HomeMy WebLinkAboutU-2509 External Scoping Meeting Wainwright, David From: Stroud, Wilson Sent: Monday, March 16, 2015 5:45 PM To: Michael.Batuzich @dot.gov; marella_buncick @fws.gov; Crystal.C.Amschler @usace.army.mil; rwcook @ci.charlotte.nc.us; Gledhill-earley, Renee; Wainwright, David; Chambers, Marla J; VanDerWiele.Cynthia @epa.gov Cc: Brown, Donald (DBrown @VHB.com); Lewis, Keith; Oberhausen, Stacy B; Harris, Jennifer; Cole, Scott; Basham, Stuart L; Brew, Gregory E; Dunlop, James H; Groundwater, Elise K Subject: U-2509: External Scoping Meeting, CP1 & CP2, Division 10 - Mecklenburg County (this Thursday, 3-19-15) Crystal, Marella, and itch, Thanks very much for your recent comments on the US 74 widening/upgrading/toll lane project in Charlotte and Matthews, STIP No. U-2509. I appreciate your getting the conversation going before the meeting. I have provided below a summary of your comments and notes, along with my replies,to continue the pre-meeting conversation: • Crystal requested that the P&N statement be more specific to include measures that will allow for a LEDPA decision later in the project development process (the proposed P&N statement is: To provide reliable travel time and improve mobility along the US 74 corridor, provide system sustainability, and maintain and improve connectivity to,from, and between adjacent communities.) Response: Trip time reliability will be regulated by variable toll pricing, as Mitch noted in his reply this morning. We will be able to measure mobility improvements on US 74 using the traffic operations analysis (TOA)that our Congestion Management Unit will perform after we select the CID 2 alternatives and obtain traffic forecasts for those alternatives One potential way to measure connectivity to, from, and between adjacent communities might be to perform a TOA for Y-lines and the parallel road network • Crystal requested that a third alternative be added for CID 2: Improve US 74 without the parallel road network connections Response: I agree with Mitch°s observation that the local road connections need to be "in the mix°for all build alternatives, in order for us to address the third prong of the proposed Purpose and Need Statement(see above); as we described in the scoping data sheets,we developed the proposed P&N statement based on our coordination with local stakeholders over several months this past fall and winter; my feeling is that if we don't include the parallel road connections,we won't be addressing that part of the P&N • Marella agreed with Crystal's comment that the P&N statement should be more specific and measurable Response: See my responses above to Crystal's first comment regarding P&N performance measures • Marella commented that unreliable trip time is more an issue for commuters than it is for local users 1 )� Response: I agree that trip time reliability is more related to commuters, as it pertains mostly tothe proposed express lanes m Marella commented that the project may not work if the side road connections are not made and suggested that we present the concepts described in the Initial Scoping Comments section of the ESM data sheets as "alternatives considered but dropped" to meet"range of alternatives" requirements )� Response: | like the idea of somehow identifying the concepts we looked at early on as "alternatives considered but dropped;" not sure if this could be simply stated in the ESM/CP I/CP 2 meeting summary or ifitwould need to be incorporated into the CP 2 statement; let's further discuss on Thursday Crystal, | called and left you a voice mail message earlier this afternoon, as we discussed last week. | apologize for not calling sooner, as you may have already left togoon your trip. |f you have a chance to call me some time before Thursday,that would be great—that way we can talk a bit more about your thoughts on these issues