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SW8960424_HISTORICAL FILE_20220603
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 %042L1 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS © HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2022 0e 03 YYYYMMDD 0. -fNorth Carolina Department of Environinental Quality 1 Division of Energy, hfinetal and land Resources '�::EJJ/ Wilmington Regional Office 1127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 ... /'�/ 910.796.7215 State StormwaterParniit No: SW8 966 - P2EC 2a DN EQ orth Carolina Depaitmcnt of Envfto chtal Quality I Division of Energy. Krieral and Land Ftrsources lMlmngton Regional Office 1127 CardlnalDrive .Extension I 'Nilmington. North Carolina 28405 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 960424 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENERGY, MINERAL AND LAND RESOURCES POST CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT In compliance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, and other applicable Laws. Rules, and Regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, including 15A NCAC 02H.1000 (1995 Rules) as subsequently amended on January 1, 2017 (2017 Rules) (collectively, the "stormwater rules"), PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Carteret Community College Carteret Community College 3505 Arendell Street, Morehead City, Carteret County FOR THE construction, management, operation and maintenance of built -upon area (BUA) for one (1) area of redevelopment (the "redevelopment area") as well as BUA draining to four (4) stormwater control measures ("stormwater control measures" or "SCMs") discharging to Class SA-HQW waters as outlined in the application, approved stormwater management plans, supplement, calculations, operation and maintenance agreement, recorded documents, specifications, and other supporting data (the "approved plans and specifications") as attached and/or on file with and approved by the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (the "Division" or "DEMLR"). The project shall be constructed, operated, and maintained in accordance with these approved plans and specifications. The approved plans and specifications are incorporated by reference and are enforceable part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until July 16, 2022, and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations. The permit issued shall continue in force and effect until the permittee files a request with the Division for a permit modification, transfer, renewal, or rescission; however, these actions do not stay any condition. The issuance of this permit does not prohibit the Director from reopening and modifying the permit, revoking, and reissuing the permit, or terminating the permit for cause as allowed by the laws, rules, and regulations contained in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000 and NCGS 143-215.1 et.al. APPLICABLE RULES. The drainage areas and SCM(s) identified as "SW8 960424, System #1, Wet Pond with Infiltration", "SW8 960424 System #5, Redevelopment Area w/ Cistern", "SW8 970426 Infiltration Basin", and "SW8 020908 Infiltration Basin w/ Storage Pond" are subject to the 1995 Rules. The "SW8 960424 Redevelopment Area" is subject to the 2017 rules. 2. BUA REQUIREMENTS. The maximum amount of BUA allowed for the entire project is 791,805 square feet. The runoff from all BUA within the permitted drainage areas of this project must be directed into the permitted SCMs. The BUA requirements and allocations for this project are as follows: Page 1 of 10 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 960424 a. REDEVELOPMENT. The redevelopment portion of this project is exempt from State Stormwater permitting requirements under the following conditions: i. The project must be constructed as shown on the plans submitted to this Office. ii. The redevelopment area proposes impervious area as described in Attachment B. 53,500 square feet of BUA available in the future outside of the permitted drainage areas. iii. The proposed stormwater control vegetated sheet flow and rainwater harvesting provides equal protection of surface waters as the existing stormwater control of vegetated sheet flow. b. SCM BUA LIMITS. The SCMs have been designed to handle the runoff from impervious area within the delineated drainage areas as summarized in Attachment B. c. CAMA AECs. Where a project or lot is located within CAMA's Area of Environmental Concern (AEC), the Division of Coastal Management (DCM) may calculate a different maximum BUA based on CAMA regulations. The more restrictive BUA limit will apply to the project. 3. PERVIOUS AREA IMPROVEMENTS. At this time, none of the pervious area improvements listed in G.S. 143-214.7(b2) or the Stormwater Design Manual have been proposed for this project. Pervious area improvements will be allowed in this project if documentation is provided demonstrating those improvements meet the requirements of the stormwater rule. Page 2 of 10 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 960424 4. SCM REQUIREMENTS. The SCM requirements for this project are as follows: a. SCM DESIGN. The four SCMs listed in Attachment B are permitted based on the following design criteria and as shown in the approved plans and specifications. These SCMs must be provided and maintained at the design condition. SW8 960424 - SYSTEM 1 Water Body Receiving Stormwater Runoff: Bogue Sound Classification of Water Body: "SA" Total Impervious Surfaces Allowed: 17,581 square feet Depth: Required Surface Area: Provided Surface Area: Permanent Pool Elevation: Bottom Elevation: Design Pool Elevation: Required Volume: Provided Volume: Type of Soil: Expected Infiltration Rate: Drawdown: Depth to Seasonal High Water Table: WET POND INFILTRATION 4.5' 1,424 square feet 2,331 square feet 9.2 MSL 4.7 MSL 10.05 MSL 2,088 cubic feet 2,195 cubic feet N/A N/A .75" pipe N/A T N/A 5,747 square feet N/A 14 MSL 14.7 MSL 2,088 cubic feet 4,295 cubic feet Sand fill .52" per hour 17.2 hours <2' Page 3 of 10 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 960424 SW8 960424 — SYSTEM 5 — Cistern/Rainwater Harvesting System (To Provide "Equal or Greater Treatment" for a Redeveloped Area) Water Body Receiving Stormwater Runoff: Bogue Sound Classification of Water Body: "SA" Total Impervious Surfaces Allowed: 2,341 square feet Cistern Requirements: 1. The Rainwater Harvesting System must consist of the following major components: a. A collection system; b. A pre-treatment device to minimize gross and coarse solids collection in the tank, c. A cistern or other storage device; d. An overflow; and e. A distribution system. 2. Fate of Captured Water: Captured stormwater shall be used or discharged as follows: a. Use to meet a water demand. The usage, type, volume, frequency, and seasonality of water demand shall be established and justified, b. Discharge through a passive drawdown device to a vegetated infiltration area or another SCM; or c. A combination of use and passive discharge. 3. Sizing: The Rainwater Harvesting System shall be considered as a primary SCM because the system is sized and water demand and passive discharge for 85 percent of the total annual runoff volume as demonstrated through water balance calculations. 4. Water Balance Calculations: The system has been designed using the NCSU Rainwater Harvester model. 5. Distribution System: The distribution system shall be tested for functionality prior to the completion of the rainwater harvesting system. 6. Signage: All harvested rainwater outlets such as spigots and hose bibs, and appurtenances shall be labeled as "Non -Potable Water' to warn the public and others that the water is not intended for drinking. Passive drawdown devices, when employed, shall be marked with identifying signage or labels that are visible to owners and maintenance personnel. 