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SW8080944_APPROVED PLANS_20081124
STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 0(60(H`4 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT TR APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2008 m_q YYYYMMDD -T 1 �- r- _ _ _._ MROKEN _. UGL "-1 j i �I 15 , o _ � . _ _ _ - - _ . - - "'�� _�T.�..;�„__ -.��-•}-�_.,�-_ --- -- ,01 ASS ROADcka 1 � J --- - _ - -- - ° S PROJECT 7RE. VAULT (A ) _. UGC =XON 1 ._,M1� � ` -�z-corgi --- -- - - - = = _ � - ----•- -- -. ucr__ SEE SHEET C4.1 rogM DRAIN E!ROFILE PROJECT LIMITS STORM DRAIN PROFILE PF' 5 ��CO SEE SHEET C4_1__'� /1 II�> _ U I r,f� ' ���� © I II',I11t�I�phg�1 r • ', I O ,I�IIII)itjll , ®;:!I��,�( IIIII►11J11111�►i1ei�CI)g!IllfI �� - �:;:LIN- Y IE ►;�i1ll!QL j : '}"N t((� twit Q1 1 II" niJ,�i�t�ilr►mn►l►mlmlum�rrrnll�murrin�wi�uul�ilf:U11111Ill1/1►a1 �� , ' !�Z {/ ~ - O ,,,. 11 rlr �I �7:J.i-� �- ��Iili`iil �,�1�,/,lliilDil!lRl�iflrlllr111r1+U�/Ir/alrurnuiuman.r•lirn....non.v.r. :mac -�• , .•- .� . �ti'f,,- .:. .1 • :'V,, .; . • , • .. •.� . ,� , �` - - -- - --- - - .urrw nrnnnrulrinllrlr111r11igo it I I r a�r ill11 li ���►�l��i�i�i������������;uru�uimuranliiillri►ri NOSES IS --- - RI g BF SENSE • ��� e -• a STORM DRAIN PIPE SCHEDULE PIPE RUN SIZE/MATERIAL UPSTREAM N DOWNSTREAM LENGTH (ft) UPSTREAM INV (ft) DOWNSTREAM INV (ft) SLOPE A 15" RCP CB-1 CB-2 125.91 16.09 15.15 0.75% 15" RCP CB-2 CB-3 105.24 14.95 14.16 0.75% 15" RCP CB-3 FE-1 135.62 13.96 11.00 2.18% B 15" RCP CB-4 CB-5 58.41 16.19 15.60 1.00% 15" RCP CB-5 CB-6 93.79 15.40 14.46 1.009ea 15" RCP CB-6 FE-2 154.29 14.26 11.00 2.11% C 24" RCP HW-1 HW-2 265.89 14.98 9.73 1.97% D 15" RCP HW-3 HW-4 32.73 19.02 18.80 0.67% E 15" RCP HW-S HW 6 23.62 17,19 17.00 0.80% F 15" RCP HW-7 HW-8 27.90 17,10 16.82 1.00°k G 18" RCP O51 FE3 26.00 11.50 11.00 1.92% r , a I o �', I - _ J / 2 72 w I I 5 - - - -- -/ s_1 49 IS too 5 q1 J o / �5 31 ,� � \ 15�•5 � � � 8 54� W_ PR OJECT LIMITS 10 t.t C .2 15 F - +�� �l WETLANDS 1 inch 40 iL Horizontal PROPOSED GROUND -� -�EXISTI - ROUND- H CONCRETE Y-DUTY- R - --- :ARCH. __. - - BITUMI - -.- -- - �I� DuN J. q TE C NCRETE - -J_== PAVEMENT CONCRETE 31DILL CURB SECTION G LEGEND - - - -20- - - - - EX. CONTOUR (MAJOR) -- - - -- ---- ----- EX. CONTOUR (MINOR) 20 PR. CONTOUR (MAJOR) PR. CONTOUR (MINOR) 0'S7° - FINISH GRADE SLOPE X 20.15 FINISH GRADE ELEVATION --___---= EX. STORM PIPE PR. STORM PIPE ® PR. AREA DRAIN ® SPLASH BLOCK EOP EDGE OF PAVEMENT FL FLOWLINE SL SPILL LINE TG TOP OF GRATE SW SIDEWALK NOTES: HDC HEAVY-DUTY CONCRETE 1. SEE SHEET C1.2 FOR EROSION CONTROL MEASURES 2. GRADING IN LANDSCAPE AREAS AT BUILDING TO BEGIN 0.5' BELOW FINISHED FLOOR 3. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS TO VERIFY DOWNSPOUT AND SPLASHBLOCK LOCATIONS = � C SECTION A BUILDI G PROPOSED GROUND EXISTIN y GROUND SECTION B SECTION C PROPOSED GROUND TEMP. ASPHALT CURB REQUIRED IF BEQ P-632 NOT AWARDED - BITUMINOUS CONCRETE PAVEMENT ARKWG AR A ISTING GRO lrc SECTION D �PROPOSED GROUND CONCRETE SIDEWALK rEX1STING GROUND CURB AND GUTTER-1 VALLE GUTTER 31 BITUMI OUS �0 PAVE ETE--`- ENT =CONC R - -- - ONCRETE SP LL CURB SECTION E -- - PROR SED-GROUN --- -- 2 BITUMI OUS CONCRETE -_-_ -_ - -PAVE -__ ENT- - _ _ T -GON2RE XISTING GR CURB & GUTTER UND SECTION F 2, ?008 SEAL - A/E EFD WDC DESIGN CSC•1•A DRAwN JC REVIEW DBIOc EJC CNIEF ARCH./ ENGR.- PROJECT MANAGER FIRE PROTECTION BRANCH MANAGER DESIGN DIRECTOR Q ~� J gig' cy zoo a� 0 V) g IZ w� I WM Nto oz W �ZGLi � _�, cyV Z 0 0 0� ❑ CD a V) L z Ir O cd zrL Z O LVV ~ W Z 0ZODD Ix Q z g W = JD z c3 w W }. Z_ o cj z V F Z G a m O i -� v W o aW Z m Z ¢ � Z U w w CODE ID. NO. SIZE D scALE: AS INDICATED ¢ Z LZ EFD N0, STA. PROD. NO. - 00 SPEC. NO. - CO CONSTR. CONTR. N0, N N40085-08-R-1411 w m - SHEET OF - LJ NAVFAC DRAWING NO. XXXXXXX Z SHEET NO. C1.1 AH NORTH CAROLINA ENV;R0WIENT L AGEMENTCO"�9P,;il�,.ti',W^� - UF!11 l4fss�A / sA L O CA Tl ON MAP NOT TO �IN�Itr♦ 1� �.• :5� ��i�w� rl � Wes!: _. � ;� � .�•°"" k Tv �I► I� 11C��i ii �� i!I � i I 6 pgp 1/�J 00 520.59, -- ro L MI TS OF DISTURBA CE i 2 > 7.96 AC LEGEND SILT FENCE CULVERT Rho RAP CONTOUR 20 Cn J_ I �a'�lll/f�N111t 1'►111%I►IIi►EI �1111I1i1 NlN • • • . �r��'�►�riiir i e • fi%I•i�l (laid_III_/r/f/l/i!1/IIIIf/1/IIr1S711/1/111►`i■r1r■r■1■r■u/■nnuuuunuuuvnin::.," uuu'. �Ii � I�I �- -_ - _- _ - _ _ ..,uvua"un■/■1■1■i■I■i111r■111■I■1#1.1'ril �I �I 1'�IS!I/I �I `li 11lf� JLVERT •C" ✓ - _ e 3'14'16'� Z_ 6 uuun'.wm I TEWEtD PILE 11;!ii2'.�'i�.'J4d � \ , -------------- S, f SEDIMENT 9 SIN UMM RY MNL TRAP VOL - 1,800 CF/ACRE DISTURBED AREA (10 YEAR. STORM) (SEDIMENT MUST BE REMOVED AT WNIII TYNCE A YEAR) 10 YR SEDIIIENT DISTURBED MINN/UM BASIN VOLUME FLOW MN1. SURFACE SURFACE -AREA )fin AREA (ACRESI VOLUME = ` (M AVA- P1 28 1 6.98 IZ564 20.009 15.27 6.652 21,654 NiNI � tN� r� � ill• � �,.. � � � 9r N815 265 L 10 N74 5 �2T03'47" \ 34.14' - / "- 4071'18" -36'34 56 9' - 0 sa 40 Do R=15.00' L=8. -92 39, L=9.58' _ 1 inch = 40 ft� Horizontal rNOTE NEW I. ANY AREAS ON SITE NIWOUT ACnbTY WININ 21 fALANDER DAYS SIfALL BE 7EMPORARXY STABILIZED AS PER PER THE SPEOFE41M FOLLONNtG ANY PHASE OF GRAM# Z INS PLAN TO BE UT1U2ED AND RENENED ONLY AJ CONdMIM WIN THE WTIEN NAWAIK WWCH IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF _ iM MR)" AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN. I ALL SLOPES SHALL HE 3.1 OR FLATTER. 4. ALL AOOF LRANfS 70 BE DIRECTED 70 STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM. A NO NERAADS EVST ON SITE G SITE IS LOC47ED ON DOUGLAS ROAD AT THE MICAS .00 PLANNED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRAC710ES - CE 1. Practice TEMPORARY GAVEL CONSTRUC710N ENTRANCE Shall be installed at the entrances to the project from an existing roadway. Drainage should be away from the road and erosion will be controlled with downstream practices. During wet weather It may be necessary to wash truck tires at these locations. 