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SW8990341_APPROVED PLANS_20131127
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 O� °I 0_ 41 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT © APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2 013 111-1 YYYYMMDD I� 1 I� 1N I.� d' ECM 667/S2W 7033 1--� 4 EIP I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I I I -J c m w^ 06 o_ c o w N (L t4 Peachtree qv Public Right of Wn„ Avenue 71. � M L �e 00 6 w M d- a NEW PARKI Z Taal N. % EIP I T . F poWtV 14440 sq Fok Total *W sWemalk ill sq. Fset EXISTING PARKING T Z r_ � y o o /� W [814375 � any ..L- T 00 SQ. Fest : t lIellowedle sq Foo S 83'08'48"E 312.55 New BUILDING 2 formerly Bldg 2 13 15,335 sf LOT1R TAX PARCEL 5 O6 ACRES R06107-001-TOW Lot SuA -09_000 181-OW 1R Sq. Feet EXISTING PARKING EIP N 83-12'34" W 112.50' N ad 10 N 06'47'26" E 30.75' EIP `--------- i--- -- I I I N a I D O O j Oc J Co I 3 �w �Car 11 3 I L h (o a) 0 N 01 41 U 1 (0 (D 1 �� o m Q J �J\ Liz E O 120.00 3 EIP N 83'12'34" W 180.00, ----- Existing EIP 60.00 EIP D' N 83"12'34" W 112.50' ElI I I \. 1 1 � � I r I DRAINAGE EASE D.B. 3214 MEN T ONE) FROM PG. 918-936 2002 ASBUILT EIP I -�_�-�- 1 I I I Williams Fabricare, Inc. rn D.B. 1447 P9 805 I cp i Williams Fabricare, Inc. D.B. 1129 Pg. 1600 Tract 3 1 I _ I I N - ~ =-- Existing MONUMENT 1 - - N---------- ---------- 1 ---- -__ ) (n i a - - - - --------- Rivenbark at al I Existing o Existin I IZ co �00 o Bobby W. Harelson _N 1 EIP S g3'4T13' 10 ¢ D.B. 1287 Pg. 1339 N I E 100.03 EIP 00 m °' > 1 3-----a ------------------------ ---------- ----------- tow N O) -- N 1 rn BUILDING4 O w Landmark Commercial, Inc. , D.B. 1636 Pg, 600 / o FMRE Z I 4,000 sf Existing 1 I 1 S 83*11"1 236.07 TOTAL I 193.35' � EIP IEXISTING PARKING o � Taal La 1R �+Ildt I V Tow � R. Fao co TOW Lot 1R F BLDidewellG. 3 I 35 �. Fest 5 � I M Flub" ,088 sy �'p US CELLULAR dN 1 > I N3 0 3,150 sf l o ' S 83 12'34" E I p� N 120.82' ' ` o, 7n (vl of O U o N 83'30'20" 04 I a Z N 86'35'15" W 122.49' W 100.23' EIP o 3 bo EIP I rr^0^00 I vl ir m z° ,� ; LOT 2 COO w o S 83.1 34" E FG 42 PG. 57 EIP ec c) o o v 7.9 ' D.B. 407 INGTON I f1 0 (00 a PG. 178 cy) J O 15- Total Lot 3R 8114dllnys LOT 2 0 T pet 'row, fF00 1.29 Acres i U 0 2330q. olk rPARCEL No. y Z Futwy Fast R06107_001-070-000co 1 L zzCD so sq. Feet WALGREEN LiN I o 0 14,490 ' io o C\ CN ~ sf w I N Existing 1 O 1 z IM T N cal Lot 2 au 1 co EXISTING PARKING T p 1 Pwl , Tool Lot s2 . Feat 1 4275 �. Fell alk I Fudl9 2 kin � 980 Sq, Is Bander Drive 100' Right °f Woy N 83'12'34" W 112.74' I - _ -_ _ - - S 83'12'34" E 244- 69' Is 1 I 40 20 0 40 _ _ I SCALE IN FEET: 1 "= 40' _ _ _ Note Well:19 This plan is a composite map for graphically tracking existing 14 DENR / DWQ permits quantities and areas, and N 8,2 'us should not be taken for a certified survey. 3'06" Reference is made on the individual Lots to the Deed Book to N.C. Grid M 2334.7 N.C. Grid Monument and Page Number where the surveys are recorded with Tuesdays.. the New Hanover County Registrar of Deeds. "Shell Someof the permitted amounts of impervious surfaces °prig„, °° ,Design Se, ae . tv p,l rights it pop, °_ °° °°°_ thi, do°° °edit,° , or deletions to this have NOT been verified with as built surveys. (APRIL 1996 LOCATION �aal.ni. i° "Haley a, part. '-moot written c° n,t °r the Lena s°Hero• °; Eoglneer. is Prohibited. only a°pl°s r,om Ibe'°nym°I or mi d° araeat. MONUMENT APPEARS TO Ill ,ked with the original signature and mlgmal°seal or the Surveyor or Engineer. snap be considered to be valid and true copies. BE DESTROYED) Master Stormwater Tracking Plan prepared for DENR / DWQ COLLEGE - OLEANDER CENTER CITY OF WILMINGTON WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA DATE: JUNE 2013 LEGEND: ECM Existing Concrete Monument EIP Existing Iron Pipe RIW Right of Way SS MH Sanitary Sewer Man Hole n rn PIP Power Pole GIW Guy Wire z O W\M Water Meter Fire Hydrant z EXIST. STORM DRAIN MANHOLE \ CATCH BASIN s--5--1 EXIST. SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE �12 EXIST. WATERLINE & F/H ASSEMBLY EXIST. DRAINAGE PIPE ---c--.i EXIST. GAS LINE DRAINAGE FLOW NOTES: 1. THIS PLAT IS PRELIMINARY, AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCE. 2. SURVEYED IN APRIL 1996 AND MAY 2001. AND A POR71ON AGAIN IN JA14UARY 2D13. 3. ALL DISTANCES AS SHOWN ARE HORIZONTAL. 4. SEWER PROVIDED BY CFPUA. 5. WATER PROVIDED BY CFPUA. 6. SITE WILL MEET ALL ZONING REQUIREMENTS. 7. AREA COMPUTED BY COORDINATE METHOD. 8. TREES ON LOT 2 AS PER CITY REQUIREMENTS. 9. STRIPING AND LANES TO CITY STANDARDS (THERMOPLASTIC). 10. NO VEHICULAR ACCESS TO SITE EXCEPT AS SHOWN. 11. FOR REFERENCES SEE DB 946 PG 577, DB 956 PG 620, DB 1711 PG 653, DB 938 PG 875. 12. ALL BEARINGS ARE NC GRID NAD 1983. 13. ALL ELEVATIONS ARE M.S.L. 14. LOT 1 = 5.06 ACRES, LOT 2= 1.29 ACRES, LOT 3 = 0.69 ACRES TOTAL AREA= 7.043 ACRES. Tracking Updated: 10-29-13 OWNERS: CRR PROPERTIES LLC (LOT 3R) CAMERON COMPANY LLC (LOT 1R) 1201 GLEN MEADE ROAD WU MINGTON NC 28401 Market Strom Peachtree Ave. SITE � Olean 1 40 O v U a University of 0 North Carolina O �[If at Wilmington 0 0 In To Wrightsville /Beach Shipyard Blvd. LOCATION MAP The Village at College and Oleander DENR / DWQ Stormwater Permit No. SW8 990341 mod Revised 10-29-13 NOT TO SCALE Drainage / Project Area: 304920 sf = 7.00 acres Total Impervious Area Permitted: 252650 sf= 5.80 acres POND - Updated: 6/03/2013 Lot# Lot 1R Existing Lot IR New Lot 1R Total Lot 2 Walgreens Lot 3R Dunkin' Totals SW# SW8990341 mod SW8990341mod Oflsite SW8 pending Offsite SW8 pending DB# DB5696 PG1050 DB5696 PG1050 DB4077 PGO178 DB5696 PG1050 Impervious Category: Buildings Streets & Parking Sidewalks & Cone. Future Offsite Totals 2466 DWQ TnackingREV Lxls 13,500 22,485 35,985 14,490 2,090 52,565 81,375 14,440 95,815 30,275 16,330 142,420 6,160 8,275 14,435 4,275 2,530 21,240 0 31,065 31,065 960 50 32,075 4,350 0 4,350 0 0 4,350 105,385 76,265 181,650 50,000 21,000 252,650 APPROVED ( `- �/l NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION CL►G* V NOV 0 4 2013 REVISED BUILDING 5 LAYOUT & DIMENSIONS - 10-29-13 now "The Village at College and Oleander" Master Stormwater Tracking Plan prepared for DENR / DWO Dale: COLLEGE -OLEANDER CENTER 6-03-13 Scale: LOCATED IN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP 1` 40' NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA - oror,r,: DSH Checked: p4*BsstOy.lrl. DEVELOPER: CAMERON COMPANY LLC GAW j�, ;'q �•.,''� = 1201 GLEN MEADE ROAD Project No: SEAL WILMINGTON, NC 28401 762-2676 20007 2466-DWQ vV GIN HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES P.A. Sheet "° 1 11 j t LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS &LAND PLANNERS TT TT 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY VALMINGTONN.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 dhollis®hdsilm.com I� I I` IN I - d' ECM N -�_�- 66e- //he 103 34 EIP I 1 I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I i I I 1 I 1 I I I i I I 1 71.53' 00 Ld 7 (O O N EIP ITotal New Buildings 24960 Sq. Feet I Total New Paving 15565 Sq. Feet iTotal New Sidewalk 9635 Sq. Feet I N It 05 w _N N O O 120.00 EIP N 83 12 34 w 180. EIP 60.00 EIP N EXISTING PARKING I 1 I eachtree Avenue r ' Public Right Of way ----�-- S 83- 8'4 -- _ t of\ �Q I 8_E DRAINAGE EAS 312.55 D.B. 3214 EMEN T SOY ��y ' 0 918-936 FROM 202 ASBUILT - -�_ EIP I - _ I is g t I I I I h r e Williams F a abricare, Inc. Ys m D.B. 1447 Pg. 805 ' I cp Wil/ioms Fabricare, lnc. w `t D.B. 1129 Pg. 1600 Tract 3 �_________-- L Y NEW PgRK/NG '° _ _ _--t-----=--------- Existing -- R W I 8Y MONUMENT I - - ------ Rivenbark et al ! O Existing - - - - - - - I I Irn � O � Bobby W Harelson' EIP oo D.B. 7287 Pg. 1339 N S 83-47'13"E NI 100.03 EIPI > U/LDING 2 S'----- ------ W 1 formerly Bldg <' & 3----------------------- I O N � � 15,335 sp E---------------- N I ___ I- BUILDING4 o Ld Commercial, Inc. DR, 16zo I 36 Pg. 600 0 i" O 1 FUTURE � z I 4, 000 sf -� S 83-11,29"E I 236.07 TOTAL 193.35' EIP I EXISTING PARKING ~ -- BUILDING 5 ti IOT 1 R FUTURE 0 f Q 5.06 Total Lot 1R Building I 5, 625 sf TAX P ACRES 3' Lot N I PARCEL Sq. Feet 0. NO. R06107- Total Lot q Paving OJ1-009-000 9ss4Q s . Total Lot q Feet 15795 3R Sidewalk ^ in I Future Lot q Feet r7 26,105 Sq. I Feet ious FUTURE PARKING t >, 0 a Existing Building 13500 Sq Feet Existing Paving 81375 Sq. Feet Existing Sidewalk 6110 Sq. Feet u7 N 3 o I �3 N o p EXIST/NG P `" S 83'12' I ARK/N;; 34" E 120.82' C: N � � n I K MZED I � o v O EIP N 83'12'34" W O 3 N 86'35'15" W 122.49' I ♦� 0 N IN 112.50' EIP o0 N 83°30'20" w 100.23' EIP O 00 rj v i N 06'47'26" E Q/ � z � M M B LOT 2 30.75' o S 83'12'34" E 42 PC_ 57 EIP----------- -------EIP � � ¢ o 0 7.93' p B 4I WIL077 MINGTON 7 I ^, Ot0 a^ 8 `N co o c n J O¢ Total Lot 3R Buildings I LOT 2 aci f- O 2090 Sq, Feet -O_I a o T163 Lot 3R Paving J 30 Sq, Feet 1.29 Acres I v E OD I Total Lot _° (0 i °' 0 2530 3R Sidewalk TAX PAR > n 0 Sq• Feet R06107- PARCEL No. 7 3 m o �. � Z Future Lot 3R 001-010- `t I L co 000 WA c a >Qi j O 50 Sq. Feet RE fIV I ., 1,1 �0 14,490 S f I � N w Existing L IN 3 o I z I Total Lot n y- 2 B 1449 uildings I O Total Lot SSq• Feet I rV 30275 2 Paving Total Lot q. Feet , 2 Sidewalk Future Sq. Feet EXISTING PARKING I e Lot 2 Impervious Pervious 3 12 34" W Sq• Feet _ Oleander ' N 83°72'34" W 112.74' s I ---- a Drive - - - - - 100' S 83 °7 234" E 244. 6 g' Right al Way Is I 40 20 0 40 SCALE IN FEET' 1 40' Nate Well: This plan is a composite map for graphically tracking exsting DENR / DWQ permits,quantities and areas, and N 'u sh3uld not be taken for a certified survey. 81 °43'06"w 2,334.72 Reference is made on the individual Los to the Deed Book to N C GndMonument N.C. Grid Monument and Page Number where the surveys are recorded with Tuesdoys„ the New Hanover County Registrar of Deeds. "Shell" Sane of the permitted amounts of impervious surfaces have NOT been verified with as -built surveys. MONUMENT APPEARSTO BE DESTROYED) Ce night 0. Honowtr Design Services R.A., All rights r,a .. Reproductlan or use of Me cantanN of Nit document er additiona ,r deletbn+ to this document, h ehde a pant. Mfhout written mneent of the Land S nvyar or Engbw,, Ia prohibited. Q11 copbe Ooln the alVIllef of this document lr ked with the wd&d dgnafunt and original seal of fhe Survepr an Engineer, andl be conekdereaf fo be wOhl and We copies. U: z E 0 Master Stormwater Tracking Plan prepared for DENR / DWQ COLLEGE - OLEANDER CENTER CITY OF WILMINGTON WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA DATE: JUNE 2013 LEGEND: ECM Existing Concrete Monument EIP Existing Iron Pipe R/W Right of Way SS MH Sanitary Sewer Man Hole rn P/P Power Pole < G/W Guy Wire z 2 W\M Water Meter of 0 U F\H Fire Hydrant z EXIST. STORM DRAIN MANHOLE \ CATCH BASIN -5- EXIST. SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE EXIST. WATERLINE & F/H ASSEMBLY EXIST, DRAINAGE PIPE --c--j EXIST. GAS LINE DRAINAGE FLOW NOTES: 1. THIS PLAT IS PRELIMINARY, AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCE. 2. SURVEYED IN APRIL 1996 AND MAY 2001. AND A PORTION AGAIN IN JANUARY 2013. 3. ALL DISTANCES AS SHOWN ARE HORIZONTAL. 4. SEWER PROVIDED BY CFPUA. 5. WATER PROVIDED BY CFPUA. 6. SITE WILL MEET ALL ZONING REQUIREMENTS. 7. AREA COMPUTED BY COORDINATE METHOD. 8. TREES ON LOT 2 AS PER CITY REQUIREMENTS. 9. STRIPING AND LANES TO CITY STANDARDS (THERMOPLASTIC). 10. NO VEHICULAR ACCESS TO SITE EXCEPT AS SHOWN. 11. FOR REFERENCES SEE DB 946 PG 577, DB 956 PG 620, DB 1711 PG 653, DB 938 PG 875. 12. ALL BEARINGS ARE NC GRID NAD 1983. 13, ALL ELEVATIONS ARE M,S.L. 14. LOT 1 = 5.06 ACRES, LOT 2= 1.29 ACRES, LOT 3 = 0.69 ACRES TOTAL AREA= 7.043 ACRES. Tracking Updated: 6-03-13 OWNERS: CRR PROPERTIES LLC (LOT 3R) CAMERON COMPANY LLC (LOT 1R) 1201 GLEN MEADE ROAD WILMINGTON NC 28401 } /- 40 Market St V a a n Ave. Forth2,rOollfr, ;PeoLchtree ITE e i Beach Oleander Drive Shipyard Blvd. LOCATION MAP NOT TO SCALE The Village at College and Oleander DENR / DWQ Stormwater Permit No. SW8 990341 mod Drainage/Project Area: 304920 sf= 7.00 acres Total Impervious Area Permitted: 252650 sf= 5.80 acres POND - Updated: 6/03/2013 Lot# Lot 1R Existing Lot 1R New Lot IR Total Lot 2 Walgreens Lot 31Z Dunkin' SW# SW8 990341 mod SW8 990341mod Offsite SW8 pending Offsite SW8 pending DB# DB5696 PG1050 DB5696 PG1050 DB4077 PGO178 DB5696 PG1050 Impervious Category: Buildings 13,500 24,960 38,460 14,490 2,090 Streets & Parking 81,375 15,565 96,940 30,275 16,330 Sidewalks & Conc. 6,160 9,635 15,795 4,275 2,530 Future 0 26,105 26,105 960 50 Offsite 4,350 0 4,350 0 0 Totals 105,385 76,265 181,650 50,000 21,000 2466 DWQ Tracking.xls Totals 55,040 143,545 22,600 27,115 4,350 252,650 APPROVED NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION DEMt_IZ �7 � k T 4 "-II '!!P k $Y: now "The Village at College and Oleander" Master Stormwater Tracking Plan prepared for DENR / DWQ COLLEGE- OLEANDER CENTER LOCATED IN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA R O 'off 0N''• SEAL = '•. 20007 _ 9'•.LNGiNS G,n4.13 DEVELOPER: CAMERON COMPANY LLC 1201 GLEN MEADE ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28401 762-2676 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS nI 1123 FLORAL WILMINGTON, ILM FLL PARKWAY N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 Date: 6-03-13 Scale: 40 Drawn: DSH Che<keA: GAW Project No: 2466-DWQ Sheet No: 1 Dt: 1 SITE DATA TABLE: Site Plan o f LOCATION AIM TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: (NDi TO SCALE, R06107 PC 51 11-000 ^/ DB 818 PG 516 / V 42 NC GRID NAD 1983 DB 593 PG 154 �� ZONING: RB Starbucks at the Village at Collegeiiiiiiiiii0lec nder =° .3_E 1=63' a,, street SETBACKS OF BUILDING: _ _ M REQUIRED: FRONT - 25REAR - 15' SIDE - 0' 4511 OLEANDER DRIVE I ��- PROVIDED: FRONT - 72.6' REAR - 102.3' SIDE - 27.0' LOCATED IN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON G TOTAL AMOUNT OF ACREAGE: VILLAGE at COLLEGE -OLEANDER - 7.04 ACRES ' STARBUCKS LEASE (LOT 3R) - 0.69 ACRES NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ��-• �__ LOT COVERAGE: BUILDING SIZE = 1.822 SIF BUILDINGS - 1.822 SF PARKING & DRIVES - 15.000 SF Starbucks Site GENERAL NOTES: SIDEWALKS ETC - 3.720 SF OTHER NOTES: _ ZONING: RB SAFETY MISC ETC - 458 SF SITE DATA: i. This map is not for conveyance, recordation, or sales. 1. THIS PLAT IS PRELIMINARY, NOT INTENDED FOR S ° ~ Lease Lot Area = 0.69 acre RECORDATION, SALES, OR CONVEYANCE. 06 4 ' z0" -�.. TOTAL IMPERVIOUS = 21,000 SF - 0.48 ac. - 70% OF 0.69 ACRES 2. This property Is not located within a special flood 2 J ONE BUILDING PROPOSED FOR STARBUCKS at the VILLAGE at COLLEGE -OLEANDER 1 BLDG-Height = 18'riverage, 20'maximum hazard area according to Flood Insurance Rate Map Community 2.'SURVEYED IN 2001, 2003, and 2007. W 142. 7 20' MAXIMUM HEIGHT -ONE STORY -ADDRESS: 4511 OLEANDER DRIVE = Panel #370171-00109. effective date April 2, 1986, 3. ALL DISTANCES AS SHOWN ARE HORIZONTAL. 4 Parking. Restaurant 4. SEWER PROVIDED BY CITY OF WILMINGTON, I CITY STANDARD NOTES: 1,280 sf exclusive of kitchen and restroom BUILDING SIZE - 1,822 SF - 0.04 Ac. ; BUILDING LOT COVERAGE - 6R 3. Area zoned RB - 7.04 acres, LOT 3R = I 0.69 acre. 5. WATER PROVIDED BY CITY. r "' \ 1. PRIOR TO ANY CLEARING, GRADING OR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, TREE PROTECTION 4. Buildinglayout and dimensions b others. ANTICIPATED USE 50 GPD PER CAR SPACE PARKING "RESTAURANT": 1/80SF 'exclusive of kitchen and restroom" 20 spaces maximum a 1 65s1 � y FENCING WILL BE INSTALLED AROUND PROTECTED TREES OR GROVES OF TREES � P / 50 X 16 = 800 GPD TOTAL 15 REGULAR SPACES PROVIDED 16 spaces minimum O 1/80sf 5. This property is zoned City Of Wilmington RB. 6. SITE WILL MEET ALL ZONING REQUIREMENTS. AND NO CONSTRUCTION WORKERS, TOOLS, MATERIALS, OR VEHICLES ARE PERMITTED N� 1 VAN ACCESSIBLE SPACE PROVIDED 15 regular spaces provided Building setbacks are as follows: 7. AREA COMPUTED BY COORDINATE METHOD. WITHIN THE TREE PROTECTION FENCING. �0 NO LOADING SPACE PROVIDED 1 van accessible HC spaces provided & REGULATED TREES ON 517E TO BE PRESERVED AS SHOWN. 2. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS IN PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -WAY AND FOR DRIVEWAYS ARE TO (_A O P P 20' from Oleander Right -of -Way BE THERMOPLASTIC AND MEET CITY AND OR NCDOT STANDARDS. CAMA LAND USE CLASSIFICATION "DEVELOPED" NOTE: OUTDOOR LIGHTING No loading space required 0' from Interior Side 9. STRIPING AND LANES TO CITY STANDARDS (THERMOPLASTIC). I D Ds. SHALL NOT SHINE OR REFLECT 10. NO VEHICULAR ACCESS TO SITE EXCEPT AS SHOWN. 3. ONCE STREETS ARE OPEN TO TRAFFIC, CONTACT TRAFFIC ENGINEERING (RICHIE BROWN) PROPERTY OWNER: CRR PROPERTIES LLC No bicycle spaces required 15' from Rear 11. ALL UTILITIES UNDERGROUND. TO REQUEST INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC AND STREET NAME SIGNS. PROPOSED STREET WILMINGTON. GLEN MEADE ROAD DIRECTLY ONTO ANY 12. COMBINED GRID FACTOR = 1.00000. NAMES MUST BE APPROVED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF STREET NAME SIGNS. J 910762-2NC 28406 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. 6. Handicap Romps provided at all intersections and One per building. 13 FOR REFERENCE SEE : 4. TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES (INCLUDING SIGNS AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS IN AREAS lL 910-762-2676 NOTE: NO WETLANDS ON THIS SITE. 7, 15 suitable trees per acre are tbe preserved or planted DB 818 PG O LANDSCAPING AREAS : CAMA LAND USE CLASSIFICATION: "DEVELOPED" in accordance with City of Wilmington 15 OPEN TO PUBLIC TRAFFIC ARE TO MEET MUTCD (MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC standards. DB 593 PG 154 CONTROL DEVICES) STANDARDS. '.. 73'+23'+23'X 18'X 12X - 260 of foundation landscaping required SITE NOT IN A SHOD OR COD. 14. ONE SIGNIFICANT TREE ON SITE TO BE PRESERVED. n, 5. CONTACT TOM PLATT WITH TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AT 341-7888 TO ENSURE THAT ALL 1805 f interfounior landscaping provided APPROXIMATE TIME TO COMPLETION: UNDER 1 YEAR. B. Parking areas and streets to be lighted in accordance with 15. REGULATED TREES TO BE REMOVED ARE FOR ESSENTIAL I `� y TRAFFIC SIGNAL FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT ARE SHOWN ON THE PLAN. CALL TRAFFIC 1800 sf interior landscaping required (15000ef X12R) City of Wilmington standards. SITE IMPROVEMENTS. NO REGULATED TREES ARE LOCATED ENGINEERING AT 341-7888 FORTY-EIGHT HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION IN THE 1850 sf interior landscopinq provided REFERENCE: DENR / DWQ SW8 990341 IN EXCESS PARKING AREAS. RICHT-OF-WAY. 1485 of perimeter landscaping provided 9. Refuse collection b dum ster and private hauler. G4 EXISTING ON -SITE STORMWATER Y P P i6. LANDSCAPING PLAN BY OTHERS. IV 6. ANY BROKEN OR MISSING SIDEWALK PANELS OR CURBING WILL BE REPLACED. I NOTES DETENTION / RETENTION FACILITY. 10, 16 total parking spaces provided this Phase. 17. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE STAGING OF CONSTRUCTION v Z CONTACT KAREN DIXON AT 341-7888 TO DISCUSS STREET LIGHTING OPTIONS. ACTIVITIES WITH THE OWNER AND A HIT 1. SURVEYED AUGUST 2001 -MAY 2003- JULY 2007 il. NO CONSTRUCTION IS TO BEGIN BEFORE LOCATION OF EXISTING C ECT TO FACILITATE � � I S. PRo,.Eci SHALL COMPLY WITH CITY OF WILMINGTON CROSS CONNECTION CONTROL ONGOING ADJOINING BUSINESS ACTIVITIES. I REQUIREMENTS. WATER METERS CANNOT BE RELEASED UNTIL ALL REQUIREMENTS 2. AREA COMPUTED BY COORDINATE METHOD UTILITIES HAS BEEN DETERMINED, CALL NC ONE -CALL" AT LEAST 18. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE REMOVAL AND RELOCATION 1� ARE MET AND THE STATE HAS GIVEN THEIR FINAL APPROVAL. CALL 343-3910 FOR J. FOR REFERENCE SEE MB 42 PG 57 dr DB J214 PC 918 PROPERTY ADDRESS: 48 HOURS BEFORE COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. 1-800-632-4949 OF LIGHTING AND OTHER NON -MUNICIPAL UTILITIES SUCH " I INFORMATION. 4. TOPCON CIS USED IN FIELD 302D E AS ELECTRICAL AN P ci D TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS WITH THE W 9. IF THE CONTRACTOR DESIRES CITY WATER FOR CONSTRUCTION HE SHALL APPLY IN 5. IRONS SET AT ALL CORNERS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 4511 OLEANDER DRIVE i2 Aff Al 0 O 0 -�1 V/ C 00 0v3 Gl Cn �1 r D .1cb z n : 2 v �� I Y io � i oZg n� -p �/ m ti k O NEW z •p 2 ,. OO N J , � �� 3• i� k $ yy -C n w ti �A ected 9' m M LANDEN I CR -It m 1638-7j72 N D.B. 819 PG. 516 I _0C .. I o O D.B. 593 PG. 154 I - _ Z I LOT 3R A Com 0 t - -- 30043.6 SQ. FT. N William F, merclaj Use 0.690 ACRES y Q) I L an den ✓r &. Gres V 1 2, N�v Is v G REQUIRED N 061°47'26» O +A3, +44.4 10'Porkin I THIS SIDE 5 W1LK 42..+ + C a 9 Blond Seporotbn 43,117 L �m�/✓�+429p o < 2.07 43 8> +43.8 Lny I lo> 72.6' o' L� iD + +43. 1.0% > +43.3 +4 ;5 N m � too DOS � } 4 .5 - 9 IN � D I . BFP +43.2 �� t43.3 G r 43,9 max p + +43.8 43.0 +Ni O F 7f N 06 E as 1.$22F klt�sfexclusheOf 7 EmxisnNc 0 o r� °47'1Q _< $» 83 REFERENCE: OMR / DWO SW8 990341 EXISTING ON -SITE STORMWATER DETENTION / RETENTION FACILITY. 47 01 D.S.ory M L an den W to 6 U O O O 117g p` N3 lol PAVEMENT MARKING 9• 1519 A g� v"kil Trl ARROWS MUST BE .amN m I ARROWS SIZE "I AT LEAST �m� f i v_r��a m;K v OWS AS PER ROADWAY c3 I DwvM a '/ICA ER CITY TECH.STDS. �^�p 1 in Z I l� 06 47'26" ROOF DRAINS TO pyW CUT EXISTING �� mD "� $ CA o E 17 BE CONNECTED MT' AT PL'� .;' x O N E.o.p, 4.00 TO REMOV r 1 VI D IM ER Exisen.3 Curbing STORM DRAT 12"PVC E EXIST. C&G � Znl, /N I p I 0 0 LA N CLEANOU T 70 (� I o v AN NO BLDG. FOUNDATION PLAN + 'TIN cAl i v I y I I c en a 3.00 ANSCcRMER r0 DRIVE -UP ON _ m REMOVE 26 FFE_ ��/h A LOCArEo MENU W A AND PVM XIST/N C&G J I CO ro M N M m O -44.5 ^i CaWafM N +, \- ci �i �i ST owpgED ® W RyASrn7AP CA3&ELEf " w� o t EAVEMENT GUT v + _ ���� 0.. BY orNERs Nooxuvs W/ m at 2 + + + + + ��� ununEs f r c° \ E � EDGE: WITH N - -- WOq° q Z W PAVING -� � N11N PARIQEI(x $� 2 y 00 n SIDEWALK T SCREENING FEN �I' F (,v ° I ' +43.9 S Foundation PIa ntln9 CONC +4 BESIDE C.y III AD 43. 4.2 1 i /' --1 m N 14 / 06 47'10" W 43 7 u {' U $ Unlversity of North Carding; .th of N9mingtan Peachtree Ave. N SITE }� To wrightsole B7 each \ N° (3� Olslnder Orlvs 5721' N 06 °41 '31 " E / & �r O _r I I Ot W #do o n F o +43 4 + y A o 0 7y nl (� 87. 52---- V p X 4p, SHIER` a �1 sa mA BI ycle P 5 Fo ndatio Plantin 3.2 F 'L � tiv r S 06 2 „ �. ark ng a D �/ c3obb `8 21 IA, �j �� I YY 1,3 - MATCH EXIST," .- SI Bik Ra o c• o o o " CN MORE GENERAL NOTES. �' W. 51 2 J 0 Yon Acc C w m D. p Harre/ a C&assobl 5� 3,1 m C„/ ^7 /� 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO CONFORM TO CITY OF WILMINGTON STANDARDS U. q '7 I NEW C&TH �a c J 00 (yOT nr Hgndicop Space w 9.00' / 0 CO / �t�/ (T 1,3J6 YY// a G 37SN TERM eaordAcaess �D �Z Pc % �y1A O FIB• /(N miner, p/ Use 2. CONTRACTOR TOiC00RDINATECANYSREOUIRED TRAFFIC CONTROL WITH �y r%75+ /- fV „ \ \` Eosemen! c>An� spaces �O- O r Zj O)` r THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. f obr/C �, i$ $,a n Z 3. CARE SHALL BE TAKEN DURING FINAL GRADING TO ENSURE POSITIVE Q. are /n 3y,\ REIUOVE EXISTIN ACE$ �Qt11RE 43, 5 I rn DRAINAGE AWAY FROM BUILDINGS AND TO RECEIVING STRUCTURES 1447 P ' C. (n 1, Rq T� AND GU TT CURB AZ' 4. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION OF ANY RELOCATIONS, a E�4 3 _ PAVE -VENT pNp AW CUB $ -'(� � _ - _� O k l �°VC ( RE -ALIGNMENTS, DISCONNEC110NS OR CONNECTIONS OF EXISI7NC LEGEND: �O� Ip' EDGE WITH 'NEW P TCH``- T ` „ = ` Ex _ EXEND PVC N ,S� ESsa ,S ES N APPLICABLE AUTHORITIES ECM Existing PAVING 47 --'--- EC VES AS kf , � I � D UTILI it N9 S LEASE G !`' 4QZ^ _N RY 5. CLEARING AND GRUBBING OF SITE TO INCLUDE REMOVAL OF EXISTING g Concrete Monument LOT LINE , _ = ��2�n , l 2 CURB, ASPHALT, INLETS, AND ANY OTHER STRUCTURES INCLUDING TREES Efp 3 W 23j2 ' S I� it 0 1 tot F4(T to COmmer QL) Ch)N I O Z cfo/ Use CR TE PAD 2 � RAMP z / FENCE c> 105.0' t `. r Q Wolgreen �pTStore N �' ° ZONED R8 No 6951 nalvJl` G/ \J(\ O i° \I CON To \CO 7 I � � ti � v I O I LINE BEARING DISTANCEI L1 S 83-12'34. E 30.13- L2 S 86'35'15" E 5.22' L3 S 09'07'12" E 48.12' L4 N 06'47'26" E 34.30' 1_5 S 34'35'43" W 34.66' 1_6 N 60'04'48" W 24.08' 1_7 N 34'35'43" E 30.69' L8 S 06'47'26" W 25.01' L9 N 09'07'12" W 48,12' LIO S 06'42'35" W 25.00' 1I1 S 8312'34" E 8.33' LI2 N 12'04'23" E 12.55' THAT ACTOR TO ENSURE IS KEPT ACCESS EASEMENT FOR TRAFFIC N AND CLEAR ON -GOING CODURI G ACTIVITIES. UCTION S 06 34' 46 W 60 46' i 41,- W VICE`° W 0 ` mFTO 2ep� �A m X �T7 Cp G� ,o .70 D J ~ J J � S 79. t,- a a, _'I20 LJ o tOObCD rn 2S, /1 \� 7 I I \O X/C N O � N 0 20 10 0 20 I T W SCALE IN FEET.' 1 20' STUMPS AND DEBRIS EXISTING ON SITE. TREES NOT REQUIRED TO BE CLEARED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHALL REMAIN UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED. 6. MINIMUM SEPARATION SHALL BE MAINTAINED AS FOLLOWS: o. HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE OF 10 FEET BETWEEN SANITARY SEWER AND WATER MAINS. b. WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCE IS LESS THAN 18" BETWEEN SANITARY SEWER AND WATER OR WHERE SEWER LINE CROSSES ABOVE WATER MAIN, BOTH PIPES SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PIPE FOR A MINIMUM OF 10' EITHER SIDE OF CROSSING. C. WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCE IS LESS THAN 24" BETWEEN SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAIN, SANITARY SEWER SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PIPE FOR A MINIMUM OF 10' EITHER SIDE OF CROSSING. d. WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCE IS LESS THAN 12" BETWEEN WATER MAIN AND STORM DRAIN, WATER MAIN SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PIPE FOR A MINIMUM OF IQ' EITHER SIDE OF CROSSING, 7. SEE DETAIL SHEETS FOR TYPICAL UTILITIES HOOKUPS. & ALL SANITARY SEWER MAINS TO BE 8" UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 9. ALL WATER MAINS TO BE 8" UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 10. TWO VALVES ARE REQUIRED AT "T" INTERSECTIONS AND ONE VALVE ON THE WATER LINE TO FIRE HYDRANTS, 11. A BLOW -OFF VALVE IS REQUIRED AT THE TERMINUS OF ALL "DEAD END" WATER LINES. 2 REVISED HC RAMPS, CROSSWALK, DESIGNATED PARKING & BIKE RACK 1130-07, 1 REVISED AS PER CITY TRAFFIC, ENGINEERING, UTILITIES, AND FIRE REVIEW 11-08-0 REV. N0. REVISIONS DATE CopyiyM O. Manowr Despn SwNtt; P.A, M right, rssrwd. Rspm vtbn or °= of Me ,ent"Is of Die daCon nt, w °ddr,ns w deetem to Me doswnn4 in while w Pwt Mthool Britten consent of Me Land Sarwyw or Enghaer, is Xonbleed. crly Copps Main Me w7ybd of INe docwnent ,naked with Me wlglnd signolu and arlynd sad of Me S,Mry e, Eaghee,, "W =21die d to he wW and Moe meolm Ewstmg Iron Pipe R/W Right of Way EXIST. STORM DRAIN MANHOLE SS MH Sanitary Sewer Man Hole CATCH BASIN P/P Power Pole i 0 I EXIST. SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE C/W Guy Wire i 12"W i EXIST. WATERLINE & F/H ASSEMBLY W\M Water Meter EXIST. DRAINAGE PIPE F\H Fire Hydrant EXIST. GAS LINE APPROVE Site Plan of NORTI N Starbucks at the Village at Collegebm ' ion-01-0' LOCATED IN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON 11= 20, NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 4511 OLEANDER DRIVE Drawn: - - -- DSH "ARO"I ,..._ -. Checked: V`a «+°." .... OWNER: CRR PROPERTIES LLC \ OFESSID,I°yV' 1201 GLEN MEADE ROAD DEC 0 6 2007 GA q� 9!}11 910'762-2676 WILMINGTON, NC 2t#� Project No: SEAT } BY:Su -T1I V2466-BI-C _ s 20007 a a l2- ©3 • c�-j dholiis®hdsilm.com HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P LAND SURE YMS; ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS // WILMINGTON. FLORAL PARKWAY etLMINGTON, N.C. 28403 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 Sheet No: 1 of: 2 2-2 1/2• HOSE NOZZLES 4 1/2' PUMPER CONNECTION FACE TO CENTER UNE OF STREET HYDRANT TO HAVE 13REAK WORD "WATER' REMOVABLE ON COVER WU gBApRyRLE�LNE F FINISH (lt 1Di USFi NTH C.I. VALVE BOX MI IZE 8 . STE T TTOOROPEN RAIN NOTE: I HEANDETAIL / GR %�7 SHEET NO. 1egjXREa '- RED LEONPW 2-DUCTILE IRON PIE REQUIREDSAIL HYDRANT I ENEN KwENNEDYSGLAROIAN GUIDELINES FOR STANDARD HYDRANT ARTS Ell®®®® 1 I NOTE Based an 1.5 x Working pressure of 100 PSI plus ANNA Water MOrrIWNr, NI bearing surfaces to be carded to undisturbed ground. STANDARD THRUST BLOCK FOR WATER MAINS MT1 SEE PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS NORTH OR WEST SIDE SEE PLAIN SOUTH OR EAST SIDE 1 22 -D 1B -0 10'-0 TYPE 'A• 1 3' COVER jI"' Q O CA gI I STORY DRNN 3 POWER TEjHONE 31 TO 8' COVER 2' COVER SANITARY SEWER WATER NOTE: WHEN POSSIBLE FLUSH MOUNTED OR BELOW GROUND DISTRIBUTION OR JUNCTION BOXES TO BE USED BY UTIUTIEe. TYPICAL UTILITY LOCATION we ONS45 0'-0 1/2• 0'-6 11 16" 0'-0 1/8' 0'-1 1/2' 0'-0 1/0' 0'-0 3/4• 0'-2 I/4" 0'-0 IA 0'-0 1 /2 [70'-743/;4 SECTION *A -A* ORE WVC 6HD CAST IRON OR EQUAL HEAVY DUTY ARTS awl444 0'-0 11/1( V-2 1/4" 0'-7 Ile GGE 0'-11 7/8' � WATER � A GGO A ELM 1 ///4gg. 11/16" /2 0'-6 11/18• DIA. U-0 1/2' 0'-8 1/4' NMUM WEIGHTS TOP 10 LBS. W-11 7/8" EXTENSION 40 LBS. EXTENSION WATER VALVE CASTING NTS SD04e7 EXIST. GROUND �A 4 PLAN BENDS - MAN TFcc IS' MIN A.e' - h SECTION X-X PLAN k ELEVATION arNnC A, TEES PLUGS STANDARD THRUST BLOCK NTS FULL IS' JOINT N JOINT RESTRAINT HYDRANT TO 1ST FULL JOINT OF PIE HYDRANT 3/4" GALVANIZED RODS ® < i TIE soLTs JOINT RESTRAINT HYDRANT TO MAIN TEE 3/4• TIE BOLTS �m GUIDELINES FOR HYDRANT JOINT RESTRAINT NTS SD4e7 0'-4" 0'-4" 6. VIEW A NOTES; I -DO NOT TAP MANHOLE AT JOINT. 