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SW8970847_HISTORICAL FILE_20020320
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 q�08`i-1 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ® HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2002 03 2.0 YYYYMMDD Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Gregory J. Thorpe, Ph.D., Acting Director Division of Water Quality Wilmington Regional Office March 20, 2002 Commander Steve Scanlan, Public Works Officer Commanding General, ROICC 1005 Michael Road Camp Lejeune, NC 28547-2521 . Subject: Permit Revision P-512 Property Control Facility (Future Development) N62470-01-13-1035 Stormwater Project No. SW8 970847 Modification Onslow County Dear Cdr. Scanlan: On February 6, 2002, the Wilmington Regional Office received a revision to Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 970847, MCAS Tactical Support Van Pads. The original permit allotted 69,696 square feet of future development to drain to the pond. The P-512 Property Control Facility is proposing to utilize 60,048 square feet of that amount, leaving 9,648 square feet leftover for future development. We are forwarding you an approved copy of the P-512 plans for your files. Please add these to the original 1998 approved plans to make one new set of approved plans. Please be aware that all terms and conditions of the permit issued on January 28,1998, remain in full force and effect. Please also understand that the approval of this revision to the State Stormwater Permit is done on a case -by -case basis. Any other changes to this project must be approved by this office prior to construction. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to call me at (910)395-3900. Sincerely, A507A � �-u Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS\arl: S:\WQS\ST-OpRMWAT\REVISION\970847.MAR cc: L-i`nda LCWis Leonard Harrell, P.E., LANTDIVNAVFACENGCOM City of Jacksonville Building Inspections Central Files N.C. Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, N.C. 28405 (910) 395-3900 Fax (910) 350-2004 Customer Service 800-623-7748 Permit No. sW `% o rV7 Mod �811 APR 1 y 2004 Date: Engineer Certification I, (�i A as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having 1}een authorized to observe periodically the construction of the Project/�S/Z ///oOr'�rr C•. ��•C . , Camp Lejeune, North Carolina for the Permittee hereby slate that to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. Noted deviations form approved plans and specifications: Signature: � Registration No. /</C /Sl/ Z 6 Date: (1Z131 NAM FAGU15 FI NONG COMMAND DESIGN DIVISION CI45 1510 Gilbert Street NORFOLK, VA. 23511-2699 4-Feb-02 Memorandum From: Leonard M. Harrell, PE To: Linda Lewis, Environmental Engineer, NCDENR I' i ,816i FEB 0 6 2002 D W �^ PROJ #� �" " T Gu lzve, de✓e/0 PMe4t Subj.: P-512 Property Control Facility - Future On -Site Allowed Impervious Area, Division of Water Quality Permit No. SW8 970847 Enclosures: 1. G-101, C-101, C-103, and SW-101 (2 copies) 2. Permit No. SW8 970847 (2 copies) Dear Ms. Lewis, This is to notify the Division of Water Quality, Depatment of Environment and