HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230853 Ver 1_ePCN Support Binder 24_20230613 MOGENSEN MITIGATION, INC. P4W ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING MOGENSEN MITIGATION.INC MMI-RALEIGH OFFICE 104 East Chestnut Avenue MMI MAIN OFFICE--CHARLOTTE Wake Forest, NC 27587 PO Box 690429, Charlotte, NC 28227 Tel: (919)556-8845 Gerald@MogMit.com Tel: (704) 576-1111 Rich@MogMit.com Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination (PJD) and Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Deep Creek Watershed Flood Control Dam 24 Repair, Yadkin County, NC 12 June 2023 Prepared For: Yadkin County Soil & Water Conservation District 2051 Agricultural Way, Suite 207 Yadkinville, NC 27055 For Submittal To: US Army Corps of Engineers NC Division of Water Resources Asheville Regulatory Field Office 401 Buffer Permitting Unit 151 Patton Avenue, Room 208 450 Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 Asheville, North Carolina 28801 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Introduction and Site Description On behalf of the Yadkin County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD), Mogensen Mitigation Inc (MMI) is submitting this Section 404-401 Joint PCN application (NWP-3) for the proposed repair work at Deep Creek Dam 24 in western Yadkin County NC (Figure 1). The dam was built for flood control by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) in the 1960s on an unnamed tributary of North Deep Creek at Latitude 36.1985, Longitude -80.6773. It is one of a network of 15 flood-control dams in the Deep Creek watershed planned and authorized by USDA in 1958. Dam 24 is on private land but the dam is owned by SWCD which has a permanent easement for maintaining and operating the facility. MMI environmental scientists mapped potential jurisdictional waters around the dam and lake based on aerial images and photographs and notes provided by Schnabel Engineering. The lake upstream of Environmental Field Studies ■ Wetland &Stream Delineation ■ 404-401 Permits ■ Mitigation Plans& Banking MOGENSEN MITIGATION, INC. the dam and plunge pool below the principal spillway outlet are open waters, and the channel below the plunge pool is a perennial stream. Tributary streams and wetlands along the upper portions of the lake are 150 feet or farther beyond the proposed impact area. Jurisdictional waters that will be directly affected are open waters only. Work Description and Impacts Schnabel Engineering evaluated the condition of all USDA dams in the Deep Creek watershed and identified 10 dams that need repair work on and around their principal spillway risers, including low- level drain gates, trash racks, manhole covers, ladders, and sediment excavation. The sediment excavation and riser repair work will be conducted by either of two methods, to be determined by the contractor on a case-by-case basis: Alternative A: Maintain Full Pool 1. Install the temporary construction entrance (crushed rock) along the route to the riser work area and establish the staging area and erosion and sediment control measures in accordance with the construction drawings and technical specifications. 2. Plug the principal spillway conduit pipe to maintain full pool elevation. Outflow will be routed over the auxiliary spillway during the construction work. Install a temporary turbidity curtain in the plunge pool area below the dam. 3. Use a boat-mounted hydraulic dredge to remove sediment within the designated area around the principal spillway riser to the depth needed to facilitate replacement of the riser slide gate. Sediment slope around the riser after dredging shall be no steeper than 5 to 1 horizontal to vertical to prevent slumping, as shown on the sediment removal plan sheet. 4. The hydraulic dredged sediment and water mixture will be pumped into sediment filter bags set up along the shore of the lake with erosion control measures to retain the sediment and allow nearly sediment-free water to flow back into the lake. 5. The dewatered sediment will be trucked to the designated sediment disposal site and spread on existing farmland. The sediment disposal site plan also includes erosion and sedimentation control measures. No streams, wetlands, or forest lands will be directly affected by the sediment disposal. 