HomeMy WebLinkAboutExternal Scoping Meeting Packet�� � ��� � STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATTON PAT MCCRORY ANTHONY J. TATA GOVER�'OR $ECRETARY TIP Project No. U-2509 US 74 (Independence Boulevard) From Conference Drive to I-485 (Charlotte Outer Loop) in Mecklenburg County External Scoping Meeting and Concurrence Point 1 and 2 Meeting March 19, 2015 30AM-12PM 1 PM — 3 PM NCDOT Structure Design Conference Room Raleigh, North Carolina Wilson Stroud, Project Development Engineer, NCDOT-PDEA Unit * The purpose of this meeting is twofold: 1) to introduce the US 74 (Independence Boulevard) project to the regulatory agencies; and 2) to have a discussion on the Purpose and Need and Study Area for Concurrence Poinc 1, and the Detailed Study Alternatives Carried Forward for Concurrence Point 2. AGENDA • Introductions • Project Overview o Project Location and Description o System of Express Lane Projects o Project Data Sheet • Concept Development and Local Officials Coordination • Potential Stream and Wetland Impacts • Concurrence Point 1 o Study Area o Purpose and Need Statement • Concurrence Point 2— Detailed Study Alternatives Carried Forward Statement • Discussions • Next Steps o Public Involvement o Proposed Schedule MAILING ADDRESS: � Te�eaHONe: 919-707-6000 NC DEPARTMENT OF TRPNSPORTATION FAX: 919-250-4224 PROJEGT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIflONMENTAL ANALY515 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENtER WEBSITE NN✓W.NCOOT.ORG/OOH/PflEGONSTRUCT/PE/ Ra�eicn NC 27699-1548 LOCATION: CENTURY CEMER &11LDING B 1000 BIFCH RIOGE DRIVE RnLEIGH NC 27610 PAT MCCROY GOVERNOR ..��� �,�� STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPAR'I'1VIEN"I' OF TRANSPORTATION February 27, 2015 Memorandum To: U-2509 Project Team ANTHONYJ.TATA SECRETARY From: Wilson Stroud Project Development Engineer Project Development and Environmental Analysis Unit Subject: External Scoping Meeting and Concurrence Point 1 and 2 Meeting for US 74 (Independence Boulevard), from Conference Drive to I- 485 (Charlotte Outer Loop), Charlotte and Matthews, Mecklenburg County, FA No. NHS-74(70), WBS No. 38965.1.1, ST[P No. U-2509 The Project Development and Environmental Analysis Unit has been working on the early stages of project development, environmental review, and engineering studies for improvements to US 74 (Independence Boulevard) in Mecklenburg County. The project is included in the draft 2015-2025 North Carolina State Transportation Improvement Program as STIP No. U-2509 and is currently programmed for planning and environmental study. The project is to include widening, grade separations and interchanges, to bring the facility to the level of an Expressway (with limited segments of freeway), and the addition of Express Lanes in the median ofthis 6.3-mile segment of US 74 (Independence Boulevard) between Conference Drive and t-485 (Charlotte Outer Loop) in the City of Charlotte and the Town of Matthews. The project is adjacent to STIP Project No. U-5526 on US 74 (Independence Boulevard) between I-277 and Wallace Lane. The two projects together will provide a system of Express Lanes along US 74 (Independence Boulevard) from I-277 to I-485. Express Lane connections to the proposed 1-485 Express Lane project to the south (STIP Project I-5507) and the proposed Monroe Bypass/Connector Toll Road (STIP Projects R-3329 and R-2559) will also be included to provide a system of express and toll lanes for the region. In addition, the connection of, or completion of missing sections of, existing parallel roads will be included in this project. These connections of parallel roads are planned to provide access and connectivity to, from, and between the adjacent communities. Right of way acquisition is scheduled for Fiscal Year 2020 and construction is scheduled for Fiscal Year 2022. At this time, it is anticipated that an Environmental Assesstnent and Finding of No Significant Impact (EA/FONSI) will be prepared for this project. The project will likely MAILING ADDRESS: TeteaHOnE: 919-707-6000 LOCATION: NC DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FAX: 97&250-0224 CENTURY CEMER, BWLOING A PROJECT DEVELOPMENT ANO ENVIRONMENiAL ANALV515 1000 BIRCH RIOGE DRIVE 1548MAILSERVICECENTER WEBSRE:WWV✓NCOOTORG/OOWPRECONSTRUCUPFJ RRIEIGH,NC27610 RALEICH NC 27699-0548 require the following permits: USACE Section 404 permit and NCDENR Section 401 Water Quality Certification. An External Scoping Meeting is being scheduled for March 2015 in Raleigh and you will receive notification of the time and location soon. The purpose of this is to introduce this project to the rest of the agencics and solicit input. We have prepared an environmental features map using available GIS level data. No field verification or studies have been completed at this time. The map also contains preliminary stream and wetland impacts that are based on anticipated right of way widths. We would appreciate any additional information you might have that wo�ild be helpful in evaluating potential enviromnental impact of Chis project [f applicable, please identify any permits or approvals which may be required by your agency. `I�he project was introduced to the co-team leaders at a Merger discussion meeting on February 12, 2015. A decision was later made that the project will be included in the Merger Process. As a result, at this meeting we would also like to have a discussion on the Purpose and Need and Study Area for Concurrence Point I, and the Detailed Study Alternatives Carried Forward for Concw�rence Point 2. CP 1 and CP 2 concw�rence forms are included in the package for yow� review prior to the meeting. Please follow this link to obtain existing project data for your use in preparing for this meeting: http�//207 4 62.65/PDCA/MergerMeetin�s/ The following are posted for your use in preparing for the meeting: meeting agenda, vicinity map, the Project Data Sheet, map of area STIP Projects, map of Express Lane System Projects, map of bridges and culverts, USGS Quad Map, a project study area and environmental features map, a preliminary stream and wetland impacts table, a Purpose and Need and Study Area Statement/CP I form, and a Detailed St�idy Alternatives Carried Forward Statement/CP 2 form. If you have any questions about the project or the meeting or have trouble accessing the project data, please contact me at (919) 707-6045 or by email at wstroud�ncdot.aov. You may also contact Keith Lewis at (919) 334-5619 or by email at kdlewisnn vhb.com or pon [3rown at (919) 334-5609 or by email at dbrown(a�vhb.com. Please include the TIP Project Number in all correspondence and comments. JWS/KI. n�o ��� Q��.• STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPAR"1'MEN"I' OF TRANSPORTATION PA"[' MCCRORY ANfHONY J. TATA GOVERNOR SLCRETARY TIP Project No. U-2509 US 74 (Independence Boulevard) From Conference Drive to I-485 (Charlotte Outer Loop) in Mecklenburg County External Scoping Meeting and Concurrence Point 1 and 2 Meeting March 2015 Time and Location TBD Raleigh, North Carolina Wilson Stroud, Project Development Engineer, NCDOT-PDEA Unit * The purpose of this meeting is twofold: l) to introduce the US 74 (Independence Boulevard) project to the regulatory agencies; and 2) to have a discussion on the Purpose and Need and Study Area for Concurrence Point I, and the Detailed Study Alternatives Carried Forward for Concurrence Point 2. AGENDA • Introductions • Project Overview o Project Location and Description o System of Express Lane Projects o Project Data Sheet • Concept Development and Local Officials Coordination • Potential Stream and Wetland Impacts • Concurrence Point 1 o Study Area o Purpose and Need Statement • Concurrence Point 2— Detailed Study Alternatives Carried Forward Statement • Discussions • Next Steps o Public Involvement o Proposed Schedule MAILING ADDRESS: NC DEGARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 1548 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RnLEICH NC 27699-1548 TELEPHONE: 919-707-6000 FAX: 919-250-0224 WEBS?6 NNM(NCDOt ORG/DOWPREWNSTRUCT/PN LOCATION: CENTURV CENTER BUILOING B 1000 BIRCH RIOGE �RNE Rn�eicH NC 2�610 PROJECT DATA SHEET Date: 7/28/14 Rev.: 2/26/15 TIP No.: U-2509 County: Mecklenburg Federal-aid No.: NHS-74(70) WBS No.: 38965.1.1 NCDOT Division: 10 Scoping Meeting Date: March 2015 Prolect Description� US 74 (Independence Boulevard) — wideninq and upqradinq to an expresswaV the addition of exoress lanes in the median and the connection of existinq parallel roads • Length: 6.3 miles • Termini (US Hwy / SR): Conference Drive to I-485 (Charlotte Outer Loop) • MPO/RPO: CRTPO • NEPA / 404 Merger Candidate? � Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown, TBD o A Merger Screening Meeting was held on February 12, 2015, and further discussions took place resulting in the recommendation that the project