2-BREAK OUT MINIMUM AMOUNT OF MANHOLE WALL TO ALLOW NEW PIPE TO ENTER. 3-CONCRETE TO BE BROKEN FROM INSIDE OF MANHOLE, IF POSSIBLE. 4-PLACE COLLAR AROUND NEW PIPE. COLLAR TO BE BUILT RESTING ON UNDISTURBED SOIL. 5-REPAIR CONCRETE WITH NON -SHRINK CEMENT. 6-SEE SD 14-11 FOR PRE -CAST MANHOLE DETAIL STANDARD TAPPING DETAIL PRE -CAST MANHOLE NTS 043" D C + + FRAME MINIMUM AVERAGES, WEIGHT PLAN 0'-10 3/4" - O'-0 I/4- Y-0 1/2- 0'-5 3/4' 0'-5 3/4" 0'-1 1/Y SECTION c sEcnoN D V-RIBS e COVER WATER A MINIMUM 2A0 SCE WEIGHT II 0'-9 5/8' 0'-1 1/4" METERU.-0 3/4 0'-0 7/8' d-O 1/4' BLAB O'-1 3/4' -D 3 B" V-7 3/8" 0' RFCTION B 0'-2 1 /4" 0'-1 3/4' 0'-5 3/4" V-5 3/4• WATER METER BOX SEcn0N A NTS SDI44S GM VA W E NINE 5 AN a tIo cmrEA Sam mN mmrn s AND YXIME Wr ER ms m sN•PPM To 'OR N 1W11111ENE 1uIE• oWTI"JOL Fwxc N: AT NO AL.12-n. INgfues,NIEmWl9. Sl•P WII NADs.N�s xo�Nw•�iaN.� ¢ D e-•Eei vwl�Ee-rrepege�m - - •._•_ . � 1 J FINISH GRADE THRUST COLLAR MIN. COVER 3.5' 5' MIN. �MN 1/4" STEEL PLATE D STEEL LR! 3' 3' 3" BLOCK ROD REQUIREMENTS (TYP.) SIZE OF 45 DEGRFE BEND STATIC THRUST W POUNDS NUMBER OF RODS REQUIRED 432D 2 6" 2 �7�77,8948 30 779 2 1 12' 20' eY 2252 244 8 2 GENERAL NOTES: 1. ONCE INSTALLED AND NIGHT, THE STEEL RODS AND BOLTS SHALL BE COATED VAIN 2 COATS OF BITUMINOUS BASE PAINT. 2,CONCRETE SHALL NOT CONTACT BOLTS OR ENDS OF MECHANICAL JOINT BENDS. 3. TYPICAL MIN. CLEARANCE BETWEEN CONCRETE AND ENO OF BOLT MUST BE 3'. 4. APPROVED OFFSET$ CAN SE USED W THIS APPLICATION. STANDARD VERTICAL BEND W" STANDARD UD HEAVY DUTY UD SEE SD-14 SEE SD-1 48 2" ASPHALT tCASTZG4" BASE FOR CASTING DETNLSR OVER FLANGE 1' MORTAR 2" STANDARD BRICK LyA AA��yy2EE"MggO��R��T EAR TEN CAS RGVCENTERFD OVER ShLLVE NUT SEWER CLEAN -OUT CASTING NOTES. CENTERED OVER STACK THIS REQUIRED WHEN D CLEAN -OUTS ARE LOCATED IN PRESENT ORUTUR PAVED AREAS. -PRIOR TO SETTING CASTINGS, NEW INSTALLATIONS WILL REQUIRE 9.9% COMPACTION OR BACKFILL IN e" LIFTS. TYPICAL DETAIL VALVE BOX AND CLEAN -OUT CASTING BASES NTD eD1040 CASTING EXTENSION OR TYPICAL DETAIL VALVE BOX AND CLEAN -OUT CASTING BASES ARTS wOD+» NOTES: 1. WATER METERS ARE TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY 2. ALL WATER METERS MUST BE LOCATED WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAYS AND/OR EASEMENTS 3. WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS WHERE R W WIDTH PERMITS IARGE CAST IRON METER BOX fL SIDEWALK O.-B. MAX 2'-B" MIN METER YOKE W/12 RISER WATER METER CONNECTIONS TO BE COORDINATED WITH TYPE "K" SOFT COPPER TUBING CITY PERSONNEL 1-1/22' WATER SERVICE NTS SDI&" 2"MJXMJ 4700 SERIES 2"CORP. GATE VALVE STOP - IRON PIPE VALVE BOX WITH 2"SQUARE THREADED INLET NUT, OPENS WITH IP COMPRESSION RIGHT OUTLET NOTE: MJ PLUG TO BE RESTRAINED RESTRAINT JOINT GLAND SEE VALVE BOX BODY WITH DUCTILE IRON CASTING BASE SCREWS, BREAK -AWAY HEAD DETAILS, ABOVE TO ENSURE PROPER TORQUE 8"MJ CAP TAPPED 2' PVC OR DIP PIPE 2"PVC CL200 rvA L'f'R'A',•`'J n„ice �i� CONC.BLOCKING STD.$"MJ GASKET 18"LONG MAX. 2"DIA. BRASS PIPE SCHDAO PLAIN END See TO 2" WATERLINE CONNECTION ASSEMBLY S1rtr FAO SY 4 41" Kra ELEVATION / ( GROWN OF TREE IS NEEDED FOR LEAF GROWTH TO PRODUCE OXYGEN, FILTER THE AIR, REDUCE WIND, SOFTEN NOISE, AND PROVIDE BEAUTIFUL APPEARANCE. 1 \ DO NOT DISFIGURE CROWN WITH INSENSITIVE PRUNING! FEEDER ROOTS �� SIR I IR ROOTS EELAN FEEDER ROOTS ARE LOCATED STRUCTURAL ROOTS LOCATED AT 'DRIPLINE" OF TREE NEAR BASE OF TRUNK ARE AND PROVIDE TREE WITF1 NEEDED TO GIVE SUPPORT TO MOISTURE AND NUTRIENTS. ENTIRE TREE. If REMOVED, SEE NOTE 1 k NOTE 4 TREE CANFNL AND DAMAGE PROPERTY. SEE NOTE 9 k NOTE 4 METHOD OF TREE PROTECTION DURING MTD t01➢-D➢M TREE PROTECTION DURING CONSTRUCTION 1. DO NOT COMPACT SOIL BENEATH TREES. NO VEHICLE SHALL BE ALLOWED TO PARK UNDER TREES. NO HEAVY MATERIALS SHALL BE STORED BENEATH TREES. RESULTS OF COMPACTION CAUSE WATER AND AIR NOT TO REACH THE ROOTS AND THE TREE WILL DIE. THESE "FEEDING ROOTS" OCCUR WELL AWAY FROM THE BASE OF THE TREE TO THE EDGE OF THE OVERHEAD BRANCH CANOPY. DAMAGING THE BARK WITH LAWNMOWERS, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT. OR ANYTHING ELSE IS PROHIBITED. APROTECTIVE BARRIER SHOULD PREVENT DAMAGE FROM OCCURING DURING CONSTRUCTION. 2. NO CUTTING OF LARGE STRUCTURAL ROOTS LOCATED NEAR THE BASE OF THE TRUNK. THESE ARE ESSENTIAL IN SUPPORTING THE TREE AND HOLDING IT UPRIGHT IN HIGH WINDS. REMOVAL OF THESE ROOTS ALONG ONE SIDE IS OFTEN DONE BECAUSE OF A WALK, PAYING OR BUILDING WHICH 15 BUNG CONSTRUCTED. 3. AVOID CUT AND FILL WITHIN DIAMETER OF TREE CROWN DURING EXCAVATION. METHOD OF TREE PROTECTION DURING I EXISTING TREE DRIPLINE 3 MIN. STAKE PROTECTIVE BARRIER HEIGHT ABOVE s GRADE TREES TO BE SAVED WILL BE CLEARLY MARKED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND A PROTECTIVE BARRIER IS TO BE iNSTAUJEO AT THE CPIPLINE. DRIP LINE - THE AREA OF SOIL DIRECTLY BENEATH THE TREE EXTENDING OUT TO THE TIPS OF THE OUTERMOST BRANCHES. METHOD OF TREE PROTECTIOWDURING CONSTRUCTION - ARTS Swe40 NSXNS PIPE DIA A LENGTH B WIDTH C WIDTH WEIGHT 3 55-1 2 N 14 4 360 4 64-1 2 15 5 5B5 77-1 15 1 S 2. COl1PuUN METER J. ADAPTER 4. GATE VALVE aSPOOL 8.. CATE VALVE 7MANLWE BOLTS B. MAPLINE NUTS 9. REDUCING TEE 1a. 99 ELBOW lI. 9E $BEET ELBOW INSTALLATION MUST BE RESTRAINED 13. BYPASS PIPE IN RESIST AXIAL FOR SOW. TO 13. BTPASS VALVE DIME INTERNAL PRESSURE FLOW. 14. 2 AGWTFA SPOOL DIMENSIONS W INCHES CITY METER DETAILS NTS 19 i7lm" - I VAULT iI�t BII\II Vp BRED II/,1 1 TOPTIONAL WON BYPASS II sI II II T LARGE METER 80X AND VALVE BOX M WI PASS BOX VAULT PPE DI A LENGTH B MOTH C HEIGHT PPE DM. D LENGTH E I WIDTH F HEIGHT WEIGHT " 4 -7 17- 4 11-1 BD 36 24 150 3 55 20 I5-3 4 3' 72 4B 36 177 4 64 24 18-1 4 a 72 48 1 36 11 177 8' 77-1 2 30 23-1 8 1 4B I38 233 ALL METERS MUST CONE EGAPPCD WIN APPROVED TOUGH -READ REGISTER AND PAD. COMPOUND METER DETAILS NTS 68' 7' E7' 27' 3' 4' 18' I 4'CONC. PARKING REVERSE CROWN 4'CDNC, SIDEWALK SPACE CL / (TYPICAL) SIDEWAL (TYPICALIIV1 2'ASPHALT TYPE 'A' I.I I� P,5' GRASSED CURB 6 ABC BASE COURSE STRIP CTYP) NOTEr Both sides are typically symmetrical. T YPICAL PARKING BA Y SECTION NOT TO SCALE P yy Zy ,cJ�2 <NOSC, 2y cJ a v3 hW ISO' so �O. tV / 150• 10.01 15.01 MINIMUM PARKING LOT NOT TO scue EXPMSOH JOINT AT 3d INTERVALS(TYP) �T A: Y A: A i' SCONE(TYP) i4i 4a 4' OR 5WDE 4'THKT( STANDARD SIDEWALK DETAIL NTS oD0.1S GENERAL NOTES 1. LOCATION OF WHEELCHAIR RAMPS: I. W ACCORDANCE WITH THE RATIFIED HOUSE BILL 1296, ALL STREET CURBS W NORTH CMOUNA BOND CONSTRUCTED OR RECONSTUCTED FOR MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES, TRAFFIC OPERATIONS, REPAIRS, CORRECTION OF UTUTIES OR ALTERED FOR ANY REASON AFTER SEPTEMBER 1073 SHALL PROVIDE WMEELCHR RAMPS FOR THE PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED AT ALL INTERSECTIONS WHERE BOTH CURB AND GUTTER AND SIDEWALKS ARE PROVIDED AND AT OTHER MAJOR POINTS OF PEDESTRIAN FLOW. 2. WHEELCHAIR RAMPS SHOULD BE LOCATED AS INDICATED W DETAIL DRAWINGS, HOWEVER EXISTING UGIT POLES, FIRE HYDRANTS, DROP "LETS. ETC. MAY AFFECT PLACEMENT. 1. CONSTRUCTION NOTES: I. NO SLOPE $HAL EXCEED 1•-f (12:1) ON THE RAMP OR SIDEWALK. 2. IN NO CASE SHALL THE MOTH OF WHEELCHAIR RAMPS BE LESS THAN 40' (P-4'). WIDTHS MAY EXCEED 40" IF NECESSARY. 3. USE CUSS -A, CONCRETE WITH ME SURFACE HAVING A ROUGH, NON-SKID TYPE FWISH. 4. 1/2' EXPANSION JOINT WILL BE REQUIRED MB:RE THE CONCRETE WHEELCHAIR RAMP JOINS ANY RIGO PAVEMENT OR STRUCTURE. 5. CONSTRUCTION METHODS SMALL CONFORM WIN THOSE OF THE GOVERNING BODY MICH HAS JURISDICTION OF ME PARTICUUL STREET. M. ADDITIONAL NOTES:- 1. ME INSIDE PEDESTRIAN CRDSSWALK ONES SMALL BE ESTABuSMEG BY BISECTING ME INTERSECTION RAG WHERE MARKED (SEE NOTE 6). 1 THE WHEELCHAIR RAMP SMALL BE LOCATED SO THAT THE BEGINNING OF THE MIMEEL GUAR RAMP WILL BE TWO FEET FROM THE INSIDE PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK LINE. 3. THE WIDTH OF ME PEDESTRIAN CROSWALK SHALL BE 10 FEET UNLESS A GREATER WIDTH IS REWIRED TO ACCOMMODATE ME PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC. 4. STOP BARS SHALL BE USED MERE IT IS IMPORTANT TO INDICATE THE PONT MIND WHICH VEHICLES ARE REQUIRED TO STOP N COAPUMCE WITH A TRAFFIC SIGNAL, STOP SIGN, OR OTHER IEoAL REQUIREMENTS. 5. PARKNG SHALL BE ELIMINATED A MINIMUM OF 20 FEET BACK OF PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK. 6. ALL PAVEMENT MMKWGS SMALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WIN THE LATEST E0171ON OF THE MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES PUBLISHED BY THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATON, THIS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS, U.S GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D.C. 20402. GUIDELINES FOR WHEELCHAIR RAMPS SDUSN - NOTE: INSULATED INSULATEDFIBERGLAS USC APPROVED REDUCED I I THIS PROJECT DER I PRESSURE ZONE P$ 12" i BACKFLOW PREVENTER� I I OCATEDOVED ARE LOCATED ASSEMBLY I I INSIDE BUILDING. FLANGED COUPUNO DRESSER SEE BUILDING k ADAPTER II FINISHED GRADE. ..,...,. .,�: •,.. • .....;: COUPLING --SLOPE TO SUMP %n"� :.:. :c •• •6.,,,,...: .:......:...: I I II PLANS. FINISHED GRADE r; . •.", ...A,....,:.:_ \\:\\\�\\\` REQUIRED FOR ALL .-•����\��� SERVICES OVER 1' DIAMETER. NOTE: USC APPROVED BACFLOW PREVENTERS REQUIRED ON ANY SERVICE DETAIL - BACKFLOW PREVENTER LINES OVER 1" DIAMETER. M.T.S. USE USC APPROVED MODEL. FEBOO MODEL 860 MASTER SERIES 6wRPZ AND YRPZ OR APPROVED EQUIVALENTS WHERE REVERSE CROWN IS REQUIRED GUTTER SHALL I" R SLOPE AWAY AS SHOWN • MOST APPLIDATIM 1 I/4' R N PAR MI LOT STANDARD CURB SECTION TYPE "A" NTe wnw J/2" R SEE OBSTRUCTION DETAIL .',< `•.' SIDEWALK , AO(VAR) PLAZA(VAR SEE NOTE(TYP VAR VAR 10' MIN PED-X-ING SEE NOTE 2(TYP) J R„ TYPICAL LOCATION OF WHEELCHAIR PEDESTRIAN ROSSWA KS A STOP EARS GUIDELINES FOR WHEELCHAIR RAMPS AND DEPRESSED CURBS(A) NTS M*4/A 1/2• EXPANSION JOINT 1/2" EXPANSON JOINT SI BACK Of CURB GRASS STRI P P F CURB 10 0 EXCEED 12:1 PEG -X-ING PLAN MEW WHEELCHAIR RAMP GUIDELINES FOR WHEELCHAIR RAMPS AND DEPRESSED CURBS(B) KTe Gomm DEWALK 4'-0' 3'-4' 4'-0" VAR l� VAR VAR 1'-4-X V_O-X 109111 STANDARD ALMYNW MNDWAPPED PARKING SIGN to READ NAXDSN PENALTY SIGH QN'TffI'A'KCATIO•! e'X M 180 STEEL TUBE WI'ETX I EXTENDED INTO CONCRETE- , SYMBOL. S4i 10 STEEL FILLED PIPE eY. PRO✓IOE TUBE WITH 31V CWSM WELDED WATERTIGHT CAP, PLATED NUTS. U LTS, PAINT WITH PLLK61111 AND MAIDENS _ 'BLACK COFFEE PAINT PIFE BASE HIM SIGNS MAY BE YELLOW UBTANED nob B•DIASIEEL PIPE OLD SAFETY ;P FILLED VET" Ou"Tt 4�THylL, I' iN NIVEMEMt` H5-D55-017 P-6'mA CDNMTf DARE 96 BARS X Is LONG EACH VA 4, Pre Q- D HANDICAPPED PARKING SIGN DETAIL NTS CONCRETE SIDEWALKOtrMAE1E CURB k GUTTER w SEAL CLEAN -OUT '• ClEN1-OU;SQL STACK W/ ��T on HEPE LEE �eGm PLUG W/e SNGLE TEST I is PIQC W/WNG NUT EXTRA HEAVY 8• (SEE NOTE 2) SOIL PPE NOTES: r TAPPING SADDLE 1-SEVER TAPS TO BE PERFORMED BY CITY TEE OR WINE CREWS EXCEPT WHEN TEES tR LWYES ARE (SEE NOTE 1) NSTALSID W NEW NAM LAY! BY THE CONTRACTOR. 2-THESE ITEMS SHALL BE INSTALLED WHEN No MGM CONNECTION 16 MADE AT C.O. GUIDELINES FOR STANDARD CLEAN -OUT SANITARY SEWER SERVICE Web •Sr ALwfes4e EXISTING GROUND STAMaARONOTE81 12" COMPACTED BACKFILL TO - 1, Information cowcfv'Lp underground utilities was obtained fron 95R MODIFIED PROCTOR IF UNDER PAVEMENT available records, It shall be the responsibility of the ContraCtr to deterP*w the exact elevatiOns and locations of all existing ublittrs at all crossings prior to commencing trench excavat70n IF actual Clearances are less than eNWcated On Plan, the Contractor shall contact the COMPACTED BACKFILL TO n. En�n p with ennsuld SOX MODIFIED PROCTOR Any discov�proc`� rie y ling that would necesslta to a modification of these, plans shall be brought to the attention LOPE WALLS TO ANGLE OF of the Design Ength"r before proceeding with construction REPOSE OF SOIL OR AS P. NO CDNSTRUCTIBV IS TO BEGIN BEFORE LX47IDN IF EXISTING APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER 6' UTILITIES HAS BEEN DETERMM A CALL 'AC BE' -CALL' AT LEAST COMPACTED PIPE EMBEDMENT 48 H&AS BEFORE COMN£MCING CDASTRUCIMM TO 90% MODIFIED PROCTOR a All trees WANCh are not required to be cleared For O constuction shall be preserved wherever possible umiess, u otherwise directed y COMPACTED GRANULAR MATERIAL IF REQUIRED BY THE 4. CC 1tmctr shall Odlust all manholes, valve and curb boxes to the Foal grade upon completion of all construction Any boxes 8" ENGINEER damaged r otherwise distu„bed by the Contracts shall be repa"d at the expense of the Contracts. 5 The Contracts Is rrsponsible For contrdlkng 01ASt and erosion PIPE WIDTH +24" during construtzbOn at AS expense. PaekkV areas shall be TRENCH BOTTOM watered to control dust when ordered by the Engineer. 6 NO geaYPCMfcal testing has been perFarnwd on site. AID warranty Is made for suitability of subtracts, and undercut and any required replacement with suitable material shall be the STANDARD PIPE responslbil/ty of the contractar. TRENCH DETAIL 7 Extreme care shall be taken to ensure minimum separations at all utility crossings. & Contractor to ens4w'e that pavement is placed so as to drain TS posltWNy to the parkhg lot Inlets and catch basins. All roof drain downspouts to be arected to the stem serer system, 9. Contracts Is responsible for CbtaWng all required permits. 10, This plan Is For site grodkV, utilitles, sating, and drainage only. See building plans for details On utilities hookups to buildings. i 2-B' STANDARD N C STOP OP SIGN 6' TO 12' o 2" PIPE STANDARD NFGRNATION 2'-8' SIGN WITHOUT CURB 0-6" 12 MIN. OR GUTTER PARKING o 6AM-6PM S r T NAME CHESTNUT 4 0 I $5.D0 FINE (SEE NOTE) 0'-8 3/4' 2w0' NTH SLOPE -FACE CURB WITH CONCRETE CURB k GUTTER STANDARD SIGN INSTALLATION LOCATION NTS S "Sa4A NOTE; DETAILS SHOWN ARE TYPICAL OF INSTALLATIONS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. THIS SHEET DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW ALL REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION DETAILS, BUT RATHER SERVES AS A GUIDE. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ADHERING TO ALL CITY CODES AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. REV. N0. Capiright a HwnWr DeM'W Senion P.A. dowmml M Ads or port. dmml wi tm marked with Me erighd rgnalu" and It Contractor and Builder are responsible For caardinating Fished Flas Elevation of all buildings with the Dwner and the Architect 12 Affected Non-Municlpol Utilities shall be contacted and provided with plans and other pertinent ihFrAa tbn when feasible, to cosGBrate appropriate scheduihg and placement At the minimum this should include BellSouth and CPSL For sa9N open utility out Oi qty stEMts, a SM 0111all be Perrintrd D'DILI City prior to OWN y and/or Project Mo*tmee, STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN APPROVED GTY OF VALMINGTON ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 2• ASPHALT DATE EXISTING PAVEMENT N.CO.O.T. SPEC. EXISTING PAVEMENT PERMIT III SIGNED 6" COMPACTED MARL BASE (D.O.i. REWIRES 8') I'-0, 1'-0' DITCH UNil ETCH LANE LULLWAT14t Approved Construction Plan PIPE DMWE Name Date NOTES ED NT5RLIM •• Plannl^9ACTEDTOANIN OUAMC77ILL BY THE MODIFIED A.A.S.H.T.DESYOMASDTNWNED ACK7O. STANDARD METHOD T-99 OPREPARED AFTER TRENCH BACKFILUNGN40WNPCT Public UtIIta PAVEMENT REPAIRS Traffic APPROVe WHERE PIPE INSTALLED Fire NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRON N E MANAUEMENTGOMM ON Standard DetalTs IVISION F fER OlIALI 1 Starbucks at the Village at College -Oleander 1111-01-07 LOCATED IN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON 4511 OLEANDER DRIVE AS SHDWN NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Brawn - DSH rC,..•.o �r/F OWNER. J Checked CRR PROPERTIES LLC 'S` FESS1404J ' �y Ii 1201 GLEN MEADE ROgD DEC 0 6 Z007 I GAIN WILMINGTON, NC 284 g4c Project Na Si;�t R 910-762-2676 r" 20007 Z3Y:5u3a��D3 2466-B2-C M 4 I. ;� REVISIONS �., ~•°•°'(�w14 = HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES9 PHA. DA s,. au,r; , t'ai�F' LAND 5WH FYaM EAWCERS A LAND PLANNERS AT right, ro w"d RW,,xliew r Vea o{ the omlma PI fh4 doaehlMt a additiww or drlrflaw le are 1 I 1123 FLORAL PARKWAY d sed d he Land 5urWlar or E, shag. a parallo Gay mP- saw we aynd o{ aid mount L. i ` Q `r �-'''-�/ WILMINGTON. N.C. 28403 1Il�L{AL�J' 4H➢hd Ntl of fM Sw yor ar E.0 Am 6s daebtlea Io b• WITH as tA• Cdpks dh011is®tldsilfTl.eofn PHONE: (MO) 343-SM L TRACER WIRE DETAIL SD 4-29 MIS w,•i•n�W�L•!N S -__.-. - _ _ _� i _ _u 1.. . :. .• .0 ice. _ __-�. .._ _ - _. .. �-_..._ i-- u_.._iL�. _ V-40 yyket StfNl e IP W �a SQ untwsity a Nub y N Pe Am. _ c:hfrN r SITE ro Mt ghtsv9le Beach = OVeander US R7E 76 Shpyard Blvd F LOCATION MAP W MOT TO SCALE Ih r S Z MAINTENANCE PLAN - :,1■= �4 1. All measures to be inspected weekly and after any rainfall NEW LOT I1,1e1�W 42 event and needed repairs made immediately. SITE DATA: J i be cleaned out when the level of sediment U 2. Sediment Basin to ZONING -City of Wilmington RB w water surface. Riser structure to be cleaned 'a^ \ I reaches 5.6' beta ate s TRACT SIZE - DISTURBANCE sf = acres acres if excess water above design surface no longer drains AREA OF DISTURBANCE - 2 acres t Al v, properly. PROPOSED BUILDING AREA - 14.490 of t tC \ I 3. Sediment to be removed from pond foreboy when it is MINIMUM PARKING REQUIRED - 38 spaces Ev lnv. ew4 `L+ approximately 25% filled or sediment level is within 5.25' of MAXIMUM PARKING REQUIRED - 67 spaces 3g,4t water surface. TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED - 67 spaces 4. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and re -seeded HANDICAP PARKING PROVIDED - 3 spaces of ill as necessary, according to specifications provided, to IMPERVIOUS AREAS - maintain a suitable vegetative cover. Building - 14,490 sf a A Parking - 38,700 sf $ P\P VEGETATIVE PLAN - Other - 3,500 of G6�, INTERIOR LANDSCAPING REQUIRED - 3,100 of 1. Permanent vegetation to be established in accordance with INTERIOR LANDSCAPING PROVIDED - 3,100 sf �. L "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and HEIGHT OF STRUCTURE - less than 35' Existing I Ex957 Design Manual", Section 6.11. latest version. See next Sheet. .lnv. le 37.71 MS� G\W . 37.00 42 W '� Peachtree A venue'.15 EA [ 1NY.3 r INV. 37.10 Public Right of Way - - wV a ;; - - - - �--- - - - - - - A. INV. _ C9 S 8308'48"E 312.55 259.50 Emergency Spillway W Williams Fobricore, Inc. 46 41 z I D.B. 1447 Pg. 805 79 R 17 Inc. LJ Williams FOb 1600 Tract 3 PEAK DISCHARGE SUMMARY - Da j129 Pg • q 10 pre -developed 26 cis e 31.67` w Q 50 pre -developed = 37 cfs q 10 post -developed - 26 cfs O WSEL ee 40.2 32 Q 50 post -developed - 35 cfs O WSEL = 40.6 - H G Q(100)post-developed - 41 cfs O WSEL 40.7 STATE WATER QUALITY POND CONSIDERATIONS - n3 N Surface Area required = 9,450 sf 094 sf Z ( Storage Surface Area Volumerequired ed t5' 40,220 cf ,w w Storage Volume provided - 30,395 cf L� 1J"VtwG f qP PLP1? ACCESS (ri:M h Storage Volume Drowdown Time = 2.5 days O ■d 8 Bobby W. Harels -3 \ \ F U TURF -- - 1339 m- vt D.B. 1287 P9 W I L , .-. -. _.._ _-� ._-__._ _ - _._ _� S 83"47'13 E 100.03 , _ _ Idxi t4 uram. 4'9v�GI II Future I �I iFeI3L'�PeLs (,i4yliyw➢':Yi7.:a'S'� � Lar-kCommerciai. n c. nm600 O.1636 9 IIVEW S&WILDr I � 3�1C IYY1 �y6i1B(./.Iti�1%w�9 I� O SEE INSET - - SEE INSET I _ - - J I y - �- _.- 3 S 83'11'29E 236.07 O o o ■ U7L a ■ R,N 4a.so / / Future (not approved) ^ � _-Wit N 4Na' INV. }6.52 t�/•� �mmmmo lmm®nt��s��l���MMMMMMMMMs>.MMMMMMM=�Rluw.e9 111EIPIVIiUi� 1 ,6a]$a i CC -- g INV. 36.71 INV. SS.e] WV. se.72 1 aW / M. 40.00 INV. 35.57 I 1 I V� N MY. INV. .15 _ n',FTT 1 L I Ito z 1 1 Inlet Rkn 1 ; FUTURE MY. In (N') 37.6f 12 PVC Inv. In --_-_ -7 In(S) JZ56 24' RCP I 1 1---------- Inv. cut (W) JZ41 24- RCP �Y Rkn 4 I Rim 40.65 Inv /n 1a 24' (E 7. RLP � Inv. In (s) JJ7.35 24 RCP S 86.35'15" E . Inlet SIR Am 40 Isis _ Inv. out (W) JLoo 24RCP Ren 4a90 40 151.27 1 Inv. In (E) J6.90 24' RCP Me Out (N) J6. 60 24' RCP 1 1 1 w ❑ Group Entertainment 1 1 N D.B. 1250 Pg. 1219 -------_._-----__--- S 8334" N 8372'34 W 52.50 FT �¢� 1 N.� ild 60.00 FT ,n N LO M� 3 7== N ci ;� �" 1 ON MO RN4 of 1 NV. 37.37.35 �,.1 Z OVERALL TO POND: SITE DATA: DRAINAGE AREA TO POND - 7.0 acres TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREAS - Buildings - 56.000 of Parking - 137,000 sf Sidewalks - 22,000 sf Other - 37.650 sf TOTAL IMPERVIOUS - 252.650 sf = 5.8 acres LOT 1 = 5.177 ACRES, LOT 2= 1.444 ACRES, LOT 3 0.422 ACRES TOTAL AREA= 7.043 ACRES. NOTE: NO 404 WETLANDS ON SITE. Existing N LOT I (not apprevad) � LOT 2 (existing) Existing i 1392 Co/%ge Road South o--------------- - ._._.. 1 In ad N 3 N v EXISTING HYDRANT ANT 3 F\H 40 20 0 40 80 SCALE IN FEET. 1"= 40' : 15:19:43 03/27 120.00 11■- Iz Notes 1. Surveyed in April 1996 and October 2002. 2. Area ornputeld by coordinate method. 3. All Dismces are Horizontal 4. For Re4rence see D.B. 946 Pg. 577, D.B. 95 Pg. 620, D.B. 1711 Pg. 653, and D.d 938 Pg. 875 5. All Beatings ore N.C. Grid NAD 1983 6. All Elestions ore M.S.L. Z This P,lparty is not Located in a Flood Hazan: Area I I C 0 3 I I I I 1 I I I J N g II 0 g 1-s--- o .. U---- Lu ------. � I j J N SS 83'30'20" E 1, 1 1 WALGREENS & Lu 1 Store# N o 6951 I �+ (existing) N � z ao `r N Rim 41.34 m Ri Inv. In (E) J254 24' RCP in,,out (N) J7.34 24' RCP Existing Inlet MEN no Rkn 41.92 Inv. Out (s) 37.57 24' RCP Oleander Drive 100' Right of Way S 83'1234 E 174,77 U.S. R te. 76 _ C) O s N 81'43'06"W 2334.72 to N.C. Grid Monument "T,iesdoys" N.C. Grid Monument "Shell" u yc^ MODIFICATION TO SW8 990341 As -built information added 3-27-03 o f �rm j CD College Oleander Center - Wet detention / retention pond addition X 42 /l Additional Calculation Summary for NCDENR / DWQ : - Ewlnlet� \ DRAWDOWN: a: WATER QUALITY CONSIDERATIONS - o U Average head from storage elevation to orifice - Impervious area calculations: See Project Data Sheet d•,$ TOTAL IMPERVIOUS = 5.8 acres 39.3 - / 2 0.9' drain TOTAL AREA DRAINING TO POND = 7.0 acres 2 PVC drain to draw down pond:. �\ \ 7.0 acres total - 5.8 acres impervious = 1.2 acre green area Orifice equation: Q - CA(2gh)^1/2 41 + 9 @ 9)^1/z4 x 0 02z)(64 6(... SA REQUIRED: 5.8 % 0.95 + 1.2 x 0.20 / 7.0 = 0.82, or 85 q = 0.�L Gv 0 At 7.5' depth, 9OX TSS removal, from chart SA/DA factor = 3.1 - 0.094 cis Exlnv, o� 1 7.0 x 0.01 x 3.1 - 9,450 of SA REQUIRED T = 215,350 sec. = 2.5 days 3g.41 0 At Elev. - 37.6 - 15,094 of SA PROVIDED ` CA 41 VOLUME REQUIRED: R-[(P)(Pj)(Rv)/12](A) FOREBAY REQUIREMENTS - +. E SEE PAGES A.1 and A.2, "Controlling Urban Runoff: Approximate capacity = 13450 X 0.4 X 7= 37,500 X 20X e A Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban BMPs" 7,500 cf a \ (P)= 1" Provided capacity = 7,585 of, see,. previous approval 0 PV 3 (Pi)= 0.9 ',. _J �ov (Rv)- 0.05 + 0.9(5.8/7.0) = 0.796 C _ G\W o (A)- =)=[(1)(o.7ss)/1z](7.o) = 0.464 oars -feel Exl�. $ - 20,220 of REQUIRED STORAGE c Ex•1nY. sting z 3 At Elev. 39.3 - 30,395 of PROVIDED STORAGE ° 37.11 P'M1 s x Valve 15•METAL Inv. 38.65 ' INV. 37.00 42 Peach tree A venue =�= a INV•37�15 15"RCP 1N Public Right Of WOy _ _ - NM 43.32 INV. 37.52 gr 3c INV. 37.63 0, tt� t� t� t� 7a tt� t� s� tt� t� t� l� tt� tt� t� t� t� t� tt� tt� t� t� t� t� t� t� tt� at t� to tt4 RIME+ Ex.Concrete Walk q�19 1 1��. 42 + G Williams Fobricore, Inc. .go S 8308'48 E 312.55 5'SIDEWAL Al 97 e7 EMergenCY SPillWOV 39176 E11, 1 1w D.B. 1447 Pg. 805 41 STAR 40 G 3gg ilw3SZ9 38. AVER 4 Eit L WTE . 42.s2 36. 'y t39.3 T9 AS -BUILT AREAS: 4 7 � 37 RIM 39.15 INV. 34.82--o INV. -` - atz• �\ FU TURE \ G 3e+ c a i, G ■ I �?,!{ I 1. 1-= ■ x r i... _.,J� " ■ PORTABLE PUt4P TO ■ BE USED TO DRAWDOWN POND IN EMERGENCY. ■ X ■ LIJ INSET SCALE: 1"-- 30' 42.36 EL STATE STORAGE VOLUME m ct M = 30,395 CF Existing M r7 m r� 0 EL= 39.3 ;t XZ Z EMBANKMENT TOP= 41.7 100-YEAR WSEL= 40.7 " EXIST. 10-YEAR WSEL= 40.2 t- O 151DIP -----T(sr Box = 39.3 W W EXIST. I5'RCP NORMAL WSEL= 37.6 INVERT OUT= 37.5 V In EX. nP 2-15"DIP STORM M ~� @ / W W_ �a A� \ ::::: . ............. BOTTOMEL-26.6 EMBANKMENT STRUCTURE Will AS -BUILT SUMMARY (10-02): ITEM AS -BUILT 1. Impervious area (bldgs., etc.) 5.8 acres 2. Normal pool surface area 15,094 sf 3. Normal pool Surface Elevation 37.6 MSL Actual pool Surface Elevation 32.4 MSL, 10-02 4. Pond depth (deepest point) 8.9 feet 5. Bottom elevation (deepest) 28.7 MSL 6. Orifice elevation 37.6 MSL 7. Weir elevation (State storage) 39.3 MSL B. State storage volume 30,395 cf 9. 6' shelf Yes 10. 10'access Yes 11. Foreboy Yes 12. Outlet elevation 37.5 MSL 13. Primary Spillway elevation 39.3 MSL 14. Emergency Spillway elevation 41.0 MSL 15. Embankment elevation 41.7 MSL 16. Side slopes (typical) 2.6:1 to 5:1 17. Orifice size 2" PVC i r G 42.60 42.74 fV WukE EL37= 13,011 of EL37.6= 15,094 sf EL38= 17,057 or EL39- 19,047 sf EL39.3- 20,236 sf EL40- 22,305 of ,State storage= 30,395 cf to a156 N G NBobby W. Harrelson o D.B. 1287 Pg. 1336 041.93 41b1 41.72 G 4290 15-DIP 15 DIP 15 DIP l�imi�1�1�1 PLAN VIEW BOX man o ■E:■Ell� Nis o� ivim E� I;al�1 5.'o� O L J W-37.6 T a ly I, �u N BOX DETAILS NTE £L= 39.3 GRATE T� I - 15'DIP WSEL= 37.6 INV= OUTLET PIPE IE= 37,5 37.6 2 - 15111IP INV=37,5 OUTLET PIPES IE= 37.4 - 21PVC and 37,4 39.25 rim Inv 37.47 in v. 2' - -] in v )7.35 r 37.64 Inv 37.39 -I --- . ::.� .�::•..:::.T OUTLET STRUCTURE LISTING PERMIT Nos.: DENR DWQ SW8 990341, NHC GP till 24-99 WALGREENS STORE # 6951 POND AS -BUILT and WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION PLAN COLLEGE = OLEANDER CENTER LOCATED IN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SE AL 20007 OWNER: CAMERON COMPANY LLC 1201 GLEN MEADE ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28401 762-2676 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 319 WALNUT STREET s WILMINGTON, N.C. 28401 PHONE: (910) 343-SW2 nI% Dote: 3-27-03 Scale: 1'= 40' Drown: DSH Checked: GA Project No: 2466VO-cent Sheet No: 1 1 nr• V Myket Street W Peachtree A.e. = at 2 SITE ra arlgfftens. F- Swett I T o aidw grim t7s RYE 76 ( W Sh 17PAM aid LOCATION MAP Wlow To at1ALS i I� Group Entertainment D.B. 1250 Pg. 1219 OVERALL TO PON1h SITE DATA: DRAINAGE AREA TO POND - 7.0 acres TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREAS - Buildings - 56.000 sf Parking - 137,OD0 sf Sidewalks - 22,000 sf Other - 37.650 sf TOTAL IMPERVIOUS - 252.650 sf = 5.8 acres LOT 1 = 5.177 ACRES, LOT 2= 1.444 ACRES, LOT 3 = 0.422 ACRES TOTAL AREA- 7.043 ACRES. NOTE: NO 404 WETLANDS ON SITE. Peachtree Avenue E.15cp [ 15'RCP wv. S7.w e 1 Public Right of Way _ _ . WV.31.u 1I , See Newe00 001 2 yT MAINTENANCE PLAN - �4 1, All measures to be inspected weekly and after any rainfall NEW LOT 2 event and needed repots made Immediately. SITE DATA: 2. Sediment Basin to be cleaned out when the level of sediment ZONING -City of Wilmington RB reaches 5.6' below water surface. Riser structure to be cleaned \ if excess water above design surface no longer droins TRACT SIZE - 62,885 of = 1,444 acres F D Pro AREA OF DISTURBANCE - 2 acres t . Pert Y PROPOSED BUILDING AREA - 14,490 at F t 3. Sediment to be removed from and f r i o eba when t is P MINIMUM PARKING REQUIRED- 6y, \ Ipaces t Y 38 s approximately 25R filled or sediment level is within � pp y 5.25 of MAXIMUM PARKING REQUIRED - 67 spaces water surface. TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED - 67 spaces 4. All seeded areas sholl be fertilized, mulched, and re -seeded HANDICAP PARKING PROVIDED - 3 spaces 41 as necessary, according to specifications provided, to IMPERVIOUS AREAS - Building - 14,490 sf maintain a suitable vegetative cover. i� Parking - 38,700 sf A p\P � G VEGETATIVE PLAN - Other - 3,500 sf .9� . 6�• �ji INTERIOR LANDSCAPING REQUIRED - 3,100 of n r:1. Permanent vegetation to be established in accordance with INTERIOR LANDSCAPING PROVIDED - 3,100 of o\w $ �• "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and HEIGHT OF STRUCTURE - less than 35' xlsting = I 9S Design Manual', Section 6.11. latest version. See nett Sheet. r 0- W s2 7.15 37.,5 lal N _--- - - - - ~I Ca�itret aw4UJI � 1- N Williams Fabricare, Inc. i I D.B. 1447 Pg. 805 Ld LLI I /,-Wams Fabricare, Inc.PEAK DISCHARGE SUMMARY - D1129 Pg. 1600 Tract 3 s Q 10 pre -developed 26 cfs W 0 50 pre -developed = 37 cfs Q 10 post -developed - 26 cfs O WSEL 40.2 Q 50 post -developed 35 cfs O WSEL 40.8 - Q(100)poat-devsb-pod 41 cfs O WSEL 40.7 in TATE WATER TY POND 36,m ' • 10 SSurface Area provldeeddl= 9,450 sftom ONSIDERATIONS - y` 1 yFr+IwiAP POnJ aY S (Ci>) Storage Volume DrawdowneTime 392.5fdays _ Storage Volume required Storage Volume provided N � ra e \ y Karel son Bobb i I ---'1287 9' 1339 N S 8347'13"E 100,03 I I - ■ it I I $ ■ Future (approved) Future (approveed) Future (approved) I b NEW BUILDING i I NEW BUILD/NG - ■ i { NEW BUILDING Q� C� V � SEE INSET _ _ _ _ _ SEE INSET r I i I I - ■ r� cgs al U - ■<J7TTT fig` g`TT//1 Rw 40.30 / WV36 . .52 / �R♦1R♦1��R♦1R♦fRi�R♦1RB�Rti� siff n W tis 111111111 111 M 11111111110 1•408794 / V. Ssa2 RN 40.00 Wv. 35.57 , w Wv. 35,15 WV. ,1,5.57 _ wV, 35•te ; , / 1 � 1 1 - 1 1 � 1 1 IMet Ren 4a6s 1 In.Mfi 1 MHf '• ft 7. so Inv. Out (M Rkn go 1 Inv. In (E) J6.90 24' RCP 1 M% out (N) 36.80 24' RCP , 1 S 8312'34" E,._..