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HomeMy WebLinkAboutPope Industrial ParkLULU UI 1VU1 ll I kidl U111 Id Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality A4 A-% 0"% 00ft James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor C AE1 Wayne McDevitt, Secretary D H N A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director September 8, 1997 Forsyth County Mr. Lawrence Pope 1349-C South Park Drive Kernersville, N.C. 27284 Subject: Pope Industrial Park Abbotts Creek Stream Channelization/Relocation Kernersville, N.C. Dear Mr. Pope: On August 21, 1991 you met with Mr. John Thomas of the U.S. Corps of Engineers (USACOE) on your property off Shields Road (SR 2640), adjacent to Abbotts Creek. At this meeting it was determined that you had channelized/relocated approximately 1,600 linear feet of Abbotts Creek without authorization from USACOE. As was detailed in the U.S. Corps on Engineer's letter to you (dated May 1, 1992) your filling and stream relocation/channelization was in violation of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act for failing to implement and follow approved soil and erosion controls. This letter went on to state that since the impacts were at the time deemed "minimal" no enforcement action would be pursued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as long as you immediately stabilized the relocated stream and seeded the fresh fill adjacent to Abbotts Creek. It is the understanding of the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) that an after-the-fact permit was issued to you from the USACOE. At that time no 401 Water Quality Certification from the State Division of Water Quality was required. If this impact had occurred presently, you would be required to obtain a 401 Water Quality Certification from DWQ. On August 6, 1997 as part of an ongoing compliance monitoring and enforcement program for the wetlands 401 Water Quality Certification Program and Watershed Protection Program the following DWQ staff visited the Pope Industrial Park site: Mr. Eric Fleek and Mr. John Dorney (DWQ's Central Office) and Mr. Brent McDonald and Mrs.Lisa Martin (DWQ's Local Government Assistance Unit). During the inspection we noticed that your streambank stabilization had been completed as required by USACOE. However, at the time of our visit it was apparent that a herbicide had recently been applied immediately adjacent to and most likely in Abbotts Creek. Discharging a herbicide into the creek is a violation of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 (a)(1) and is punishable by a civil penalty of up to $10,000 per day per violation. Therefore for future reference, you must not allow herbicides or other such substances to be discharged into waters of the State. Also, for your own benefit we strongly recommend that Environmental Sciences Branch 4401 Reedy Creek Road Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Telephone 919.733-9960 FAX # 733-9959 An Equal Opportunely Attirtnarive Acton Effoc ew 5001. regdedM0% post consmer paper Lawrence Pope Pope Industrial Park Page 2 you allow the banks along the rip-rapped portion of Abbotts Creek to revegetate naturally. This management technique will reduce your expense related to herbicide and labor, will protect you from violating the aforementioned General Statute, will further stabilize the streambank, will help remove excess nutrients and sediment, and will in the long run improve water quality. In addition to the aforementioned, Division of Water Quality staff from the Winston-Salem Regional office has documented and received numerous complaints or comments from individuals downstream of your Abbotts Creek channelization/relocation project who have reported increased flooding frequency, duration, and severity since your project was completed. Furthermore, DWQ staff have observed increased sedimentation in Abbotts Creek downstream from the Pope Industrial Park project ever since construction began. Therefore, when proposing work in wetlands or waters of the State you should seek out the appropriate regulatory agencies (i.e. USACOE and DWQ) as well as any other federal, state or local agency for all necessary approval. You are reminded that future 404 or 401 activities should be completed only after the proper permits have been obtained in order to be in compliance with the Clean Water Act. Also, please note that current laws and regulations pertaining to work conducted in waters and or wetlands of the State are subject to more stringent regulation than in previous years. Consequently, violations of these regulations are subject to increased enforcement. If you should have any questions regarding this matter or the wetland permitting process, please feel free to call me or Mr. John Dorney at (919) 733-1786. Sincerely, Water Quality Certification Program CC: Ron Linville, Winston-Salem Regional Office John Thomas, USACOE-Raleigh Field Office Lee Pelej, EPA Roger Bryant, City of Thomasville C.C. Davidson, Davidson County Planning Roger Spach, City of Lexington Steve Taylor, NCDA-Pesticide Section