follow the Merger Process. • General Description of Project: The purpose of the project is to provide reliable travel time and improve mobility along the US 74 corridor, provide system sustainability, and maintain and improve connectivity to, from, and between adjacent communities. Desiqn Data (Existinq Conditions): • Functional Classification: Other Principal Arterial • Strategic Highway Corridor: US 74 (Independence Blvd) is part of the North Carolina Strategic Highway Corridors and is a primary east-west route in the region. It is a crucial section of US 74 in an ongoing effort to enhance transportation, economic development, and environmental stewardship in North Carolina. It is part of corridors 23 and 24 which call for an expressway. • CTP Designation (Facility Type): Proposed Class II • Type of Access Control: No access control except at NC 51 and I-485 interchanges. • Typical Section: 4-6 lane median divided with curb & gutter in some sections and shoulder in others. • Right of Way: 200', with very few exceptions of 205'-210' • Posted Speed: 45 mph • Structure Inventory (bridges, RCBC, Walls, etc.) that may be affected by the project: US 74 or interchanges - 187, 188, P-198 (Pipe culvert), 668, 669, 746, 748 rev. 7/21/10 Harris Blvd. — 365; • Other TIP Pro'ects in the Area Draft STIP 2015-2025 U-5526, U-5805, U-5007, U-4714A, R-3329/R-2559, I-5507, U-5763, U-5804B • Railroad Involvement: Lonq Ranqe Plan Historv: CRTPO has been studying managed/express lanes since 2007 to determine the viability and acceptance of them in the region. Public outreach was conducted by CRTPO, and potential corridors and projects were proposed, prioritized, and are now included in the 2040 Metropolitan Transportation Plan. This project along Independence Boulevard is one of those projects. The year 2025 is the Long Range Transportation Plan Horizon Completion Year. The Town of Matthews has had conditional zoning in place for 25 years, and the businesses are aware that this project could alter access and potentially move access to parallel connector roads. An updated feasibility study for this project was Traffic Data (AADT): No-Build Level of Service (LOS): The project was evaluated by comparing existing and projected traffic volumes with the existing roadway capacity for nine corridor segments during the peak periods. Base Year — 2012 AM _Operates acceptably in 5 of the 9 westbound and eastbound segments. Base Year — 2012 PM: Operates acceptably in 6 of 9 westbound and 4 of 9 eastbound segments. Design Year — 2040 AM: Operates acceptably in 1 of 9 westbound and 3 of 9 eastbound segments. Design Year — 2040 PM: Operates acceptably in 3 of 9 westbound and 1 of 9 eastbound segments. rev. 7/21/10 Cost Estimates: TIP Estimate (Dec 2014 Estimate Estimate Construction $310,000,000 NA NA Proiect Schedule: $85,000,000 � NA $10,000,000 Total $405,000,000 NA $250,700,000 rev. 7/21/10 Initial Scopinq Comments: Air Quality Status — Non-attainment (8-hour Ozone, 2008); Maintenance (Carbon Monoxide) Studv of Proiect Concepts For the past 6 months, NCDOT has been working closely with a Stakeholder Committee that includes the Town of Matthews, City of Charlotte, and CRTPO. The Stakeholder Committee has reviewed typical sections and concepts from the January 2013 Feasibility Study of how these improvements could be completed. Three concepts were evaluated: • Expressway with At-Grade Express Lanes in the median and interchanges and grade separations at major road crossings. • Freeway with At-Grade Express Lanes in the median and interchanges and grade separations at major road crossings. . Arterial/Expressway with At-Grade and Elevated Express Lanes in the median. Where Express Lanes are elevated, existing signalized intersections will remain for the general purpose lanes. The Stakeholder Committee agreed to move forward with the Expressway Concept and widening to six general purpose lanes, adding at-grade express lanes in the median, adding grade separations and interchanges at major cross streets, having right-in/right-out access along most of the corridor with some full control of access, and completing an existing system of parallel roads for access and connectivity. The project is listed in the MTP and is compliant with the conformity determination. GIS Environmental Screening indicates potential direct impact io the fo!lowing: gas stations, USTs, streams (5 existing crossings, up to 8 new crossings possible, and a stream relocation), wetlands, and floodplains Based on the Expressway Concept, potential stream and wetland impacts were estimated using only GIS data to identify the resources. No field work has been conducted at this time in the study. The impacts were estimated at a standard right-of-way width of 230 feet for US 74 and 80 and 100 feet for the parallel road connections. From these parameters it was estimated that there is the potential to have 24 impacts to streams (a culvert extension on both ends is shown as 2 impacts) totaling 2,779 feet and four wetlands impacted totaling 2.02 acres. Individual impact sites are identified on the Environmental Features Map and a summary table attached. GIS Environmental Screening also indicates the presence in or near the study area of land trust conservation properties, watershed protection areas, greenways, NRHP sites, hazardous materials and NPDES sites, streams, wetlands, bridges, and community facilities (cemeteries, colleges, fire stations, hospital, library, senior center, places of worship, and schools). No impacts to these resources are anticipated other than the stream and wetland impacts noted above. As a result of a Merger Screening Meeting and further coordination between USACE, NCDWR, FHWA, and NCDOT, it was recommended that the project follow the Merger Process. rev. 7/21/10 - : �-�-�' 4�\y�' � � � _� �► `, ���"`� �� l �, , \ � `, I-5718 �..�," �� � � � ����� I-3311/I-5405/I-4750 `�. .. _�/r � '�, .— U-5526 _ _ � I-5507 16 �___; County Boundary �X�C85S ��SIE? .`�S'LJ;��fr . 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'� , ..'.'.i , - _ -:� - . s.: '.l USGS Stream Classification �� - - �-'�`. _. � �. : ,.: ..;.. � . .: - _ - � Perennial Stream _ '' _ ;" � �� �� -- -� IntermittentStream - �'�x^� � - - � - ��1� ' _ - . - - _ ._ . ..�I 0 USGS Quad Map `US 74 (Independence Boulevard) Improvements ="�`"°. 0 0.5 1 2 From Conference Drfve to 1�85 in Mecklenburg County � Miles U-2509 �`�s% Section 404/NEPA Merger Project Team Meeting Agreement Concurrence Point No. 1 Purpose and Need and Study Area TIP Proiect No.: U-2509 FA Proiect No.: NHS-74(70) WBS No.:38965.L1 Proiect Name/Description: US 74 (Independence Boulevard) Improvements from Conference Drive to 1-485 (Charlotte Outer Loop) in Chadotte and Matthews, Mecklenburg County. A concurrence meeting was held with members of the Merger Team on March , 2015 to discuss the Purpose & Need and Study Area of Ihe proposed project. Information about the existing and projected traffic conditions along the corridor was presented in the meeting package. The Project Team has concurred on this date with the Purpose & Need and Study Area as described below. The study area for this project includes proposed improvements to existing US 74 (Independence Boulevard) and an existing network of parallel roads and their proposed connections. The study area ranges from 500 to approximately 2,000 feet on either side of the existing US 74 centerline. The study area also includes an expanded area around the I-485 interchange to evaluate express lanes connection alternatives and an extension to the southeast along US 74 to include connection alternatives to the proposed Monroe Connector/Bypass toll lanes. The need for this study can be summarized as follows: • Existing US 74 does not provide reliable Iravel time and connectiviry fa� residents, business patrons, and commuters in Southeastern Char�lotte and Matthews. ➢ Congestion due to full driveway and side road access, signalized intersections, and limited roadway capacity prevents facility users from being able to travel from one end of the project corridor to another in a set, reliable time. Y In addition, design year traffic flows preclude multi-modal transportation crossings. Connecting Ihe adjacent street network and wnsidering grade separated crossings will allow for safe and efficient alternative mode travel along and across the corridor. • Traffrc estimates indicate tha[ US 74 will require additional capaciry to provide adequate LOS far users by the design year (2040). ➢ US 74 is expected to operate below LOS D in the design year, with its projected volume to exceed the capacity for such a facility. The Proposed Action would improve the level of service along the corridor to LOS D or better to ensure adequate capacity is available for the projected travel demand. • This segneent of expr�ess lanes is needed to pr•ovide a��eliable