @ Min. D=2.0 Ft. d=Top of Bank *When B is < 6.0' B=3.0 Ft. Type of Liner= Class I Rip -Rap FROM STA. 209 + 66 -L- 173' RT (ELEV. = 352.3') TO STA. 209 + 83 -L- 156' RT (ELEV. = 352.9'), L = 24 Ft. FROM STA. 210 + 94 -L- 150' LT (ELEV. = 362.4') TO STA. 210+97 -L- 127' LT (ELEV.=361.7'), L = 2 3 Ft. FROM STA. 225 + 99 -L- 121' RT (ELEV. = 361.1') TO STA. 225 + 99 -L- 144' RT (ELEV. = 360.9'), L = 23 Ft. PROJECT REFERENCE NO. R-2 721 A RrW SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN ENGINEER HYDRAULICS ENGINEER 1.CAR p� .. S S /p� SEAL 034333 'O;F NG I NE`��'p��;� pN••M.* *N 1111111►��� DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 0 N > LU C a� fN I 0 fV 0 F-I LU I 2 V 0 >I 0 _I (V W Ln OD 00 LO o, O a� DETAIL 58A LATERAL 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Natural Fill Ground o'I or D Slope Min. D=1.5 Ft. b = 5.0 Ft. FROM STA. 45 + 00 -LREV- LT TO STA. 49 + 15 -LREV- LT TO DETAIL 59A STANDARD BASE DITCH (Not to Scale) Natural Natural Ground d ?•� D rl•\ Ground Geotextile g Min. D=0.5 Ft. d=Top of Bank B=2.0 Ft. Type of Liner= Class B Rip -Rap STA. 115 + 83 -L- 115' RT (ELEV. = 389.9') 15 + 83 -L- 135' RT (ELEV. = 389.8'), L = 20 Ft. DETAIL 67A SPECIAL CUT DITCH w/HINGE ( Not to Scale) Natural Ground 4� 9 Front m IN et Ditch A'I D F\off Slope - III 6.0' Imo- Min. D= 1 Ft. FROM STA. 16 + 00 -Yl RPC REV- RT TO STA. 17 + 00 -Yl RPCREV- RT FROM STA. 10 + 19 -Yl RPCN B- RT TO STA. 11 + 90 -Y1 RPCN B- RT FROM STA. 2 4 + 5 0 -Y5RPC- LT TO STA. 25+00-Y5RPC- LT FROM STA. 10+00-Y5RPCSB- RT TO STA. 10+50-Y5RPCSB RT DETAIL 68A W W p BERM DITCH z w Ln ( Not to Scale) w ~� J < U J VAR. VAR. VAR. 10.0' V. Min. D = 1.0 Ft. FROM STA. 101+00 -L- LT TO STA. 103+25 -L- LT FROM STA. 114 + 60 -L- LT TO STA. 118 + 60 -L- LT FROM STA. 158 + 00 -L- RT TO STA. 159 + 00 -L- RT FROM STA. 218 + 50 -L- LT TO STA. 220 + 70 -L- LT FROM STA. 229+50 -L- RT TO STA. 230+00 -L- RT FROM STA. 231 + 60 -L- RT TO STA. 233 + 75 -L- RT FROM STA. 23 + 50 -Y5- RT TO STA. 24 + 39 -Y5- RT FROM STA. 24 + 70 -Y5- RT TO STA. 26 + 50 -Y5- RT FROM STA. 10: FROM STA.23C FROM STA. 14 + 40 FROM STA. 15 + 71. DETAIL 69A BERM DITCH ( Not to Scale) O z_ W W W tN oa a~ W J Ln J < �n in U J VAR. VAR 5.0' VAR 10.0' V.C. d Geotextile Max. d = 1.0 Ft. 3 + 25 -L- LT TO STA. 104 + 30 -L- LT, (CL I Rip-Ri I+00 -L- RT TO STA. 230+50 -L- RT, (CL B Rip- -Y5RPB- LT TO STA. 15+71.50-Y5RPB- LT, (CL B i0-Y5RPB- LT TO STA. 19+04-Y5RPB- LT, (CL II DETAIL 70A CULVERT INLET CHANNEL STABILIZATION (Not to Scale) Natural Bed Elevation G NG ti CL 'II' RIPRAP CL 'II' RIPRAP 2' Geotextile Length (Inlet)= 35 Ft. STA. 19 + 36 -L1- DETAIL 71A CULVERT OUTLET CHANNEL STABILIZATION ( Not to Scale) Natural Bed Elevation G NG ?� N CL 'Il' RIPRAP CL 'Il' RIPRAP 2.0' Geotextile CL 'I' RIPRAP LINED Length (Outlet)= 60 Ft. 6 CHANNEL BED STA. 77 + 49 -L- DETAIL 73A CULVERT INLET AND OUTLET CHANNEL STABILIZATION ( Not to Scale) Natural Bed Elevation NG N CL 'II' RIPRAP CL 'll' RIPRAP 2.0' Geotextile � 6' CL 'I' RIPRAP LINED CHANNEL BED STA. 125+86 -L- Inlet L=40 Ft., Outlet L=40 Ft. STA. 141 + 68 -L- Inlet L = 60 Ft., Outlet L = 72 Ft. STA. 147+58 -L- Inlet L=45 Ft., Outlet L=45 Ft. DETAIL 74A OUTLET CHANNEL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE NG FLOODPLAIN BENCH NG N CL 'II' RIPRAP CL 'II' RIPRAP CL 'II' RIPRAP w/ NATIVE MATERIAL Geotextile I I PLACED ON TOP �{ 9' �10' TO FILL VOIDS CL 'I' RIPRAP LINED CHANNEL BED STA. 169 + 21 -L- (L = 68 Ft.) DETAIL 75A INLET & OUTLET CHANNEL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE NG FLOODPLAIN BENCH NG N CL 'II' RIPRAP CL 'II' RIPRAP �' CL 'll' RIPRAP w/ Geotextile NATIVE MATERIAL � PLACED ON TOP 9' r� 9' TO FILL VOIDS CL 'I' RIPRAP LINED CHANNEL BED STA. 16+14 -Y5- Inlet L=80 Ft., Outlet L=50 Ft. DETAIL 76A OUTLET CHANNEL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE FLOODPLAIN BENCH NG NG va N CL 'II' RIPRAP CL 'II' RIPRAP ry CL 'II' RIPRAP w/ NATIVE MATERIAL Geotextile I � 10' Y�22' PLACED ON TOP TO FILL VOIDS CL 'I' RIPRAP LINED CHANNEL BED STA. 205 + 69 -L- (L = 55 Ft) DETAIL 77A INLET & OUTLET CHANNEL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE NG FLOODPLAIN BENCH NG C1' O CL 'II' RIPRAP CL 'II' RIPRAP CL 'll' RIPRAP w/ AA1NATIVE MATERIAL PLACED ON TOP Geotextile 7' 1� 7' TO FILL VOIDS CL 'I' RIPRAP LINED CHANNEL BED ap, D=1.5 Ft.) Rap, D =1.5 Ft) Rip -Rap, D =1.5 Ft) Rip -Rap, D =1.5 Ft) DETAIL 72A OUTLET CHANNEL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE FLOODPLAIN BENCH NG NG a CL 'II' RIPRAP �~ f N CL 'II' RIPRAP a ^ Geotextile CL 'II' RIPRAP w/ NATIVE MATERIAL PLACED ON TOP 13' 25' -►i 13' TO FILL VOIDS CL 'I' RIPRAP LINED CHANNEL BED STA. 15 + 65 -Y3- (L = 60 Ft.) . 68+38 -Y5- Inlet L=42 Ft., Outlet L=3 DETAIL 78A LATERAL BASE DITCH ( Not to Scalle) � I Natural Fill Ground d ? I D \ 1 Ft. Slope GEOTEXTILE g Min. D=1.5 Ft. d=Top of Bank *When B is < 6.0' B=2.0 Ft. Type of Liner=Class II Rip -Rap b=5.0 Ft. FR FR FA. 66 + 67 -Y5- LT TO STA. 68 + 35 -Y5- Ll FA. 68 + 56 -Y5- LT TO STA. 69 + 59 -Y5- Ll DETAIL 79A LATERAL BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) Natural I Fill Ground d ?I D `)A 1/Ft' Slope GEOTEXTILE B Min. D=0.5 Ft. d=Top of Bank *When B is < 6.0' B= 2.0 Ft. Type of Liner=Class B Rip -Rap b= 5.0 Ft. STA. 145 + 00 -L- LT TO STA. 146 + 70 -L- LT DETAIL 80A SPECIAL CUT 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Front 0 Ground tural F/O�ye� D '�� o�te� Slope e P d Geotextile Min. D =1.0 Ft. d = 1.0 Ft. DITCH DETAILS NEW STREAMBANK SHALL UNCOMPACTED BE TREATED AS BACKFILL' 5Min. F�0* SPECIFIED IN PLANS 10' FINISH GRADE �fGO EXTEND CHANNEL BLOCK P, MIN. OF BEYOND INVERT OF EXISTING CHANNEL FLOW > 1 � 7 1,2• ?. r y w CHANNEL INVERT > COMPACTED COMPACTED SECTION A -A BACKFILL BACKFILL IMPERVIOUS SELECT MATERIAL (SEE PROJECT SPECIAL PROVISIONS) MIN. LENGTH UNCOMPACTED BACKFILL BACKFILL EXISTING P CHANNEL COMPACTED 7 BACKFILL NOTES: 1) CHANNEL BLOCK SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. lb 2) BLOCK SHOULD BE INSTALLED AT THE INTERFACE BETWEEN EXISTING EXTEND CHANNEL BLOCK Ll � SECTION B B CHANNEL AND PROPOSED CHANNEL. 3) BOTTOM OF BLOCK SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF 2' BELOW THE INVERT MIN. OF 5' BEYOND LIMITS OF THE EXISTING CHANNEL. OF EXISTING CHANNEL STREAM PLUG 4) BLOCK SHOULD EXTEND A MINIMUM OF 5' BEYOND THE LIMITS OF THE EXISTING STREAM CHANNEL. PLAN VIEW 5) INSTALL EROSION CONTROL MATTING AND SEED IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAIL $ 7/y THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS IMMEDIATELY AFTER GRADING. 6) COMPACT BACKFILL TO EXTENT POSSIBLE OR AT THE DIRECTION OF THE ENGINEER. NOT TO SCALE DETAIL 81A LATERAL BASE DITCH ( Not to Scale) Natural I ' Fill Ground d ?'I D L•\ 1' Ft. Slope GEOTEXTILE g Min. D=2.5 Ft. d=Top of Bank *When B is < 6.0' B=2.0 Ft. Type of Liner=Class II Rip -Rap b=5.0 Ft. FROM STA. 204 + 38 -L- RT TO STA. 205 + 59 -L- R1 DETAIL 82A SPECIAL CUT BASE DITCH w/HINGE ( Not to Scale) Natural Ground t ,��et Front �F 4I D F\d Ditch d Slope 6.0' B Min. D=1.0 Ft. d =1.0 ft. B = 2.0 Ft. FROM STA. 63 + 00 -Y5- RT TO STA. 65 + 50 -Y5- RT FROM STA. 63 + 13 -Y5- LT TO STA. 65 + 75 -Y5- Ll FROM STA. 69 + 00 -Y5- RT TO STA. 69 + 50 -Y5- RT, (CL B Rip -Rap) FROM STA. 13+50 -Y5G- LT TO STA. 15+50 -Y5G- LT, (CL B Rip -Rap) FROM STA. 13+66 -Y5G- RT TO STA. 15+50 -Y5G- RT, (CL I Rip -Rap) FRC DETAIL 83A SPECIAL BACK OF CURB CUT BASE DITCH (NOT TO SCALE) NATURAL GROUND Min. D=1.0 Ft. B = 2.0 Ft. RIPRAP) RIPRAP) )M STA. 10 + 66.50 -Y5J- LT TO STA. 15 + 50 -Y5J- LT DETAIL 84A BERM DITCH ( Not to Scale) Natural ,L.