6. The low-level gate replacement work will be conducted under water. Remove the existing low stage trash rack and cut all old anchor bolts to be flush with riser concrete surfaces. Remove the existing slide gate, steel stem, stem guides, and operator. Install new stainless steel wedge type anchor bolts Page 2 MOGENSEN MITIGATION, INC. and new cast iron slide gate, stainless steel stem, and operator. New stem guides, bolts, and anchors shall be located at least 6-in from any existing stem guide bolt/hole. 7. Replaced structures and demolition debris will be disposed of at a construction debris facility regulated by the Division of Solid Waste Management. 8. Remove all temporary erosion and sediment control devices and filter bags. Apply seeding to all disturbed areas in the work area and along the access road in accordance with the technical specifications. Alternative B: Drain the Lake 1. Install the temporary construction entrance (crushed rock) along the route to the riser work area and establish the staging area and erosion and sediment control measures in accordance with the construction drawings and technical specifications. 2. Lower the water level in the lake by not more than one foot per day using the drain gate if operable and/or pumps or siphons. The reservoir will be maintained in a drained condition for the duration of the riser repairs. Install a temporary turbidity curtain in the plunge pool area below the dam. 3. Remove sediment and debris from the designated area around the riser using excavators in the drained lake bed. Sediment slope around the riser after dredging shall be no steeper than 5 to 1 horizontal to vertical to prevent slumping, as shown in the sediment removal plans. Erosion control measures such as temporary basins, check dams, sediment filter bags, and/or other appropriate measures as determined by the contractor will be used in the sediment dewatering area to minimize turbidity and sedimentation into the receiving stream below the dam. 4. Install a small temporary cofferdam around the riser base using either riprap and crushed rock fill or a synthetic water-filled bag such as an "AquaDam" to keep sediment from slumping back into the work area. The contractor will determine the appropriate method for the site; either method will occupy not more than 200 square feet of lake bed within the excavation area. 5. The dewatered sediment will be trucked to the designated sediment disposal site and spread on existing farmland. The sediment disposal site plan also includes erosion and sedimentation control measures. No streams, wetlands, or forest lands will be directly affected by the sediment disposal. 6. Remove the existing low stage trash rack and cut all old anchor bolts to be flush with riser concrete surfaces. Remove the existing slide gate, steel stem, stem guides, and operator. Install new stainless steel wedge type anchor bolts and new cast iron slide gate, stainless steel stem, and operator. New stem guides, bolts, and anchors shall be located at least 6-in from any existing stem guide bolt/hole. Page 3 MOGENSEN MITIGATION, INC. 7. Replaced structures and demolition debris will be disposed of at a construction debris facility regulated by the Division of Solid Waste Management. 8. Remove all temporary erosion and sediment control devices and filter bags. Apply seeding to all disturbed areas in the work area and along the access road in accordance with the technical specifications. Maintain a minimum baseflow in the receiving stream to protect aquatic life while allowing the lake to refill. The temporary access road from Round Hill Road to Dam 24 will use existing dirt roads through upland woods, agricultural fields, and the auxiliary spillway which is maintained as mowed grass. No tree clearing or other disturbance to natural plant communities will be needed. The area of proposed sediment excavation on the lake bed extends 30to 40 feet around the riser base and covers approximately 0.08 acre. The temporary cofferdam fill around the riser will occupy less than 200 square feet (0.005 acre) within the excavated area. Wetlands adjacent to the upper portion of the lake may be temporarily dewatered if construction alternative B is selected. Impact# Feature Water Type acre Temp/ Perm Impact Purpose 0-1 Lake open water 0.08 temp sediment excavation 0-2 Lake open water 0.005 temp