7. Setbacks: The concrete basins located in the buffer are necessary to bring seawater into the system and have therefore been determined to be water -dependent structures which are allowed per. 1003(4)(d)(ii), effective January 1, 2017. Page 4 of 10 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 960424 Infiltration Basin* (Previously SW8 970426) a. Drainage Area, acres: Onsite, ft2: Offsite, ft2: b. Total Impervious Surfaces, ft2: Onsite, ft2: Offsite, ft2: c. Design Storm, inches: d. Basin Depth, feet: e. Bottom Elevation, FMSL: f. Bottom Surface Area, ft2: g. Bypass Weir Elevation, FMSL: h. Permitted Storage Volume, ft3: 3.39 147,492 0 114,292 114,292 0 1.5 3.0 12.0 6,033 15.0 23,070 i. Predevelopment 1 yr 24 hr peak flow, cfs: n/a (1995 rules) j. Post -development 1 yr 24 hr peak flow, cfs: n/a (1995 rules) k. Type of Soil: I. Expected Infiltration Rate, in/hr: m. Seasonal High Water Table, FMSL: n. Time to Draw Down, hours: o. Receiving Stream/River Basin: p. Stream Index Number: q. Classification of Water Body: *A 50' vegetated filter is required. Sandy Historic Dredge Fill 6.0 8.0 <8 Bogue Sound / WOK 20-36-(8.5) "SA" Page 5 of 10 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 960424 Infiltration Basin with Storage Pond (Previously SW8 020908) a. Receiving Stream/Index #: Bogue Sound, WOK/03 20-36-(8.5) b. Classification of Water Body: "SA" C. Proposed System: Infiltration Basin' w/ separate storage pond d. Drainage Area, acres: 5.34 Onsite, ft2: 232,665 Offsite, ft2: 0 e. Total Impervious Surfaces, ft2: 135,864 Infiltration Basin Storage Pond f. Basin Depth, feet: 3.15 4.0 g. TSS removal efficiency: 85% (a 50' vegetated filter is required) h. Bottom Elevation, FMSL: 17.75 5.0 i. Permitted Surface Area, ft2: 4,035 @17.75 15,902 @8.0 j. Permitted Storage Volume, ft3: 17,046 16,795 k. Temporary Storage Elevation: 20.9 FMSL 9.0 I. Controlling Orifice: Bypass weir Pump to basin M. Type of Soil: Wando n. Expected Infiltration Rate: 3 inches per hour o. Time to Draw Down: 4.5 days P. SHWT Elevation: 15.5 FMSL 'The runoff will drain by gravity through two separate manholes to an unlined storage pond where it will be pumped via a force main to the infiltration basin at a maximum rate of 60 gpm. The storage elevation in the storage pond is elevation 9. The incoming runoff in excess of the 1.5" design storm in the storage pond will flow over the bypass weirs and into the vegetated filter. Page 6 of 10 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 960424 b. DISCHARGES IN EXCESS OF THE DESIGN STORM TO SA WATERS. The volume in excess of the design storm must flow overland through a level spreader and 50-foot vegetated filter strip designed per 15A NCAC 02H.1008(f) to pass the peak flow from the 10- year storm in a diffuse, non -erosive manner. c. ALTERNATIVE DESIGNS. (The stormwater system is permitted as an alternative to the requirements under 15A NCAC 02H.1008(h) of the rules effective in 1995. The proposed system provides equal or better stormwater control, equal or better protection of surface waters, and result in no increased potential for nuisance conditions. If the proposed system is later found to not meet the intent of the stormwater rules, a modification must be submitted to either meet the requirements or propose another variation from the rules. The alternative systems are the wet pond with infiltration and the infiltration basin with a storage pond. This is based on a case -by -case decision and should not be used as a precedent for future permitting actions. 5. RECORDED DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS. The stormwater rules require the following documents to be recorded with the Office of the Register of Deeds. a. ACCESS AND/OR EASEMENTS. The entire stormwater conveyance system, including any SCMs, and maintenance accesses must be located in public rights -of -way, dedicated common areas that extend to the nearest public right-of-way, and/or permanent recorded easements that extend to the nearest public right-of-way for the purpose of inspection, operation, maintenance, and repair. 6. CONSTRUCTION. During construction, erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the on -site stormwater system will be repaired immediately. a. PROJECT CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. During construction, all operation and maintenance for the project shall follow the Erosion Control Plan requirements until the Sediment -Erosion Control devices are converted to SCMs or no longer needed. Once the device is converted to a SCM, the permittee shall provide and perform the operation and maintenance as outlined in the applicable section below. SCM RESTORATION. If one or more of the SCMs are used as an Erosion Control device and/or removed or destroyed during construction, it must be restored to the approved state stormwater design condition prior to close-out of the erosion control plan and/or project completion and/or transfer of the state stormwater permit. Upon restoration, a new or updated certification will be required for the SCM(s) and a copy must be submitted to the appropriate DEQ regional office. Page 7 of 10 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 960424 MODIFICATIONS. No person or entity, including the permittee, shall alter any component shown in the approved plans and specifications. Prior to the construction of any modification to the approved plans, the permittee shall submit to the Director, and shall have received approval for modified plans, specifications, and calculations including, but not limited to, those listed below. For changes to the project or SCM that impact the certifications, a new or updated certification(s), as applicable, will be required and a copy must be submitted to the appropriate DEQ regional office upon completion of the modification. a. Any modification to the approved plans and specifications, regardless of size including the SCM(s), BUA, details, etc. b. Redesign or addition to the approved amount of BUA or to the drainage area. c. Further development, subdivision, acquisition, lease or sale of any, all or part of the project and/or property area as reported in the approved plans and specifications. d. Altering, modifying, removing, relocating, redirecting, regrading, or resizing of any component of the approved SCM(s), stormwater collection system and/or vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan. e. The construction of any allocated future BUA. f. The construction of any permeable pavement, #57 stone area, public trails, or landscaping material to be considered a permeable surface that were not included in the approved plans and specifications. g. Other modifications as determined by the Director. DESIGNER'S CERTIFICATION. Upon completion of construction, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, and prior to operation of this permitted facility, the permittee shall cause a certification from an appropriate designer for the system installed to be submitted, certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification. A modification may be required for those deviations. 9. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE. The permittee shall provide and perform the operation and maintenance necessary, as listed in the signed operation and maintenance agreement, to assure that all components of the permitted on -site stormwater system are maintained at the approved design condition. The approved operation and maintenance agreement must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals. a. CORRECTIVE ACTIONS REQUIRED. If the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, the permittee shall take immediate corrective actions. This includes actions required by the Division and the stormwater rules such as the construction of additional or replacement on - site stormwater systems. These additional or replacement measures shall receive a permit from the Division prior to construction. b. MAINTENANCE RECORDS. Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of the Division. The records will indicate the date, activity, name of person performing the work and what actions were taken. 10. PERMIT RENEWAL. A permit renewal request must be submitted at least 180 days prior to the expiration date of this permit. The renewal request must include the appropriate application, documentation and the processing fee as outlined in 15A NCAC 02H.1045(3). 