2. LAND GRADING Practice 6.02 Grading should be limited to areas as shown on the Plans. Cut and fill slopes shall be 3:1 or flatter except where specifically indicated. Care shall be taken during land grading activities not to damage existing trees that are identified as "to be preserved". $F 3. SEDIMENT FENCE Practice 6.62 Sediment fencing should be installed as shown on the Plan, to delineate and protect wetlands and specified areas, and around any temporary stockpile areas as necessary to prevent any graded interior areas from eroding onto adjacent Iands or roadway, or Into inlets, or as directed by Engineer or NCDENR/LQS personnel. Q4. P A LIN6m CHANNELS All overflow swales to be ggraded to design configuration seeded, and stabr10, if necessary with temporary straw -net liners to collect and convey site water as shown on Plan. After final project stabilization, swales to be re -graded and cleaned of siltation as needed to establish original design contours for stormwater conveyance. OP 5. OUTLET STABIUZA71ON Practice 6.41 Riprop aprons will be located at the downstream and of all discharge pipes to prevent scour. 6. CONSTRUCTION ROAD STABIUZATION Practice 6.80 Upon reaching final grade and after utilities have been installed, roadway%parking areas are to be stabilized by placing sub -base course of approved 4"mart stone or 6" ABC, as shown in the typical street cross-section detail on the Plan, to reduce erosion and dust during the remainder of building construction. SB 7• SEDIMENT BASIN Practice 6.61 The Sediment BaIlin is to be constructed first (see Construction Schedule) and Is the primaryry Practice to prevent sediment from leaving the site. Detailed design and spillway configurations are specified In the detail sheet. SK & SKIMMER Practice 6.64 A aedlmentation basin dewaterfng control device that withdraws water from the baskla water surface, thus removing the highest quality water for delivery to the uncontrolled environment. IP 9. INLET PROTECTION Practice 6.51 A temporary measure of wtre-mesh hardware cloth around stew post# supporting washed atone placed around the opening of a drop inlet. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE - 1. Obtain approval of Plan and any necessary permits, and hold a pro -construction conference prior to commencing any work. 2. Flag work limits and stake -out roads and storm drainage structures for preliminary grading. J. Install Gravel Construction Entrances. 4. Install sediment basin, skimmer and silt fencing as shown on plan prior to clearing and grubbing site. 5. Construct gross lined channels, and any other sediment control practices shown, prior to rough grading roadways, site and stockpiling topsoil as necessary. 6. Install utilities In roadway/parking lot, establish final grades and stabilize road/parking lot with stone base course. 7. Final grade, install non -municipal utilities as needed, and vegetatively stabilize areas where building construction is not imminent. B. All erosion and sediment control Practices are to be Inspected weekly and after any rainfall, and repaired as necessary. 9. Upon completion of construction, the roadway/parking lot Is to be paved, and all areas permanently vegetatively stabilized. After site stabilization, temporary measures are to be removed. MAINTENANCE PLAN - I. All measures to be inspected weekly and after any rainfall event and needed repairs made immediately. 2. Sediment Basin to be cleaned out when the level of sediment accumulates to 1.6' above pond bottom, 1.1' above forsbay 1 bottom and 1' above forsbay 2 bottom. J. Sediment to be removed from swales when they are alpproximately Sox filled or sediment level Is with 1' of top of ditch bank. 4. Sediment to be removed from behind any Silt Fence and inlet protection devices when It becomes 0.5' deep. Fencing and Inlet protection to be repaired as needed to maintain a 5. All seeded areas shall be fertilized mulched, and re -seeded as necessary, according to specli6tions provided, to maintain a capable vegetative cover. 6. Construction entrance to be maintained in such a manner as to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction site. Periodic toptiressing with 2-Inch stone may be required. Inspect after each rainfall and immediately remove all objectionable materials spilled, washed, or tracked onto public roadways. VEGETATIVE PLAN - 1. Permanent vegetation to be established in accordance with 'North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual', Section 6.11, latest version. See Sheet C1.4. ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING COMMERCIAL / RESIDENTIAL COASTAL SITE DESIGN,PC P.O. Box 4041 Wilmington, NC 28406 (910) 791-4441 a w 0 0 a N 0 SEW APPROVED DATE APPROVED A/E EFD WDC DESIGN CSC+A DRAWN EJC REVIEW DBI oc EJC CHIEF ARCH./ ENGR. PROJECT MANAGER FIRE PROTECTION BRANCH MANAGER DESIGN DIRECTOR a oUz_ Q Z J 0 U Y Q " V) �aW IO=�� �C3Z w 5, ( WM 0 �- w F j o Z � Q oG �� Z > a ; J _J C71- J Z c� a 0 Z O o� J U Y wp O 3 Z < �Q a Z > O W ZZ U Z - WU0 z 0 - Z Z [e Z W o Z OC � Z Cr W 0 Ld ZO zJO w TW 2L W Q Z U Z v LA_ a- � m O J 0 � Q a, Z >Z a Q m 0 a o Z g rW- CODE 10. NO. SIZE D SCALE: AS INDICATED a EFD NO. Z U_ STA. PROD. NO. - 00 SPEC. NO. -, OO CONSTR. CONTR- NO. N N40085-08-R-1411 SHEET OF - w m NAVFAC DRAWING NO. XXXXXXX W SHEET NO. > C1.2 N NOV % I 200y AF I GE EASEMENT DHf \ OF SIDEWALK /S DRAINAGE EASEMENT LINE IRADIUS = I 1.FT LENGTH = 19.9 FT 7d 9 B. tz a N i7- ,,__�BOUNDARY GE ENT LINE RADIUS 91.8 FT ;11 RADIUS = 5RADIUS = SO 0 FT BORING 1 0 UWG1H - 17 LENGTH = 84 Fr SI = 48' w105.1 FT 10.1 SIOE3LOPES -� � \ _ all TLETSEE DE gTRUCTURE - d, "S-T a H XPRAP 1.5 FIT DEEP � gpTTp,V -10 10 Fr •r, � ^rr a r r � 01 §00,1 • •s••I••�•�••�••��•r rid Ab ' US = .►, PI WWI 0 S l� 'rr r:•. I 71 r I•r I' r rl. r. 'r' gm ' a r• r •ia r r arr�` r.• r v �o •r• r :yr r r• � •r r � r � a•ra r a r ./�.. _ wr r. r.• r. or r�aa r n r rc � v rr 7•m r i r � . r.� I I r•. r•IA J 7 ri 1 •� 7•l'r /77• r r a r :.• r :, .. rm rr •,rm r:•.; r •7� ..r r •n � r • r :• r; � r � : nor r• ♦ vor r • r., ror :r a. .�:. : r r � r:• r .� ,a � , - DETAILWET BASIN WETLANDS VEGETATION NOTE: THE FOLLOWING SPECIES OF WETLANDS VEGETATION ARE SUITABLE FOR PLANTING ALONG THE la VEGETATED SHELF - SAG17TMA LATIFOUA (COMMON ARROWHEAD) - SAGITTARIA LANCIFOUA (DULY( POTATO) - SAURURUS CERNUUS (LIZARDTAIL) - PELTANDRA WROMCA (ARROW ARUM) IF ONE OR MORE OF 7HE SUM70 SPECIES IS UNAVAILABLE APPROPRIATE IIETLANDS WGETA70V COMMON TO THE COASTAL NORTH CAROINA REGION MAY BE SUBSTITUTED. NOTES 1. TEMPORARY SKIMMER TO BE INSTALLED ON PRIMARY OUTLET STRUCTURE BOX AND TO REMAIN IN PLACE UN71L SITE IS PERMANENTLY STABILIZED PER NCDEIIR/LQS SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL PERMIT. SEE SKIMMER DETAILS FOR INSTALLATION. 