HomeMy WebLinkAbout20071500 Ver 2_More Info Received_20150618STROUD ENGINEERING, P.A. ' Hestron Plaza Two 151A Hwy. 24 Morehead City, NC 28557 IMTVIND2 @IF DATE U - 1 15 i C-5 JOB NO: (252) 247'7479 ATTENTION �, TO h i l tY O �)e v v ice Ce_n �e_v- the following Items: ❑ Samples ❑ Specifications WE ARE SENDING YOU ❑ Attached ❑ Under separate cover via ❑ Shop drawings ❑ Copy of letter COPIES DATE 2 ❑ Prints ❑ Plans p ❑ Change order ❑ NO DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ❑ For approval ❑ For your use ❑ As requested For review and comment ❑ FORBIDS DUF REMARKS (r' COPY TO Ran ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections fio I Juli 1 - 2015 IDENR -WATER RESOURrPR lei G 6UFF -K rtRMITTING j ❑ Resubmit copies for approval ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US 1 �_n k_ �� SIGNED: if enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. R R O D ENGINEERING, P. A. CONSULTING ENGINEERS HESTRON PLAZA TWO 151 -A HWY.24 MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA 28557 (252) 247 -7479 no JUN 1 8 2015 DENR • WATEI: , 401 & BUFFE REbOUK� Narrative Army Corps of Engineers & NCDENR Storm Water Application U The Coastal Yacht Hangar, LLC / Owner: The Coastal Yacht Hangar, LLC 362 Tyler Dr. Clearbrook, VA 22624 (540)327 -6713 Engineer: Stroud Engineer, P.A. Charles M. Cullipher, PE 151 -A Hwy 24 Morehead City, NC 28557 (252) 247 -7479 Stroud Engineering, P.A. is requesting a Modification to a previously permitted development known as The Coastal Yacht Hangar located off of NC Hwy 101 north of Beaufort, North Carolina; Action ID, SAW 2007 -02987 and DWQ Project Number: 2007-1500v2. The tract's area is 28.85 acres with a significant portion being wetlands. It is located in the Jarrett Bay Marine Park on Sensation Weigh in Beaufort, NC. To the east of the proposed site is an existing boat repair facility, Moore Smith Marine. To the north is an existing boat repair facility, True World, Inc. To the south is Eastman Creek and to the west is Core Creek. There are no current developed portions of the tract although it has been cleared. Previously approved by the Arrny Corps of Engineers was an indoor dry stack boat storage facility with a 268 boat capacity, 10 slip dock and a launch and retrieval area for the boats housed within the indoor facility. The previous site also had a 9,000 square foot clubhouse, a pool and the necessary utility infrastructure, storm water controls and parking spaces to support the proposed development This previous site plan did not impact any wetlands. It was put on hold due to the economic recession in 2008. During the recession it became apparent to The Coastal Yacht Hangar, LLC management that the previous site layout and proposed boat transfer technology was not a suitable financial model considering the land and infrastructure cost per boat storage space. There was a need to increase the boat storage capacity as well as upgrade the atmosphere to increase allure for their clientele and create economic viability for this project. The old site plan was estimated to be $15M in infrastructure construction cost and translate to roughly $80k per boat slip. This was not substantial enough to receive financial backing from banks or private investors. The new site plan is approximately $26M in infrastructure cost but at under $30k per 107 COMMERCE ST. HESTRON PLAZA TWO SUITE S 102 -D CINEMA DRIVE 151 -A HWY. 24 GREENVILLE, NC 27858 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 (252) 755 -9352 (910) 815 -0775 (252) 247 -7479 boat slip, i.e. dry storage, wet slip and outdoor storage is now believed to be a financially feasible project. The newly proposed development consists of an indoor boat storage facility that can house 330 boats with a rail system that is straight instead of curvilinear as previously proposed. There are now outdoor racks with a capacity for 604 boats, a 10,000 square foot clubhouse, which was relocated to take advantage of the vista from the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, a larger pool, a separate ship store (boating provisions), a social area and docks. The docks consist of a launch and retrieval wharf for the deposit and pick up of boats plus staging area to accommodate multiple users accessing their boats. There is a main spine dock that runs north and south that has 4 piers with 39 total wet slips. These docks are a minimum of 200 linear feet apart in accordance with State Shellfish Sanitation rules. In order to provide minimum depth at normal low water and a functional depth at the launch and retrieval wharf dredging is proposed for 21,650 CY of material to be removed via "bucket to barge" method and then deposited on site as fill material. The connection from the mainland to this spine dock is done by 3 connecting boardwalks over the coastal wetlands. These boardwalks meet the State and Federal criteria of maximum width and minimum elevation to prevent shading impact to the wetlands. There is a boat wash facility that has a water reclamation system to recycle the dirty water and there is a wooden bridge that provides vehicular access from Sensation Weigh to the facility over 404/401 wetlands. The remaining aspects of this project consist of the necessary parking and utilities to support the facility. Since the current layout now has outdoor storage racks that require a forklift to deposit boats into the water there is the option for the public to transport their boats to the facility via trailer and have them deposited in water via forklift. The previous site plan did not have any potential for