HomeMy WebLinkAbout20070624 Ver 1_Restoration Plan Review_20070521Re: Jarman Oaks a Subject: Re: Jarman Oaks From: "Barrett Jenkins" <BJenkins@restorationsystems.com> Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 13:56:12 -0400 To: <eric.kulz@ncmail.net> Mr. Kulz, Attached are the letter and figure concerning the ag ditches draining into the restored stream at Jarmans Oak. If you need anything else please let us know. Thanks, Barrett Jenkins __ _ _ _ _. From: Randy Turner Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 1:47 PM To: Barrett Jenkins Subject: FW: Jarman Oaks M. Randall Turner Restoration Systems, L.L.C. 1101 Haynes Street Suite 107, Pilot Mill Raleigh, N.C. 27604 919-755-9490 919-755-9492 (fax) 919-971-5529 (mobile) randy(a~restorationsystems.com Visit our NEW website & BLOG www.restorationsystems.com From: Eric Kulz [mailto:eric.kulz@ncmail.net] Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 1:30 PM To: Randy Turner Subject: Jarman Oaks Randy: I appear to have had a senior moment. I can't seem to find the letter and site plan that you sent showing the ditch retention areas to address our concerns about ag ditches draining into the restored stream. Thank you for making those modifications. Can you send another copy? Sorry about that! ! Eric Eric W. Kulz Environmental Specialist 401 Oversight and Express Permitting Unit 1 of 2 10/22/2007 1:28 PM Re: Jarman Oaks 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 Phone: (919) 715-9050 Fax: (919) 733-6893 iContent-Description: JarmansOakltrtoDWQRT_revised.doc JarmansOakltrtoDWQRT_revised.doc' Content-Type: application/msword Content-Encoding: base64 _ _ '' Content-Description: Figure_12A_RestPlan_rev_b.pdf Figure_12A_RestPlan_rev_b.pdf Content-Type: application/octet-stream 'Content-Encoding: base64 '' 2 of 2 10/22/2007 1:28 PM 0~-0~2t} May 14, 2007 North Carolina Department of Environment And Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Wetlands and Stormwater Branch 401 Oversight and Express Permitting Section 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1650 ATTN: Eric Kulz, Stream Mitigation Specialist SUBJECT: Jarmans Oak Mitigation Site, Onslow County In a phone conversation with you last week you voiced your general approval with the subject project, but you had concerns about the two ditches that intersect with the post-restoration stream project. I promised you I would look into the issue and get back with you ASAP. We asked our design consultant, Grant Lewis, to talk to you about a proposed solution to the ditch connections. Following his conversation with you, Grant revised Restoration Plan Figure 12A to reflect the addition of "Marsh Treatment Areas" near the mouth of each ditch (See enclosed figure). These areas will consist of shallow wetland depressions within the floodplain. The shallow depressions will provide BMP-type intervention to ensure that initial stormwater pulses must flow into and through an emergent depression community before draining into the restored stream channel. The outfall of each shallow depression will be protected from headcut migration through the Site by rip-rap sills or erosion control fabric at the ditch outfall. I sincerely hope this concept is acceptable. Please let me know if we can address any other concerns you might have. We are hopeful that the project can continue to move forward through the regulatory process without delay. Thanks for your time and cooperation. Sincerely, M. Randall Turner Enclosure Axiom Environmental, Inc. Project: Jarmans Oak Restoration Site Onslow County North Carolina Title: RESTORATION PLAN Scale: FIGURE NO. 11N=160 FT Date: /'~ NOV 2006 2A Project No.: 06-018 RE: Jarman Oaks Subject: RE: Jarman Oaks From: "Randy Turner" <randy@restorationsystems.com> Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 14:06:20 -0400 To: "Eric Kulz" <eric.kulz@ncmail.net> 0~1-ably No sweat, another copy is being PDF-ed to you. Btw, are you sure you received the documents? The reason I ask is that Marion has misdelivered other documents in the past. The documents were hand-delivered to Marion early last week. M. Randall Turner Restoration Systems, L.L.C. 1101 Haynes Street Suite 107, Pilot Mill Raleigh, N.C. 27604 919-755-9490 919-755-9492 (fax) 919-971-5529 (mobile) randyC~restorationsystems.com Visit our NEW website & BLDG www.restorationsystems.com From: Eric Kulz [mailto:eric.kulz@ncmail.net] Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 1:30 PM To: Randy Turner Subject: Jarman Oaks Randy: I appear to have had a senior moment. I can't seem to find the letter and site plan that you sent showing the ditch retention areas to address our concerns about ag ditches draining into the restored stream. Thank you for making those modifications. Can you send another copy? Sorry about that! ! Eric Eric W. Kulz Environmental Specialist 401 Oversight and Express Permitting Unit 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 Phone: (919) 715-9050 Fax: (919) 733-6893 1 of 1 10/22/2007 1:28 PM RE: Jarmans Oak feedback 67' b~~~~ Subject: RE: Jarmans Oak feedback From: "Randy Turner" <randy@restorationsystems.com> Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 14:11:24 -0400 To: <Tammy.L.Hill@ncmail.net> CC: "Eric Kulz" <eric.kulz@ncmail.net>, "Cyndi Karoly" <Cyndi.Karoly@ncmail.net> Thanks, Tammy. Your suggestions will be implemented. I am going to draft a letter to you indicating that we will modify the text of the Restoration Plan by an addendum which addresses your recommendations. I will copy the Corps and EEP. M. Randall Turner Restoration Systems, L.L.C. 1101 Haynes Street Suite 107, Pilot Mill Raleigh, N.C. 27604 919-755-9490 919-755-9492 (fax) 919-971-5529 (mobile) randy@restorationsystems.com Visit our NEW website & BLOC www.restorationsystems.com -----Original Message----- From: Tammy Hill [mailto:Tammy.L.Hillc~ncmail.net] Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 1:44 PM To: Randy Turner Cc: Eric Kulz; Cyndi Karoly Subject: Jarmans Oak feedback Hi, Randy. I'm getting back to you about the Jarmans Oak restoration plan. Our comments are below - I understand you have already addressed the issue of the ditches by adding treatment wetlands. The wetland portion of the proposal looks fine. The only further concerns involve some wording in the success criteria section, as detailed below. 