\ Ground ?'I d D FALSE CUT BERM GEOTEXTILE Min. D=1.0 Ft. Max. d =1.0 Ft. Type of Liner= CL B Rip -Rap FROM STA. 41+25 -Yl- RT TO STA. 42+35 -Yl- RT FROM STA. 60 + 00 -Y5- RT TO STA. 63 + 00 -' DETAIL 86A LATERAL BASE DITCH (Not to Scale)) I Natural Fill Ground d ?'I D ti� 1 Ft. Slope GEOTEXTILE B Min. D=2.5 Ft. d=Top of Bank *When B is < 6.0' B=3.0 Ft. Type of Liner=Class I Rip -Rap b=5.0 Ft. FROM STA. 141 + 50 -L- RT TO STA. 142 + 36 -L- R1 DETAIL 88A RIP -RAPPED ENERGY DISSIPATOR BASIN mmmmm ==___ o=mm� ==___ ALL DIMENSIONS APPROXIMATE BASIN # LOCATION (AT OUTLET) 1 STA. 15 + 16 -Y51- RT PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. M B RA N C � R-2 721 A 2 D-2 F L AT I RO RrW SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS PLANS PREPARED BY: One Glenwood Avenue ENGINEER ENGINEER Suite SM GannettReming Raleigh. NC27603 660 \\\\I111II►I,I rf-0270 Excellence Delivered As Promised me Lir. No(9119) �...........CARm��ti��i `�. ♦ � OFFSS/0, STA. 66 + 51 -LREV- LT STA. 66 + 84 -LREV- LT STA. 68 + 34 -LREV- LT STA. 68 + 71 -LREV- LT STA. 70 + 31 -LREV- LT STA. 80 + 76 -LREV- RT STA. 82 + 42 -LREV- RT STA. 85+47 -LREV- LT STA. 202 + 52 -L- LT STA. 203 + 98 -L- LT SEAL 034333 FNm I NEF�,.O���� IInI n►►►� DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED STA. 15 + 78 -Y5- LT FROM STA. 11 + 00 -Y5B- RT TO STA. 11 + 50 -Y5B- RT STA. 52 + 41 -Y5- LT STA. 69 + 18 -Y5- LT STA. 69+32 -Y5- LT DETAIL 98A STA. 17 + 82 -Y5 RPA- RT STA. 18+70-Y5RPA- RT SPECIAL CUT BASE DITCH STA. 20+34-Y5RPA- RT Not to Scale) Natural 1 'a Front Ground ?.�DV �e<Ditch o\Slope Min. D= 1.0 Ft. B = 4.0 Ft. FROM STA. 18 +50 -Yl RPBREV- RT TO STA. 21 RIP RAP NOT SHOWN a �2.A+ 2:1 CULVERT 2:1 APRON CL 3° F CL 2:7, N RIP RAP NOT SHOWN CULVERT DETAIL 89A INLET CHANNEL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE FLOODPLAIN BENCH NG NG a ^ CL 'II' RIPRAP �� l N CL 'II' RIPRAP c� ^ Geotextile CL 'II' RIPRAP w/ NATIVE MATERIAL PLACED ON TOP 13' I~ 25' -►1 13' TO FILL VOIDS STA. 15 + 45 -Y3- (L = 60 Ft.) DETAIL 90A INLET CHANNEL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE FLOODPLAIN BENCH NG NG N CL 'II' RIPRAP CL 'II' RIPRAP N CL 'II' RIPRAP w/ Geotextile I NATIVE MATERIAL PLACED ON TOP �{ 9' [.--10' TO FILL VOIDS STA. 168 + 79 -L- (L = 50 Ft.) DETAIL 91A INLET CHANNEL DETAIL NOT TO SCALE NG FLOODPLAIN BENCH NG N CL 'II' RIPRAP CL 'II' RIPRAP ry CL 'II' RIPRAP w/ NATIVE MATERIAL Geotextile �/ I PLACED ON TOP �{ 10, [.--22' TO FILL VOIDS STA. 204+14 -L- (L=150 Ft.) SECTION STA. 83 + 30 STA. 86 + 96 FROh 4TURAL ZOUND 7N8 "1RPBREV- RT DETAIL 99A BERM DITCH ( Not to Scale) O W W 1 V) oa Q~ W J < N N U J VAR. VAR 5.0' VAR 3'I D � 10.0' V.C. d Geotextile Max. d = 1.0 Ft. FROM STA. 109 + 00 -L- LT TO STA. 111 + 00 -L- LT, (CL 11 Rip -Rap, D = 2.0 Ft.) FROM STA. 155 + 00 -L- RT TO STA. 158 + 00 -L- RT, (CL I Rip -Rap, D =1.0 Ft) DETAIL 100A = a FALSE SUMP ( Not to Scale) O ::T�r�olffWic Outse Ditch �2 0•� Flow ��•\��20:1 GI S etc. S = Ditch Slope Proposed Ditch STA. -LREV- 63 + 15 RT STA.-L- 164 + 68 RT STA. -Yl RPCREV- 20 + 64 LT STA. -LREV- 66 + 66 RT STA.-L- 165 + 65 LT STA. -Yl PRCREV- 20 + 67 RT STA. -LREV- 69 + 66 RT STA.-L- 176 + 73 RT STA. -Y1 RPC REV- 21 + 55 LT STA.-L- 92 + 16 LT STA.-L- 181 + 39 RT STA. -Yl RPCREV- 21 + 57 RT STA.-L- 93 + 36 RT STA. -L- 185 + 17 LT STA. -Yl RPCREV- 23 + 15 LT STA.-L- 95 + 07 LT STA.-L- 185 + 25 RT STA. -Yl RPCREV- 23 + 63 RT STA.-L- 96 + 36 LT STA.-L- 188 + 14 LT STA. -Yl RPCREV- 26 + 08 RT STA.-L- 98 + 06 LT STA.-L- 188 + 16 RT STA. -Y3- 20 + 87 LT STA. -L- 98 + 07 RT STA. -L- 189 + 87 LT STA. -Y5- 65 + 63 RT STA. -L- 100 + 64 LT STA. -L- 193 + 15 RT STA. -Y5- 65 + 89 LT STA. -L- 105 + 85 RT STA. -L- 196 + 69 RT STA. -Y5A- 18 + 34 RT STA. -L- 107 + 33 LT STA. -L- 196 + 73 LT STA. -Y5A- 19 + 84 RT STA. -L- 109 + 52 LT STA. -L- 199 + 19 RT STA. -Y5A- 21 + 31 RT STA. -L- 109 + 55 RT STA. -L- 201 + 60 RT STA. -Y5A- 22 + 82 RT DETAIL 9 2 A STA. -L- 112 + 3 7 LT STA. -L- 219 + 84 LT STA. -Y5 E- 10 + 91 RT RIP RAP AT EMBANKMENT STA. -L- 116 + 29 LT STA. -L- 219 + 83 RT STA. -Y5J- 11 + 52 LT STA. -L- 117 + 14 RT STA. -L- 224 + 18 LT STA. -Y5J- 13 + 53 LT ( Not to Scale) STA. -L- 119+83 LT STA. -L- 224+18 RT STA.-Y5RPB- 10+59 LT 10'min. STA.-L- 131 +65 RT STA.-L- 232+38 RT STA.-Y5RPB- 12+14 LT STA.-L- 131 + 68 LT STA.-L- 235 + 14 RT STA.-Y5RPB- 15 + 89 LT Ditch 1.0'min. 1.5' STA.-L- 135 + 39 RT STA.-L- 235 + 18 LT STA.-Y5RPB- 19 + 19 LT Grade STA.-L- 135 + 43 LT STA. -L- 238 + 43 LT STA.-Y5RPB- 20 + 80 LT STA.-L- 138+15 RT STA.-L- 238+43 RT STA.-Y5RPC- 23+32 RT STA.-L- 139 + 17 LT STA. -Yl- 41 + 17 RT STA.-Y5RPC- 24 + 37 LT GEOTEXTILE STA. -L- 155 + 86 LT STA. -Yl- 44 + 05 RT STA. -Y5 RPC- 2 7 + 36 LT STA. -L- 157+95 LT STA. -YIRPBREV- 20+12 RT STA.-Y5RPCNB- 10+15 LT STA. -L- 160 + 66 RT STA. -Yl RPBREV- 20 + 62 RT STA. -Y5 RPD- 16 + 04 LT STA -L- 160 + 69 LT STA -Yl RPBREV- 21 + 12 RT STA-Y5RPD- 18 + 38 RT LT (EST. 28 TONS CL I RIPRAP, I RT (EST. 16 TONS CL II RIPRAP, DETAIL 93A STANDARD 'V' DITCH ( Not to Scale) Natural Natural Ground 3'I D -4P�\�S Ground SY GEOTEXTILE) STA. -L- 162+15 LT STA. -YIRPBREV- 24+12 RT STA. -Y5RPD- 18+40 LT SY GEOTEXTILE) STA.-L- 162+17 RT STA. -YIRPBREV- 25+14 RT STA. -Y5RPD- 20+72 LT STA. -L- 164 + 65 LT STA. -Yl RPC REV- 19 + 15 RT STA. -Y5 RPD- 21 + 87 LT Min. D= 2.0 Ft. 1 STA. 12 + 50 -Y4- RT TO STA. 13 + 85 -Y4- RT DETAIL 95A TOE PROTECTION ( Not to Scale) O� NATUR AL \ � GROUND nF\P d b= 2Ft. FILL SLOPE Type of Liner= COIR FIBER MATTING FROM STA. 33 + 50 -Y3- RT TO STA. 37 + 50 -Y3- RT (cl FROM STA. 48 + 68 -Y5- LT TO STA. 52 + 70 -Y5- LT (d FROM STA. 11 + 72 -Y5A- LT TO STA. 16 + 00 -Y5A- LT DETAIL 96A PIPE INLET STABILIZATION ( Not to Scale) Nat ral to _ Natural G .rn ex ANG to / -Ground STi^,G 7 Ta ,�.� d K CHANNEL BED Length = 16 Ft. (Variable) d = 3 Ft. Est. = 24 Tons of Class I Rip -Rap DETAIL IOTA FALSE SUMP ( Not to Scale) Median Ditch 91, -� 2' (See Chart Below) >,< 20' GI S = Ditch Slope CL Proposed Ditch Ditch Grade L Ditch Grade L 0.0% To 2.0% 20' Over 4.0% To 6.0% 40' Over 2.0% To 4.0% 30' Over 6.0% 50' =0.5 d STA.-LREV- 31 + 93 MED STA. -L- 101 + 63 MED STA. -L- 170 + 36 MED STA.-LREV- 33+32 MED STA. -L- 107+32 MED STA. -L- 172+81 MED STA. -LREV- 34 + 86 MED STA. -L- 109 + 50 MED STA. -L- 174 + 80 MED STA.-LREV- 37 + 84 MED STA. -L- 112 + 34 MED STA. -L- 176 + 32 MED STA.-LREV- 42 + 31 MED STA. -L- 115 + 65 MED STA. -L- 179 + 03 MED STA.-LREV- 44+38 MED STA. -L- 119+82 MED STA. -L- 181 +39 MED ft.) STA. -LREV- 52+66 MED STA. -L- 127+42 MED STA. -L- 185+18 MED =2 ft.) STA.-LREV_ 55+34 MED STA. -L- 129+04 MED STA. -L- 188+15 MED = 2 ft.) STA.-LREV- 61 + 66 MED STA. -L- 131 + 69 MED STA. -L- 194 + 29 MED STA.-LREV- 63 + 15 MED STA. -L- 135 + 46 MED STA. -L- 196 + 68 MED STA.-LREV_ 64+42 MED STA. -L- 138+17 MED STA. -L- 199+18 MED STA.-LREV_ 66+65 MED STA. -L- 139+19 MED STA. -L- 201+59 MED STA.-LREV- 69+04 MED STA. -L- 142+68 MED STA. -L- 203+82 MED STA.-LREV_ 70+64 MED STA. -L- 145+12 MED STA. -L- 208+84 MED STA.-LREV_ 73+65 MED STA. -L- 146+18 MED STA. -L- 211 +82 MED STA. -LREV- 76 + 63 MED STA.-L- 148 + 11 MED STA.-L- 219 + 84 MED STA.-LREV_ 79 + 62 MED STA.-L- 149 + 82 MED STA.-L- 224 + 18 MED STA. -LREV- 82+44 MED STA. -L- 152+03 MED STA.-L- 226+17 MED STA. -LREV- 87+15 MED STA.-L- 153+85 MED STA.-L- 228+14 MED STA.-LREV_ 89+45 MED STA.-L- 155+80 MED STA.-L- 232+39 MED STA. -L- 92 + 14 MED STA.-L- 162 + 14 MED STA.-L- 233 + 59 MED STA. -L- 95 + 07 MED STA.-L- 164 + 67 MED STA.-L- 235 + 14 MED STA. -L- 98+06 MED STA.-L- 166+15 MED STA.-L- 238+43 MED STA. -L- 100+32 MED STA.-L- 168+16 MED STA. 47 + 78 -Yl- to Z O w W k/ X, REVISIONS o\ \ o\ \ D\ m\ \ D\ + 84.00 -Y5H _ 29.75' LT\ w 0 O N N MATTING TOE PROTECTION W SEE DETAIL 95A +37.00 -Y5- 267.00' LT ,o OTCB-3 + 80.08 -Y - +37.00 -YS- 711 150.00' Ll 5' CONC. - / 233.99 LT N 1 Glv SIDEWALK � i Q 10 Q� Q 1735/ w\ g TOE PROTECTION SEE DETAIL 38A AY5- �� 10\ +7� 204.00' LT C; _\\, A4-4rc Ht,NF srq SHFFT 49 ' 00 30 s • 00 r vQ M M BRANCH 1711 FLfmF IRON PLANS PREPARED BY: One Glenwood Avenue Suite 900 fiannatitFiLaming Raleigh, NC 27603 (9I9) 420-7660 Excellence Delivered As Promised NC Lir. No. F-0270 ifs o I 00 7 \ �- +45.00 -YS- \\�V Se�4.2% w I V r + -Y5H- 245.00' L S� z 50.00' LT \ / HEAD DITCH w/CL II RIPRAP +08.34 -Y5DET- O% j B 15" RCP-111 E is O \ r SEE DETAIL 45A 80.00 LT QQ �CQ, ,/ �/ +89.00 -Y5H- \ \ / RIP RAP OUTLET PAD 3 _ 1736 N 60.00' LT i , �j I EST 3 TONS CL B RIPRAP 711 JB w/MH 66, RCP �- 5' CONC. `� I +32.00 -YS- M +80.00 -Y5H- \ \ \ 58 EST 11 SY GEOTEXTILE +95.29 -Y5DET- HW 1737 Cp U SIDEWALK = I o 221.70' RT 55.00' LT \\\ CD +0819 07YLT 80.00' LT 78-, t I TAIL DITCH w/CL II RIPRAP E&M JOhivwiv tN I tRPRISES INC ��6 CSp 712 Q• P \ SEE DETAIL 41A +50.00 -Y5H- \ \ \ \\ +36.0286 72 LT RIP RAP OUTLET PAD 14773 PG 1 182� °? 