2. ORIFICE/SKIMMER ASSEMEBLY AT OUTLET STRUCTURE TO BE TEMPORARILY COVERED WITH WIRE AND 57 STONE UNTIL SITE IS STABLE ALL SLOPES 3:1 MAXIMUM 10' 10-min. 21.5'min. SEE PLAN POD FOREII VOLUME OF REQUIRED HISEL ' STORAGE TYPICAL cl ® W 3'min. os PIPE � OUTLET /15�,4000ef OUTLET PROTECTION AS ON PLANS (TYPICAL AT ALL STORM OUTFALLS TO POND) FOREBAY SECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE FABRICATED GRATE TOP 4" 4 4" 4'• TA FT curUT EL- 14.0 TE � AR TRASH RACK EL- 13.5 BOLTED IN PLACE f� 0.2 FT 90 ELBOW DOWN 0.2 FT WER 4 879ELOW WSEL EL= 12.3 4" 18" RCP WELDED BARS, GALVANIZED, OR _ 5 OUTLET PPE EQUIVALENT INV. -+` NSEL 11 = .5 11.5 1 1NV- 11.5 1 10 B 3 1 � 20" PERFORA TO 12' :90NC: OR GROUT . � 4 FT x 4 FT PRECAST CONCRETE BOXES PVC W/ GRAVEL EL- BO AND FABRIC FILTER 6 BASE NC PRODUCTS 4848 OR EQUIVALENT 2 FT SUMP FOR CLEANOUT POND BOTTOM ELEV= 5.0 SKIMMER = 2.5' SKIMMER WITH 2' ORIFICE SECTION VIEW WET BASIN OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAILS NOT TO SCALE CALCULATION SUMMARY FOR DWQ: IMPERVIOUS AREA PERCENTAGE: TOTAL AREA DRAINING TO POND - 303,884 SF (6.98 ACRES) TOTAL IMPERVIOUS = 14,1951 SF (3.30 ACRES) PERCENT IMPERVIOUS - 47.4X REQUIRED SURFACE AREA: AT 30 FT OF DEPTH, 901E TSS REMOVAL, SA/DA - 5.31 303,884 x 0.0531 - 16.136 SF SURFACE AREA REQUIRED SURFACE AREA PROVIDED - 21,654 SF 1.5 INCH VOLUME 1 - 47.4 Rv - 0.05 + 0.009 x 1 = 0.05 + (0.009)(47.4) - 0.48 IN/IN MINIMUM VOLUME - DESIGN STORM x Rv x DRAINAGE AREA _ (1.5/12)(0.48)(303,884) - IA094 CF 1.5 INCH STORAGE VOLUME AT ELEVA7ON 12.3 - 20,009 CF 2 TO 5 DAY DRAW DOWN. AVERAGE HEAD FROM STORAGE ELEVATION TO ORIFICE INVERT = (12.3 - 11.5) / 2 a 0.40 FT 2.0 INCH PVC ORIFICE.2 -1 Q = CA (9h) /2 - 0.6(0.02181)(64.4 X 0.40)^I/2 - 0.06640 CFS T - 301,319 SECONDS - 3.49 DAYS FORESAY REQUIREMENTS: - MINIMUM FOREBAY VOLUME - 2OX OF PERMANENT POOL VOLUME - 0.20 x 69,148 CF = 13,830 CF TOTAL FOREBAY VOLUME PROVIDED - FOREBAY 11 = 11,771 CF FOREBAY 12 = 3,362 CF TOTAL = 15,133 CF i'l" L l i 0 10 20 inch = � tL $oXizontal WIAGI: EASEMENT LONE .40 WELDED FABRICATED TRASH RACK W/SQUARE OPENINGS SQUARE OPENINGS L 6" 4'-0' SEE DETAIL o o THIS SHEET I 7n FOR "1 TRASH RACK 6' -I 4._ 0. _ r g• 5'- 0' 0 0.2 FT WEIR CU GA�PLAN VIEW BOX PLAN VIEW WET BASIN OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAILS NOT TO -SCALE I 46 Fr ~--�1 TOP CF BEM 40 FT MAIM - I \/\\// WET BASIN EMERGENCY SPILLWAY FRONT VIEW NOT TO SCALE NOTE: COLLAR TO BE POURED AFTER 0 PIPES ARE IN PLACE. REINFORCING AS NECESSARY. In. z 5'. e. 1.5' MIN WET BASIN ANTI -SEEP COLLAR NOT TO SCALE VARIES 10' 14' 28' �_ EMBANI(MENi TOP= ISO (SETTLED), = la25 (CONSTRUCTED) M ` EMERGENCY SPILLWAY - 14.0 4 9f TOP OF GRATES = 13.5 w WEIR CUT/ (STATE STORAGE) = 12.3 STATE STORAGE = 2Q009 CF NORMAL WSEL- 11.5 AdIDDLE OF 10. i ® 26 LF 18 �4� BOTTOM OF 10:1 SHELF EL- 11.0 ANTI -SEEP COLLAR BOTTOM EL= 9.8 ........................................ ....................................... BOTTOM SWM STRUCTURE EL- 80 ................. . .. is .....: - s ANTI SEEP �.� . smIMENr cLEAllour EL. s.s COLLAR IE- 11.5 / ........... SEE DETAIL ,� = 5 ............ `yam 20 10' WIDE 10:1 SHELF VAPoES, 45' _ EMBANKMENT SECTION NOT TO SCALE a a 0 U SEAL APPROVED COASTAL AI - SITE DATE APPROVED DESIGN IPCCOMMANDER ENGINEERING DATE A/E WDC EFD LAND PLANNING COMMERCIAL / RESIDENTIAL CSC+A DESIGN DRAWN P.O. Box 4041 EJC REVIEW W17mington, NC 28406 DBI OC (910) 791-401 EJC CHIEF ARCH./ ENGR. PROJECT MANAGER FIRE PROTECTION BRANCH MANAGER �pruunr,q,A C�♦�Ar 04DESIGN DIRECTOR VNEII �.�= U¢ Q o Z S 0 U Y N o Z = w5 I WM O F- (D AI L Z N F- t o �Z n z J �� H Q _I O QW U Y wp O Z t/) Z > W Zz O La p WU () -� C9a Z �� O W? Jo w Z OOO IW- z LNT.I o -j o O z i J� J= LI W Q () z U Z o a Q M O L� J U w a U % z :z0] cz< LAJ N CODE ID. N0. SIZE D SCALE: AS INDICATED a Z L.� EFD NO. STA. PROD. NO. - 00 SPEC. NO. - O CONSTR. CONTR. NO. N N40085-08-R-1411 W SHEET OF - m W NAVFAC DRAWING NO. XXXXXXX. SHEET NO. C1.3 to N IP srepnwsaF- rrOTH k GRAiFL 114LFr PROT7'nON Spedflcatlon / 6.51 - ConaWctlon SpedRatons 1. Unkfonnly Fade a sagas depresdan approaching the Wet 2 War 5 FT steel past 2 FT into the ground swronding the Met. Span post evenly around the perimeter of the kdet a maximum of 4 FT apart d Surrad the posts wit wire mesh hardware cloth. Secure the wke most to steel posts at the tap, middle, and bottom. Placing a 2 FT flap of the eke mesh. under the grovel far anchoring is recommended. 4. Place dew gravel (NC DOT J5 or 157 stone) on a 2:1 dope with a hoot of 16 Inches around the wke, and smooth to an even grade. 5. Once the contrbuthg damage area has been stabled , remove accumulated sedment and establish rnd gradkig elevations. 6. Compact fine aeon properly and stabilized 4 with ground cover. Maintenance Inspect Wets at least weekly and after each *Hkont (0.5 in or greater) rainfall event Clear the mesh wire of any debris or other objects to provide adequate flow for subsequent nrlI Take care not to damage or undercut the wire mesh during sediment removal. Repace stone as needed Outlet Stabilization Structure Specification 16.41 - Construction Spedfications L Ensure that the srbgrade for the Star and rjaap follows the required (Ines and grades shown in the plan. Compact any SI aquW in the subgrads to the denaity of the surrounding undisturbed materd. Low areas In the subgrads an undisturbed sol may also be Sled by increasing fine rpW thickness. 2 As roW and grovel Star must conform to the specified grading Emits shown on the plans. 3 Fter doth, when used must meet design requirements and be properly protected from punching or tearing during Installation, Repel any damage by removing the rota and placing another piece of Star cloth over the damaged area. Al connecting joints should overlap a minknum of 1 ft. If the damage is extensive replace the entire Star cloth. 4. ROW may be placed by equipment but take care to avoid damaging the Star. a The minmum thickness of the ripkp should be 1.5 tees the maxknum stets diameter. 