Natural Resources, of the intent of MCAS New River to construct P-512 Property Control Facility as future development under the permit issued 28 Jan 1998, Tactical Support Van Pad, SWS 970847. The Division of Water Quality Stormwater Management Permit for the Tactical Support Van Pad project, SW8 970847, allowed for 69,696 ft2 of additional BUA for future development. P-512 Property Control Facility is to utilize 60,048 ft2 (5578.66m2) of this approved BUA. The impervious area is defined as: Road — 3,666 ft2 (340.58 m2), Building — 14,967 ft2 (1390.46 m2), and Parking — 41,415 ft2 (3847.62 m2). Asper permit requirements, the stormwater collection system will be connected to the existing system provided by the Tactical Support Van Pads project to prevent short-circuiting in the stormwater management pond. Enclosure I are two copies of plans indicating the location of the impervious area for inclusion in the permit file. Also included is a copy of Permit No. SW8 970847 as enclosure 2. Thank you, Leonard M. Harrell, PE Atlantic Division Naval Facilities Engineering Command Norfolk, Virginia Phone: 757 322-4290 Fax : 757 322-4280 Harrelllm@efdlant.navfac.nav DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY OFFICER IN CHARGE OF CONTRACTS RESIDENTOFFICER IN CHARGE, OF CONTILACI'S NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING CONINIAND CONI'RACI'S 1005 MICIIAEL ROAD CAMP LEJEUNE, NC 28547-2521 State of North Carolina Department of Environment Health & Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Attn: Linda Lewis RECEIVED SEP 13 2001 BY: TELEPHONE: 910-451-2581 FAX 910-451-5899 IN REPLY REFER To N62470-96-C-6042 JAX/AI/jjy 30 Aug 01 Re: Contract N62470-96-C-6042, Tactical Support Van Pad, Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina PERMIT # SW8970847 Gentlemen: This letter herein certifies that all requirements of the referenced permit were complied with in the construction of the referenced contract. For further information contact the undersigned at 910 451-2583. Encl: Sincerely, VANN MARSHBURN, P.E. Supervisory Assistant Officer In Charge of Contracts Quality Performance ... Quality Results —° DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY -, OFFICER IN CHARGE OF CONTRACTS RESIDENT OFFICER IN CHARGE OF CONTRACTS ' NAVAL FACILITIES ENGINEERING COMMAND CONTRACTS _ 1005 MICHAEL ROAD CAMP LEJEUNE, NC 28547-2521 State of North Carolina Department of Environment Health & Natural Resources Wilmington Regional Office Division of Water Quality 127 Cardinal Dr. Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Attn: Linda Lewis TELEPHONE: 910-451.2581 FAX 910-451-5899 R RRPLV REFER TO: N62470-96-C-6042 JAX/A I/j jy 30 Aug 01 Re: Contract N62470-96-C-6042, Tactical Support Van Pad, Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina PERMIT#SW8970847/S1))p 14 Gentlemen: This letter herein certifies that all requirements of the referenced permit were complied with in the construction of the referenced contract. For further information contact the undersigned at 910 451-2583. Encl: Sincerely, VANN MARSHBURN, P.E. Supervisory Assistant Officer In Charge of Contracts Quality