11. CURRENT PERMITTEE NAME OR ADDRESS CHANGES. The permittee shall submit a completed Permit Information Update Application Form to the Division within 30 days to making any one or more of the following changes: a. A name change of the current permittee; b. A name change of the project, c. A mailing address change of the permittee. Page 8 of 10 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 960424 12. TRANSFER. This permit is not transferable to any person or entity except after notice to and approval by the Director. Neither the sale of the project and/or property, in whole or in part, nor the conveyance of common area to a third party constitutes an approved transfer of the permit. TRANSFER REQUEST. The transfer request must include the appropriate application, documentation and the processing fee as outlined in 15A NCAC 02H.1045(2) and must be submitted upon occurrence of any one or more of the following events: i. The sale or conveyance of the project and/or property area in whole or in part, ii. Dissolution of the partnership, corporate, or LLC entity, subject to NCGS 55-14-05 or NCGS 57D-6-07 and 08; iii. Bankruptcy; iv. Foreclosure, subject to the requirements of Session Law 2013-121, b. TRANSFER INSPECTION. Prior to transfer of the permit, a file review and site inspection will be conducted by Division personnel to ensure the permit conditions have been met and that the project and the on -site stormwater system complies with the permit conditions. Records of maintenance activities performed to date may be requested. Projects not in compliance with the permit will not be transferred until all permit and/or general statute conditions are met. 13. COMPLIANCE. The permittee is responsible for complying with the terms and conditions of this permit and the approved plans and specifications until the Division approves the transfer request. a. REVIEWING AND MONITORING FOR COMPLIANCE. The permittee is responsible for verifying that the proposed BUA within each drainage area and for the entire project does not exceed the maximum amount allowed by this permit. The permittee shall review and routinely monitor the project to ensure continued compliance with the conditions of the permit, the approved plans and specifications. b. APPROVED PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. A copy of this permit, approved plans, application, supplement, operation and maintenance agreement, all applicable recorded documents, and specifications shall be maintained on file by the permittee at all times. c. DIVISION ACCESS. The permittee grants Division Staff permission to enter the property during normal business hours to inspect all components of the permitted project. d. ENFORCEMENT. Any individual or entity found to be in noncompliance with the provisions of a stormwater management permit or the requirements of the stormwater rules is subject to enforcement procedures as set forth in NCGS 143 Article 21. e. OBTAINING COMPLIANCE. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of the permit. Within the time frame specified in the notice, the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of modified plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made. f. OTHER PERMITS. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the permittee from obtaining and complying with any and all other permits or approvals that are required for this development to take place, as required by any statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances, which are imposed by any other Local, State or Federal government agency having jurisdiction. Any activities undertaken at this site that cause a water quality violation or undertaken prior to receipt of the necessary permits or approvals to do so are considered violations of NCGS 143-215.1, and subject to enforcement procedures pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6. Page 9 of 10 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 960424 Permit modified, updated, and reissued this the 31 day of June 2022 NORTH C�ARROL_, INA_ ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION CQVI//�4 Brian Wrenn, Director Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number SW8 960424 Page 10 of 10 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 960424 Attachment A.1 - Designer's Certification - SW8 960424 - System #1 - Wet Pond with Infiltration Carteret Community College Stormwater Permit No. SW8 960424 Carteret County Engineer's Certification I, , as a duly registered Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/weekly/full time) the construction of the project, ct) for (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. Noted deviations from approved plans and specification: Signature Registration Number Date cc: NCDEQ-DEMLR Regional Office Inspector, Town of Morehead City Building Inspections Page 1 of 5 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 960424 Attachment A.2 - Designer's Certification - SW8 970426 - Infiltration Basin Carteret Community College (Center for Marine Science and Technology) Stormwater Permit No. SW8 960424 Carteret County Designer's Certification I, , as a duly registered in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/weekly/full time) the construction of the project, (Project) for (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. The checklist of items on page 2 of this form is included in the Certification. Noted deviations from approved plans and specification: Signature Registration Number Date SEAL Page 2 of 5 4 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 960424 Certification Requirements: _1. The drainage area to the system contains approximately the permitted acreage. 2. The drainage area to the system contains no more than the permitted amount of built -upon area. 3. All the built -upon area associated with the project is graded such that the runoff drains to the system. 4. The outlet/bypass structure elevations are per the approved plan. 5. The outlet structure is located per the approved plans. 6. Trash rack is provided on the outlet/bypass structure. 7. All slopes are grassed with permanent vegetation. 8. Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3:1. 9. The inlets are located per the approved plans and do not cause short circuiting of the system. 10. The permitted amounts of surface area and/or volume have been provided. 11. Required drawdown devices are correctly sized per the approved plans. 12. All required design depths are provided such that the design volume is contained. 13. All required parts of the system are provided, such as the vegetated filter, level spreader, storage tanks, pump, etc. 14. The overall dimensions of the system, as shown on the approved plans, are provided. 15. The runoff collection adequately conveys the design storm to the permitted BMP. cc: NCDEQ-DEMLR Regional Office Inspector, Town of Morehead City Building Inspections Page 3 of 5 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 960424 Attachment A.3 - SW8 020908 - Designer's Certification - Infiltration Basin w/ Storage Pond Carteret Community College (Wayne West and Marine Technology Buildings) Stormwater Permit No. SW8 960424 Carteret County Designer's Certification as a duly registered in the State of North Carolina, having been authorized to observe (periodically/ weekly/ full time) the construction of the project, (Project) for (Project Owner) hereby state that, to the best of my abilities, due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. The checklist of items on page 2 of this form is included in the Certification. Noted deviations from approved plans and specification: Signature Registration Number Date SEAL Page 4 of 5 State Stormwater Management Permit No. SW8 960424 Certification Requirements: 1. The drainage area to the system contains approximately the permitted acreage. 2. The drainage area to the system contains no more than the permitted amount of built - upon area. 3. All the built -upon area associated with the project is graded such that the runoff drains to the system. 4. The outlet/bypass structure elevations are per the approved plan. 5. The outlet structure is located per the approved plans. 6. Trash rack is provided on the outlet/bypass structure. 7. All slopes are grassed with permanent vegetation. 8. Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3:1. 9. The inlets are located per the approved plans and do not cause short-circuiting of the system. 10. The permitted amounts of surface area and/or volume have been provided. 11. Required drawdown devices are correctly sized per the approved plans. 12. All required design depths are provided. 