the public to access the water here unless their boat was housed in the indoor storage facility. Research completed by the development team determined that 22% of all registered boats in the State were located in the Beaufort area, totaling approximately 75,000 boats. Combined with transient boat traffic the need to increase available slips to support the demand became a priority in redesigning the site. By adding the outdoor drystack storage this project is now capable of catering to a variety of boat sizes. The outdoor racks can support boats from 20 feet in length to 35 feet. The indoor facility can house boats from 35 feet to 55 feet in length and the wet slips can accommodate larger transient boats as needed. The previous site plan specifically targeted boats in the 40 -50 foot range making it less economically viable. There are approximately 17 acres of wetlands on this site, 4.764 acres of which are 404 and non - coastal wetlands and currently 0.4991 acres are proposed to be impacted with fill. Avoiding the impacts to the wetlands was a priority in the site design. The flood zone requires the buildings to be at least at elevation 9.0'. To provide the proper elevations an over 1,200 foot long and 4 foot to 9 foot tall bulkhead is proposed around much of the perimeter of the uplands. There are several other smaller bulkheads and retaining walls proposed on the site for the same purpose of avoiding wetland fill. In discussing the design of the dry stack area and the fork lift runway that serves the dry stack it became apparent that the public did not need to cross paths with the fork lift area for safety reasons. To ensure the financial advantages of the dry stack and the access required by the public there needed to be an alternate access route for the site. The upland access to the primary development area is too narrow for both the dry stack /forklift work area and a two -way personal vehicle access so The Coastal Yacht Hangar, LLC management agreed to construct an approximately $1 M bridge over the 404 wetlands to provide safe access for the public while avoiding larger impacts to the wetlands. Not all wetland impacts were avoidable. Most notably the indoor storage buildings impacts to 0.351 acres of wetlands. The indoor facility is the economic tool that drives this project. It was located as far west as possible to minimize wetland impacts and still allow parking for patrons within reasonably located distances from the amenities at the minimal county parking requirement. The other wetland impacts are associated with accessing the site. These have been greatly minimized by the $1 M bridge that is currently being proposed for public access to the site. The Coastal Yacht Hangar, LLC would like to propose financial compensatory mitigation for the total 0.4991 acres of impact wetlands by purchasing 1 acre of riparian credits from Bachelor's Delight Mitigation Bank for the White Oak River Basin at a 2:1 ratio. After a preliminary meeting with the Army Corps of Engineers and DWQ there were some comments that have been addressed. ® A detail of the boardwalk cross section is on the Site Plan and is attached to this letter. A detail of the bridge cross section is on the Site Plan and is attached to this letter. A detail of the bulkhead /retaining wall is on the Site Plan and is attached to this letter. Two dry storage boat racks were proposed to overhang wetlands without impacting the wetlands. These have been removed. Below are comments from other agencies that have been addressed. Revisions per Shellfish Sanitation: • Removal of 7 wet slips on north side of Launch and Retrieval Wharf • The exterior of the T -head docks were required to be counted as wet slips. Stroud Engineering removed two interior slips on each dock to remain at 10 slips or less per dock. • Hand rails and "No Docking" signage was added to all locations within the wet slip area not intended to be used for dockage. Revisions per NCDENR — DCM • Pier D was in conflict with the navigable waters of Eastman Creek. Pier D has been altered in a manner to remove this conflict. This caused a reduction in 1 wet slip as well as a reduction of the fishing platform and relocation of the kayak launch. NCDENR — Land Quality has approved the permit application for land disturbance and erosion control for this project. NCDENR — Water Quality is in review for the storm water devices associated with this project. Please contact me if you need additional information or have questions regarding the information presented in this package. Sincerely, Charles Cullipher, PE Senior Engineer Stroud Engineering, P.A. ccullipher(c�stroudengineer.com 252- 247 -7479 SEAL r: 037378 n. CIt4. - "R iMl 1/3/ , = ---- I- 0 z 0 M N r 6'0" MAX N N N N �a r44v4v & &V& 6' WIDE BOARDWALK SCALE: NOT TO SCALE STRUCTURAL DESIGN BY OTHERS 1 24'0" MIN. CLEAR f } ' .iXi IXI IXI IXI IXI IXI IXI ]XI IXI IXI IXI IXI IXI IXI IXI IXI IXI IXI I� . .;XI WOODEN BRIDGE SCALE: NOT TO SCALE STRUCTURAL DESIGN BY OTHERS P.4r HARDWOOD OR CONCRETE CAP WALERS HEAVY DUTY VINYL EX. GROUND 2' = SHEATHING FILL STANDARD RETAINING WALE SCALE: NOT TO SCALE ATLANTIC INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY CORE CREEK r M v ww w.w .. a.wwww n II 14 I wwww n• II II I \\ e4Sr w w w w V U ICY C w "ww lj n I I it I 1 w w 0.3506 AC I I I J I/0.0064 Ac w w w • w w w w w '�• i � W aMY. 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JRAWNt CLEARROV YA 22624 CMc PHONES 540-32T -6TtS `HALReuI RDC es IN N0..A. ; E VFUE Cut: DrC , M c E�e+ T �MOp 4H 411" L1CIN8111 M0. C•0641 04/06/2015 (11ARI.RS 11 aul UIRI- Pa