beforehand. David, Cynthia, Maria, and Bob, Please let me know if you have any questions or comments as you review the meeting information for this coming Thursday and the thoughts/rep|ies/suggestionscontained in this series of messages. Thanks, a||, and we'll see you on Thursday. | appreciate your participation and assistance. This project is little different,for sure,with our proposed multi-pronged P&N statement so we'll need todo a little thinking "outside the box"to see it through. -Wilson Wilson Stroud, Project Development Engineer PDEA Unit, NCDOT 919-707-6045 wstroud@ncdot.gov From: Michae|.Batuzich@dot.gov [mai|to:Michae|.Batuzich@dot.gov] Sent: Monday, March 16, 2015 9:38 AM To: mane||a_buncick@hws.gov; Crysta|.CAmsch|er@usace.army.mi| Cm: Stroud, Wilson; VanOehNie|e.Cvnthia@epa.gov; Chambers, Marla ]; Wainwright, David; Gledhill-ear|ey, Renee; rwcook@ci.char|otte.ncus Subject: RE: U-2509; CP1 0,CP-2; Division 10 - Mecklenburg County (UNCLASSIFIED) A||: | am not sure vve can get the P&N any more specific. This project is somewhat unusual in that there are several needs identified. Travel time reliability is the standard measure used nationwide for toll facilities. The traffic flow in the managed toll lane will be regulated through variable toll pricing and thereby ensure reasonable travel times. Whenever travel time reliability isin a P&N you are dealing with ato|| facility. We will be seeing this more and more in the Charlotte region as they begin to develop their toll network. It is my understanding that the Triangle area is also considering tolling. Maintaining and improving connectivity in the adjacent neighborhoods was specifically identified by the local community as a need. I am not sure why we would study an alternative that does not address it. VVe can discuss further at the scoping meeting. 2 Michael (K4hoh) Bahuzich Precmnotructimn & Environment Specialists FHVVA North Carolina Division 010-747-7033 _o (°V (°) Please consider the environment before printing this email From: Buncick, Mare||a [ l Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2O15 1:06 PM To: Amsch|er, Crystal C SAW Cm: Stroud, Wilson; Batuzich, Michael (FHVVA); Van Der VVie|e, Cynthia ); Chambers, Marla ]; Wainwright, David; G|edhiU-ear|ey, Renee; Subject: Re: U-2509; CP1 &CP-2; Division 10 - Mecklenburg County (UNCLASSIFIED) Team Thanks for sending your concerns Crystal. lun\not going tnhcut the meeting next week because lun\ on vacation. I had already let Wilson know and said I would provide comments prior to the meeting. This ioone of those times when I know I would benefit from the conversation at the table but since that isn't possible, I will offer u couple nf observations now. Regarding P&N---l also think that the P&N should hc more specific and measurable. The first bullet io onrncvvhut confusing hccuuoc l would think that for the folks who live in the area or the local huoincooco being served hythe driveways, etc travel reliability is not unissue. It occrno to rnc that the unreliable travel times are for those who are merely commuting though and travelling on to destinations further uvvuy—likc the town nf Matthews. lf the proposal is implemented, it looks to rnc as though the local traffic would have u harder time navigating the area and take more time tndo what they dnnow. This concern iofurther illustrated hythe description in the third bullet when you expand from the very local area to the subregional system connections. Regarding Alternatives---I'm not sure the project vvnuldvvndk if there aren't service roads but l can't tell for sure. What I would encourage is that you use the "concepts" you describe on the Initial ScnpingCnrnrncnto page perhaps as alternatives considered but dropped so that there is more of a range of alternatives and the rational for the single concept you are developing is otnongcc lf you have questions, let