13. All required parts of the system are provided, such as a vegetated shelf, and a forebay. 14. The overall dimensions of the system, as shown on the approved plans, are provided. cc: NCDEQ-DEMLR Regional Office Inspector, Town of Morehead City Building Inspections Page 5 of 5 Attachment B -SWS 960424 - Impervious Area Summary Per Drainage Area - 6/3/2022 Outside Drainage 1WI1960424 SW8960424 SW8970426' SW8020908' Areas' System#I System 115, I nfiltration Basin Infiltration Basin w/ Wet Pond with Redevelopment Storage Pond Infiltration Area w/Cistern Rule Subject 1995 & 1017 1995 1995 1995 1995 17,581 2,341 138,068 232,665 Project/ Drainage Area° 0.40 0.05 3.17 5.34 Impervious Area 17,581 0 2,341 2,160 114,292 14,997 135,864 56,402 Onsite Buildings/Lots iit Onsite Streets 0 0 12,199 0 Onsite Parking 17,581 0 45,011 62,536 Onsite Sidewalks 0 0 7,404 9,331 Other Onste 0 0 1,539 7,595 offsite 0 181 0 0 Future Impervious Available Inside a Permitted Drainage Area 53,500 0 0 33,142 0 Future Impervious Available Outside a Permitted Drainage Area 'The redevelopment drainage area was originally permitted in 1995 and was expanded in 2022 to cover more project area. The area added in 2022 is subject to the 2017 rules. Sheet 5 shows the area permitted in 1996. Sheet 1 shows the entire campus area including SWB 190107, which remains permitted separately. The area subject to the 2017 rules is outside of the 1996-permitted area and also outside of SW8190107. 2The property is 38.88ac, and contains 0.52ac coastal wetlands. The resultant project area is 38.36ac. 'These three permits were combined on June 3, 2022. SW8970426 and SW8020908 were rescinded. °The original SWB 960424 permit set 7/16/1996 as the baseline date for redevelopment as shown on Sheet 5 of 25. On that date 188,923sf of impervious was inside SW8 960424. After accounting for the impervious that has since been demolished, impervious that remains, impervious that was built unpermitted, permitted redevelopment from 1996 (57,654sf), permitted redevelopment from 2020 (2,400sf), and a permitted trail added in 2022 (21,205sf), the amount that remains available for redevelopment outside of a permitted drainage area is 53,500sf. Attachment CA - Permitting History Carteret Community College Permit No. SW8 960424 al Approval Permit Action BIMS Description of the Changes Version Alternative Design consisting of 3 Wet Ponds used for pre- 7/16/1996 Original 1.0 treatment of 1.5" of runoff prior to final polishing in Infiltration Approval Ponds and a fourth infiltrations stem (1995 Rules) 12/6/2017 Renewal 2.0 no changes 12/7/2017 Renewal 3.0 no changes I.Drainage Area 5 (System 5 in Permit Text): A new shellfish mariculture demonstration center will be constructed. This project adds 2,341 sf of impervious area treated with a cistern designed per 15A NCAC 02H .1057. The concrete basins located in the buffer 2/23/2018 Major 3.1 are necessary to bring seawater into the system, and have therefore Modification been determined to be water -dependent structures which are allowed per. 1003(4)(d)(ii). The cistern in DA5 was added to establish "equal or greater" stormwater control for this redevelopment permit action. I. Addition of redevelopment area for a green house (2017 Rules) 9/16/2020 Minor 3.2 2. Removal of Ponds 2 & 3 (and polishing infiltration basins) from Modification Permit language due to non -construction. 1. Two permits were combined into SW8 960424; SW8 970426 and SW8 020908. 2. SW8 940419 previously overlapped SW8 960424. It was never constructed and has been rescinded. Major 3. System 4 has been removed from the permit. It was never 6/3/2022 Modification 3.3 constructed. 4. Additional project area has been added to the project as shown on the permitted plan. The entire college is now covered by this permit with the exception of the area that is covered by SW8 190107. 5. A walking trail was added. See Sheet 4 of 25. Page 1 of 1 Attachment C.2 - Permitting History Carteret Community College Permit No. SW8 970426 Approval ; .permit Action RIMS _. Description of the Changes, Date 'Version' Original 10/30/1997 10 Approval 7/15/1999 Major 1.1 Modification Modification 4/24/2013 Renewal 2.0 Renewal Attachment C.3 - Permitting History Carteret Community College Permit No. SW8 970426 Approval Datel` �ermRxAct�on= B1MS Version" °h Descnprio of the Changes 2/12/2003 Original 1.0 Approval 2/27/2004 Major 1.1 Modification Modification DEMLR USE ONLY Date Recei ed Fee Paid Permit Number o a 8.=132205 -t� Leg W424 Applicable Rules: ❑ Cbastal SW -1995 ❑ Coastal SW - 2008 ❑ Ph II - Post Construction (select all that apply) ❑ Non -Coastal SW- HQW/ORW Waters ❑ Universal Stormwater Management Plan ❑ Other WQ Mgmt Plan: State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name (subdivision, facility, or establishment name -should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): Carteret Community College 2. Location of Project (street address): 3505 Arendell Street City:Morehead City County:Carteret Zip:28557 3. Directions to project (from nearest major intersection): From the intersection of US Hwy 70 and NC Hwy 24 take US Hwy 70 East approximately 2.2 miles to Carteret Community College on right. 4. Latitude:34° 43' 28" N Longitude:760 45' 24" W of the main entrance to the project. II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1, a. Specify whether project is (check one): ❑New ®Modification ❑ Renewal w/ Modificationt tRenewals with modifications also requires SWU-102 - Renewal Application Form b.If this application is being submitted as the result of a modification to an existing permit, list the existing permit number SW8 960424 , its issue date (if known) 7/16/1996 and the status of construction: ❑Not Started ®Partially Completed* ❑ Completed* *provide a designer's certification 2. Specify the type of project (check one): ❑Low Density ®High Density []Drains to an Offsite Stormwater System ❑Other 3. If this application is being submitted as the result of a previously returned application or a letter from DEMLR requesting a state stonnwater management permit application, list the stormwater project number, if assigned, and the previous name of the project, if different than currently proposed, 4. a. Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks; information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748): ❑CAMA Major ❑Sedimentation/Erosion Control: ac of Disturbed Area ❑NPDES Industrial Stormwater ❑404/401 Permit: Proposed Impacts b.If any of these permits have already been acquired please provide the Project Name, Project/Permit Number, issue date and the type of each permit: 5. Is the project located within 5 miles of a public airport? [-]No ®Yen _ - If yes, see S.L. 2012-200, Part Vl: http://12ortal.ncdenr.org/web/Ir/rules-and-regulations s _ a`= c •;r; i SEP 13 2021 I Form SWU-101 Version Oct. 31, 2013 Page I of 6 BY- III. CONTACT INFORMATION 1. a. Print Applicant / Signing Official's name and title (specifically the developer, property owner, lessee, designated government official, individual, etc. who owns the oroiect): Applicant/Organization: Carteret Community College Signing Official & Title: Stephen Sparks, Vice -President, Operations & Facilities b. Contact information for person listed in item la above: Street Address:3505 Arendell Street City:Morehead City State:NC Zip:28557 Mailing Address (if applicable): same City: State: Zip: Phone: (252 ) 222-6087 Fax: Email:sparkss®carteret.edu c. Please check the appropriate box. The applicant listed above is: ® The property owner (Skip to Contact Information, item 3a) ❑ Lessee* (Attach a copy of the lease agreement and complete Contact Information, item 2a and 2b below) ❑ Purchaser* (Attach a copy of the pending sales agreement and complete Contact Information, item 2a and 2b below) ❑ Developer* (Complete Contact Information, item 2a and 2b below.) 2. a. Print Property Owner's name and title below, if you are the lessee, purchaser or developer. (This is the person who owns the property that the project is located on): Property Owner/Organization: Signing Official & b. Contact information for person listed in item 2a above: Street Address: City: State: Zip: Mailing Address (if applicable): City: Phone: ( ) State: Zip: Fax: ( ) 3. a. (Optional) Print the name and title of another contact such as the project's construction supervisor or other person who can answer questions about the project: Other Contact Person/Organization: Signing Official & b. Contact information for person listed in item 3a above: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: ( ) Fax: Email: 4. Local jurisdiction for building permits: Point of Contact: Sandi Watkins Phone #: Form SWU-101 Version Oct. 31, 2013 Page 2 of 6 4- 125 ~ 10 2021 IV. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below, briefly summarize how the stormwater runoff will be treated. If constructed prior to, or redevelopment, or did not trigger state stormwater requirements - untreated. Existing SCMs treating runoff include alternative design pre-treatment wet pond and infiltration basin, ---- ----- ---- ---- - -- - 9 a, 2. a. If claiming vested rights, identify the supporting documents provided and the date they we-re`aappro�e` ❑ Approval of a Site Specific Development Plan or PUD Approval Date:Y ❑ Valid Building Permit Issued Date: ❑ Other: Date: b.If claiming vested rights, identify the regulation(s) the project has been designed in accordant ith: ❑ Coastal SW -1995 ❑ Ph II - Post Construction 3. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the White Oak River bas 4. Total Property Area: 38.88 acres 5. Total Coastal Wetlands Area: 0.52 acres 6. Total Surface Water Area: 0 acres 7. Total Property Area (4) - Total Coastal Wetlands Area (5) - Total Surface Water Area (6) = Total Project Area': 38.36 acres ' Total project area shall be calculated to exclude the following the normal goal of impounded structures, the area between the banks of streants and rivers, the area below the Normal Hi h Water (NHW) line or Mean High Water (MHW) line, and coastal wetlands landward from the NHW (or MHX line. The resultant project area is used to calculate overall percent built upon area (BUA). Non -coastal wetlands landward of the NHW (orMHW) line may be included in the total project area. 8. Project percent of impervious area: (Total Impervious Area / Total Project Area) X 100 = 47.52 9. How many drainage areas does the project have? 5 (For high densihj, count 1 for each proposed engineered stormwater BMP. For low densihj and other projects, use 1 for the whole property area) 10. Complete the following information for each drainage area identified in Project Information item 9. If there are more than four drainage areas in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. Oo\ pAS auto SwDA�v al4 Basin Information (Prior Permit No. Drainage Area 1 SW8960424 Drainage Area 5 SW8960429 Drainage Area 6 SW8960424 Drainage Area 1 (SW8970426 Receiving Stream Name Bogue Sound BogueSound BogueSound Bogue Sound Stream Class * SA; HQW SA; HQW SA; HQW SA; HQW Stream Index Number * 20-36-(8.5) 20-36-(8.5) 20-36-(8.5) 20-36-(8.5) Total Drainage Area (so 17,581 2,341 2,400 138,068 On -site Drainage Area (so 17,581 1 2,341 1 2,400 1 138,068 Off -site Drainage Area (so 0 01 0 0 Proposed Impervious Area** (so 17,581 2,341 2,400 114,292 Impervious Area** total 100 100 100 82.78 Impervious" Surface Area Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area 5 Drainage Area 6 Drainage Area 1 On -site Buildings/Lots (so 0 2,160 1,780 14,997 On -site Streets (so 0 0 0 12,199 On -site Parkin (so 17,581 0 0 45,011 On -site Sidewalks so 0 0 49 7,404 Other on -site (so 0 0 571 1,539 Future (so 0 1 0 0 33,142 Off -site (so 0 0 0 0 Existing BUA*** (so 0 181 1 0 0 Total (so: 17,581 2,341 1 2,400 114,292 . * Stream Class and Index Number can be determined at: littpaortal.ncde)ir.or hoR ebhoi7lpslcsu/classiflcations "* Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, parking areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. Form SWU-101 Version Oct. 31, 2013 Page 3 of '**Report only that amount of existing BUA that will remain after development. Do not report any existing BUA that is to be removed and which will be replaced by new B UA. 11. How was the off -site impervious area listed above determined? Provide documentation. N/A Projects in Union County: Contact DEMLR Central Office staff to check if the project is located within a Threatened & Endangered Species watershed that may be subject to more stringent stormwater requirements as per I5A NCAC 02B .0600. V. SUPPLEMENT AND O&M FORMS The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement and operation and maintenance (O&M) forms must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project. The latest versions of the forms can be downloaded from http:/[portal.ncdenr.org/web/wci/ws/su/bmp-manual. VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. A detailed application instruction sheet and BMP checklists are available from http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wg/ws/su/statesw/forms docs. The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DEMLR Office. (The appropriate office may be found by locating project on the interactive online map at httl)://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wg/ws/su/maps.) Please indicate that the following required information have been provided by initialing in the space provided for each item. All original documents MUST be signed and initialed in blue ink. Download the latest versions for each submitted application package from http://portal.ncdennorg/web/wg/ws/su/statesw/forms docs. Init'als 1. Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form. 4' 2. Original and one copy of the signed and notarized Deed Restrictions & Protective Covenants Form. (if required as per Part VII below) 3. Original of the applicable Supplement Form(s) (sealed, signed and dated) and O&M YA agreement(s) for each BMP. 4. Permit application processing fee of $505 payable to NCDENR. (For an Express review, refer to http://www.envhelp.org/pages/onestopexpress.html for information on the Express program and the associated fees. Contact the appropriate regional office Express Permit Coordinator for additional information and to schedule the required application meeting.) 5. A detailed narrative (one to two pages) describing the stormwater treatment/management for 6. A USGS map identifying the site location. If the receiving stream is reported as class SA or the receiving stream drains to class SA waters within 1/2 mile of the site boundary, include the 1/2 mile radius on the map. 7. Sealed, signed and dated calculations (one copy). 8. Two sets of plans folded to 8.5" x 14" (sealed, signed, & dated), including: a. Development/Project name. b. Engineer and firm. c. Location map with named streets and NCSR numbers. d. Legend. e. North arrow. f. Scale. g. Revision number and dates. h. Identify all surface waters on the plans by delineating the normal pool elevation of impounded structures, the banks of streams and rivers, the MHW or NHW line of tidal waters, and any coastal wetlands landward of the MHW or NHW lines. • Delineate the vegetated buffer landward from the normal pool elevation of impou d� .� structures, the banks of streams or rivers, and the MHW (or NHW) of tidal waters ^� i. Dimensioned property/ project boundary with bearings & distances. j. Site Layout with all BUA identified and dimensioned. k. Existing contours, proposed contours, spot elevations, finished floor elevations. Q ?� 1. Details of roads, drainage features, collection systems, and stormwater control meas�i ?r in. Wetlands delineated, or a note on the plans that none exist. (Must be delineated by a qualified person. Provide documentation of qualifications and identify the person who made the determination on the plans. n. Existing drainage (including off -site), drainage easements, pipe sizes, runoff calculations. o. Drainage areas delineated (included in the main set of plans, not as a separate document). Form SWU-101 Version Oct. 31, 2013 Page 4 of 6 p. Vegetated buffers (where required). 