64.00 LT �j EST 5 TONS CL B RIPRAP 711 & \ v 0 +43.00-Y5RP6- \ +26.83 / 5ty O � EST 14 SY GEOTEXTILE �� 2GI Q ' � -Y5DET- +62.34 ° JOHN DAVITT �, \\ \� 252.32 LT 80.00 LT cR a 66-' RCP _CD O 17 DB 10704 PG 1 RIP RAP OUTLET PAD JS� / 140.00' LT cR HP 17391 Q� BM 1985 PG 422 +02.00 -Y5H-�-Y5H �' \ EST 2 TONS CL B RIPRAP vv 2 54.00 LT\\ \ \ � A& + ES Y7RPB GEOTEXTILE �c � � 712 2G1 , O� J13 + 8.00'� °� \ \\\\ F 234.32' LT / eso �� SPEC. CUT BITCH ' S-- c, 1 70 %� +30.00 -Y5RPA- h 30.48' LT ,' \\\\ +1 -Y RPB- LAT 2 BASE DITCH w I RIPRAP PS S C� �• +8 .48-Y5RPA- -, � �, SEE DETA�I't 16A 180.21' RT '�' e \ 182.00 LT R '- \\ SEE D IL 20A I oho �F -� / 6" 66 180.00 RT +85.00 -Y5RPB- \ \\ 1718 +27.00 -Y5RPB-0P• ti� �6�1oR END SBG ���� VO s ro wuNULR DAT +67.00 -Y5RPA- c0� +17.00 PERRY &ASSOCIATES �- 236.71 LT 191.00 LT /� BEGIN 2 -b C&G / GQ 1738 h -< 180.00 RT +32 + + cR cR +00.29 4RT�NERS97 pHIP�G F 741 +50.03 -Y5RPA- G' -Y5RPA- DB 3381 PG 684 85 +66.00 -Y5RPB- �C +3 .00 -Y5RPB- Q 24 N �S: 745 \ ° 194.00' RT 180.00' R B' � THOMAS AND 176.00 LT R F / TYP• • 7 C`A CB `� BURY INVERT \F LAT 5' BASE DITCH w/CL I RIPRAP hl 233.00' LT +28.00 -Y5RPB- w 1743 i 5 CONC. 0.3 FT SEE DETAIL 42A � �o `i � N � � DEBORAH ATKIIN��, 7p 166.00 LT / / R CP\\ CB cR` Q •Q 1746 SDWK IP RAP OUTLET PAD C DB 3617 PG 259 / � E � ONS CL B RIPRAP � +02.00-Y5RPA- (�S A fi 26 F 100T� CB 1Q' \ ���� ;p CB �� LP E,tT 5 S EOTEXTILE _,q P�F 180.77' RT +40.03 -Y5RPA- M 1985 PG 422 &, � 2 6 180.00 RT +66.01 -Y5RPB- F / + CB 174 = 15 CSP W/ �� o ARO,o 150.00' LT , QF/ 174 a h ` c R cR , C&G oa o C RD +48.00 -Y5RPB- 174 2 ELBOWS \ • �� / MO +66.00 -Y5RPB- 140.00 LT F 0 4 1 48 S ] v U o F C 140.00 LT +0 .62 -Y5RPB- 15" CSP W/ � CB P �p '7 C 140.00' LT 2 ELBOWS F 751 15 OA 1 C N 1749 750 I RCP -III /j X BEG/N 2'-6" o 2 / +63.00 -L- (\ S /\ �e�`\ REMOVE F 727 �� o o a oM 2,-6„ CB 2 _6" 1C&G N 433.00' LT C � \ \� �\� \ � C � C - - - C&G 1 C&G � o �� �� j BEGIN SBG RC -III 1 1 \ STREAM PLUG y \ +95 p,S 8;1 \ 1 0� 24 O o CB 1758 / `� E DETAIL 87A BERM DITCH +50.00 -Y5RPB- GP - TYP, N CB E- STA. 14+40 - 19+04 -Y5RPB- LT 150.00' LT �` / \ \\ \\\ TOE PROTECTION �Q P \ J SEE DETAIL 69A E ' `� \ \ \ \ SEE DETAIL 38A TY \ °o0 1 55 2GI 17 b 15„ RCP g IS-, RCP /i 0 GR�U TC`3 25p',gPER \ \ F \ w +50.00 -Y5RPB- , \ h' G1 0 140.00' LT i \ \\ \\ > X \ o /V , OP �y0/S 00 F 2q- 4°3 b E l'1'A�� DE ORAH .AND MICHAEL BAKER \ \ TAPE TyP \ .9/ �j � .Sj/yG�E Fq //6yJ � DB185 PG 2600 F �' O \GI\+0 END SBG 162GI �� o 4��� cE B BM8PG 422 - O �\ o �l 719 / cA + 05 G q o 39�,� '4R/�/E �• F / E&M JOHNSON LN I ERPRISES INC DB 14773 PG 1182 R { FS r\ �� C �, 2GI w R \ + 3671ORWFR-LS-PSD i ,TAPE i 1728 17 9 176 1763 0 34- s \ 300 1717 \ 0 / � \ END SBG � TYP � STREAM PLUG \ \ \ \ C - - - C I 2GI +25 �p o 710 SEE DETAIL 87A \ / Q w - FS 2GI \ \ \\ \ G G C _ - - - I 1766 \h 1761 C 15 2GI C 1716 �N \' - - - - - - - - LAT 2' BASE DITCH w/CL B RIPRAP C / 2GI SPEC CUT TAPER o 7102G1 / ~ \ \ p S, \ SEE DETAIL 4A 18" IN / F SEE DETAIL 24A 176 / o 5' RCP_lll / \\ V-DITCH X 1 vi POND TO BE DRAINED C ' 0 2GI-A . \ \ �,p� -per \ \ SBG 1765 2GI \ 2GI /�S L _ EIP S 8� 15' ' E S 87 24'I ` .� ^ BEGIN SBG \ 57 ACCORDING TO POND / o - - `,��\\ yp�o �\\ s 8/ 3/ 11 L \C m m +24 IP 146.13 _ EIP 60.60' G/ DRAINAGE PLAN - \ 35.75 15" RCP -III W C \ C E SPEC CUT V-DITCH NC EPT 0, «� SYL\,, , CAMS j \ \ 'pp \ - SEE DETAIL 24A DB 1457 PG 345 1709 OTCB-3 OGJ" E 711 7 ��q0\� "� 1SP.2G1 ~ 15" RCP -III - _ - - - 7F7 C 710 / T DB 154�� 6� to 48 2GI _ - _ _ F \\ J\G 1729 SP. GI - - 0 DER X oKA In C 2�" CSP W/ 2A 7 3� - � 720 , - ' _ _ - - - , - ' =-��P� \��\'� BARBARA CLARK END BRIDGE / 1 69 NILL�A SON - _ OTh' U BEGIN EXPRESSWAY GUTTER 15" RCP -III LL' +05.00 -L- o rn 15 2GI /�/e ,' \ \ Fo 2GI -YS- STA.43�64. \n� -2GI ES C 2 ELBOWS N N , \ \ \ � ©2GI FS BEGIN SFB TYPE B-77 //^\ ;�f C / C TmS REMOV 71 to 214.32 LT - o G \ �\ DB 2357 PG 608 17 / END SFB -DB-S 1Z9-PG- 7� -T $� N - - 171 �� Y % \\ -L - STA. A. l98 +00 LT o FS \ P \ \\ \ \�� . FS m +77 GREU TL-3 /l 2GI +93 N BM 1970 G 2,0 - A C 2GI-A Q o �� S 87°37'11" E N - - - JN ��C �� 15' C SYLVIA SAMS FS U' O-` 404.93' 01=15- RCP -III QVJ +00.00 -Y5RPB- FENCE DB 1510 PG 89 8c1 o N V)N EIP I _ , c \ co o O - o - - �. �� N 100 181 140.00' LT 41 Ci p" N o w v' o \ V �p V N O PROP. �\ 3 „ % , \\\� �� n BAD STATION -L- 198+00 O C n \ N S 88°59'17 N ' WO 7.1 <ml> 770 REMOVE � 20 \ \ C 1703 w r \ \�\ \� 2GI 190+00 TYPE B-77 TYPE B-77 195+00 S 710 2GI I / - FS N N O \ 185 00 2GI-A IAMASHTL-3 2GI FS� U Y WIL IAM NC DEPT OF TRANSPORTAT. 15" W O RE VE / ' �N `` FS IA -MASH` r B-77 TYPE B-77 F 2GI N N ' Z DB 15462 PG 658 � �✓ FS GTD /6, DB 11729 1 6 BM 1970 PG 230 J 710 C 1701 _3 I �? >2GI GREY. �\ 4 o j U o N V N t Ul i"0� FS i5 "' C',F m 180 2GI-A n c �� �\ 1773 v r° I C! N ~ FS w UN 24„ 1713 ANDONED C) 177 °p oC JB w/MH CIDN 9°24'14" I 99.32 �� N J d to w 36" RCP -III - - - - - - 6„ RCP N N 2GI-A 1711 N w - 36" RCP -III - - - - - - - 111 NN o FS F 36 TYPE 1778 I FOUND I CO/VC R MID 710 C1 18" ` 1774 B-77 JB w/MH--`- / 36"80 2GI-A N \ END SFB Q2G�I-A Q� \\ %�o\ � 2GI-A / +51 36�� - � � 36" I -A FS 36 1704 FS 30" - 2GI FS Y ' �° NC DB T14O947RP S5y ON \ . \�� BEGIN SFB / BEG/N RLDGE _ - - - 2GI- s I 10 NC DDBT 1�837RA r, P 0R8 15" CSP W/ `v - 2 ELBOWS 0 - o w 172 I, / O 36F 'IF_LS_ SD \ \\O\\y+p35 _ 177 1776 / -Y>5- CTA.4/+6/.98 C 1777 75 I I I BM 1 0 PG 230 FS n? 2GI-A FS HIV o `i �^' `n ���\ ���" / .2 I ^ SP.2GI/ C o C \ I 711 ' I ' , \ END SBG 15 / NC DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION I I m O 1714 li 63 15 CSP W/ \ W 15 m R P-III z DB 14543 PG 2533 I 0 0 I i , i \ +02 1779 2GI o 00 2GI °' SPEC CUT V-DITCH li , , 3 ELBOWS 9 R -I I 15" RCP -III W l , � o i° � SEE DETAIL 67A � � , ' 8���y \ ,. / 178 � � BM 1970 PG 230 0 2GI 170 W - _ I' , , l } 2GI END SBG N 89°09'37" W - - - REMOV r '� i \\ 1 8 +24 C I GRE r REMOVE goo - - - - - - _ 2GI 199.87' n - % I I - - - - i - 1781 / 5" I TAIL DITCH 2' BASE �1 EIP - 15' C C C � - � � , i , \, . � / � O/ AQUA NORTH CAROLINA INC I I -M- \ can 170 / C a? C . ' _ _ - _ - _ , , \ `� i , , G j y SEE DETAIL 40A DB �13547 PG 76 _ / - - - - F F F I - - - ' - - _ - , ' o , _ C ! �► - BM 19�0�1 23 _ _ F - - - - - I 74 `�_ � R MOVE SR 1487 SUNRISE AVM 20' B-S El �`' - C / C \\ /0 C _ - _ - _ / 1 �m �- - - _ C ' 'S /- 2GI I 1783 - - C� ,__-- __ tX4 �n�\ S- F - �� "� - i i ry C --_� - -4 - _ _ _ Q - - - C G S 178 I - rf \ 7 ,, __ r N J S 87°37'll' E - - C C C �C - - _ - - - C C / / ' ' _ R _ - m ' Q 0 ro 15" EIP 42L66' F 2GI F - - - - ;� -� - - - - - - C - - - C _ , ` ` _ C C C� \ \ C _ _ C - _ 1 8'§ / RE /5' l5' I y 7(� / / / , i i , ,g,G / / 2GI FS C VV � 2GI FS �� �- 1715 , , \ - - _ - _ - - - - C C i OV \ / _ _ o _ C ' R OG 1705 / eksr� �\ - - - - - BEGIN SBG �� 18" CSP W/ _ _ _ 2 ELBOWS / WONDER DAY PARTNERSHIP z _ - I 4 TON MATTHEWS VV 0 J N / � \Rw 1723 .in - 0 � " R P-III ' 18" pER 36�a - , ' f� \ \ T �' DB 3563 PG 260 ? 26 PG 8� - 36 C FS C9 y 5 C +50.00 -Y5RPD- +46.00 Y5RPD- wF , \ 'i NO PLAT ON FILE EIP 1 PG i 1 o\�R , , ` \ 90.30' LT 91.52 LT - - _ _ _ _ _ 173 \ 199. R C i +68.3-YSRPD- PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. R-2 721 A 1 17 ILW SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER �4* ��: •'F E S S •/0 . tiq�i�� ,��� _. :j S S'/0 . ' • � SEAL 9!•• ' � SEAL 9!.• ' 018537 j 034333 00 DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED 44/ 22,800 49,500 COMPLETE 540 + 42.00 -L- 537.00' LT E womw JB w/MH F TOE PROTECTION SEE DETAIL 38A R PROP. 47" WW FENCE 50 NC DEPT OF Ti, .-ORTATION DN09P �PG ON F4LE6�•, / / J/ is L / TAWFIQ ABDEL-%AD ANI AN�SULEIMAN �DB 5846 PG 95 NO PLAT ON FILE HOLLY SPRINGS RD 24,300 35,100 1,800 6,400 3,200 /0,500 4,100 6,300 9,100 12,800 I 26,5001 N O a)0 HOLLY SPRINGS RD � � V COMPLETE 540 29,500 60,300 2020 ADT 2040 ADT o 18" FS ,ti3 - + - 710 DINS i 100.00, LT _i c i i r1-_ r 1733 2G1 0 �p O� BEGIN SBG PER � s FS 79 / v� 8;1 <r� -- CAT-1 _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - Q'\�� o /00' T ,� 3 `L + 50 T A o 2G1 C R a.