6. ROW may be field stare or rough quarry stone It should be hard angular, highly weather-raistont and eel graded 6. Construct the apron on zero gads, with no overfall at the end Mae the top of the rgrap at the downstream and lewd with the receiving area or altgh6y below it 8. Ensure that the apron is properly dood with the receiving stream and preferably strakght throughout its length. If a curve Is needed to fit site condtions place It In the upper section of the apron. 9. Immediately after construction, stabliee all disturbed wow with vegetation (Practice 6.10, Temporary Seeding, and 6.11, Permanent Seeing). Maintenance kspect rprp outlet structures after heavy rains to sea if any erosion around or below the rpm has taken place or If stones have been dislodged Immediately make all needed repairs to prevent further damage. SFOSediment Fence t Fence) fiaUa 662 -Construction Specifications MATRIALS Wes a synthetic Star fa6rkc or a pwvkw Beet of pdM:vWj4ema nylon, po1}ester, or pdyeMy4ene your, which is certified by the manufacturer w suppler as cani mnhg to the requirements shown In Table 6.625. SpMetie Star fabric should contain ultravldet ray InhhAm and stablbers to provide a minimum of 6 months of expected use* construction lie at a temperature rage of 0 to 120 F. 2Fnsune trot posts for sediment fences are 1.33 Ib/ikiew ft steel with a minimum k no of 4 ft Make sure that steel posts have projectens to faaditate fastening the fabric. Ucr reinforcement of standard strength Star fabric use mire fence with a mkikium 14 gauge and a mad en mesh spooking of 6 Inches. Table 6.62b Specifications For Sediment Fence Fabric Physkal property Requirements Fiterhg EfBdency - 85A (mm) Tensile Strength at Standard Strength- 30 bbah In (min) Extra Strength- 501b/1h In (mm) Shery now, Rote - a3 gd/sq ft/min (min) Cp4S7RUVION 1.Constact the sediment barker of standard strength or extra strength s)nthetic Star fbric& Iftme that the hekght of the sediment knee does not exceed 18 how above the round suAae. (War fences may inpcund volumes of water suf8dent to case failure of the structure) 3.Construct the liter fabric from a continuous rail out to the length of the baniw to avoid joints. M m joints am necessary sekxrdy fasten the Star cloth only at a support post Wth overlap to the next post 4.&W t standard strength Star fabric by wke mesh fastened seeumey to the up slope side of the posts using heavy duty wke staples at loot 1 inch k % or tic win Extend the wke mesh support to the bottom of the trench. 5.0en a wire mesh support fence is used space posts a maxima of 8 It apart Support posts should be drhem securely into the ground to a minimum of 18 Inches. 6.Extro strength Star fabric with fit pot spacing does not require wire mesh support fence. Shale or wire Me Ntw hick alrecity to posts. 7.Exawts a irmch approximately 4 Inches wide and 8 hales deep dong the proposed Me of pots and updope from the barrier (figure 6.62a). dBackSl the trench with compacted sol or gravel placed over the Star fabric 9.Do not attack Star fabric to existing bees. Maintenance inspect sediment fences at least ante a week and after each rainfall. Mae any required repots Immediately. Shouts the fabric of a sealmenrt fence c l4m tear, decompose or became heffectiva nWkcs it promptly. Replace burlap every 60 days Remoww sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rah and to reduce pressure on the fence. Take care to •rid undermining the fora during deancut Remove al fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and bring Me area to grade and stake it after the contrbuting drainage area has been propedy stabilized Sedknhent Basin Specifications / 6.6f - Construction Sped6cati ns 1.Site preparations -Gear, grub and strip topsat from anew under the ernbmbrent to remove trees, veptatiorL roots and other objectmale material. Delay dear*g the pool area unN the darn a complete and Men remove brush, traes one other objectionable materials to facitab sediment demout Stock* d topsol or wall contahhg organk matter for use an the outer sad of the embankment to fa mote wgeww establishment Place temporary sedknent contrd measures below the bash as needed 2.Cut-off trandh-Excavate a cut-off beach along the centerline of the earth IN embankment tat the bench to stable sol materlat but ire no ewe make it less than 2 It deep. The cut-off trench must extend Into both abutments to at hest the devstkn of the rear aroai Make the minimum bottom NAM mode enough to permit operation of excovathen and compaction equfpnnent but h no owe less then 1 ft. Mae side slopes of the trench no ste per than 1., 1. Cenpadlan requirements are the same as those for fine embankment Keep the trench dry daring bodf og and co pactionape©tknx Urnba kment-Take M material boa the approved a so shorn an fie plan& It should be dean mirerd sol, free of roots woody vegetation, rode and other objectionable moterid. Scaly aneoe on which tN Is be pieced before plating W. nee fN material most contah sulRrdent moisture so it am be famed by hand into a ball without cru eft If water can be squeezed out of the bet, It e too wet for proper compactim. Place tN material In 6 to 8-Inch continuous layers over the entire hength of the tN am and ten compact It Compaction may be obtained by routing the ccrsbuctm houlkig equipment over the tN so that the entire surface of each laywr is traversed by at Joust on whed or bead bud of the heavy epdpment or a compactor may be used. Construct the embankment to an elevation 10%hi0rer than Me design Wt to Blow for setting. 