have! tinae and connec! a syslena of express lanes planned an US 74 lo the northwesl, I-485 to the soz�ih, and the Monroe Bypass/Connecmr toll road to Ihe soulheast. Y Construction is underway on improvements to US 74 between Albemarle Road (NC 27) and Conference Drive under STIP Project U-209 B. STIP Project U-5526 will comert bus lanes on that segment, and on the segment that was previously widened and improved (from I-277 to Albemarle Road), to express lanes. STIP Project I-5507 will provide express lanes along I-485 from I-77 south of Charlotte to US 74 in Matthews. The Monroe Bypass/Connector (STIP Projects R-3329 and R-2559) will provide toll lanes that will connect to existing US 74 near the I-485 interchange. The Proposed Action (U- 2509) is needed to connect these three projects into one system of express lanes in southeast Charlotte. The purpose for the proposed action is as follows: • To p��ovide r•eliable have[ lime and 'mep��ove mobiliry along ihe US 74 corridor, provide sys(em szrstainabiliry, and marn�ain and improve conneclivi�y lo, fronz, and between adjacen� commtmrties. Concurrencs Pointl U-2509 March 2015 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources — Division of Water Resources Charlotte Regional Transportation Plznning Organiza[ion N.C. Department of Transportation, PDEA Unit U.S. Environmen[al Protec[ion Agency N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission N.C. Departmen[ of Cultural Resources Hisroric Preservation Office Federal Highway Administration Concurrencz Poim I U-2509 March 2015 Section 404/NEPA Merger Project Team Meeting Agreement Concurrence Point No. 2 Detailed Study Alternatives Carried Forward TIP Proiect No.: U-2509 FA Praiect No.: NHS-74(70) WBS No.: 38965.1.1 Proiect Name/Description: US 74 (Independence Boulevard) Improvements from Conference Drive to I-485 (Charlotte Outer Loop) in Charlotte and Matthews, Mecklenburg County. A concurrence meeting was held with members of the Merger Team on March , 2015 to discuss Detailed Study Alternatives to be carried forward for the proposed project. In addition to the No-Build Alternative, the Project Team has concurred on this date with the Detailed Study Alternative to be Carried Forward as described below. The Detailed Study Alternative to be Carried Forward includes: proiec[ [o [he south (STIP Project I-55071 and the nronosed Monroe Bvpass/Connector Toll Road (STIP PJects R-3329 and R-2559) will also be included. • Connec[ion of the followine Parallel Roads beine considered: o Krefeld Drive Extension (Krefeld Drive to Sardis Road Northl o Areauipa DriveMortheast Parkwav (Marearet Wallace Road [o Sam Newell Road) o Krefeld Drive/Independence Pointe Parkway (Crownpoint Executive Drive to Sam Newell Road) o Northeast Parkway (Overcash Drive to Matthews-Mint Hill Roadl o Indenendence Poin[e Parkwav (Szm Newell Road to Matthews Townshiu Parkwav fNC5111 o Independence Pointe Parkway (Matthews Township Parkwav (NC511 to Campus Rid ee Roadl U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service N.C. Department of Emironment and Na[ural Resources — Division of Wa[er Resources Chzrlo[te Regional Transportation Planning Organization Concurrence Point2 U-2509 March 2015 N.C. Depzrtment of Transportation, PDEA Unit U.S. Environmental Protection Agency N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission N.C. Department of Cul[ural Resources Hisroric Preservation Office Federal Highway Administration Concurrence Poim 2 U-2509 March 2015 A 1-{ ' ' � .. . . .. � . r ( �' �y� . � Hlndu . . .. �' E UiZ1-� `� �� . . �- , � - � ���Cente� ��-.th �n�- L , � � �� � � p _ ��l- -�� `��� .. 't a � . .(�, w . Ur ��� . . � . . ,.CJ �,� _ j A � � 1:. u co� 6 .r �f� Req ��� r i:- a �i i = �!,. s � � - � dmanRa �.riA �� �r�^ 4 "ti�.:_ , �. � ...� SharonPorest �i C^. {,:� � . < . �:� . r . s5:- . � . Baptist F� � �0� �� . . :. ° ' . . � Church p � . . � �: � . Cokesbury United . �: Q� r �;;r f r - . � � ya�� :�•, i �. � � a< a � � Me�hodist Church . ; . � .: £ . . � S . � '"�i East � � � � � � `f� �`e , ��?� � Lee Heuse W . eia ' C qMP6ELL do0� �a a,� Ct � r r•�.. r G�� �Mtttns� aiiace< �'�:a "� CR.F..EK� � . (oca . . . ey�, . ��,. , a ���_ . � n . �� -;ms� .GR["FNWAY � �. . . �Go .. \ �c . � . . C� �a ' e - . ao .; f a9 .� � � �� �� � . . � r j� r �, „ . . ?r . � . . O.� � '`�- ', i �' s . , . . . i � {i �' � ; 8 P . �,9`e ' � r � { . � � . F t r " �, '� S01 � r . - k H .y i' < <., ''' . �{ , �'� � +, ti0 ' �` ��� � i. � � . t � , � 7 �y � �'¢ t �'a���(� �P� � � �a•,.�: . . . Amity PI r ��� ,3 , 'ti `- � � ; o� � ¢. � ��' ''- . . � � �. J � . . . ' � ' .� j ;�. aQ�e ; �,a, o, W01 r r _ " t � ti � � �' C� , z � - ' ' ��,� _� �DomCR 'l��-, � � �,q m '-Chado�te'� � �� P '.: � .:___�:;r � � Town and . I . � � -. � � . � . a �1 ��� � �Fire ;,� �; ' � ; ��. Couniry Folger � . ' � � .. . . � . � O . � •.�.� � ; �ahonS02 � � � '<h Y � Hendrick � v � +. i ,,33 � i• ..y � � Ford Buick B& R � 3< ��,` 1 � � '� I :,�I1 1 7 ' h � . � Lexus Bodye� BnardaleAD�i° � . � ��? � " � ' t ,/ ' < z �a' Wlburn,.'.. � _ � � V . , i ��.r. � ,v�; ,� .�S �$h0(J;,. � R a, :� i i "_tl � _ c lf'e,l r. x �a . i .� .. .. t _ _I . � i�,- f f � .:t. � r f il � ' 4,: � t .:�,, � r'; � ,,, �,.? , 7 t x ` ���� -:3 AWO Body. <;.; Under . i ��`� Under .� {� � �:*U � ` - r , � �. . f' . ; .:� r9 I ' t � y � � T4,-� � � � i t � � � � ShoP. � . � �` � �' < i 4 :; � :;: � �,�;� �-, �� �J �� , - o . y � : ,� C unt� ���� - Wholesale �' � „ � yi _�� � : � ,-f ..a ..� `¢S .., .. 74 �_ _. Y . :.: ConEtlnd[e endenceBlvd .�..� Construction .'i i � �� i4F � .t:.. � �. �. � a�,- . . . � . � `..� i � ' �-j � , �,, ��9 an .�. _ i � � � r ;�- �'-,.� �, �Q • _., � _..-. .-��i � ; x� ���. , ��, � 1'�1�� i n�i2:5 �° � ,� � - ` y .,:::� � �a���4Cle�aie�s I . . °. . . �enEA-Car e i � � , ... . __ . • ; �Q��� . , t.. Col�lege of . !�c. I Wallae:. Rtl I . � r `_�.. , ., ,. Inde e dence � . . Henduck�:. 1 r `." -� � ...� � c�i. Chariot� � E � � 1 4 i � '� �. e �.: � � � �..> , :<- „'r .....,C,h a�lotte _ ,. .��_�' . S ,�, .J� +t -� r�;d � �t � i����� �arr `�i° .. Automotiver i,_ i .iHendnck m�.lm o xpress� � � � . � "�..,� S � i � , e , �. .6. P �k y � t ' �a\ . Be in Pro eCt � - . . . b�, - .faHu�mmer -;: Grou j# � i ' P h Cars .. . ,n � � � g 1 0 (� - � Chris�ian f�' ;� �.� P,� U "Imporl5 g -S ' ��JThe �,.'i � o ,, � �_ _ . �mP . Y � � . � . Academy CarolinaEVangelistic �� ' �,b ���� +� �'� � �� P�ntry � � r. 1� � i � - � Charlo��e . '��P Independence . � , . � o . Assucia�ion . `' � � T,�,j� ���t` • �. O Monroe Rd � Fire Q �� Branch � � � � � �� � �` 4 ofCharlo��e t.:? S Slation3 " Lib�r'a' TrinityChns�ian �- � m � �} � ;�\m C } � � � ' � � � �`QJ � � ry Prepatory School , Eag�eWOOd Ave �� � S4�� . . �n`��7 r j � m : � ti r (/�� 1 C t . �- °` �. � 1 . . .. � � \�� East� P esb �teean � .. 4 P��// �� . � � � �I< i 'S4 ,- ° ' `r � � �� Presb �enan Y . . , , O . �t� a ` . '�r � C � + � > ti � � �� � � � Y of CharbUe � � r � � "," i � � ' �; t � �_ ' . East Church � Mdaughlin Dr .. , �� (. , F� � . �. � � " r �- �, Mecklenburg t }E � ..�� 1 ya1, c��,'�� 3.� ' . jr i ��,; � High � � q. . � . e� i � , >= � < � ! y_-� �4; . . j . . . . � i_ ' Y.. , ; Q . 93`o e ✓ : � q -." ,; � � � Ave � f t i _�: ,`'` c . . . . . �'O � z I I , ' �. , • ,i �� t ; � ee a , Evelyn � � . i n ' � � . -- i � �°i A � � �^ Mack . r Gayle Ave :� � a � ' � ebb st le i, y "�,� � 4 , 3 � .; e ` G � i,. .� r i', t ( • � Academy . °' . `� . : �ne Dr c�7� '�3�- . � . � � +�li ,�� ��� � ` '`n�,�'.i, . �. � o. : . yF �� . . 5� . � 6 : � ..! `,� � l .� �:r' . � ' f � ` � I : . - . . � .. � . i C �r fr ; : . . n , � . � . � i'.- . a . . . ' � � . .�, . ., � � . , � , . . ` �. � .. : ' � � � . . O . ' . : i ' . � . � . � L. �. . . .. .. . - � �dpos, � , � � oa . � . ' � . . ; -. �� � � . ��. . .. �dye! Community Facilities Hazardous Facilities �� Ra �:, ��'° << a'��o ke,.b � o spossible Stream Impact Pe0 O j College ��� Brownfield Site °0ker� ` Town of Matthews - Bike/Ped Projects - Possible Wetland Impact 10� Fire Station � Dry Cleaner Site � �' Hydrology Features � � � ��� Planned Bike Lane/On-Road Bikewa Bridge Improvements Under Construction � Library Q Gas Station Cultural Resources .,,�,,,,_ Hydrology y �+r+�� Planned Multi-Use Path/Trail/Greenway Proposed Bridge Improvements t'' ', Q School � Underground Storage Tank Cemetery f Waterbody p� ' ^��3� Existing Greenway � P �'��`:,; i Welland (USFWS) Planned Sidewalk Project StudyArea ,�_. ' � Hazardous Waste Site Place of Worshi �, Park Pro ert Floodwa Planned Neighborhood Signed Connectors Approximated Project Right-of-Way p Y Hazardous Waste Site Qnactive) � SHPO Landmark Y Utility ROW Q NPDES Site 0 SHPO Surveyed 1%Annual Chance of Flood Hazard Planned Off-Road Connector � Municipal Boundary 0 Environmental Features US 74 (Independence Boulevard) Improvements � 0 500 1,000 2,000 From Conference Drive to I-485 in Mecklenburg County Feet Sheet #1 U-2509 ��% �`�'{ , ��'��\ Independence Blvd @ McAlpine Creek � Independence Blvd @ Irvins Creek v; � �<t'{ �', �� � scnoaa� a Possible Stream Im act 388 ft '� ^ � ,�� 7 r� ��v, ��,i'� � mom son Possible Stream Impact: 150 ft , e� P � � e�� �� u � ��` � ���j "�` 1`��y/�� N � � Locations: SO4, S05 , ; � , � . � � , � ¢, � Locations: S07, S08 g � & � ,;�; � �;�,� ` � �� � � �'f A'. � }� fi r � p� � Sardis Rd Nonh Extension �, 4 �f �s "` ' < < � ; � V Possible Stream Impact: 156 ft ;� � � Locations:S12 ' � � pld House C�r " 3' � - � c�-�,� �M��� Jonesville �. Village Lake Dr Extension "�� �, ? � � e `� �� `� � nMe zion Cam Possible Wetland Impact: 0.21 acres `� y r '` . ��� � cnurch ,• � P/�e/lC���k Locations:W01 '� �'� <akeviewG�tr r �=' Q �.Y . p.. . � . �- � AshleyFarm�r. .'