� o 'DER 2GI I8' 15 1786 � o x 100 � �� REMOV � � + 6.81 -Y5RPD- � � � OO' TAPE FS �G N 2GI + °� 18" �� �n C �► T 3 F F 5 N 36' i 8° 24' o�, 17 CB S_I REMOVE 100.00 LT oG � F F F < TYP. ' I� N ��N 0 CPS 181 711 - - 1 2GI FS _ o 36" F o 1712 \ ' ' _� S o o ° / t ■ J Q\ o� 1789 0 0 - 711 _ _ _ 2GI � o � TYP• CPS- END SBG P C _ �� /, 0 79 54 00 8,� E 30 CB c N� oM GI N o P g_T7 C - 71 C +92 N N - - i , _ 0� �%� cn o CR R ^ o BRIER �C� 1I I C TES A o $7 TOE PROTECTION C - -� ,-i - - o ° CB 2'-6" EWALL (II'I) F - - C 98.0 /t o� SEE DETAIL 38A C C ' - - - _ _ /00' TAP i N015 l2 GATE _ ER �� i �� �•Q C&G 15" RCP -III PROP' F DE TO DRA r I m 60.45 -Y5RPD- + 4.82 -Y5RPD- ,q R C H S/oES b 0 Ov cR 1790 C13 SPEC CUT V-DITCH +72.00 -Y5RPD- t� � C 178.57' LT 250 1734 2 - C&G #�� �`�� o PE B-T F SEE DETAIL 3A \ 143.75 LT 04.60 -Y5RPD- m 100.00' LT �� +02.5-YSRPD- W _ ' � HORp C � _ _ TAPE,q CB 791 END FENCE � \ HTR 176.51 LT 212.69 LT RIP RAP OUTLET PAD , ' I / \\\\ +25.78-YSRPD- LENGTH = 20 FT. +22.27 -YSRPC- /Q - -+ � r 15 � (zC i F + 24 0 +25. LT +76.22 -Y5RPD NC DEPT 0E TRANSPORTATION 100.00' RT ' C I I • - - _ 172 7S-- C C13 g" / 4 TYP, - w 119.52' LT REMOVE DB 14837 PG 1018 EST 26 TONS CL B RIPRAP i EST 41 SY GEOTEXTILE - - _ _ 2GI G' F o I 72 REMOVE I • - 70 PG 230 + 0.00 -Y5 RPC- C� Z R w - - � O P• XUE_. DING +58.00 -Y5RPD- v 0) - C in 793 ° (P' w F 10� T 47 W !' o I 183.11' LT _ O o w z C o VO A N i APE W FENCE �n ° I +99.00 Y5RPD- +12. 4 -Y RPD- I � � 210.47 LT SEE SHEET 28-5 T HRU 28-6 + 14.80 179 R0 I 0 FOR Y5DET PLAN VIEW 38.27100 OOP RT /'RCP• 47" �yw FENCE C C �' 100.00P R C \ CB ` \ �i �LQ P DB 14849 PG 955 171.97' LT I o ` + 4. -Y RP - C� 179 ° O °A �h / �F END 2'-6"C&G S BM 1970 PG 230 I SEE SHEETS 2D-1 & 2D-2 FOR EIP "' � 145.00 RT 64 P(JE / \ ��N� cR N 89°02'24" E R/W TO EIP 0.37' LU E EIP DITCH DETAILS - - - - o O \ PUE PUE PUE PUE 'o cR„ d g +85.43 -Y5RPDNB- Z' ' E&M JOHNSON ENTERPRISES INC T+25.00-Y RP - BEGIN 2'-6" .ka2 cR e A5 cR 1795 86.17' LT 200.48' EIP ,,� R / ' , , , SEE SHEET 17 I FOR L / Y5 147.00 RT ,PROPERTIES INTERCHANGE ALIGNMENT DETAIL ` DB 14773 PG 1 182 SPEC 96f v# �Z. �'\ C k ° S HOWIDNB T05944 PG 6LLC o _ SEE SHEET 43 FOR -L- PROFILE _ x. ' BM 1967 PG 101 , , SEE DETAIL 67A I +22.00 Y RP \ v / �� ' \ \ BM 1970 PG 230 c�i� JOHN C 5i.,, , , , & WIFE 116.00 RT ,9 w \�E&M\ ^ t t �� Q• -� G DEBRA ANN WHITT SMITH SEE SHEETS 53 & 54 FOR -YS- PROFILE JOHNSON ENTERPRIv , ' 2'-6" C&G HP �� E l CONSTRUCTION BM Zo 92 PG G19 52 9 SEE SHEET 56 FOR -Y5RPA- PROFILE \ DB 14773 PG 118� I v ? 1' ''�' Cn C&G - F- STA. 20 + 50.00 I� I SEE SHEET 56 FOR-YSRPANB- PROFILE +46.66 -YS- y- / C&G �� RETAIN I S g9115 z 60 64 O� 100.00, LT I ° 5' CONC.SDWK 20� p I / I I R/W TO EIP 3.33' S 89°I8'2L E ti I TYP. o9 197.75' L91 1 242.92' SEE SHEET 56 FOR-YSRPASB_REV - PROFILE J / �- _ I IP SEE SHEET 57 FOR -Y5RPB- PROFILE E&M JOHNS(,,. ENTERPRISES INC 'o� ' ' h �� /g- /5 O \9 FENCE + EI RET,�AID•I / cti '8 I ' ' 46 I /5 CI \15".RC 15 r / R�P I - LEATHA MORRIS DB 14773 PG 1182 S BM 1967 P 1, cQI / 9/.86 RT 1' '� - I DB 482o PG , 61 SEE SHEET 57 FOR-YSRPBNB- PROFILE 6 G O i o i)'03 E /S, / / 081. 0' RT 02 5_ - - - 20 +00 F - ,N, v 3?' , 9- _ - - - - - - N - o -Y�J- I BM 1970 PG 230 SEE SHEET 57 FOR-YSRPBSB- PROFILE Q� W / -_ S o _ o 0 v uQ M R v ST 20.5' BST N o S 89° I8- 29.0" E - I - - REMOVE o 0_ � , - SR I482 � � V - -- � � -` _� 15" RCP � R/W TO EIP 2.51' S 89°48'27" E SEE SHEET 58 FOR -YSRPC- PROFILE F F - ,- _ - , - - - (FAIRV/EW STREET) \ BM#10 5' CO C. _ _ - = I vEIP 197 79 SEE SHEET 58 FOR-YSRPCNB_REV- PROFILE J ' SDWK y>� l / , j L i�2E AIN R N I RETAIN E&M JOHNS N ENTERPRi / 6 /2, /2' O / �� _ _ ' ASPHALT +A�fHA Y5F- i EIP � �� I � SEE SHEET 59 FOR-YSRPCSB_REV - PROFILE 1798 TIN�7fT� / , _ ool,, ' i � , RETAIN I I C DB 1 2 v / - /2-, I / +14.26 -Y5F +24.829.95FRT `^' i ; N � ; : I A R SEE SHEET 59 FOR -Y5RPD- PROFILE +5Q.00 -YS- 2' /6, V 30.00, RT 35.00' RT�- 125.00 LT 2 / C13 / / +14.2 ; CD i CO ��' JOHN AN AVI SINGER I % m I SEE SHEET 59 FOR -Y5RPDNB- PROFILE / -Y5F -- , c, JO D D D S GE �j +02.77 -Y5F- p 50 TAPER , i I Z JOSEPHYNE C DUKE o 00 30.00' RT 35.00' RT TO EXIST. , _ , o i i DB 91 1 1 PG 18 M / + - ; BM 197o Pc 230 �I I I w DB 15185 PG 20� - SEE SHEET 59 FOR-YSRPDSB- PROFILE + 6 88 35.005RT � HTR w ___W fr Z JE I I SEE SHEET 6/ FOR -Y5F- PROFILE 1 9 / ;UEZHUu vie G / v �`ALL i I o I ° r G., . r) r I� LT , _ NNETH SULLIVAN , - R W TO EIP 11.24' � PAVED SHOULDER 2 BM 1 980 P� / A L� 9 0 �JOHN GENSINGER AND 6944 PG 667 ' III "I I / l0 / 0 DAVID JO S g 1970 PG 230 ' I IP LOCATION: °, / P s 8 5 / JH W. G GER°R 00 DB 1 I , 883 0 ; I ► I PAVEMENT REMOVAL S' S' / 229.31 A +27.27 -Y5F- U�TIARRIED AND O 1 70 PG 230 HF oW DOLYN MO �- 66.08 RT (pAMD H. J0NE S 3 FT B 5683 PC JR. UNMAR � i I I_ I II N I S � 29 1970 P I I DB 91 1 1 PG . � 00.0 , N BM 197 . PG PROPOSED SIGNAL 0 68 ALL DRIVEWAYS ARE 20 WIDE UNLESS TIP NO.: COUNTY: MATCHLINE SHEET 29 OTHERWISE NOTED. GRAPHIC SCALE R-2721A WAKE -Y5F- STA 16 + 50.00 ALL INTERSECTION RADII ARE 40' ALL DRIVEWAY RADII ARE /0' UNLESS 5o z5 0 �o l o0 DESIGNED BY: WIDE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. OTHERWISE NOTED. CHECKED BY: DATE: PLANS N 0 N w Ce C 0 Cl) I 2 V) CL I N t. w L0 00 00 LO O• 0 HOLLY SPRINGS RD 24,267 35,100 SR 1300 (KILDAIRE FARM ROAD) 17,333 28,000 14,217 3,117 HOLLY 22,800 5,200 15,167 ,.juu On On AnT ' LT `MATTING TOE +79.00 -Y5- 277 PROTECTION 281.00' LT -Y5- SEE DETAIL 95A .00' LT TDE TDE +35.26-Y5DET- 80.00' LT '5SB - PRC StG. 23 +31.80 + 00.00-Y5DET- -Y5 - POC StG. 49 +50.25 = 80.00' LT E qnpDE60" StG. 23 +80.55 E E + 00.00 -Y5- +50.00 -Y5- 203.00' LT 206.00' LT PDE PDE - CSP +98.92_-Y5 4900 ti M� 48' Qq TYP. + co 00 F wo 3 Iti N� SN p0 ' 0 //�, I � IVIL BRANGH FLATIRON PLANS PREPARED 13V: One Glenwood Avenue Suite Son GannettFleming Raleigh. NC27603 (919) 420- 7660 Excellence Delivered As Promised NC [ir. No. P-0270 PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. R-2721A 30 RrW SHEET NO. ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS ENGINEER ENGINEER CA R pZ �, CAR R pZ O� S S /�� ; S S No 702,010 P� ,A��CrI10 P 1A_r SEAL 9�•• ••�� SEAL 9!. E: 2,061,474 I - - - - -BY6- STA 15+10.10 FjP� IZ' 14' 018537 034333 0/S 212.82' RT 1212p6 I `.`�'G E`��'' ..`!� F'l'G E`��•'�p;�� ELEV.= 387.61' +80.00 -Y5A- 12 Q .,✓ •., IN •.• �,� ., F IN p 11VENT BENCH 9TIE IN BASE 150.00' LT A 14 p6 �I 284 ,,���� �u i�►PG,,, °w,�. � 157.00' LT �GQ O � � 1 +58.00 -Y5- +7 WILLIE WATSON �AS NEEDED 325.00' LT 1p '� 1 I DB 12714 PG 1286 CP DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL O DETOUR 0\\ �� .05 I pC3 BM 1977 PG 617 S UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED \ y GT +34. Y5DET- �Ae �� 0.00' LT +16.00 -Y5- Q JB w/MH p5 0 29 u- I LAT 2' BASE DITCH w/CL RIPRA S z O _ 303.00' LT 02 0 DI p SEE DETAIL 4A < I �r. GTD + 1 • .00Y LT + 78.00 -Y5- CB cn fY5 271.57' LT I J + LT GTD - - p .04 + .00 -15- TDE .00' LT REMOVE 33 .p4 TD 5 . 0' T 1 pE QQ 4 OF C&G TO NGL ANDTH SOIL D SEED AS EDED �� ZL PROPOSED SIGNAL D[ 48 RCP-V C&G I TO STABILIZE J' GTD E ■ ■ EL.404 / S Q / BS I GTD E y� C,51 165.00' LT .03 .03 00.02 -Y5 D T- 1 .00 LT t` - - + 76.05 -Y5A- !p / GTD 5- + 8770. Q0 150.00' LT EASEMENT NEEDED 2 . 58 � BY6-E 1 150.00 RT /� <✓/ + 01.0 5- FOR DETOUR 194.00' E&M JOHi _ . ENTERPRISES IN` 0 E DB 14773 PG 1 182 CB DI I +9 .11-Y5DET- NO PLAT ON FILE 02 00'?O 03 283 60.00' LT - MATTING TOE 0" CP III 0' RCP II C� +11.93-Y5DET- I cps; 304 PROTECTION 2 I 60.00 LT X s s f SEE DETAIL 95A � W PROP.47"WW FENCE CHARLES E +07.26-YSGDET- n 15' �¢ X X -- - 50.00' RT 0 6 RC _III 'L i- KOREA DUNC �° + 0.00 -Y5- + 12.95 -Y5- _ )B 89F° Dr �2 . �� 145.99' LT 1END0C/A (� 02 of 0 D o� I BEGIN 2,_6„ END FENCE 1 LL C&G +70.1/ ` 0� E M l9 5' CONC. SPEC. CUT DITCH ��w �� �5 .00 -Y5- SIDEWALK JOHN ITCH n f SEE DETAIL 16A � � -Y5A- PC tu. 11+08.85 146.00' LT 3� Ozz�) 175' TRANS/T/ON FROM +5 00 -Y5- 1 1 1 3 HT' ` 00 0/2 _ 'TO 23'MED/AN o 90.00' L C C 1 ARC, Pl 1 2'-6„rn C&G /00' T APER 2 H 2 O .00 - C - - - C - - � - - - _ _ o ^' � 0' LANE AND � s < < ` � j I t GRE TL-3 +63.71 -YS- -+ /� C CD/AN TAPER C �" - cR L .005 SR 1152 90.00' LT 15" - (HOLLY SPRINGS SPRINGS ROAD) + 0.00 -Y5- + 93.81 + 83.23 «ri N` � R 50' , u Y V L J v 5 I O I 03 90.00' LT 48 90.00' LT -Y5- o « I J 0 LE O> TYf'• 90.00, LT w �, - - - Ln - �Y _ 15 RCP -III RCP -III DI 15'M9C'b-III DI 15" RC III DI 1 -, _ DI - R 3' - - - -T Fo_ _ _ - �� M O 3015 3018 3019 02 m� «� d CAT-1 3 014 R- �CB _ - LUj IJ 0 M 3 03 _ o N �_ _ - - Y5 CB 03 03 DI 15" R - 03 DI N = + - ter_ �_-_ N3/°07 E , O �� R 60' 0/.5 / 6" C&G15" RCP -III MONO. ISLAND«_ N I N t �♦ = _ 2 HOLLY Uj �O w � I - - _ 15" -RCP CB 15" RCP- II 02 "s cR R 40' - d� 4 - �� ° _ - -�:?T � - - = N amp ' 01 I _ = Q .07 8" - J p> ---I N i r� l00' T 9 ` N `1 C 039 APER C w Q n U .02 "� +57.00 -Y5- I 2._6„ ? 