4.Condult spNwaye-Securely attach the rider to to barrel or bard stub to make a watw*t structural connection. Secure of canectans between bard sections by approved watertight assen6lex Place the barrel and riser on a firm, smooth foundation of imperyicus sd. Do not use pa'Wm material such as sad, gavel, or crushed stone as backlit around the pie or anti -seep ochre. Place the 1N matedd around the pie spillway In 4-Inch layers and compact it under and around the pipe to at least Me same density as Me adjacent embankment Care must be taken not to raise the ppe ban Rah contact with Its kundatkn when compading under the pjse haunches. Place a minimum depth of 2ft of had -compacted badA over Me pjpe spillway before aosshg It with construdian equiment Maker the rise h place by concrete or other satisfactory mean to prevent Notation. In no can &haw the pipe conduit be Installed by cutting a Mush through the dam after fine embankment is complete SEmergsncy spillway-hstod the a wpwy spNway In wu etabeId eat The achievement of planed elevefions geode, design WO, and entrance and exit chamd slopes am on" to the successfid operate of emergency spNways 6.kMts-Disdnarp water into the bash In a mo wr to prevent eoslm Use dhersons with outlet protection to divot sediment -laden water to the Ww end of the pod aeon to Improve Doan trap eflidancy (Rekrancex Runoff Control Mewwea and Outlet Protsctan) 7.EroskIn control -Construct the structure so that the aeturbed am is mhknbed Divert surface water away from ban aeons. Compete the embankment before the am is cleared Stabiles the emergency spitway anboeknent and d other disturbed anew above the crest of the P**d spNway inrnedfaidy after construction (Reframm Surface Stabilization). BSafety-Sediment bashs may attract chlcien one can be dangerous. Avoid steep side slapes and fens and mark beaks with warning signs if trespassing e Mrdy. Fakir all state and local requirements Maintenance Chadic sediment basins after periods of significant runoff. Remove sediment and restart the basin to its ar*d imendas when sediment accumulates to one- half Me design depth. Check Me embankment WNway% and outlet for easier dumags and Inspect Me embankment far Pita and settlement Make all necessary repairs kmnedieldyk Remove all bash and other debris /wan Me near and pod area Land Qyk Speclication 6.02 - Construction Spedficati ns 1.Consbuct and maintain all erosion and sedimentation contra practices and measurer In accordance with to approved sedimentation control plan and Construction schedule. 2Remow good topsa/ from wow to be graded and Sled and preserve it for use In finishing the grading of al critical wow. ASco* wece to be topseled to a minimum depth of 2 Inches befre placing topsoll (Practice 6.04. Topsolhg). 40sa ad pub wear to be Sod to remove trees vegetation, roots or other objecilasable material that would affect ire planed stability of ft M. 5.Ewwe tat MI materfd Is in of brosk mbbkk ads, Jogs, stumps bulding debris, and other materials inappropriate for constructing stable Se. 6JY= of IN h k)wv not to exceed 9 hales In thlaknon and compact the kprs w required: to reduce erode, s%w1A settlement or other related Poem 7.Do not hcwpwate bozen matwld or salt mucky: or highly ampeoA s mote* into iN slopes. Uo not ploos B/ as a frozen foundation, due to pomble subsidence and 9.1(eep dhesans ad other water conveyance measures bee of sediment doing of pham of development Iahlaak a p or springs encountered Ming construction In awards" with approvst methods.(Practke 6.81, Subsurface Dean). 11.PrmasYy stablke all graded sew Imedatdy after find Wudhg is cxrpiebd on each area In the going plan. Apply temporary stablkation meows an dl graded anew when work Is to be Interrupted or delayed for 30 working dup or longer. 12Ens re but topeol stodples borrow asa, and spol awe am arkquataiy protected from erosion with temporary and find stablhata meal rm, Including seaiwlt fenehg ad temporary noosing as necessary Mahtenow Periodfcdy deck aN Faded wow and Me suppwtkhg erasion and sedimentation cantrot pxtlan eapeclaffy after heavy rahfags. Pr mpty remove of seisent from diversion and oMw watw-dgowal pactim If washouts or bide one,, nepd' them Immediately. Prompt maintenance of smag NOW am before they becsns significant gaffes Is an essential pat of an effective, wasixm ad swdknanbtarr contra/ plan. Construction Road'Stabkotion Specification 16.80 - Construction Sped6calkns I. Gear rom bd and parking .rear of of vegetation, recta and other objectianabkr material. 2 Ensure that road cahatrucft follows the noturd contours of the terrain If it is pos*k .I locate pakkrg anew an naturdy Bet anew if they we ovoldle. Keep Wades safNdent for almhoge but gserdly not more than 2 to X1 4. Provide surface 6niw;A and rivet wens runoff to stride anew by using water tors or bsnauts $0ferencex Runoff Control Measures). 5 Keep outs and flbh at 2:1 or Batter, for safety and stability and to kcN tde establishment of w0atim and maintenance. 6. Spread a 6-kith course of ABC' crushed stone evenly over the kl width of the road and smooth to avoid depressions. 7. M ure seepage anew or sewaoBy wet anew must be crossed instal subsurfoce dohs or potsd is fabric doth before placing the roused stone (Pactls 6.81. 9 tusurfscs Drain). a Vegetate all readedle dtdas, cuts, fills and other disturbed anew or ofherwee app vprkWy stabilize as soon as grading is canpiete (Refers tee Surface StubNzalov) A Proide appropriate sediment control measures to prevent off -ate seanentatkwL Mahtemance Inspect construction roads and parking anew pawcagy far anddam of w1bae. Tapdrom with new, gravel as needed tledk road dtdres and other seeded anew kr woslon and sedinentatve after nmof-Pm* ng roha Maintain of variation In a hedth% vigoros conithn. Sedmerrt-pouting arrow should be treated krinedat* Permanent Seeding The khm of seed and fertNzr, and fine rotes of appy dkm of seed krtlizw, and imestana Ad be as stated below. During perlods of owwlapping dates, the kind of swell to be used shag be determined by Me Engineer. AN ate are In pounder per acre (kilograms per hectare). Mach 1 - August 31 September 1 - Fabruay 28 501(55kg) Tall Pesaro 50j('S2g) Tag Faces 409) Cestieds 5Kft) Can*@& 250211k9) Bermuderm lid) 35A'28kg) 8emnde ram (u huged) 500K56%g) FaMew, 500/(56Mg) Frtliew 40044500kg) Limestone 40009450Okg) Limestone 3*0 21 and Steeper and We Borrow Loeatons: March 1 - August 31 September 1 - February 28 75K85kg) Tag Fwas 75/(829) Tag Feats 2508kg) Bennudeg►am (huled) 35K28W Bemwdagass (adoNed) 5001(56Okg) Fwfltrw 5a1K560kg) Fertiew 4WOw'450q) Lbrsstow 4000K45M9) Limestone Approved Taff I n= Adventure Adenture l Amigo Anthem Apache Apace l Arid Austin Brookatone 800111252 Bonanza l Chapel HN Chesapeake triktain Coronado Crossilre I Debutante Duster Fdon Fdcon B Fkndawn Potts FkW= Fimelown I Gensee Ands lirordarh