Performance ... Quality Results I I I O FY02 MCAS NEW RIVER APPROVED -512 I�a mnsM OF WATER Guam ZO 1441C 2a�Z �q{2L JACKSONVILLE, N. C. RECEIVED FEB 0 6 2002 W -7 PROD # jIgRoJ,4 T NUMBER INDICATES SECTION --LETTER INDICATES ELEVATION OR DETAIL SHEET NUMBER WHERE ELEVATION, SECTION C2 C3 OR DETAIL IS TAKEN C3, Ci SHEET NUMBER WHERE ADOITICNAL SHEET ELEVATION, SECTION, REFERENCES OR DETAIL IS DRAWN ELEVATION, SECTION, OR DETAIL SYMBOL N62470-01 rr u56] m t G-C Ire B A 1 1 - 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 I i c U € � a W owE o0 o_ 0 30 SSj oN CgLl + ryryE / / rr J rWOODS JJ J 3.000 UNE J 5 0 III J I. pal 1 J a 37.62 o c J I 1.500 — \ SSA RT=41.220 I �rt�— ,1 DIST RT=41.350 >CC >11CC1 >-JV[ d FOR RETAININ( oa r WAIL DETAILS a II B B-5 STA 434.330 I < I DIST Ri=41.3.350 «( ) I,yI J 3ii � I 9d z { E Z of Q E f I U ooj)) 3 o I gs iCjtjJ B-6 G a Wf II UR?� 3 N wa3fl m f II fl I 31I � 0 � I I WOODS UNE� �\\ E g1t. PKGNG pt NEW WOODS LINE ?) \\ LOt LED PKG. 0l NI 18.500 P-51 2 F PROPERTY C-101 C-501 CONTROLB_2 FACILITY 1.500 iO 'I 100 WIDE PAINT STRIPE (TyP-) 2.750(TYP.) 63.250 1 B-4 6.000 CONC. PARKING BUMPER M C- \ AT EACH PARKING SPACE. C-L0] C-501 / NOTE: NEW UTILITY STRUCTURES ARE NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY. FOR LOCATION OF UTILITY STRUCTURES SEE LAYOUT PLAN B-7 B B-8 E. GWPLL All 0') Q \ PPG G�p` PGEI V, 1:300 0 5 10 20 30m 1 :300 4 5 omc.m . MH TAR .�'a...ws POW � s z J F- z I— i p J � x U a Q YZ O g > a a F- Z O z o 5 a F- CK Ld o CL ' O g o z 0L a= w 05-0' 2470-01- W44567 5 D 3 { 0 I �I Ili II 11 /^I jfl 11 1\Illllljlll / \ .,"(�9 "00 `1` III 1 I I I w°p0omm PaNEs clx �Jl%/t I \ I I I I 656 m ;� // llogiii79�1 I I I I som yNEW�\ -woo ��E \ \ 93-%r_: %s NEW �NEW� // Tri'7.aoo- - I I I I 1 I I TM i�°a 7.300 - _7.25 r:3oo II 1'II III I ICI I .�' ,// i [WkO1°As�„/'� // _ - IVI'Iij`?bjll rl�l hae /�ii/5.0�"7j/ j/ - ".. 7. -7.25 ,I T i 11 I I I IEl I II , �t /,�/j / iTW 740 a%. Jzas6l i/ / 7s65 / 7.555 7 450 %/ 450 a STORM D RM DRAINAGE SCHEDULE CTURE ATA CATCH BASIN Ol STA 0+414.144 DIST RT-13.050 RIM - 6.900 INV. - 5.966 CATCH BASIN Q STA 0+471.224 DIST RT-29.400 RIM - 7.100 INV. - 6.102 CATCH BASIN O3 STA 0+447.789 DIST RT-29.400 RIM - 7.100 INV. (N)- 6.031 `\ INV. (S)- 5.981 CATCH BASIN © STA 0+424.314 I - I , I f I 1 1� I B, \ /yi >�i� / / 7 aso, / : \ p DIST RT-29.40) t�fT^ cl / 'lJ �i /iC�i_ / % i''/ r q3 /7.3 \ 506 I RIM - 7.100 �� I IT- ��P I\ / /// 6. �4qO. / i,/ ice., / - -7sso _ _„Wrs9D/ / / s 1 \ \ I INV. (N)- 5.910 CATCH BASIN /� / /, • / - / / _ ® \ l \ \ \V 60> INV. (W)- 5.910 ® STA 0+424.314 z�0 �»^ / / / N / / ^ f% / / ^ v \ \ \ \ 3 \ E p0 a0, INV. (E)- 5.860 GIST Rf-85.080 Q lC,, '19��Irll�llll ,� o w l r IIj�/IIIIIIIIILII IF /'� i I IIIIIIjII�II1�IIa I I�, � , 1/ � IIjII'I,IIIIIJz II II/ a 111III If.I 1 1 ll$ I� � I I i I�'hs"��Ijllljlll'�6 f'I I / yli�l �,{Illllilllll:,�p I X/ IIII 1 {Illlllilllji)�)l d l// I I jl IIII i; I �e I IIII Illilll'llllll�l��'Cy I I Q'''�pll IIIIIII I 1\ j l l l l l 61 fl 1 I � I I£ I PIYIt' B JJQ�. sly �7ala 1 �LJ ial 11 jjjA toI0I 7�00 I I jjI I 7. ia�N i�31� II / it �IIIIIIIIIIIIF� /I II <IIIIIIiIIIIjsII I II II �IIIIIIIIIIIi� � I to II o tlljj1i11111I�Fl I �* 11 �'ill�jlllf I j31I I II � �III'a I II I I _- rvo PIPE DATA 1Q- 4Q IBM 0375 O 0.31E OZ -Q3 23M 0375 O 0.31E O3 -O4 23M 0375 O 0.31E O4 - SQ 28M 0460 O 0.20E QS - 10 28M 0460 O 0.50E O8 - 7O 14M 0375 0 0.31E O7 - BO 20M 0375 O 0.31E OB - 90 23M 0375 O 0.31E O9 - 10 23M 6375 O 0.31E 10 - 11 36M r600 O 0.20E 11 - 12 46M 0600 0 0.20E 2 iT r• L45 / / / / / N .)