9. Copy of any applicable soils report with the associated SHWT elevations (Please identify /V elevations in addition to depths) as well as a map of the boring locations with the existing elevations and boring logs. Include an 8.5"Al" copy of the NRCS County Soils map with the project area clearly delineated. For projects with infiltration BMPs, the report should also include the soil type, expected infiltration rate, and the method of determining the infiltration rate. (Infiltration Devices submitted to WiRO: Schedule a site resit for DEMLR to verifij the SHWT prior to submittal, (910) 796-7378.) n_ 10. A copy of the most current property deed. Deed book: Page No: /�a G(� ed 11. For corporations and limited liability corporations (LLC): Provide documentation from the NC Secretary of State or other official documentation, which supports the titles and positions held by the persons listed in Contact Information, item la, 2a, and/or 3a per 15A NCAC 2H.1003(e). The corporation or LLC must be listed as an active corporation in good standing with the NC Secretary of State, otherwise the application will be returned. http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/Cori2orations/CSearch.aspx VII. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS For all subdivisions, outparcels, and future development, the appropriate property restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. If lot sizes vary significantly or the proposed BUA allocations vary, a table listing each lot number, lot size, and the allowable built -upon area must be provided as an attachment to the completed and notarized deed restriction form. The appropriate deed restrictions and protective covenants forms can be downloaded from httR://12ortal.ncdenr.org/web/Irlstate- stormwater-forms docs. Download the latest versions for each submittal. In the instances where the applicant is different than the property owner, it is the responsibility of the property owner to sign the deed restrictions and protective covenants form while the applicant is responsible for ensuring that the deed restrictions are recorded. By the notarized signature(s) below, the permit holder(s) certify that the recorded property restrictions and protective covenants for this project, if required, shall include all the items required in the permit and listed on the forms available on the website, that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them, that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the NC DEMLR, and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. VIII. CONSULTANT INFORMATION AND AUTHORIZATION Applicant: Complete this section if you wish to designate authority to another individual and/or firm (such as a consulting engineer and/or firm) so that they may provide information on your behalf for this project (such as addressing requests for additional information). Consulting Engineer:lohn R. Freshwater III, PE Consulting Firm: Crystal Coast Engineering, PA Mailing Address:205 Ward Road #3 City:Swansboro State:NC Zip:28584 Phone: (252 ) 503-2440 Email:iohnfh2o@gmail.com Fax:( ) none IX. PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION (if Contact Information, item 2 has been filled out, complete this section) I, (print or hjpe name of person listed in Contact Information, item 2a) , certify that I own the property identified in this permit application, and thus give permission to (print or hjpe name of person listed in Contact Information, item la) with (print or type name of organization listed in Contact Information, item la) to develop the project as currently proposed. A copy of the lease agreement or pending property sales contract has been provided with the submittal which indicates the party responsible for the operation and maintenance of the stormwater system. h' "' 10 2021 Form SWU-101 Version Oct. 31, 2013 Page 5 of 6 As the legal property owner I acknowledge, understand, and agree by my signature below, that if my designated agent (entity listed in Contact Information, item 1) dissolves their company and/or cancels or defaults on their lease agreement, or pending sale, responsibility for compliance with the DEMLR Stormwater permit reverts back to me, the property owner. As the property owner, it is my responsibility to notify DEMLR immediately and submit a completed Name/Ownership Change Form within 30 days; otherwise 1 will be operating a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit. I understand that the operation of a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit is a violation of NC General Statue 143-215.1 and may result in appropriate enforcement action including the assessment of civil penalties of up to $25,000 per day, pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6. Signatu a Notary Public for the State of do hereby certify that before me this _ day of County of personally appeared and acknowledge the due execution of the application for a stormwater permit. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My commission expires X. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION I, (print or hype mmne of person listed in Contact Information, item 1a) Stephen Sparks certify that the information included on this permit application form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans, that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants will be recorded, and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of the applicable stormwater rules and -15A NCAC 2H .1000 and any other applicable state stormwater requirements. Signature- ''.. -//sl Date: a Notary 1Public for the /State of A%✓Wl �� �"� , County of (' (n-{1/-2,1— , do hereby certify that S'ie/ihe-"` 5964-5 personally appeared before me this .21 day of JUVAI �2021 " and acknowledge tl}g due execution of the application for a stormwater permit. Witness my hand and official seal, %/J `111111111p� MV R9$�''�i <tt (ARy =p V= J PUB%>u Z i / OTE Re SEAL My commission expires1 /2/ 1/2 `/ SEA 1 2021 Form SWU-101 Version Oct. 3 1. 20 13 Page 6 of Johnson, Kelly From: Johnson, Kelly Sent: Wednesday, March 2, 2022 3:49 PM To: 'John Freshwater'; John Wade Cc: 'Stephen Sparks' Subject: RE: [External] Carteret Community College SW8 960424 pending modification & Muti- Use Path / Trail John, As we discussed I understand that you had planned to have been able to have re -submitted the package with the plans by Monday of this week, but that that had not been possible. I will log this email as the second request for additional information. Please respond by 3/17/22. Thanks, Kelly kceLLUJOh V"SOVL Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Phone: 910.796.7335 Note Change in Phone Number From: John Freshwater <John. F@crystalcoastengi neering.com> Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2022 12:06 PM To: John Wade <john@arendellengineers.com>; Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov> Cc: 'Stephen Sparks' <spa rkss@ca rteret.ed u>; Hall, Christine <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Carteret Community College SW8 960424 pending modification & Muti-Use Path /Trail CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open. attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam.. Hi Everyone Considering the email below from John Wade, PE (whom it is a great pleasure to work with), I deeply apologize (feel bad) for having so misunderstood the college's (Mr. Sparks and Dr. Mancini) requests / needs. Kelly & Christine — I am very sorry for aggravating y'all. Thank you for the suggested means to more expeditiously permit the impervious sidewalk. Please let me know of anything I may do or provide in furtherance of the pending permit consolidation / modification. Thank you, John John R. Freshwater, PE Crystal Coast Engineering, PA 205-3 Ward Road Swansboro, NC 28584 From: John Wade <iohn@arendellengineers.com> Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2022 11:44 AM To: John Freshwater <Jahn.F@crystalcoastengineering.com>;'Johnson, Kelly' <kelly.p.lohnson@ncdenr.gov> Cc: 'Stephen Sparks' <spa rkss@carteret.edu>; 'Hall, Christine' <Christine.Hall@ncdenr.Rov> Subject: RE: [External] Carteret Community College SW8 960424 pending modification & Muti-Use Path / Trail John, The College is hoping to construct a portion of the impervious sidewalk this Spring. Thanks, John John J. Wade, P.E. Vice President Arendell Engineers 1004 Arendell Street Morehead City, NC 28557 Office: (252) 622-4338 Cell: (252) 723-2796 www.Arende I I En c_i neers.com N.C. Certification C-1509 From: John Freshwater [mailto:John.F@crystalcoasteneineering.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 3:02 PM To: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.iohnson@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Stephen Sparks <spa rkss @carteret.edu>; John Wade <iohn@arendellengineers.com>; Hall, Christine <Christine. Hall@ ncdenr.