. . _. � �,� eWS , Sr�S. ' Vllage Lake Dr Extension p` � � -Matth � � . .r��i,� �" '�;sprin9daie � tij � Possible Stream Impact: 233 ft a�e Arequipa Dr Extension ?, � �Y.r �� ;. y Py,e z� '>' $ '' ' G Possible Stream Impact: 174 ft ^ j`:'"'�` ; Chaflotte :� iiR cn�r�n Locations:501 S02 S03 a , t ; a' j ; �;' ort � ;e,bieaap��s�� : � � Locations: S06, S11 `S�� r * �! � � t S� � S01 � � �;_'...� � '���Chnshan l �` s � . . . t }� �.' �I p, � .+� 1 ( `'�'� �i �,3.3.��'� ;r.-� "4� Marg-��,J ` .�School t :� i �4��SUmmeliieldRip�9e .. .. . � . n:.C� � �o i��� i , 4 i � � d 5 r .iF1 St Mich`ael z - 9 reYl�y , , � ° � � � � �q ,�� f � { �'� �.:p ��, . . allaceRd�. � � , �O ;e �r, �. . _ 9 . ",.,' a,: x �V,N!���} ;.,, iheArcRangel � � S r } ,+ .? ,. ! 'oc..: '�„` '" : x�!�U� i*i ':" i �q „) �.Fte�r 'y �� ` r :r..� + '' �s, t, c Nj� `St MiChael f '..d+s�- ��"y`� � �'i m.0 � r,+_� :Y a+ t �'(: '��. ,+ r, ��lr;'. i ! .' r.' ` S;y' hLz i. '� 1 t �;�'$� � W01� ' Beme�ery': '° t — : � ��e h ��:- �t t '-.c". .i• � ; �, +�v�'�:- �. � � 1, , - ��'�;�` ';r': � i)� P - .� ' � i� ,il �.21.'1. ui:' ..,�;' . .�. -'o :r .3�. a .f. �_ S ,'i+.. ir* - �J' - Chadotte = § .JS..� t �, ,(. ���� � �� i2 ��.#'/ i. ° �Q .iS12�- .��. .,Y :� `�� _ , t,. , . `�`r i��� V`.» d, y �oi fy te.: .'.,.$t�. Y�^ � ryP �VO 1 I' $�6 at�ff:�'Q�% t`�' ;/I �� -i9 r" '� , �,' _. ��^ �. ' � , . e y (i Fire ' . e :i7 r '` �.�. .� �h �..,' ��.( n r, � y � e�. a, �'.,4'i ��;: I .S�a6on29 �. �' ..�. �v O,.i�' ..•�o. eastP' r �i iX"�''ip`�,+: t :a,,:. �t � �yw yA' 1` .o ,� � _ M4 `7?�r . �:..,. . `s} �'��(, ��� S02 <f�� - 'm ,�`i �! r. � � �y� �oodw�i�c�;- t, � kwy ;� - �,`.�j s." r� �L �' � .t �;R.. �.i� 7, Y:r - a . i' ; �� 2.r� �- . O - � ' �'7'-� ` . � .� i C e , � i* � :. n � `:� '� .�, � , r. ,.. ��_��. .�.,� { ,.�, �,,�. J � m... 4r.� r� S r .. . .�..� . .�- p � �._4 j� '�o �.ti '` ,'�. �< .,� �Wlbun i .'� }����i� �Carmax. __ ,..� � - x '�'�� �l � .av a irn. S07 -,.i vb'� � . t >. �. 5.. °n' ij` f'.i ..�Aut0.8od r.-s . � ":!t.'� '�� l, ;Il � 3'�. � � O�. .. .. .'� ' N _ ' r�ri.s :'�j' ,".� � mf, � � A. . r � �' Y � , �y,�-�-'' _ _ " I i i � { F,:' � �.;x,µ r°� o . d`'' . P T � .-. _ C ,fa. , y S, .'� � �� ., . �� yy ...ShOp' . i :Yn, V �O_ � � RiK� .t _,.{ ���i � �Y�.l 1 �� N i 1 z._ „�� I� 1�.( r.�� .i��� ., f� � i 7 V ,�l ��� . . �, � . }�� ' � , . �.i i� . .Y':��, �i � � ��:._' S._ "��_..�4••a "�2' �i�d4ri ,.�, b� Y:.�.: a �Yr�.� S.. �.?as. X n,��[�' A+ _ �I '.''� �ti �,. i f • i�C ; " pA �y µ ,�� ' � � � � ,, �f �C� Z?" . I J�Y �� _ . ' � . ' ... - , . . f. f... 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CRFEK . . � � '° � ;. _. � � y� ,_ .~ '`- : ., f p, Runa y GREENWAY �.� W02 ri 4° S10 i's},.c.` a' .l ..,, .��u' �l�4�s,Ci�`', ' .. ;�� t ��. .�bb/es . w Y@ay� �. , , .., � '� � � .F �j� . j� � `0 ' s.�'L� � _•'��r' E !�fiiU A' . . �. ..,».�. - to�e p� . � ' � C . . . ur�Ft•,'^��,*w v�z;, ��..e��a. ' , ,. � it . ,_ ' , _ �� t .;p� .1 �: . . � ; � _+wn'+b - .=:m2� , � y ' ' . . y�. .. .. G�ownCenUe'Dr � ��ee� , y `�.��.r , , "��° Krefeld Dr Extension Krefeld Dr Extension � a3i ,�; �^ J" `� Possible Wetland Impact 0.62 acres Possible Stream Impact: 129 ft � � � L � � � Greenway �� 5` ' -. � . _ � -C � � �ii Park '� , s Locations: W02 Locations: 509, 510 ; U�� `� ` GJ, MCAI.PIN[ Columbia Community Facilities Hazardous Facilities `DCV CREEK eeaury ?, �Possible Stream Impact r, College �� Brownfield Site � REGIONAL '�' '+� � H drolo Features Town of Matthews - Bike/Ped Projects � Possible Wetland Impact �DI Fire Station �� � Dry Cleaner Site Y 9Y ... Planned Bike Lane/On-Road Bikewa Bridge Improvements Under Construction � Library Q Gas Station Cultural Resources ,,,� Hydrology y � Q School � Underground Storage Tank Cemetery f Waterbody �> �� �� Planned Multi-Use Path/Trail/Greenway Proposed Bridge Improvements � ,�,,,�,.,, �, Planned Sidewalk Project Study Area 4' Existing Greenway Q'. Hazardous Waste Site � Place of Worship �i; ;,;� Wetland (USFWS) � Park Pro ert Floodwa Planned Neighborhood Signed Connectors Approximated Project Right-of-Way P Y Hazardous Waste Site (Inactive) � SHPO Landmark Y Utility ROW Q NPDES Site � SHPO Suroeyed 1%Annual Chance of Flood Hazard Planned Off-Road Connector � Municipal Boundary Environmental Features US 74 (Independence Boulevard) improvements //� 0 500 1,000 2,000 0 From Conference Drive to I-485 in Mecklenburg County 1, ��'V% Feet Sheet #2 U-2509 \ , �nm�n �<<;� � ,`rr� ���+ � � Independence Blvd @ Unnamed Tributary Independence Blvd @ Irvins Creek Tributary #1 ad � �. � ,"� ,� � ����-�� _ ���� � � � Possible Stream Impact: 141 ft Possible Stream Impact: 132 ft , � , � �5 Locations: 513, S14 Locations: S15, S16 � ++' s'"� F � � � i ' ,.a�., � � - a � � . . � . - . . . � _ . � � . in �� � .-.� .'a0 p . i . �. . �'. , ..!l i 2� , � . , � . - . .. A . a , �,� e " � '' � .,kC�°eR ' ,' � ,.. . . � � r �.� � ytlheWS'ToW�sh�pPk ': � .� . - Jonesville � ' �� � �,� , Forest . 51 ,",M . �. � ,��',"'ti*+ - � �1 AMEZion . �' -, i � , Ridge , y�m,,, �. .� , 'Ft`'"�v:�r 6 Church *t�j �. .:. � � . � VJWTP na.�''"� .�'"`sA , . �6F`: gellaser� � � ., . . � 54,� ; r -� . .,��. i . � ��ec . ` � Q 'x � �� '� a wd � S, i. S, t � �8,?`r N � : Y &', y 0 . � . � . .< . %;. '-�x� � `�tie «' "a �' Springdale "Canfje�o' s�.r:� (� � � gy�\25e�aWay I, 1ttB ; � ''�t` �ep n - Church � . � . �i� t �r '.: ��.Pdsor/y i- .. . - . `. . .. Ra�� R,. � , � „, Y ' -a 't� V � ���� i � � . < .. o �a�*+ yas� � �:�5 R'�_.ti � Mat�hews , � t; � 9> 9 .� ` � j �, } i � Ventures '.:' " �9 a' ii`;_ �a [. � . .' - gb', i ^r �'1 1 �i�,(�� . a ' +T ,LLC ;�h '.e� '0 1 .:t, r � y i ;J �,' i�'�, ��at yt :, . .. . g ' i � '' � v. _ � r . . 4 �v�X?!' 1(t8h�' ' '.�5+}. t'�f,.,;, p... ,nei`Sam�Newel �- . . L�P"�� ��°0n. ' . . $,�.,: 'r �} i �"a� �,�T`�,:.. ,+r��� ���as(QkWjyAE��� ,.� � � iy�' House �s 4*4 r .J�Cosico . , � ry , ,� '�.; No�he - .�,� /' � i �ti'. i ' ��� f� r :i ` �� �u�c �(MK1209) . .<; r�. �.. '.; � � 1 .` r fy ' .;�° . : �' _ � �. -"-- >A ��'! � a � � : 4 7 yu�� vy r < ��. s. . O� Pk\N� � { :l...� sr i `rv. . ... �r' 3_° 1'r r;t �%•` �� i � . .��i� r<.� �� 1' , .e : .. v .�Northeas�. h x� '�^� � � t*. r !%. � � ,� J Sa n , , m , - i 1 � i' �Y� _ ` I ; (, ., A/` � . . a z,_� � . � .. � j sv� i ��. . .�/ z'��. aN� t��; i,._.._ .... e/R . � � .. � ,, - �.�y � 4 t '�jy, f 1� -.. � { � �, eW � � o� � � ` s � � " �� ' � ' •, � `� . �T a".� � �II 3 ' a., �,is i`' % o � '{ c y, ;es ' � ?�q` r� j_. o � � ,, � � `s.., � �� _.A; 1� �,�1 �•,, ti;,.�:� .' � ... � . -.±+�r�.Sxa�aExxon. ' ! �i � ri: P 6 A(�:_ � ... �� , y" � :. �:<o � �!` M ,� ���SheIIGaI r;+� i . 'a�i: i@ ,_. � .mf . { . �, y' - .. :.; � �Pep.BOys. ,N � . . ' '. �. =j. . ��T . :` I ,] �. ;,i;.. "� . � � : � -,:�' �.'�,�g r ., , y� � f • ,• � s . ; +� . . , ':., � A - -� . ' ..,_;_ F � l�` � � �� Station .... . i ' .I S15 ` �. c*, r � � - '. � -.. y1= c r Station ,,.: „� , � � � i: r S13� �Y { . i p ,�+ ?�* �� ��N � rl� � I r� �F� i I-:�` � r ../" �� { r �!�� b4 ��� � . ' i> u_, �. '.� ' Y.:r ai fj ii _ y,n 4 - ..i"," � { 74'; t ,� i h�;�, , y X. , �d: ;�� � , �., Z , � l �' ;rt � x s � � � �Jd �0 . .: , , , . , .. ., `-- _. ., ,-. . '.c _ _. _. __.. `� �`z __ _ 74 . `".,'' , t _ _ 74 � L _ . . E Independence Blvd �p � _ ... . . . . _ � �,�t � __ � 1.a' µ OnitlieiRun o - -- �° 3 � ,t �� � q o- i%:� ,� r a,< ' 9 �S(a�ion .-- .. ; � . � . _,; r , �, �, i � 10 �� � ..��� ' � '::- .. .,.,.� " q �'i � { ' t�,`. i .. 'ri s v �:- �.e u i � i.�j � � ����. is'' � 4{ t i ����.� �b .6 (}�,..... �" � � w . -- �� � t,:f. � '" .i __ �.. r .. Q i.. i �u,��.r_.: c.�i'':. _. i _ .A s�y{ "� • ,.� �<,. , r, t "���;. 1 i{ �'i�.4 '^; .{c, .� r � { q: {' ,.��, � �_ ^ �',i - 1 ti:. S14 _ .. �k.. , ".� i ; ] ` S16 . � ! ="f ..¢�y r,¢- ;.a;.' '�`��' �41.`�. j ; j �.' --cs 'i �ii;.�' f�' � l��.. `S ," a �,v' _. "a : v b f t� + � ' ��+:��. � j (� ��. 1..'. , .1!. .a j .:Y_ . .- . yl I�i�.i �1� 1 �1.1� . er� �S :r1 t ?,v i �.