5' CONC. F F - - - F - - - - - - - - - (n .02 o - - - C - - - �� = �L -� 03 8„ 32 to PROP. NOISE WALL f 16 -IJ -Y5 - PCC C&G F - SDWK - - - - �o Qo BT - F - - - l3„5 7 C C - C `S - + 93.81 -Y5- } i- StG. 50+98.92 - - - +0000 n +70.00 -Y5- R C - 90.00 RT -YSNB- PT StG. 23+66.63 �Z�� - _ - - 4 PUE 90.00' RT r m D �/ c - - C +46.00 -Y5- -Y5NB - PT StG. 23 +67.42 G F - \ SPEC C r 1 + 70.00 -Y5- i o 90.0o RT ' F °� -9� 1' BASE DI CH +42.15 -Y5- 105.00 RT p SPECIAL CUT 2' BASE DITCH W/HINGE 35.50 RT C CR E 105.00 RT � SEE DETAIL 85A E - C F 00_ Q%'O SEE DETAI 97A � -}�- PT Stu. 57+23.67 2 +46.00 -Y5- E 7 0 + 11 3 (V' CSP W/ ++W PROP. 47" WW FENCE s Q + 3 1 -YS- 150.0 OAS- +12.95 -Y5- o n I +31.008 9Y85BT L ND CIE PARKER 100.00' RT -Y5- PC 90.00 RT 4895 PG 345 � + 7 .00 -Y5- 150.00' RT S 3 °57'05" W U Sta. 60+93.81 91.32' RT WVivutK uf. � � F `J' � +40.00 -Y5B- BM 1985 PG 422 ' END C/A 1 PARTNER HtF' A ppE +10.00 -Y5 co. END FENCEBEGIN NO/SEWALL /6-1 0 50.00' LT 30 .65' � �'' + 100 00' RT / 1)F3 3`.�63-Pt A w/MH 150.00' RT LAT 2' BASE DITCH -Y5- Sto.56+00.5/ +� Y59-Y5B- 00 +55.00 30ppE + 98.92 -Y5- 'o 74.33' RT 150.00' RT CONCRETE 59.00 LT a 150.00' RT Q w/CL I RIPRAP _ 1 F 287 SEE DETAIL 20A -Y5- POC Stu. 56+56.61= RETAIN z�l I r 292 JAMES HA ��TON,R. pDE DB 284 G 209 �0, -Y5A - POT StG. l0 +00.00 + 78.13 -Y5 6- 58 - PC StG. l l +76.36 IBM �11 7 RG 617 �-, � ROLAND AND ANITA TAY 0 s -Y5B- POT StG. /0+00.00 25.21' RT CONCRETE +00.00 -Y B- o AMY A. VID PATTERSON z 1 o +28.37 -Y5- U �. 980 539 z 183.99' RT DB 3731 PG 4 s� �'o� 0 = 90°45'17.65° . I 6, 25. LT �� I DB 1.,5U58 PG 2275 N � , -'' Q BM 1985 PG. 22 �_-_ i Q J B 1985 PG 422 w 2 0 48" CON ? T I / �Q� Q C 00�} KEITH AND CONNIE HARSHMAN 0 <� C48" JOHN DAVITT DB 6148 PG o I O DB 10704 PG 1 BM 1985 P 22 s° HAEL FINERT4' 0 2�9 I Qz p � I I � +18. Y5B- N 34°38'4.. E BM 1985 PG 422 s� �Fo \ DB 8665 PG\158 0 I 446 �I I DI 25.5 LT .52' � 985 PG 422 0 J F Y ,AI � I ,�SDT�IN \ IL S DER SEAN AND „ coNc s -Y5 \" \ 530 PG 86 K { LY BOYL�I 4 7 _n PI StG 48+06.92 P/ StG 54+11.94 P/ StG 65+81.04 19 5 PG 2 DB 8893 PG I561 CONCRETE Z� = 5 39 41.5 (RT) L = 8 58 57.3 (RT) 0 - 23 55 /5.6 (RT) \ EX, , - 1985 PC I zl D = 0° 58" 07.1" D = l ° 26' 16.0" D = 2° 29' 28.0" '° P- _ - -TV- _ I � a L = 584.47" L = 624.75" L = 960.25' \ - _ - j-= o = _ - - - o E R I c PETTY z k - - I o DB 11293 PG 554 UT T = 292.48' T = 3/3.02' T = 487.22' �; o / d o �� _� BM 1985 PG 422 R = 5,915.00' R = 3,985.00' R = 2,500.00' - - - �, C' SE = 0.02 SE = 0.03 SE = 0.04 j ,�� RO = 96" RO = 144" RO = 192' ' / / CONCRETE S 39.56'0g.. � DS = 50 MPH DS = 50 MPH DS = 50 MPH 02_V 32199, -Y5A- -Y5B- ���Y o�e31 PG 422 C. � �2 PI StG 12 +99.12 P/ StG /3 +19.48 / 4� _ O/ ti „ ° j p5�� \ ) MANUEL AND LISA SUAREZ 34,3 (LT J 0 = 14 49 37.1 (RT ) �� ��22/ a / o /� � DB 16295 PG 2469 0 PAVED SHOULDER D _ 6 49 /5.3 D _ 5 12 3/.3 , � �� � ,��, �o�, -Y� PT StG.14+61.01 / o 11 END CONSTRUCTION BM 1985 PG 422 L 574.25" L - 284.66' S 44 /5 54.9E l SEE SHEETS 2B -6 T HRU 28-7 T = 190.27" T = 143.13' -Y58- POT StG.14+86.4/ �l / d' -Y5B- STA.14 + 00.00 ®PAVEMENT REMOVAL FOR -Y5DET - PLAN VIEW R = 840.00" R = /,/00.00' l / �`" ro F,p ALL INTERSECTION RADII ARE 40' SEE SHEETS 2D -I & 2D -2 FOR SE = 0.06 SE = 0.02 WIDE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. IDITCH DETAILS RO = 288" RO = 96' ALL DRIVEWAYS ARE 20' W IDE UNLESS SEE SHEETS 53 & 54 FOR -Y5 - DS = 50 MPH DS = 50 MPH OTHERWISE NOTED. PROFILE ALL DRIVEWAY RADII ARE IO' UNLESS SEE SHEET 60 FOR -Y5A- PROFILE OTHERWISE NOTED. SEE SHEET 61 FOR -Y5B - PROFILE 175T R3ION 0SMEDIAN ROM 23' TO CD 00 � orp-ni DI � I SERVICE DRIVE TO PARCELS 435 & 436 (SEE PLANS) CAI N w Ce C M M I 2 N d �I 0 _I N r, w 00 r" 00 In 01 a� 1.27' LT 4 37.54' LT MEpIPN TOOT PP% CB ^ N a 0 132.00' LT V-0 E&M JOHNSON ENTERPRISES INC OB 14773 PG 1182 NO PLAT ON FILE -n MATTING TOE \ PROTECTION \ SEE DETAIL 95A -Y5A- PI StG /2 +99.12 P/ StG 24 +20.15 = 25° 3/' 34.3" (LT) A = 76° 2/' 48.0" (RT) D = 60 49' 15.3" D = 60 49' 15.3" L = 574.23' L = 1,119.54' T = 190.27' T = 660.58' R = 840.00" R = 840.00' SE = 0.06 SE = 0.06 SPEC. CUT DITCH SEE DETAIL 16A \ F - BY6-604 _n PROJECT REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. MBPAH R-2721A 33 �Q FLATIRON RrW SHEET NO. 00ROADWAY DESIGN HYDRAULICS PLANS PREPARED gll• (� One Glenwood Avenue ENGINEER E N G I N E E R \\ \ P\ \ \ \ suite Son Gannett Fleming Raleigh. NC 776D3 t t t (Sz9)42D-766D ���(`�•CAROZ4��� Excellence Delivered As Promised NC Lic. No. P-0270 �O�O• ••FES S ��., �90�� �.`���� ........... ES S %� \\ \ ���, �, \ \ = •.�� SEAL -9� •• = •�� SEAL 9! • 018537 034333 P.�PN"M. DOCUMENT NOT CONSIDERED FINAL UNLESS ALL SIGNATURES COMPLETED H - PC Sto. 23 +62.44CC- BEGIN CONSTRUCTION -YSH- STA. 23 + 50.00 +4 .0 -Y H- ti /� //NE 29.94' RT ° \\ \ 0 /��O O SOON - ��d� ( . N � RETAIN 0 +62.44 -YSH- ��??,, 50.00' RT R 30 -'' MEI N A�IG ANU nirvv XIAN WANG �L� �. Sta. 17+59°57 2. 6' d\�' 3 ��� 917 PG 19 g +33.00 C&G 02 +46.00 BM 988 PG + 00.00 _ + 84.64 -Y5H- -Y5A- 97 0' L 5' CONC. ALICE WATS 50.00' RT 436 97.00' LT DB 2763 PG 5 1 R PUE SIDEWALK + 20.00 -Y5A- + 3 .00 -Y5A- �s RE/i &h P� StG. 25 +10°29 89.00 LT BM 1977 PG f 89.00 LT A 3315 J. AND MUMTAZ KHAN + 5A- R + 0 -Y5A- _ 76.69' -Y5A- DB 15134 PG 1724 -Y5A- F 80.00 LT � O T 56166' LT Y A 176.69' LT / -� BM 1988 PG 130 MEDIAN V6-603 80.00 LT _ _ _ F F +20.00 -YSA- X � _ �� ' . 175 ER F +33.00 -Y5A - - - - _ _ 80.00 LT + 2.41 -Y A- GTD PUE L6�� U OMEOWNERS ASSOC INC T � 80.00 LT - _ 80.00' LT / --- RETAIN B �41 PG 2137 GREU TL-3 - _ _ F M 0 7 PG 2694 / I �� + 3.00 -Y5A- SYM 200 PG 2058-2064 a� 6g N 158.00 LT - C&G `F + 00 -Y5A- M p DI 331 DI 309 140.79' LT ' 15" RCP-111 �� cR . 02 cR S,C ----GRADE TO DRAIN TDB 0� R 40' S/ 04ib, RETAIN / p0 o CB 7$4'q/v0 �R 40' OF�q` O\' GTD 1 pp / p . ' k d -Y5H - P/ StG 24 +42.55 A = 54° 39' 04.5" (RT) D = 36* 57' 54.1" L = 147.85' T = 80.09' R = 155.00' SE = 0.02 A 13 �A R 5.5 x� \ \ + Oo'��o / ' , V��s + 44.91 60 w �► `l �/ / �9.0� 96.12' IT (30 Z� + 00.00 -Y5A- ,p / o �° 3311 80.00' RT % '�� �q� +25.86 a ` g , �6" C&G n o n 331 FS 2G1 - - 15„ - FS 2G1 fi,R 11.5' TQOF� FT 125 86' L.T �� 9� W 24 CB 30 0 �w FS 2G1 _ - _ - C C 3310 FS QJ� 118.46' LT 0� 6 �0 +32.1. ° cA CP-1 4„ m� G - C 600' LANE DROP E E W C -I .SPEC C� �.-Y5A- 15a+00.00 -Y5A- SEE DETAIL 3A ITCH C dc� 0.11' LT 95.00' RT 30 �o - - �L Mf k , s �' 308 � �° 1 30 NA Y WILSON Z F THAMOTHARAMPILLAI SIVARAJ F C cL c� DB DB 14625 PG 1955 BM 198 G 526 BM 1977 PG P1 7 o I -Y5A- POC StG° 23+63°53= 309 80.00' RT �,�d N�W�✓ R 35' '\ + 1.00 -YSA- 2'-6" +25.00 -Y5A- ��\ -Y5H POT StG. 26+17,30 Y 95.00 RT18.60 YSA- "1* R� S 4, O / F +5 .57 -Y5A- 150.00 RT \� 55 +20.41 -Y5A- C&G / 150.00' RT 95.94' RT t'v �� �� \ ,Y5A- POC Sta°26+48.64= 1 �°o R 35 v 0' / S �� �/ - + 12.2 -Y5A- ,o s Q w W � Y5K- POT StG° 10+00°00 108.43' RT G �� °� BURY INVERT \` gQ S d\� IAN EAGER +32 45 -Y5A- `,o X 0.3 FT F CL 6� oz° 0 = 74 /5 53°25 DB 9750 PG 1941 118.22 RT +40.20 -Y5A- BM 1986 PG 526 \ 105.79' RT / 5( + 5.41 -Y A- p. i + 83.08 -Y5A- R , \� / �`� END CONSTRUCTION 80.00' RT ` i F 150.00 RT w d 7/ i +36.00 -YSK- � � � �� H34.00' RT ET / +50 00 Y5A YSI� STA 11 + SO 00 3.42 /a - - - - m + 14.90 -Y K- � h 150.00' RT +25.00 PDE HEAD DITCH w/CL I RIPRAP - - / Q� SEE DETAIL 43A 220.00' RT +50.00 -Y5A Q +50.00 -Y5A- / 234.80 RT 170.00' RT + 16.00 -Y5A- 170.00' RT �� + 65.00 50 .00RTY5A- �� 233.93 RT -Y5A- PT Sta. 14+83°08, LAT 2' BASE DITCH w/CL B RIPRA��� 284 SEE DETAIL 4A / tiO ti �") WILLIE WATSON DB 12714 PG 1286 d BM 1977 PG 617 S ERNEST AND REBECCA K 12� DB 3675 PG 78 BM 119 oP, 80 0 �S\ MICHALE 31.33' RT -YSK- POT StG• 12+49.55 \ X SPEC CUT V-DIT F`/ _ �� ° EE DETAIL 3A K- pCE 44PEAR > - -5,£ S°Z S 6 �� �`� 'J/ 25.78' LT + 2 -Y A- G 7 d\ -E r \ �C l/� 80.00' RT PG 1289 C AND -b '-NA ALLU Y' 0 1 yp 7110 G 940 2 1�96 ���, so �ND RENE LATELLA a` Sm\ BM 526 / �P dP., / II CHARLES AND ASHLEY BETTINI b Q; I 0M „a DB 9259 PG 1923 z �� �/ I� ~ I �X BM 1985 PG 1289 � co LLAS PER 11 X X 13619 PG 34I O BM 1986. 52 PAVED SHOULDER Oise l ® PAVEMENT REMOVAL x �� Z� �� d\ ALL INTERSECTION RADII ARE 40' WIDE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. +� \� ALL DRIVEWAYS ARE 20' WIDE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. NOTE: PUE SHOWN ON PARCELS 509 & 5/0 WAS MODIFIED AFTER ALL DRIVEWAY RADII ARE /0' UNLESS ACQUISITION AND 1S NOT REFLECTED IN CURRENT DEED DESCRIPTION OTHERWISE NOTED. 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REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. N .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .. .. .. R 2721A X 381 .