HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0012796_Monitoring - 05-2023_20230612Monitoring Report Submittal Permit Number#* wg0012796 Name of Facility:* hm alliance - la grange wwtf Month: * May Year: * 2023 Report Information Type* Upload Document* NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR MAY 2023 MONITORING REPORT.pdf 8.55MB PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR, GW-59). Confirmation Email Address: * wwtreatmentllc@gmail.com Name of Submitter: * FREDERICK WEST Signature: Date of submittal: 6/12/2023 This will be filled in automatically Initial Review Reviewer: Wanda.Gerald Is the project number correct?* wg0012796 Is the monitoring report accepted?* Yes No Regional Office* Washington Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 6/12/2023 FORM: NDAR-1 141-13 NON -DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT (NDARA) Page of Did the application rates exceed the limits in Attachment B of your permit? Were adequate measures taken to prevent effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? Was a suitable vegetative cover maintained on all sites as specified in your permit? Were all setbacks listed In your permit maintained for every application to each permitted site? Were all freeboards maintained in accordance with the specified freeboard heights in your permit? ocampll&A F1*WCoOr t E]Campbatl [3tmFCwlaiart E]CWpltarn E]NX,.Carpldt aCanpilmt pNarCagfim ocomplk't oNowcomotKe If the facility is non•compiiant, please explain in the space below the reasons) the feglity was not in compliance. Provide in yourexplanation the date(s) of the nort-compliance and descritle the coneatiwi action(s) taken. Attach additional sheets if necessary. Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Certification Permifte Certification ORc: FREDERICK WEST Perrnittse: HM ALLIANCE, LLC -JOSE LUIS MARTINEZ TENORIO Certification No.: 1410718 Signing official: JOSE LUIS MARTINEZ TENORIO Grade: N Phone Number: 2526462244 Signing Official's Title. PRESIDENT Has the ORC changed since previe s F1 Oft- y� ® Phone Number. 91988929 Pe t Exp.: 6P23�2S o Ju>�G 3 Signature Date ignatum Date 8y tea elgmra. I cerdry that ilia repaxt is acur. ete end =Mplab to the bw of my krawkk% t M', order ya-elty d law, hat tl+ts dawmeM &A AI wore prepeed unr my areas" a $4Wvleiam in eaparda A With a town daWWW tb m re rivt all gjWW td pereaarW prapery go wadard evalmW Ureiriarr WUW sdya ed. Barad on my ipory of Sae psean or poreora wto rnwep sae ayutam, or these perwn &ewy MV0m1bfe `v geowirg haob., esrt to Irdmmadort submitted * to thebad d my Inrowtedpe ard bw W.ifL^Mural%and=npdolo1Mevwe4tatthereweal®rdrartpwaltleefa'submlalrg(gas IrlernMan, Irrmu*gftpoaoiWBydfim4# watmpromrmwrltor wrawrgvlolatlome. Mail Original and Two Copies to. Division of MterResources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 FORM: X--DNALR 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPORT (NDMLR) WQ0012796 Facility Name: HIV ALLIANCE, LA GRANGE 1MNTF Permit Noe Find Narrre: 1 Field Name: 2 Area (acres): 1.2fi Area (acres): 1 26 Cover Crop: BERMLM Cover Crop: BERMUDA Load Type: PAN Load Type: FAN Field Loaded? YES PINO Field Loaded? E > V IL 4 June Jul Au fret 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 i4 tember October 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0-0 W 0.0 0.0 �, 12 Month 90ating rAn Lxmu 0.0 Ibelec! Annual PAN Load Umitobstaotyri: 535-5 0.0 535.50 County: Field Name: 3 Area (acres): 1.21 cover Crop: 13ERMUDA Load Type: PAN _ Field Loaded? v� ark] f { +�Jj 0.0 514-25 Green l Month: Flcid yacng: 4 _ Area (acrea): 4:51 Cower Crop; l3ERVU`;�A Load Type: RAN Field Loaded" t ES r tz S On V ? 