hloundog ,aqua ,kgua N Kentucky 31 al y Hawk Mauch Montauk Mustaq Qynpk Poor Phoenk Pbde Reed Rebel Jr. Rebel 1 Renegade Safari Shenandoah Tow man Tomdavk Trdbkaw Trb de algae Md"alf Mfangler FwMizw sh f be 10-20-10 analyse. Lim Witten approval of Me Fnghew, a ddawent andysis of kralrw may be used to provided Me 1-2-2 ratio is maintink ed and the rate of applkcatlan adjmted to pmids Me same amount of plant food as 10-20-10 w alIek &m e= Seeding FaUbw Ad be Me some mdph as apedRed for Seednng and Mulching' and applied at Me rote of 4W bs (450 kg) and seeded at a rate of 5o pouds (55 kg) per hectare Sweet Sudan sews. German MIM or bkeeevtop Mild drag be used h suemeir maths and Rye limit Ming Be remaMw of Me yew. The Enghew wN determie Me exact dates for using such kind of seed Fertllzw Toodressiha FwM w used far fvaineseleg an of roodnay am except skpes Z i and steeper shot be 10-20.40 witten appovd of Me Enghew, a aft t asd}ek of fwSkar may be used provided grade and deal be applied at Me rob of 5W be per we (560 kg per hodae). Fa taw used for t piessing an skpse 2:1 and stager and wide and borrow anus shag be 16-8-8 gads and Ad be applied d the rate of 5W be per ass (560 kg per hedav) Upon written append of Me Engineer, a dewed analyse of fertilizer may be used provided the 2-1-1 raft Is mdhtdped and Me ate of application adniu W to provide to swab amount of plant kod as 16-8-8 andyets &Zkmental Seedlna The khda of seed and pcpatan dad be Me same as specified for Seeming and Mulching: with Me evocation Met no sentiede seed wN be used In the seed mod for spplemental weft The aid of appgdstlas for applementd seeding may very from 25/ to 751 per we (28 kg to 85 kg par hectors} Tn *dud rob per are (hadae) wN be determined by the Engbew prior to, be fhp of tapdremfng and be Contractor wN be notified in vftg of be rote per ocre (lacteal told quatty needed and anew on which to apply Me supplements seed Minimum t1lop equjememt comike g of a wood wader shag be used for hrnpwdhg seed Into Me sob' as to prevent ddtwbawe of esdOw vegetation. A domastr (bag and chain) may be used ohm degree of dope peveis Me use of a sad seeder. The minima mowing helot on gals project dad be 4 how (iW.mm). Gili2hg Straw Mulch 0*01 wN be required an Ab project djaont to my section of roadway *we beftic Is to be mastabed a delved during construction. In asae within 6 It (2 maker) of fine edge of pavement atrar It to be giipd and Men Immediately locked with asphalt talk Crimping of straw In 1Au of asphalt talk will be allowed on the p mpd moo to the klowi g coadtlow - - Al awe weeded and nwdahed drag be whpd and/or tucked with asphalt as aiectd by Me Engiew.. tlinptng of be limited to dopes 4-1 or latter wales the Contractor can demonstrate to the tigheer Mat steeper eloper can be nepthted without siring Me-1)pieah sectds. Sear nuldm to be of suNgabst length aid quarry to w0dand fine cramping apemla and poise adequate ground cower. 0*09 equpment halving pow source anal he subject to the approved o/ to Engineer providng Mat mabum -spoei g of cr►npw Nodes dog not excel 8 how (200 mar). Tm 1 na=y Gravel Construction Entrmc &idt Sprmaola 16.06 - Construction S1xdRaaNaur 1. pear Me entrance and exit area of of Negetation, roots and other, objectionable material and property "ithe IL 2 Piece the gavel to flee spedfk Wade and dmadans show an the plea and smooth it 3. Provide d to carry water to a sedirent beep w other sultable outlet 4 We poteurtlet kErke because they Improve stabNty of Me kundafkn In locatkaw mbjeet to seepage or NO water table. Maintenance Mahtah the gravel pad In a condton to prevent mud or sediment from Jemhg the construction ate. This may require periodic tapdrushg with 2-" stone. After each raddl, inspect any sbuctwe used to begs sediment and dean It out as necessary hwnadlately ranove of objectionable materiels anlkd washed or tracked onto public madra)a SKSkkrhmw Sedtine/nt Bash Sped6catian &64.7 - Canstruetion SJpedficot ne MAIERWS 1. aeon, gnb, and stri the area under tide embankment of all vegetalon and root mat Remove of srfoce sal contdnhg hIgh amounts of Bank matter and stociple w depose of t prvWy Fiord objectionable material to be designated deposal ores Place tsnpaary sedment conrod measures below basin as needed 2 Ensue that iN material for tiro embankment Is fees of roots, woody Mh Wo. organic matter, and other objectionabled moW . place Me' N not to exceed 9 Inds& and machine compact it Over IN the enbaknent 6 Inches to slow far settlement J. Shape the bash to the specified alhhaskrs .Prewwht the skimming device bom sftgy Into fine mud by excova" a shallow pit under fine skhmer or providing a law appart under to skimmer of stone or timber. 4 Place the band (t)picaly 4-hah Scmedsie 40 PVC pies) on a firm, smooth kusdatkn of Ipenfaas mi.. fir not aervhas materiel such w sand gavel, a rm w crushed stone bauifil d fine pjse. Place me N matedd around Me pipe spillway In 4-hch la}em and compact ft under and abroad Ms to at least the some sonny w Me adjacent embankment fare must be taken not to rise the pjpe from the time contact PM Its kksdatla when canpocting under the pOe haunches Plane a mhhwm depth of 2 feet of compacted baddN over tie p�oe before p�kq 4 wM construction equipment. In no am deals the conduit be Installed by cutting a mend, through the dam after the embaYment is complete. S Assemble the skimw kguxrIng the mauiacturas hstructkng or as dw*ted 6. Lay the assembled akkmmer on the bottom of the bash with the Be" joint at the mkt of tie bawl plea Attach the hale faint to the bowl ppiIppss and position be srinmw over Me exawted pit or support Be see to oftcdr a rope to fine skimaw and anchor ft to the skis of the bosh. This WE be used to PUN tine skimmer to the side for maintenance. 