*� \ / W RIM - 7.100 / / / 0' / _ 1 n 1 \ \ / CATCH BASIN INV. (N)- 5.814 a^xs I/ / / / - - i / Q STA 0+424.314 INV. (W)- 5.614 7s00 7.585 / / / / / 7.585 • 7.500 <7. T 0 \ DIST RT-57.230 INV. (E)- 5.584 / RIM - 7.100 \ \ \ r I /7s55 7.590 / / / 7.590 7.555 = \ \ '� 'o3 / INV. (M')- 5.804 CATCH BASIN \7.350 7,250.E I/ / / / / ,B�',I1 I 7.250 I \ \ / INV. (E)- 5.754 11 STA 0+424.314 /Tu / / / / \ \' DIST RT-121.790 G / 1 .. 1 1 \ CATCH BASIN RIM - 6.850 ( F n / / / / I s� 8 STA 0+485.480 \\\ //' i� / / < \ ✓ ) 1 1 \ \ 0DIST INV. (W)- 5.442 �'• 7sa5 -x- 7spo I \ \ /� // RIM -�i soot INV. (S)- S.H2 < \ I \ /// e ° \ INV. - 6.011 EXIST CATCH BASIN / 19/ /w \ % EXIST. RIM = 7.038 MANHOLE o I� IIII I I\ ^3O1 T� 7.450 ' xs.a' N O7 STA 0�+485. NC RIM RAISE DOST DIST TO 7-71.000 U5011 f II \ 1 I I n I I \\ \ ` , � is RIM - 7.220 - INV. (N) - -5.350 INV. = 5.250 \ / I 1 1 7.350 \\ 65�_- - 2 INV. (W) 5.968 \ \I D f I 7.555 7.590 / \ 7.590 n ==-" \ INV. (5)- 5.918 IIP3910 , moo, AIA, I 7.555 7.590FF=7.60(Y I : I \�-"CATCH BASIN 7.555 Yoi DIST RT4si.222o NOTES: • 7.590 7.450 725 I I 1. ALL STORM DRAINAGE ry5 II. ,I 17,aoo. `,n, z45D I I I / I onv'S RIM - ztoo PIPING SHALL BE 12 GA. 1• a \ • \ \ - / 7.555 I I INV. (N)- 5.856 7.461111111 \\V A \j�)A''I) / 7.250 7.250 f I IV i 1 INV. (S)- 5.816 CMP. 7.400 III I+� \ \ ^a \;( I ?5 ,1 7.25 �0 I I 11 STACAT0 BASIN 2. TEMPORARY III �,�. 0 DIST O f Si0 BENCHMARK LOCATION ,7I35bx n ��,yJ > 1- 1- I - - 6450 -� - - - A450� - - - - * - - - 0600 . - - # RIM - 7.t 00 AND ELEVATION ON SHEET �j II�YJJ / INV. (N)- 5.735 C-001. \ \ PS 1 \ INV. (S)- 5.685 7.25 7.350 7.350 FH .__- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -G-0e- - _ _- ,------------------------------ �\ I\/// //-------------------------- t \�\\\\\ \ \\ o ___--__-__________- -'teo - ---- - ~ -- \ \\\\\\\ \ III i 1 f l l I I A I v 0900O PLUG. i 1j1 11 Ill I' I I I I I I v PROVIDE CONNECTION Tl� 0900 CMP TEE. I 2�iec�0�t1pp011.\ GRADING AND STORM DRAINAGE PLAN 0 s 10 20 30M t 300 1:300 4 5 M 1ML - TAR a- POQWWo- o J z s a a U w v Ll j Z Z_ a� J < j O o o Ee z z () O O z U Q z F- OI Lv z i d ¢ < 3 c b c z d 3 � i o £ � 0.1:300' vn O'_ -C-103 3 c QOOpomm Ab p1NE5 501^m I NEW ROAD 3666 SF (304.58 SM) WOODS LINE NEW WOODS LINE NEW WOODS LINE- NEW PARKING 14967 SF (1390.46 SM) oK0 01 WPC AA \\ GONO \ PKO. �01 GONO — lolly OftP55 \ PP0 EXISTING STORMWATER MANAGEMENT POND PERMIT NO. SW8 970847 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT -IMPERVIOUS AREAS 1 : 300 gP. P KO. �01 E d,E LMH LMH —R aDW o�rQ U 3 � Z e w } z N J y tl5S < y <L z Z 110 J w w� U z¢ F- � H E� U Z 0 ¢O / H F> U g �w a r o w W o € 3 d' - z moo P-512 05-01-1035 _ 0 r -Q w, JOK11 \ N62470-01-B-1035 0 5 10 20 30m _ > �a 1 :300 SW— 1 01 3