1) Concerns and Comments a) Overall Due to the level of disturbance from agricultural use (non-existent riparian buffer, straightened and eroding channels, input of agricultural chemicals, etc.), it appears that the site and related water quality will benefit from stream and wetland restoration and enhancement. b) Streams Our main concern involves the direct discharge of two agricultural ditches into restored streams, as detailed in Figure 12A of the restoration plan. Input from these ditches will not have had the water quality and force attenuation benefits associated with passing through a riparian buffer. We want to make sure that Restoration Systems has adequately explored the potential impacts of these inputs on the proposed restored system. c) Wetlands The proposed design of low gradient, braided stream flow, and wetland-stream complex at the confluence of the Southern (East) and Main tributaries is interesting and appears to be well-placed within hydric Muckalee soils. We appreciate the proposals to reestablish floodplain connectivity and to minimize construction impacts 1 of 2 10/22/2007 1:28 PM RE: Jarmans Oak feedback in appropriate areas. d) Success criteria i) Section 7.0 of the restoration plan should specify that monitoring will take place for a *minimum of five years* and will continue until success criteria are fulfilled. ii) Section 7.6 Vegetation Success Criteria: The restoration plan suggests supplemental planting if the *average* site density does not meet designated success criteria. We suggest that, in order to receive full mitigation credit and maximize potential for site success, the applicant should perform supplemental planting in significantly failing subsets of the site, even if the overall site average meets or exceeds the criteria. Thank you for the heads up about the project. We look forward to working with you toward its success. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Kind regards, Tammy Tammy Hill Environmental Senior Specialist NC Division of Water Quality (401/Wetlands) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 919-715-9052 (voice) 919-733-6893 (fax) Tammv.L.Hillc~?ncmail.net 2 of 2 10/22/2007 1:28 PM Re: Jarmans Oak Mitigation Site, Onslow County ~ (/UC/~ Subject: Re: Jarmans Oak Mitigation Site, Onslow County From: Tammy Hill <Tammy.L.Hill@ncmail.net> Date: Mon, 21 May 2007 17:37:43 -0400 To: Randy Turner <randy@restorationsystems.com> CC: Eric Kulz <eric.kulz@ncmail.net>, Cyndi Karoly <Cyndi.Karoly@ncmail.net> Hello, Randy. Revisions look great - thanks for your responsiveness. Eric & I aren't actually issuing the WQC for this (we're reviewing all the details while it's in process) but I don't see any reason for delay, given the current plan. Please let me know if I can be of further help. Have a good evening, Tammy Randy Turner wrote: «IMAGE (76).PDF » Tammy, the attached letter is provided in response to your review comments. Please let me know if our commitment satisfies your concerns. We are anxious to move forward and are hopeful that you and Eric are positioned to issue the WQC soon. Thanks again. Guy/Brad: Wanted you guys to be aware of revisions to the plan. Holler if you have comments or questions. Tammy Hill Environmental Senior Specialist NC Division of Water Quality (401/Wetlands) 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Suite 250 Raleigh, NC 27604 919-715-9052 (voice) 919-733-6893 (fax) Tammy.L.HillC~ncmail.net -. 1 of 1 10/2212007 1:29 PM Jarmans Oak Mitigation Site, Onslow County Subject: Jarmans Oak Mitigation Site, Onslow County From: "Randy Turner" <randy@restorationsystems.com> Date: Thu, 31 May 2007 09:52:12 -0400 To: <Brad.E.Shaver@usace.army.mil>, "Cyndi Karoly" <Cyndi.Karoly@ncmail.net> CC: "Eric Kulz" <eric.kulz@ncmail.net>, <Tammy.L.Hill@ncmail.net> D7-0~2y Guys, Y'all are entertaining my application package for this project, which was delivered to you on April 9/10. Please let me know when/if you plan on issuing NW/GC. Cyndi, I feel certain we have responded appropriately to Eric's and Tammy's previous questions. Brad, please tell me that Brother Henry has untangled the Regional Conditions. I need to mobilize our best stream contractor ASAP. Thanks. M. Randall Turner Restoration Systems, L.L.C. 1101 Haynes Street Suite 107, Pilot Mill Raleigh, N.C. 27604 919-755-9490 919-755-9492 (fax) 919-971-5529 (mobile) randyCa).restorationsystems.com Visit our NEW website & BLOG www.restorationsystems.com 1 of 1 10/22/2007 1:29 PM Re: Jarmans Oak Mitigation Site, Onslow County ~-aba~ Subject: Re: Jarmans Oak Mitigation Site, Onslow County From: "tammy.l.hill@ncmail.net" <tammy.l.hill@ncmail.net> Date: Fri, 1 Jun 2007 11:05:58 -0400 (EDT) To: Cyndi Karoly <Cyndi.Karoly@ncmail.net> CC: Eric Kulz <eric.kulz@ncmail.net> Hi, Cyndi! FYI, Eric & I are satisfied with the plan at present. Have a great weekend, Tammy =) 1 of 1 10/22/2007 1:29 PM