7. Earthen spBwa the spillway In undsbebed sal to fine groabet extent as achievement ofplannedam a eknato g dmbm aW en and suit dnanmd sopm are crftical k fine successmapautian of the *Nwey. The mNmray should be Ihed with kmhated plastic w hpwmeabb pat= fabric. The fabric mart be eke and lag anasgh to aver the bottom and sides and extend onto the tap of the dam for arduaing in a bench. Tel mmay be secured with 8-inch staplew s ph& Me fabric must be long wroeudggfmto extend dam to cape and eat onto stable ground. The wkdti of the fabric must be one piece, not jiohed or spllwsk otherwise water can get under fine /mac If the of Me fabric Is hsandent far the entire length of to spNway nuave sectiam spanning fine complete width, may be used The sppw section(s) should ovekp the lover mcton(s) so that water carrot Nor under the At& Seaes fine upper edge owaWd aides of Me fabric In a trend WM staplss w pins (Adtpted lean A Maud for Dw*hs Welling and Mahtahkq Skimmer Seiment Basin&- February 1991 d W. FakdoM N Soa.), d kdeb-Dhasar s water Into the bash In a mwnar to prevent arose. Iles asps daIns a dveraiarn with outlet to ~ seirnent- lo kn to Me upper end of Me pod area to knprove bosh trep efficiency A Fioslon antral -Construct the structure so bet the disturbed area Is mimmared Merl surface water away ban base areas Complete the embankment bAm Me area Is dsaed SIdift Me emwgencyy epNway embankment and of other a rturbed aew above the aroet of the spillway hnhsdately after amsbuatbn (Refasncer Surface Stabkolil m i0 After of the sedment-producing wear have been permanently sldhJbeaj- remove Me structure and al the unstable sediment Smooth the anea to blend with Me adjohhg awn and stabNze properly (Refwences: Surface Stablhaft). _ Impact skimmer sediment basins at least weekly and after each sgmfibent (roe -half Inch or greater) rainfall event and repair Immediately Remove ssdknmt and neetoo Me bash to its afghd ainenaans when sediment acaunulates to one-half Me height of the Net batik, Pul the Warner to one side so Mot Me sedment une math t can be excavated Eautute to sediment ken W entiv bash, not jet around the skimmer w Me Rrat cal. Make sure vegetation growing In f bottom of the bash dove not held does me stoma If Me skkmmw is dogged wkfh bash and Uwvj4 water. -In Me bosh, uwaly )eking an the rope wN mdro Me skiniaw bob cup and dawn and dlslodgv -- Me debris and nestoro Bow: If the does not work pug the skimmer over to the side of the basks and remove Be debvke Also check Me orifice ins is the d*w w to see if It is doggek ff se remove be debris If Me skinnier am or bard pie is dogged the arllke can be removed ad the abatructan cleared with a pkmbwi sake or by Bushing elth water. Bs sae and neylaoe Me once bekno nepfor npopdflahhg be skkmmvwpp,�� with fabric pm sChack Me fabric fired � width of ihe�p�p� amoo ny r Bun o n6ailm *Nw)s and outlet for srasare damage and Inspect the embankment for pov and sethernent Make cup shecmevy repaln kaneiaWys Remove d am and other debris boa ft aiimnw and pod ass. Fneezih weather con roast in fee kmmhg In Me bosh. Bartel special precousshould be taken In be ante to pirmt be ddmmsr from Plugging, We ke, OCj Gies- end Gbannds Specification / U30 - Construction *ad8ca0ona 1. Remove all treeg brush, stumps, and other objectionable material from the kundaUan area and deeposit of properly. 2 Ewev le fine charms and shape it to neat lines and dimensions &how on the plan pkar a a2 ft ovwwd around She d"d perimeter to sow for bulking dining seemed prepanotkxns and sod WNW. 3 Remove and properly depose of all excess mi so that surface water may enter the churns f sly. 4. The proced a used to establish grass In the mans wN depend upon the severity of the candtions and selection of spedes. Protect the chu and WM mulch w a temporary lk w suf c ent to withstand andcjoated vdodties akuIng fine establishment period (APpenalk a05)• Mahtwom During the establishment period check grass -lined donnas after every ahfal. After gross fee established parledswly, deeck the ehannek dud it after eery heary an/dl event hrmeiatdy make nepaVa It Is patkala/y, Important to dsdk to channel outlet and all road crossings for bank stabidy and evidence of piping or sake hoes. Remove all significant sediment accumulations to maintah the dexped cw)kmg capacity. Keep the gross in a hedth, vigorous condition at of fine; since it is the penury eradon protection for the chard (Rcetice 6.i1, Permanent Sewing). ► 'vas: ;�•COASTAL .Ly 1SITE ENGINEERING P. 0. Box 4041 •Wilmington, 1i' l 1 t •L. �� 1 RESIDENTIAL • 1 I M- a a a 0 0 a U a APPROVED APPROVED A/E EFD WDC DESIGN CSC+A DRAWN EJC REVIEW DBI oC EJC CHIEF ARCH./ ENGR. PROJECT MANAGER FIRE PROTECTION BRANCH MANAGER a U z Q Z 3o 3Z� J O ogU Y Q o Q O V) w I ro = �� �oZ Z I Wt7 O w 0o Z Z Qn- Z >Q¢ J J Or I-- J =�Z z U CL 0 O Q� J rJ Y WO O z (/) L Z > FIE O w � W W Zz O U z� WU z �° Z O w W Z 0 Lay 000 (J) z - Na Z � JO O z W LLI Li.I } rf- O a J W = LLJ Q V Z J (1 Li- d 0 m Q O J O p Z m Z Q a a � oZ< g CODE ID. N0. SIZE D N SCALE: AS INDICATED a EFO NO. z l� STA. PROD. NO. - W SPEC. NO. - CZ) O CONSTR. CONTR.. NO. N N40085-08-R-1411 w SHEET OF - m NAVFAC DRAWING NO. XXXXXXX w SHEET NO. C1.4 > N PVC END CAP\ PVC ELBOW WATER SURFACE PVC END CAP SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE PVC TEE PVC PIPE FLEXIBLE V' HOLES IN HOSE UNDERSIDE END VIEW SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASINS ARE NEEDED WHERE DRAINAGE AREAS ARE TOO LARGE FOR TEMPORARY TRAPS. DO NOT LOCATE THE SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN IN INTERMITTENT OR PERENNIAL STREAMS. ARM ASSEMBLY PERSPECTIVE VIEW SK SKIMMER DETAIL Practice 6.64 NOT TO SCALE PVC VENT PIPE PVC TEE FRONT VIEW SCHEDULE 40 PVC PIPE ORIFICE PLATE "C" ENCLOSURE WATER ENTRY UNIT SEE DENR STANDARDS & SPECS. FOR COMPLETE DESIGN CRITERIA & MAINTENANCE NCOOT #5 OR WASHED S 0 ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING I 1v1= 3 VARIES n= U.03 LINED WITH REINFORCING MATTING AND SEED PER SPECIFICATIONS OR SOD. I J.1 GRASSED CHANNEL N.TS —4' MAX —�--� HARDWARE CLOTH & GRAVEL DROP INLET PROTECTION PRACTICE 6.51 NOT TO SCALE NCDOT #5 OR #57 WASHED STONE HARDWARE CLOTH OPENINGS) 2' COASTAL SITE DESIGN,PC P.O. Box 4041 Wilmington, NC 28406 Min) 791-4441 PUBLIC ROAD CA a° F 6" MINIMUM THICKNESS .-•-•-.-.- F1 :;y�•�•�•�� COARSEAGGREGATE GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION NOTE: FOR MORE DETAIL. 12'MINIMUM AS REQUIRED TEMPORARY ON PracticeENTRANCEZEXIT DETAIL • /• NTS La 4 0 000 0 000o0o REFERENCE EROSION CONTROL 000000c CALCULATIONS FOR °0000 SPECIFIC DIMENSIONS. OUTLET PIPE DIAMETER (Do) d50 = REFERENCE EROSION CONTROL CALCULATIONS dMAX = REFERENCE EROSION CONTROL CALCULATIONS La = REFERENCE EROSION CONTROL CALCULATIONS MIN. APRON THICKNESS = 4.5" NOTE: GEOTEX NONWOVEN FILTER FABRIC TO BE PLACED UNDER ALL STONE OUTLET PROTECTION. 