��, dpr,a. /(;• 2. _ {. Ygkrf� '1�5 S�. ��; r�x� '��diti.:i 9r. .i�i_. . r. I �� �� y >. ...'i. � � : � . � '�1 ',''^ � � r;•; Pointe Pkw E . `�. `Independence y X�@IISIOfIt '`�Zj � � `denc�Pointe PkW �,`, i� �' '� i < � I `„' HO'Cleaners �,_, 5: � �, 1�.i . r �. i . r f r � .., . •�. . . , �.i1i.. .' § .. � u_ :, ... ,_. . . P211 �: � .}, i� >;s � �d'r i Jr�� . �: , , 7 W` ': -. i ¢ � • / 4 t �� r��d � - �A�: . .� �� . .� �;-._ u. .°-- � .. �, _-._�r .. .,; ..> r.`..`��,\nd� ,sM. . �tie., ..�5, , i ,.7J� , � �. - ,� Target '� �" s+" � �H6use . r?...," en� � � ` �: ��, .�-E�i� — �E- _ . . .. - d . �� �� �S17 ;� Home' - � : � � r. ? '�', �. �, .t 'i": : 4,.:�G'. . . � �,,y ry�+yE ��i 2r�� ,�.�.s�'. y�,�.. y� ; 'y !' ;Slo�e � ��''t -:2` �,�..� .�MKt18j) 4 :f t�i�� .. • '< , _:, � • " '.' � . s' J' }� , °�,,Pp � �Y;, ! .i - v.i3. r�'.si � i r: ��DBpOI . - .� l � i Y� x'.�i! "^ . ' ,r�� �`�. ../ ' f ' . ;i, i i . , . . 1 `` S. :,.� £s : 1 t, u v ; �'S 18 r � ;' ( i $ �" � � _. .�, r � r; � . 4 � � � i � _ . , t� :: � ; ' 'ITJ+ :r �.. �fi i.., �!"?�� "'. �y �' y"f [ � � i r i.t: � / �� �S;r .. , �IidiihBWS. ' . � r,�r� �?, -� i �S' � S�9 r+..q. �•� � � r � �y �� i j..:�( `�O��.Melals � V ?���}� ' � � .K r �' � S20 S21 � � 4r � � , `: ' i r a �f ,r �. Quarr,y u� ' ;�>, �t, ' L6 r '�Mr`�q rr ^� ti ) f ,a�lh� `i"-r, � �q'i�. e � � yr?t ` m,y� � ¢ �Y �� r t�:�.�Fjwx+''i �.�` � ' CP �isC k' W03 �i' � � � rc� �rv 'ra.,s� �- � ��, s5 n. � l+�i /' � �r � o j �� x � � s'' .'� '�o ,' xEU�q � Q-� F � Sr� x � . . Q � . g . . . � . L _ . . i.Yi F . .. t e'` t k R �,�• :� � I I M,'+ : <., . � •� +rF4 F{ ,� t� F. a a b d, v ts,i �`, '� y:.A S�f`�y I�'� S�n �: � rL q+ak.s - : J - f�t �r. `�aPi' {£�., - j "�c'a. h�r".. , .. r �r k e°, 3 '°?; k . . s � �^:No ',�o , `r� t�,'$l�� �t f' °?�,Gonsumer �;e�A ' k 'i,�,� t -.,, � .,�'3,�43: �: k �:. . � — �` " t^ i � ,t� �:••a r ,. t. . � / t . , t � 3.' ;� . �� ?? Independence Pointe Pkwy Extension #2 �;.�„ a * , : , ;% ,� , Programs ri,, � �,� qQ,: i�l '� � ; �-�'�t,� nr � ;.e��,, Possible Wetland Impact: 0.56 acres ' �� �� ,;� ,L .+Et �, ; Fac�b`ryco `µ �" �inctk �, ` °, „f` ~ a�re ; epeh�, � �; ,at� � � : � < ''� ".� - �OC2tI011S: W03 � t '.' �'. y'`:. ��., � �� �: C�� y�`�.� e�%C � ��.d�'. �: �e1e"s� N ;.;lrvin� ��... .4 . .. � .. . � .�„ ;. ���,_. s :>S �r�-- QA,'u t 0 3 S Creek,Tnb �� Independence Pointe Pkwy Extension #2 �>(. ��, '� �. Ex p ck;r ��h `' , a� , f Possible Stream Impact 950 ft �+ •, :- ``. �� ' Advan9ed k� ` �� ,fep Locations: 517, S18, S19, S20, S21 coa�m s� r � Community Facilities Hazardous Facilities �, �Possible Stream Impact +�f4s v� ,���. j College (� Brownfield Site Town of Matthews - Bike/Ped Projects � Possible Wetland Impact � r+ �, �+ '^ �,'^'""; (O� Fire Station � Dry Cleaner Site Hydrology Features ° r'�' �, t�'a Q Library Q Gas Station Cultural Resources .n,..._ Hydrology Planned Bike Lane/On-Road Bikeway Bridge Improvements Under Construction ���� 0 School f Waterbod "^"" Planned Multi-Use Path/Trail/Greenway Proposed Bridge Improvements � Underground Storage Tank Cemetery Y united ��r+^� + Existing Greenway � ��� Planned Sidewalk Project Study Area Ho�se of 0 Hazardous Waste Site Place of Worship C� -: `,� Wetland (USFWS) Planned Neighborhood Signed Connectors Approximated Project Right-of-Way Prayer Park Property Hazardous Waste Site (Inactive) � SHPO Landmark Floodway Utility ROW Q NPDES Site � SHPO Surveyed 1%Annual Chance of Flood Hazard Planned Off-Road Connector �Municipal Boundary � Environmental Features US 74 (Independence Boulevard) Improvements � 0 500 1,000 2,000 From Conference Drive to I�85 in Mecklenburg Counry Feet � Sheet #3 u-250s C,,,,.� '� v{-� � I a j;� �����, �`, Independence Blvd @ I-485 Interchange #1 � Independence Blvd @ I-485 Interchange #2 `� �� ��+-'' '3` z� Rk�� � � Possible Stream Im act 35 ft � � ��i. Possible Stream Im act: 201 ft `��� �\L�� ,�„j'� ownsh�P ;` Buuer Locations: S23 P �` �•� Locations: S24 P , Ar— ' � � � Hi h ',� � . � �( Baptist r�n� a — 5 G.z; -� .�,.a �, ' . . S � .. 9 .. ��� Church oft . . �t� s���'�.��^-.a_ � � �- 0 . , � .� . �. � � Ma�� � Salva4on ;` s . y � �. ;„f, . a w � 3 , ^-: a a // 'g .. . N� � 9 , . . � � � �r �`'.�r+ _ .. � � � � il , � MntthewsCaWay 0 � . �.. . ,�" ;v° : "a's � ��ti sM�\\Rd � . � � , VenWres � * � � 1:, � . � �¢P a I. i;r S� , �'.. ��ommons Y u� � End Pro�ect g�e �. �� ♦ s� � �� � �o Y . � , ` � i � � � � �,M e �� ♦ �`'� ` = o �sr�� ,� !.,� ♦ u � < + + � n - 4� � 9 �1.� Ftrv 5 _ a c .I �. . � � �O * � '. � � . p � . ,: � �� �, � '�,t¢�S�Oi1 _ . . . ,'�ly.�.� . .,y `$a . � Mt�.Ha�monyiChurch�RdM� � ; . � � ti . � r � ��X McEwen Moare ' - 'NCDOT _ �i `r'x=: ti . i ::� � �°'��'. � '' � 'a5t Pk�' '` i Parmhouse - Harkey '. � � - . Equipment ��? .. � � �� ' � „ . °�, ,?' `<<:€. �`1o1'i1�e � �:p House(MK1178) Eastem . '' e 'r ` i:n�°� a � { , s . i mi� i,.� � '_�-- f t -� j J ,. 'Lk �.:1,� . ' s s..J -- "� .,..i , r• , ChufCh '�` i` k' � a'4i i� 'lJ � ~ � ., � h .. .: i 1 .yj.0 � , i. �� r � i - .. . -� '" , ' , - . ' t h . . y ' r y:� '� �% i . ��, � � �0 � � i * � . ' 7i i � �` , � � h� i .�Y� , y 74 L�,�� �� � yi��� k r � i� y �0?':� � � -i /� iQtgO ��4h � . � �' � r * � � -- �, � ;�,�. .� � ., �"'° ' t + Station__ ^�`l., , `, . � Moore Rd.... � . � �4�. � i — I * . �: 'ti. .' • � :' n �,s � t �'� ,�r�. � g -��,i n I <i!'� �K � _ _.. endence Blvd � - � e:. ., �:: � .� t ,. ���L - r« .' �4 ,. � y' _. � : i.' 4 r. . !!x � ; � I iL�; � ' E InC1ep rw.:� , �. ,a..Y � ,_?��z. _ . .Y-- . � . . _ .., �. ,. . - " .,�.#;� , : � � , �� .. � �i � M . . Shell Gas � • . ' � .: e ��i � � '.. '��.,� ti7 S24 ?+ � J., . a � c..�v�5 A--a[:� . �. wf � � �i� 6 �'i, .- � i � Stalion �xxon _. '�'��� �'f ... i f `o- i� �. 'i � n�.a �� ty,� .,��» �c � _ d%"v-#`, i� � . f� i � ,s�< < �, � :. t F: = t . � Solvents - / � , � � \'� �.y. � , ..: � ;���. • . � ._. 74 - L U '�,i � -�� I� `� 1 S� � i . i �'fj� t� �JP '.y�,� . r ,. pi + , 1 I a+ : M I ] [ r'., �4/ b � �I � A-�,; �,�. sY""' ',�.1 �ia i ;I tC ..s.. ;f .S�i ; ? '� iL.�'��1� ��' t� 3e� 1 k F�:� « } `� r+ � �,w�t"°s n. .{�x �..; �e�:. �� r.... OntheRUn 3 ��� � 7,, 5 t ? e�� . SU v i.�. �'�':'� i r4"�wir.. � � :` ��'C��d4 y. " jf� '. S�2�1011' . ,..�1 , � _ I � i .:A,�t � .'i, '.� 4 t.�� � fd ' U 'n 5..1 `' {1 8..' �; { # ' � �i � �. 4� � . �: � � ' .ii d � - . r � � :" ii �i�/� � r-t S . . �� � r..,.. �� � Y �S � �, i I _ � 1� t � � �. 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' $ti'y4Wrt 1 -.s d��,i„i�n4r��ti'1'���^��^�� "i . l . �{� �il ..� t t -t 4\� + � . _ :� � "$::� �'v.. v i I.e.�� �� a 1'� �� . � i� -� ��' ���� �r y YQ'.:' "r.z t ,",j� � y y' i V _'.' � y ���.� p' N� i?v.{�r .� �. 7 � �� �'� � �_ + t� � ( � C. � L�n9 � /►�� .SL�i:- . z ` . � r C � �. . ��+,��k �� : ?YV �i`.F V � �"-. � . s � �.. � i l��:: • �1 � C%`" 5 . ? ' , . � # ., + �p � Independence Pointe Pkwy Extension #3 � r ; ,� lr �r-.; i .�.�i- � -. D�x N�4� i , �u� �i�� � . �, .� x.L�. �5 . r� �, (�:a' � .� ° ,� �'� Q- r 4" Possible Wetland Impact: 0.63 acres y} �'� ;h7 �4�� �`r , �e; �' � "�,�' , ';'� � t � � '� Y,-,e � ' i i r�� 4 i� .�,� , ' a � � . `' �.�r ti�, ',+.�,,,�r �',z ``�a �, t � Locations: W04 i � �� r �i' �j t ` r�� �� � ps�%ti � ' �u'� "� � � � + ..�., i �1? t.'�. . - ���,. y/ �3 � e,' .. � `5.� ��1�f ��j, .C� � ���:.. ¢ y 4�a F. 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Communit Facilities Hazardous Facilities r, � Y � � , I ' �� " � Possible Stream Impact ; , � � ��,�. r, College �•� Brownfield Site ''` 4 Town of Matthews - Bike/Ped Projects � Possible Wetland Impact �� lOi Fire Station �� Dry Cleaner Site �� Hydrology Features �` Cultural Resources ��� Planned Bike Lane/On-Road Bikeway Bridge Improvements Under Construction � ,,, Q Library Q Gas Station ^'�^- Hydrology ;�. �� k. �N Planned Multi-Use Path/Trail/Greenway Proposed Bridge Improvements �> Q School � Underground Storage Tank Cemetery f Waterbody ��� ; «+�++*� Existing Greenway rc�' Planned Sidewalk Project Study Area 0 Hazardous Waste Site � Place of Worship �,` -. ,� Wetland (USFWS) Park Pro ert Floodwa Planned Neighborhood Signed Connectors Approximated Project Right-of-Way P Y Hazardous Waste Site (Inactive) � SHPO Landmark Y Utility ROW Q NPDES Site � SHPO Surveyed 1%Annual Chance of Flood Hazard Planned Off-Road Connector �� Municipal Boundary Environmental Features US 74 (Independence Boulevard) Improvements � 0 500 1,000 2,000 From Conference Drive to I-485 in Mecklenburg County , Feet � Sheet #4 U-2509 '�..�/ Independence Blvd Improvements - Possible Hydrology Impacts Screening February 2015 Roadway Project Pa55ible New Impact Independence Blvd _ _ _ _ 1,047 Intlependence Pointe Pkwy Ext #1 - Independence Pointe Pkwy Ext #2 950 Independence_POinte Pkwy Ezt#3 90 Krefeld Dr Ext 129 Sardis Rd Extension 156 Village Lake EMension 233 Arequipa Dr Extension _ . _ _ 174 GmndTotal — --- � linearfeet • Roadway P�ojett Possible New I mpact_ Independence Blvd _ - __ Independence Pointe Pkwy Ext #1 - Independence Pointe Pkwy Ext #2 OS6I Independence Pointe Pkwy Ext#3 � 0.63i � Krefeld Dr Ext � �_ 0.