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... . .. o .... 0 ^ 390 27 -�O .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... . .... .... .... .... .. + N m 3 d 0 z w 380 N W x {N w °� V .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... . .... .... ZW _ J W x N 370 F 360 ... .... ... . .... .... .... .... .. 130 140 1 0 1 160 170 TTR 180 190 200 2 1 0 1 0 160 1 0 1 0 190 200 210 220 2 0 160 150 1 0 1130 120 To 100 80 70 60 0 - 0 90 100 4 40 :1 40507 400 ign -t-- I 3?ln 37 3 4,k, t- WH ---- Rn t 0 o ^ _ Go CID 4/0 r� is p o o ^ ' 0. 20 a H W 4:1 ?• � J H 401.82 a' 400 x W t m 390 P3111.07 ^ W - m �O y W Q L 380 W — — — x a 47+00. — 370370 IS LY5 ' N U'L V U� 0 1 0 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0flo 20 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 120 130 1 0 0 5 10 PROD. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. N .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .. .. .. .. _ _ R 2721A X 381A t0 2100 .... .... .... .... 2110 .... .... .... .... 2 .... .... 0 .... .... 260 .... .... .... .... 2 .... .... 0 .... .... 2110 .... .... .... .... 2 .... .... 0 .... .... 2 .... .... 0 .... ... 2 .... . 0 .... .... 2 .... .... 0 .... .... 1 .... .... 0 .... .... 180 .... .... .... .... 170 .... .... 1 0 100 90 80 70 60 .. ......... ......... 50 40 30 20 ......... ....:.... ... 1 ......... ....:.... 1 .. ......... ......... ......... ......... . ... ......... ......... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... . .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... _ .. ......... ......... ......... ......... . . .. ......... ......... ......... ......... . ... ......... ......... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... . .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0 0 +� lr� o x 0.020 a40n t J W a N � N m Q' m y 2 m a mo3 _ - + 00. 4 -Y5 a; 2 0 2110 2 0 2 0 250 2,10 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 190 1 0 1 0 160 150 140 130 120 1 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 1 c u� 0 5 10 PROD. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. N Lo .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .. .. .. .. .. _ R 2721A _ X 383 .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .. .. .. .. r4T:FF ...... ....... ....... . .. ...... ....... ....... ....... rn 01 .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .... .... .... .... .. .. .. .. — �� ....... ...:... F0 ?`F yw yw W m w co Mo ZW ZW J w = V) J W = y .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .... .... .... ... .. .. .. .. U ..ice . ....... ....... .. ....... .. ...... ..... lid 110 120 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1 0 11,10 110 100 90 80 70 60 20 10 0 1 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 t o 1 0 1 0 .. .... .... .... .. . .... .0.0 0.. .... T-t PM ?� F X W w Z = :1 4:1 Uw H y } W H Q y cp yJ Q =y U 0. 20 o• N N 0 �, 2y Lo i J y F X IlJ W J y � t a = w H y } N w Q0 N cCLoCoID cp W Q 380 P Zw J 0 37 .06 f 370 iiiii Hill rn c o� 360 _Y5 a; 110 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 140 1 140 110 110 0 0 50 40 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 110 120 c u� 0 5 10 PROD. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. N LID .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .. .. .. .. _ R 2721A _ X 384 77 m to .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... 10 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... o .. I. . ...i ... ~ p :I + W m Ln 3 ?•I 390 ZW FO .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .. .... .... .... .... .. W �- �} ..... J 382.:60 Wm J W .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .. .... .... .... .... .. .. .. ...... ...... ...... ... Jill 110 120 130 10 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 100 10 10 10 . .. 10 ......... 10 ......... ......... 10 . ....... . 90 100 10 130 1 0 ... 1 .... 0 .... 1 .... 0 .... 1 .... 0 .... 1 .... 0 .... 1 .... 0 .... 1 .... 0 .... 10 .... .... 1 0 0 0 0 7 _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 I O to M o� 4:1 4:1 v y �I ` J {n H M IF O M O CD } Q <M 4.7 C.020 10 Li Q rn v~i F 2.7 iy W X = W O l a O tn W n �0 N O: N CO / 0 W Z W Lr)CO Q) JN P m N t s — 7 .35 — —_-- — — m a rn rn c o � N _y5 S ✓ a; 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 50 40 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 c u� `0 M 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2 20 1 7 160 150 140 130 0 5 10 PROD. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. N.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .. .. .. -Tr R-2721A X-384A 46n 460 In_ .... .... 44 41;n .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. _ zy ....:... .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .... .... .. .. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ... ... ......... ......... ......... ......... ....: ....: ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... L' ITT 4,10 O _. .. ... .. .. .. _ +� o a0 X Q N I— W W Z= J N = W u W 41 F N C a,O 41 in O i d } 0004. Ln cM a X I Qx N H j W t W W Z = a J au LL P m 0 N t a ikn 50 + 00.00 N -Y5 - =✓ %3 3 0 360 3 0 340 330 320 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 210 200 190 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 11 0 100 c u� `O 0 5 10 PROD. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. N . .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .. .. .. .. _ R 2721A _ X 385A 0 400 3100 3 0 370 360 350 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 HIF .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... . .... .... .... .... ... .. .. .. 0.020 ....... ....... .. ......... ......... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... ......... ....:.... ..... ....... ....... ....... Lo .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... . .... .... .... .... .... ... .. .. _ M I. J wn —4 PMO in=W T flPH I I I c LL1 + Lo T J HX_ X NH. T W W Z=_ t Q J N 410 / Lo W Q' m W _ N m / 51 + 00.00 - _ c o1 —Y5 a; 4 0 3 0 3 0 370 360 350 340 330 320 310 300 290 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 1 0 1 0 1 0 140 110 1 0 140 1120 110 140 c u� 0 5 10 PROD. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. R-2721A X-386 t0 170 160 150 1,0 11,10 1 0 1 0 1 0 90 0 70 50 40 30 2 1 0 10 2 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 420 420 0.02 . .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..�.. .... .... .... .... .... .... ....... .... .... .... .... ... 10 .... . ......... . ....... ........ ......... ......... 410 06 4 0 — 0.03 407.773 v o..? ....... ....... 400 M ° — 4 0 — ? HF .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... i ....... ....... .. 396.44� . W W 390 Z . .... .... .... .... .... ULU ~ N .... .... .... .... .... .... ..—. .... ... ... .... ..—. .... .... .. .. ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ...:... 380 — — Mill Mill III IIIIII Mill 444 4 - Ln 4 0 0.0 0 0 1 4)7.52 TFFT 40012 J. 391.82 - 3 0. 20 420 c m O p tM o6 4/0 + Q o v >, o x Q� 47.28 Hr Q_ 400 W w ? 7 N J N I� =W N U W u1 — m ILD 'o 390 — y L 380iAn IT m — O p N U'L %= ,,.-0- 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 120 1 0 0 5 10 PROD. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. N . .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .. .. .. .. _ R 2721A — X 386A 0 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 T2 -11 0 1 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 0 ....... ...... .. ....... ....... .... . .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... . .... .... .... .... ... .. .. .. 0 MOO 400 CO �X .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... . .... .... .... .... ... .. .. .. : : N w : .. ...:... ....... ...... : W = Z_390mdT N790 M Lu �{n . .... .... .... .. .. .... .... ... —. ........ ........ ......... ......... ..... .38n IF .,in Hill TFTF + � Lo M cn HX. W W ZN J = W V W rNVa O C pi O } J 04Go M. X T N W a W W z_ zN. n = W N V W r / WiOn LL Q' m N y 3 loll I I MELT m a O / Oi C My O i N S✓ 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 2 0 2 0 112 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 120 110 100 0 0 c u� 0 5 10 PROD. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. N R-2721A X-387 110 1 0 1 0 120 1 0 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 10 20 30 4 C 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 440 .. .... .... IM 4, in -4 ------ tm imm, III Hill 430 .. .... .... .... ?y. .... 1, +^ 420IIIIJ 420 Q X r H W .. .. .. .ua w ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. ... �. .. .. .. .. ....... ....... ....... 4/0 J h 4 o 4110 qvWi i.. i .... 08.51 _ 3: — — —. — — — 399.46 390 fO- 4 420-- .4 - - 40 .26 4 0 Eta Em 398.76 39 Jt tt 0.02 - Mill 420 a x � I N 00 00 410 r? x �^ t~u 408.01 Z 41 co 400 =a _--_----------- —I-- 'o 398.06 390 --- 393.23 --_ a — — 53 + 50.0 380 N U V-111, V 5 I ., / N aL : V U� 1 0 1 0 1 0 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 120 130 1 0 150 0 5 10 PROD. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. N ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .. R 2721A X 406 150 140 1130 120 To 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..... . .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .. ......... ......... ......... ......... _ ......... ......... ......... ......... — . ....... ........ _ _ — ......... _ ......... — ..... — .... 410 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... . .. ^ 00 0.028 40 — _ .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .... .... .... .... .... .. .. _ 404.56 .. .. ....... ....... ...:... ....... ...:... 400 402.87 400- ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 11 + 00.00 111111111 Hill _ .. ....... ..... _ v 410 — _ :1 4.1 — 40 / / 390 — — — 40 I 400 F-Ft 1' 400.29 ol 3 / 0 + 48.12 m Z a u� r J X a' --------------- � — 410 0 N 57 -� m m ILD 400 L m— a 390 c "° -Y5RBlV B N %: V U0 110 110 1 0 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 120 130 1 0 0 0 5 10 PROD. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. N .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .. .. .. .. - R 2721A - X 407 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 20 10 50 60 70 80 90 190 110 120 130 140 150 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. ......... ......... ......... ......... L.... . .. ... ......... ......... . . 410 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .. .. .. N ^ o _ ....... ....... ...... ....... 4:1 b 05. 400 39 380 — — — 4/It 4 0 1 390 o ol o; a a M 410 — X 4:1 .1 L T d 400 N N ✓, u1 m m N 390 0 a n "° -Y5RBSB N aL V U� 1 0 1 0 1 0 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 20 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 `O 0 5 10 PROD. REFERENCE NO. SHEET N0. (Ij\ ixlhuld R-2721A X-423A t0 40 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 i I 20 210 200 190 10 170 10 150 140 130 10 10 10 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... t-L 0.020 .. ......... ......... ......... ......... . ....... ........ ......... ......... ..... 450 4,10 .. 4,10 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .... .... .... .. ......... ......... ......... ......... . ... ......... ......... ....: + M . N N HX: W . W W Z= I III I Fill Y' O O N N X f- NH- W W W Z = J� - = W C Q LL W �N. T J a x a i 12 + 00.00 i m m m P m 0 \ 2 3 m a C 0 �` N -Y5Y1- s a; 4 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 2 0 2 270 260 250 240 1 0 1 0 1 0 160 150 1 0 1130 1 0 110 1 0 c u� 0 5 10 PROD. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. N ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. _ R 2721A X 424 150 140 1130 120 1 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 30 20 10 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. ......... ......... ......... ......... . . - ......... ......... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... O.. O .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... N ....... ....... ....... ....... .. ...:... ...:... ...:... 420 +-0.(1:7 60 Al hF .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 416 45.. .... .... .... ... Z 410 x x FW 400 — — 400 - _ _ 394. 390 420 414.94 41 — 40 ?'I 390 3 TI 2� c 420 01 J ^ v 0.045 x N 4:1 b� X "� 413.86 ?7 a 410 z= N J l/i / U W co m 400 m v i 23119.30 L 390 m — — — 391.62 a 13 + 00.00 N 1 5 / / 1 N UL V U� 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 100 110 I'm 1 0 1 0 0 `O 0 5 10 PROD. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. I Hill R-2721A X-424A 0 4 0 400 3 0 3110 370 360 3 0 3,10 3 0 3 0 3 0 300 2 0 11 IT 240 230 220 210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 ... ....... ....... ...... ....... 130 ....... 120 ....... .... 1 0 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .. .. .. .. .. ......... ......... ......... ?y ......... .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... . .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... IH .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... . .... .... .... .... ... .. .. ....... ....... ....... ...:... 6:1. ... .... .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... . .... .... .._. ......... ......... ...... ......... . ... ......... ......... o to +v N 9 F X W W W Z=. J N __ W U W F- y 02 C Oi a u� I I O } +V a. x M N t a N H W400 n w w ZN J W U w � N P m y J90 3 a 13 + 00.00 I IF "IC 0 N ` L4 10 -Y5A - S ✓ a; 4 0 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0�330 3 0 3 0 3 0 2 0 280 270 260 250 240 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 c u� 0 5 10 PROD. REFERENCE NO. SHEET NO. N .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .. .. .. .. R 2721A X 425B t0 40 400 3100 3 0 370 3 0 3 0 3 0 330 3 0 3 0 3 0 2 0 2 0 2 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... . .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... 11 hid Idt, T7 J� I .. ......... ......... ......... ......... . ... ......... ....:.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .. ......... ......... ......... ......... . ... ......... ......... .. ......... ......... ......... ......... ... ......... ......... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... _ Hill, 0 020 Mill I ax Mill I C a, d J a x T v i a N n N W LL1 Q' m 0 2 3 m a O� O C N 0 -YS- S✓ 4 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 2 280 270 260 250 240 2 0 190 180 170 160 150 1 0 1 0 120 1 0 c u� R-2721A Pipe Outlet Velocity Calculations for Redesigned System 1740 Summary: The attached spreadsheet contains the storm drain calculations for the system in question and includes the outlet storm drain pipe from 1739 to 1740. The velocity at the outlet of the pipe is 9.7 ft./sec. At the end of the riprap outlet tail ditch the velocity has been reduced to 4.9 ft./sec in the channel. The existing channel to remain between the riprap tail ditch outlet and the proposed ditch starting at 19+39-YSRPA- has a velocity of 4.6 ft./sec. This puts the velocity at the end of the outlet tail ditch within 10% of the velocity in the existing channel. In addition to evaluate the required length for outlet protection we used the FHWA Hydraulic Toolbox Riprap Analysis Tool based on the HEC-14 Hydraulic Design of Energy Dlssipators for Culverts and Channels to calculate that for culvert outlet protection the length of the riprap should be at a minimum 22 ft. The current tail ditch has a length of 30 ft. In addition, we utilized a larger riprap size than specified. The D50 calculated was 9.5 inches while the specified riprap on the plans was NCDOT Class II which has a D50 of 14 inches per the specifications. We believe that the current tail ditch at the outlet to be sufficient on the basis that the increase in flow velocity is minimal and the culvert outlet protection is currently longer than what typically be suggested. Supporting Calculations Analysis of the Outlet Tail Ditch Inannal Ana.,,.: Parameter I Value U Type: Trapezoidal Flow 120.000 cfs Side Slope 1 (Z1I 2.0 H :1V Depth 2.040 It Side Slope 2 (22]: 2 0 H :1V Area of Flow 24.644 sq ft Channel Width (B): 18.0 (ft) Wetted Perimeter 17.123 4 L� 0 Hydrauhc Radius 1 439 It F Average Velocity 4.869 fps Longitudinal Slope. 