9UTLET PROTECTION DETAIL NOT TO SCALE COMPACTED FILL OR GRAVEL, EXTENSION OF FABRIC AND WIRE INTO THE TRENCH FILTER FABRIC BACKFILL MINIMUM 8° THICK LAYER OF GRAVEL 8"MINIMUM V-TRENCH —� Dw- U� RIP RAP Dh1lENSIONS L x w x D a.Ass oua�roTr CUL4ERT C 15' X 5' X 1' tl 3 CY CUL4ERT D 8' X 5' X 1' tl 1.5 CY CUL4ERT E 8' X 5' X 1' tl 1.5 CY CURB CUTS 8' X 5' X 1' tl 1.5 CY 6 F T. CENTER NOTE: SEE NARRATIVE FOR MORE DETAIL. ISOMETRIC VIEW EXTENSION OF FABRIC AND WIRE / INTO THE TRENCH COMPACTED FILL 8"MINIMUM 14"MINIMUM SECTION Practice 6.62 NTS FILTER FABRIC 4"MINIMUM SECTION a a 0 I SEAL APPROVED APPROVED A/E EFD WDC DESIGN CSC+A DRAWN EJC REVIEW DBI Cc EJC CHIEF ARCH./ ENGR. PROJECT MANAGER FIRE PROTECTION BRANCH MANAGER oUz Q Z og>Or- Y Q o Q U 0 I 0 = �d �oz w� WM O �Cfl F 0 Z!�R Z I QC Z Z Jn < J �U Q * > J oZ00� U Y Li 0 Z � CL Z 0 W Zz z I,J 0 U U 0 Z Z ¢ Ix 0 LJ z 0 L J 0 00 Z w JO 0 Ld LLI >- X w =L W 1,50 J F Q 0 a m 0 w J Q U Qo oz< CODE 10. NO. SIZE D SCALE: AS INDICATED EFO NO. STA PROD. NO. — SPEC. NO. — CONSTR CONTR. NO. N40085-08—R-1411 SHEET OF — NAVFAC DRAWING NO. XXXXXXX SHEET NO. C1.5 W J Q Z CL' w Z z 0 Q 0 z 0 w 0 z a w H N J z DO CD 0 N w w EO w Z N stCCk0`.14y _ 2 _ _ t- - T UZ - - J tD Ln v 00 0 0 N 0 N 3 LL Z Ln Ln n """"egg ROAD - h / i , - I /_L/ / / /_1 / / f` ~�i-4/ LEGEND — — — —20 — — — - EX. CONTOUR (MAJOR) EX. CONTOUR (MINOR) PR. CONTOUR (MAJOR) 2 PR. CONTOUR (MINOR) __--___-- EX. STORM PIPE PR. STORM PIPE ® PR. AREA DRAIN Q5 DESIGN POINT AREA(AC.) \ 0 2D 40 !o 1 inch = 40 it. Horizontal _ABEL RUNOFF COEFF. 10-YR BASIN FLOW (CFS) COASTAL SITE DESIGN,PC ENGINtERING LAND PLANNING COMMERCIAL / RESIDENTIAL P.O. Box 4041 N41mington, NC 28406 (910) 791-4441 ` "tIIIu CA 0 SEAL APPROVED APPROVED A/E EFD WDC DESIGN CSC+A DRAWN EJC REVIEW DBI Oc EJC CHIEF ARCH./ ENCR. PROJECT MANAGER FIRE PROTECTION BRANCH MANAGER Q Q z_ 0 � Z J 0 m_ oQ� _ Qo Q v X V) W zoo = � t LVM LW�RR V O F— cO Q ? _ z U Q CL ID N J m Q �~ ry4Z 1� a �Z � U z V 0 Lj O N�N L7� o �CLZ U) Ldz o Za Z a V Wo �� z 000 wOf � JO < w L,..I >_ F- � LLiJ = � Z __C)_jU woo O � a Q V o IE C0 w J O Q U F• U) LLI >Z m O wZFZ < a CODE ID. NO. 77 SIZE D SCALE: AS INDICATED EFD NO. STA, PROD. NO. — SPEC. ND. — CONSTR. CONTR. NO. N40085-08-R-1411 SHEET OF — NAVFAC DRAWING NO. XXXXXXX SHEET NO. EX1.1 w _J Q z w z z O a a z 0 E1_ Z Q w Ln J Q Z L.� DO n O N LO w In W LO N a a a POND DRAINAGE AREA 6.98 AC RATIONAL C = 0.53 LEGEND DRMMGE AREA AA .N 0 m 40 so 1 inch = 40 tL Horizontal SEAL APPROVED APPROVED A/E EFD WDC DESIGN CSC+A DRAWN EJC REVIEW DBI oc EX CHIEF ARCH./ ENGR. PROJECT MANAGER FIRE PROTECTION BRANCH MANAGER DESIGN DIRECTOR Q o (> z Q Z Z J og> U Y z a o Q v (!1 w o Z Z = �� W M Z o Hco �tQ Q Q' Z J J :D y A Q j z tJ� U z 0O O 0� J Wp 0 Y Z ¢ ��" Z Z W 0 OU G a U Z Z Q : Q z 0 WZ0 0 oo U) W U a�� J 2LL- W wvz U � � Q LL. a o m W—Io U a �> Z m Qa o Z z S (� :ODE ID. NO. SIZE D SCALE: AJ INUIGAItU EFT) NO- STA. PROJ. NO. SPEC. NO. CONSTR. CONTR. NO. N40085-08-R-1411 SHEET OF — NAVFAC DRAWING NO. XXXXXX5 SHEET NO EX1.2 a z Ld w z z O a 0 Z O w 0 Z a w H N J Q Z l� Do O O N uj w m m La O z cD N L t 1y + +1s.02 ------ �.... ~ +10- - -------\ F8. SY1^_ `^ _ l ��_ +17.90 IENPORARY POOL ELEVATION = 12.42 / �' i / • to \7. 77 ` ~ . `\ i It STORAGE 0 ELEV.12.42 = 27,612 CF 9 /, i \�� \ \ ` +S.So \ \ 1`06 `�\ Nt .)3 ! f rr +1Fa 28 // _ \ -`9 + s 1 r r r r �' � it \ 7'//' \ _iz 64 + I 1 i i i rl i tt \\ l 1 12.08 `��� 7� 11.7'♦'-11-A 0.901 t 5'X5'X3.3' OUTLET STRUCTURE: TOP OF GRATE=13.65 (� INV = 10.73 INV OUTLET PIPE=11.32 2" ORIFICE INV = 11.28 2" WEIR ELEVATION =12.42 INV=10.76 • ► li'T:iA NCDENR/DWQ PERMIT If SW8-0809444 1. IMPERVIOUS AREA PERMITTED 301884 SF (6.98 ACRES) 2 NORMAL POW. SURFACE AREA 21,159 SF 3. NORMAL POW. EIEVABON 11.32 4. POND DEPTH (DEEPEST PWNO Z32 FT 5. POND BOTTOM ELEVATION (DEEPEST POINT) 4.0 6. ORIFICE INVERT ELEVATION IL28 7. OURET BOX CREST ELEVATION 13.65 8. STATE STORAGE VOLUME x CF 9. 10:1 FT VEGETATED SHELF PRESENT 10. 10 FT ACCESS PRESENT 11. FOREBAY PRESENT 12 PRIMARY SPILLWAY El"ATON 13.65 13. EMERGENCY SPILLWAY ELEVATON 14.0 14. ORIFICE SIZE 2 INCHES 15. NEIR CUT CREST LENGTH 2' 16, IORCUT ELEVABON 12.42 17. SIDESLOPES (TYPICAL) 3:1 III INV. OF PIPES FROM OUTLET STRUCTURE 11.32 STATE WATER QUAUTY POND CONSIDERATIONS - SURFACE AREA REQUIRED = 16,138 SF SURFACE AREA PROVIDED = 21,159 SF 1.5" STORAGE VOLUME REQUIRED - 18,094 CF 1.5" STORAGE VOLUME PROVIDED = 27,612 CF 1.5" STORAGE DRANDONN BME = 4.10 DAYS { I i1t3.0\ 07- 0r�z� ` , 3.96 1\ ON \ t' 00 -F`5.05 73.95 \` / 1 `7y 14.52 10�8.74 #x<39'--_. ` ` f 1 \\ / ! +9.14 �- �-. ^��� `12 �~~`� �11.4$-"--- 1 /I i ' 1i-18.12 r t 9''_, t i l 7 I 1 0,. -j / +11.29 I I I I +10.74 >�\ 12.42 1`5>47 14.40. -=ht1.07 6 / 14.17 . \ `� ,� `•.�^ i l +11.95 10.!!4 % +12.00 / 1 +10.13 � ��� '- ^. ��., '-+17.47 +1194 +11.97 +11.71 +11.72 10. I<\4++4Q\ `.�\ ^8..`��` `^...�� PERMANENT POOL ELEVATION = 1131 +14.ei `` +11 � `�., +16.68 SURFACE AREA 0 B".. 11.5 = 21,159 SF _ 13. `` \' ,---7- \+1o.3z '' ��� L 16.07 +15.20 +10.29 `+14.89`' +14.95 +14.93 +10.26 JJt (( I l l TOP WELDED BAR� GRA TRASH RACK EL= 13.65 FPBRLGp�D BOLTED IN PLACE 0.16 FT WEIR 4 EL= 12.42 4" 18" RCP OUTLET PIPE -_ INV= OUSEL = 11.32 11.28 INV= 11.32 �1 10 3 .12" .9ONC. . 1 2. 0" PERFORATED 1 OR GROUT PVC W/ GRAVEL 6 BASE AND FABRIC FILTER 2 FT SUMP FOR CLEANOUT POND BOTTOM ELEV= 4.0 SECTION VIEW 3.5 FT x 5 FT PRECAST CONCRETE BOX WET BASIN OUTLET STRUCTURE DETAILS NOT TO SCALE AS -BUILT WET DETENTION BASIN EMERGENCY SPILL WA Y FRONT WEW NOT TO SCALE +14.79 �`132��+_11l-8���` 1%"�. !l // / i +74.48 +14.89 � - --- +14.82 +14.59 +14.9'i.� +15.21 +14.89 NOTES: I. SURI0M PROVIDED BY JOHN L PIERCE B ASSOCIATES 2 ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL a ELEVARONS BASED ON NGVD 88 4. IE MAP IS NOT FOR RECO4DARON, CONVEYANCE; OR SALES 11 LICENSE j C-2770 v COASTAL SITE DESIGN, PC ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING COMMERCIAL / RESIDENTIAL P.O. Box 4041 Wilmington, NC 28406 (910) 791-4441 �i p�.Fps frjSP €.eiz €vE