HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03572_Well Construction - GW1_20230522 WELL.CONSTRUCTION RECORD For fmcriml Usc ONLY: This rerin can be irwd fin.sin�le.ar rnullipk tssils 1.Well.Contractor Information: "MAVATLR'f-ONES Stefan Smith F14011 itt DCSCRIPTION 1`�calcaitttacrorl:5tac R. rt. 3576A NCIVellCottttactorCcnificationNiniter 15.OUTER CA.SrNGIrn'rmul1ki%'rd%icHs1ORLINF.RAfai)ilicaBk" :- MOM m DULNETFIt Tent t{� SS �TAITIMA1. SAEDACCO Inc 0 ft. 23 (L 1'i in SCH-40 PVC 001op:utr Nautc. t64NNER CASING'OR=TUBING t'eni6errn d'eluuda>+i' FROI ITO DNAIM.R I TMOLNESS MATERIAL 2:YYcll�anstr action Qer nrit ; WM0301280 Lift irrl cuynlicu6le xell peamitr(r:c.Coujiq,.State,Mariarce.11ysVd6q err.) R. A. i>* 3.Wcll list(check well use).: 17:SCREL:N Water Supply,Well: FROM [ To I nrASl.M.11 SLOTSixs Tttl(csrs uATRRraI. CJ octlltuml 0mu]IicipaliNblie 23 ft, 33 ft. 1+, in. .010 SCH-40 PVC Mkotltemral(HeatingfCooiing Supply) ®Residential WiterSupply(single) fi. rL m, ClZudustriaUCourotercial ®Residential AYalerSuppi}(slcttedf AS.,GROUT:• FROM. TO. ,l1ATERML EMPLACENENT.MEfi1011 C.010UNT ❑Irri riion h. ft. Nan-hater Supply Wgi1: P. Tt.. fill.MhlonitorinG pRLav'cp' Wn cl[on well: — GIAQirtfCt RcchargC C1Gcotttidt► tct Rctnediaiioa M SANING1 *1EL'PACKTir n 'IrRON To hI,L'rr;RWI. PIMPI.ACLAWNT%W"10n ❑Aguffcr.S(oragc anti Recovoy ❑ ilinfty Barrio R. R. ❑Aquifer Test 17Sloimn'1tcr l}rntragc ft, fL bExper{ncntal Tcelinotogy.. Qstthsidcncc Ca1Nro1 2O.DRELLING'I OG'faltnch'addiiio®itl'i -d. f accessary} 013hea wren!{Closer(Loop) OTracer FROM 110 DFWRIPTION(wbr.ttarjiioi,x+ta'nKk r'mctrt ❑Ca;otilenual Mealinv'Cooliug Return ❑0ther,(esplairt under 021 Retua") 0 t4 33 ft, silt with sand lens ft. (L (.Date Well(s).Cauipieied: '4/24/23 Wett1D#TMW-1 ft. ft. id.Well Location: fL f4 Premier Tech ft. fL Facility+ilnarNatuc Factual TIM(Kappli able) R ft MAl' s p 111 McNess Rd., Statesville, NC, 28677 ft fl. FlrittA Addr:ass.City-and Zip �21:RENMRKS' Iredell Temp well installed thru, DPT rods. CaaW}• I�reC]ld•_ntit`ie;Uiuu Np,(PIN) $11. l.ittitude aril Longttnile in 41M.Crsfminutolaccords 1.decimal dCgrccs: 2+,Certification: (irt;cu raid.4trC i;tt1auy ig StcilicictU} 35.758011 i\ 80.79491 W f_ j 5/9/2023 Sieajtc'ii(iedPr'cllCaiitrd tar Date -- 6.Is(are)the well(s): oPerinanent or ZTettporary IN,s{gnhtg thin farm,.!lrerebr cerrifn rhru file n•ell(si hvv 1»rnJ eonvirucrerP itr,Avvvrrhmc-e ii*h 15A NCAC 02C.Ohffl or is t xctc me d)?00 Weil Cott mirrltai SkIman4s and roar a 7.Li this a repair to an c istim.welk OY+cv or ENO ecoyof this rrritirihrisInrn pmni;led vryj.M.%irRmn+ier. 1fr,Ws:ir n rzl-rlr,fillin+t kroUti Rehr,usnif lon lnfortrirrlen irnil. piahi the thmire of rile re;rair tar lcr�'1.mnrtrks srxtian or ixn the biLd,of(Ah fora. 23.Site diagram or additimial,%vet(de'tr ibn Y'bu may use ilie_back of this pa"g'e to.piovide additional well site details;or well 8.) umberof wells coustmeted: 1 construction details. You irtay:tlsu altacli additioual pages il'ua essaty. For malrlple lrejeerhm or oOn-trurer s> tpl)•wells ONLY n•7rh thr-urior cairsrracriwi,you aw su6mlrar,<jimi. SC111f1I[TTA�rNSMICTIONS 9.Total well depth below land stirfacm 33 00 24m For All Wells: Subndt lids faun within 30 days"of contpletiou of}.yell For itralrlple ic'elh No tell deprbs tf4rf7eili hill) construction tonne foilorLinS: 10.Static water level below top of easing: (t1,) Diyisiun of Water Retiourees,Inf rmattlaa Prucess(ng Unit, t}ruler le,trl Lis itbure easing am"+" 1617 hlait.Seiz•ice Center,Raleigh,i1C 27699-1617 11.B'archoic dimnetcr 2.25" (ta} 2ltr.Fnr fluttetlOn YVrlle ONLY In addition to sending Ilse feral to the address in 24-4 above.also submit a.copv of this ford] within 50'days-of completion of%Wll 11,Well COusirRCtion method:DPT Loustructioll to the follo%iing: (Lc.aaga.rotor•,cable direct pasic etc.} Division of ater Resources,Underground rajection Controt.Pr6grarn, FOR WATER SGPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 ALtil Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699.1636 13.4 lArcld(gt}m) N*tllu4l of test: 24c.FOR,Watck Site lily&lgicctiort-Wells, Also subnut one fty of this fund Mthiu iO'daysofcotnpletiouof vvcll construction to the county lic:ltb deparlm,nt of the county where 13h.Disinfcctiuu Q♦pe: Amount: � , conmiuctcd. ! Farnt MV-1 Ronli Carolina Dcpaamcnr.of Environ incrn aW Natural Resources-Division of 1Vaicr RtLwwces Revised August 20I.