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Carteret Community College SW8 960424 pending modification & Muti-Use Path / Trail Hi Kelly Sounds great - Thank you (and I bet Christine too) for trying to help the college! I need to check with John Wade, PE (Arendell Engineers, Morehead City) about the timing. I will do so ASAP. Please be aware that my 12/14/21 submittal (response to your request for additional information) includes a couple of questions. Many thanks! lint John R. Freshwater, PE Crystal Coast Engineering, PA 205-3 Ward Road Swansboro, NC 28584 From: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.iohnson@ncdenr.eov> Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 1:58 PM To: John Freshwater <John.F@crystalcoasteneineerine.com> Cc: Stephen Sparks <sparkss@carteret.edu>; John Wade <iohn@arendelleneineers.com>; Hall, Christine <Ch risti ne. Hall @ ncden r.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Carteret Community College SW8 960424 pending modification & Muti-Use Path / Trail John, If the sidewalk is not addressed in the current modification, can it be added into your 12/14/2021 submittal package such that the modification would cover all of the changes needed, including the sidewalk? As an aside, we do not typically allow changes to submittal packages. This is because we often have applicants request to make changes to prior submittals which were submitted so that they can "get in line" for review before the design is complete. I do not believe that that is the case here. The effort to combine permits here has been underway for quite some time. But, if a similar situation should arise in the future please understand that this situation is not intended to set precedent. If the sidewalk can be added to the 12/14/21 package, I can administratively log this request as a request for additional information. If so, is the standard 15 day period a reasonable expectation? Thanks, Kelly KeLLi Johvuson Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Phone: 910.796.7335 Note Change in Phone Number From: John Freshwater <John.F@crystalcoasteneineerine.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 11:20 AM To: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.iohnson@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Stephen Sparks <sparkss@carteret[edu>; John Wade <iohn@arendellengineers.com> Subject: RE: [External] Carteret Community College SW8 960424 pending modification & Muti-Use Path / Trail Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Good Morning Kelly Thank you for the email response! The sidewalk was not included in the pending modification. My understanding is that following approval of the pending permit consolidation, adding the sidewalk should be a simple minor modification (BUA reallocation). My recollection is that Christine and I discussed the proposed sidewalk and that without the consolidation, it would cross multiple permit project areas and further complicate the pending permit consolidation. If there is any means to allow the sidewalk (multiuse path / trail) construction while the permit consolidation is being resolved, the college (given its budget) would be very appreciative. The contractor the college prefers to construct the sidewalk is presently working on campus (as authorized via DCM/LAMA). I understand there will be funding and contract issues (reallocation, renegotiation, perhaps a new contract and contractor, etc.) as well an expected increase in sidewalk cost should the contactor demobilize . Best regards, John John R. Freshwater, PE Crystal Coast Engineering, PA 205-3 Ward Road Swansboro, NC 28584 From: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.iohnson@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2022 10:09 AM To: John Freshwater <John.F@crystalcoastenRineerinR.com> Cc: Stephen Sparks <sparkss@carteret.'edu>; John Wade <iohn@arendellengineers.com> Subject: RE: [External] Carteret Community College SW8 960424 pending modification & Muti-Use Path / Trail Hi John, I got your voicemail which I believe is in relation to the email below. Is this sidewalk included in the pending modification, or is this something separate? Unfortunately I do not have a time estimate on when I will be able to get back to this. But, I will get to it as soon as I can. Kelly f'— I61LJJOhV"SOVL Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer NC Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, INC 28405-3845 Phone: 910.796.7335 Note Change in Phone Number 4 From: John Freshwater <John.F@crystalcoastengineering.com> Sent: Thursday, January 6, 2022 11:56 AM To: Johnson, Kelly <kelly.p.iohnson@ncdenr.gov> Cc: Stephen Sparks <sparkss@carteret.edu>; John Wade <johnparendellengineers.com> Subject: [External] Carteret Community College SW8 960424 pending modification & Muti-Use Path / Trail CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to IReoort Spam. Hi Kelly Please see the email below from Mr. Sparks. The proposed public (public and donation funded) concrete walk is approximately 2,600 linear feet x 10 ft wide ( — 26,000 sf of BUA). Without the pending permit consolidation, the walk would cross multiple permit project areas. Please see the attached Exhibit A prepared in 2019 to better clarify the current permit project areas. Is there any way to allow / permit the walk construction while we continue to work out the permit consolidation? Especially given the extent of documented BUA removed in the past that is now available for redevelopment. Thank you, John Mobile 4 252-503-2440 From: Stephen Sparks <sparkss(c@carteret.edu> Sent: Wednesday, January 5, 2022 10:40 AM To: John Freshwater <John.F@crystalcoastengineering.com> Cc: John Wade <john@arendellenaineers.com> Subject: RE: Trail John, Could we set up a ZOOM meeting with her if it would help expedite the permit? I realize you know we just need the concrete walk portion. Is it possible to get some sort of local permission from, maybe (Heather Styron) to proceed knowing the combination is in process? Can we submit a letter or something to insure them we will finish the process? We do not want to be faced with stopping the trail work due to not having permission and the College has everything ready to begin construction asap. A long delay would cost us in additional mobilization fees. Would we need a City permit for this work? 1 know you are doing everything you can. Thank you, Steve Steve Sparks Vice President, Operations and Facilities 4Carteret Community College 3505 Arendell Street R� MoreCity, NC 29557 o„.a. 252 222 6087 sporkssWcart Bret. edu "A Sound Education" John R. Freshwater, PE Crystal Coast Engineering, PA 205-3 Ward Road Swansboro, NC 28584 Crystal Coast Engineering, PA 205-3 Ward Road Swansboro, N.C. 28584 Tel: (252) 503-2440 Email: john.f@crystalcoastengineering.com Business License No. C-2553 SW8 960424 Modification SWU-101 IV. 10. Drainage Area Table Addendum Basin Information Receiving Stream Name Stream Class Stream Index Number Unpermitted Ex. Impervious / Redevelopment 1996 Permitted Redevelopment Ex. BUA on Campus Tract Additions Proposed Concrete Trail Future Redevelopment Total sf 01-06-22 Misc. Drainage Area(s) Bogue Sound SA: HQW 20-36-(8.5) 54,164 57,654 70,406 21,205 53,500 256,929 ROY COOPER Gwemor ELIZABETH S. BISER secretary BRIAN WRENN Director November 29, 2021 NORTH CAROLINA Envtronment6l Quatity Via email only: sparkss�&carteret.edu Carteret Community College Attn: Mr. Stephen Sparks, Vice President of Operations and Facilities 3505 Arendell Street Morehead City, NC 28557 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 960424 Carteret Community College Carteret County Dear Mr. Sparks: The Wilmington Regional Office received and accepted a modified State Stormwater Management Permit Application for the subject project on September 10, 2021. A preliminary in-depth review of that information has determined that the application is not complete, and that additional information is needed. To continue the review, please provide the following additional information in a single, hard copv submittal package: Permit Text: The permit text will include the following sentence. "The redevelopment area proposes "insert proposed total BUA" square feet of BUA, which