------ .._.... ... __...__.__..__.__ N N S 837129E 236.07 Future® (not approved) NEW BUILDING e.w Rim 41.01 FUTURE m. in (R) nOf 12' Plc 1 Mr. In 5 • "M 24' RCP 1 m. our (W) J7.41 24'RCP S 86.35'15" E 1O51 -- 1 N 83.1234 W 5250 T Existing so.00 Fr o a i LOT 3 , z ^ � n'n � AWN 57.35 woo M o ` = NEW BLDG LOT 1 _ Z Future riot a roved ( PP ) LOT 2 (0xi"ng) Existing EXISTING HYDRANT 6 H F 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE IN FEET. 1 "= 40' r 15:19:43 03/27/20113 12aDO Notes 1. Sur yvd in Apr# 1996 and October 2002. 2. Area computed by coordinate method, 3. All Distances we Horizontal 4. For Reference see D.B. 946 Pg. 577, D.B. 9% Pg. 620, O.B. 1711 Pg. 653, and DO.. 938 Pg. 875 5. All B®ings ore N.C. Grid NAD 1983 6. All EleaGons we M.S.L. 7. This Roperty is not Located in a Flood Hazad Area ti S 83'30'20" E - 1392 College Road South ad I "I I f R WALGREENS & - _ Store# 0 6951 & (eidst/ng) - to 1 o it t - v 0) ti 06 V. c ft C i Inlet Rim 41.54 ' .i. in (E) 37.54 24' RCP Existing An.at (N) J7J4 24• RCP g wa o � I a. at (W) 3757 24' RCP Jr- I� Lam® S 8372.34E 174.77 _ Olean der D_ri ve _ U.S. R te_. 76 100' Right of Way MODIFICATION TO SW8 990341 As -bulk Information added 3-27-03 3 ■ a O 'CoJ lL t ■ College Oleander Center Wet detention /retention pond addition >< Additional Calculation Summary for NCDENR / DWQ DRAWDOWN: Ex•Inist �W WATER QUALITY CONSIDERATIONS - Average head from storage elevation to orifice - Impervious area calculations: See Project Data Sheet \\ TOTAL IMPERVIOUS = 5.8 acres 39.3 - 37.6 / 2 - 0.9' TOTAL AREA DRAINING TO POND = 7.0 acres 2' PVC drain to drow-down pond: ' 7.0 acres total - 5.8 acres impervious 1.2 acre green area Orifice equation: Q = CA(29h)" 1/2 SA REQUIRED: 5.8 X 0.95 + 1.2 x 0.20 / 7.0 = 0.82. or 85 Q = 0.6(.022)(64.4 x 0.9)-7/2 At 7.5' depth, 9OX TSS removal, from chart - SA/DA factor - 3.1 = 0.094 cfs Ex Inv T=215350 sec 25 da 7.0 z 0.01 x 3.1 9 450 sf SA REQUIRED Q D At ENv. - 37.8 15,094 of SA PROM DED ys 41 38• �N\ VOLUME REQUIRED: R= P [( )(Pj)(Rv)/12](A) P FOREBAY REQUIREMENTS - c SEE PAGES A,1 and A.2, 'Controlling Urban Runoff: Approximate capacity = 13450 X 0.4 X 7= 37.500 X 2OX 'ter A Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban BMPs' = 7,500 cf as (P)= 1" Provided capacity 7.585 cf. see previous approval o P\P (Pj)= 0.9 0,+ (Rv)- 0.05 + 0.9(5.8/7.0) = 0.796 J 10 1 (A)= 7.0 1 1 I G\W R= [(1)(0.796)/12](7.0) - 0.464 acre-feet Existing = 20,220 cf REQUIRED STORAGE Ex.lnv At Elev. 39.3 30,395 of PROVIDED STORAGE 37.11 A ,P4. 5 / G\W 7 Valve 15`METAL Inv. 38.65 / INV. 37.00 Peachtree _ INSsee A ven u e Ez.15`rcp a 1545tE7Al INV. 37.15 RCP 1 , INRIM Public Right of Way 4032 IINV. 3'.4 V. 352 7.63 u 1 m11011 mmm11111111 m ��e���e�e�e��e�������e�e�e������������if�l�e�t���t��� Ex. Concrete Walk 4 19 RIM C } 42• G Williams Fabricare, Inc. o S 8308'48 E 312.55 5'SIDEWALK 7 7 EmergencySp,/Wo 14 139 7G EIP 1 ,00 D.B. 1447 Pg. 805 40 41 G �9STAR 7629 3B. 4 ER FL r� �33 40.4 42D2 CL RIP G lots 40. �� G97^^ S3e 37b ,yZil RIM 39.75 . INV. 34,82 INV. 34.76 �.• i u G I� FUTURE 31 r ■ � 36A I � i _. I i ■ it '�� , - t � ,� ■ 1. - - - _ _ __ G _ ■ PORTABLE PUMP TOBE -1 ■ 01 PONDSIN EAERGENCYO I ' WN ■ ■ N FUTURE INSET SCALE: 10- 30' STATE STORAGE VOLUME nj o - 30,395 CF Existing 0 EL- 39.3 .R. A F. NW XJ WZ EMBANKMENT TOP- 41.7 8 100-YEAR VSEL= 40.7 EXIST. 10-YEAR VSEL= 402 WW Us O 1510[P TOP = W EXIST. 15'RCP NORMAL WSEL- 37.6 INVERT OUT= 37.5 �n EX. 2-15"DIP STORM �+1° R / 1 s \ . EMBANKMENT STRUCTURE IITe JAS -BUILT SUMMARY (10-02): ITEM AS -BUILT 1 1. Impervious area (bldgs., etc.) 5.8 acres - - 2. Normal pool surface area 15,094 sf 3. Normal pool Surface Elevation 37.6 MSL Actual pool Surface Elevation 32.4 MSL, 10-02 4. Pond depth (deepest point) 8.9 feet 5. Bottom elevation (deepest) 28.7 MSL 6. Orifice elevation 37.6 MSL 7. Weir elevation (State storage) 39.3 MSL 8. State storage volume 30,395 cf 9. 6' shelf Yes s 10. 10'occess Yes e 11. Foreboy Yes 12. Outlet elevation 37.5 MSL 13. Primary Spillway elevation 39.3 MSL N 8143'06"W 2334.72 1 14. Emergency Spillway elevation 41.0 MSL to N.C. Grid Monument "Tuesdays" 15. Embankment elevation 41.7 MSL 16. Side slopes (typical) 2.6:1 to 5:1 17. Orifice size 2" PVC , BOTTOM EL- 286 AS -BUILT AREAS: EL37- 13.011 sf EL37.6= 15,094 sf ,5 EL38- 17,087 sf EL39- 19,047 sf W EL39.3- 20,236 sf EL40- 22,305 sf 1.59 State storage= 30,395 cf 4118 N G NBobby W. Harrelson o D.B. 1287 Pg. 1336 U)41.93 G 41b1 402 G 4 42.60 . 42.74 42D0 FUTURE 15'DIP i5.OlP 15-DIP I of o o 1 `a1 `o IE=373 IEw37A IE-37A EI 1, h h PLAN VIEW inl I�I� 5X5 BOX 5.0 �I R91e39.3 I �I LTJ lEw37b j li 14 N IN BOX DETAILS MTS £L- 39.3 1 - 15'DIP WSEL = OUTLET PIPE 37.6 INV= I£= 37,5 37.6 2 - 15'DIP - 21PVC OUTLET PIPES INV=37,5 IE= 37.4 and 37.4 39.25 rim Inv 37.47 v. r---1inv 3735 ' 4 37.64 37 6� v 37_39 A. .4, � L _ ---- OUTLET STRUCTURE EXISTING PERMIT Nos,: DENR DWQ SW8 990341, NHC GP 4 24-99 VALGRE£NS STORE # 6951 POND AS -BUILT and WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION PLAN COLLEGE = OLEANDER CENTER LOCATED IN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SE AL 20007 - z-7 e0 OWNER: CAMERON COMPANY LLC 1201 GLEN MEADE ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28401 762-2676 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 319 WALNUT STREET >- WILMINGTON. N.C. 28401 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 Date: 3-27-03 Scale: 1'= 40' Drawn: DSH Checked: GA6 Project No: 2466VD-ceri x -40 OVERALL TO POND: m 4� n w I W SITE DATA: Ex•:^1at Market Sir" ,= DRAINAGE AREA TO POND - 7.0 acres ,41 o IAuwder a I N TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREAS - 1 E, 8 warm ct Buildings - 56.000 sf $� of ewnkrPtan N Parking - 137,000 sf u Sidewalks - 22,000 sf PeoM tree Am x Other - 37,650 sf SITE To Iwi tinase 78F TOTAL IMPERVIOUS - 252,650 sf 5.8 acres y _ oleander Odve (C9 LOT 1 = 5.177 ACRES, LOT 2- 1.444 ACRES, LOT 3 = 0.422 ACRES $ US R7E 76 (v TOTAL AREA- 7.043 ACRES. ShOzo'd Blvd, F Z NOTE: NO 404 WETLANDS ON SITE. LOCATION MAP MOT TO iQAM! I LJ Ex.1nv. I N 37d1 ; Group Entertainment D.B. 1250 Pg. 1219 Peachtree Avenue Ex35"rep an Public Right of Way _ -MM v 40.32 y! 1 S 8317648E J1255 259.50 Emergency Spillway IN 41 40- MAINTENANCE PLAN - 3 , u Zc^ �► Zc^ NEW LOT 2 MODIFICATION TO SWB 990341 As -built information added 3-27-03 0 4. 1, All measures to be inspected weekly and after any rainfall 42 event and needed repairs made Immediately. SITE DATA: College Oleander Center - Wet detention / retention pond addition 4 x 42 2. Sediment Basin to be cleaned out when the level of sediment Additional Calculation Summary for NCDENR DWQ : Ex -Inlet U I ZONING - City of Wilmington RB �' / DRAWDOWN: rc reaches 5.6' below water surface. Riser structure to be cleaned TRACT SIZE - 62,885 sf - 1.444 acres if excess water above design surface no longer drains AREA OF DISTURBANCE - 2 acres t WATER QUALITY CONSIDERATIONS - o U A L Average head from storage elevation to orifice - CO properly. PROPOSED BUILDING AREA - 14,490 sf Impervious area calculations: See Project Data Sheet �.8 G at c` 39.3 - 37.6 2 = 0.9' a^ to 3. Sediment to be removed from pond forebay when it is MINIMUM PARKING REQUIRED - 38 spaces TOTAL IMPERVIOUS - 5.8 acres / o n approximately 25% filled or sediment level is within 5.25' of MAXIMUM PARKING REQUIRED - 67 spaces TOTAL AREA DRAINING TO POND = 7.0 acres 2" PVC drain to draw -down pond: o ` t4e# ab I water surface. TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED - 67 spaces 7.0 acres total - 5.8 acres impervious = 1.2 acre green area Orifice equation: 0 CA(2gh)-1/2 41 F+ S3 4, All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and re -seeded HANDICAP PARKING PROVIDED - 3 spaces 41 7l1 IMPERVIOUS AREAS - SA REQUIRED: 5.8 X 0.95 + 1.2 x 0.20 7.0 = 0.82, or 85 Q = 0.094 c)(64.4 X 0.9) 1/2 , `A#� ��G �� as necessary, according to specifications provided, to / o Building 14,490 sf = 0.094 cfs Inv, o� .- /� maintain a suitable vegetative cover. 9 - At 7.5' depth, 90X TSS removal, from chart - SA/DA factor = 3.1 Ex• 4 Parkin 38,700 sf T = 215,350 sac. = 2.5 days 41 tL 9 - 7.0 x 0.01 x 3.1 = 9,450 sf SA REQUIRED 38 o VEGETATIVE PLAN - Other - NG R sf At Elev. - 37,6 m 15,0114 of SA PROVIDED 1 INTERIOR LANDSCAPING REQUIRED - 3,100 sf 41 J vegetation established in accordance with I I - 1 f 1 i a\w c+ i. Permanent inaErsito be es b d INTERIOR STRU T LANDSCAPING PROVIDED 3, 00 s VOLUME REQUIRED: Ra[(P)(Pj)(Rv)/12](A) FOREBAY REQUIREMENTS - c I, I �• L "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and HEIGHT OF STRUCTURE -less than 35' Approximate capacity= 13450 X 0.4 X 7= 37,500 X 20% E XISt in z .9 SEE PAGES A.1 and A.2, "Controlling Jrban Runoff: APP a / g 'Srr Design Manual", Section 6.11, latest version. See next Sheet. A Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban BMPs" = 7,500 cf (L \ aVw I per, // -- (P)= 1" Provided capacity = 7,585 of, see previous approval < P\P314 u'MET417 W AGp (Pj)= 0.9 v. 37.00 42 l+J I ,j \ (Rv)- 0.05 + 0.9(5.8/7.0) = 0,796 QL M1 G\YI o 5•'uETAI =7.0 wv. 37.15 In (A)= 1)( °p R= [(1)(0.796)/12](7.0) = 0.464 acre-feet P' a 20,220 cf REQUIRED STORAGE � Ex Inv E X I S t I n g z z F At Elev. 39.3 30,395 of PROVIDED STORAGE : 37.11 }^ / G\W - - - - Valve 15"METAL z Inv. 38.65 % INV. 31.00 42 rIW"dk Ex.15"rcp 0- 154llETµ .� I m VMS New INV. 37.15 Peach tree venue u3 Williams Fabricare, Inc. 15"RCP z D.B. 1447 Pg. 805 INv. 37.16 1 1 Public Right of Way RIM 40.32 B p tr to I Fabric re, Inc. - - - - - - - - INV. 37 52 Y CHARGE SUMMARY - O Bi11j129pg,is D Tract3 INv,31s3developed = 26 cfs �� ������ �������������at���a>•���a>•aa�����a>.���������� X. to Walk m Q 501 pre -developed = 37 cfs R1W c 19 42.'33 �� G Williams Fabricare Inc ��� Q 10 post -developed = 26 cfs O WSEL - 40.2 1 1z Q 50 poet -developed 35 cfs O WSEL = 40.6 o S 83'OB'48"E 312.55 5'S/DfWALK 7 7 Emergency Spillway y 7e El 10o D.B. 1447 Pg. 805 Q 100)poat-developed = 41 Offs O WSEL = 40.7 l 41 sTAR1 J°31. 4r °n STATE WATER QUALITY POND CONSIDERATIONS - J9- ore G=.29 36. vi ,dj Surface Area required = 450 sf So 4 sf W. �iu _ ; Storage Vourface lume required vided - 15� 20,220 cf S .s..��,..a,...>. ,W Wv. 343° Storage Volume provided - 30,395 Of 3T 7 n 1v 96'nbUTA1+ POW ACU• (COY) � Storage Volume rawdown Time = 2.5 days re .v +• :' �� SV ffarelSOn O la YP V V •,7 2J A9 g f U"IVRF_ g I Bobby Pg. 1339 IE 33.6 R1 ev. i.z av75 30 � ''._..' -. _- , . `' H D.B. 12 7 3 O6 E 33 3 .1 BP 4 E a2•a 31• w V CL 90I CL 901 \ }t3, t". t�i I i i 1 I IkB I JJ 9P R .• �29 b7 30.13 EL Sol a � _-----`• S 83 47'13'E 100.03 z L i Future (approved) Future (approved) i Future (approvers) � e NEW BUILDING i NEW BUILDING 1 i NEW BUILDING F4,41 i 36 3T IP R RIP R �G �! 378 .4 �. 3960 G S f \ RIM 39.7 INV. �f a0e 'g 3 31 E 34.82.� INV. 34.76 - J FU i URE ' SEE INSET - - - - SEE INSET - I h 16. -■-- --- I 7_ _- _ -_.. _ __.._-_ . t __ .._ . _ .-...__.. _. __ _._� .._._._ ___ Rd , Wv.438� / / � / / �la1WV. 3g.2 N �I��� ����M7������������Nv.36 WV. 36.e7 1 v. 89 W / go 40.00 1 7 -_- war. 3ss7 WV. 35.15 N WV. z 1 u 1 1 � feel RIM 4a85 1 1 es feel - es"40 Nv. b5E In V. In 40sis in K Out N 1 Rkn 4a90 Inv. In (E) 36.90 24" RCP Inv, Out (N) 36.60 24' RCP 1 1 1 1 w �• 1 M 1--- ----- --- N N N 83'12 34 W i 52.50 FT , j 1 41 60.00 FT NLO N LOT 3 1 z arl p ! 1 itw 40.72 Wy, 31.35 0 M M p Z i ,�9y� py y �+ NE S LOG 1 LOT 1 Z ' Future (not approved) 1 (ex/stsng) -- Existing EXISTING HYDRANT ft nt F\H 40 20 0 40 80 SCALE IN FEET. • 1"- 40' r 15:19:43 03/27/ 120 120.00 Notes 1. Surveyed in April 1996 and October 2002. 2. Area computed by coordinate method. J. All Distances are Horizontal 4. For Reference see D.B. -046 Pg. 577, D.B. 956 Pg. 620, D.B. 17ll Pg. 653, and D.B 938 Pg. 875 5. All Bearings are N.C. Grid NAD 1983 6. All Dowtions are M.S.L. 7. This Property is not Located in a hood Hazard Area C S 83'1 / 29 E Future (not proved) NEW BU/ DING ti __._.._------ _ ._-_.--------- Wet FUTURE ekn Any, An �N) 3 till 12• PVC 1 Inv. k, (5) J s6 24' RCP ' InK Owl (W) 7.41 21_RCP S 86-35*15" E M loill100.61' 151.27 S 83'30'20" E ❑ � r Existing Aar , :V eC LOT 2� 1392 College Road South WALGREEN & l l l w ■ Store# N o 6951 & w I (existing) ... �.... o 0) & /�r' (V Ot m `4 i� Z TFMTMI __.___...!F i' atio 41.J4 Inv. In (E) 37.54 24' RCP Existing „ Inv. Out (N) JZ 34 24' RCP mNf I ti a>. a1 a>• ti a1 a1 a>• ti a7 a1 al a1 a>• 9MI a1 a1 a>• � Rk Rkn I ( Inv. Out w) J7,37 24' IW:P Olean der Drive _ 100' Right of Way S 83'12 34 E �74.77 U. S. Rite. 76 U) M N 81'43'06"W 2334.72 to N.C. Grid Monument "Tuesdays" N.C. Grid Monument Shell" co394�jlj`� 0 . I PORTABLE PUMP TO BE USED TO DRAWDOWN POND IN EMERGENCY. C • . X w i FUTUiltE . I INSET SCALE: 1"-- 30' STATE STORAGE VOLlk1E to o = 30,395 CF Existing Q EL= 39.3 A Nw XZ EMBANKMENT TOP= 41.7 9., 1DO-YEAR WSEL= 40.7 ILL) W EXIST. 10-YEAR WSEL= 40 4 N O 15'DIP TOP BOX = WW EXIST: 15'RCP NORMAL VSEL= 37.6 INVERT OUT= 37.5 Q EX. 2-15"DIP STORM AA W w / M to \ BOTTOM EL= 28.6 EMBANKMENT STRUCTURE WTs AS -BUILT SUMMARY (10-02): ITEM AS -BUILT 1. Impervious area (bldgs., etc.) 5.8 acres 2. Normal pool surface area 15,094 sf 3. Normal pool Surface Elevation 37.6 MSL. Actual pool Surface Elevation 32.4 MSL, 10-02 4. Pond depth (deepest point) 8.9 feet 5. Bottom elevation (deepest) 28.7 MSL 6. Orifice elevation 37.6 MSL 7. Weir elevation (State storage) 39.3 MSL 8. State storage volume 30,395 cf 9. 6' shelf Yes 10. 10'Dccess Yes it. Foreboy Yes 12. Outlet elevation 37.5 MSL 13. Primary Spillway elevation 39.3 KISL 14. Emergency Spillway elevation 41.0 MSL 15. Embankment elevation 41.7 MSL 16. Side slopes (typical) 2,6:1 to 5:1 17. Orifice size 2" PVC , G 42b0 4234 r UTUkE FL G� E k7940A .4z62 AS -BUILT AREAS: a7 G EL37= 13,011 sf EL37.6= 15,094 sf EL38= 17,087 sf EL39- 19.047 sf W EL39.3= 20,236 sf EL40= 22,305 sf 6 1,59 State storage= 30,395 cf alss G N N Bobby W, Harrelson O D.B. 1287 Pg. 1336 N41.93 G 41b1 41.72 G 1 4240 G I 1 15-DIP 15'DIP 15-DIP I ,I o[ 1 a M-37M IE-37A IE=37A E' I4E I.E h h PLAN VIEW 5X5 aaX R11M- 3 5.0 L J IE-374 , T i d 14 iu I° N BOX DETAILS NT3 EL= 39.3 ,r'RATE T I - 15'DIP WSEL OUTLET PIPE 37.6 INV= IE= 37.5 37.6 2 - 151DIP 2'PVC OUTLET PIPES INV=37,5 IE= 37,4 and 37,4 39.25 rim inv 37.47 inv. 2" inv 37.35 37.64� Inv 37.39 ... L_J---- OUTLET STRUCTURE EXISTING PERMIT Nos.: DENR DWQ SINS 990341, NHC GP el' 24-99 WALGREENS STORE SE AL 20007 -5 • 2 L ° OWNER: CAMERON COMPANY LLC 1201 GLEN MEADE ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28401 762-2676 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, PzAa LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 319 WALNUT STREET s WILMINGTON, N.C. 28401 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 # 6951 Date: 3-P7-03 Scare: 1'= 40' Drown: DSH Checked: GAW Propct No: 2466W0-cent Sheet No: 1 1 Of: i V I W 0 ,ket street .w.;yoftmit Ninth o ((A of t°n N PeoMtree A% _ #1 Lht SITE ro wigI tswWs �� Oland. ONw US R1£ 76Of Snj°IoM 6Yxi I LOCATION MAP N z MOT TO aOA6M W I Group Entertainment D.B. 1250 Pg. 1219 EXISTING HYDRANT OVERALL TO PONDt SITE DATA DRAINAGE AREA TO POND - 7.0 acres TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREAS - Buildings - 58.000 of Parking - 137,000 of Sidewalks - 22.000 of Other - 37,650 of TOTAL IMPERVIOUS - 252.650 of = 5.0 acres LOT 1 - 5.177 ACRES, LOT 2- 1.444 ACRES, LOT 3 = 0.422 ACRES TOTAL AREA- 7.043 ACRES. NOTE: NO 404 WETLANDS ON SITE. c' 9 Peach tree Avenue 1 7.1e t r - Public Right of Way _ - b e I I WV. 37.8 ' 8$ r I �1 y MAINTENANCE PLAN - ��+'- - 1, All measures to be inspected weekly and after any rainfall NEW LOT 2 CT r event and needed repairs mode Immediately. SITE DATA: 2. Sediment Basin to be cleaned out when the level of sediment ZONING - City of Wilmington IRSreaches 5.6' below water surface. Riser structure to be cleaned \ if excess water above design surface no longer drains TRACT SIZE - 62,885 of 1,444 acres 141 \ I properly. AREA OF DISTURBANCE - 2 acres t t PROPOSED BUILDING - 14,90 of ft � 3. Sediment to be removed from pond fwebay when it is MINIMUM PARKING REQUIRED - 38spaces ' approximately 25% filled or sediment level Is within 5.25' of MAXIMUM PARKING REQUIRED - 67 spaces water surface. TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED - 67 spaces 4. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and re -seeded HANDICAP PARKING PROVIDED - 3 spaces 4I as necessary, according to specifications provided, to IMPERVIOUS AREAS - /� maintain a suitable vegetative cover. Building - 14,490 of /� Parking - 38.700 of 3110 G VEGETATIVE PLAN - Other - 3.500 of 6�• G\w c+ \ 1. Permanent vegetation to be established in accordance with INTERIOR LANDSCAPING REQUIRED - 3.100 of INTERIOR LANDSCAPING PROVIDED - 3,100 of I. �• \ "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and HEIGHT OF STRUCTURE - less than 35' Existing I 9.j Design Manual", Section 6.11, latest version. See next Sheet. G\W I 0 V. 37.00 42 LU I • 37,15 = 7.15 N FS 1 Mark � F- W Williams Fabricare, Inc. z I D.B. 1447 Pg. 805 W Ld to I Williams Fabricare, Inc. PEAK DISCHARGE SUMMARY - p g 1129 pg. 1600 Tract 3 0 10 pre -developed = 26 cfs W 0 50 pre -developed = 37 cfs Q 10 post -developed - 26 cfs O WSEL 40.2 Q 50 post -developed 35 cfs O WSEL 40.6 - Q 100)poat-developed = 41 cta O WSEL 40.7 STATE WATER QUALITY POND CONSIDERATIONS - 'd Surface Area required = 9,450 of WA »as . ' 'r Surface Area provided 15,094 of �k Storage Volume required - 20,220 Of ^ 10'vD°Ufl AN PrMll a(Y s_ (C rY,l N t'1 d Storage Volume ume Drowdown Tim =92.5fdays w N Storage ' \ Sv ro a g ■ \ FU'URE ---' 8 Bobby . HareIsOn (� p.B. 1287 g ■ _ ..__. . _.. _. ..... -- - - -- :-;-�I S 83 47Y3"E 100.03 Future (approved) ': Future (approved) j NEW BUILDING I NEW BUILDING ; Future (approved) li.....' . N 1 +v ■ i NEW BUILDING i g V SEE INSET _ _ _ SEE INSET I _ _ _J I j o UJ 1(4,d I/TTLUU IBM 40.30 18V. 58.52 / pry 40.00 wV, 15.67 �JJ 1 WV. Se.72 IL5WV. 3S9' _J 31-16 ' 1 / � 1 � 1 - � 1 1 as Rkn 4 ((E)S) Inv. In [s) ' Mt 4arb ��---_ law. 0.1 lA ' mx An (£) 36.90 24' RCP ' tnx Out (N) J6.00 24' RCP 1 � 1 w ' S 8312'34 E __._.._. N 83'12 34 W 52. T 1 N V- S 8371291E 236.07 Future (not approved) NEW BUILDING kiwi Rin 41.01 fUT()RE Inn k (N) J7.61 12' PVC In m (S) J7W 24' RCP mx Out (sj J7.41 24' RCP S 86.35'15" E 151.27 o Existin NN 60.W R n 4 1 LO 31 Z^ g ■ „ 1 RIM 40.72 . 37.35 <'d M O o M I 1 Z NEW BLOG LOT 1 Z ( 1 Future I (not approved) ; LOT 2 (•"ng) Existing - o ____- .._.___ _,___ _ 1 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE IN FEET.' 1 "= 40' f 15:19:43 03/27 120.00 M Notes 1. Surw)el in Apr# 1996 and October 2002. 2. Area conputed by coordinate method. J. All Distoces are Horizontal 4. For Rehanee see D.B. 946 Pg. 577, D.B. 956 Pg. 620. D.B. 1711 Pg. 653, and O.B. 938 Pg. 875 5. All 800OVS ore N.C. Grid NAD 1983 6. All Elewfions we M.SL, 7. This Property is not Located in o Flood Hazard Area �o I J S 83.30'20" E �392 Co/%ge Road South WALGREENS is o �• ( w 1 Store# �r M10 & 6951 o o (&Wst/ng) 3 ` I _ W jj 9 later I' m.. In (£) 37.54 24' RCP Inx Out (N) 37-M 24' IMP Existing kWt r Rkn 47.97 I •O ' Inx Cut (It) J7.57 24' RCP 4 S 83'12 J4 E 174.77 s 0/e an_der Drive U.S. R t e. 76 1�� - _ - - - 100' Right of Way IL N 8143'06 "W 2334.72 I to N.C. Grid Monument "Tuesdays' N.C. Grid Monument ".Shell" MODIFICATION TO SW8 990341 As -built Information added 3-27-03 3 f College Oleander Center - Wet detention / retention pond addition _1 4 Additional Calculation Summary for NCDENR / DWO ExAnlet �w 42 \ WATER QUALITY CONSIDERATIONS DRAWDOWN: - area calculations: See Project Data Sheet o U Average head from storage elevation to orifice - 39.3 - 37.6 / 2 - 0.9' �`$ b - Col: 0� \ TOTAL TOTAL IMPERVIOUS = 5.8 acres TOTAL AREA DRAINING TO POND = 7.0 acres 21 PVC droin to draw -down pond: rb p\ G 7.0 acres total - 5.8 acres impervious - 1.2 acre green area Orifice equation: 0 = CA(29h)-1/2 41 9 SA REQUIRED: 5.8 X 0.95 + 1.2 x 0.20 / 7.0 = 0.82, or 85 Q = 0.6(.022)(64.4 X 0.9)-1/2 = 0.094 cfs + , F+ n� G� t; \ �r 01 Al 7.5' depth, 9OX TSS removal, from chart - SA/DA factor - 3.1 T = 215,350 sec. = 2.5 dogs Exlnv 7.0 x 0.01 x 3.1 9.450 of SA REQUIRED 38.41 i At Elov. - 37.6 15,094 of SA PROVIDED 5 VOLUME REQUIRED: R-[(P)(Pj)(Rv)/12)(A) FOREBAY REQUIREMENTS - 4/ SEE PAGES Al and A.2, "Controlling Urban Runoff: Approximate capacity - 13450 X 0.4 X 7= 37,500 X 20% A Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban BMPs" = 7,500 of a (P)= 1" Provided capacity 7.585 of, ese previous approval o P\P (Pj)= 0.9 ma (Rv)- 0.05 + 0.9(5.8/7.0) = 0.796 ,ODyn a ` W I G\ o $ R- [(1)(0.796)/12](7.0) = 0.464 acre-feet Existing $ = 20,220 of REQUIRED STORAGE ~`o Ex.inv. e x At Elov. 39.3 30.395 of PROVIDED STORAGE . 37.11 + 1 't 7 G\`W is Valve 15"METAL Inv. 36.65 INV. 37.00 42 Peach tree A venue Ex.15"rcp a 154METa m � m INV. 37.15 15"RCP _ - _37.16 Public Right of Way IN Rim 4o.32 30� g4 _ - - IINV. 37.52; Y - - INV. 37.63 e �� �e>•��tr•� �����������������fr•�����������������elo�� Ex.Concrete Walk 1�4.1p9� e1WIc1�t G 42'JS Williams Fabricare, Inc. S 83.08'48"£ 312.55 5'SIDEWALK 7 et Emergency Spillwayi 76 EIP I .11� D.B. 1447 Pg. 805 40 41 G 3 sTAR, GtatE � aVEe - R rL 4a 42e2 35 31 RIM 39.75 INV. 5182 INV. 34.76., ■ 01 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 'N X ■ W cl CL INSET SCALE: 1 "= 30' STATE STORAGE VOLUME N 4 Existing - 30,395 CF Q EL- 39.3 A x_i EMBANKMENT TDP- 41.7 13 WZ 9 100-YEAR WSEL- 40.7 EXIST, 10-YEAR WSEL- 402 t`n.• O IS'OIPTOP X _-LLL EXIST. 15'RCP NORMAL VSEL= 37.6 INVERT OUT- 37.5 Q Y n EX. 2-15"DIP STORM M^1 AA a I} a \ .:. _ EMBANKMENT STRUCTURE Mrs AS -BUILT SUMMARY (10-02): ITEM AS -BUILT 1. Impervious area (bldgs., etc.) 5.8 acres 2. Normal pool surface area 15,094 sf 3. Normal pool Surface Elevation 37.6 MSL Actual pool Surface Elevation 32.4 MSL, 10-02 4. Pond depth (deepest point) 8.9 feet 5. Bottom elevation (deepest) 28.7 MSL. 6. Orifice elevation 37.6 MSL 7. Weir elevation (State storage) 39.3 MSL 8. State storage volume 30,395 cf 9. 6' shelf Yes 10. 10'access Yes 11. Foreboy Yes 12. Outlet elevation 37.5 MSL 13. Primary Spillway elevation 39.3 MSL 14. Emergency Spillway elevation 41.0 MSL 15. Embankment elevation 41.7 MSL 16. Side slopes (typical) 2.6:1 to 5:1 17. Orifice size 2" PVC .................. BOTTOM EL= 28.6 1393 7t AS -BUILT AREAS: 4 7 G EL37= 13,011 of EL37.6= 15.094 sf EL38= 17.087 of EL39= 19,047 sf w EL39.3= 20.236 sf G EL40- 22,305 of I c L59 State storage= 30,395 Of to 41.58 3 G ° N NBobby W, Harrelson o D.B. 1287 Pg. 1336 U)41.93 G 4L61 41.7e G G 42.60 42.74 FUTURE 15-DIP 15'DIP 15•DIP I ,I o I `e 4`, IE-373 IE-37A IE-87A E� IhI� PLAN VIEV inl I^I'- 5X5 BOX RIM-39.3 5.0 1E-37.6 , L J T tL 14 N I' BOX DETAILS NTS £L- 39.3 1 - 15'DIP VSEL= OUTLET PIPE 37.6 INV= IE= 37,5 37.6 2 - 15'DIP 21PVC OUTLET PIPES INV=37,5 I£= 37.4 and 37.4 39.25 rim Inv 37,47 inv. ?1 my 37,35' r 37.64 3739:;::•.:;�` . --- L_---- OUTLET STRUCTURE EXISTING PERMIT Nos.: DENR DWQ SW8 990341, NHC GP X 24-99 VALGREENS STORE k 6951 POND AS -BUILT and WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION PLAN COLLEGE so OLEANDER CENTER LOCATED IN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SE AL 20007 2 2 -1 OWNER: CAMERON COMPANY LLC 1201 GLEN MEADE ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28401 762-2676 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P,.}A, LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS d; LAND PLANNERS 319 WALNUT STREET >• WILMINGTON, N.C. 28401 PHONE: (910) 343-8002 Date: 3-27-03 stoic 1'= 40' Drawn: DSH Checked: GAW Project No: 2466V0-cert Sheet No: 1 v Sit"' I!~ W IM;wx/f7 orof Nk,*V aN E&vd ro tWgnesaro dor Drive F LOCATION MAP w V) I W Nor TO GaAs - I N OVERALL TO POND: ■ a SITE DATA: EI.100t k DRAINAGE AREA TO POND - 7.0 acres TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREAS - , Buildings - 56,000 sf Parking - 137,000 sf Sidewalks - 22,000 sf Other - 37,650 sf TOTAL IMPERVIOUS - 252.650 sf = 5.8 acres 3i LOT i = 5.177 ACRES, LOT 2- 1.444 ACRES, LOT 3 = 0.422 ACRES TOTAL AREA- 7.043 ACRES. s' NOTE: NO 404 WETLANDS ON S1TE. � Ex.lnv. 37.11 y MAINTENANCE PLAN - �'� - 1. All measures to be inspected weekly and after any rainfall NEW LOT 2 event and needed repairs made Immediately. SITE DATA: I 2. Sediment Basin to be cleaned out when the level of sediment il n RB ZONING -City of Wilmingtot reaches 5.6' below water surface. Riser structure to be cleaned TRACT SIZE - 62,8sf 1 RB acres if excess water above design surface no longer drains AREA OF DISTURBANCE 2 acres t H P properly. t I PROPOSED BUILDING AREA - 14.490 sf 3. Sediment to be removed from pond foreboy when it is MINIMUM PARKING REQUIRED - 38 spaces 'r4 \ approximately 25X filled or sediment level is within 5.25' of MAXIMUM PARKING REQUIRED - 67 spaces water surface. TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED - 67 spaces 4. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and re -seeded HANDICAP PARKING PROVIDED - 3 spaces 41 as necessary, according to specifications provided, to IMPERVIOUS AREAS - ��� maintain a suitable vegetative cover. Building - 14,490 of \ ,p Parking - 38,700 sf o PX1 11 - �, Ga VEGETA VE PLAN Other - 3,500 sf INTERIOR LANDSCAPING REQUIRED - 3,100 sf Permanent vegetation to be established in accordance with INTERIOR LANDSCAPING PROVIDED - 3.100 of xlsting : I 9 "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and HEIGHT OF STRUCTURE - less than 35' Design Manual", Section 6.11, latest version. See next Sheet. 7 a\w ^ I 0,,. 9 IET v \ 57.00 42 W O� w Peach tree A ven u e � � � Ex.15'rc15.RCP WV. 37,15 5v. 17A6 N I \ Mv. 37.1e Public Right of Way 1 i- I _ _ w I T _ _- - - - - - tool eBl le!♦ t✓• I� lea I� I� lei et to I� to to e� to tool I� to w e� I� a� w� I� lea to t✓• I� lei a� Ek.Ccncrete Walk V' K v S 83V848E J1255 259.50 Errergency Spillway H 40 +f _ I LJ U) t Williams Fabricare, Inc. Q 50) post -developed - 35 cfs O WSEL m 40. I� Q 100)poat-developed 41 cfs O WSEL '• 40.7 l a $St STATE WATER QUALITY POND CONSIDERATIONS - I b Surface Area required = 9,450 sf z RIM 39.70 Jb Surface Area provided - 15,094 of Storage Volume required 20,220 of 10' AWCUTAN Ponn a cr, (c rr, Storage Volume provided 30,395 cf Storage Volume Drowdown Time = 2.5 days Ig \ FUTURE g Bobb W Harels0n O Y 1339 I^�I Z p I a� ..., �.,_ in� D.B. 1287 9• -- -- _ _.- ..-- _--_ _.� _r.:. . ,. _ _ .i•} 5 83'47'1J"E 100.03 V 1 I1 Future (approved) j I Future (approved) ; I j NEW BUILDING i 1 NEW BUILDING Future (approved) i w. N I i 1 NEW BUILDING g C� V ! SEE INSET SEE INSET- J II a S .. __ ._ ----------- __.__. =� T, a ■ I RIM 40.30 INV. 3552 // MMMNMMMMMM��i�aww.ee 36J4 4W / R01 a0.00 INV. 35.87 1 WV. 35.57 1 INV. WV. 3g.72 N INV. 35.15 1 1vwv.35le h 1 �� 1 1 1 Group Entertainment D.B. 1250 Pg. 1219 1 1 1 1 kIef Rim _ am_ Mw in. f 1 M isE5 An5 1 -. In r. 0u1 I'm like 4090 1 Inv. In (E) 36.90 24' RCP 1 Mv. Oat (N) J6.80 24' RCP 1 1 I W 1 �• 1 � 1 S 83'12.34" E 1 _ N 83'12'34' W 52.50 FT 1 : - 60.00 FT m 1 n 1' ^< LOB" 3 1 z N� Q N 1 RIM 40.72 M O 1 WV. 9.35 0 woo 1 Z ! NEWSLOG NLOT 1 Z Future (not approved) (exist/no) Existing 9, EXISTING HYDRANT FH 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE IN FEET. 1 "= 40' hr I I Notes 1. Surveyed in April 1996 and October 2002. 2. Area computed by coordinate method. J. All Distances am Horizonfol 4, For Reference see D.B. 946 Pg. 577, D.B. 956 Pg. 620. D.B. 1711 Pg. 653, and Da 936 Pg. 875 5. All Bearings ore N.C. Grid NAD 1983 6. All Elewtions are M.S.L. REV. N0. REVISIONS DATE 7• This Property is not Located in a Flood Hazard Area e 11509:43 03/27/20113 L 5 S 837129E 2X 07 Future (not approved) NEW BUILDING LW I � Mrot FUTURE R7m 41.01 nZ M Y, (N)Jr.fh ?56 12' PYC 1 Inv. 24' RCP t Mx att (w) 37. n.41 24• RCP S 86.35'15" E 151.27 100.61' �S 83'30'20° E ❑ -. 1 I 0 Existing LOT 2 'a 1392 College Road South WALGREENS a w ■ \ Store# i N 1 6951 O I o (eidsting) / 1 W i1C UU I 41.J4 M� M37.54 24" RCP Mv. Out (N) J7.J4 24" RCP Existing II ra fa�fa�fa fa��fa fi fa ti fa to ti fa�fi MMf M sis� Rm 41.92 M. ad (W) J7.57 24' RCP t� MODIFICATION TO SW8 990341 As -built information added 3-27-03 a 39 , 8 College Oleander Center - Wet detention / retention pond addition L-, K Additional Calculation Summary for NCDENR / DWQ : Ex Inlet�w 42 WATER QUALITY CONSIDERATIONS - DRAWDOWN: tc J\ Impervious area calculations: See Project Data Sheet Average head from storage elevation to orifice - O CJ TOTAL IMPERVIOUS = 5.8 acres 39.3 - 37.6 / 2 - 0.9' TOTAL AREA DRAINING TO POND = 7.0 acres 2' PVC drain to draw -down pond: 7.0 acres total - 5.8 acres impervious = 1.2 acre green area Orifice equation: Q = CA(29h)" 1/2 SA REQUIRED: 5.8 X 0.95 + 1.2 x 0.20 / 7.0 = 0.82, or 85 Q = 0.6(.022)(64.4 X 0.9)-1/2 At 7.5' depth, 9OX TSS removal, from chart - SA/DA factor = 3.1 = 0.094 cis 7.0 x 0.01 x 3.1 = 9 450 sf SA REQUIRED T = 215,350 sec. = 2.5 days Ex Inv At Elev. - 37.6 = 15,094 of SA PROVIDED 3841 \ VOLUME REQUIRED: R-[(P)(Pj)(Rv)/12](A) FOREBAY REQUIREMENTS - to 41 \ SEE PAGES A.1 and A.2, "Controlling Urban Runoff: Approximate capacity = 13450 X 0.4 X 7= 37,500 X 20% C A Practical Manual for Planning and Designing Urban BMPs" = 7,500 cf ° a. (P)= 1" Provided capacity 7,585 of, see previous approval (Pj)= 0.9 o P\P (Rv)= 0.05 + 0.9(5.8/7.0) = 0.796 J1 IOMa (A)= 7.0 n I G\`R R= [(1)(0.796)/12](7.0) = 0.464 acre-feet = 20,REQUIRED EXIStin g of STORAGE At Elev. 39.3 = 30,395395 of PROVIDED STORAGE Ex Inv. o 3711 54 // G\W x Valve 15^METAL Inv. 38.65 % INV. 37.00 Peach tree A venue ails m1rcp a � � � TAL INV. 37.15 INV.154M37.1 - Public Right of Way _ _ - 15"RCP IN RIM 4032 1 $ r 64 1 _ - - - - jNV. 37 52 5 1 r - - INV. 37,63 ar �MMM��������������r•��Ns��������������������� Ex.Concrefe Walk 4�39 RiMC 4a 42.33 Williams Fabricare, Inc. o S 8308'48 31255 5'SIDEWALK 7 417 Emergency Spillwo R7 1 c y 75 EIPD.B. 1447 Pg. 805 Is 40 38.29 -1 T . 