temporary cofferdam Please call or email me if you need any further information. Sincerely, Aw"�--7 Gerald Pottern, M.S. Senior Biologist Mogensen Mitigation Inc ------------------------------------- Office Land Line: 919-556-8845 Mobile /Text: 919-649-6506 ------------------------------------- Gerald@MogMit.com <0/9)1M))=<( <0/9))M))=<( <0/)}} M)=<{ Page 4 MOGENSEN MITIGATION, INC. ATTACHMENTS Cover Letter for ePCN Application USACE/ NCDWR Joint Permit Application ePCN Agent Authorization Form USDA Permanent Easement Figure 1. Project vicinity map, Deep Creek flood control dam riser repairs, Yadkin County NC. Figure 2. Deep Creek Dam 24- Dam site and parcel map, Yadkin County NC. Figure 3. Deep Creek Dam 24 sediment dredging area map. Figure 4. Site access road and staging area plan, Deep Creek Dam 24. Figure 5. Dam 24 riser profile, sediment dredging, and sediment disposal area SD-2. Figure 6. Riprap inlet protection around spillway riser and sediment filter bag layout. Figure 7. NC-SHPO historic structures, Dams 15B, 24, 10, and sediment disposal sites SD-3 and SD-4. Figure 8. Jurisdictional waters and wetlands in the vicinity of Deep Creek Dam 24. Page 5 AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM for US-ACE / NC-DEQ Permitting PROJECT NAME: Deep Creek Watershed USDA Flood Control Dams, Yadkin County PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: see attached list below PARCEL ID: see attached list below STREET ADDRESS: see attached list below PROPERTY OWNER: Yadkin County Soil& Water Conservation Distict The undersigned, registered property owners of the above noted property, do hereby authorize: Gerald Pottern of Mogensen Mitigation Inc (MMI)_ (Contractor/ Agent) (Name of consulting firm) to act on my behalf and take all actions necessary for the processing, issuance and acceptance of this permit or certification and any and all standard and special conditions attached. By signing below, I authorize representatives of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and NC Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to enter upon the property herein described for the purpose of conducting on-site investigations, if necessary, and issuing a jurisdictional determination pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Waters Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. I, the undersigned, am the duly authorized owner of record of the property identified herein. PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS (if different than property above): Yadkin County Soil and Water Conservation District 2051 Agricultural Way, East Elm St, Yadkinville NC 27055 Telephone: (336) 849-7583 Email: iwalkerkyadkincount. n�c.gov Jason Walker, Director, Yadkin SWCD Print Name 1 Authorized Signature 1 Date, /O PROPERTIES,ADDRESSES, OWNERS, and PARCEL ID NUMBERS Yadkin County SWCD has permanent easements on these properties for operating and maintaining the USDA flood-control dams, recorded between 1959 and 1966. The original easement document for each dam is included with the PCN application. Dam # Parcel Site Address Current Owner Deed Ref 1959-1966 owner name ID# on easement 21 154243 2225 Helton Rd Chamberlain, Lenuel 834/422 Burchette, Otto & Daisy 22A 119065 2804 Arnold Rd Arnold, William T 880/252 Arnold, William 23 120760 Bethel Church Rd Chamberlain, Lenuel F 1278/606 Gough, C.A. 30A 129175 1428 Hoots Rd Allen, Francis Eugene 1158/334 Carlton, E.C. 6B 118133 Ralph Rd Reavis, Marie 92/491 19A 121522 1913 Weatherman Rd Casstevens, Gray 66/535 Casstevens, Gray 12 119786 Morgan Rd Ladd Family Land, LLC 1208/ 136 Weatherman, Vallie 15B 131388 Abraham Rd Shore, Rodney Gray 1298/374 Caudle, Twiman & Helen 24 131407 2300 Sanders Ridge Ln Shore, Neil Arnie 917/549 Shore, Carl & Beatrice 10 120272 Sprouse Rd Moxley, Marcus L 942/ 157 Wooten, Roy& Martha I AT,.i, IM BY T 3SE.PRESEI?T6, that the undersigned :for good and valuable considarati.,ons, the receipt whereof is hereby ,acknowledged, Carl S. Shore and Beatrice L. Shore of Boonville ,herainaf.'tar called Grantor Address) does hereby grant, bar gain, sell, convey and release unto Tri-Creek Soil Conservation District, hereinafter cel"ed Grant:;e, an easement in, over and upon the folI o,,,dng desci ib- ed land situated in. the County of Yadkin , State of North Carolina , . to wit: .That piece of land containing 6,2 acres more 'or less lying approximately. 