HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03606_Well Construction - GW1_20230522 Well CdntriiciarNeme FROht:. , R� D89CRIFRON. • 4518-A 7;'' t NC Well Conhactor( GmtionNamba ' - ;- . k... _. .._ . ,15..GIJIYILCASDIG(reimnimt asedwelb).ORLIA10RQRavvv���.11eeble) - . . Aqua Drill,Inc. FROit TO DIA11Ei<dt tmc MATERIAL CompanyName 0 ft•' .,, f Its. : f 2.Well Comg6ractioa't'ermit#. o345-1.2- .,•:167INERCASINGORTUBING(geittteinilelofedlitud FROM TO! DiADIEUR /SICKN SS MATERIAL' . . List all opplicabletteg piutniction penults(i.e:IIIC County,Seat%Variance;dal 3.Well Use(citeelcwel use):Water Supply Welk . ; NROiW IC AMMETER SLOTSr� 1711 iS MAIERiAL it l I: • _r:QItmictpal/Pnblic 'Geothermal(Heating%CuoTing Sti nit imbal Water SIT*(single) R' ft s is IndushnaliCommelcial /O�� '���� - Residential:Vt►aterSupply(s• kied) ` 8.GROVI, F�fon-Water Me To lioreerilL ec�rrM HOD•aAMODur.i • Monitoring R " •Lijeetuon Well: Recovery i • , -ferRecharge •;t3Gtaund edi � • [l fo. t IAquifer.StotageandRecavery .' 3Selmay— Bali .19'SANDIGItAVELPACKiifpnnlicable) IMOIt 10 BfAT$RBAL EM1LACEMERTM OD ; ' • . -er Test � Drainage ft::. . ti { 1$'--.,t rim ntalTechnotogy: Snils;ri;+►r;;C 'Geotheamal"(CIOSed)•,aog) : • .. • ' 20:DRILLiNG L0C(at[ieb addi8innat stteeis it n Geothermal(fieating(CoolingReturn) Odtts - • FROM I0 D R1rmG xlmree bauble gain ccma�ttlizean: � te�>�tn:trnd�r#arxemadr�) `,�,•'_�� • 5a,WCI€ te0tY0n: Lwb �O J�J $`• - gOtvl'/171 tfr�e(1 :e tA • - Eacibyt/OwnerName- -Fa4YID#(fnpPle) • • R, P .7 PhysiealAddress,(Sty.aadrip s tZ.: Y=``'' .krry • 2I �9A• -County PaioelIdemifieetiaallo:(PIN) •5b.Latitude and•lengitmde indagreesitmfinutesfsewads ordethal degrees: L:;` a tiY'r 3 `r, Orwell field.one lavioags sufficient) -- •22.Certification: - • J c/7 //`� let . g O "t-11.V. yt, . 4fg/25 6.Is(are)tttewetl(s ,Aii•ertnanent or E3Tesnporary . SigaatateofCeuii6ed.WeIlConhador Date " op si niz'a.hts;foie!hereby a?rNf•+6nt tho:*!rA(a)wa,`(.;c vj.mrestru pi 4i:aew,dmt¢ 7.1s this a repair to an existing welli IDHes or" o . with-MANC4C 02C:0100 or1SANC,620io20o Wail me lorrStmrdarrls mrd skit* If thisIsarepalijill out bwimSvei[constritetionmf - =Id explain the nabi eofthe COPYoftreogrd> Pm 0 thew1Iips . repairuaderEZl remmi'msectlan oroa skit bacboftusform. 23. titliegram or addit3o webt deter . • B.For Geolerobenviror.Clos .00p Geothermal Wens li4;vingthe sam•e You May use d!e hack of tbts page to'piaviide additional well ate. details or well) construction,only 1GW:Iis needed:Indicate TOTAL.NUMBERofwells : constrdctimtdetails YonmaYatsoattararadditianalpagesif ' 4 drilled: !, SQBMfiTAL INSTRUCTIONS9 Total well'deptb below land sui facet 2!j . • _- (It) 24e.•For All Welis: Submit this form within 30 days of-completion of wet For=dil*wells lis adepths iffiiffereat(ale-3@2000''a and2©1001 _ ' . eop�gction to the following: 1e Static water level below top of casing: v (ft) Division of Water Resources,Information Proce rig Unit; Ifivater level is above casing use{ • 1617.Mnnil Service Center,Raletgb, c 17699=1617 -11.Borehole diameter. _ • (ID.) 24h.)oriniedlon Welke In addition to sending the fonts to the address hi 24a-. above,also-submit one copy:of this foam within-30'.days of completion of weft 12.Wellcon. astlontmethod: Vley - - ednstmctioatothefollo� i CLe.airs rotaiyi cable,dmeetpasb,eta) i Division'Of Water Reseaeoes,TUndergionndInjection ContaoIProgran,. -16161 SereieeCenter;Rat ., FOR WATER similar WELLS ONLY: center;� e7gb,NC Z7694�636• 13e.Yield(ono) � Method oftesls /3Gt% . 2t For Water Snooty&IniOetion Wells: In addition-to sending the fo�to: / 'dieTaddress(ss)".above, oleo.submit°one-copy of'ttiis,'fogy within 30 days of 13b.IDisinfee>son type 1 A>7aotmt: L C -. completion of well cansttaction l to.the county heailh;depardment of the county where saastruct d. worhCaroti ape ofEnV �Q "O OA ofWeterRas Revised2.22-2016 Form GW-I , 1