� Sardis Rd Extension - Village Lake Extension __ _ _ , 021' Arequipa Dr Extension - . Grand Total � ..�al� acres Map Label' Linear Feet IRoadway Project �S07 136 �Vd�age Lake Extension S02 49 'Village Lake Extension S03 48 Village Lake Exiension �'� SO4 � 75 Independence Blvd , __. — -- _.. _ SOS �, 75 Independence Blvd . _ . _ .__._— S06 81 Arequipa Dr EMension S07 197 Intlependence Bivd � SOS � 191 _ I�Independence_Blvd S09 113 � Krefeld Dr Ext S10 ' 16 Krefeld Dr E# _ _ �511 93 Arequipa Dr Eztension S12 756 � �Sardis Rd Extension _S13 � 67 Ilndependence Bivd � S14 � 74 Tlndependence Blvd _ � S1� 65 Independence Blvd S16 67 Intlependence Blvd _ S17 85 I Independence Pointe Pkwy Ext #2 Pointe Pkwv E�R S19 348 S20 270 S21 I 150 S23 i 35 Independence Blvtl _ S24 201 . Independence Blvd Ext #2 Ext #3 Name Irvins Creek Irvins Creek Irvins Irvins Creek Trib #1 Irvins Creek Trib #1 Irvins Creek Trib #1 Map Label I Square Feet Roadway Project WO' 9,052 Village Lake Extension a�� � W02 27,215 Krefeld Dr EM ' _ _ IW03 � 24,373 Independence Pointe Pkwy E�R #2 �04 . L 27,293 .Jndependence Pointe Pkwy E�A #3 � 87,933 �-- - . . Acres 0.62 0.56 0.63 � Early planning level impact estimates are based on the anticipated right-of-way width for the mncepts proposed and GIS database information on streams and wetlands. North Carolina DEPARTMENT OF Tf�ANSPORTATION US 74 (Independence Blvd) External Scoping Meeting Conference Drive to I-485 (Charlotte Outer Loop) STIP Project No. U-2509 March 19, 2015 Agenda • Introductions • Project Overview • Projed Location antl Description • System o� Express Lane Projec�s • Exis�ing Contli�ions antl the Projec� Da�a Sheet • Concept Development and Local Officials Coordination • Potential Stream and Wetland Impacts • Concurrence Point 1— Purpose and Need and Study Area • Concurrence Point 2— Detailed Study Alternatives Carried Forward Statement • Discussions • Next Steps • Public Involvemen� • Proposed Schedule 3/19/2015 1 3/19/2015 Pr�ject Description Project Description: US 74 (Independence Boulevard)- From Conference Orive to I-485 • Widening to Six General Purpose Lanes • Addition of Express Lanes in Median • IneNtling Conneclion lo olher Express Lane antl Toll Pmjecls • Addition of IMerchanges and Grade Separations • Connection o� Existing Parallel Roads Express Lanes WhatAre Express Lanes? • Limited-access lanes • Typically located in the middle of non-tolled highways • Provide another travel option to maintain reliable free-flowing traffic • Price varies to ensure a free-(low speed � �', - IiI� ;.. f .�`- ' . . z.� I-5718 � /�� � � �� I o�.� ` 13311/I-5405/I-4750 F .V"�'�t I I ��c�l..�.. . .. . �526I� °F 'E<A, �� I-5507 E.oress iane n.oie�+ ..;._��� �e 1 `�� U-2509 R-3329/R-2559 J� 3/29 3/19/2015 � Existing Conditior7s � Design Data: • Project Length: 6.3 Miles � • Posted Speed: 45 mph • Typical Section: 4 and 6-lane median divided with mix of Curb & � Gutter and Shoulder sections • 6 lanes from Conference Dr to Margaret Wallace Rd (1.3 miles) � • 4 lanes from Margaret Wallace Rd to Matthews-Mint Hill Rd � (3.9 miles) � • 6 lanes (rom Matthews-Mint Hill Road to I-485 (1.1 miles) • Right-of-way: 200 feet j • No access control (except NC 51 and I-485 interchanges) • 2012 AADT: 41,000 — 58,000 • Functional Classification: Other Principal Arterial • Strategic Highway Corridor — primary east-west route � • Structure Inventory: 12 potentially a(fected � 3/19/2015 '0 3/19/2015 Looking NW on US 74 near ldlewild Road _"l ��, , ._, ,... �� �f _ f � R � � y '� �� a�.� � �;r . , �,. � � +i� w.,>t,K,� �,;�� n� . � <�',�r . .n-.'. E�5�, �., '' r,�.�' . . j ;.. �5 . . . Looking NW at Conference Drive 3/19/2015 0 Looking SE at Sardis Road North � Looking NW from Sam Newell Road to Rice Road �.. .. � '��-a��° � � �,!��` 3/19/2015 7 Looking NW at Matthews-Mint Hill Road , . .5;� �� Looking SE on US 74 approaching I-485 Interchange � r k�; k � roa i .�� �: �"' t 3/19/2015 3 Concept Development and Local Officials Coordination Stakeholder Committee: • Town of Matthews, City of Charlotte, CRTPO, CATS, and NCDOT • Meetings held since April 2014 to discuss project concepts: • Concept development based on: • January 2013 Feasibility Study • Local CTP and previous studies Concept Development and Local Officials Coordination Concepts Considered: • Expressway with At-Grade Express Lanes in median and interchanges and grade separalions at major road crossings. Allows right-in/right-out access with turn lanes or auxiliary lane. • Freeway with At-Grade Express Lanes in median and interchanges and grade separations at major road crossings. Some service roads for access. • Expressway with At-Grade Express Lanes (Charlotte) and Arterial with Elevated Express Lanes (Matthews); existing signalized intersections remain for general purpose lanes • Connections/Extensions o( existing parallel roads for access and connectivity 3/19/2015 Ei US 74 looking NW from NC 51 r. '.-M7F 'f . t .1..: '+��.,, ��N ,�Ett 1� � I '��—., ��..: �I�" � �"� y , � �_ q 4P, e� � . �" � y1 . ��4i . p�� NQi:yl �. . : rr� � ' � � . i + I � �4� ,y:P' ��": : �S� I .%�� • � . .Gv�. ,� �S a't�hi� `� `S 1��`.,' r ,,f.:, '' Photo Simulation Expressway � , ,.... � � � ,� � �' �� , rf' Y A �"�� � �� �i� E �������� I . 4� .� . �}. �� �. . � ' � . � j �1[. x �.� �� t K • �u "P+,�.,�5'%Pr��R- , ' `� �'� � r /���� .:9 �� 3/19/2015 1� Photo Simulation Freeway � ., y' ��'�� � ii�t n- � � ��`�-., �ylith6iJ:1�l._ ., f �� k . � .n ����Y ���Y u �� � � �. . �x � �v::� :� �. � - °� ' �.. . tt t� ��� �� , w�f ''e i �',rt�«� �� �f�&Y�� I �. . .. F'h�tn c�f ll� 7�1 ����thc���t �f R� ��1 �, \� ,� ,,' \ `' r---- - .�.�� ��M . ��� �rNMm.}- ' ..� , - "i .S .�'3. �� _ . ' � t.�'�.y' .������ � �� T ,� � `�! 4ea4SiS 3/19/2015 11 Photo Simulation F:xpressw<<;�� , I ., �, �d�5 .+5�4 T, p � \\�� �' ''�. «i1. . a4 , � 1V f \G V'- � � � ���� � � � f \ `., � �.�!+��'�.._,...- - , _.�, .�.. _ _ _ � y�^� �, ;�.�' I F Photo Simulation �r��wav ,�..N� ;� _ _.,_ ,�, _ �. . . � .�.,.�: � � .---�� f; _ � ; �; !s;.,. - � m� a.��.;�' � _�i 3/19/2015 12 r Photo Simulation Elevated on Structure ,S,y � ', , �,, '� �\ ' „_-�� °' _�r�. � l � � � � �, , � ,,: Photo Simulation Elevated with MSE Wall ,,... .. ._..: , , . -.,.. � „, >..,. 3/19/2015 13 Concept Development and Local Officials Coordination Consensus on Project Approach — November 2014 Expressway (with limited segments of freeway) with At-Grade Express Lanes in the median, widening to six general purpose lanes, interchanges and grade-separations, and extensions of parallel roads Proposed Roadway Typical Section : �'.�°�m �� ° .:.:a'�:�.° ..r:�a � '��:.�r :`mu;e .:o,�.:,.:: �:�.:`_ '..k;,.'mv�° ��.: a,°::'� : *Preliminary - Subject to Change 3/19/2015 14 Environmental Features GIS Environmental Screening: • Known impacts - • Gas stations/USTs • Streams • Wetlands • Possible Impacts - • SHPO Surveyed, Sam Newell House • Existing Greenway Crossings s. sy. `' „ " �:.M � � � ; .. f,' � � o � -- �----,-,-o'° , �-�r--�-° ?i—'--�.J � 74 � ' f 74 �0�. � . _ . . . o . \ /,`. � / i� t _ � 1 L � ^?�` , �,.,. ; � „ �� � >..� .. r -°. �.. o - e b `�, (� . ' �"r. � �,.. 4. pE j � S .� �. � „ � � e a .; �i � s i. �� a .,0 °E�., e���"Fea,�, � . . :,, � �,� , z �. i S? '� }� : _ i '�n�-... �e � i �,, �`'`o � 3/19/2015 15 3/19/2015 � Potential Stream and Wetland Impacts Stream Crossings: • Five (5) existing crossings , • Up to eight (8) new crossings possible (parallel roads) • One probable stream relocation Potential I mpacts: Based on the Expressway Concept using only GIS data to identify the resources, 230 feet of ROW for US 74 and 80-100 feet for parallel road connections, there is the ' potential for the following stream and wetland impacts: • 24 stream impacts (extension on both ends is 2), with total of 2,779 feet • Four wetland impacts with total of 2.02 acres � 3/19/2015 17 NEPA/404 Merger Process Merger Screening (February 12, 2015) Because of the potential impact to streams and wetlands, the Project Team Leaders have decided to review and evaluate this project through ihe NEPA/404 Merger Process. Please Share Your Comments • FHWA • NCDWR • USACE • USEPA • USFWS • NCWRC • SHPO • MPO/RPO — CRTPO • Town of Matthews • City of Charlotte • CATS NCDOT — Division 10 - Roadway Design - Hydraulics - NES - HES/CS - Siructures - Congestion Management - Bike & Ped - Program Development -TPB - NCTA - Roadside Env. - Geolechnical -PDEA - U-5526 Representative 3/19/2015 � Traffic Estimate Concurrence Point 1: Study Area and Purpose and Need Project Study Area • Project Need • Ezisting US 74 does not provide reliable Iravel time and connectivity for residents, business patrons, and commuters in Southeastem Charbtte and Matthews. • Tratfic estimates indicate that US 74 will require additional capacity to provide adequate LOS for users by the design year (2040). • This segment of express lanes is needed to provide a reliable Vavei time and connect a system of express lanes planned on US 74 to �he norihwest, I-485 to the south, and the Monroe 8ypass/Connector toll road to �he southeast. • Project Purpose • To provide reliable Iravel �ime and improve mobility along [he US 74 corridor. provide sys�em sustainability, and maintain and improve connectivity to, irom, and between adjacent communities. 