does not exceed the existing BUA of 'insert existing BUA square footage ". This "insert proposed total BUA square footage " includes "insert fidure BUA" square feet of BUA. If in the future the BUA is inside the drainage area of a permitted SCM, then that SCM must be modified to reflect the change in impervious area to its drainage area." a. Data Submitted: Existing BUA: 1 understand from our November 23, 2021, email that the amount of impervious area on the baseline date is 528,426sf which is the total of the items labeled as "remaining" and of the items labeled as "demolished". ii. Proposed BUA: From the Excel file for the modification accepted on September 10, 2021, it appears that the Total Impervious (794,205so is the sum of: 1. Un-permitted Impervious / Built Upon Area 2. Redevelopment per June 24, 1996, SW8 960424 Permit 3. Concrete Walks, etc. Remaining 4. Parking, Aisles and Drives Remaining 5. Building / Structure Remaining 6. BUA via permitted SCMs or Redevelopment post 1996 Permit 7. Existing (2021) BUA - Previously not owned or otherwise included in College Stormwater Permitting iii. Future BUA: From the Excel file for the modification accepted on September 10; 2021, it appears that the Total Available for Redevelopment (74,705sf) = Total Pre -permit Demolished / Removed — 2020 Redevelopment — Redevelopment per June 24, 1996, SW8 960424 Permit — Un-permitted Impervious / Built Upon Area. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources D E Q�� Wilmington Regional Ofilce 1127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington. North Carolina 28405 State Stornrwater Permit No. SW8 960424 Page 2 of 3 b. Questions: I have added additional tabs to the original Excel file for the modification accepted on September 10, 2021. Attachment B.1 is the table in the permit application. 1. It appears that the SW8 020908 infiltration basin with storage pond is intended to stay permitted, and if so, needs a column on the application. Please clarify. I have also added an area for the total redevelopment. a. Drainage Area, Redevelopment: I took the total project area (38.36ac, which excludes coastal wetlands) and deducted the SW8 960424 DA #1, the SW8 960424 DA #5, the SW8 970426 infiltration basin, and the SW8 020908 infiltration basin with storage pond drainage areas to determine a total 29.39ac drainage area for the redevelopment area. b. Impervious Area, Redevelopment: I used the same process to determine the redevelopment impervious area by taking the total BUA (794,205sf) and subtracting out the impervious in each of the other four drainage areas resulting in 524,326sf of impervious area in the redevelopment area (the area outside of the permitted SCMs). However, I suspect that some of the area that has been redeveloped is inside one of the four SCM drainage areas? ii. The following quantities are needed for the redevelopment section of the permit text. Please help me understand how to determine these values. This is likely a terminology discussion. (The exact permit text can be altered if necessary, since this is an unusual project. But I need to capture the following concepts.) 1. Existing BUA: This is the total amount of impervious area available for redevelopment. It is typically the sum of the Proposed BUA and the Future BUA in the redevelopment column of the application table (Attachment B.1). It is typically also the baseline amount of impervious area inside the project. My understanding from the data presented is that the total "existing" BUA is 528,426sf. I believe that that is the total project and not just the redevelopment area outside of the four SCM drainage areas? We may need to discuss how to document the redevelopment drainage area versus the redevelopment that has or will occur in the other SCMs' drainage areas. 2. Proposed BUA: Please provide an equation for the intended proposed BUA for the redevelopment column. Future BUA: Please provide an equation for the intended future BUA for the redevelopment column. iii. Redevelopment in the SCM Drainage Areas: Is future redevelopment inside the SCM drainage areas anticipated? Do we need to track redevelopment inside each drainage area? D_E CZ North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy, Mlnerai and Land Resources Wilmington Regional Office 1127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 910.7%1215 Slate Stomrwater Permit No. SW8 960424 Page 3 of 3 iv. Attachments B.2 and B.3 are your original data reformatted which I created to try to understand the thought process. (They may not be needed for the final permit.) Is the 2,400sf area of greenhouse and appurtenances permitted as Redevelopment in 2020 counted as both in the total impervious in place and being removed from the amount available for redevelopment? I am not sure. The "submittal" column on each attachment is your data, and the "proposed" is my attempt to address the potential double counting of 2,400sf. 2. Is the 54,164sf the Rhue Building and Fleet Parking? 2. Full Plan Set [ 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(g)]: Please clarify if all of the plan sheets previously permitted for the three permits intended to be brought forward to represent the full plan set. 3. Drainage Areas [15A NCAC 02H.1042(2), .1042(2)(g)(iv), .I042(3)(b), and .1050(l) to support .1042(2)(a)(iv)]: Please show the drainage areas for the SCMs and the redevelopment drainage area on the plans. 4. Setback [15A NCAC 02H.1003(4)(a), .1019(6)(b), and .1042(2)(g)(iii)]: If the project area that was not previously permitted is within 50ft of surface waters, please show the setback on the plan inside the new area. Please remember to confirm that any revised information is presented consistently throughout the application documents including calculations, supplements, narrative, and plans. Please also remember to provide two hard copies of any updated documents per 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2). All of the requested information listed above should be received in this Office by December 14, 2021, or the application will be returned as incomplete. If additional time is needed to submit the requested information, please email your extension request prior to this due date to the email address provided below with a justification and a date of when the requested information will be submitted, which shall be no later than 15 days past the original due date. Please note that only two letters requesting additional inj6rmation is allowed in the State Stormwater Program for a total of 30 days to submit the requested additional information. /f the information is not satisfactorily provided after either the second request or 30 days, the project will be returned. If the project is returned and you wish to re -submit later, you will need to resubmit all required items at that time, including the application fee. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to call me at (910) 796-7215 or email me at kelly.pjohii.son@ncdenr.gov. ncdenr.gov. Sincerely, SCefFif �o" Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer DES/kpj: \\\Stormwater\Permits & Projects\1996\960424 HD\2021 I l addinfo 960424 ene: Excel File cc John Freshwater, PE; via email: john/h2nQgrnnil.com Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File North Carolina Department of Environnimtal Quality I Division of Energy, Mineral and land Resources DE > Wilmington Regional Office 1127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 n.�.eTM.wneero.ay, 910.796.7215 Crvstal Coast Enizineerinv_. PA 205-3 Ward Road Swansboro, N.C. 28584 Tel: (910) 787- 3728 Email: johnfh2o@gmail.com Business License No. C-2553 SW8 960424 Modification 31-Aug-21 SWU-101 IV. 10. Drainage Area Table Addendum Basin Information Drainage Area 1 (Prior Permit) (SW8 020908) Receiving Stream Name Bogue Sound Stream Class * SA: HQW Stream Index Number * 20-36-(8.5) Total Drainage Area (sf) 232,665 On -site Drainage Area (sf) 232,665 Off -site Drainage Area (sf) 0 Proposed Impervious Area** (sf) 135,864 Impervious Area** (total) 58.39 Impervious** Surface Area Drainage Area 1 On -site Buildings/Lots (sf) 56,402 On -site Streets (sf) 0 On -site Parking (sf) 62,536 On -site Sidewalks (sf) 9,331 Other on -site (sf) 7,595 Future (sf) 0 Off -site (sf) 0 Existing BUA*** (sf) 0 Total (sf): 135,864 SEP 10 202i