10.02 (ft/ft) Top Width IT] 16.160 It f Froude Numbei 0.695 Manning's Roughness: 00550 Critical Depth 1 654 It r U,eLinmg Critical Velocity 6.418 tin Woven Face' Ner d Critical Scope 0.04354 ft/ft Critical Top Width 14.615 It Max Shear Stress 2.546 Ib/ft"2 Avg Shear Stress 1 796 Ib/ft 2 Enter Flow. 120.000 (cfs) Enter Dep4i 2.040 (ft) Calculate Plot... I Compute Curves... I OK. Cancel Analysis of the Existing Channel Between the Riprap Tail Ditch Outlet and the Proposed Ditch Starting at 19+39-Y5RPA- Channcr .Aiwt +s►s i Type: I Trapezoidal Parameter Value Unit Flow 120.000 cis Side Slope 1 [Z1): 2.0 H _ 1V Depth 2.334 It Side Slope 2 [Z2) 2.0 H ' 1V Area of Flow 26.069 sq ft Channel Width (B)- 6.5 ot) Wetted Perimeter 1133339 It Hydraulic Radius 1.539 It Average Velocity 4.603 Ips Longitudinal Slope: 0.01 55 (0/0) Top Width (T) 15.837 ft r Froude Number 0.632 Manning's Roughness 0.0500 Critical Depth 1.811 it I Use Lining Critical Velocity 6.548 fps woven Paper Net Critical Slope 0.03585 ftAt Critical Top Width 13.742 It Max Shear Stress 1.966 00t' 2 Avg Shear Stress 1.296 bI 2 c: Enter Flow. 120.000 (cfs) f' Enter Depth: 2.334 IN Calculate Plot... Compute Curves... ` 0K Cancel Culvert Outlet Analvsis Sirucore type: Gird GsdeLProteceon Ce texalRter Doev, . parameter Value Notes Charnel Parameters sdecrcxna oam,el "yas J Channel CaLmkwf... 120.1100 cfe Z040 ft S-OLIO ft 2.000 ft1R 2.000 ftm 29.6M ft^2 16.160 R 17.123 ft L.4n R I Tra fff Vak.es From Chamet CakWtor 5-500 ft 2.640 ft 2-040 ft Pbffitcd 6.575 n o.Sg8 R Rgrm slmm should be arqulx cross n 2 7.00 n 9.50 n 13.00 n 18.00 n 22.000 ft 2.771 ft 31.167 ft 2.200 ft S. S00 ft If taawa trx s 41VQ—, use 0.,U rite sbrg equator asaanes a rode s. g.-2.65. If s.g. c not 2.65, rode are m; { Ths value s an'ave W' of the we !racoon rmW for the selkcted roap Ttr mire a an'arerage' of the Pre fwbon rwige for the selected ryrap dasa Thn vakx s an'avcage' of the Sae frarhnn range fnr the Selected rprap dash . r This vakx a am'avoape' of Rresae frecomt ra"for thesdected rprap r DewFbw Grind Depth tbubm Wtdth sdeskpe 1 SNeSbpe 2 Area Top Width Wetted Pei be, H*&.&Rackn Irqut Parameters fipww Chet Oiarreter Normal Depth h Q*4ert Taiwater Depth Flow Type Reaps DSO D50 Rlprap 9epe wap Class worm Gass raeh>c Rprap Gaa.Ordn D35 DSD DRS D1D0 Layout Apron urgth ApmnThldvrem _ Apron WIM {at apron -4 Campummyanabin Taaeater Depth Used n Camputawbns Cat Diameter Used in Cdad5brn CREATE DATE: 4/28/2023 STORM DRAIN DESIGN COMPUTATIONS REV. DATE: I.D. NO.: PROJ. NO.: R-2721A COUNTY: Wake DESIGNED BY: JD DESCRIPTION: Y5 Y5A Waste Area Drainage Computations -System 1740 REVD BY: LOCATION RUNOFF PIPE DESIGN STRUCTURE TIME OF H W 0 W J W Z F 0 NUMBER Q Q CONCENTRATION Z = J% H% 9 t Q Q Z_ . w Q 2 W Y Z_ 0 m g X O Z (min) W c� y z_ _j W D � O W W g W w z Q O U W w W J m REMARKS J (n V J Zc 0� CL O Z) Q ~ H W W W � � W W w cn TOP, TOP, �:p U W J � g O z ai 0 Q 2 d a O J 0 W rY FROM TO CA a J O W 1 Q INV INV X W _j > 0° = W IL z L 365.00 0.00 1740 1739 1739 1740 59.00 24.85 19 16 16 4.8 119.5 0.005 ##### 66 A 250.0 9.7 9.30 359.11 355.70 355.60 1740 1737 1737 1739 53.57 21.63 354 15 15 4.9 106.7 406.00 365.00 0.042 66 C 250.0 21.8 35.32 374.36 370.68 355.70 383.40 365.00 1740 3007 3007 1739 5.43 3.22 252 11 11 5.6 18.1 0.074 ##### 30 A 43.0 17.6 5.90 379.02 377.50 358.70 1740 17118 17118 1737 35.70 14.95 103 10 12 12 5.6 84.2 382.88 406.00 0.027 0.004 60 S 200.0 10.8 8.88 376.94 374.00 371.18 380.50 406.00 1740 17119 17119 1737 17.87 6.68 43 15 15 15 4.9 32.7 0.074 36 C 64.0 16.0 4.00 379.36 376.50 373.18 1740 3008 3008 3007 5.43 3.22 15 11 11 11 5.6 18.1 386.10 383.40 0.319 0.007 30 S 43.0 16.2 3.50 384.74 382.60 377.50 384.00 382.88 1740 3041 3041 17118 32.10 13.66 413 10 10 10 6.0 81.6 0.010 0.003 60 S 141.1 6.8 5.83 381.22 378.17 374.00 1740 3023 3023 3041 23.93 11.05 301 7 10 6.0 66.2 423.00 384.00 0.008 0.004 54 S 95.0 5.8 42.42 383.54 380.58 378.17 395.00 423.00 1740 3301 3301 3023 23.93 11.05 287 6 6 10 5.9 65.2 0.034 48 C 120.0 18.1 4.00 394.74 X HW/D=0.94 391.00 381.08 Page 1 of 1 Printed 5/19/2023 Reclamation Plan for Contract Projects: Plan Review Checklist Date Received: Please select at least one of the following Plan types: ❑ Borrow Pit ❑� Waste Site Staging Area Enter the following Contract and Project information: Contract Number: C204196 TIP Number: R-2721A Project #/WBS Element: 37673.3.GV3 Please enter property owner information and site address (if different then property owner address): Property Owner Address same as Site Address? ®Yes @ No Property Owner information: Site Information: Name: E & M Johnson Enterprises, Inc. Site Name: E&M Johnson Enterprises, Inc Address: 1 86 Canopy Address: 4424 Kildaire Farm Road City: Pittsboro, NC city: Apex State: Zip: 27312 State: NC Zip 27539 General Site Description and Use: Reclamation Plan Checklist YES NO N/A 1. Is the submittal complete? ✓ 2. Is the source commercial? If yes, complete item 3 below. 3. If commercial, has: Mining permit number been provided. Provide number below. Commercial Permit Number: ✓ Copy of Mining Permit cover page submitted? 4. If there is no permit number has the DEQ Regional Engineer been notified? Page 1 of 4 Reclamation Plan for Contract Projects- Plan Checklist 5. Has the Reclamation Plan form been submitted? Including the following items: ✓ ❑ Site/Plan Narrative ✓ Site Map(s) 6. Are all required signatures on narrative, map(s), and plan sheets? ✓ ❑ 7. Does the site map or plan sheets include the vicinity map? ✓ 8. Has the site inspection been made? ✓ Was the Property owner invited? 9. Are all items/questions satisfactorily answered on narrative? ✓ 10. Has the mandatory letter from the SHPO been attached & any required conditions addressed? El ❑ ❑ 11. If this is a waste site, has the type of debris to be wasted been provided and the amount of cover been addressed? ❑ ❑ ❑ 12. Are the following map items included? Name of designer and Level III ESC/Stormwater Cert. Number ✓ ❑ Name of Contractor ✓ ❑ ❑ Name of Property Owner El El North Arrow ✓L El County ✓ Project Contract No./TIP Number ✓ ❑ Scale ✓ Date Prepared ✓ 13. Has the Environmental Evaluation been submitted? ✓F-1 EL Are wetlands present? ❑ ❑ Have blue line steams been delineated? ✓ ❑ ❑ Are buffer rules applicable? ❑ ❑ If yes, has diffuse flow been provided? ✓ Has a physical method of delineating buffers been described? ✓ Are applicable setbacks shown? ✓ Is site within 100-year floodplain? �/ Has the DEO reviewed the assessment? Wr Has the Roadside Environmental Field Operations Engineer reviewed the plan? 21 Page 2 of 4 Reclamation Plan for Contract Projects- Plan Checklist YES NO N/A 14. ❑ > 3:1 for Coastal Plain Borrow > 2:1 for Statewide Criteria 15. For a Borrow Site, will water remain in the pit? Is the current water table elevation indicated? Vol Is the proposed depth of water in the pond indicated? V/ 16. Will the excavation require temporary de -watering? Will excavation extend below the water table? If Yes, and a buffer less than 400' has been proposed, has the Skaggs Method report been attached? ❑ ❑ Method for controlling and reducing turbidity to levels acceptable with Water Quality standards? ❑ ❑ If within 15 county CCPCUA regions, is the responsible person listed? ❑ If within CCPCUA region are wells identified with GPS? If within CCPCUA region and pumping is required, are pump discharge indicated? ❑ Elcoordinates Has CCPCUA permit been approved by DWR? TTTT ✓ 17. Are haul roads shown in the plan? Must show from site to SR. 18. Are construction entrances shown and detailed on the plan? Vf Is sight distance adequate where trucks will enter an existing roadway? ✓ -R-R 19. Have temporary devices been checked for location and size? surface area, spillway capacity) El El(size, Has the method of maintenance for devices been described? Is the cross slope rate of temporary ditches, including dewatering excavation, indicated? (typ. > 2:1) ❑ ❑ 20. Is staged seeding, per acre of exposed erodible slope, provided for? Is the seed mixture indicated and is it acceptable? Will the indicated mixture provide long term vegetative cover? 21. Is maintenance of the site by the property owner or contractor, after final accounted for? ❑ Elacceptance, 22. Have submittals been signed by all required parties? Page 3 of 4 Reclamation Plan for Contract Projects- Plan Checklist YES NO N/A 23. Have approval letters and approved plans been sent and distributed to the ❑ El Elfollowing? Contractor TT Resident Engineer Division Environmental Officer Project Inspector Division Construction Engineer DEQ- DEMLR Regional Engineer Army Corps of Engineers Roadside Environmental Field Ops. Engineer Area Construction Engineer Property Owner Comments: (include missing/incomplete items, required edits/revisions, etc.) Reviewed By: (Signature) Date Page 4 of 4