3/19/2015 � What Does This Mean? Reliable Travel Time • Standard measure nationwide for Express Lane facilities by using variable pricing Improve Mobility • Widening to provide six lanes throughout ihe corridor • Removing at-grade intersections and their resWting delays • Eliminating 1e14turning and crossing Uatfic • Providing righhtum lanes or a full auxiliary lane for right-in/right-out movemen�s • Reducing overall access points with access management techniques System Sustainability • Express Lanes variable pricing would continually provide a reliable average speed of 45+mph, and [his is integral to ihe entire Express Lanes System Maintain and Improve Connectivity • Parallel roads would reduce short trips on US 74 and associated turning movemen�s • Bridges over US 74 by w2y oi interchanges and grade separations would maintain connectivity within the communities Concurrence Point 1: S�olnn �ONEVA �Iiryir Vml�'n T�'vm �Irt'�inF-l4'���iumi 3/19/2015 ��l Concurrence Point 2: Detailed Study Alternative Carried Forward • Improvements to US 74 from Conference Drive to I-485, to include widening, grade separations and interchanges, to bring the facility to ihe level of an Expressway (with limited segments of freeway) and the addition of Express Lanes in the median. Express Lanes connections to the proposed I-485 Express Lane project to the south (STIP Project I-5507) and the proposed Monroe Bypass/ConnectorToll Road (STIP Projecis R3329 and R-2559) will also be included. � Connection of the following Parallel Foads being considered: • Kreteld Drive Extension (Krefeld Drive to Sardis Road North) • Arequipa Drive/Norlheast Parkway (Margaret Wallace Road to Sam Newell Road) • Krefeld Drive/Independence Pointe Parkway (CrownpoiM Executive Drive �o Sam Newell Road) • Northeasf Parkway (Overcash Drive to Matthews-Mint Hill Road) • Independence Pointe Parkway (Sam Newell Road to Matthews Township Parkway [NC51]) • Independence Pointe Parkway (Matthews Township Parkway [NC51 ] to ' Campus Ridge Road) Concurrence Point 2: Stt�inn � W�\[P�\ Ner¢er Prole�i Te�m N�'i'iinp Ap�nmtnl 3/19/2015 21 Next Steps and Schedule Public Involvement • Newsletter • Web Page • Local Officials Meetings and Public Meetings — March 30 and March 31, 2015 Studies • Traffic Studies (# of Express Lanes, locate access points) • Natural Resources Technical Report • Community Studies • Historic Architecture and Archaeology Assessments • Development of Preliminary Designs Schedule • Environmental Assessment — January 2017 • FONSI — May 2018 • Right-of-Way Authorization — 2020 • Let Date — 2022 3/19/2015 22 • ���� � �.Hl�l1�J1.� ��r����.. March 18, 2015 Mr. Wilson Stroud North Carolina Dept. of Transportation Project Development and Enviromnental Analysis Unit 1548 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1548 `Pown of �LJ! �7 North Caralina Subject: State TIP Project # U-2509 — Improvements to Independence B(vd. (US 74) — Conference Dr. to Interstate 485 Dear Wilson: The purpose of this letter is to request that NCDOT consider and evaluate the consh uction of parallel collector streets along the U-2509 project in Charlotte and Matthews in each of the alternatives that will be studied during the environmental screening process. Independence Blvd. (US 74) was first considered for improvements leading outward from uptown Charlotte as far back as the 1960 Charlotte Transportation Plan. Since that time, approximately four miles of the 16-mile con�idor between uptown Charlotte and Interstate 485 have been improved, while another two miles are cun�ently under construction and anticipated to be complete in 2017. As far back as the mid-1980s when the first sections of US 74 were being improved near uptown Charlotte, it became readily apparent that a number of forces were at play that needed to be addressed immediately. Oue issue was what was happening to businesses adjacent to the roadway when access became more limited (e.g. all traffic signals were removed and left-turns prohibited leaving properties with right-in, right out access only). Another was that US 74 appeared to be destined to repeat the strip commercial development pattern as some shops closed and relocated to other similar type facilities along the boulevard bringing with it additional traffic volumes and increased congestion. Additionally, it was felt that the cost to convert US 74 to a higher type design (freeway/expressway) would be more costly and delay implantation of any future project as envisioned by the local Thoroughfare Plan. In response to these and other concerns, a concept was developed in the US 74 Corridor east of McAlpine Creek in Charlotte to the proposed Interstate 485 in Matthews by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Commission staff to provide access to properties fronting US 74 from a system of parallel streets. The purpose of these streets were to allow US 74 to fuuction with minimal fiiction with driveways and traffic signals so as not to replicate what had I�appened close to uptown Charlotte and als'o to ensw�e that fiiture US 74 improvements would be less costly. In 1987, the Charlotte City Council and Mecklenburg County Board of Commissioners adopted tlie US Highway 74 Special Project Plan (see attached). Shortly thereafter, the Metropolitan Plamiing Oiganization added the parallel streets to its Thoroughfare Plan and to the more recent Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP). So, for the last 25+ years, the City of Charlotte and the Town of Matthews liave approved developments in the corridor that were in keeping with the 1987 Plan. Today, we still feel that it is imperative that any improvements in the US 74 Corridor not be implemented without the parallel streets. While we aclrnowledge that US 74 is a major mover of traffic, the vitally of the adjacent ]and uses are very closely tied to it and auy improvements should be viewed from a holistic perspective and not be implemented in a vacuum. We look forward to continuing the collaboraYion with NCDOT to make this p�roject (U-2509) a compleYe, eomprehensive project thaY benefits the ciYizens and residents of Charlotte and Matthews and North Carolina that frequently travel this important regional corridor. If you have qiiestions, etc. about this letter, please contact either Keith Hines of CDOT at 704-336-3913 or dhines a charlottenc.�ov or Ralph Messera, Public Works Director with the Town of Matthews at 704-847-3640 or rmessera@matthewsnc. gov. �/� '� �`��� Danny PI sant, AICP Ha�L�n Blodgett, Director DOT Matthews Town Manager Attachment cc: Norm Steiwnau, AICP, CDOT Keith Hines, PE, CDOT Tim Gibbs, AICP, CDOT Robert Cook, AICP, CRTPO Candice Leonard, CRTPO Louis Mitchell, PE, NCDOT — Division 10 Scott Cole, PE, NCDOT - Division 10 Candice Leonard, CRTPO Richard Hancock, PE, NCDOT, PDEA Jennifer Ha�ris, PE, NCDOT-PDEA Stacy Oberhausen, PE, NCDOT-PDEA $1.00 , �a } ".R ;�';'i� `� '�? , � ,��•. Adopted by Chariotte Ciry Council, Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners August1987 Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Commission b0� East Fourth Street Charlotte, North Carolina 48402-4853 704336-4205 i ll. S. 74 SPECIAT, PROJECT PLAN PLAN S[J�QfARX INTROAUCTION Because land Uetween PtcAlpine Creek and N. C. 51 along Tndependence Boulevard is relatzvely undeveloped, the opportunity to design for a compatiUle relation- ship between the roadway and adjacent land uses is still availaUle. llevelopment pressuies in this area� along with the lon� term need to improve U. S. 74 to a £reeway/expressway, dictated the need to establish a framework for transportation and land use in tfiis cor.ridor. PLAN OBJECTIVES Local political Uodies and staff have hecome increasingly concerned that "strip" commerciai development would continue ont Tndependence BottJ.evard. Tliis development pattern would only proliferate the problems along 0. S. 74 and ultimately lead to enoxmous public expenditure when the boulevard is converted into a freeway. This is evidenced by Che cost and disruption currently estimated for improving Tndependence Boulevard fxom I-277 to Albemarle Road. In response to Chis concern a concept was developed whereby access to properties in the U. S. 74 corridor would be vi.a a parallel collector street system. Land use would orient toward the collector roads so that Independence Boulevard would function free of frict'ion from driveeaays and traffic signals. The eventual need to convert U. S. 74 to a freeway(expressway would therefore be less costly, To complete the collector street system idea, a guide for �roper land use and developmeut guidelines is necessary. This special project consolidates the coucepts for the transportation system and land development to provide such a guide. PLAN PROPOSALS Transportati.on RecommendaLions One of the central objectives of this report is providing £or the retro-fitting o£ Tndependence Boulevard Lo a freecoay/expressway. Following are recomraendations targeCed tocaards achieving that objective as well as other transporfation improvements thaC will be necessary to serve the area as it develops. 