39 J9 . G- 3B. OVER 4 ER FL W'fE 42b2 To 1 AS -BUILT AREAS: RIP 7. 37. 7 9. 366a O 4171 G� G 7= 13,0111 or 3 17 4. EL ,094 Cof' V 4.10 V 7 EL38= 17,087 sf lE 3J.6 RI 74 Rw3 19 0 4 EL39= 19,047 sf i3.o9 431' EVE 33 3 V a 3041 u ��p'�4g G k W EL39.3- 20,236 sf gp V up CL BUT 29 97 OL BUT POHM 30.13 T EL40= 22,305 of is T 6 14 34 R E 34.12 • J2 EL 1.59 .StQte storage= F as 7 J `Ci�>• 1a-------�_ L 7 G 30,395 cf �J G G l� 9� h . 3Bb0 Se.l4 GB7 •• B2 378 ) 4 i k6 RIM 39.75 INV. 34.82 40 g 3 31 E 1124 INV. 34.76. - x9- .__ _.: G.59 41 > - TB s� w 3 \ FU TURF 4131 G 12 N Bobby W. Harrelson ■ \ G 9 ■ \ ' . ,-. .:. _ + .. 16 co D.B. 1287 Pg. 1336 ■ i Ii 1 I cc 41-93 ■ G ■ --- -- -_ ... .. _. - __ _ . --- .-_. - . 42�_ ._._..__ _ - 2 4 j PORTABLE PUMP TO - _ ■ BE USED TO DRAWDOWN I i 4236 ! ! C 42a0 ■ � ( POND IN EMERGENCY. 1 d 4250 G 4274 G ■ x ■ bi j FUTURE I (FUTURE ■ i I I i I INSET SCALE: 1 "= 30' STATE STORAGE VOLUME r4 two Existing = 30,395 CIF ow Q EL= 39.3 A A j X� WZ EMBANINENT TOP= 41.7 ' 9 100-YEAR WSEL= 40.7 N EXIST. 19-YEAR WSEL= 402 x 8 O 15'DIP p X= 9. W W EXIST. 15'RCP NORMAL WSEL= 37.6 INVERT IX1T= 37.5 Q EX. 2-15"DIP STORM M �F .. .:. ...::: W W r+ dK p / \ .. �N\ BOTTOM EL= 28.6 ra\^1 EMBANKMENT STRUCTURE AS -BUILT SUMMARY (10-02): ITEM AS -BUILT 1. Impervious area (bldgs., etc.) 5.8 acres 2. Normal pool surface area 15,094 sf 3. Normal pool Surface Elevation 37.6 MSL Actual pool Surface Elevation 32.4 MSL, 10-02 4. Pond depth (deepest point) 8.9 feet 5. Bottom elevation (deepest) 28.7 MSL 6. Orifice elevation 37.6 MSL 7. Weir elevation (State storage) 39.3 MSL 8. State storage volume 30,395 cf 9. 6' shelf Yes 10. 10'access Yes 11. Foreboy Yes 12. Outlet elevation 37.5 MSL 13. Primary Spillway elevation 39.3 MSL 14. Emergency Spillway elevation 41.0 MSL 15. Embankment elevation 41.7 MSL 16. Side slopes (typical) 2.6:1 to 5:1 17. Orifice size 2" PVC ff15-DIP l5•DIP f 15•DIP I ,I IE-373 IEw37A IEw37.4 0 I m I 0 E� I,FIF PLAN VIEW SXS BOX RIM•39.3 5.0 L J IEw37.6 ] T I 0. 14 N Ie N BOX DETAILS NTS £L= 393 GRATE rOPTTiI rA= 1 I I - 15'DIP WSEL= OUTLET PIPE 37.6 INV= IE= 37,5 37,6 2 - 15'DIP 2 PVC OUTLET PIPES INV=37.5 IE= 37.4 and 37.4 39.25 rim inv 37.47 in v. 2" Inv 37.35 37.64� v J7.39 L_J --- OUTLET STRUCTURE EXISTING PERMIT Nos.: DENR DWQ SW8 990341, NHC GP if 24-99 WALGREENS STORE # 6951 POND AS -BUILT and WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION PLAN Dote: COLLEGE so OLEANDER CENTER 3-27-03 Scde: LOCATED IN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP 1'= 40' NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROI INA SEAL 20007 2-7 4D OWNER: CAMERON COMPANY LLC 1201 GLEN MEADE ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28401 762-2676 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICESs P.A.C9) LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS dr LAND PLANNERS 319 WALNUT STREET WILMINGTON, N.C. 28401 PHONE: (910) 343-8W2 Drawn: LISH Checked: GA Project No: 2466W0-tort 68, Market Str°°t UWj 4' 3' 27' 27' ?' 4' D'°" c'7° 4'CONC. 18 REVERSE CROWN 4I CONC, a: of Ieink"ton to PARKING (TYPICAL) SII)EWAL Paodlvee AM SIDEWALK SPACE L / SITE I CTYPICAU �% 2'ASPHALT To IWlghtsMle F R jBOOGh \2.5 GRASSED Oleander Drive t=-D TYPE 'A' I 6'ABC BASE COURSE STRIP (TYP) StiPJard B1wx Of CURB NOT£# Both sides are typically symmetrical. LOCATION MAP Z TYPICAL MIN. PARKING BAY 'SECTION MOT To SCALE W NOT TO SCALE Ld Ex x- Dc15"rap °' enue Mv.J163\- NG Peachtree A v xx VALY£ SLEEVE VALVWE Exist. NL Public Right of Way Ran �ta,a 6--j'TARY SERVICE- - AYR Inv(N) J7..O /nx(W)\7./ EX.41. 3+' 0EWO A AS +EX.41.3 Per Pion, e� e� e� e� � e� . r.. rw e� e� e� e� eve�� e� w e� e� e� e� e� e� e� e� e� inlet Ain 41.1f �� mild w-Itlre� Valor Rion 42. /9 Existing Inv.(I�� Je44 +4L5 S 8308'48"E JIZ55 59.50 C 41.5+ +40.7 +4d.7 40.7+ +41.5 Inu(EJI 3957D + Y'M me-en� sill C - - o - -40 9 'R I a Y40.5 41 0 c IE OUT J7.50 40.5+ + + 10'bEG,.ATED SHELF (CITY) a 10. 1 FROM 3l5 TO 385 / �:7 �.. - . .. _. ._ --- ... + 0;. 40 3+ g 15.00 24.00 0 a n - d Y ay +40. 3+ Rw I R "y + v o OO M ,W N - . - Light NOTE WELL. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EXTENDING WATER SERVICES FROM MASTER is METER TO WITHIN 5' OF BUILDING. EllP 0 U Group Entertainment D.B. 1250 Pg. 1219 m W EXISTING HYDRANT TTOM�EL=30.0 0-75' \\ SEE INSET y MAINTENANCE PLAN - e 1. All measures to be Inspected weekly and after any rainfall event and needed repairs made Immediately. U 2. Sediment Basin to be cleaned out when the level of sediment \� Jo reaches 5.6' below water surface. Riser structure to be cleaned If excess water above design surface no longer drains ftr I properly. x nv. / gy,4t / 3. Sediment to be removed from pond forebay when it is \ approximately 25% filled or sediment level Is within 5.25' of water surface. ,p 4. Sediment to be removed from behind the any Silt Fence and PAP G6\ inlet protection devices when it becomes 0.5 deep. Fencing �' �/ and Inlet protection to be repaired as needed to maintain a a c\w $ 9 r / \ barrier. !►� \/ �!r 5. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and re -seeded aXw o�,. as necessary, according to specifications provided, to J4 Existing /yO �/ \ maintain a suitable vegetative cover. Va or \ 1 37. \ 37.1 \ ,Ill = dQFO 0.Y.e _ - - _ - i IE OUT 37.25 I �S SF lWilliams Fabrlcare, Inc. I s D.B. 1441 Pg. 805 1 W in 4 6' 1•£GETATED SHELF (STATE) ®6:1 FROM - -� TO J .5 I 0 W - m W M En 10'VEGETATED SHELF (CITY) a 10 : F`OM 375 TO 38.5 \ d Willloms F "" U B. 1129 PSI• 1600 NEW LOT 2 SITE DATA ZONING - City of Wilmington RB TRACT SIZE - 62,885 of - 1.444 acres AREA OF DISTURBANCE - 2 acres d: PROPOSED BUILDING AREA - 14,490 of MINIMUM PARKING REQUIRED - 38 spocea MAXIMUM PARKING REQUIRED - 67 spaces TOTAL PARKING PROVIDED - 67 spaces HANDICAP PARKING PROVIDED - 3 spaces IMPERVIOUS AREAS - Building - 14,490 of Parking - 38.700 of Other - 3,5GO of INTERIOR LANDSCAPING REQUIRED - 3,100 sf INTERIOR LANDSCAPING PROVIDED - 3,100 of HEIGHT OF STRUCTURE - less than 35' -T R\W MONUMENT R\W MONUMENT IS u Zte PEAK DISCHARGE SUMMARY Q(((10) pre -developed 27.5 cis /. Q(503) Dre-dental - 3&3 of* \ Q 10 peat- lit ad - 26.3 cfe O WSEL - 40.2 c Ex.lnlet �w Q 50 post -developed - 35.0 cfe O WSEL - 40.6 _ ALL SLOPES 1 J4. q(100)poet-developed 41.1 cis O WSEL - 40.7 3d MAXIMUM L \ U G STATE WATER QUALITY POND CONSIDERATIONS - . \e�b a� % 6'min. 12'min. SEE PLAN d Surface Area required - 9,450 eF F -P. LV Surface Am provided - 73,450 a< + .G� \ Storage Volume required - 20.220 cf Forebay volume Storage Volume provided - 29,300 cf POND 20% of required Storage Volume Dmwdown Time - 2.5 days - L - - storage, typical w 38 41 • ATIONS W 1 SEDIMENTATION POND CONSIDER - Storage required - 7.0 X IBM - 12.600 cf ow0 q•min OP o PIPE o, Storage provided - 23,350 cf ' 'o xo OUTLET c a FOREBAY CALCULATION: ape �- OUTLET a° Approximate Forebay Volume - 7.SW of y\ Armor ns necessary nlnlnun 1' Stone PROTECTION P\P 20% Volume of Storage = 37.500 X .2 - 7,500 cf �: AS ON PLANS J rc FOREBAYSECTION DETAIL C` NOTE. NO 404 WETLANDS ON SITE TYPICAL AT STORM OUMALL TO POND G\W NOT TO SCALE c Ex -Inv- Ica = Z DETAILS SHORN ARE TYPICAL OF INSTALLATIONS REWIRED BY THE CITY OF WXJAINOTT 37, 11 3 THIS SNEET DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW ALL REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION DETAILS,'BLT THIS SHEET SHOW ALL ��1h4 s G\W / RATHER SERVES AS A WIDE. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ADHERING TO Al CITY AND STATE CODES AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. _ _ Volvl Ex.15"rcp a INC Peachtree Avenue - Inv 38.65 - VALI£ h SLEEVE VALVE Exfst. wL H Public Right 9 Of Way y Ex. let 40.30 to - _" _ _ _ _ _ _ _Rim 6"SANITARY SERVICE SS MH In W) 37.44 Ica X. 41.3+ ao CLEAMOUTS AS NECESSARY +EX.41.3 Par Plans -► I -B= m e� SE SE SE SE SE Ira mm me�a�a1 SE seems EE IMmsear Manhole with- EMERGENCY Valve Rim 42.T9 EXISTING SPILLWAY EL 4a7 M'- So. Depth- as' )p +41.5 S 8308'48"E 312.55 5'SIDEWALK 4t5+ +40.7 +ao.7 40.7+ 42.0 + N 414039---- 55TREET YARD Emergency Spillway --- ul 'r 41 0 't -- ,- -- - - - - - if OUT- 37.50 r 10'VEGETAED SHELF (CITY) ® 10:1 FROM 37.5 TO 38,5 40.5+ _ 38 414039 � + +a0.5 lao.7 \ WSEL=3750 NEW SAA=13450 sf 41.3+ +42.0 3 +41.0 0 37 F-36-RCP 1D'MEHICULAR POND Access (CITY) +40.8 41 s+ + I N I O zo 3536 w 3635 t - - - - - - - - -83433 Existing o LOSE TEN SPACES a DOCKS; 12X 5 o Tv Bobby W. arrelson N 24.00 I > 32 a + o Y W Hareison e a L+ o Bobby w o o a FUTURE 9.00 D.B. 1287 g. 1336 P 1339 a m 31 5 + I a B. 128% 9 40.3+ n'-' m 30 BOTTOM EL=30.0 D=7.5' o n <t 5+ !i LI p. +++ ❑ I I o H escros.! SILT FENCING MRY I ,, L'jdary BE NECESSARY tJI .W I 205 LF 2.0+ - CO(Ty - a-5 ALONG PL DURI G N 15.00 r 42.0 ry^� az.a+ OND EXPAN51 �' u - + 5' COt1C. SIDEWALK CO TYP EIP II S 8347'13"E 100.03 -I 5 O 15!00 6' VEGETATED SHELF (STATE) t9 6:1 FROM 375 TO 365 Existing to + o 100.p0 15 1 100.100 I SCREENED aria 8 --- � � i OIIA/PS1ER PAD per• F° I11 p 1 I 15' 80.00 I 3 o WILDING 2 o U/LD/NG 31 +, 3+ LJ O I FUTURE I FUTURE O m111nnn W T w --I Q o BUILD/NO 4 a v 1�p 18.00 q II�IL STA 2+00 ,� `e + IP 4,s 96LF-36"R + :RATE=40.1 STORM SEA _ +403 8 TEE 8 WL , N a O Y N O IRS I\ I I Minimum EL 42.3, see notes I I o sa + - - - - - -- --ao.s+- - - - - N 66 LF p m 40 1- 70'VEHICULAR POND ACCESS (CITY) N SEE INSET I SEE (INSET FUTURE < ern y o FUTURE DOCKS, 12X 45 + -- i - - _ --7Minimum�Z J42.3 M� Move Island I � G o8 � s, � A � a1.5+ a existing sD I=_ $ 40.5 n c + o 9.00 4L5+ ag YATa1 S 837129 E 236.07 cfri 8 6 O .,, +41.0 'r S 12'AWING, TYPICAL o Essrdc ACCESS EIP � + a � � � Landscaped zi'$ � o ao. + ' New onstrOction 40.3+ 41 'o'�G' Tq TIED SHELF (CITY) ®70: 1 FROM 37.5 TO 38.5 \ 40 3 sE C 1 I tip S v n _ 41.3+ a +42.0 I " 40.8+ 41.5+ Z I �0 F-36 RCP 0 + 0 IC. SIDEWALK- 4 _ +-+a2. a2. a ff .8 1.8 42.3 oo( ) NEW 8'SAN.SERVICE �Aff 50 w +41.0 STA 1+00 CO�TYf4� 4 .5 Island s at 4 .s GO (3 , InxM� Meg Ot +40.5 qq n I •? Tv, iO F YD `a o l 125.00 2 Story 3m 42.5 IMv.(S Jae3 Q- + - `� '° A e I + 4 . rN TIE NEW CURB U 40.6+ + + o propos (not approved) 119 a INTO EXISTING 41.5+ r ; C (X 4 +40.8 4 g r F g ❑ 1 + O i{ Y. P t&oG AT NEW INLET N •O a�1� I STATE STORAGE PORTABLE POMP TO _sahml P,.4m9 5 > I I O EL=39.2 40-5+ TO BE REMOVEDa 178LF-30"RCP a u+i -< ' v FUTURE I tp 24.ao g I w Existing Proposed oo + I NEW BU/LD/NG 5 N NEW CURB INLET 1�f'� a �Z� = 29,300 cf I 9 P I J 01 111..11 I I I I PONDBE INEMERGENCY. TO �0 GRATE=40.3 N LANDSAPED ISLANDS TYPICAL + / I RIM 36 I C <ui I N % - -m •- I - - - - - -. d o / B G ,nl (tj ~ m = e n -CONNECT " OO I J _ ODa� , / Minimum EL 42 8, se otes ; N� ry N ,, n 41.8 a CE -+92.1 f / V 42 5.EX.S OLEF T /� /� 41.4+ + �+ �41.3 41 Y/ + +4L5 41.7 + + 41.7 41.7 + 4 - + q -' SOW •" W �� L%/� / UILDINO 3 TH JM 1 ,x N i ! �*O eyC Ale "a �,. ,.,. 4� ."L,,. a e` 24.00 a o + . 1 Q' +42 0- o >v c N • 1 +42 + / Q m L+� b• a ark U I FUTURE I FUTURE EXISTING tk 24.00 VED 35 00 V' l l 4t.s TLOY)N�TRACTDDR To I $ j -224. i 1 11 250 sf CGOROINATE WITH Pf P INSET :xisting N� o FUTURE 41.7+ APPROPmATE A� ` T3 SCACEc 1 = 0' l I 21 Spaces total 42.2+ 1 WOtb cal IE=36.9 1 +41.8 R� 5o a a STA < IP +41.8 41.8+ 1.4 / FUTURE DRIVE ER N000T u _ E%ISTNG B"WL 41.7 _ 41.6 _ 40.9+ �16+00 •? I 1474 CLV 157LF 24"RCP --_ 41.6+ 3g.� g. It SEE NEXT SHEET 36 sou a 41.7 4.2 ❑ +41.e - + + * FOR ADDITIONAL + +at 9 a, s+ + + +at-s CLV 6A L - 5" E a1s+ 25' ACCESS a.o+ GRATE- 41 a ao.5+ '`.? �Im OUTLET STRUCTURE STATE STORAGE VOLUME ' NOT A C STIR OUS77Na 2-15 DIP 6oLF O a2T OUT=37.25 OUT=37.25 Williams Fabricare, Inc. D.B. 1447 Pg. 805 3 ,t^V N 0 % I u) Bobby W. Harrelson D.B. 1287 Pg. 1336 EIP ? •� G TE-41.0 S 86 35 1 a.3+ 100.61 �TI(�CE ., .. AND EROSION CONTROL = 29,300 CF ' a 92LF- 24"RCP +41.2 EASEMENT IE=37.3 I > Existing +at.z S 83'30'20" E •a 2.71tERM0- m ry DETAILS, V:� 9 e EL= 39,2 ° O 41.2+ 151.27 at s+ - •- - - - - 3: PLASTIC �w DESIGNER'S CERTIFICATION - Existing CE +a.7 at. w n n EMBANKMENT TOP=: 41,5 (SETTLED) +40.6 Existing IP IE=37.1 .o+ 24'PVMT.FF Ip © at t+ z STOP BAR .. 11 xZ _. - tY rt.3 a1.6 Nee, T>anslermer +43.0 a2. + v+i, (TYPICAL) � = w"+ 'I hereby certify that this plan has been prepared In accordance' ll 41.5+ U R-2W R-25' y y s: ,o TIE NEW CURB o 0 100-YEAR WSEL 40J EMERGENCY SPILLWAY EL = 40.7 -a + a; a 5 a .1 0 INTO EXISTING w w p°�NG STURM - with the latest Wilmington Standards and Specifications for rD 00 PTO osed H +a1.2 I R-25, '^ + .y ,.., SEVER CR09aNa 10-YEAR WSE`= 40.2 Stornwater Management and Chapter 20 of the Code of Ordinanances H P �' W 450sf E<Inlet AT EXINLET f, AorouA� aEASANr EXIST. 'n t o a 41.3+-Box-- +of the City of n.' a: I Ran 3Re0 REMOVE EXISTING $40 O 15'DIP y Ri1 x 42.0 NEW IE- J31 T _ ® 41.5+ 41.5 CURBING X X a 'i.._ +42.2+ .2 +42.3 3 N(^yl 41.5+ R- 5 +42.3 R-S' R-5' 41. + v.(E) •TaaS W w-Ac=�L�i' F--� o :r a'-_0 S 831V3e E _ " N 8312'34 W 52.50 FT , 70. 00 13 ` ,431 a2.o+ v 1 j? ALL DIRECTIONAL EXIST. 15'RCP NORMAL \; SEC= 37.5 INVERT OUT= 37.5 Q Signntur w w m O 3^I DRIVE-THRU 19,079 Sf Q ARROWS AND OhtER z 80.00 FT O Printed Name and Tltle� David S. Hollis, PE, PLS o a NEW BLDG 6 5 4 N a PVMT.MARKINGS e pry+lwrw`. .�y/'[ [ _ y K `CD I N_ o w z +42.7 42.7+ a N ^• w �'.' 2 •'10w"? Q /�--� + a y"2 '- I R-3• 41.9+ k� TO NCDOT SIDS n NORTH C".''1i?i;(4:i�:i:N4YtifTTA� Date1 L% ' l.�J' O' i; w I o • O prpppg@d �41e U Z' s 83'1734' E 138.00 + I I W OP EX. 2-15"DIP STORM ro" 1�"."...r_:...,.3..C..:'..". ,,:."..r::�`.:;: ern m m a O t0 c`yiI F.. n I z (not approved) �°' N IQ-,; - N 83'12'34" W �200�sf 4ts+_ 180at OgL7 FENGNG MAY 60LF 2 0.22 ;,I %.1 10'VEGETATED C�1'131JN;:;�F:;1fhlT;ci1:....Jh}iFT'i: Registration Number PE s 20007 ® I N 8312'34"W I::: Tract Line ' n 1+( ,n ~ BE NECESSARY j CITY SHELF `""" """ 174.53 xi In eve r E st S e o � To be W h ern ::: m d $ v g a $F ALONG COLLEGE � � a 10,1 FROM /' :. // a:ri:;:-i;!I::'i 35.66 I ., cFi.�....-..........: r ' tip - - - - - EIP To W re/oceted h .. a e - D.B. 956 P 620 + ROAD FRONTAGE w C Date:.'...':.::.:..._ ...............................: 2 k''' E $ 9• and Water SerVIC6S EL=37.5 TO 38.5 / - WNER'S / DEVELOPER'S CERTIFICATION( 2 Story FUTURE o v I o U to pp s::;. ;.,::: t U I- O ;O d BeAS°u �V i a SO r ....�}'Ux'w... .. i Minimum EL= 43.0 W I " e WALGREENS «� Mad Fay 6'VEGETATEII Stgtmwate.,P ..... I / We hereby certify that any clenrin 3, grading, construction Existing I o 8 N ap SSAM ................................ Landon I + O e x� S 14, 490 sf 27 E pin 40, 4 STATE SHELF or development, or all of these, will be done pursuant to this William c of �i'c BOTTOM EL= 30.0 Q z 1172 M W idO 60 E 6 1N.0 5- Inv. 37.74 rn e &I \ plan and that the applicable Stornwater Management conditions and $ DB 1638 Pg I a n I v �. o a 1\ v 1 E pONER a =" EL=37.5 TO W.5 MAY BE DVEREXCAVATED requirements of the City f Wllmington, the State of North m� .5 Ir67 Spaces total eW �' d PaLE (LfGH>) •q m_ \ \ FOR SEDIMENT STORAGE. Carolina, and the Feder overnment and Its agencies are hereby 29.00 t&00 0 24"Pecan 1 p 3 ' x I W O� n- U h �a o tbi made part of this pt 2 o Nominal FF= 43.0 . """ NG a'�y PLANNED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES - \ 1 N 24 400 sf I ") - 1 �� �B 21' Exsn I E I ► . C, liege Road South o + a I Y ' a cE 1. TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EMBANKMENT SECTION Slgn°tore' n 32 S aces total K .++ O o O tl m Practice 6.06 a,.7+ w°j I ah p I N I Z Store/( ZONED: RB in ' ° O O �_ p P NOT TO SCALE Printed inane and Title! William H. Cameron, GenervF Perl4er Mae N a1.4 + 41.4+ . „ „ + m 2a"Pecan I ql ^ ,,, I '- u7 I 7T �i �I' iT O a Shall be klstdled at the entrmaes of the ro osed _ Cameron Company L�Itp LL• n I.' from th exlHin parkin arena Drains a + + `� m I 6951 I ^ o w Is from the road and sedimentation will be controlled ' 0 27.00 Date! S 894235"W + e with downstream ractices. Duran wet weather it mo be CO H n H ± a Z gp Q 43,806 sf a o a y e N I ^ I N C necessary to wash truck time at this location. SB S. SEDIMENT BASIN e e c + a I 00 Q 42.2 ty P 9 Y --_. ®IY+42.7 10' Cont. sidewalk 42.7+ 175sf R-5' 3 i Q U a Practice 6.61 d a< 2. LAND GRADING6.02 7 ^ n I U4212 r '~• Praatlae 8.02 The Sediment BmIn la to be expanded Ant (seeC W �: ci n O > F Construction Schedule) and is the primary Practice to prevent VEGETATIVE PLANIP I ^1v O O N 7 Grading should be limited to arena as shown on the Plana sediment from leaving the site. Detailed design and spillway C 2 Ct G m E h b" ti 18,00 3 ( •v' F Cut and flN d shell ba 3:1 m flatter exeept whero configurations are specified In the detals as shown on this _ Oi a oPea 1. Permanent vegetation to be established in accordance with N O +., J O , W rc a I ■ OT A R 5 kv POItER m epeclflCally Indicated Care spoil be taken during land Plan and the Nomativa The PVC outlet h to be blocked during c m O W m R-5' ` ` O ro z grading aeUNties not to damage exlatbg trace that are sedimentation function (m not installed) until entire "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and + cl •x SIGN I 41.6+ pp o1a^ hoLE not required to be removed, watershed Is permanently stabilized and pond In converted to Design Manual", Section 6.11, late as next Sheet. W LOCATION J ll 1 62 885 Sf 42.0+ 33 O R-5' a �" permanent a Contractor management dto n eta /retention rR �5 Thermoplastic double r I w 3. SEDIMENT FENCE purslane. The Contractor may choose to Install the antion U r 3 E low centedlne N 146's/ght SF f c O I R-5' yellow R-S 1. 444 acres 9.00 " trianglB h Practice 6.62 during sedknentation function, ONLY If he screens the and t; O I t A and protects the inlet wIN /57 atone See detail next SilentV1 MER Sediment fencing should be Installed as shown on the Plan, 8 42.8 0 �00'c� LI(Yn) to delineate and protect low areas. and around any OCT 't 9I` t�r')N' +433 + + 42.1+ 4 2 + + e l t0 qu re �t % l� + !P- geasouth temporary atockpee areas as necessary to prevent any groded 1 d t , + + v 270sf yallaM Interim areas from eroding onto od)acmt lands or roadway, or i aria 1 I� + +az.7 a2.7+ +az.e o- NOTE wIOJ into plats. EXISTING PERMIT Nos.. DENR OWO SW8 990341, NHC GP if 24-99 R-50' p`V x 10' STREET YARD 10'YARD '+ a2.7 i 4 S aJY2:H pop 1 P\P 8Z.6Z' AS PER NCDOT R-50' Y CURE WA1ER CONTRACTOR IS _ . DP a2s+ +a2.7TC 5' CONC.SIDEW _ VALVE 1 RESPONSIBLE FOR IP 4. INLET PROTECTION SITE GRADING, EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL and WATER QUALITY PLAN Date: EXTENDING WATER Practice 6.52 +42-3 EX. 41.5+ B SE'ItERLINE- -z SERVICES FROM MASTER COLLEGL�7-OLEANDER CENTER 3-19- M/et REMOVE EXISTING 42.0+ WW REMOVE EXISTING Mlat +42.2 p\p EIP 6'WAZERLINE S 8372 J4� 774. 77 th METER TO WITHIN Stone sewer Inlet barriers of block and gravel inlet Inlet EXIST.CITY �, RI^' 4208 REPLACE CURBING Ss MH 2 TMERMo- CURBING Ri" 42.91 TAKEN FROM PLANS POOR UGHO) ME r(, Rim 42of IN.(pl 4a.24 Rim 4238 PLASTIC I MR Ja.el POLE ( PON Manhde 5' CIF BUILDING. protection are to be constructed to help prevent sediment pan �OIe BYISouth STD.DRIVE, i Mx( San STOP BAR S 8372'34"E FlT EXIsr.INLET entering the storm sewer system. After permanent stabilization LOCATED IN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP 1'= 40' r"s •Tg'o•'` lknhaa SEE DETAIL '""(s 'O'er Mr(E Ja.ee (TYPICAL) 182.66 rL 5'wide of buffer screening aloe both REMOVE EXISTING of the satin contributing watarehad area, the storm sewer Ad)rst Ran WITH NEW GRATE TOP A 9 9 ND system b to be gushed to remove accumulated sediment and NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA ADJUST EXISTING UTILITIES RIMS AS NECESSARY GRATE- 42.0 frontages to City standards. All landscaping OLD SIDEWALK Jj ensure design flown Drown. • to City standards. AS NECESSARY -- --Y y 2 n U E o Qz o QI h y'• �I p lU Z- c y m ��5 ah -- g W -- --o E C d V STOOP ((TirICAL) SEE auIlM1G PLANS CAD 10STREET YARD 120.00 40 20 0 40 80 120 LOT 1 = 5.177 ACRES, LOT 2= 1.444 ACRES, LOT 3 = 0.422 ACRES _ Oleander Dr ve _ ij 5. CONSTRUCTION ROAD STABIUZA71ON TOTAL AREA= 7.043 ACRES. - - _ - - _ o �1. Practice B.&O 4xpumphee �� Upon reaching find grade and after utilities have been ,�v� ,L�\{ CAROL" �4 SCALE IN FEET. 1 "= 40' Notes 100 Right of Way I Sj Installed, staA9 , parking areas are tope stablized by ; • Q E ......... •' •••� a T lotto sub -base course of approved 6" ABC store, as shown In es � ✓" 4,SS10 e• the typical cross-section detail on the Plan, to reduce = , QO 9 6 ADDED BUILDING 2,3, and 4 DIMENSIONS AS PER DENR DWQ 10-08-01 5 MAJOR REVISION ADDING 1.3 ACRES AND POND EXPANSION 8-03-01 4 REMOVED SILT FENCE EXCEPT BEHIND BUILDING 1 AND 4 8-04-99 3 REVISED POND CLEANOUT DEPTH FROM 5' TO 5.6' AS PER DENR / DWO 6-17-99 2 2" MASTER METER INSTEAD OF INDIVIDUAL WATER METERS 5-17-99 1 REVISED TO ADD TEMPORARY CHECK DAM IN KERR R/W AS PER NHC 4-27-99 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE 1. Surveyed h April 1996 and July 2001. eroalon and dust during the remainder of building construction. L 2 Area corn; -•led by coordinate method. 7 J. Alf D/stmc^- ore Horizontal 4. For Refwa,+ce see D.B. 946 Pa. 577, D.B. 956 Pg. 620. D.B. 1711 Pg. 653, and D.B. 9,18 Pg. 875 5. All Bearings are N.C. Grid NAD 1983 6. All E/ewtkns are All 7. This Property is not Located In a Flood Hazard Area THIS PLAN TO BE UTILIZED AND RENEWED ONLY IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE WRITTEN NARRATIVE; WHICH IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN. N 8143 06"W 2334.72 I to N.C.Grid Monument r N.C. Grid Monument * NOTE WELL' Shell" ANY AREAS ON -SITE WITHOUT ACTMTY IN A 15 DAY PERIOD SHALL BE TEMPORARILY STABIUZED AS PER THE SPECIFICATIG:' ANY SLOPES TO BE STABIUZED AFTER 15 DAYS. ' Checked: GA k/ Project No: 2466 WQ-1 20007 o \�r HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. �e°`3 0 A LAND SURHFYD ,% ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS Ile 41i '••• 319 WALNUT STREET y' 6 WILMONCTON, N.C. 28401 G©-, `Q PHONE: (91q) 343-8002 Of. SEAL i d. .. ... .: a .. .. , . •: Construction Road Stabilization Specification # 6.80 - Construction Specifications 1. Clear roadbed and parking areas of all vegetation, roots and other objectionable material. 2. Ensure that road construction follows the natural contours of the terrain If It is possible. 3. Locate parking areas on naturally flat areas If they are available. Keep grades sufflclmt for drainage but generally not more than 2 to 3X 4. Provide surface drainage, and divert excess runoff to stable areas by using water bans or turnouts (References: Runoff Control Measures). 5. Keep cuts and fine at 2:1 or flatter for safety and stability and to facilitate establishment of vegetation and maintenance. 6. Spread a 6-Inch course of "ABC* crushed stone evenly over the full width of the road and smooth to avoid depressions. 7. where seepage areas or seasonally wet areas must be crossed, install subsurface drains or g atextile fabric cloth before placing the crushed atone (Practice 6.81, Subsurface Drain). B. Vegetate all roadside ditches, win. fills and other disturbed areas or otherwise appropriately stabilize as soon as grading is complete (References: Surface Stabilization). 9. Provide appropriate sediment control measures to prevent off -site sedimentation. Maintenance Inspect construction roods and parking areas periodically for condition of surface. Topdrma with new gravel as needed. Check road ditches and other seeded areas for erosion and sedimentation after runoff -producing rains Maintain all vegetation In a healthy, vigorous condition. Sediment -producing areas should be treated Immediately. DE Temporary Gravel Construction Entrance/Exit Specification if 6.06 - Construction Spaciflcatione 1. Clear the entrance and exit area of all wgetoiton, roots and other objectionable material and properly grade It. 2. Place the growl to the specific grade and dimensions shown an the plans and smooth It. 3. Provide drainage to carry water to a sediment trap or other suitable outlet 4. Use gmtextfle fabrics because they Improve stability of the foundation In locations subject to $$$page or high water table. Maintenance Maintain the grovel pad In a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction site. This may require periodic tuna ing with 2-Inch atone. After each rainfall. Inspect any structure used to trap sediment and clean it Out as necessary. Immediately remove all objectionable materials apfiled, washed, or tracked onto public roadways. Temporary Seeding Specification # 6.10 - Specifications Complete grading before preparing seedbeds and Install all necessary erosion control practices. such as dikes, waterways and basins. Minimize steep slopes because they make seedbed preparation difficult and Increase the erosion hazard. If soils become compacted during grading, loosen them to a depth of 6-8 inches using a ripper, harrow, w chisel plow. Seedbed Preparation Good seedbed preparation is ementid to succeasrul plant establishment. A good seedbed is well -pulverized, loose and uniform. Where hydromirding methods are used, the surface may be left with a more Irregular surface of large clods and stones. Liming - Apply lime according to son test recommendations. If the pH (ocidity) of the soil Is not known, on application of ground agricultural limestone at the rate of 1 to 1 1/2 tons/acre on coarse -textured soils and 2-3 tans/acres on fine -textured soils Is usually sufficient. Apply limestone uniformly and Incorporate Into the top 4-6 Inches of soil. Soils with a pH of 6 or higher need not be limed. Fertilizer- Base application rates on soil tests. Whin these are not possible, apply a 10-10-10 grade fertilizer at 700-1,000 lb,/okra: Bath fertilizer and lime should be Incorporated Into the top 4-6 Inches of soil. If a hydraulic seeder is used, do not mix seed and fertilizer more than 30 minutes before application. Surface roughening- If recent tillage operations have resulted In a loose surface, additional roughening may not be required except to break up large clods. If rainfall causes the surface to become sealed or crusted, loosen It just prim to seeding by disking, raking, harrowing, or other suitable methods. Groove or furrow slopes steeper than 3:1 on the contour before seeding (Practice 6:03, Surface Roughening). Plant Selection Select on appropriate species or species mixture from Table 6.10o, for seeding In late winter and early spring, Table 6.10b far summer, and Table 6.10c far fall. Seeding Evenly apply seed using a cyclone seedo (broadcast), drill, wltipacker ander, or hydrosesder. Use seeding rat" given in Table 6.10a-6.10c. Broadcast seeding and hyromeding are appropriate for steep slopes where equipment cannot be driven. Hand broadcastingIs not recommended because of the difficult in Y achieving a uniform distribution. Small grains should be planted no more than 1 inch deep, and grasses and legumes no more than 1/2 inch. Broadcast seed must be covered by raking or chain dragging, and then lightly firmed with a roller or cultipacker. Hydrmooded mixtures should Include a wood fiber (cellulose) mulch. hina The14 use of appropriate mulch will help ensure establishment under normal candltions and is amentlal to seeding success under harsh site condition (Practice 6.14. Mulching). Harsh site conditions Include: -amding in fall far winter cover (wood flow mulches are not considered adequate for this use), -slopes steeper than 3:1, -excessively hot or dry weather, -adverse solls(shollow, rocky, or high In clay or sand), and -areas rmeiving concentrated flow. If the area to be mulched la subject to concentrated waterflow, as in channels, anchor mulch with netting (Practice 6.14, Mulching). Table 6.1Ga - Temporary Seeding Recommmdation for Late Winter and Early Spring Seeding mixture Species- Rye(grah), Annual lespedeza (Kobe In Piedmont and Coastal Plain Rate (lb/acre)- 120 Omit annual lespedeza whm duration of temporary cover is not to extend beyond June Seeding dates-Ccostal Plain - Dec 1 - Apr. 15. Son amendments- Follow recommendations of son into or apply 2.000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 750 lb/owe 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch -Apply 4,000lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance - Refertilize if growth Is not