1-J miles southwest of Nebo and bounded by the lands of Arnie Shore, W. H. McKnight, Arnie Shore;- Claude Shore and :Early Caudle. For the installation, operation, maintenance 4nd inspection of the follow :'.ng described works of improvement and for the storage of tiraters that may be im- pounded by any dam- or" other"'-P eservoir structure, described below: Flood water pool 1. In the event the above -described works of improvement are not construct- ed within 10 years from zhe date hereof, the rights and privileges herein grant- ed shah at once revert ;o and become the pr.operty of the grarLtor, his heirs .:. and. assigns. 2. This easement includes the ,right of ingress and egress at any time over and upon the above described land of the grantor and any other land of the grantor adjoining said. lard. i an There is reserved to the graeitor, his heirs and assigns, the right and privilege to use the obove described land of the grantor at any titne, in any manner and..for any pu.,pose riot inconsi.st-ent with tho full use and enjoyment by the grantee, its successors and assigns, of the rights arid.privileges herein granted„ I ' . The rig�its ,and pr: vileLds herein granted are subject to all easements, rights-of-way)- nineral reservations, or other rights 'now outstanding In third partie�d .. i 5. The grantee is responsible for operating and m-intaining the above, f described works of improvement. i 6. Special provisions: A:o ,,:Thf,.grantor agrees not to use, graze. aor permLit.-cutting pf g�^a.ss qn sr,.x a thin the ;e,rea..of.1, dam (or other improvements) enclosed by wire ,end.; axe;ep upon carter permission of and upon the -terms specified by," .the authorized.representative of the sponsoring local organization, b. The grantor agrees not to place any screen or other obstruction around the outlets installed in the dam. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid easement in, over and upon the above described land, of the grantor, t-rith all the rights, privileges and appurte- nances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, unto the grantee, its successors and assigns$ forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the grantor has executed this instrument on the day of ...� 19 . tdWTNES5: ,, (� _(seal). Husband DATE: :� ,�! �rdif e 'ROOF .BY SUBSCRIBING '4ITNESS STATE OF NORTH C ROLINA } COUNTY OF } I� T ✓ af � N Offic al title of o ficex' taking proof of � County, State of North Carolina, certify that ersonal.ly appeared before me this dayp and i of subscribing witness duly sworn, stated that in his presence, signed the foregoL ng instrument. .. i i trdITNESS my hard and official seal, this f day of Official Title Filed or registration on the ��day of '�J , 19 6 -,) at o'clockm., and registered in Book - of reds, on page ` ,and verified. egi er ed of Des j County, N. C. LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Project vicinity map, Deep Creek flood control dam riser repairs,Yadkin County NC. Figure 2. Deep Creek Dam 24- Dam site and parcel map,Yadkin County NC. Figure 3. Deep Creek Dam 24 sediment dredging area map. Figure 4. Site access road and staging area plan, Deep Creek Dam 24. Figure 5. Dam 24 riser profile, sediment dredging, and sediment disposal area SD-3. Figure 6. Riprap inlet protection around spillway riser and sediment filter bag layout. Figure 7. NC-SHPO historic structures, Deep Creek Dams 1513, 24, and sediment disposal site. Figure 8. Jurisdictional waters and wetlands in the vicinity of Deep Creek Dam 24. Nebo �' 1 PleaS t �. Pcf 9L P /\ r { Maxley Rd1 _Q-9 J r-�- CYO �. I cot 01 1SB �� 'a I ~ Odd RJ09e Church Rd Rock � � t-- � House i �' 1 24 '°ch Mountain c r" `' Round Hil(Rd c qra ' o El 10 SD-4 y I _� JDas Sprouse �`_ 3c 1 •� N Country Club Rd t l n HUC N 03040101-1101 No\�o �'•,,, / Yadl�i Country i to HUC N 03040101-1102 - 0 Pa 19A Haire ~� 601 �... `.(r=.�_- ' f !.•-�-� f I J '' SD-2 C ter Rd n / P'Pa 12 O Vr. ~~ Booger Styd --1yr- ``' - l ,.,� - o `lreiandM qb air, Yadkinville E Main St o us a l at ¢ ` II "lice Rd 5P ' rooks o Cro roads•' III Reynold R t L Hoots Rd� r + - - __ s era on �- Wad In•ounty'- / �� 1• _- - = C `` 5D-1 `�. � -_ � y"% � � •sot_ rJ-- ee - 00 1 Pa rep Lb Q u 'Po• __—- Dot' l _Pu)e 923Jt nRd Hamp nville HUM N 03040101-1103� . ab � I'' -1'., i :•. r1 �_ , r' , i°ce Rd ��r., ` ,,.