4 ,06 c7o a � 1 pq Go 344.25 Page of May Year Field Name: b Area (me rot): 1.11 Cover Crop: BER14UDA ~� Load Type: PAN Field Loaded? Y5 r iD F 1 m L L 9 i 1 9 is 0.0 471.75 WQ0012796 - Permit No.., - ap YAM 0 WE Sp W-MOZZ 12 Month ' � r . r14011M. f J J l � f .r 'f J ✓ ffffl'�'�g.... � 1r#I'i / f#i' JJ��! ;f #r v �.e�r•r +o. _ fff� `I� f/'!J/>f��I/f:�✓J/%f/%}l1�YJ!!�f/. %r� �.�%!//• FORM: Nr.3MLR 10-13 NON -DISCHARGE MASS LOADING REPURT (NDMLR) Page '�_ of GICcmPrixc �twrrCtfmpll�t Dili the mass loading rates exceed the limits in Attachment 6 Of your permit? if the facility Is non-caVIOnt, please explain In the space below the reason($) the facility wasnotin sheets Pro ®csssaryrexpplanation the date(s) of the non-compilanoe and dew. rlbe the corrective action(s) taken. Attach Operator In Responredbfr charge (ORC) Certification ORC: E'REDERICK WEST Certification Number: 1010718 Grade: IV Phone Number: 2526462244 Has the OPC changed sines the previous NOMLR? Yes © rio Signature oY fis Mgnaxre, l carsN M ft rtport I: acrarraie and owafiela m ft biW wrnY kwMadoar Permtttes Certification Permittes: HM ALLIANCE, LLC - JOSE LUIS MARTINEZ TEN ORIO Signing Offioiai: JOSE LUIS MARTINEZ TENORIO Signing Official's 11de: ;PRESIDENT Phew No,: 9198892 1 Permit Expo: 6123128 ol3ane, A Date o j%W my drop a superwl510nrn awardtrra wlu coryry,cydertrenikydto■,feJU4sdocvner'iandaretlacrreorm5 fmirixmeoa+tubrri*&naeatlanRyhgri7 a 5ytrom deripneutaassuothpi allgreiHlSd Ptrt4reel Pr War 6 d#8PK n*rPjvw*wtnmtt�0 ftsywon,orls P� dtwgytwparriblsfaroomlrgtgifam►'da eaelnfmr�Arx; 5ubmMed is, rn tM beetd my hwMedge andbdltf. lrne, tooweia aM c0m9l" 'am wfaa sat awe or* 07 parldne5 for utmWq ids* ir4xnu tM Indudtgtw peearollltr atvos and Imprisrrmort kr kr&Ang 41dallcm Mall Original and Two Copies to: Division of Watef Resources Information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Ssrrrlce Center Ra$Wgh, !forth Carolina 27699-1617 FORK NDMR 03-12 NON -DISCHARGE MONMORING REPORT (NDMR) Page -L of 3 - Permitft,: WQ0012796 cility Name: H M AL L IANC E, LA GkAN GE WWTF H Parameter Monitofing Point: M 777 777 n 7.7777T. 77,17 71 Tf AM M00- I M_ I no= FORM: NDMv1R 03-12 NON -DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT (NDMR) Page _ of a ,- Saimpiing Pervon(s) Carblied Laboratories Name: FREDERICK WEST Name: PLANT SHUTDOWN NO DISCHARGE Name: DAVIN SINGLETON Name: �—ry nnae ail rrfrfnif'nrinn riat9 rreaM fha rranetiramanta iri A4#nrhmarif A of unur nnrrnit'> canptex wrcamdent If the facility is non-oornplani, please explain in the space below the reason(s) the faciity was not in compliance. Provide In yourexptanalian the dale(s) of the non-oomprianc a and describe the corractive sciion(s) Larlen. ALMIAI duuawnai arrears n Operator in Responsible Charge (OtRC) Certification Permittee Certification ORO: FREDERICKWEST Permittee: HMALLIANCE, LLC -JOSE LUIS MARTINEZTENORIO Certification No.: 1010718 Signing Oftlal: JOSE LUIS MARTINEZ TENORIO Grade: IV Phone Number: 2526462244 Signing Official's Title: PRES Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR7 QYas [:)N0 Phone Number: 9198692g 1 Permit Expiration: 6f23(28 R4_ -1 1,2oz o J(,�,'0 0(. ZOS3 Signature pate Signature Date sy his sipvaars i cardly fret INS famt Is 00wrm am a moft ioths beet of my kntsvlsCbs 1 ev*. a d& ante were prepared x4or my trred ar a st kin ra eaca oadat0e wllti a aye dmigrod m aeaura that dl quaiMad parsavd p'0pxryr gallrred arc9 evehsttad ttr tttttxmeWn subrn t3aeed ai aiy irr�ery otmo-petm or pwwv who. my fts system, or mas wwo tf emy reaponsib* fcr geowkno fm inkrmmom Ifs itdam 4on sub mimed is, to tits brat d m knowledge mid b*W,Coe,aeaset4and(=Vse.Ian ffawdfrithere are elgo111= puelaesfarsubmiuft tales aarnse:xikndtdfVBm pneainility d Ines and 10WIewmert krr knowing Vdargnt Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processing unit 1617 Mail Service Chanter Raleigh, North Carolina 27695-1617