fully adequate. Reseed, referthize and mulch immediately following erosion or other damage. Table 6.10b - Temporary Seeding Recommendations far Summer Seeding mixture Species-Gwnnan millet Rate(lb/acre)- 40 Seeding dates -Crustal Plain- Apr. 15-Aug. 15 Soil amendments -Follow recommendations of son tests or apply 2,000 Ib/ocre ground agricultural limmtwe and 750 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch -Apply 4.000 lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance-Refertilize if growth is not fully adequate. Reseed• refertfllze and mulch Immediately following erosion or other damage. Table 6.10c - Temporary Seeding Recommendation for Fall Seeding mixture Species-Rys(groln) Rate(lb/acre) - 120 Seeding dates - Crustal Plain and Piedmont -Aug 15 - Dec 30 Soil ommdments - Follow mil teats or apply 2,000 lb./awe ground agricultural limestone and 1,000 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch- Apply 4,000 lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting, or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance- Repair and refertillze damaged areas immediately. Topdress with 50 lb/acre of nitrogen In March, if It is necessary to extend temporary cover beyond June 15, overseed with 50 lb/awe Kobe (Piedmont and Coastal Plain) Permanent Seedina Specifications # 6.11 - Specifications Seedbed Requirements Establishment of vegetation should not be attempted on sites that are unsuitable due to inappropriate soil texture (Table 6.11o), poor drainage, concentrated overland flow, or steepness of slope until measures haw been taken to correct these problems. To maintain a good stand of vegetation, the sol must meet certain minimum requirements as a growth medium. The existing soil should haw these criteria: - Enough flne-grakled (aflt and clay) material to maintain adequate moisture and nutrient supply (available water capacity of at least .05 Inches water to I Inch of Bog). - Sufficient pore space to permit root penetration. - Sufficient depth of sell to provide an adequate root zone. The depth to rock or imperrnmble layers such as hardpans should be 12 Inches w more, except an slopes steeper than 2:1 where the addition of son Is not feasible. - A favorable pH range fw plant growth, usually 6.0-6.5. - Freedom from large roots. branches, stones, large clods of earth, or trash of any kind. Clods and stones may be left on slopse steepw than Ml if they are to be hydroaeeded. If any of the above criteria are not met-i.e., if the existing Boll is too wares, dense, shdlow or acidic to foster vegetation-speclal amendments are required. The soil conditioners described below may be beneficial or, preferably topsoil may be applied in accordance with Practice 6.04, Topeoging. Soil Conditioners In order to Improve the structure or drainage characteristics of a soil, the following material may be added. These amendments should only be necessary whoa soils haw limitations that make them poor far plant growth or for One turf establishment (am Chapter 3, Vegetative Considerations). Peat -Appropriate types we sphagnum moss pact, hypnum moss pact, reedcedge peat, or peat humus, all from fresh -water sources. Perot should be shredded and conditioned in storage piles far at least 6 months after excavation. Sand -dean and free of toxic materials Vermiculite -horticultural grade and free of toxic substances. Rotted manure -stable or mottle manure not containing undue amounts of straw or other bedding materials. Thoroughly rotted amdust- has of stones and debris. Add 6 lb. Of nitrogen to each cubic yard. Sludge -Treated sewage and Industrial sludges are available in various former these should be used only In accordance with local, State and Federal regulations. Species Selection Use the key to Permanent Seeding Mixtures (Table 6.11b) to select the most appropriate seeding mixture based on the ganwal site and maintenance factors. A listing of species. Including scientific names and characteristics• is given In Appendix 8.02. Seedbed Preparation Install necessary mechanical woolon and sedimentation control practices before seeding, and complete grading according to the approved plan. Lime and fertilizer nwde should be determined by soil tests. SON testing is performed free of charge by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture son testing laboratory. Directions, sample cartons, and information sheets are aVogable through county agricultural extension offices or from NCDA. Because the NCDA Boll testing lab requires 1-6 weeks for sample turn -wound, sampling must be planned well In advance of find grading. Testing is oleo done by commerclal laboratories. When son test are not available. follow rates suggested an the individual specification sheet for the anding mix chosen (Tables 6.11c through 6.11v). Applications rates usually fall Into the following ranges: - Ground agricultural limestone Light -textured, sandy soils; 1-1 1/2 tona/acre Heavy textured, clayey soils 2-3 tons/awe - Fertilizer: Grasses 800-1200 lb/awe of 10-10-10 (or the equivalent) Grass -legume mixtures: 500-1200 lb/awe of 5-1D-10 (w the equivalent) Apply line and fertilizer evenly and Incorporate Into the top 4-6 Inches of soil by disking or other suitable means. Operate machinery on the contour. When using a hydroseeder, apply Hire and fertilizer to a rough, loose surface. Roughen surfaces according to Practice 6.03, Surface Roughening. Complete seedbed preparation by breaking up large clods and raking Into a smooth, uniform surface (slope leas than 3:1) III[ In or level depressions than con collect water. Broadcast seed Into a freshly loosened seedbed that has not been sealed by rainfall. Table 6.119 - Seeding No. 4CP for. Wall -Drained Sandy Iwms to Dry Sands. Coastal Plain; Low to Medium -Core Lawns Seeding mixture Species - Centipedegrass - Rate - 10-20 lb/awe (seed) or 33 bu/acre (sprigs) Seeding dates - Mar. - June, (Sprigging can be done through July where water is available for Irrigation.) Soil amendments - Apply lime and fertilizer according to soil test, or apply 300 lb/acre 10-10-10. Sprigging - Plant sprigs In furrows with a tractor -drown transplanter, or broadcast by hood. Furrows should be 4-6 Inches deep and 2ft part. Place sprigs about 2 fL apart in the raw with one and at or above ground level (Figure 6.11d). Broadcast at rates shown above, and press sprigs Into the top 1 1/2 Inches of son with a disk set straight so that sprigs are not brought back toward the surface. Mulch - Do not mulch Maintenance - Fertilize wry sparingly- 20 lb/acre nitrogen In spring with no phosphorus. Centipedsgross cannot tolerate high pH w excess fertilizer. Table 6.11t - Seeding No. 5CP for. Well -Drained Sandy Locme to Dry Sande; Low Maintenance Seeding mlxture Species Rate (Ib/awe) Ponaccolo Bahiogrow 50 Sericea lespedeza 30 Common Bermudogrom 10 German millet 10 Seeding notes 1. Where a nett appearance Is desired, omit serlcm 2. Use common Barnudagroas only an Isolated sites where It cannot become a pest. Bermudagrom may be replaced with 5 lb/acre centipedgrass. Seeding dates - Apr. 1 - July 15 Soil amendments - Apply lime and fertilizer according to soil tests. or apply 3.000 lb/awe ground agricultural limestone and 500 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch Apply 4,000 lb/awe grail straw or equivalent cover of another suitable mulch. Anchor by tacking with asphalt, roving and netting or by crimping with a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance - Refertllize the following Apr, with 50 lb/acre nitrogen. Repeat as growth requires. May be moved only once a year. Where a neat appearance is desired, omit mricea and now as often ere needed. Table 6.11v - Seeding No. 7CP for: Grass -lined Channels; Coastal Plain Seeding Mixture Species - Common Bernudagrom - Rate - 40-80 (1/2 Ib/1,000 ft ) Seeding dates - Coastal Plain; Apr -July Soil amendments - Apply lime and fertilizer awarding to soil tests. or apply 3.000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 500 lb/acre 10-1G-10 fertilizer. Mulch - Use jute. excelsior matting, or other affective channel lining material to cover the bottom of channels and ditches. The lining should extend oboes the highest calculated depth of flow. On channel side slopes above this height, and in drainages not requiring temporary linings, apply 4,000 lb/acre grain straw and anchor straw by stapling netting over the top. Mulch and anchoring materials must be allowed to wash down dopes where they can dog drainage devices. Maintenance -A minimum of 3 weeks is required for establishment. Inspect and repair mulch frequently. Refwtllze the following Apr. with 50 lb/awe nitrogen. Refer to Appendix 8.02 for botanical names NOTE WELL: EROSION CONTROL DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE AS PER THE "EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL' OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, LATEST EDITION. PRACTICE NUMBERS REFER TO THIS MANUAL. Fabric Drop Inlet Protection (Temoorarv) Specification # 6.51 - Construction Specifications 1. As synthetic fabric, use a pervious sheet of nylon, polyester, or ethylene your -extra strength (50 lb/1 Inch minimum) -that contains ultraviolet ray inhibitors and stabilizers. Fabric should be sufficiently porous to provide adequate drainage of the temporary sediment pod. Burlap may be used for short-term applications. It must be replaced every 80 days. 2. Cut fabric from a continuous roll to eliminate joints. 3. For stakes, use 2 x 4 Inch wood (preferred) or equivalent metal with a minimum length of 3 ft. 4. Space stakes evenly around the perimeter of the Inlet a maximum of aft. apart, and securely drive them Into the ground, approximately 18 Inches deep. 5. To provide needed stability to the Installation, frame with 2 It 4-Inch wood strips around the crest of the overflow area at a maximum of 1.5 ft above the drop inlet west 6. Place the bottom 12 Inches of the fabric In a trench and bockfnl the trench with at least 4 inches of cruahed stone or 12 Inches of compacted son. 7. Fusion fabric securely to the stakes and frame. Joints must be overlapped to the next stake. & The top of the frame and fabric must be well below the ground elevation down slope from the drop inlet to keep runoff from bypassing the Inlet. It may be necessary to build a temporary dike an the down saps side of the structure to prevent bypass flow. Material from within the sediment pod may be used for diking. Maintenance Inspect the fabric barrier after each rein and make repaid at needed. Remove sediment from the pool area as necessary, to provide adequate storogs Volume for the next rain. Take care not to damage or undercut the fabric during sediment removal. When the contributing drainage area has been adequately stabilized, remove all materials and any unstable sediment and dispose of them propedy. Bring the disturbed ores to the grade of the drop Inlet and smooth and compact it Appropriately stabilize all bore arms wound the Inlet. r G Land Grading , Sand ton # 6.02 - Construction Speciflcotiona 1.Conotruct and maintain all erosion and sedimentation control practices and measures In accordance with the approved sedimentation Control plan and construction schsduls. 2.1lemove good topsoil from areas to be graded and filled, and preserve It for use in finishing the grading of oil critical areas, 3.Scarify woos to be topsofled to a minimum depth of 2 Inches before placing topsoil (Practice 6.04, Tpsofling). 4.Clwr and grub areas to be filled to remove trees, vegetation, roots. or other objectionable materiel that would affect the planned stability of the fill. 5.Eneure that fill material Is free of brush• rubbish, rocks, logo, stumps. building debris• and other materials Inappropriate for constructing stable figs. B.Piaee all fill In layers not to exceed 9 Inches In thickness. and compact the layers as required to reduce erosion, slippage• settlement, or other related probleme. 7.Do not Incorporate frozen material or soft, mucky, or highly compreesble materials Into fill slopes. 8.Do not place fill an a frozen foundation, due to possible subsdenu and slippage. 9.Ke6p, diversions and other water conveyance measures free of sediment during all phases of development. 10.Handle saps or springs encountered during construction In accordance with approved methods (Practice 6.81, Subsurface Drain). 11.Permanenfly stabilize all graded areas immediately after find grading is completed an each area in the grading plan. Apply temporary stabilization measures an all graded areas when work Is to be interrupted or delayed far 30 working days or longer. 12.Enwre that topsoil stockpiles, borrow areas, and spoll areas are adequately protected from ancelon with temporary and find stabilization measures. Including sediment fencing and temporary ending as necessary. Maintenance Periodically check all graded arms and 'ins supporting aroslon and sedknentatlon control practicew, especially after heavy minfdls. Promptly remove all sediment from diversions and other wi ts•-dleposd practices. If washouts or breaks occur• repair them Immediately. prompt maintenance of small eroded areas before they become significant gullies is an essential part of an effective erosion and sedimentation control plan. STAKED 2'X 4' WOODEN FRAME 3' SPACING\ GATHER EXCESS FILTER FABRIC - AT CORNERS 2'X 4• FRAME AROUND CREST OF OVERFLOW I.W MAXIMUM HDGHT SEE NARRATIVE FOR MORE DETAIL AND ALTERNATE METHOOS. X Q E U) EXTENSION OF FABRIC 1• MIN. 1I ` II� V'I Z_ INTO TRENCH T \ 4'CRUSHED STONE OR I 12'COMPACIED SOIL I I FILTER FABRIC: PERVIOUS SHEET OF I - NYLON, POLYESTER, OR I I DROP INLET I I I ETHYLENE YARN, EXTRA f I I WITH GRATE I I I STRENGTH50 PSI MTHULTRAVIOLET y q-ET RAY \ I I \ I I INHIBITORS AND STABILIZERS \LJ ISOMETRIC VIEW v--I FABRIC DROP INLET PROTECTION King PRACTICE 8.81 IP SEE NARRATINCVE , hmmo COMPACTED FILL OR OF FABRIC EXTENSION AND WIRE NOTE IN : INTO THE TRENCH SEE M R FOR MOREE DEr DETAIL TRIC VIEW Sediment Basin Specifications # 6.61 - Canstruction Specifications 1.Slte preparation -Clear, grub and strip topsol from areas under the embankment to remove trees, vegetation, roots and other objectionable material. Delay clearing the pod area until the dam is complete and than remove brush, trees and other objectionable materials to facilitate sediment deanout. Stockpile all topsoll or son containing "gonic matter for use an the outer shell of the embankment to facilitate vegetative establishment. Place temporary sediment control measures below the basin as needed. 2.Cut-off trench -Excavate a wt-off trench along the waterline of the earth fill embonkment Out the trench to stable sag material, but in no was make It less than 2 R deep. The vet -off trench must extend Into both abutments to at twat the elevation of the river areal Make the minimum bottom width wide enough to permit operation of excawtlon and compaction equipment but In no case Iwo than 2 f. Make side slopes of the trench no steeper than 1:1. Compaction requirements am the some as those for the embankment. Keep the trench dry during bockfilnng and compaction operations. 3.Embankmmt-Take fill material ham the approved areas shown an the plans. It should be clean mineral son, free of roots, woody vegetation, rocks and other objectionable material. Scarify woos an which fill is be placed before placing Mi. The fill material must contain sufficient moisture so It can be formed by hand Into a bull without crumbling. If water con be equeezed out of the ball, It Is too wet for proper compaction. Place fill material In 6 to 8-Inch continuous layers over the entire length of the fill area and than compact It Compaction may be obtained by routing the construction hwling equipment over the fill so that the entire surface of each layer Is traversed by at least one wheel w tread track of the heavy equipment, or a compactor may be used. Construct the embankment to an alewtim 1OX higher than the design height to allow for settling. 4.Condull spillways -Securely attach the reer to the barrel or barrel stub to make a watertight structural connection. Secure all connections between barrel sections by approved watertight assemblies. Place the barrel and door an a firm, smooth foundation of Impervious son. Do not use pervious material each es sand, growl, or crushed stone as badk0l around the pipe or anti -seep colors. Place the fill material around the pipe spillway In 4-Inch layers and compact It under and around the pipe to at least the some density as the adjacent embankment. Care must be token not to raise the pipe from firth contact with Its foundation when compacting under the pipe haunches. Place a minimum depth of 2ft. of hand -compacted backfili over the pipe spillway before crossing It with construction equipment. Anchor the riser in place by concrete w other satisfactory mean to prevent flotation. In no case should the pipe conduit be Installed by cutting a trench through the dam after the embankment Is complete. 5.Emergency spillway -Install the emergency spillway In undisturbed will. The achievement of planned elevlaten . grace, design width, and entrance and exit channel slopes are critical to the successful operation of emergency spillway. B.Inlets-Olocharge water Into the basin in a manner to prevent erosion. Use diversions with outlet protection to divert sediment -laden water to the upper and of the pool area to Improve basin trap efficiency (Reforancew Runoff Control Measures and Outlet Protection). 7.Erosion control -Construct the structure so that the disturbed area Is minimized. Divert surface water away from bare areas. Complete the embankment before the area In cleared. Stabilize the emergency spillway embankment and all other disturbed areas above the crest of the principal spillway Immediately after construction (References: Surface Stabilization). &Safety-Sed nusnt basins may attract children and can be dangerous. Avoid step side slopes, and fence and mark basins with warning signs if trespassing is likely Follow all state and load requirements. Maintenance Check sediment basku after periods of significant runoff. Remove sedknant and restore the basin to Its original dimensions when sediment accumulates to one- half the design depth. Check the embankment, spillways, and outlet for erosion damage. and Inspect the embankment far piping and settlement Make all necessary repass Immediately. Remo" all trash and other debris from the riser and pool area. WELDED BAR GRATE, GALVANIZED, OR EQUNAI SECURELY IN PLACE PUBLIC ROAD .ee:�•�•�411i Is TP 6" MINIMUM THICKNESS 2--3 - COARSE AGGREGATE #e90 i NOTE: SEE NARRATIVE 1- MORE DETAIL e / e ENTRANCE/EXIT DETAIL 6' T T ►n� ►rn� 15•DIP - 15•DIP 15'DIP IE-37.5 IE-37.25 IE-37.25 u 5. in icy 6' y e' PLAN VIEW BOX DETAILS Sediment Fence Silt Fence) Specification 6.62 - Construction Speclflcatbne MATERIALS 1.Use a synthetic filter fabric or a pervious sheet of polypropylene, nylon, polyester, or polyethylene yam, which Is certified by the manufacturer or supplier as conforming to the requirements shown In Table 6.62b. Synthetic filter fabric should contain ultraviolet my Inhibitors and etabflizere to provide a minimum of 6 months of expected usable construction life at a temperature range of 0 to 120 F. 2.Enwre that posts far sediment fences are ether 4-Inch diameter pine, 2-Inch diameter oak, or 1.33 Ib/inmr ft steal with a minimum length of 4 ft. Make sure that at" poste haw projections to facilitate fostering the fabric. 3.For reinforcement of standard strength filter fabric use wire fence with a minimum 14 gauge ond a maximum mash spacing of 6 inches. Table 6.62b Specifications For Sediment Fence Fabric Physical Property Requirements Filtering Efficiency - 85% (mm) Tensile Strength at Standard Strength- 30 Ib/IIn In (min) Extra Strength- 50 IbAIn In (mm) Slurry Flow Rate - 0.3 gal/eq ft/min (min) CONSTRUCTION 1.Construct the sediment barrier of standard strength or extra strength synthetic: fllte, fabrics. 2.Eneure that the height of the sedment fence does not exceed 18 Inches above the ground surface. (Higher fences may Impound volumes of water sufficient to cause failure of the structure.) 3.Construet the filter fabric from a continuous roll cut to the length of the barrier to avoid joints. When joints are nscasawy, securely fasten the filter cloth only at a support post with overlap to the next post. 4.Support stmdwd strength filter fabric by wire mesh fastened securely to the up slope side of the posts using heavy duty wire staples at least 1 Inch long, or tie wbea. Extend the wire mesh support to the bottom of the trench. 5.When a wire mesh support fence Is used, space poets a maximum of 8 ft apart. Support posts should be driven securely Into the {round to a minimum of 18 Inches. 6.Extro strength filter fabric with Eft past spacing does not require who mesh support fence. Staple or wire the filter fabric directly to poets. 7.Excawte a trench approximately 4 Inches wide and 8 Inches deep along the proposed line of posts and upslope from the barrier (figure 6.62a). &Baekflll the trench with compacted son cr gravel placed over the filter fabric. 9.Do not attach filter fabric to existing trees. Maintenance Inspect sediment fences at least anew a weak and after each rainfall. Make any required rpahs Immediately. Should the fabric of a sediment fence cdlpse, tsar, decompose or became ineffective, replace it promptly. Replace burlap every 60 days. Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain and to reduce pressure an the fence. Take care to avoid undermining the fence during deanout Remove all forcing materials and unstable sediment deposits and bring the area to grade and stabilize it after the contributing drainage area has been properly stabilized. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE - 1. Obtain approval of Plan and any necessary permits, and hold a pre -construction conference prior to commencing any work. 2. Flog work limits and stake -out parking lot, primary measures, and Sediment Basin for grading. 3. install Gravel Construction Entrances. 4, Sediment Basin to be constructed prior to building. 5. Construct any other sediment control Practices shown, prior to rough grading poking lot and site, stockpiling material and topsoil as necessary. 6. Install utilities in parking lot, establish final grades and stabilize parking areas with stone base course. 7. Final grade building site, Install non -municipal utilities as needed, and vegetatively stabilize areas where building construction is not imminent. 8. All erosion and sediment control Practices are to be inspected weekly and after any rainfall, and repaired as necessary. 9. Upon completion of building construction, the roadway and parking areas are to be paved and all areas permanently vegetatively stabilized. After site stabilization, temporary measures are to be removed and the Sediment Basin cleaned to its original design contours, If necessary, and riser structures orifaces opened, so as to function as a stormwater management / water quality retention pond. 2.5 X 5'PRECAST CONCRETE BOX NC PRODUCTS 3060 OR EQUIVALENT EL= 39.2 ,CRATE TOPTV1• - •I :I DOWN I 1 10MINIMUM 375 1� f - 15 DIP OUTLET PIPE I£= 37.5 2 - 15 DIP INV= OUTLET PIPES 37,5 INV=37.5 IE= 37.25 2`PVC W/ GRAVEL 9" qiT and 37.25 AND FABRIC FILTER SEE SEDIMENT BASIN NOTE CONTRACTOR MAY INSTALL NOTES, SHEET J. ORIFACE AND LEAVE OPEN ' DURING CONSTRUCTION, IE EL= 35.0 =ASE THE OPENING IS SCREENED AND COVERED BY J57 STONE. SECTION VIEW POND BOTTOM ELEV<=30.0 OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAILS Km EXISTING PERMIT Nos.: DENR DWQ SW8 990341, NHC GP # 24-99 4' GENERAL EROSION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS and DETAILS for 4• D°tc �� 6• r COLLEGE OLEANDER CENTER3-19-99 FILTER FILTER REINFORCING 4'-0• FABRIC FABRIC SECTION VIEW #4 BARS O 12.00 EW PLAN VIEW Scale: BACKFILL EXTENSION OF LOCATED IN CITY OF WILMINGTON AS SHOWN MINIMUM W FABRIC AND WIRE COMPACTED THICK LAYER INTO THE TRENCH FILL CATCH BASIN DETAIL NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Drown: OF GRAVEL MRE z ORE N.T.E. OSH \ � i \ INIIs1/IIIy1 v-mENCN // / i , ••`'�Zt� CARO( j''•., OWNER: CAMERON COMPANY LLC ��,%\\j p� .•••••'•••. �%' 1201 GLEN MEADE ROAD GAW WILMINGTON, NC 28401 762-2676 Projmt No � 14'NINIMUM � 4'MINSE AI ! � 2466WQ-2 ro MUM SECTION SECTION QOOOT = OSF SEDIMENT FENCE (SILT FENCE) 3 ADDED BOX DETAILS AS PER DENR pwo COMMENTS 10-08-01 w •FNGI NE�;'� �.rr HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, MIA, chest FRA�6 2 MAJOR REVISION ADDING 1.3 ACRES AND POND EXPANSION 8-03 1 '•e. 0 `•• O �1!`� LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS TT 4 1 REVISED AS PER NHC REVIEW 4-27- q t j1a1 6 WIL WALNUT STREET WI9 WALNUT N.C. 28401 `(,.4J- REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE ( PHONE: (910) 343-8002 N.T.11. NOTE: PRECAST CONCRETE CATCH BASIN CONTINUOUS CONCRETE COPING TO BE SIZED AS NECESSARY B• TO ACCOMMODATE PIPES, 3/4• / FRAME & GRATE OR MAY BE CONSTRUCTED OF BLOCK OR BRICK TO CITY STANDARDS. 7• FRAME AND GRATE 4• DE•WEY BROS.No.CH-BN-3A OR EQUIVALENT PRECAST CONCRETE CATCH BASIN n L000000000o J L_ i t GENERAL NOTES. 1. This map is not for conveyance, recordation, or sales. 2. This property is not located within a special flood hazard area according to Flood Insurance Rate Map Community Panel #370171-00108, effective date April 2, 1986. 3. Overall site area = 5.62 acres. 4. Building layout and dimensions by others. 5. This property is zoned City of Wilmington RB. 6. Handicap Ramps provided at all intersections and one per building. 7. Street lights and trees to be provided in accordance with City of Wilmington standards. 8. 15 suitable trees per acre are to be preserved or planted in accordance with City of Wilmington standards, or 84 trees. 9. Water and Sewer to be public. Generally, all Water Mains to be 8"dia. unless otherwise indicated. Specific location, sizing, and details of utilities construction to be approved by the City Engineer. 10. Parking areas and streets to be lighted in accordance with City of Wilmington standards. 11. Refuse collection by dumpster and private hauler. MORE GENERAL NOTES: 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO CONFORM TO CITY OF WILMINGTON STANDARDS APPLICABLE STATE & LOCAL CODES. 2. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ANY REQUIRED TRAFFIC CONTROL WITH NCOOT AND CITY OF WILMINGTON. 3. CARE SHALL BE TAKEN DURING FINAL GRADING TO ENSURE POSITIVE DRAINAGE AWAY FROM BUILDINGS AND TO RECEIVING STRUCTURES. 4. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION OF ANY RELOCATIONS, RE -ALIGNMENTS, DISCONNECTIONS OR CONNECTIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES WITH APPLICABLE AUTHORITIES. 5. CLEARING AND GRUBBING OF SITE TO INCLUDE REMOVAL OF EXISTING CURB, ASPHALT, INLETS, AND ANY OTHER STRUCTURES INCLUDING TREES, STUMPS AND DEBRIS EXISTING ON SITE. TREES NOT REQUIRED TO BE CLEARED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHALL REMAIN UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED. 6. MINIMUM SEPARATION SHALL BE MAINTAINED AS FOLLOWS: a. HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE OF 10 FEET BETWEEN SANITARY SEWER AND WATER MAINS. b. WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCE IS LESS THAN 18" BETWEEN SANITARY SEWER AND WATER OR WHERE SEWER LINE CROSSES ABOVE WATER MAIN, BOTH PIPES SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PIPE FOR A MINIMUM OF 10' EITHER SIDE OF CROSSING. c. WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCE IS LESS THAN 12" BETWEEN SANITARY SEWER AND STORM DRAIN, SANITARY SEWER SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PIPE FOR A MINIMUM OF 10' EITHER SIDE OF CROSSING. d. WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCE IS LESS THAN 12" BETWEEN WATER MAIN AND STORM DRAIN, WATER MAIN SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PIPE FOR A MINIMUM OF 10' EITHER SIDE OF CROSSING. 7. SEE DETAIL SHEETS FOR TYPICAL UTILITIES HOOKUPS. 8. ALL SANITARY SEWER MAINS TO BE 8" UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 9. ALL WATER MAINS TO BE 8" UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. 10. TWO VALVES ARE REQUIRED AT "T" INTERSEC77ONS AND ONE VALVE ON THE WATER LINE TO FIRE HYDRANTS. 11. A BLOW -OFF VALVE IS REQUIRED AT THE TERMINUS OF ALL "DEAD END" WATER LINES. LEGEND HANDICAP RAMP No HANDICAP PARKING SPACE PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER & MANHOLE ')Si-- -- EXIS77NG SANITARY SEWER & MANHOLE PROPOSED WATERLINE - & HYDRANT ASSMBLY - - - EXISTING WATERLINE PROPOSED STORM F O-a SEWER & CATCH BASIN PLANS AND PROFILES OF LOCH TED IN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER COUNTY STUH-14 0 14 PROP.STORM MANHOLE ® 1® DROP INLET SSMH-1 • PROP. SANI TARY MANHOLE ❑ IRON IN EXIST. CONC. MONUMENT E.I.P. EXIST. IRON PIPE TWATER METER SERVICE CONNECTION E.C.M. EXIST. CONCRETE MONUMENT N GATE VALVE 0 REDUCER 1, Uotrwr:ity or North Card1ho j� of 99mington Peachtree Am To / Beach Beach Mle !ll���✓✓✓ aeander L OCA TION MAP NOT TO SCALE WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP NORTH CAROLINA OWNER- CAMERON COMPANY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 1201 GLEN MEADE ROAD WILMINGTON. NC 28401 910-762-2676 INDEX TO DRAWINGS SHEET No. DESCRIP77ON DRAWING No. 1 OF 6 COVER SHEET 2466-1 2 OF 6 SITE UTILITIES PLAN and PROFILE 2466-2 3 OF 6 GRADING, EROSION CONTROL & WATER QUALITY 2466ESC1 4 OF 6 GRADING, EROSION CONTROL & WATER QUALITY 2466ESC2 5 OF 6 STANDARD DETAILS 2466DET1 6 OF 6 STANDARD DETAILS 2466DET2 BENCHMARK LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS LOCATION: ELEVATION 1 PK NAIL IN PAVEMENT FRONTING PROPOSED BUILDING 4 41.56 ( REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE-) STANDARD NOTES: 1. Information concerning underground utilities was obtained from available records. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to determine the exact elevations and locations of all existing utilities at all crossings prior to commencing trench excavation. If actual clearances are less than indicated on Plan, the Contractor shall contact the Design Engineer before proceeding with construction. Any condition discovered or existing that would necessitate a modification of these plans shall be brought to the attention of the Design Engineer before proceeding with construction. 2. NO CONSTRUCTION IS TO BEGIN BEFORE LOCATION OF EXIS77NG U77LI77ES HAS BEEN DETERMINED. CALL NC ONE -CALL" AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. J. All trees which are not required to be cleared for constuction shall be preserved wherever possible unless otherwise directed. 4. Contractor shall adjust all manholes, valve and curb boxes to the final grade upon completion of al/ construction. Any boxes damaged or otherwise disturbed by the Contractor shall be repaired at the expense of the Contractor. 5. The Contractor is responsible for controlling dust and erosion during construction at his expense. Parking areas shall be watered to control dust when ordered by the Engineer. 6. No geotechnical testing has been performed on site. No warranty is made for suitability of subgrade, and undercut and any required replacement with suitable material shall be the responsibility of the contractor. Z Extreme care shall be taken to ensure minimum separations at all utility crossings. 8. Contractor to ensure that pavement is placed so as to drain positively to the parking lot inlets and catch basins. All roof drain downspouts to be directed to the storm sewer stubouts. 9. Contractor is responsible for obtaining all required permits. 10. This plan is for site grading, utilities, siting, and drainage only. See building plans for details on utilities hookups to buildings, etc. 11. Contractor and Builder are responsible for coordinating Finished Floor Devotion of all buildings with the Architect. Elevations given are minimum ground elevations at the building site and do not purport to be Finished Floor. 12. Affected Non -Municipal Utilities shall be contacted and provided with plans and other pertinent information, when feasible, to coordinate appropriate scheduling and placement. At the minimum this should include BellSouth and CP&L. STORM SEWER SYSTEM PIPE and INLET SUMMARY, STRUCT TOP INVERT LENGTH DIA SLOPE STRUCT TOP INVERT # EL EL LF % # EL EL OUTLET --- 33.5 80 36 1.37 2 39.8 34.5 2 39.8 34.5 160 36 0.4% 3 40.1 35.1 3 40.1 35.1 96 36 0.2% 4 40.3 35.3 4 40.3 35.8 178 30 0.2% 5 40.7 36.2 5 40.7 36.7 80 24 0.3% 6 40.9 36.9 6 40.9 37.4 116 18 0.2% 7 41A 37.6 4 40.3 36.8 156 18 0.3% 8 40.7 37.2 WATER SYSTEM PUBLIC WATER MAIN SUMMARY, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8' WATER MAIN LOOP FROM COLLEGE ROAD TO PEACHTREE AVENUE 1050 LF E C E I V E n MAR 2 5 1999 D D E M PROD # COVER SHEET COLLEGE OLEANDER CENTER LOCATED IN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON MLMINGTON TOWNSHIP NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SEAL 0007 OWNER: CAMERON COMPANY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 1201 GLEN MEADE ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28401 762-2676 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. e LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS �7 319 WALNUT STREET �{ WILMINGTON, N.C. 2W1 L PHONE (910) 343-8002 Date: 3-19-99 AS SHOWN Drawn: DSH Checked: DSH Project Na: 2466-1 Sheet No: 1 OF 6 o NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO , `P/ �G R1f r.°0� \9 °{ I �6�Ppa° / O \\ \ 6 �5�¢d5°oPdd x,o. \\ or.:R`P VERIFY DEPTH AND 15� `� IG G R 5'<R t Y e�y \ r Pf}I' PN ctS' O LOCATION. COORDINATE e�V AIM TAP PUb11 I 5 15p q1•s `,Oft 1��6 \\Q \ ole�a� NX \ NtA°��� TAP )NTH CITY PERSONNEL. n J BOG 0� [• / /I 0 0 7i `, p / G°� �. x . d� 6' r �p#r� RED E+}5 �I 55 �� �0 3g �8 �� `3°' x�2� °� � P9• o \ � � � 'o p \ P�`y PR° rctOR G 6h sc`'G g./ ala 2tg g,2• bb� $� 0 36 l o 00 �0• \ M \� ,��ee °PGd't;1PPP(S�RE�1S �jr°Igicn4g8E 0� 5 /385 X d'c� 80 12 O� G w \ g'E 2 G°� L°•° o \s g G� /�rXEI • I !6J°(a 3•p9 36 5 4 3 32 31 0 t0''• 5 to a o o 10� �P gn�"�g-t / � 5 8 � tF •y1?/ 31' / " "E 6t1E° R PP `i0 $�•1 \ ib � \�N 3. G y S��Fss I 2°5 011 • ¢ROIL / h5 N 13 GRE P`'� N \ I$3A� 500� G' \ q C _' .I I / / 36 �3,6 tP•(E ° C•(vl / GKS' k, yx �o S X�. • o \ '(�EX151�N ,St1n9 \ \ �'si �� \ \\P w',il `R,I�J�VI` 3g' / �°`t o� I pax 3k ° � •(ir0 c1�� / ooP°d �Ql � � "'� ;gil 9 "2 \ � \ �t'a 5°nd ` o e�C Ot L °nd(a G° \ �yX p[JO PG / k 4 m ° \ E� \ ` E, See r\ W� c° b'13 R P / 0 z r p� s I x m ��• N � r Q' / (nle k�38 y1 s s \ x t0SLEEVES PVC m me X/ \ \ Oil \\ `n1\ ati O c\ / o. ° No cttr / t�p0a�\ PJp1GPpEtN LA' d O k°6(P• \ \ �1�ltn �t \ \ry Ip1GP� / kt8 ��sinm`\� V 5 `� 9 a1\)JE •yx 7� o. i rx \ 1 f- r2 Ft J V( •y 3g / x� \ at 50 q1 t \N J r`� y9• 90 h0 / \ cN �kL r� W'' �Y 38' 5 \a s t 1111.55 \o kt 3 \ gcRaoo \ �N� g � . \ «, r (n� 39 Zo Di ,d l 08 \t%' In lrn 3 80 e l x��0 \ 12 P Y E �n 3 k k y� j o 1rn C 3 ' 355 p9 J R kn. y 0 / / 9 0 5 \ sT x E SSt� �� , \ q� .00 / �x R1n J; 1 38.6 a x R ,n�,(E� e 3 - In 0 �` 'r / \ RE Ox P L( o O T `'� (pJ• 2 r. r ,+ GP / 00. ��� \ p,2• 9 \ ! ,0ok \ pp Pt?'. °Ikm9 (pN. °� a�`'Ec?�\aF- ' O �OIp)¢�3$2g OXNOy r� IL 'A jFNtP , 1 ai �h Rn 3 O \ 1 \ � � \ k2• r� `L GO Sp / r\ X 16 PX_ eP� F.�,O \ g � O 6 �`9 aPl O ° o n �X Ol \ e5 i �� kti0 \ 5• o / tp 8 k x d (\ t Rex' i \ d O ee nO \ \ �� OoY� 8IVW 8(') 4 dr 11 O' a2 \ \ S6 s\ x \, 0• E \ \ �j, 5 \ �� % \ / kSoX LN1/ ° p\Q �9 Sao° \ \ / o x �tiz / N °ti xo c tr u o. x / O\P t�1: `' l y� 5°° e � •� °, X o $ O \ rx a1 a / (F �L m O 0,`°nr 9 \ 5 o k o. 2• x x 0 m y J o/ A� r / 6 6E R 3 p0• x 1 x h x F �It(1t� CP\ S / Ii� ` $ 13 OX g 00 �00�\ DES o� f�. �'S+�NpA9 A, m y JE �/ to Z x° h°y O� s \ \ 12 P r� N1� r� 0 i 4 o�Vh� z ►5 t-� GRP� A ° 55\0� g5gNC $� 0 tP,ts tat Z< m� \ 415 \U' �N5 9X '\ "5 o 2 P \ \ "' \ x o 1�8 \,pit � .yn„ GP / E�• a o uy \ Q0 5� tPplkt 0� Pt`OSPQEO\5 p�1� \ i I'll - Clio )mK- P 1`Z°°p l.. xl`pat09F' k0 i ati o, r k� h p0 x 6 CO. \ ' 0 0. p0• x 6 �'. V 3 N O \ � db Op x X NO3 DIN • 130 op ,LG 0 ,, ec 'P r� ,1.8 / F.�" • O Z .il 2k c. o P�� xd y6 Xa`" 8 P F\P r4l \ �-o °s ,yp 51P o r� OR 01 �, y' x ,o/ xb1i RDpER N v n ° / e N en \ �Oy6 i�6 R R• N N,t kX a ryg, 0° 0 9 �� / / ��d• Xe.'1.3 ` hti 12 3�O OSem t IRON \ > NO. O 6LF sE o �o• ��. / 5 \ x $3' k� 0 E \CPS 0O �. 9 SS x > `$� ��9 e ^1 0 a X q6` x / / elstiln 25 r ��E G Po(t \10�x °FtP� / rx x rY apt \ Ny,2� / / Any tpin t1n9 O* \ r. x s� x am \ x x Re e/ Ex15 f -ef$ OJ gIg � 9� �� kr" d98 °( P°y \ Lgp Oc� EIS �trons(o� \ PoIµ,�A \ �e5 0 5 / 0 /\ •� E P �,. ��` 4 O� �• �' r! y1. Oin.00 S.�d" 0o46°fet' E' 2 k1 SO', ,\e G 0 a `!r N `� a •�� P / iD m� CJ N '� XA° C". `n• aj� \ r� / / i \ °, a 1n1ei kl $°� O q• / • e \ D r 0 g0E� \ o / plat AZ58 (0\\t G / a°J r� �1' x 0 6°. / \ \ R1rn G0,,\�a\(� o� s, s \ E1° mac, 6 .� o ��� oo� EF`�9rt / o. �i`�o o r��. / / \ as a! N W o ��� ,\ Wq t+olk R11N / f VV o oo. O / \ e e o o r rn. A. / 12 m o o O pole �\Q 5 $3 6O�o of 660 2 \\ �� _7. N \ 00 \ \P RL�1 \ _ _ 3, r1 \ d�O9 5i9 \P fi QJP� O 30 15 0 30 60 90 4> \ Group Entertainment a u SCALE IN FEET: 1"= 30' / D.B. 1250 Pg. 1119 / '`Z ,8• 2 \ 5190 J N_ -_. _ -. ...._- 1 - 2 - -_ W _.. __ __. __. _... J ._ ____ __._ _. _ _--__-__ cUa ._.-._ -. -..M __ _....._. _... __.. __-_ _._. ---_.- -._. �-. ___1W-_ W____�o,� - .-. __- __..__ --_._- -2" -_ 2 ::_. PR OSED-G E _-_ . -.._--`I'. _. -. -_ _.- �~ Il o\__. _. .__. __. _. _ ___ J�'-owO --__ -� :_ -. --__ __ _ -.__. _.... _. ..-� `r. - Q �. �I _.���C�j?�a -. Q� II- Cs2} _ 41.0 --- _.._ -M Q�-- --- -- ---. _ .. _. - -_. -_ ----- _ 41.0 D�.. o ---. ___-_ - _._ _. __. :8-N'L MAINTAI 36 COR 38.0 _ - -. a - - 38.0 77777� ... .. - .� _...... _ _ - _ : - rn - 116LF 18 R P � .2% N . _ . .... - ... :: _ _16 v M .. .. ... .. .. ..... :. .. .-.. _... _... - _ - ..:: _ ... _ _-_. _.--- ---..- _. _- - - - -- -. _ __ - __. _ _._. - _. -_.�. _ _ -MINIMU -20LF P - - ---- -- - 80 F-24' CP 0.3% _ ,o _ _ _ - '�__ 156E =18"R P _® .3%: n ti �. _ _ _. - - - ---- - -_ -_ ... .... - O'C AT C SING, E :-^ } BLF= 0"RC ®0. % - : _ `� "' - _ � �30 No s � - 35.0 0 - - - - - - '!` - - °` , - _ TE , 0 35.0 _. - » --_ W-MINI UM.2 DIP_-._ _. _.. ._. - _.. - - __..__. - .. ._MINIMU .-20LF.D P- - LF 3 RCP ® 0.2 a h ry :_ - o w - - -- I- 160LF 36- "REP ® .4% -. -. -- -vj �n AT OSSING SEE _-.-- _ ^ AT CR SING, S E -- �,_ - NOTE. - ONTRAG OR -TO _.. y _ _ _ - -___ ___. _... -_.-----M_M '�.'�T--NO _ - _..._ *'� NOTES. _._ _W __ _ _... _.-_. _. _. - ._- VERIFY EPiH D _- Mh __. I __-. _.:_. -__- - ---.- - - - --:-.- - _. - -� p_.� ._ .._.-- -_... -- -----___ _. :_ --__._ - C _ LOCATI ODQ INATE It II _ - -. - _. _.._ _. ^ _ _.. _. ... - __ __ - TAP.M CITY RSOAW L _ h BOLT 36 R - ®L3% ...--> :::. _ -_. -.._. --- - _._ -___ _. -..O W.. -- _ O W _. - - _- _. _ p.2 _. -.. _ _. _ _.__ _ -.__. NGDOT- NCROA MENT ti_Z ___.... _.. - - _. �. - _ _.... _ - W - _._ -_. __.. __.. - - - _. __._.41__ _. -__ __- -_ __._ _.. __. _.._ -_-__ .. __ -- _ _.- __ __ .. __. 4J-.L1. _. __ _._ __. -. -..-_ -_._ -. -_ --_ -_ -- - __. -__. -_ - _._. - - __. _- - 32O--O W : PERMIT EOU W 320 STORM SEWER SYSTEM GENERAL NOTES: UTILITIES PLANS and PROFILES Do1� PIPE and INLET SUMMARYI 7. SEE DETAIL SHEETS FOR TYPICAL UTILITIES HOOKUPS. COLLEGE OLEANDER CENTER Scale: 9 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO CONFORM TO CITY OF WILMINGTON STANDARDS 6. MINIMUM SEPARATION SHALL BE MAINTAINED AS FOLLOWS: 8. ALL SANITARY SEWER MAINS TO BE 8" UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. saa •: STRUCT TOP INVERT LENGTH DIA SLOPE STRUCT TOP INVERT APPLICABLE STATE & LOCAL CODES. o. HORIZONTAL CLEARANCE OF 10 FEET BETWEEN SANITARY SEWER AND 9. ALL WATER MAINS TO BE 8" UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. LOCATED IN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP 1'= 30' 2. CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ANY REQUIRED TRAFFIC CONTROL WITH WATER MAINS. 10. TWO VALVES ARE REQUIRED AT "T" INTERSECTIONS AND ONE VALVE ON NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Drawn: # EL EL LF % # EL EL NCDOT AND CITY OF WILMINGTON. b. WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCE IS LESS THAN 18" BETWEEN SANITARY THE WATER LINE TO FIRE HYDRANTS. DSH 3. CARE SHALL BE TAKEN DURING FINAL GRADING TO ENSURE POSITIVE SEWER AND WATER OR WHERE SEWER LINE CROSSES ABOVE WATER 11. A BLOW -OFF VALVE IS REQUIRED AT THE TERMINUS OF ALL "DEAD END" n� DRAINAGE AWAY FROM BUILDINGS AND TO RECEIVING STRUCTURES. MAIN, BOTH PIPES SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PIPE FOR A MINIMUM WATER LINES. %-aCARot OWNER: CAMERON COMPANY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ��DSH 4. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION OF ANY RELOCATIONS, OF 10' EITHER SIDE OF CROSSING. OUTLET --- 33.5 80 36 1 .3% 2 39.8 34.5 RE -ALIGNMENTS, DISCONNECTIONS OR CONNECTIONS OF EXISTING c. WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCE IS LESS THAN 12" BETWEEN SANITARY I Essf r 1201 GLEN MEADE ROAD 2 39.8 34,5 160 36 0.4% 3 40.1 35.1 UTILITIES WITH APPLICABLE AUTHORITIES. SEWER AND STORM DRAIN, SANITARY SEWER SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON 9 It WILMINGTON, NC 28401 762-2676 ProJeat No: 3 40.1 35.1 96 36 0.2% 4 40,3 35.3 5. CLEARING AND GRUBBING OF SITE TO INCLUDE REMOVAL OF EXISTING PIPE FOR A MINIMUM OF 10' EITHER SIDE OF CROSSING. SEA2466-2 4 40.3 35.8 178 30 0.2% 5 40.7 36.2 CURB, ASPHALT, INLETS, AND ANY OTHER STRUCTURES INCLUDING TREES, d. WHERE VERTICAL CLEARANCE IS LESS THAN 12" BETWEEN WATER 5 4 0.9 37.4 18 18 0 , 2% 4 0 7 01.9 37 , 6 STUMPS AND DEBRIS EXISTING ON SITE. TREES NOT REQUIRED TO BE MAIN AND STORM DRAIN, WATER MAIN SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON `y �r sh N.: CLEARED FOR CONSTRUCTION SHALL REMAIN UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED. PIPE FOR A MINIMUM OF 10' EITHER SIDE OF CROSSING. VV��• HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. 2 4 40.3 36,13 156 18 0.3 % 8 4 0. 7 37.2 �� ' F{�•p� LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 319 WALNUT STREET N7LNINGTON, N.C. 28401 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE 9D PHONE: (910) 343-9002 or. -- 1 T a T \ y I MAINTENANrF PI AN - WASHED STONE 1' CLASS 1 OR B u THICK ON FACE FLOW DIRECTION c 4 EROSION CONTROL PEAK DISCHARGE SUMMARY - o W OP OP 2 I. All measures to be inspected weekly and after any rainfall FROM TOE OF DAM STONE �� p e w' 1 O Rock to top •t pp. Ex.fnleL n I ever rnd needed repairs made immedia el TO WEIR. Q 10 pre-develo ed = 24.8 cis Ti w W beg, .Me. + P i y Q 50 pre -developed = 34.5 cfs c w 42 C x = La -IS' d50=3' o NOTE MAY BE NIECE ARY --� O 10 post-develo ed = 24.4 cfs O WSEL = 40.0 o x.lnlet� La=10' d50=3' %°PE ]e m ESTAeusH a¢ac oAM FILTER 2' MAX P P E VT Apron=l' Dj'y y &OPE OIENT CD AT THIS LOeAnw c \ 2. Sediment Basin to be cleaned out when the level of sediment FABRI 0 50 poet -developed 28.5 cis OWSEL = 40.4 ALL SLOPES c 1 Apron=l' 2-15'DIP -� POND OUTLET WIN cuoN \ reaches 5.6' below water surface. Riser structure to be cleaned AT CENTER q 100)pnet-developed = 32.3 <h O WSEL. - 40.6 o U o O\ � 3i1 MAXIMUM °°°°° OUTLET PIPE 41 ANT, If excess water above design surface no longer drains a �� 36'RCP o°o°0 ° o°o°o° 4" prop"riy, SECTION A -A STATE WATER Ql1AUTY POND CONSIDERATIONS - .. ° °o°o°o in oa�o�o 4 i 6'min. 12'min. SEE PLAN ai 4 t= o 0 0 ° o 0 5w Norruew r« Eve!^°' ejf Surface Area required = 7,700 sf e a 0000G oaaa°a addtbnd details 78 a1 / 3. Sediment to be removed from pond forebay when it Is 1 Surface Area provided = 9,500 of It = o°o°o _, oaonon L= T CLASS 1 OR B Storage Volume required = 17,450 of 0 0 1u00nu< I I approximately 25% filled Or sediment level is within 5.25' of EROSION CONTROL MIN 1.5' MIN g q Foreboy volume V' 0 0 0 41 Storage Volume provided = 23,350 of POND STORM Mail I' tL 2'min. S water surface. STONLr , 20% of required o RIM (40.54 fY 10, 10, NGR: FILTER FABIea la TO �I ` Storage volume Drowdown Time = 3 days WSEL Stara e, typical w ( 39.06 v OUTLET III POND { - 4. Sediment to be removed from behind thean Silt Fence and - �- - - - 0 yP INV ) eE I UNOFR ALL STONE a a: INV. E 37•r•52 f- V10=4f st OUTLET FRAM POND omn oTEOBON .O Y GRASS-ONED - - - - INv. S) 3Z52 W P VIO=8F st USr. MOOLON WAR 600x a$ P� � G6 inlet protection devices when it becomes 0.5' deep. Fencing FLTER FABRIC SEDIMENTATION POND CONSIDERATIONS - woe o NI INV(N) 37.51 Z P Pp.nxtOpYIFNE. OR EOUIVAIENT �"` Te �' +A and inlet protection to be repaired as reeded to mointain a _) t Storage required = 5.7 X 1800 = 10,260 of x, OP r 1-y STD MH I nT m GT pp�T�+TA�N C\w Q f .p, r / barrier. A 5 Storage provided = 23,350 of o.ao� 4'mm. OUTLET PIPE w I CURB INLET wM 4 3,7 W NOT FT70VSC/ALCEIi/'V O TI.Er PROTECTIPM - w Ew11v 4 I 9f �5. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulled and re -seeded CHECK pAM �fAL FOREBAY CALCULATION: `Qe� -� RIM 4084 IN�'(W 3626 I V) CINM TY OF"WI w0� R/W. `0 37 O\W I o�,. \ as necessary, according to specifications provided. to Approximate Foreboy Volume = 7,500 of yo Armor as necessary OUTLET INV. TION J8'03 INV.(N JZ74 AGREE ENT MACHMFNT x / \ mcintrin a suitable vegetative saver. I NOTCD 20% Volume of Storage = 23,350 X .2 = 4.700 cf 4% minimum 1' St FOFAEa4 Y r�7M DIETA/L AS ONPROTECPLANS _ AGREEMENT MAY BE REaUIRED. OP �O I AINI'0 MATE LOCATION EMS77NG MAIN i 42 I 1 \ O C0.VTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR 1ENFICAnaV Ex.15'r- 3r kv. \ NOTE NO 404 WETLANDS ON SITE. 1 ' Peachtree A venue _ 1 TYPICAL AT STORM OUIFALL 70 POND RIM 41.42 8'TAPPING ne J863 ' •� INV(w) 38.33 VALVE k SLEEVE PAVE//FNt PATCH ail `` NOTE NOT TO SCALE W_]37 j) beat NLIT E 3g.01 att OF NT WAY R QU DETAILS SHOWN ARE TYPICAL OF INSTALLATIONS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF WILLIINGTON. INV'( e A, PROP2-15NCDOT DOMCIOIQIT STORMWATER DISCHARGE TO Public Right Of WOJ"I4°ta� 8 e BXF • a2s AGREEMENT MAY BE NEpq TIi15 SHEET DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW ALL REWIRED CONSTRUCTION DETAILS, OUT Rim _ `w" - - -�- - RATHER SERVES AS A GUIDE. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ADHERING TO ALL CITY OF WILMINGTON R/W. Inv. N 3737 W III6-sANrtARY sr.RMCE uAra Emsnxc Ss MH () w CITY AND STALE CODES AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. NCDOT ENCROACHMENTEGM I %.41. aFM1au>S ,w �o65hRY+EX.41.3 Per PlanaMCONNECT NEW WALK AGREEMFNT MAY BE REQUIRED. N _� � � � � � � � � ��� i w � •r � � Ex.Cmcwts Nttlk TAPPROXIMATE LOCA77ON EXISTING MAIN Ex.15"ro 55 MN k1 Inlsl xtin Monhale wlM CONTRACTOR 70 _ PRkn 41.47 STORM MH Rkn M.11 1� (kncre�e valve Rkn 42.19 41 IP EAmasE LxT1rEUE I R\W CONTRACTOR RfSPITNSIBLE FOR VERIRCADONNew Inv. 36.11 R91 (a2.08 Inv(11� 3e.44 6 -- UMENT 8'TAPPING Inv.386 (lIff�� l Aevo +41. - S 8J'OB'48E J12.55 41259.50 5'sRaEEr rAro 415+ }4am +en7 wo 7+ +4f. SEEECARE Pic, I I I I MON Exist. Wt Peachtree venue �-- inv.(f) J50B INV. 3" - Mv(E) 3857 in J509 � !NV. 38.71 EI i VALVE IE h SLEEVE INV. S 35.73 ,q I et 41 0 a 9 IE our J7. IE OUT 37.25 2 5 `a + } IO'VEIXTAJO SHELF (Off) a Lai iRO.V J7.5 To J65 OS - �6'. AaS - -w l=a9-5D' �A=95D� ar I I l.' / �' �� p - - - Public Right of Way - - - inv.( ) 7tI / �� O. PAVEMENT PATCH ON _ Rim 40.30 1 y ['RWlw' 41.29 6 Williams Fabricare, Inc. I I Williams Fobrlcore. Inc. "o• 6"SANITARY SERVICE /ne(N) 37.37 tz . MATCH EXISTING SS MH NCDOFSICROACHMENTCITY OF VALMINGTON � Intel v./n 3B.3B o O P 16DU TrOCt EX.41.3+ b p-EANW75 AS NECESSARY +EX.41,3 Per PLons q(X2EEMENT MAY BE REWIRED. )nV.(W)37. 44 xCut 3Lt04 CE8. " d 4 3 SB s D.B. 1447I Pg. 805 I I g11299/ RONUMENT °�__ 3829 40.3+ I o + + ❑ ' Jf 7TOM Q=3a° D=75' „ W I j I .1 �1 _L/LL J��C,L� M Exi flog _ _ - _ r Man ol wwill ith s1 a� �r at• 0GENC - K o: 4 I 1 I Concrete Valve RIm 42.19 SPILLWAY EL- 40.7 5 _ 41 15. 0 24.00 g OP t ' + 1 I ftvo +41.5 S 8308'48', 312.55 5'SIDEWALK 41.5+ +40.7 +40. 40.7+ +41. o I f o yEGETA7ID a71E' S( TALE a Geri rTN7M Jz5 ro 6.5 P4. W I I I I - c•l rr(34 41 5STREET YARD mar ens S llwa , 10NEGF.'i17E0 6NEli' (err) • 1Q•/ fRgl J75 70 385 g in 1 1 Mh 41 D +39/E OUT= 3750'+40.3 41 9 Id �__ -.- 38'3t 40.5 40.5+140.7 70:VEGETATED SHELF (GTY) O f0:1 FROM 375 TO 38.5 41.3+ +42.0 I_ I 0 WSEL=37 50 'SA=9 500 sfF-36RCP C4 + ID'Y MU 4R POND ACCESS (CITY) + i 1 I / O36 IN 3 36 m ^I -__259.50----------- h / / ��j�DRAINA:E (PLN4D) EASEMENT DOCK$ 12X 45 + Bobby W. arrelson 1 / /W ,lorelSOn N 24. I Wto 3 S g.00 41.3+ a1 + N D.B. 1287 �9. 13'S Bobby 1339 N 4( 3+00 32 5 "' 0 1 at.e 41.5+ o I I D.B. 1287 9 oh 31 0 BOTTOM EL=30.0 D=75' $I I / /// LL-- h I\ T I I + t.o gTA 1+0 pI IC0 I )I ml 9l. p L�aed y $F I I _L_L_LLL/ W 5. 0 I 205 LF +41.0 ( 41 5 4 .5+ L C m z cam, tLDc J 5 10 Z U k am W :to 2W� cq h 0 2 - Light NOTE WELL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EXTENDING WATER SERVICES FROM MASTER METER TO VATHIN 5' OF BUILDING. ELP Group EntertainmentAz D.B. 1250 Pg. 1219 H W 1 - I 11.1r� III " J. EIP Y . / / I ■ P\P IC PROP.2-15-DIP p 6LILF O a2x 8 Y CONNECT NEW WALK Ex.Concrete Walk 42 CONTRACTOR TO Ex .l 8.6 EXERCISE EXTREME CARE AT CROSSING, EIP SEE PROFILE IE OUT-37.25 rs IE OUT=.17.25 \ Williams Fabricare, Inc. \ I D.B. 1447 Pg. 805 I tY" 00 2 DUMvsTDe PAD rcio1 - -- 2 0 _- 70'VEGETATED SHELF (CITY) O 10: 1 FROM 37.5 TO 38.5 to �- Inc. + 0. t awmx I Coen. +40.3 i 'am I I I I - - `��..�_ . �y� . � 2 IBLEDA .� 3 1 +4 .3+ N i I /L%n D Brk1636 P9 ❑ - 4 + ♦ '$ i Concrete Walk I F- "RCP 00 10'VEHICULAR POND ACCESS (CITY) + FUTURE I FI.TURE I y� * I 36 R 40.8+ 41. + 3 ------------- I Minimum EL= 42.3, see notes I I \ I NOT A CONSTR. + m - - - - - - - - - -- - - --40.6+- - - - - - - - - - -= Ly SEE INSETS A- ____ __ I ____ SEEIINSET - FUTUREJ )� nE64m o DOCKS, 12X 45 o GO w: ENTRANCE o +STATE - ivlinimUm�L= 42.3 rc existi g INTO sec 0 to o N a 0 E =39.2RA� + N I 1 I 1 41 I I II 9.00 = 23,350 of 41.5+ 2 I �' .3+ 40.5ii2'ANNINQ TYPICAL existing S 837129E 23 .. ACCESS EIP t41.0 Li1 I 0 �" 041.8 41.5++ I ad < Landscaped Bobb W. Harrelson 00 CONC. SIDEWAU' CO TYF 12.00. +00 ,O Island -+ .0+-+42.0-4 .0 r NEW 6"SAN.SEP`^^.E Rica )g)yp +41.0 STA 1'F�, ( ') 4 .5 41 5 4141 .5+ y 9• g yy yy m yy QQ fHyD CO rz"rn co(TYP) m ± La,°awCOPe°O Slj �n�(s) eel 40.5 472.0+ _ 42.0+ +42.0 fa CO(TYP) D.B. 1287 P 1336 41.: I Cti (-• I ^y l'� (.`� A SM �:.•. I I 1 I Orc ai Y m REMOVE OLD O 1 1 I i Z a a ENTRANCE. REPLACE U 4 '6 - EIF n 11 0 .40.8 Asvhatt lara;ng$ a+ IP �y'i� 6 I NCDC Cate (TYPICAL). � _ 41.5+ "i 3 _ 96LF-36'RCP "+ 40.5+ TO BE R !o�VED# 17BLF-30"RCP � h � *0ak� ° � a I 1 I 1 may 24.00 Ste. I I ANCDCCREEyENTMENREQUIRED. 0 v 0�k I I I I I ( -�- 4 LJ d : ■7 + ...:. 15•pak 1 1 'w/��,i j N Y MZMII ATE-.401 STORM SEWER F GRATE=40.3 t- LANDSAPED ISLANDS TYPICAL + g-,„�L SX8 TEE I = h1 _ U> mow. " _ _�_ - r -- Y 1 j I FUTURE I a = I r� n cr'• �.: 2 3 ✓� 1. j Minimum EL= 42. nrtas o �I I' -- 0°r--. ` S 41.4+ 4'1.3 1'.�F41.5 41.7 41.T 041.7�+ ` - 41.8 41.8 42.0 2-1 I 1 I I '; I I - Cp { y 29. 00 gOF _ $ i - 0 Light a 2+00 �-_ Zi U u 3600 d 24.00 36 't--I 7.4.00 I � ,ILI "� j ` i i,. �'LM•'? I i BUILDAG 3 Q�j " o `•�-` I 12AWNING. TYPICAL - .LFUTURE 2400 38 OU 'O&Do+ N GNGWAL( �^I 2.50I INSET2I 0 425 SF P I I SCALE1"- SEE BUILDING \ PLANS. -Y N 0 c - --� -q, O M ¢ o Ti h U' rn c t'i II 2 0 w S E_ m c 3 ------ �8 /4\ ---a E N a - - - - U 57( 5' CONC. stoOP 1TRICAL) - SEE RU PLANS m 01 5 SIDEWALK x+ 3 a EXISTING HYDRANT P\P® EIP - -" 5-SIDEWALK - S 837134 _ M R MOVE CdG FitH Inlet 2� 42D7 REMOVE OLD ENTRANCE, REPLACE My Inv 39.05 NC00T CLING (TYPICAL). NCDOT ENCROACHMENT krRi "MF41 REQUIRED onji, 40 20 0 40 80 120 - SCALE IN FEET.• 1"= 40' U '\ GO +40.8 J to a. a1 3 - T IP 8 29.00 1 N a + NEW CITY STD' RIVE, qF.F AIL 3 REVISED POND CLEANOUT DEPTH FROM 5' TO 5.6' AS PER DENR / DWQ 6-17-99 2 2" MASTER METER INSTEAD OF INDIVIDUAL WATER METERS 5-17-99 1 REVISED TO ADD TEMPORARY CHECK DAM IN KERR R/W AS PER NHC 4-27-99 REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE APPROX. SIGN LOCATION See Bldg. Plana II Notes Light rLP -T-- I b60.00 n cal mO i'1 z n wixr n FT Ian 1^ I :F a 0 2 SF . NN now ern ro o z ----- +41.5 41.7 ExlsTa+c T Retail 8312 N '3 Tran s, - 4 _ _ _ _ 35.66 EIP S 72'34 E 83 E,P 60.00 1 a Lon den William Londe,' I o 1 NOT A CONSTR. ENTRANCE 1 DB 1638 Pg 1172 i CO v I I Inlet 24"Pecan 3 Rim 42.58 I J I N n w ID O O in 24"Pecan la 1 i 41nigh 1 3+ • - - _ Lig- - - B*w- -LIV I- Qisseem +41.4 $ - +41.8 v t41.8 e '4 IY 6 mi 16LF-18"RCP GRATE=a1.11 Ex iephall Parking j (� i IP 41.8 TO BE REMOVED + Rkn 40.11 ao� R I 4R -Cl g N Inv.(S64 i I 13 I� a ei I a k� 1 Us ° P 1 I 5.00 WSIDEWALK 43.0 s '� ' 33 I Ex.IMet m n m mI = 'I9• o ei } ER J9.B0 \ \� Light .Inv( 3820 _ `1 `a < < '.I ai tYp. a':\ Y 421 .Inv.(E) 31105 2. + + +42.3 +42.2 C4 t 6 + tic CONCRETE MEDIAN 4213+ NOT A CONSTR. I +�8- J +41.6 41.9+ ENTRANCE 42. + z COOT 852.01 100 MI .L 0 N 837234'W N N - z 1 SEE NEXT SHEET FOR ADDITIONAL 10, 40' _- OUTLET STRUCTURE --- -ill AND EROSION CONTO"_ DETAILS. H ern r.i STATE STORAGE VOLUME = 23,350 CF @ EL= 39.2 147.00 +422 EX. K i EX.42.3 4 2.5 EX. V `� r. w c w vrr a I yr m 11 1 \ ristin +42.0 -1 GOLF @ 0.2% ),1 r= f0'VEGETATED ' N 83'1234 W Merril oarav I SEE INSET ABOVE t-7) CITY SHELF K SF $F s NO A CON TR T ENTRANCE S F I + o � i e 101 FROM EL=37.5 TO 38.5 T / Existing 25' iveway Easement NOT A CONSTR. r a WOsh 7 I „ds d u I 1 SB O NOT A CONSTR. I EN TRANCE Mls t Man '" a a 'V G ATED 6 E ET F CE NTRAN ( ss AN STATE SHELF _.. _...................... red covered t 40.91 BOTTOM EL= 30.0:i:ii:..... PROPERTY I to Inv. 37.74 3 EL=37.5 TO 3E.5 / FOX - DUELLAMERON ZZ, O I PLANNED ER0`11510N AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTI(:ES - �, Parkinq OOI Asphalt ited L W `;% -- _..1, AmIdin9 Concrete Walk L- N V] a O / Q/ / J Asphalt Parking \ J Inlet - Rim 42 51 Inv(N) 40.07 S L LL_ --1 GIIW SignD EIP I P\P 147.00 S BJ72'34 E 182.66 IOVE I Inlet .' 'SS MI/ 1 ENTRANCE. Rkn 4206 Rim 4238 a tifM1r' C&G. 'I' Mv(N) 40.24 InvT1t� 36.77 Inv(S) 3949 My rE).36.ee 1. Surveyed_0 April 1996 2. Area curtailed by coordinate method. 3. All Distardes are Horizontal 4. For Rekynce see D.B. 946 Pg. 577, D.B. 95ti'?¢ 620. D.B. 1711 Pg. 653, and OB ,08 Pg. 875 5. All Beaiinp are N.0 Grid NAD 1983 6. All Elamfbns are M.&L ? 7his Property is not Located in 1 `!,od Hazard 'Ido t N07E /Net ICI' / Rooms him 41.80 I(/ Inv 4003 n D.B. 956 Pg. 620 Iv E W ® function. The Contractor may choose to Install the oriface Sediment fencing should be Installed as shown on the Plan, during sedimentation function. ONLY if he screens the and u to delineate and protect tow areas, and around any and protects the inlbt with 7 atone. Sae detail next Shoat. temporary stockpile areas as necessary to prevent any graded. Interior areas from eroding onto adjacent lwdP or roadway, or EIP 837234 E 17A 77 Into Inlets. 6'WA RLI Mlef Rio 4291 Mr. J9.619.81 0 THIS PLAN TO BE UTILIZED AND RENEWED ONLY IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE WRITTEN NARRATIVE, WHICH IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THIS EROSION AND SEDIMENT C. ru TROL PI AN. 1. TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE Practice 6.06 EMBANKMENT SECTION .� Shill be installed at the antrancee of the proposed NOT TO SCALE 13 project from Oleander Drive and Peachtree Ave. Drainage Is away from the rood and sedimentation will be controlled with downstream practices. During wet weather it moy be necessary to wash truck tires at this location. (\) 2. LAND GRADING SB 7. SEDIMENT BASIN Practice 6.02 Practice 6.61 O O Grading should be limited to Grace as shown on the Plans. The Sediment la to be constructed first (see I Cut and fill slopes shall be 3:1 on flatter except where Construction Schedule and is the ScheBasdule) ) primary Practice is prevent Ln specifically Indicated Cera andl be taken during land grading activities not to damage existing trees that are the alto.aletDetailed design and spillway sediment from Ire not required to be remowd. spaing are specified In the details a° shown on this 1 Plan and the Plan and the Narrative. The PVC outlet Is to be blocked during i SF' 3. SEDIMENT FENCE sedimentation function (or not Installed) unto entire 1 I Practice 6.62 watershed Is permanently stabilized and pond is converted to permanent Stormwater monagereent detention / retention _ I IP 4. INLET PROTECTION AFOM PLANS='8:SEAMINE -- _ -' -' ' - -, -Z Practice 6.`.2 Stone newer inlet barrlen of block and growl Intel protection are to be constructed to help prevent andiment from entering the storm sewer system. After permanent stabilization Olean der . Drive f. ��. J- of the entire contributing watershed area, the atom sewer system ure a to be flushed to remove accumulated sediment aM ensure design flows. m4i.' OP 5. OUTLET STABIuiADnN �'t4eua naps... Practice 6.41 I L � CARD 4 rl 100 ^ j Rbarg aprons will ev located at the downatream end of 's ��`oESSIp �Nq�� Right of Way � ' all disrharga pipes to prevent scour. � DESIGNER'S CERTIFICATION - 'I hereby certify that this plan has been prepared in accordance with the latest Wilmington Standards and Specifications for Stormwater Management and Chapter 20 of the Code of Ordinanances of the City of Signature Printed Name and /Title- David S. Hollis, PE, PLS Date, - ' rpd: Registration Number, PE # 20007 OWNER'S / DEVELOPER'S CERTIFICATION - 'I / We hereby certify that any clearing, grading, construction or development, or all of these, will be done pursuant to this plan slid that the applicable Stormwater Management conditions and requirements of the City of Wilmington the State of North Carolina, and the Federal Gover nt and its agencies are hereby made part of thl plan.' r Signature- -- Printed Name and Titler William H. Cameron, General Partner Dntei .2v-f Cameron Company Limited Partnership 3-5 ' VEGETATIVE PLAN - 1. Permanent vegetation to be established in accordance with "North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual", Section 6.11, latest version. See next Sheet. �ECEIVED JUN 171r=3 SITE GRADING, EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL and WATER QUALITY F1PM0��. COLLEGE- OLEANDER CENTER LOCATED IN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA -J N 81 43'06"W 2334.72 to N.C. Grid Monument Dine: 3-19- 99 Scale: 1'= 40' Drawn: DSH Checked: &AW Pr"[Oct No: P456ESC1 Upon reaching find grade and after utilities have been i Installed, parking areas are to be stabilized by i -'� placing sub -base course of approved B' ABC atone, as Shown In •�N/� a.