\ J.' i� •f! ' �-� � rep �� ° ��_ �� (.� ~ a Q23`.� � + i Lone ckory' r �9Oa •• e t eoi IF f — P _ -. fo iIle \ t t f ��� - � C e { _ _ � '' ,y• � �� � ( i po. 1 1 tier, � Esri,NASA,NGA,USGS I State of North Carolina DOT,Esri,HERE,Garmin,SafeGraph,... Figure 1. Project vicinity map, Deep Creek flood control dam riser repairs,Yadkin County NC. USDA dam numbers in black; sediment disposal sites in red; USGS watershed HUC numbers in blue. Figure2. Deep Creek Dam Z4 Dam site and parcel map, Yadkin County NC. (I1 Y v li. T j i','.k�:`.-,l ";,. !� i i» : ai�. -�,:+:f1.'.,r:d�,. j�+ � -_ 4,�11p'.=++• SEDIMENT DIS 0SAVIS1TE SD-3 i i_ ------------------ I I I I I I I I ' I - r I I _ TEMPORARY STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE NORMAL POOL ELEV=868.0 -I i NORMAL POOL SILT FENCE 0 1 I APPROXIMATE APPROXIMATE SEDIMENT I I SEDIMENT LEVEL 2'-8' LEVEL 4'-C'=ROM — I I -RONI NORMAL POOL NORMAL POOL II SEDIMENT TO BE REMOVED 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 L-------- J EXCAVATION LIMITS 5 MIN. DRAIN I DEEP CREEK DAM 24 GATE --- --------- - EXISTING 30'DIA.RCP SEDIMENT REMOVAL SECTION AT CONCRETE RISER f'-C"MIN PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY OUTLET NTS Figure S. Dam 24 riser profile, sediment dredging, and sediment disposal area SD-3, McKnight Road. Only the cleared fields will be used for sediment disposal. O AREA TO BE LOW-LEVEL INLET RISER DISTURBED I I CLASS I RIPRAP 2.0 RISER 1 0 �+--� I I COARSE AGGREGATE 2 +r 1.0'MIN FLOW F�by FLOW __ SEDIMENT STORAGE +L MIN_5.0' AREA 2.5 CLASS I RIPRAP ON NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE 4.0' NCDOT#5 OR#57 COARSE AGGREGATE O� MAX.SEDIMENT DEPTH(CLEAN OUT POINT) AREA TO BE F� LOW-LEVEL 1.5'MIN. ATZ VOLUME OF WET STORAGE AREA DISTURBED INLET ELEVATION PLAN VIEW 4 RIPRAP INLET PROTECTION N.T_S. VA3.L VEGETATED AREA DISCHARGE HOSE hD®E CLAMPS CLAMPS FILTER SAG FILTER BRAG WELL VEGETATED.GRASSY AREA wai VEGETATED,GRASSY AREA Puy IM HOSE ELEVATION VIEW PIAP PLAN VIEW INTAKE HOSE FILTER BAG NOTES: MAINTENANCE NOTES: 1. USE FILTER BAGS AS NECESSARY TO 1. SEDIMENT FILTER BAG SHALL BE DISPOSED TREAT WATER PUMPED FROM OF AND REPLACED WHEN IT IS 3/4 FULL OF EXCAVATION. SEDIMENT OR WHEN IT IS IMPRACTICAL FOR THE BAG TO FILTER THE SEDIMENT 2. PLACE FILTER BAGS IN WELL VEGETATED OUT AT A REASONABLE FLOW RATE. AREAS OF THE AUXILIARY SPILLWAY SUCH THAT FILTERED FLOW WILL ENTER 2. INSPECT THE BAG INLET PERIODICALLY THE OUTLET STREAM CHANNEL. FOR DAMAGE AND/OR BLOCKAGE. Figure 6. Riprap inlet protection around spillway riser and sediment filter bag layout. >° YD0428 House YD0482 Shugart Family y S. Farm 1986 YD0574 Burton Caudle rC® Audienceal Find addresslhistoric resource Q Farm b • • c a _ YD0433 F cr3 z G1116, a i 7 YD--- r SD-3 -Moxley Rd • �o Dam 15-B YD0573 h4elvi V Fleming PCB House U �iR YD0580 Wafter Wagoner House ` J, YD0427 Hams-Shore YD0578 Log House House YD0610 L.Sanders Store YD0579 Henry D.Moxley a Farm House YD0582 Farm Mox1ey FarrvtyN D.-)/rR�dge Church Rd House YD043lla Huff • Dam 24 �d SD-4 • 0. 9, YD0584 John Benjamin G� r u YD0660 Funk Hinshaw Shore House J, SQe°ce� Dam 10� V/4[�KHouse ear t YD0658 Nathan Mackie 4 -- House YD0611 John Wesley • YD0710 Shore Farms SPrcuse Rd • Historic District 2014F Shore House o YD0436 WileYtS,Shore g Q° Farm YD0394 f fon- Wishon YDO YD0549 Fleming-Shore D0514 Walter Brown Q-°House Farm • �44 o'1 co YD0452 Holcombe Famil 011- YD0398 William R.Sprouse) House(Gone) 1986 „•L`' �o • F��� House 1.0 mile YD0451 Old Center Cemetery r Figure 7. NC-SHPO historic structures, Deep Creek Dams 10, 1513, 24, and sediment disposal sites SD-3 and SD-4. Features with black centers are gone. �' ,_ y`tr � �►' R •a' �: ?� \`.`tit '>i-+ ,#�+��r`''. lt Wke open waters FAX. .,�. Nth =�. -,_.� � •'�.... -. �:`:� DAM 24 ,'• .+_�� I X. 4 �,. i i. �.4 ..�i;'� +fir• �. • 'Yr .,;if•} T':. t ~ !•, ". Fi t S- �! •w ��,1 '=J- �', .^ yam• \ •�.. 1, Plunge Pool :a ` � �v ., open waters ` yea,<'• tee. ti.1 r•_ �",'l - Jr,/ rT. - ` �k� .� ^;l .ex t �: � ti Y R3' � �- `L� _.�► � _� u��' `�� r� ���i ,'•.'� .r �. .- ♦, �„ y 1= 4�. �\ •ia ,� �\ � `�\ `�1 tact•..? ti.` ,'���`�; ya• '. W 71 ,.1N 3" Nc • • le Earth— Figure 8. Jurisdictional waters in the vicinity of Deep Creek Dam 24,Yadkin County NC.