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GW1--03564_Well Construction - GW1_20230522
4 WELL.CONS',rRUC rioN RECORD Fprt=nwUsct9NLY: n,;s forincam lie uscd far.single at ua iiipk ivdis'. 1.Well 6utraeto(r tufortnaion: ':=1JAVXrEEL'L0NES Stefan Smith FROM TO n6SCRn*1"10\ - 1`'ell Ctlt'Ard6i4r t`aflre R. R. 3576A fl. ft NC I4c13 CamlactarCenification Nwrhel L5:0[ITER Cei5i11G`((bi aiufll caved'rscOs'OR LiNER'7tf.a i iilcablel,.:. FRONT, TO ntasrfTER Trurt;VI IrATERat, SAEDACCO Inc - 0 (t. 1 23 (L 1" In.. SCH-40 PVC Can+pourti hanr4'. 46`,'INNER ASING 0R'TTI6LNG f•cl]ilrermdl etosvd4oa'1 = FRONT I TO D_MIFTER THICT{NESS MATERUL, 2,Will Cunstrpt tion Pej Mjt R; WM0301280 ft, ft. I.iteirRrry�lic�bler ctlp�nrtitsiir,.Gomrty$rr:r.,l$riararr,frjetbffflPSI=J' (1. 4. im 3,NNctl Mc(ehcck.r*dl tiscl; M SC II Water Snppl�Welft FRONTTD DIA�ttt M StAMS173; •r111CKM3S SIATM A1, riAgactdtuml CJ?rliitiicilztUTrublic 23 ft- 33 It. _ 1" in O10 SCH-90 PVC ®Ge 111cin a t(He ttingiCooling Stppty) ©Residential Stater Supply(single) ®IudtistrialfCoutntcrCial ©RcsidentialWiter,Supph•(shamd) 'Aff.;GROUT-. ;_.- FROhr. TO. J(ATERL L I EMPL.ACE\LENT litru IOD A AMOMW EJIrrigation ft. (L Ilau-%Water Supply Fhclt: MMunitnring Mep'cr? R. ft.Itiieri Da Welt: rt aAt111'Ifer ltcdiarge RCnicdi;i11611 19lSaEiVI11t;IL44E1 PhCt�Yif u r rllinbtcY'' 'NRID51 TO MATERFAr. tiCFH1:NY'-;F:\1PI,, MLTntln - i7A�ltifcr Stord$G at]d Rccot:�1�' C3$aFiilii}�8artict' - ❑Agit1fcrTest 0816n,mtatcr l}rtifl:Tl c 17E ]etinlcntllTcchnofngt ASlibsidc>xc.C4utrtil 1tloRtLLttiG,L(iG'(alttcliadiit�i�n'slshcels`lfncecssrirtl. 0G;odiem]ut(Closed Luop} l7Trdur FRONT TO pryettteTirvN twbr.l,:mine",sraa'nKr ty rxi ,i iw.ctr t t7GcV4hetinalftalitk?XoditigReturn} O0ther(explainunder421Retuatl+s) 0 t4 14 rt silty clay 14 It. 27 TL Silt' 4.Dete JVell(s)Q;augdcred: 4/25/23 %VeII i11ftTMw=5 _ 27 It. 33 (L sandy silt T^ 4 5a Hre01[ucation: L tt Premier Tech (L. (( 2 d 7023-- FacilitylloivacrNam Facijht.lDM(ifappl cable) . . 111 McNess Rd., Statesville, NC, '28677 Pikpiq AddreSs.City-afld alp 21a rt�hr�Lt(ti - Iredell Temp well installed thi:u DPT rods. county Parcel l[1_uiitiC rdou 1Jp;(PIN) Sh..�:;ititndc and II,dngitudc in ilcgive'dminutudkeonds at-decinul- Cglres: 221 Culitirmtion: (1trrlt mill,ura 1:unyug#s sldllcirrdl y 35.758011 80.79491 �v _ *r " 5/9/2023 SigcYified t4'cIl Caii[rdetar I)aic 6.I8{lCL'J LLe 1vell(s}: OPerni3ttent or ETempor>,i}' tip.ephtg thh'ferret;.!lrrrgZ}'certife trJtl1 717x 11'CIl(5'l im.f Smv t! CYO 411#Cterl lv,ue•Carelan 1614 fart JVC. Ac 02C AIfk1 nY 1.m NCAt"QC' .02M)WWI Coit,07orrdar Swae(ards a»d xfwa a 7.Is tkk a Irepafit :tu an Eil-da'.wellt 0Yew Or, EN1t iriliro��thfr r,'[firyJ b is f`r,-❑�r?mided r?7ltr crt:ll rneripr. (f rhts:k r rep-Myk.fill rnrr krronvi Iveff e-rraonwfiam trrf#rtAry) »arrad ct(afa!»dre iwave of die repal"r rarl'rr 6V remark-s.v lhrri ar iai the brrk of rMy for»r. 23:Site diugratu'or additiouut%vell delliili: tan may use(lie back of this pag.io:prol'idea':tdditiona1 well Site dCY:l*or tiell 8.Nutuberoflvells ioustrtleted: 1 consttuction details, You inav iiU- attach additional piges if Ikeessuiy. For ntalrinle ird?.viloa or vfni-itwer sul!pfy raids ONLY whii rfiv.saive corrstrrrrlio+r,y'Crr nva �a»rlr »�•fir,». SUBMITTAL INSTUC rMs 0.Total welt d4ch below land stirf ice: 33 00 24;L For All Well Submit this font within 30 days of comaptetion of well Fornnrl]lykicells'ho tell derrfyffdfffr•rr»t construction tuthefolloning: 10.Statie itaW l6el belOn'till]of casinai ((y, Uh-Mun of Witter Rnaurievs,Inforailidun Piveinsing,Unit, (f>tvee level h above closing,ilae"+" 1611 ALtil.Sa-vice Center,Rjlcir h,vC 2 7 699-16 17 i 11.Barchotc diametrt:2.25" (in.} 24b.Fr] WMIjou V 11 ONLY; In addition to'Seudingllle foml to the address in 24a kave.also submit a Copt' of this fonil within 10 days of.couipletion of i%Al 12..Well Construction Riethod:DPT constluedakh tn'the foff6wine: (i.e.. gcr,ioian-,cable:direct push cto.) Illvisiotl of�Yater l3csourcxs,Underground Injeetiou Control.Prograin, FOR WATER SUPPLY WrELL.S ONLY: 1636 MA Service tenter,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13;t'Yield( fur) Me'diad of test: '2lc For Waters .Kr[n�cc#uen Wc[19: rSLo subtli t on;e copy of this faith]ttlthin 30 da}'sofcoulpletionof 13h.Disinfeetion tapet Amnunt:. well cansinlcthlrb to the county heel alIth dcpannicta of the coiinh,where eonmuctcd, i Fanu GIV-t eN'nnli Corallaa 17cp==1a.at•Eaviraamra arrd Natural R murccs-Division of%Va1cr Rr_-oLv= Revised August 1U13