rncknow. thanks, rnuzcUu ()o Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 12:37 PM, /lmach|oc, Crystal SAW wrote: Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE /\U, Just wanted ioioucbbaeovvkbyoua|Lporprocoduro, iu |dyoukuovvibaiIdobaxoeonnocoocoroerogardingdbopurpoeo and need and alternatives for this project aecurroo1|ypropoeo4. The following concerns will have iobo addressed before I will be able to sign the concurrence barnne: l. As proposed, I believe the purpose and need statement is not specific/measurable enough for alternative evaluation and 4oiorrnioiog aLB[)P/\. 3 2. Currently the two alternatives chosen for detailed study include the no build and the road widening with Parallel Roads alternatives. There should also boa detailed alternative that involves the widening ot the road without the parallel roads iobo used for comparison. Just spoke with Wilson and we will be discussing these issues a little more prior to the meeting so not sure how this will affect the information presented a1 the meeting but wanted io make you all aware otmyconcerns. Crystal C. /\noauhlor 9r JociMuougor Asheville Regulatory Field Office l5l Patton Avenue,Room 288 Asheville,YJC28483 (828)-271-7988Bzi231 -----Original Appointment----- From: On Behalf 0f DOT POEA INTERAGENCY MEETING CALENDAR Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 8:29 AM To: DOT POEA INTERAGENCY MEETING CALENDAR; Stroud, Wilson; michae|.batuzich; Amsch|er, Crystal CSAVV; Van Der VVie|e, Cynthia ); ManeUa Buncick; Chambers, Marla ]; Wainwright, David; Gledhill-ear|ey, Renee; ; Brew, Gregory E; Ynunis, Imadl; Baker, ]ordanA; Basham, Stuart L; Cole, Scott; Zerman, William S; Marshall, Harrison; Oagnino, Carla S; Tunchy, Michael A; AJavi, ] S; Panicker, Anil 7; ArgabhgNt, Van; Hancock, Richard VV; Hanis, ]ennher Oberhausen, Stacy B; Oun|op, ]ames H; Groundwater, Elise K; Le|ewsk, Andrew R: Mosher, Robert F; SimesAmy; Walter, Tracy AV Brown, Donald ; Panicker, Anil T.; ; Tommy Register; Medlin, Kenneth N Subject: [EXTERNAL] U-2509; CP1 &CP-2; Division 1O - Mecklenburg County When: Thursday, March 19, 2015 1:00 PM-3:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US 0,Canada). Where: DOT Structure Design ConfRm C (Cap.40) This is an e}[teDs'OD of the DUO[U'Dg meeting. A determination will be made during the lDO[U'Dg meeting when tObreak for kn°rh. Meeting will be posted 2vvccko prior to the designated meeting date at the following vvchoitc: -------------------------------' .J o. -------------------------------' Call-in number (919) 250-7882 ��PNo� U-2509 Reouestor� Time: ��'Wilson Division 10 �� 1:00ann-3:00pnn County: Mecklenburg Purpose: CP1 & CP2nneeting Project Team Leads: FHWA— Mitch Batuzich USACE—Crystal Amschler NCDWR— Mr. David Wainwright PDEA—Wilson Stroud Team Members: USEPA— Dr. Cynthia Van Der Wiele MPO/RPO— Bob Cook (CRTPO) USFWS— Marella Buncick HPO— Renee Glehill-Earley NCWRC— Marla Chambers SUPPORT STAFF: Roadway—Greg Brew PDEA— Richard Hancock Roadway— Imad Younis PDEA—Jennifer Harris Division 10—Jordan-Ashley Baker Walker PDEA—Stacy Oberhausen Division 10—Stuart Basham Structures— Laura Sutton Division 10—Scott Cole Cong. Man. —Jim Dunlop Hydraulics— Bill Zerman Cong. Man. — Elise Groundwater Hydraulics— Kirby Pendergraf NCTA—Andy Lelewski HES/CS— Harrison Marshall Bicycle and Pedestrian Division — Bob Mosher NES—Carla Dagnino Roadside— Mark Staley NES— Michael Turchy Consultant— Keith Lewis, VHB PDB—Van Arga bright Consultant— Don Brown, VHB TPB —Jamal Alavi Consultant—Tommy Register TPB—Anil Panicker rnall aurrc,aluuinduinae,Co and frurn'U°iiu ae,inder is aulnjaaJ�u dh o IN C I::"ulnlia tcaun:Ju I..aw and may Inc divaluaad�u U'li'd luartie,a, Classification; UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Marella Buncick USFWS 160 Zillicoa St Asheville, NC 28801 (828) 258-3939 ext 237 fax (828) 258-5330 5