( . ° the typical croaa-section detail HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A�°°t N on the Plan, to reduce ,i � • NCiIIE V�yw�r erosion and dust during the remainder of building conMruction. �j4j H� p��` LAND SURVEYORS; ENGINEERS 8 14ND PLANNERS y Iq 4s4A N.C. Grid Monument T NOTE WELL: 319 WALNUT STPEET WILMINGTON, N.C. 28401 "Shell" ANY AREAS ON -SITE WITHOUT ACTIVITY IN A 15 DAY PERIOD //^^ PHONEHONE:: (91 (910) 343-8002 SHAI I. BE TEMPORARILY STABILIZED AS PER THE SPECIFICA111K LLa ' ( I �_-- _ -_-- Of. = - ANY SLOPES TO BE STA9RIZED AFTER 15 DAYS. 6. CONSTRUCTION ROAD STABIUZATION ? SEAL 3 ( Practice 6.80 200f)7 OWNER: CAMERON COMPANY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 1201 GLEN MEADE ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28401 762-267E I ' e. r • �T 1 i � is Construction Road Stabilization Specification # 6.80 - Construction Specifications 1. Clear roadbed and parking areas of all vegetation, roots and other objectionable material. 2. Ensure that road construction follows the natural contours of the terrain if It is possible. 3. Locate parking areas on naturally flat areas If they are available. Keep grades sufficient for drainage but generally not more than 2 to 3%. 4. Provide surface drainage, and divert excess runoff to stable areas by using water bars or turnouts (References: Runoff Control Measures). 5. Keep cuts and fills at 2:1 or flatter for safety and stability and to facilitate establishment of vegetation and maintenance. 6. Spread a 6-inch course of "ABC" crushed stone evenly over the full width of the road and smooth to avoid depressions. 7. Where seepage areas or seasonally wet areas must be crossed, install subsurface drains or geotextile fabric cloth before placing the crushed stone (Practice 6.81, Subsurface Drain). 8. Vegetate all roadside ditches, cuts, fills and other disturbed areas or otherwise appropriately stabilize as soon as grading is complete (References: Surface Stabilization). 9. Provide appropriate sediment control measures to prevent off -site sedimentation. Mointenance Inspect construction roads and parking areas periodically for condition of surface. Topdress with new gravel as needed. Check road ditches and other seeded areas for erosion and sedimentation after runoff -producing rains. Maintain all vegetation In a healthy, vigorous condition. Sediment -producing areas should be treated immediately. � Temporary Gravel Construction Entrance xit v E Specification # 6.06 - Construction Specifications 1. Clear the entrance and exit area of all vegetation, roots and other objectionable material and properly grade It. 2. Place the gravel to the specific grade and dimensions shown on the plans and smooth It. 3. Provide drainage to carry water to a sedl ment trap or other suitable outlet. 4. Use geotextile fabrics because they improve stability of the foundation In locations subject to seepage or high water table. Maintenance Maintain the gravel pad In a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction site. This nay require periodic topdressing with 2-inch stone. After each rainfall, inspect any structure used to trap sediment and clean It out as necessary. Immediately remove all objectionable materlals spilled, washed, or tracked onto public roadways. Temporary Seeding Specification ; 6.10 - Specifications Complete grading before preparing seedbeds and Install all necessary erosion control practices, such as dikes, waterways and basins. Minimize steep slopes because they make seedbed preparation difficult and Increase the erosion hazard. If soils become compacted during grading, loosen them to a depth of 6-8 Inches using a ripper, harrow, or chisel plow. Seedbed Preparation Good seedbed preparation is essential to successful plant establishment. A good seedbed is well -pulverized, loose and uniform. More hydroseeding methods are used, the surface may be left with a more Irregular surface of large clods and stones. Liming - Apply It= according to soil test recommendations. If the pH (acidity) of the soil is not known, an application of ground agricultural limestone at the rate of 1 to 1 1/2 tons/acre on coarse -textured soils and 2-3 tons/acres on fine -textured soils is usually sufficient. Apply It mestone uniformly and incorporate Into the top 4-6 inches of soil. Soils with a pH of 6 or higher need not be limed. Fertilizer- Base application rates on soil tests. When these are not possible, apply a 10-10-10 grade fertilizer at 700-I,000 lb./acre. Both fertilizer and It me should be Incorporated into the top 4-6 Inches of soil. If a hydraulic seeder is used, do not mix seed and fertilizer more than 30 minutes before application. Surface roughening- If recent tillage operations have resulted in a loose surface, additional roughening may not be required except to break up large clods. If rainfall causes the surface to become sealed or crusted, loosen It just prior to seeding by disking, raking, harrowing, or other suitable methods, n the contour before se eding Practice row slopes steeper than 3:1 0 9 ( Groove or fur p p 6:03, Surface Roughening). Plant Selection Select an appropriate species or species mixture from Table 6.10a, for seeding In late winter and Y P earl spring, Table 8.1 Ob for summer, and Table 6.10c for fall. Seeding Evenly apply seed using a cyclone seeder (broadcast), drill, cultipacker seeder, or hydroseeder. Use seeding rates given in Table 6.I0a-0.10c. Broadcast seeding and hyroseeding are appropriate for steep slopes where equipment cannot be driven. Hand broadcasting is not recommended because of the difficulty in achieving a uniform distribution. Small groins should be planted no more than 1 inch deep, and grasses and legume no more than 1/2 inch. Broadcast seed neat be covered by raking or chain dragging, and then lightly firmed with a roller or cultipacker. Hydroseeded mixtures should include a wood fiber (cellulose) mulch. Mulching The use of appropriate mulch will help ensure establishment under normal conditions and is essential to seeding success under harsh site condition (Practice 6.14, Mulching). Harsh site conditions Include: -seeding in fall for winter cover (wood fiber mulches are not considered adequate for this use), -slopes steeper than 3:1. -excessively hot or dry weather, -adverse soils(shollow, rocky, or high In cloy or sand), and -areas receiving concentrated flow. If the area to be mulched Is subject to concentrated waterflow, as in channels, anchor mulch with netting (Practice 6.14, Mulching). Table 6. 10a - Temporary Seeding Recommendation for Late Winter and Early Spring Seeding mixture Species- Rye(grain), Annual lespedeza (Kobe in Piedmont and Coastal Plain Rate (lb/acre)- 120 Omit annual lespedeza when duration of temporary cover is not to extend beyond June Seeding dates -Coastal Plain - Dec. 1 - Apr. 15. Soil amendments- Follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2.000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 750 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch -Apply 4,000lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance - Refertilize If growth is not fully adequate. Reseed, refertilize and mulch Immediately following erosion or other damage. Table 6.10b - Temporary Seeding Recommendations for Summer Seeding mixture Species -German millet Rate(lb/acre)- 40 Seeding dates -Coastal Plain- Apr. 15-Aug, 15 Soil amendments -Follow recommendations of soil tests or apply 2,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 750 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch -Apply 4,000 lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting or a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance-Refertilize if growth is not fully adequate. Reseed, refertilize and mulch immediately following erosion or other damage. Table 6.10c - Temporary Seeding Recommendation for Fall Seeding mixture Species-Rye(grain) Rate(lb/acre) - 120 Seeding dates - Coastal Plain and Pledmont-Aug 15 - Dec. 30 Soil amendments - Follow soil tests or apply 2.000 lb./acre ground agricultural limestone and 1,000 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch- Apply 4,000 lb/acre straw. Anchor straw by tacking with asphalt, netting, or o mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance- Repair and refertilize damaged areas immediately. Topdreas with 50 lb/acre of nitrogen in March, if it is necessary to extend temporary cover beyond June 15, overseed with 50 lb/acre Kobe (Piedmont and Coastal Plain) Permanent Seedtna Specifications jH 6.11 - Specifications Seedbed Requirements Establishment of vegetation should not be attempted on sites that are unsuitable due to inappropriate soil texture (Table 6.11a), poor drainage, concentrated overland flow, or steepness of slope until measures have been taken to correct these problem. To maintain a good stand of vegetation, the soil meat meet certain minimum requirements as a growth medium The existing soil should have these criteria: - Enough fine-grolned (silt and clay) material to maintain adequate moisture and nutrient supply (available water capacity of at least .05 Inches voter to 1 inch of soil). - Sufficient pore space to permit root penetration. - Sufficient depth of soil to provide on adequate root zone. The depth to rock or impermeable layers such as hardpans should be 12 Inches or more, except on slopes steeper than 2:1 where the addition of soil is not feasible. - A favorable pH range for plant growth, usually 6.0-6.5. - Freedom from large roots, branches, stones, large clods of earth, or trash of any kind. Clods and stones may be left on slopes steeper than 3:1 if they are to be hydroseeded. If any of the above criteria are not met-I.e., if the existing soil is too coarse, dense, shallow or acidic to foster vegetation-apecial amendments are required. The soil conditioners described below may be beneficial or, preferably, topsoil may be applied in accordance with Practice 6.04, Topsoiiing. Soil Conditioners In order to improve the structure or drainage characteristics of a soil, the following material nay be added. These amendments should only be necessary where soils have limitations that make them poor for plant growth or for fine turf establishment (see Chapter 3, Vegetative Considerations). Peat -Appropriate types are sphagnum was peat, hypnum moss peat, reedsedge peat, or peat humus, all from fresh -water sources. Peat should be shredded and conditioned In storage piles for at least 6 months after excavation. Sand -clean and free of toxic materials Vermiculite -horticultural grade and free of toxic substances. Rotted manure -stable or cattle manure not containing undue amounts of straw or other bedding materlals. Thoroughly rotted sawdust- free of atones and debris. Add 6 lb. Of nitrogen to each cubic yard. Sludge -Treated sewage and industrial sludges are available in various foram: these should be used only in accordance with local. State and Federal regulations. Species Selection Use the key to Permanent Seeding Mixtures (Table 6.11b) to select the most appropriate seeding mixture based on the general site and maintenance factors. A listing of species, including scientific names and characteristics, is given In Appendix 0.02. Seedbed Preparation Install necessary mechanical erosion and sedimentation control practices before seeding, and complete grading according to the approved plan. Lime and fertilizer needs should be determined by soil tests. Soil testing is performed free of charge by the North Carolina Department of Agriculture sell testing laboratory. Directions, sample cartons, and information sheets are available through county agricultural extension offices or from NCDA. Because the NCDA soil testing lab requires 1-6 weeks for sample turn -around, sampling must be planned well in advance of final grading. Testing Is also done by commerclol laboratories. When soil test are not available, follow rates suggested on the Individual specification sheet for the seeding mix chosen (Tables 6.11c through 6.11v). Applications rates usually fall into the following ranges: - Ground agricultural limestone Light -textured, sandy soils; 1-1 1/2 tons/acre Heavy textured, clayey soils 2-3 tons/acre - Fertilizer: Grasses 800-1200 lb/acre of 10-10-10 (or the equivalent) Grass -legume mixtures: 800-1200 lb/acre of 5-10-10 (or the equivalent) Apply lime and fertilizer evenly and Incorporate into the top 4-E inches of soil by disking or other suitable means. Operate machinery on the contour. When using a hydroseeder, apply lime and fertilizer to a rough, loose surface. Roughen surfaces according to Practice 6.03, Surface Roughening. Complete seedbed preparation by breaking up large clods and raking into a smooth, uniform surface (slope less than 3:1) Fill In or level depressions than can collect water. Broadcast seed into a freshly loosened seedbed that has not been sealed by rainfall. Table 6.11s - Seeding No. 4CP for: to Dr ands Coasts Plain- Low to Medium -Care Lawns Well -Drained Sand looms S I Y Y Seeding mixture Species - Centipedegrass - Rate - 10-20 lb/ocre (seed) or 33 bu/acre (sprigs) Seeding dates - Mar. - June, (Sprigging can be done through July where water is available for irrigation.) Soil amendments - Apply lima and fertilizer according to soil test, or apply 300 lb/acre 10-10-10. Sprigging - Plant sprigs In furrows with a tractor -drown transplanter, or broadcast by hand. Furrows should be 4-0 inches deep and 2ft apart. Place sprigs about 2 ft. apart In the row with one end at or above ground level (Figure 6.11d). Broadcast at rates shown above, and press sprigs Into the top 1 1/2 inches of soil with a disk set straight so that sprigs are not brought back toward the surface. Mulch - Do not mulch Maintenance - Fertilize very sparingly- 20 lb/acre nitrogen in spring with no phosphorus. Centipedegrass cannot tolerate high pH or excess fertilizer. Table 6.11t - Seeding No. SCP for: Well -Drained Sandy Loaner to Dry Sands; Low Maintenance Seeding mixture Species Rate (lb/acre) Pensacola Bahiagross 50 Sericea lespedeza 30 Common Bermudograss 10 German millet 10 Seeding notes 1. Where a neat appearance is desired, omit Sericea 2. Use common Bermudograss only on isolated sites where it cannot become a pest. Bermudograss may be replaced with 5 lb/acre centipedgross. Seeding dates - Apr. i - July 15 Soil amendments - Apply lime and fertilizer according to soil tests, or apply 3,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 500 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch Apply 4,000 lb/acre grain straw or equivalent cover of another suitable mulch. Anchor by tacking with asphalt, roving and netting or by crimping with a mulch anchoring tool. A disk with blades set nearly straight can be used as a mulch anchoring tool. Maintenance - Refertilize the following Apr. with 50 lb/acre nitrogen. Repeat as growth requires. May be moved only once a year. Where a neat appearance is desired, omit sericea and now as often as needed. Table 6.11y - Seeding No. 7CP for: Grass -lined Channels; Coastal Plain Seeding Mixture Species - Common Bermudagrass - Rate - 40-80 (1/2 lb/1,000 ft ) Seeding dates - Coastal Plain; Apr - July Soil amendments - Apply lime and fertilizer according to soil tests, or apply 3,000 lb/acre ground agricultural limestone and 500 lb/acre 10-10-10 fertilizer. Mulch - Use jute, excelsior matting, or other effective channel lining material to cover the bottom of channels and ditches. The lining should extend above the highest calculated depth of flow. On channel side slopes above this height, and in drainages not requiring temporary linings, apply 4,000 lb/acre grain straw and anchor straw by stapling netting over the top. Mulch and anchoring materials must be allowed to wash down slopes where they can clog drainage devices. Maintenance -A minimum of 3 weeks Is required for establishment. Inspect and repair mulch frequently. Refertilize the following Apr. with 50 lb/acre nitrogen. Refer to Appendix 8.02 for botanical names NOTE WELL: EROSION CONTROL DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE AS PER THE "EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL" OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES, LATEST EDITION. PRACTICE NUMBERS REFER TO THIS MANUAL. Outlet Stabilization Structure Specification / 6.41 - Construction Specifications 1. Ensure that the subgrade for the filter and rlprap follows the required lines and grades shown in the plan. Compact any fill required in the subgrade to the density of the surrounding undisturbed material. Low areas In the subgrade on undisturbed soil may also be filled by Increasing the rlprap thickness. 2. The rlprap and gravel filter moat conform to the specified grading limits shown on the plans. 3. Filter cloth, when used, must meet design requirements and be properly protected from punching or tearing during installation. Repair any damage by removing the rlprap and placing another piece of filter cloth over the damaged area. All connecting joints should overlap a minimum of 1 ft. If the damage Is extensive, replace the entire filter cloth. 4. Riprap may be placed by equipment, but take care to avoid damaging the filter. 5. The minimum thickness of the riprop should be 1.5 times the maximum stone diameter. 6. Riprap may be field stone or rough quarry stone. It should be hard, angular, highly weather -resistant and well graded. 6. Construct the apron on zero grade with no overfall at the end. Make the top of the riprop at the downstream end level with the receiving area or slightly below It. B. Ensure that the apron is properly aligned with the receiving stream and preferably straight throughout Its length. If a curve is needed to fit site conditions, place it In the upper section of the apron. 9. Immediately after construction, stabilize all disturbed areas with vegetation (Practice 6. 10, Temporary Seeding, and 6. 11, Permanent Seeding). Maintenance Inspect riprop outlet structures after heavy rains to see If any erosion around or below the rlprap has taken place or if stones have been dislodged. Immediately make all needed repairs to prevent further damage. Fabric Drop Inlet Protection (Temporary) Specification / 6.51 - Construction Specifications 1. As synthetic fabric, use a pervious sheet of nylon, polyester, or ethylene yarn -extra strength (50 lb/1 inch minimum) -that contains ultraviolet ray inhibitors and stabilizers. Fabric should be sufficiently porous to provide adequate drainage of the temporary sediment pool. Burlap nay be used for short-term applications. It must be replaced every 60 days. 2. Cut fabric from a continuous roll to eliminate joints. 3. For stakes, use 2 x 4 inch wood (preferred) or equivalent metal with a minimum length of 3 ft. 4. Space stakes evenly around the perimeter of the Inlet a maximum of 3ft. apart, and securely drive them Into the ground, approximately 18 inches deep. 5. To provide needed stability to the Installation, from with 2 x 4-inch wood strips around the treat of the overflow area at a maximum of 1.5 ft above the drop inlet crest. B. Place the bottom 12 Inches of the fabric in a trench and backfill the trench with at least 4 Inches of crushed stone or 12 inches of compacted soil. 7. Fasten fabric securely to the stakes and Frans. Joints neat be overlapped to the next stake. 8. The top of the from and fabric oust be well below the ground elevation down slope from the drop Inlet to keep runoff from bypassing the inlet. It nay be necessary to build a temporary dike on the down elope side of the structure to prevent bypass flow. Material from within the sediment pool may be used for diking. Maintenance Inspect the fabric barrier after each rain and make repairs at needed. Remove sediment from the pool area as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain. Take care not to damage or undercut the fabric during sediment removal. When the contributing drainage area has been adequately stabilized, remove all materials and any unstable sediment and dispose of them properly. Bring the disturbed area to the grade of the drop Inlet and smooth and .compact it. Appropriately stabilize all bare areas around the Inlet. Land Grading Specification # 6.02 - Construction Specifications 1. Construct and maintain all erosion and sedimentation control practices and measures in accordance with t!,e approved sedimentation control plan and construction schedule. .Remove good topsoil from areas to be graded and filled 2 g p g and preserve It for use in finishing the grading of all critical areas. 3.Scarify areas to be topsolled to a minimum depth of 2 inches before placing topsoil (Practice 6.04, Topsoiling). 4. Clear and grub areas to be filled to remove trees, vegetation, roots, or other objectionable material that would affect the b woo loomed stability of the fill. 1 P Y 5. Ensure that fill material Is free of brush, rubbish, rocks, logo, stumps, building debris, and other materials Inappropriate for constructing stable fills. 6.Place all fill In layers not to exceed 9 inches In thickness, and compact the layers as required to reduce erosion, slippage, settlement, or other related problem. 7.Do not Incorporate frozen material or soft, mucky, or highly compressible materials Into fill slopes. B.Do not place fill on a frozen foundation, due to possible subsidence and slippage. 9. Keep diversions and other water conveyance measures free of sediment during all phases of development. IO.Hondle seeps or springs encountered during construction in accordance with approved methods (Practice 6.81, Subsurface Drain). 11. Permanently stabilize all graded areas immediately after final grading is completed on each area in the grading plan. Apply temporary stabilization measures on all graded areas when work Is to be interrupted or delayed for 30 working days or longer. 12. Ensure that topsoil stockpiles, borrow areas, and spoil areas are adequately protected from erosion with temporary and final stabilization measures. Including sediment fencing and temporary seeding as necessary. Maintenance Periodically check all graded areas and the supporting erosion and sedimentation control practices, especially after heavy roinfolls. Promptly remove all sediment from diversions and other water -disposal practices. If mahouts or breaks occur, repair them immealately. Prompt maintenance of snail eroded areas before they become significantgullies is an essential part of an effective erosion and sedimentation control plan. A"VMUM sP SEE N'UtRA17y COMPACTED FILL OR � �\ V FABRICEX.W WIRE MCIE INTO THE TRENCH SEE NARRATIVE FOR MORE DETAIL IL•3�)ZL�1 M NINUY 8 THICK LAYER OF GRAVEL V-TRENCH FExT pa F WIRE WTO THE TRENCH / Kam!\\�� z s iemmuM 'm 4YANMUM SECTIONSECTION SF SEDUMT FBI CE ( SILT FENCE ) MM nMcllce ems Sediment Basin Specifications / 6.61 - Construction Specifications 1.Site preparations -Clear, grub and strip topsoil from areas under the embankment to remove trees, vegetation, roots and other objectionable material. Delay clearing the pool area until the dam Is complete and than remove brush, trees and other objectionable materials to facilitate sediment cleanout. Stockpile all topsolter soil containing organic matter for use on the outer shell of the embankment to facilitate vegetative establishment. Place temporary sediment control measures below the basin as needed. 2.Cut-off trench -Excavate a cut-off trench along the centerline of the earth fill embankment. Cut the trench to stable soil mater lot, but In no case make it less than 2 ft. deep. The cut-off trench oust extend into both abutments to at least the elevation of the riser treat. Make the minimum bottom width wide enough to permit operation of excavation and compaction equipment but In no case less than 2 ft. Make side slopes of the trench no steeper than 1: 1. Compaction requirements are the same as those for the embankment. Keep the trench dry during backfllling and compaction operations. 3.Embankment-Take fill material from the approved areas shown on the plans. It should be clean mineral soil, free of roots, woody vegetation, rocks and other objectionable material. Scarify areas on which fill is be placed before placing fill. The fill material neat contain sufficient moisture so it can be formed by hand into a ball without crumbling. If water can be squeezed out of the ball, it Is too wet for proper compaction. Place fill material in BID 8-Inch continuous layers over the entire length of the fill area and then compact It. Compaction may be obtained by routing the construction hauling equipment over the fill so that the entire surface of each layer to traversed by at least one wheel or tread track of the heavy equipment, or a compactor may be used. Construct the embankment to andlevation 10% higher than the design height to allow for settling. 4.Condult spillways -Securely attach the riser to the barrel or barrel stub to make a watertight structural connection. Secure all connections between barrel sections by approved watertight assemblies. Place the barrel and riser on a firm, smooth foundation of Impervious coil. Do not use pervious material such as sand, gravel, or crushed atone as backfill around the pipe or anti -seep collars. Place the fill material around the pipe spillway in 4-inch layers and compact It under and around the pipe to at least the same density as the adjacent embankment. Care must be taken not to raise the pipe from firm contact with Its foundation when compacting under the pipe haunches. Place a minimum depth of 2ft. of hand -compacted backfill over the pipe spillway before crossing it with construction equipment. Anchor the riser in place by concrete or other satisfactory means to prevent flotation. In no case should the pipe conduit be Installed by cutting a trench through the dam after the embankment Is complete. 5.Emergency spillway -Install the emergency spillway in undisturbed soil. The achievement of planned elevations, grade, design width, and entrance and exit channel slopes are critical to the successful operation of emergency spillway. 6.Inlets-Discharge water Into the basin in a manner to prevent erosion. Use diversions with outlet protection to divert sediment -laden water to the upper end of the pool area to Improve bus to trap efficiency (References: Runoff Control Measures and Outlet Protection). 7. Eros ion control -Construct the structure so that the disturbed area Is minimized. Divert surface water away from bare areas. Complete the embankment before the area Is cleared. Stabilize the emergency spillway embankment and all other disturbed areas above the crest of the principal spillway immediately after cone trust] on (References: Surface Stabilization). B.Safety-Sediment basins may attract children and can be dangerous. Avoid steep sl de slopes, and fence and mark basins with warning slgna If trespassing is likely. Follow all state and local requirements. Maintenance Check sediment basins after periods of significant runoff. Remove sediment and restore the basin to its original dimensions when sediment accumulates to one- half the design depth. Check the embankment, spillways, and outlet for erosion damage, and Inspect the embankment for piping and settlement. Make all necessary repairs immediately. Remove all trash and other debris from the riser and pool area. STAKED 2'X 4' 1 WOMEN FRAME I o� o. e ♦ 1`. GATHER EXCESS of 4`•r♦e._., AT CORNERS __w= WOMPS Ag�`.�` - i �•.4• EXTENSION OF FABRIC V MIN. J' �_ INTO TRENCH 1/ 4'CRUSHED STONE OR I \ - 1z COMPACTED sat I \\ I I I I J I I I I I I fK ` I I T\ I o nLTERIIFA \� . ' �- SHEET 1 - - ----t OF PERVIONYLON, POLYESTER. OR I I DROP INLET I I I STRENGTH ( 50 PSI MIN.) t I I I WITH GRATE Il I WITH ULTRAVIOLET RAY \ I \ INHIBITORS AND STABRRERS \1J ISOMETRIC VIEW \ J - EABFtlC DROP INLET PROTECTION 141113 PRACTICE SA & 2.5 X 5 PRECAST CONCRETE BOX NC PRODUCTS 3060 OR EQUIVALENT EL= 39.2 GRATE TOPTM 90'ELBOW DOWN 8 BELOW WSEL 10 10 MINIMUM MIN. WSEL= 37.5 17 \ - - - 2"PVC W/ GRAVEL AND FABRIC FILTER EL= 35.0 13 � iNV= J. INV=37.5 91CONG and 37.25 or GROUT "�:. �: :II POND BOTTOM ELEV<=30.0 SECTION VIEW OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAILS Nim �c F Sediment Fence (Silt Fence) J Specification 6.62 - Construction Specifications MATERIALS I.Use a synthetic filter fabric or a pervious sheet of polypropylene, nylon, polyester, or polyethylene yarn, which Is certified by the manufacturer or supplier as conforming to the requirements shown in Table 6. 