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GW1--03544_Well Construction - GW1_20230519
WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Far Internal Use ONLY: This Fenn can be usca Cm single or multiple wills 1.NFiILCiintractor Leforniation: t.I.AVATER+ZONES Stefan Smith FRON1. TO 1 13MCRIPT1ON 1Vell Col-Artclot Maroc 11 ft. 15 ft, sand I I 3576A f4 ft: NC.NVcll Cant>aclorCcnif=tion Nuirlicr MOUTER CAS i G(forriiult[cased uehsl'OR LiNERAf it''CrcW6, FROM 10 MAIMP,TER Tfl MNF,,S I ISTATEnrAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 P. 5 fL 2" in. SCE-40 PVC Contlrun Naulc. A INNER.CASING OR;TLt81NGy eulturmaF eluscJ4rHip !- _ FRONT VTOI DUMETER TtQC{NESS I NIATERGL ?:YYc1E Cotistr uctitiu I'cr ttrit R. ft. nL List trll rlpilira&!e tcc�!prtmits ti:r..C'ounnt Srtrtc,t i�rlotrer.Ir•Jecb'cn.-dr..J fL. ft. in. 3:YVcll Un(e4cc1cwell use): ME EN Wtiter Supply Well - - _ FROM i to DIAMMR SLOTSIM Ttncxxr_rs I uAraRrar, 13Agricultutal Cil4liinicipctUTuIblic 5 ft, 15 ft; 2" in, .010 SCH-40 PVC Mcotltetmat(IieatinglCooling Supply) ®Residential WitcrSupplg(single) R, fa' in• ©lttdustfiallConuitelcial ®Residential Water;Suppb'(shared) 18 GROUT" . FRONT TO. MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT\fEI110D&A,UOU i'T 0Irrigation 0 fL 3 (4 Portland Pour Nnti\Prater Supply Welt: ft. f1 phfpnitoring cry faJeelion well: - QAgitifcrRccharga MeimuMnuict Rclilctllation '49 SANDIGIULVE •PACK'lif'u l iIl6bh!), - -FRONT To I nrn•rt;RiAt. r•:SMACIAD:Nr ttet•tlnu ❑Aitttifcr_Storrgc and RCcoN)}ry QSalin[n-Barrier 4 R, 15 ft. Sand #2 ❑AquilcrTest, LlSdoinnrttcrlimin;�go (L. tt. 0Exp.-dracntalTMntutovey ❑SAtbsidcswcConlrol 4(l10RILLINGILOG tt hkh additior6I shear if ag&.san•) C7Geo'dterutxl(Closed Loup) ❑Tracer FRONT TO I)MCR[PT70\knior,hardnc r udty+tcu Av Ki "n err,de l 17Cr otlieunal(Reatin Cuoline Return) Ot]llier(explaliu under 921 Rctuad%s) 0 fL 15 fL fine-medium sand fL (L. 4.'DateWe11(§)Completed: 5/i/2023 Well.iD#Mt'17R2 dL fL its;Well i.ocatinu. .fL fL Lassonde Pappas Company f4 ft MAX FacIlit},OnocrNantc Facility IDkGfappiiablc). 485 Brookside Camp Rd.,.Hendersonville, NC, 2.8792. te, R. Plltsical rlddtess Cih.and Zip ;21 REh1AttICS'' Henderson 1 foot bentonite seal from 3 to-4 feet. CQOttd}• Parcel ldaatillb dMou Na.(111N) Sh..i:iAtitudc ilnd I ongitiule in dot ces/miitutrs/scctinds nr dccini tl ctcgri"'. 27_Certification- (if cell tx 1d,girt Iavlk)4 is saftickrd) 35.378088 1` 82.489455 �V _ _'*_ _ 5/9/2023 SigrntrcYificd iti'cIl Cantrxtar --- - ---- Date 6.Is(are)the itirell(s): XPennanent or ElTemporary 11M•s snhr Atr joim.3 hereby eerrifr r�tr r the a•eflfsl i&uy(45rre)cWr_rrrucre4 fa.r.•crorrfrtice riirh 73.•t NChC Oe'C,111(k7 or l.rA NCrtC A2G,020fi n'rtl Lbrtstrrn�NNr Srann4rrtis ernd rlxrr tr 7.1s tliN at reiiair fu ati rmisting At'e11: L-Acs' or ®Nt► ier6alNh:bran pr»rirlrtl roars aril metier, if rhis h a n;xrlr,fiIt rntr Awvnvi tv,fl crnwl)( fern hrfgrr11ule11 tmrl a up(ght the writra of rfie rep,arrimler N?I'aymarkr wan m or ivt ilia!bcwh of this form. 21 Site diagram or.additi0uAl Well dehiil.Y: You may use&.back of thus page I&Vovide additional well site detailsor*41 S.Numberof wells constructed: 1 construction ilelails..You roar•aLo a0ach additional pages if necessary. For mttlriple irdeellim to rm'I-Ifurer s P#y lvr•f s ONLY 11101 rlie.sreme corrstcurriar,}�tt tutu xat atn one famt. SUBMITTAL iNSTUCTiONS 9.'Total�iveltdepth below land surface; 15 (ft.) 2U For All Submit dds,fonu within 3L1 daps of completion of well Foritraftipfe irells:list tell dep&-ifdiffi•rvn;(e.Freeriltf(,-3@21W znkl.243 UND} construction to ft fo[toning. M.Static water level below lap of cminyr li (f.) llh-siun of Water Resources,lnfrir mAtion 1?rucessing.Unit, I/nuier levrf 1v dhove cirstga iue"+" 1611 hlait.Sci•)•icc Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter.8.25" (in.) tab:For hilallail v.lie ONLY. in addition to seodmi g tl►e form to ilie address in 24a abbot~also submit a copy of this fortis within 30 days'of completiau of(tell 12.Well construction method:HSA construction to the followine. (i.e.auger,rotar}•,cable,direct push.eic.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control.Prograin, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13;n Yield(��rm) �'lcttroif of test: 24c..For Water Supift&[njcctlou:,.Yells: Also subunit ore'eopy of this foam withitt 30.daysofconlpletiou017 13h.Uisiufcetiun tree: Amount: wctl conoruction to the conniv health department of t[te county where constroctcd. Fomi G%V-t North Carolina flcpanmem.of Eadromtmuu and Natmrl Resources-Diviiion of Waler Rr aireES Revised Augt6220II