HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03534_Well Construction - GW1_20230519 i WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Far Mental Use ONLY: This fora can be used for single or nwltiplc wells 1.Well.Contractor Information: _:_I4-AV ATLR:ZONES- Scott Hunt, Jr FROM I TO DFSCIUMON We1ICor�ndvrlranrC tit. tit. 4561-A tit. fG i NCNVeliCeaft torCettiframiont4uwbir 15 OUTER,CASING(farmut*&= fd W�614 OR:LWM Of stinflvLabkh m0111 I TO I Dt&%M1 I TttICKNESY I MATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc fL fI- in Captv:tay Namru 16 1NNER`CASiNG ORiTUBING' gnA wrural clasedaool► FROM TO BENNIETER THICKNESS I AL TERTAL 2.Well Constr•pctirin PCfailt R: 0 R. 5 ft, 2" i1. SCH=40 PVC lrsr a!1 a alirrr6lr.pmrPpeamits(Lc.Cnunrv,.Starry.,;trariarwr.Ti gbtq crr..l R. fG 3.Well Use(ehccl:vvell asel: 17:SCREEN Water Supliky Well: FIioN To Dt-AMETFIt SLOT 8171: THICICNIis I ArATRRIAI,' DAgtkultural ONfuRICipalltrltblic 5 R. 15 ft. 2" in. .010 SCH-40 PVC ❑Geothetntat(IicatinglCooting Supply) ❑Residenffal Water Supply(single) fG fL ®Industrial/Contmercial ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) FROM—ROUT 70 AtAT'ERtAL ENIPLACEb1ENT htEfttoD S AMOUNr 131ni tion 6 ' ft. 3 fG Portland Poured Non-Witter Supply Weft: Pamonitoring QRecovc - ft. Inject[on Well: ft. fl' ❑Aquifer Recharge QGroundwatcrRmcdiadon -19:'SANDIGRAVEL PACK(ifutdk-AbteV' FROM TO 11ATP.RIAL R\IP1\CtAIV%TMETI10It AAquifcr Stange and Rccovcty ❑Salinity 13arrict 5 R. 15 it. Filter Sand #2 17 Aquifcr Test AStonnnatcr thatiuloe R, fG ❑Expctimcotal Tcchnotogy ❑Snbsidcncc Control (1.1DRILL1NG'LOG'(allach additional slieemdlf necesurvI ❑Geothemtal(ClosedLoop} []Tracer FROM To DESCREMON fmbr.har*e"wr;1rnrkrrx.Vskwnsdrl ❑Gaotltenual(Fleatio#CuolingRetum) ❑0dier(explain under 921Reulalks) 0 ft. 5 ft, red fill dirt 5 ft, 10 - ft, cobbles 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 5-3-23 Wen Ej)f1MW-21 10 ft, 15 fG silty sand 5a,NIL41 L1►catbrn: ft. ft. Crown Food Mart f4 iL (� v FacllitylOwperNmnc Facility199(ifuppikable) ft. ft. 1�5G�r.: ;•�. ;��, 300 Rodney. Orr Bypass , Robbinsville, NC, 28771 R, n, C1as •�, "h Vf,,'f db• Physical Address City.and Zip '.21.REMARKS'' Graham Bentonite seal from 3-4' bgs Goaull' Parcel ldcailifie1lleu No,(PIN) 5b.Latitudc and Longitudc in dck tvevlminutcs/scerinds or decimal d rccs: 32.Ccr tiScatitlt►: (itUell field,Cdw(among is salliciotd) N R` 5/7/2023 sigmturc of Ccitifled Well conjo6tar. Dale 6.Is(m-)the-well(s): EPernument or ❑Temporary BF slgnhrg thir form,1 hereby ernify rhor Me hell(s)way(wemi corrrriucred ur auvrdmice with 1 Lt NOW 02C,01(kl or ISd AICAC 02C,0200 Well Constrwrimr Standards and Awuu 7.Is they a repair to an existing well: ❑Yc.s or Moo cart of flak mrnrrl hers Nca nmrieW inti'v.emit!miner. 1f this it a repalr,till prat F'.1n4voj$•ell Coris-imcdca lttfionmrian twil mplaht the nature of the repair arider,021 remarks srer(na or on ilk bcwk-of dips forirc 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this.page.to provide additional weil site details or well S.Numberof wells copstructed: 1 coustmetion details. You ntay also auachadditional pages if necessary. Foentijhlpfelr*rlo)ioratkr-n'arersupplywells ONLY i-lilt rliesemiCQ sfrucamr,voilCan sn6ullt one form. S BM13 TA L1NST T .TiONS 9.Total well depth below land surface. 15 ((1,) 24a. For All Wells: Subnrit this form wilbin 30 days of completion of Ivell For paaNple wells list all drprhs(f d{f'rroa&.rarnple-3@100'arul 3ta[09 y con9tnictipri to tits following: 10.Static water level Delon'lop of casing: 10 (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Iaformation Processing Unit, 1/rarer level is above cusiag.ale"+" 1617 Mail Set-vice Center,R:tleigll,N!d 276994617 11,Borehole diameter:6" (in.) 24b.Tor Inieclion MIN ONLY: in addition to sending Ilia form to the address in 24a above,also submit a copy of this fouti within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: Sonic construction to thefollowLlg: (i_e.auger..rduy,cnblF direct push.etc:) Division of Witter Resources,Qndetground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY. 1636 Mail Service'Center,Raleigh,XI C 276994636 f 3a Yic1d Ggpm) 4letitpd of test: 24c,For Water SupylN&tniectfoti Wctls: Also submit one copy of this furtil within 30 daysof completion of 13h.Disinfection type Amount: Well construction to the county i. lh dcpatimcnt of the calm),where canstnictcd. Farm GeV-I Nonh Caialhna Depanm enl of Envirounlctu and Natural Resources-Divisionof WarcrftL-,otr r, Revised August 2(i13