HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061416 Ver 1_Emails_20070517Westfall (Booth Mtn) - impacts to streams and wetlands From: Allison Weakley [aeweakley@earthlink.net] Date: May 17, 2007 23:11 "John Domey"<John.Domey@ncmail.net>, "Matthews, Monte K To: SAW"<Monte.K.Matthews~saw02.usace.army.mil> Cc Subject: Attachments: Dear John ~. "George Lucier"<glucier cLDearthlink.net>, "Hal House"<hal@waterrecycling.com>, "Sonny Kessler"<sonny_keisler@alltel.net>, "John Alderman"<aldermjm@mindspring.com>, "Elaine Chiosso"<echiosso@aol.com>, "HRA"<info~dihawriver.org>, "Mke Dunn"<tanager@earthlink.net>, 'Tara Allden"<tallden@restorationsystems.com>, "Steve Wing"<stevewing@earthlink.neb, "Connie Allred"<alired@combuy.com>, "Raj Butalia"<rsb552004@yahoo.com>, "Allison Weakley"<aeweakley~earthlink.net>, "Jep Rose"<Jrose@Poynerspruill.com> Westfall (Booth Mtn) -impacts to streams and wetlands Booth Mountain (Westfall) compressed.ppt (2311 KB) Page 1 of 2 I'm writing to follow up on our visit on May 4, 2~s07, to the "~iillage" portion of the Westfali (Booth IvM1ountain} development off Jack Bennet# Raad. During that visit you indicated that the channel that drainsjust east at the Chatham Board of Education property toward Herndon Creek is intermittent. A segment afi the stream channel has been cleared and graded, and a culvert has been installed to drain the former stream to a sediment basin. This stream 4~tas not acknowledged in the delineations conducted by 8&EC for this site, nor was it acknowledged in the 4041401 permit. l presented my concerns about impacts to streamsr'wettands an the "1/illage" portion of the site to the Chatham County Board of Can~mi-ssianers in January 2007 -attached is the slide shave i prepared far the Commissioners tca illustrate these concerns. See especially the map of the "lfiilage" site in slide 5; the stream mentioned above is shaven as paints 612, B10, 609, and B01 an the map. Photos of these points are shown in the slide shave as well (slides 17-22). I have reviewer! a copy of the 404 permiti401 cer#ifcation application for the West#all developrnent and onfirrned that no streams in that portion of the site were acknowledged during permitting, and thus na impacts to streams in this portion of the site were acknavrledged. S&EC states in the 444%443'1 application dated august 31, 2006, and also on the revision dated October 3, 2006, that Todd Tugwell conducted a "detailed wetland delineation" on July 24, 2004, and that he verifred the Jurisdictional Determination {JD) on September 22, 2004. In a FOIA response I received trans the Army Corps in January 2007. no evidence ofi a "detailed wetland delineation" or JD is included {though Action 200421536 is references); only one page of i`'Ir. Tugweli's fireid notebook was received, and his notes da not Shaw any streams or 4vetlandssn the "'tillage" site {nor is the jurisdictional wetland along Herndon Creek shown). Further, S&EC states in a letter to DWC,3, dated October 3, 2008, that Eric Kulz was scheduled to ~risit the site on October 19, 2{308, trc.~t there is na indication in the €rle as to tha result of that visit. I`d like to request that the Division of Water Quality in=res#iga#e, as soon as possible, mv#~rether or not all streams and wetlands, and impaLts to those streams and wetlands, have been acknowledged on the Westfall {Booth h~ountain) site, as is required for the 404 perm'rti401 certification. C welcome the appostunity to discuss specific areas of the site with you, and to accompany you an your investigation if that is appropriate, Thank you very much for your consideration of this regi4est, and I look forward to your response. Sincerely yours, ~Aliisan Allison Weakley Chair, Chatham County Environmental Reviev4r Board 9'I 9.942.9731 aewea kiey@ea rthlin k.n et https://webmail . ncmail .netlcp/ps/Mail/ViewMsgControllefld=ncmail _net&fp=INBOX&u=... 5/19/2007 Westfall (Booth Mtn) -impacts to streams and wetlands cc: Nh~nte h.~9~ttheGSS. US Hrmy Corps of Engineers George Lacier, Chatham County Commissioner Jep Bose. Interim County Attorr~Py Chatham County Environmenta3 Review Board Close Window Page 2 of 2 https://webmail .ncmail. net/cp/ps/Mail/ViewMsgControllefld=ncmail.net&fp=INBOX&u=... 5/ 19/2007 i °f,, rtnk ~ ~ ~~ -a~y ~..1 ~ ~~ ~.. ~ ~~' `f~. ,. ~~ ~ i~/ - ~ ~- i P.,. e Y ~, f~°f `'- ,,a4 ~/ 4"x#4. Vl tY~.-Y ~`~4 ~ K T ~ i1 'y~ } ~ ~f t ~ ~' a'~ r ~ .ti'; , ~Ve~r-{ ~'~ ,+ ,~` r r i ~ ~~~ ~. ~~~.+ .r' .~ .rf~,~ . ~ ~ ~~~~ .~ e s t a ~~ ,. ~~ fY~ ~~ ~ f L .r [r .° PP ~~~ aster ~~~~~.~. s ~ t ; y ~~~~ . 4~ R ~~ ~ ~ ~ f. 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