62b. Synthetic filter fabric should contain ultraviolet ray inhibitors and stabilizers to provide a minimum of 6 months of expected usable construction life at a temperature range of 0 to 120 F. 2.Ensure that posts for sediment fences are either 4-Inch diameter pine, 2-Inch diameter oak, or 1.33 lb/Linear ft steel with a minimum length of 4 ft. Make sure that steel posts have projections to facilitate fee ten Ing the fabr lc, 3.For reinforcement of standard strength filter fabric, use wire fence with a minimum 14 gauge and a maximum mash spacing of 6 Inches. Table 6.62b Specifications For Sediment Fence Fabric Physical Property Requirements Filtering Efficiency - 85% (mn) Tensile Strength at Standard Strength- 30 lb/lin In (min) Extra Strength- 50 Ib/lln in (em) Slurry Flow Rate - 0.3 gal/sq ft/min (min) CONSTRUCTION 1. Construct the sediment barrier of standard strength or extra strength synthetic filter fabrics. 2.Ensure that the height of the sediment fence does not exceed 18 Inches above the ground surface. (Higher fences may impound volume of water sufficient to cause failure of the structure.) 3.Construct the filter fabric from a continuous roll cut to the length of the barrier to avoid joints. When joints are necessary, securely fasten the filter cloth only at a support post with overlap to the next post. 4.Support standard strength filter fabric by wire mesh fastened securely to the up slope side of the posts using heavy duty wire staples at least 1 Inch long, or tie wires. Extend the wire mash support to the bottom of the trench. 5. When a wire mesh support fence Is used, space posts a maximum of 8 ft apart. Support poste should be driven securely Into the ground to a minimum of 18 Inches. 6.Extra strength filter fabric with Eft post spacing does not require wire With support fence. Staple or wire the filter fabric directly to posts. ].Excavate a trench approximately 4 Inches wide and 8 Inches deep along the proposed line of posts and upslope from the barrier (figure 6.62a). 8.Backflll the trench with compacted soil or gravel placed over the filter fabric. 9. Do not attach filter fabr lc to existing trees. Maintenance Inspect sedl ment fences at least once a week and after each rainfall. Make any required repairs immediately. Should the fabric of a sediment fence collapse, tear, decompose or become Ineffective, replace it promptly. Replace burlap every 60 days. Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain and to reduce pressure on the fence. Take care to avoid undermining the fence during cleanout. Remove all fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and bring the area to grade and stabilize It after the contributing drainage area has been properly stabilized. PUBLIC ROAD /� Y IN-�������� �WeT�-�����• .O ••e•••••---,I • • ' • • NOTE: SEE NARRATIVE 112'MINIMUM FOR MORE DETAIL. EN MANCEIEXff DETAIL NTH GRATE WELDED BAR GRATE, PLAN VIEW GALVANIZED, OR EOUIVAI SECURELY IN PLACE 1 - 15 DIP OUTLET PIPE IE= 37.5 2 - 15 DIP OUTLET PIPES IE= 37.25 =ASE 41 - M ►a-. -a- 0 ff15-DIP 15 0-DIP 15•DIP IE=37.5 IE=37.25 IE=37.25 .0 5' BOX DETAILS N Nib 6' d NPLAN VIEW CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE - SEE PLAN, SHEET 3 1. Obtain approval of Plan and any necessary permits, and hold a pre -construction conference prior to commencing any work. 2. Flag work limits and stake -out parking lot, primary measures, and Sediment Trap and Sediment Basin for preliminary grading. 3. Install Gravel Construction Entrances. 4. Install Sediment Trap as shown on Plan prior to clearing and grubbing site. Sediment Basin to be constructed prior to building. 5. Construct ditches and any other sediment control Practices shown, prior to rough grading poking lot and site, stockpiling material and topsoil as necessary. 6. Install utilities in parking lot establish final grades and P 9 stabilize parking areas with stone base course. 7. Final grade building site, install non -municipal utilities as needed, and vegetatively stabilize areas where building construction Is not imminent. 8. All erosion and sediment control Practices are to be inspected weekly and after any rainfall, and repaired as necessary. 9. Upon completion of building construction, the roadway and parking areas are to be paved and all areas permanently vegetatively stabilized. After site stabilization, temporary measures are to be removed and the Sediment Basin cleaned to its original design contours, if necessary, and riser structures orifaces opened, so as to function as a stormwater management / water quality retention pond. e• NOTE: PRECAST CONCRETE CATCH BASIN CONTINUOUS CONCRETE COPING TO BE SIZED AS NECESSARY TO ACCOMMODATE PIPES, 8" OR MAY BE CONSTRUCTED OF 3/4• / FRAME & GRATE / BLOCK OR BRICK TO CITY STANDARDS. FRAME GRATE AND GRATE DEWEYFRAME BRD _ 4 OR EQUIVALENT PRECAST BCATCH :5 I ASIN CONCRETE 2 a. b i0-i'll, ... Ir I 4• 8� r 4 REINFORCING I Sr 4 d SECTION VIEW /4 BARS 0 12'OC EW PLAN VIEW CATCH BASIN DETAIL NTH GENERAL EROSION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS and DETAILS for COLLEGE OLEANDER CENTER LOCATED IN CITY OF WILMINGTON NEW HANOVER COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA Date: 3-19-99 Scale: AS SHOWN Drawn: DSH Checked: GAW Project No: 2466ESC2 Sheet No: 4 Of. 6 NORTH OR WEST SIDE SEE PLAN, SOUTH OR EAST SIDE 13'-0" 15'-0" 8 REVERSE CROWN Q 22'-0" TYPE o 18,-0 CURBING, SPILL GUTTER O 10'-0" 10'-0" OR VERTICAL CURBING 0 OR TURNDOWN SIDEWALK, O SEE PLAN VIEW 3' COVER It I �3' COVER POWER 2 COVEOR E 3' COVER STORM DRAIN 3' TO 8' COVER GAS WATER 3' COVER SANITARY SEWER NOTE: WHEN POSSIBLE FLUSH MOUNTED OR BELOW GROUND DISTRIBUTION OR JUNCTION BOXES TO BE USED BY VAR SEE OBSTRUCTION DETAI' SIDEWALK MW SEE NOTE(TYP) VAR VAR 10' MIN B IPED-X-ING 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT SIDEWALK SEE 4'-0" S-4" 4'-0" ACK OF CURB VAR VAR VAR GRASS STF SL10 MAXCORE pS� SL DEPRESSED NOTE 2 VERTICAL BREAK IN CURB 10'-0" MIN FACE SLOPE NOT TO EXCEED 12:1 IP BACK )F CURB UTILITIES. SEE NOTE 2(TYP)';; TYPICAL , .„ f 4'-0" PED-X-ING UTILITY LOCATION 2'-0 PLAN VIEW WHEELCHAIR RAMP NITS 8D5.05 TYPICAL LOCATION OF WHEELCHAIR PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALKS & STOP BARS GUIDELINES FOR 68' GUIDELINES FOR WHEELCHAIR RAMPS AND 4' 27' 27' 3, 4' WHEELCHAIR RAMPS AND DEPRESSED CURBS(B) 18, DEPRESSED CURBS(A) 8DB-110B 4 "CONC. REVERSE CROWN 4 "CONC. NIB PARKING (TYPICAL) SIDEWALK SIDEWALK SPACE CL 1/2" NTH EXPANSION (TYPICAL) 2"ASPHALT GENERAL NOTES PRE CAST CONCRETE JOINT MATERIAL SLAB. SEE SLAB -STANDARD CATCH I. LaaTIIIN OF MHEELOLMAIR RAL DETAIL BASIN TOP & LEGS. 2 5 GRASSED N ACCORDANCE W H HE RA O ED HOUSE BLL 12Re, ALL S REEF CURBS IN NdTVI CAROLINA BEING CO SRI C FD DR REmnsTuclED FO SD2-11 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT � A SIDEWALK 4'-0" S-4" 4'-0" OF CURB VAR SCORE SLOMAX VAR VAR GRASS STF �: DEPRESSED _. NEE NOTE 2 VERTICAL BREAK IN CURB 10'-0" MIN FACE SLOPE NOT TO EXCEED 12:1 r-w-A-R1 V PLAN VIEW WHEELCHAIR RAMP GUIDELINES FOR WHEELCHAIR RAMPS AND DEPRESSED CURBS(B) IP )F CURB 8" CONTINUOUS CONCRETE COPING 3/4" / FRAME & GRATE y FRAME AND GRATE DEWEY BROS.No.CH-BN-3A 4" OR EQUAL, PRECAST CONCRETE CATCH BASIN 4' REINFORCING SECTION VIEW 4 BARS O IYOC EW PLAN VIEW CATCH BASIN DETAIL NOTE: KTE PRECAST CONCRETE CATCH BASIN TO BE SIZED AS NECESSARY TO ACCOMMODATE LARGER PIPES, OR MAY BE CONSTRUCTED OF BLOCK OR BRICK TO CITY STANDARDS. * SEE ALSO SD2-10 TYPE A" F_I I STRIP (TYP) MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES, TRAFFIC OPERATIONS, REPAYS, CON6CTON OF UTUTRS OR ALTERED FOR ANY REASON AFTER SEPTFMBER AT ALL INTERSECTIONS WERE BOTH CURB AND CUTTER AND 8 BRICK WALL TYPICAL -8" 0'-4" CURB 6" ABC BASE, CONTINUOUS 1273 SHALL PROVIDE WEdpIR RAMPS FOR THE PHYSICALLY HMNRCAPPED SKIEYIALKS ARE PROMDED AND AT OTHER MAJOR POINTS OF PEDESTRIAN FLOW. CONCRETE OR VARIES AS REWIRED CURB GRADE 1'-O" TO V BEHIND CURB TYPE "A" CURB 2 WHEELCHAIR RAMPS SHOULD BE LOCATED AS INDICATED N DETAIL ORAWNGS. HOINWER EXISING LIGHT POLES, FIRE NMNANIS OROP GROUT INVERT _ CROWN JD 7-01 °LETS ETC. MAY AFFECT PLACEMENT. II. CONSTRUCTION Nol 0'-6• P I 30. 36" 4 -0 "A' 8" BRICK WALLS 1' "O SLOPE MALL FT'� 1'-I* (121) ON THE RAMP OR �EW'AX. 6" CLASS 42 4'-i6 NOTE: Both sides are typically symmetrical. JY Y J"' 1 N NO CASE SMALL THE MDTH OF WHEELCHAR RAMPS BE LESS THAN 40' (T-47. WDTHS MAY EXCEED 4W F NECESSARY- CONCRETE BASE W .. 3/4 CEMENT PLASTER TYPICAL PARKING BAY SECTION 3. USE CLASS 'A' CONCRETE WITH THE SURFACE HAVING A ROUGH. NON-SI(ID TYPE FINISH. WHEELCHAIRBO RAMP JOINS ANY PoOD PA EOF OR S TICLIL IRE REWORD YAM THE OF ME A lIrC,, EXPANSION M WILL SHALL SHALL CONFORM WITH THOSE OF THE WTkIeANG BODY MACH HAS JURISDIC1101 OF THE PARRWLAL STREET. > O -O 5 B" / S. CONSIRUCRON NEIHODS III. ADDITIONAL NOBS +(�ULTLTC-T V-6" 0-$ NITS 1. THE INSIDE PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALN LINES SHALE BE ESTABLISHED BY BISECTING THE INTERSECTION RAN WHERE MARKED (SEE NOTE 6). 4'_0• 0'-6„ " 0,_4" 2. THE MEELCHAIR RAMP SHALL BE LOCATED W THAT THE BEGINNING OF THE WHEEL CHAIR RAMP WILL BE TWO FEET FROM VIE INSIDE SECTION "A PVMT. PEDESTRIAN CROSSW'ALX UNE NOTE: E: -A" 2'- 6" V '2'-FJ" 1 THE WIDTH OF THE PEDESTRIAN CROSTFALX SHALL BE 10 FEET UNLESS A GREATER WDTH IS REQUIRED TO ACCOYYODATE THE PEDESiNAN P T"'IFF'o 4. STOP BARS SHALL BE USED WNEAE IT IS IMPORTANT TO INDICATE THE PANT BEHIND MO1 L C ES ARE REWIRED TO STOP IN 1. 4" DEEP X 8' WIDE CONCRETE COPING VARIES ST COMPLIANCE WIN A TRAFFIC SIGNAL, STOP SIGN. OR OVER LEGAL REQUIREMENTS. ALL AROUND BASIN CASTING. VARIES ST B, P�WC MENL A °"INSTAL BEINMINIMUM OF O �0 `E WBACIC OF TH T LPEDESTRIAN I OF THE ` e. ALL PAYEYQIT BE ELA TED BE N ACCORDANCE WRI THE LATEST RO THE MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MODIFIED CATCH BASIN FOR PIPES 2• ALL CONCRETE TO BE CLASS "A" 6' TO PUBLISHED BY THE FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATOR. TWS IS AVAILABLE FROM THE SUPERINTENDENT OF OCCUMENTS U.S GOVERNMENT 3. FOR CASTING DETAIL SEE SD 14-03 n'. PNINVNG OFFIM WASHINGTON. D.C. 20402. LARGER THAN 24-INCH ENTERM STANDARD INFORMATION GUIDELINES FOR THE END(S) OF THE BASIN B "B-B" 6„ SIGN NM 5-10" MIN.---'T. SECTION 0 12 M'" WHEELCHAIR RAMPS �-n *USE SD2-10 FOR INLETS 14 and 15 5'-4" CURB & GUTTER WITHOUT CURB WI AND INLETS 2 and 3 4 -0 GUTTER MIN.rbPARKING 8 AM - 6 PM SDO oa 0'-8" STREET NAME CHESTNUT 4' PIPE$5.00 FINE AE CASTING 0'-6" 2'-6" SIGN 0'-6 3/4" (SEE NOTE) 'coo 3'-loll UP TO 48" STORM DRAIN PIPE Q87 ~A 4" MIN 1'-6"X 1'-O"X .080 STANDARD ALUMINUM HANDICAPPED PARKING SIGN TO READ: RESERVED PARKING" WITH IDENTIFICATION SYMBOL, BOLT TO STEEL TUBE WITH 3/6" CADMIUM PLATED NUTS, BOLTS, AND WASHERS PAINT PIPE BASE — YELLOW 8"DIA.STEEL PIPE FILLED WITH CONCRETE PAVEMENT V-6"DIA. /1 BASE CONCRETE \\ \ ONGAEACH WAY THROUGH \\ \\ \ PIPE MC I MAXIMUM PENALTY SIGN 2'X 2'X .188 STEEL TUBE EXTENDED INTO CONCRETE - FILLED PIPE 24". PROVIDE WELDED WATERTIGHT CAP, �., PAINT WITH P&L/6118 BLACK COFFEE" NOTE: SIGNS MAY BE OBTAINED FROM: C&D SAFETY 4TH AVENUE N. NASHVILL, TN 615-255-2717 r r-,• b r c aWEY BROS. NO.. CH-BIN-JA MINIMUM AVERAGE WEIGHT FRAME 195 LBS. b GRADE 145 LBS. SEC77ON A -A" a r O'F 3 3/4" B 0 o •� W-33/4• i B� SECRON 9-B" W-81 V V-41/8" 0'-81/4' I 2 8 5/B" PLAN VIEW GRILL BASIN CASTINGS KT.B. 3/4-CHAMFER \ PAVING a 5' .� .,. 8" ABC STONE 6" 12" i0 N TURNDOWN SIDEWALK DETAIL ILIA 6" D 1"R PING 6• .: \//.�/i\//i. MIN. I WITH SLOPE -FACE .0528 - %/ / / / / //'" 2'-0" n cuR6 BACK OF CURB y,5p BACK OF CURB B /��//�//�/f�/� 2" 2.17 _6667 2.5 DO --- ------------ - _ CATCH BASIN --- Eocr �'-1'4yFA1f'ur -- REPLACEMENT CURB & GUTTER rote at vnucue;,. SEE NCDOT 846.01 CITY OF WILMINGTON HANDICAPPED PARKING SIGN DETAIL WITH CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER NC DOT 840.01 STANDARD NCDOT STD 840.01 OR 840.02 SIGN INSTALLATION SEE ROADWAY STANDARD DRAWINGS MANUAL EXISTING GROUND COMPACTELOCATION PIPE ZONE 12 957 MODIFIEDA ROCTORO IF UNDER PAVEMENT WT$ SDI5-04A 6I O.D. N I IN w m FINAL BACKFILL COMPACTED BACKFILL TO A 4- 30LF MINIMUM - 4" PVC SLEEVES CLASS 1, 2, OR 3 3" > 90% MODIFIED PROCTOR /TO BE INSTALLED AT DRIVEWAY & ALLEY PIPE ENTRANCES FOR NON -MUNICIPAL SIZE AS INDICATED UTILITIES ON THE PLANS O.D. LOPE WALLS TO ANGLE OF 0 94' REPOSE OF SOIL OR AS PRIVATE DRIVE NOTE: CLASS 1 OR 2 - 6" MIN APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER R SLEEVES ALSO TO BE 6- SLEEVES �� COMPACTED PIPE EMBEDMENT SIDEWALK OR INSTALLED AT OTHER STABLE 1- TO 90% MODIFIED PROCTOR SIDEWALK AREA LOCATIONS AS INDICATED DUCTILE IRON PIPE FOUNDATION SIDEWALK SECTION ON PLAN. MATERIAL B B PIPE ZONE a D. COMPACTED GRANULAR MATERIAL PLAZA EXPANSION JOINT 1/2" 6" O.D. 6" 6" 0 IF REQUIRED NGINEERBY THE APRON PLAZA I MI \ DRIVEWAY \ FINAL BACKFILL--- �" PIPE tea, SIZE E INDICATED 3" PIPE WIDTH +24" P EXPANSION JOINT 1/2" CURB RETURN ON THE PLANS TRENCH BOTTOM CURB INITIAL BACKFILL O.D. STANDARD 0 -6" ) CLASS 1 - 1 -6" RESIDENTIAMIN. G' MIN PIPE TRENCH A 13' (4.0m) MIN. STABLE DETAIL OTHER FOUNDATION RIGHT TURN OUT RIGHT TURN IN PVC PIPE MATERIAL NITS PIPE BEDDING DETAILS SD}07 EXPANSION JOINT 1/2" EXPANSION JOINT 1/2" KT,S. PAVEMENT PLAN A //a//`Yi��\N\ A NTS SD" a5 MORTAR "VISTI)P7 &?" maw �a i to i �� 'i i 'J"7WKCO )MV" 112' MWTAR ffKZ G 80 a' z' GUIDELINES FOR BRICK STANDARD DRIVEWAY "" r" " ""Y' TOP DETAIL(A) NT$ �� 2,_0" eDe-os A A SECTION 'B—B' VARIABLE + / FINISH PLAZA GRADE 16 1 16" DNA. AT TOP / Q.0 STEPS 10 1/2" DIAL 0'-0 1 /81, 0'-8" 0'-6" �XPANSIQN COVER PLAN VIEW 6" DIA. 1 0'-0 1/2" — 1. JOINT SECTION A -A RING PLAN VIEW (BOTTOM) 0'—1 7/8" '�'I 0'-0 1 /8" 1/8" 0'-2 1/8' — '-0 0'-0 1 /2" 12'-0"MIN 0'-0 1/2" 1' -4 1/4" DNA. 0'-0 1/2" 0'-2 3/8" 15 7/8" DIA. 1/16" 0'-0 1/2 o'-s" V-15" VARIABLE 0'-1" 0'-0 7/8" AT BOTTOM 0'-0 5/8" 0'-2" 1'-3 1/4" DIA. 0'-7 1/2" PART OF SECTION 0'-0 3/8" "A o'-s" 0'-0 7/8" 0'-6 5/8" ENLARGED secnoN -A" 6" CONCRETE 0'-0 3/8""'! 0-111 G.R. ENNIS &SON NO. MBX-GRE-16 SECTION B-B (-4-0'-4" 1'-3 1/4" A. MINIMUM AVERAGE WEIGHT STANDARD RING 120 LBS. STORM DRAIN STANDARD DRIVEWAY SECTION 'A -A' COVER 40 LBS. MANHOLE DETAIL(B) MONUMENT MONUMENT NTT3 NM SDB-02B HIM SD14-OW NTS SD14-08A 8DO-08A STD. CITY OF WILMINGTON GRATE TOP , SEE DETAIL -3/4" CEMENT PLASTER AX CORBEL 1" PER COURSE NTS EXPANSION JOINT �i i 7AT 30' INTERVALS(TYP) 1�i a .L P _t A_ JL �I A 1" SCORE(TYP) iki Y i Ai J it O 4"THICK 4' OR 5'WIDE STANDARD SIDEWALK DETAIL IMM SDB-15 2" ASPHALT TYPE "1" EXISTING PAVEMENT / N.C.D.O.T. SPEC. EXISTING PAVEMENT 6" COMPACTED MARL BASE (D.O.T. REQUIRES 8") DITCH LINE DITCH LINE PIPE NOTES: » BACKFILL TO BE INSTALLED IN 6" LIFTS (MAXIMUM) AND COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM DENSITY OF 95% AS DETERMINED BY THE MODIFIED A.A.S.H.T.O. STANDARD METHOD T-99 * CUT - BACK TO BE PREPARED AFTER TRENCH BACKFILLING AND COMPACTION STANDARD SHOWING METHOD MAKING PAVEMENT REPAIRS WHERE PIPE INSTALLED NIM 8Di-W NOTE: DETAILS SHOWN ARE TYPICAL OF INSTALLATIONS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. 0'-6" THIS SHEET DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW ALL REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION DETAILS, BUT RATHER SERVES AS A GUIDE. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ADHERING TO ALL CITY CODES AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. I, REV. NO. REVISIONS DATE ) STONE 1 12" CLASS "A CONCRETE VERTICAL CURB SECTION N.. 2' CLASS "A" CONCRETE 16 1/2" Zvi F--- 4 1/2' 6"ABC STONE "��/a%�%/7� 4 1 CURB AND GUTTER SECTION NOTE WELL:INIM ID - FOR REPLACEMENT OF CURB & GUTTER �" IN COLLEGE ROAD AND OLEANDER DRIVE, USE NCDOT SECTION. SEE ROADWAY STANDARD DRAWINGS MANUAL, NCDOT STD. 846.01 IS REQUIRED GUTTER SHALL SLOPE AWAY AS SHOWN » MOST APPLICATIONS IN PARKING LOT STANDARD CURB SECTION TYPE "A" NM 8D7-01 DETAIL SHEET COLLEGE OLEANDER CENTER LOCATED IN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA SEAL 20007 OWNER: CAMERON COMPANY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 1201 GLEN MEADE ROAD WILMINGTON, NC 28401 762-2676 /2" R Date: Scale; 19-99 AS SHOWN Drawn: DSH Checked: GAW Project No: 2466DET1 HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. Sheet No: LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS 7 � 5 WILMINGTON. WALNUT STREET /� 319 WALNUT N.C. 28401 IL�1�J l/'J, PHONE: (910) 343-8002 Of.. r--._--.-------- ---_ _ _.---_-_-- --. _ __ - - -_-- ----------- --- -_ - ---_-- - - i - t I bRASS NIPPLE TAPS "DIP AV AVC AND aASS NOTES: CASTING FLA*GE3/4•x 3" (TMCN) 50 AND 51 DUCAT TRAY PAGE 1. WATER METERS ARE TO BE PROVIDED BY THE CITY EXTENSION OR S45 BENDS 221 2 BD ATEES PLUGS qq 1• BRASS PLUG S4ALL aF MADE USTNG A TAPP/NCSIZES4LYRE L1�IYAaw TOPART H2. ALL WATER METERS MUST BE LOCATED WITHIN PUBLIC MORTAR 2-2 1/2" HOSE NOZZLES A A B C D SFCRLW d-1 AND PART b, RIGHT-OF-WAYS AND/OR EASEMENTS x t0 » SEC7mR-C 3. WATER METERS SHALL NOT BE LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS 4 1/2` PUMPER CONNECTION FACE TO CENTER LINE rMIN 1 1 13 8 10" 13" 16" 1 6 17 1 17 10" 13" 1 8'-0" OF STREET HYDRANT TO " i6 21` 11" 1 18 4 6 bRA,�,Y1Pp� WHERE R W WIDTH PERMITS ICK HAVE BREAK . I 1419" 24' 1 20" 7" 1 4 F" x 12" ARGE CAST IRON METER BOXSECTION OR WORD "WATER" REMOVABLE V:�': 16" 7 21" 27 12' 24" 4" SIDEWALK ON COVER BARREL '':a�min. NOTE: Based on 1.5 x working pressure of 100 PSI plus AWWA Water Hammer. 0'-ASS N/PPLE sofT c qv hPf KMAX �All bearing surfaces to be carried to undisturbed ground. S°UD J/I• SRp 7'b' SA'7GYWPER _TYPICAL DETAIL VALVE a FIINISH GRADEUSH WITH EXIST. GROUNA A.. STANDARD THRUST BLOCK ( �J MIN " METER YOKE W/12 RISER BOX AND CLEAN —OUT C.I. VALVE BOX > FOR WATER MAINS WATER METER CONNECTIONS GATE VALVE I BENDS x PLAN MIN. SIZE 6" > TEES C4-NSbMLLEO N A BOX TO BE COORDINATED NTH NOTE: BACFLOW PREVENTERS CASTING BASES TURN RIGHT m Ntg CUO Y S TYPE "K" SOFT COPPER TUBING NIS TO OPEN m RAIN ,y 18" MIN. SYZR SA WAMR MAN CITY PERSONNEL REQUIRED ESIROVERN ADIAMETER.NY &N6-DYb m �,; V:..: ,r. n_:.j.:. ,.Y..: USE FEBCO MODEL 805Y (2 ), . . �. . NA[LEA&F Ld4ASS R£ (TrPICALJ +L USE FEBCO MODEL 826YD RP p 1-1/2" WATER SERVICE OR EQUIVALENT. NOTE:_`1+::'.:; .:. 4 N m IN MANHOLE 1-SEE ASSEMBLY DETAIL CONCRETE PAD v:y.,::.-� :. v o L'pPPD4ARDV coa, NTS MAY BE EXTERNALLY LOCATERD WITH ACCESS COVER 4a"x 48 INSIDE DIMENSIONS SHEET NO. So FOR 15" X 15" X 6" m �: :c'.. ' FULL 18' JOINT INSULATION AND DRAIN TO POND. I "d: :.r 4' DEPTH MIN. JOINT RESTRAINT REQUIRED 6" PIPE ASS NIPPLE 2-DUCTILE IRON PIPE � ` `'' �. . NALLEADLEI REQUIRED ON ALL HYDRANT T)PICACJ BRANCH LINES SECTION X-X PLAN & ELEVATION HYDRANT 3/4" GALVANIZED RODS HYDRANTS SHALL BE: FIENDS & TFFR PLUGS x'X6• .• FOR EACH BLDG. KENNEDY GUARDIAN o ° V-RIBS B I OPENING t� o 000° TO MAIN COVER 3' COVER I 1 46' I 1 •r NOTE: TYPICALLY INSTALLED SPUD /*"GYLRB STpO LtPA55 TEE(YALLEAB[E MINIMUM AVERAGE WEIGHT 1 I 1 I IN ARCHITECT TO ABOVE PROVIDEGROUND DETAILE GUIDELINES FOR STANDARD THRUST BLOCK ° 0 ° ° o Ti* x r x F-rT» i WA RQ A 20 ALBS. " 2"WATER INE ; ;446-/4" MAX. A T STANDARD HYDRANT FOR WATER MAINS TIE BOLTS METER 0'-9 5/8" 0-1 1/4 OR 4" ( I ' 1 ' NTS HYDRANT LUGS RETAINER CLAMP 0'-0 3/4" FIRE 1 SPECIFICATION AND COORDINA E M8 0'-O 7 8" !OUTFL WH CITY PERSONNEL JOINT RESTRAINT HYDRANT TO 1ST FULL JOINT OF PIPE / 0'-0 1/4" LINE PLAN 0'-1 3/4" INFLOW IARKED: HYDRANT 3/4" GALVANIZED RODS METERLV.SiER0a1S' .SIZEr(1D.J ____ BRICK_J ARKED: SANITARY SEWER OR w 11-18 Z•3/8"0'-0 3/8" SECTION B 8" 1 AS NECESSARY m STORM DRAIN AS REQUIRED 1'-7 SANITARY SEWER ° 0 c o o z * 3 10 * 1 1/2" 0'-2 1" 0 STORM DRAIN ® 0'-1 3 4" moo' AS REQUIRED TOP OF COVER ° o 000 ? 1' I//l/ o 0 0 1 3/*. 6"COARSE AGGREGATE TOP OF COVER ""n 0 ° ,SEES � 1NS51 0'-5 3/4" 0'-5 3/4" PRECAST CONCRETE REDUCED PRESSURE ZONE � � NOTE: TIE BOLTS BKO OX, TINDALL 3"PVC DRAIN REDUCED PRESENTER r A A RgINRG AIR COVERL CONTACT 1'-6 5/8" OR EQUIVALENT A A MACHHINR TO INSURE JOINT RESTRAINT HYDRANT TO MAIN TEE TO DAYLIGHT 7/g• OTTOM OF COVER EVEN BEARING OF STANDARD GANG METER ASSEMBLY (TYPICAL) SECTION A NOTE: SEE SPECIFICATIONS COVER AND RING. 3/4" TIE BOLTS EXTERNAL INSTALLATION FOR DETAILS ON 2" AND 4" BOTTOM OF COVER 5/8" N.T.S. 1/2" 1/2" NOTE: 2'-," MINIMUM WEIGHTS WATER METER BOX BACKFLOW PRESENTER REDUCEBACKFLOWRE ZONTERS, PLANFBCO PLy RING & COVER CONTACT 1 -11 3/4" RING 261 ALBS.GQVER ,zo ALBSGUIDELINES FOR OR EQUIVALENT, IN BUILDINGS. . NTS N18 SURFACES SHALL BE V-11 1/2" MACHINED SO AS TO Bpµ-M WBAC10FL0J O USC APPROVED V-11 3/4" INSURE EVEN BEARING 0'-2 1/8" O'-3 1/8" HYDRANT JOINT R90'-O „ ,/2" OF COVER ON RING D,_1» D•-7 ,/2" RESTRAINT0'-8 1/4"3" f 0�-6 7/8"MINIMUM LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS 0'-2 3/4"-1 1/2" 1'-8 3/8" 0-0 1/2, 0'-0 11/16" 0'-0 ,1 16"0'-2 1/8" MINIMUM WEIGHTS: /RING 190 ALBS. 0'-4 1/8" ' -4 /2- 4- , -2 1/4" ELEVATIONTREE PRESERVATION: MINIMUM 15 REGULATED TREES PER ACRE. 0'-4 3/4"0'-7 1/2" COVER 120 ALBS. 1'-9 5/8" 0'-5 1/2" 8D4-02 0'-7 ,/4"D'-0 1/2 0'-5 ,/z" �'-10 i/4^ 0'-11 7/a" 1CROWN OF TREE IS NEEDED FOR LEAF 2.2 ACRES- 33 TREES 1'-10 1/4" 1/2" ��� GROWTH TO PRODUCE OXYGEN, FILTER STREET YARD: MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: FOR EVERY 50 LF 1 TREE 2'-0 1/2" 2'-9 1/4" SECTION "A-A"�2'-9 1/4" WATER 0'-0 1/2" THE AIR, REDUCE WIND, SOFTEN NOISE, 8 FT IN HEIGHT OR 3 FLOWERING TREES 5 FT IN HEIGHT AND 6 SECTION "A -A" DEWEY BROS, NO. MH-RCR-2001 STANDARD MANHOLE RING 0'-6 11 16" A A AND PROVIDE BEAUTIFUL APPEARANCE. SHRUBS 18" MINIMUM AT PLANTING ALTERNATE STANDARD MANHOLE —0 1/2" —0 1/a• IN NOT DISFIGURE CROWN WITH AND COVER �� INSENSITIVE PRUNING! PARKING FACILITIES WITHIN 50 FT OF RIGHT OF WAY REQUIRES 1 0 -, 1/2" 0'-0 1/8" 0'-6 11/16" DIA. RIPLINE— ROW LOW BUFFER EVERGREEN SHRUBS MINIMUM 18" AT PLANTING. RING AND COVER 0'-0 3/4" _� I 1 / INTERIOR: NIB 0'-21/4" 0,_7" _ 0'-01/2" j SD" 0'-0 1/1§" 0'-0 5/16" I�� p_j/8/2" �j MINIMUM: B%OF THE GROSS PAVED AREAS SHALL BE LANDSCAPED. 0'-0 1/2" 1 0'-0 1/2" 1 TREE 8 FT MINIMUM HEIGHT AND 6 SHRUBS 18" MINIMUM AT PLANTING 0'-4" 0'-4 3/4" 1 O'-10" 0'-6 1/2" DIA. PLAN REQUIRED FOR EVERY 15 PARKING SPACES OR FRACTION THEREOF. 1-6 1/4" SECTION "A -A" CONSECUTIVE PARKING SPACES SHALL INCORPORATE LANDSCAPE 0'-4" SECTION "A -A" 0'-0 1 2^ 0'-8 1 4" PENNINSULAS NO MORE THAN 15 SPACES APART AND AT THE ENDS OF ALL / / MINIMUM WEIGHTS FEEDER ROOTS STRUCTURAL ROOTS PARKING ROWS. MINIMUM 9 FT WIDE AND 100 SF IN AREA. 5 TREES rjbT1-6" GRE WVC 6HD CAST IRON OR EQUAL 0'-7 3/4" TOP 10 LBS. MINIMUM REQUIRED FOR INTERIOR ISLANDS. _ 0'-11 7/8" BOX 40 LBS. FEEDER ROOTS ARE LOCATED STRUCTURAL ROOTS LOCATED VIEW A HEAVY DUTY EXTENSION EXTENSION 40 ALBS. AT "DRIPLINE" OF TREE NEAR BASE OF TRUNK ARE BUFFER YARDS: HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS AND PROVIDE TREE WITH NEEDED TO GIVE SUPPORT TO VALVE BOX LID WATER VALVE ENTIRE TREE. IF REMOVED, MOISTURE AND NUTRIENTS. TREES - 6 FT MINIMUM AT PLANTING NOTES: TREE CANFAIL AND DAMAGE 1-DO NOT TAP MANHOLE AT JOINT. NTS SEE NOTE 1 &NOTE 4 PROPERTY. 15 FT MINIMUM MATURE HEIGHT 2-BREAK OUT MINIMUM AMOUNT OF MANHOLE WALL TO ALLOW aDla-ae CASTING SEE NOTE 2 &NOTE 4 EVERGREEN SHRUBS - 36" MINIMUM AT PLANTING NEW PIPE TO ENTER. NTS METHOD OF TREE 6" MINIMUM MATURE HEIGHT 3-CONCRETE TO BE BROKEN FROM INSIDE OF MANHOLE, IF ODW-07 FENCE OPTION - 8 FT MINIMUM HEIGHT INDUSTRIAL ZONING POSSIBLE. 4-PLACE COLLAR AROUND NEW PIPE. COLLAR TO BE BUILT PROTECTION DURING 6 FT MINIMUM HEIGHT ALL OTHER RESTING ON UNDISTURBED SOIL. D CONSTRUCTION VISION CLEARANCE: NO PLANT MATERIAL OVER 30" IN THESE AREAS. 5-REPAIR CONCRETE WITH NON -SHRINK CEMENT. FINISH GRADE PROTECTION FROM VEHICULAR TRAFFIC PROVIDED AROUND ALL PLANT 6-SEE SD 14-11 FOR PRE -CAST MANHOLE DETAIL. STANDARD WATER VALVE BOX NTS MATERIAL (CURBING, CROSS TIES, TIMBERS, ETC.) C & COVER MARKED C.O. THRUST COLLAR-1 MAINTENANCE: THE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE OF t -H CONCRETE SIDEWALK 5' MIN. MIN. COVER 3.5' 5' MIN. ----- EXISTING TREE LANDSCAPING TO ENSURE THE PLANT MATERIAL LIVES. STANDARD TAPPING FRAME CONCRETE CURB &GUTTER MINIMUM AVERAGE WEIGHT 40 LBS. .sYa 6 / DETAIL PRE —CAST CLEAN -OUT 1/4" STEEL PLATE 3/4" THREADED STEEL MANHOLE PLAN 0'-10 3 4" SEAL CLEAN -OUT RODS (TYP.) 1'-8 1 2" STACK W/DUCT TAPE EXTRA HEAVY SOIL PIPE 3" 3" N� (SEE NOTE 2) .-----1/8" BEND 3" 3" CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK rt--! ) (TYP. 0'-0 1/4" � PLUG W/6" SINGLE TEST EXTRA HEA I / EWER MAIN ROD REQUIREMENTS DRIPLINE PLUG W/WING NUT -- VY 6" 1 STANDARD MANHOLE COVER 1'-0 1/2" SIZE OF 45 DEGREE BEND STATIC THRUST IN POUNDS NUMBER OF RODS REQUIRED TREE PROTECTION DURING CONSTRUCTION SEE SD 14-01 SOIL PIPE I 3' MIN. STAKE PRECAST CONCRETE (SEE NOTE 2) 6" 7.694 2 PROTECTIVE BARRIER - HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE RINGS 0'-5 3/4" 1 8" 7,694 2 �- 1. DO NOT COMPACT SOIL BENEATH TREES. NO VEHICLE SHALL BE ALLOWED TO PARK NOTES: 6" TAPPING SADDLE 12" 17,312 2 — s GRADE UNDER TREES. NO HEAVY MATERIALS SHALL BE STORED BENEATH TREES. RESULTS OF 0'-5 3/4" 1-SEWER TAPS TO BE PERFORMED BY CITY TEE OR WYE. 16' 30,779 4 - ' ` COMPACTION CAUSE WATER AND AIR NOT TO REACH THE ROOTS AND THE TREE VARIES GROUT 0'-1 1/2" CREWS EXCEPT WHEN TEES OR WYES ARE 20" 48,091 6� WILL DIE. THESE "FEEDING ROOTS" OCCUR WELL AWAY FROM THE BASE OF 12" MAX. "' SECTION C (SEE NOTE 1) 24" 69,252 8 SECTION D INSTALLED IN NEW MAINS LAID BY THE �+- -"..^-�,1 THE TREE TO THE EDGE OF THE OVERHEAD BRANCH CANOPY. DAMAGING MANHOLE STEPS ��-� r�J!�\ L = I - ^ I+ �- ��t \ THE BARK WITH LAWNMOWERS, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, OR ANYTHING ELSE WATER METER BOX CONTRACTOR. GENERAL NOTES: I �.11 AS SPECIFIED IS PROHIBITED. APROTECTIVE BARRIER SHOULD PREVENT DAMAGE FROM 2-THESE ITEMS SHALL BE INSTALLED WHEN 1. ONCE INSTALLED AND TIGHT, THE STEEL RODS AND BOLTS SHALL BE COATED WITH OCCURING DURING CONSTRUCTION. ECCENTRIC i ;- PRECAST MANHOLE SECTION NTS NO HOUSE CONNECTION IS MADE AT C.O. 2. OATS OF BITUMINOUS BASE PAINT. TREES TO BE SAVED WILL BE CLEARLY MARKED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION PRECAST CONE SEE SD 14-11 2.;ONCRETE SHALL NOT CONTACT BOLTS OR ENDS OF MECHANICAL JOINT BENDS. AND A PROTECTIVE BARRIER IS TO BE INSTALLED AT THE DRIPLINE. GUIDELINES FOR 3. TYPICAL MIN. CLEARANCE BETWEEN CONCRETE AND END OF BOLT MUST BE 3". 2. NO CUTTING OF LARGE STRUCTURAL ROOTS LOCATED NEAR THE BASE OF THE 4. APPROVED OFFSETS CAN BE USED IN THIS APPLICATION. DRIP LINE E THE AREA OF SOIL DIRECTLY BENEATH THE TREE EXTENDING TRUNK. THESE ARE ESSENTIAL IN SUPPORTING THE TREE AND HOLDING IT SPECIFIED STANDARD CLEAN —OUT OUT TO THE TIPS OF THE OUTERMOST BRANCHES. UPRIGHT IN HIGH HANDS. REMOVAL OF THESE ROOTS ALONG ONE SIDE IS STANDARD OFTEN DONE BECAUSE OF A WALK, PAVING OR BUILDING WHICH IS BEING AS SANITARY SEWER SERVICE P METHOD OF TREE CONSTRUCTED. D VERTICAL BEND Nib PROTECTION DURING 3. AVOID CUT AND FILL WITHIN DIAMETER OF TREE CROWN DURING EXCAVATION. PRECAST MANHOLE 9 8ff t�o4' 80M 13D9"10 '"I" STANDARD LID HEAVY DUTY LID SEE SD-14 SESD-148 CONSTRUCTION METHOD OF TREE E RING EXTENSION PROTECTION DURING 2" ASPHALT CASTING NT8 NTS CAST IN RUBBER 4" BASE 8Dr-08 WW12 BOOT EWITHSS STEEL 'III, � CONSTRUCION INTS (TYPICAL ALL 0'-6" O -6» MORTAR OVER FLANGE -Z MANHOLE FOR CASTING DETAILS 1" MORTAR py 1 1 0'-9" SEE SD-14 � Q�G CONNECTIONS) ,\ti MORTAR COLLAR �'—'I 2"STANDARD BRICK RAM-NEK JOINT MAT'L �' 6"EXTENDED LIP 0'-8" MORTAR OR OR APPROVED EQUAL STD. MANHOLE COVER, . y 0'-6" 2' Q' WATER VALVE BOX EXTENSION AND (TYPICAL) SEE SD 14-01 `L CASTING CENTERED OVER VALVE NUT ,'-7 1/2" SEWER CLEAN -OUT CASTING NOTE: '. 0 -6` CENTERED OVER STACK 0'-6" NOTES: DETAILS SHOWN ARE TYPICAL OF INSTALLATIONS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF WILMINGTON. w 2'-0" MANHOLE STEPS — 1'- 7 1/2" A iv A B 0'-1 1/2" O,-1 1/2 *THIS INSTALLATION REQUIRED WHEN VALVE BOXES AND CLEAN -OUTS THIS SHEET DOES NOT PURPORT TO SHOW ALL REQUIRED CONSTRUCTION DETAILS, BUT J MIN. AS SPECIFIED O 2'-7 1/2" ARE LOCATED IN PRESENT OR FUTURE PAVED AREAS. RATHER SERVES AS A GUIDE. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ADHERING TO ALL n 0 .PRIOR TO SETTING CASTINGS, NEW INSTALLATIONS WILL REQUIRE CITY CODES AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. it — ; / _ �� 2'- 7 1/7' I a 95% COMPACTION OR BACKFILL IN 6" LIFTS. awe. a I// N 0'-6" 6'-4" � DETAIL SHEET 0'-9" TYPICAL DETAIL VALVE 3-19-99 ...................... w PRECAST MANHOLE SECTION, i COLLEGE OLEANDER CENTER sode o: A.S.T.M. C 478 ,' I 0'-6` BOX AND CLEAN —OUT z j NO JOINTS FOR2'-7 1/2" LOCATED IN THE CITY OF WILMINGTON WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP AS SHOWN LONG, PIPE WILL BE -- 0 CASTING BASES NEW HANOVER COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA a ALLOWED IN W LL 1'-0` DSH SMOOTH 0'-6" 0'-6" 0'-0 3 4" 5" MIN. AS SPECIFIED RADIUS BENDS SECTION 6,_4» 1'-6" / 88015-0P a ��N O�'�iy w 0'-6 MIN. MINIMUM AVERAGE WEIGHT �r� O OWNER: CAMERON COMPANY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP MONOLITHIC CONCRETE BASE. PLAN 10 LBS. _ SEE 1201 GLEN MEADE ROAD GAW 3000 PSI CONCRETE - 1,_ NOTE: CAST IRON S �Q' WILMINGTON, NC 28401 762-2676 6" MIN. STANDARD SEAL 2466DET2 6" MIN. Ap SANITARY SEWER EQUIVALENT TO 20WT ? CRUSHED STONE,-,, 48" DIAMETER DEWEY BROS. MH-ST-B ;�, oS��ha�NE� \y i MANHOLE .. HANOVER DESIGN SERVICES, P.A. PRECAST MANHOLE MANHOLE FLOOR _ NM MANHOLE STEP , �•• LAND SURVEYORS, ENGINEERS & LAND PLANNERS NM � 13D3-01 8DI4-10 DATE ,"N`, " PHONE: (010) 343-8002 _,I yypOR REV. N0. REVISIONS 319 WALNUT STREET NALMINGTON. N.C. 29401 • or