HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03571_Well Construction - GW1_20230522 WELL.CONS'C12ucrION RECORD FarlrtcrnalttsoONLY: i ' This fonnean be used far.siogloor tualtipk n'clls` 1.NVcll.Cuntraktur Information: - --1-1.'A XM'RZONFS . Stefan Smith FROM 10 nc1CRtpTt0141 t�'cll Colrtac(oriv7nu: ft. ft, l 3576A NC WellCoviniclorCcniftcationNumber 'aS:OUTER CASING(fi"r'oioltk40dlicps OR LINERf11.aiSlica6k r•noat TO nr'%%1vTER TmCl;y>ss sLt>Entat. SAEDACCO Inc 0 f4 14 (L -1" la SCH-40 PVC i:antp:ml[tau . 16ANNER.CASINGORTt39ING tntihciinrdrlused4on FROM I TO DL1\tFTER T[rtCLiV6SS %IATERLALL 2,Weti Construction Pcimilt#: WM0301280 R. ft. d� List#11 a Brasil rlrpehr in 0.r.County.Slw.c-Voriaiwe,frftacR e1 J ft 3.NVCH lisp(chccl wrdl usc): t7:sCI1FlN WaterSuppty Well. - FROM F To InAMM FR st.orsM 'r11iCKNh5 I MArnnr,tl, MgAcultutal cAllinicipaUl'ttblic. 14 ft. 24 R. i' itu 010 SCH-40 PVC 136 otheirrial ffleadniliCooii Qg Supply) Mikesideittial SYater Supply(single) (t• fL i'� ®3ttdttstriaUContnacrcial ©Residential l4'ater.Supply(slated) `t8z GROUT:. FROM M NIATERUL EMPLACE.MM MM109 S.0IOQ\T 01nipation ft. ft. Nan-Water Supply Well: ft. ft, 5010anitoring pRccovetq Injection Welt: It. ft. ' 1vs,u�D;GI1 tut L'rAex rlr u t tuulbtel:" --_- - 0AiluifcrRc4 bar gc 1763aoutidsnlcrR.entcdiatiou FKos1 10 M.M1.RraL nsiPtACEtrr:,NTM.Pntau [7�lgnifcr.Storuge and Rccovrr�' ❑Salinity'l3arricr ❑AgnifcrTest ❑5tontin;atcrl]rai.uago fL (L ❑Experimental Tcchno(ogy 13suh0derice condi-ol. 20:'URiLLING'I,OG t'attueh idt[106o'td 3tICCt3;f IMCCSSrIR't OGeofltemml(ClusedLoup) FROM I TO Pri5CRiPTIO\(cobr.hnWnc.n,vjillt,Kk4N '"'ow ❑Geothetneat(13eatinuCuoling Mum) Ot]flier(explain under.42 I Retua ks) 0 tL 14 fi, silty clay 14 It. 24 fL Silt 4.Date Well(s)Contpletcil: 4/25/23 Well iD#TMW-6 ft.So,Will blugnin R. ft. Premier Tech ft. ft. MAY 2 2023 factlity,pnocrNutur Facl]Hy 169(i.fa•ppli ablc) R. ft, 111 McNess Rd., Statesville, NC, 28677 R ft, r afi. a F'ltisicul iiaaivsK c;ty'.anti tip ;:21;HE6iARItiS' - - Iredell Temp well installed thru DPT rods. Calmly ParrC]kknitife;idUn Np.(NN) 56,Latitude end Longituilc in dcgive'41m.inufalscconals or-decimal ctcgr'ccs: 21,C'crtification: (If c�ell l'�CId,Rrn'.I;tl,70ug{�g¢lficicrd} . 35.758011 N 80.79491 W - y�J e 5/9/2023 _y Signale`rlficd Well Carivactar Dak-- - 6.is(are)lhe'w•ell(a)t oPennanent or XiTeuiporary J�•S401 rrg AEr fanm.l ffer.dn'rerfifr di,Iar Mr.irrQ(s)trrtr(erra)cVea_rtnre•red ru ereon(rmcr ti•irh'15a6'C,tc 02C xm?n I A NC,tc 012C d12M)11 i•ll cousimakut SRtru(aids erruf ibrtr<t 7.L.this a repair to an c i3tiny;ixcll: E3 k t`w or ®No tYVy'!5 Oh ierkd bt7S bCrn prnt'ukd 6'Ow cut fl ai v er, if IMi 11 o relMk,f)l t.,rr kr,own Well renirrtialr.ri b;furrrrrrtlosr rrul cxplrabi rbe mirure of Me rrpTirrau1rr021 rvnar-..6rcaraa or im Me ba&ofMir fcrnr. 23:Site diugrtlui or additional,well detaits: You play,use the bacb of this pEige to.provide addidiona[well site details:or tech 8.Nuttiherof li•ells constructed: i cousiluctiml details: You umv itiso attach addiliona!pages if necessary_ For nniklple lrrJcrMm oreowi-roarer suirlr)y inrfls ONLY n901 MI.s,nrreeorrstrtrrtiou,)an c uq sol.n,lranc fi'mi. - SU NILITAL iNSTUCTION3 9.Total Well depth beloiF land slirfici. 24 (ff.) 24A. For All %V Ibti Submit this fonu within 30 days of completion of well For miNple icelf0isr atl dewhi irdlf°rrent construction to the following: NJ.Static water level licipw tap of easing- ((y,) Division of Rater Re-source nfo s,Ir matian F!rumssiiig Unit, if n'fxleF let-el!r irbove rasing,itm"+" 161 7 uu.Scr vice Center,Raleigh,NC ti 7659-16 L7 III,Barchcttc diamctca:2.25" (tn) 24b:!or Itiilrlia n 1, &t ONLY: 'in addition to sending.1he form to the address in 24dabow. also submit a copy of;this forin it•ithin 30'days'of completimi of wtill 12.Well consttuction method: DPT constriction to the followine� {i.c.3ugci,taaar;•,cable_direst push.c[c.) l I. DlviAritt of Water ResourtesJUnderground Injection Control.Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY 1636]Hail Service CEuicq Raleigh,NC 2 7699-1636 I 1341,Yield(alien) Nlcthoil of test: 24r_For Water suyyly.&tw&tiort Welts: Also subunit on:e copy of this fonu ivithin :all ftsofcompletionof 13b.Uisiufictiun type: amount:- _ w'cll conntmction.to the county bcW' th department of the coimh'wherewhereconstRictcd. Fann G%Nr-1 n<otrtm Remised August Y013