1. Continue to plan for a freeway/expressway for Independence Boulevard to the Outer Belt. 2. Implement the collector slreet system requiring 80' right-of-way and construction of necessary lanes through the development process. Tmplementation of the Collector Street System would be accomplished primarily tiirough the development process. Dedication of the necessary right-of-saay as we11 as construction of the road should Ue required as subdiviszon and development activity takes place. All development should orient its access to the Collector System and have only temporary access to U. S. 74 until L•iie collector roads are operational. - 2 - A docuroenC should also be signed by the developer agreeing to abandon their access rights to U. S. 74 when the road is converted to a freeway/expresscaay and the Collector Street Sqstem is in place. Successful implementation of thi.s concept depends on the commitment by Matthews, Mecklenburg Connty and CharlotLe, to secure right-of-way and ensure construction of the roads. ScruCiny of nem driveway permits along U. 3. 74 is also a necessary ingredient involving the North Carolina Department of Transporation. 3. Reqnire streetscape treatment along the collector roads that includes internal site relationships as well as street edge treatment. Specifically: A. Create a planting area between the curb and sidewalk where large, maturing trees should be located, B. Locata parking in side or rear of properties, C. Locate loading zones and service entrances to the rear of property. D. Consolidate driveways along the road to limit curb cuts. �. Screen parking lots. F, Preserve existing trees 6ettaeen U. S. 74 and adjacent development. 4. Support the timely construction of the Platthe�as Bypass including an interchange with U. S. 74. -3- The Piatthecas Bypass will serve many f:unctions for the area. Primarily, it will help to relieve peak hour congestion i❑ khe Ptatthews town center by providing a Uetter link between 0. S. 74 and N. C. 51. Tt will also open much of tlie land in L'he area £or develop- ment because of the access and visibility it tai11 provide. The Piatthews Bypass� coupled with the Sardis Road North Extension� will greatly conCribute to the east-west circumf.erential thorougl�fare needs in the area. S. Amend the pxoposed aligvment of the SarJis Boulevard North extension to connect U. S, 74 directly to Sam Nesaell Road. Evaluate a furtiher extension to N. C. S1 taith a possible interchange with the eastern outer belt through the 2005 Transportation Planning Process. The curxent ThoroughEare Plan shocas a roinor thoroughfare connection between U. S. 74 and Piargaret Glallace Road as an extension of Sardis Ttoad NorCh. Sdith the addition of the Collector Street System, these two minor thoroughfares would be vexy close in proximity. At1 alter- native alignment may be to connect Sardis Road North directly to Sam Newell Road. The alCernative alignment will be beneficial in rein- forcing the proposed land use pla❑ fox the area and should be considexed for a Thoroughfare Plan amendment as soon as possible. An extension beyond Sam Newell Road to N. C. 51 should also be evaluated cahich wou7.d include an interchange with the Eastern Outer Be1t. -4- Land Use Policies The baszc goal for land use i.❑ the study corridor is to provzde for a variety of devel.opment types that compli.ment tlie objectives of tlie transportation system in tlie area. Specifzc objectives for land use are: 1. Consolidate commercial and busi¢ess uses in order to avoid strip commercial development along U. S. 74. 2. Provide for a varieCy of residential opportunities throughout the stt�dy area. 3. Provade for employment centers and liousing opportunities that are close in proximity to each other yet buffered from each other. 4. Create a land use pattern that is optimal for the area while being an incentive to aclxieve the transportation system goals that have been set f.orth. Residential Recommendations SINGLG TAI9ILY A large majority of the studq are is currently zoned for single family develop- ment. AllowaUle densities range from 2-4 units per acre under the existing single familq zoning districts in the area. This plan calls for much of tliis land to remain for future single familq use. The area designated for single -5- -� S Rezone to S4npte FamNy (R-D) Office Recommendations Establishing locations for employment opporCUnities is consistent with the land use goals for this area. This allows for a variety of development in the corridor and provides for employment and housing in close pr.oximity to each oCher. Two general locations iu the study area are highly suitaUle for the new business park zoning district. T�is district is inlended to provide for a mixture o£ employment uses of varyi.ng types in a szngie, coordinated development. One area where the business park district woul.d applq is the land surrounding the Crown PoinL Development at U. S. 74 aud Sardis Boulevard Norttz. The other major location for the business park district is found betweep Beards Creek, Sam Nesvell Road and tlie Seaboard Railroad. The land is currently zoned I-1 and R-15P1I'. In swnmaiy, the office(business park recommendations are: 1. Recognize the oppoxtunities for business park development in Lhe study area to provide for employment and higli quality design. 2. A11om for other o££i.ce development in areas to provide a transition from industrial and conunercial uses as shown on the proposed land use map, Industrial Recommendations Few industrial developments exist in tlte study area. This plan calls for those uses to remain with the exception of Stegall Trucking in the northern portion - 11 - of tfle study area. Additional light industrial uses may be allowed, but only through the conditional rezoning process that would require extensive screening and Uuffering o£ the site. I,ight industrial developinent should be limited in the corridor as Chis plan ca11s for the non-reszdential development to be primarily office and business. Parks and Greenways Recommendations Recommendations to support recreational amenities and open space i.n the studq area include: 1. Implement proposed Greenways for PfcAlpine, Beard's and Irving creeks as called for iq Clte Gxeenway i•faster Pl.an. 2, Develop a community size park on the proposed landfill site afCer its use, If a landfill is not sllowed at that location then the land should be retained for park use and development of the park could be accelerated. Utility Recommendations Sanitary Sewer Projects include outfalls in Beard's Cceek and Ixving Creek. The Beard's Creek Outfall extends from Irving Creek to Pfatthews and will Ue under construction this fiscal year. The Iiving Creek Out£all extends from P1cAlpine Creek to Pfint Hill. This plan recognizes these utility improvements and supports their implementa- eion as needed. - 12 - CONCLUSION The need Co convert Independence Boulevard to a freeway is resulting in enormous impacts to existing homes and businesses along ttte Uoulevard today. �ventually, tlie freeway/expressway design �vi71 be continued at least to the Outer Belt in tlecklenburg Couutq. Ii tlte guides presented in this plan are followed, the transition to a freeway will be accomplished with little impact and less cost to the public. As a result, development in this corridor would not be adversely affected by the transportation improvements that will be necessaxy. - 13 - PIN 215-092-11 215-092-07 215-101-OS 193-311-24 193-311-82 193-311-04 193-311-43 193-521-07 193-521-06 193-302-02B 193-302-02P 193-302-03 193-303-11 193-303-04 193-303-10 193-303-08 193-303-07 193-303-09 193-303-06 193-303-12 193-192-07 193-192-18 193-192-18 193-192-18 193-191-19 193-191-16 193-191-15 193-191-20 193-191-14 193-201-10 193-201-09 ZONING I-2(CD) I-2(CD) B-3(CD) I-1(CD) I-1(CD) B-1SCD B-1SCD B-15CD B-1SCD B-15CD B-15CD B-H(CD) B-1SCD B-1SCD B-H(CD) C C HEADING WESTTO CHARLOTTE - NORTH SIDE BUSINESS Country Inn & Suites Vacant COURT YARD BY MARRIOT GOLDEN CORRAL GOLDEN CORRAL MATTHEWS CORNERS VERIZON SYCAMORE LO W ES JC PENNEYS HH GREGG PLAZA GAS STATION CASA RITA'S/GENGHIS GRILL SEARS CAPTAIN D'S AZTEC REST COMFORT INN C OUTBACK PLAZA B-H(CD) MCDONALD'S C "NEWKS" CORNER LOT C ADVANCEAUTO C PEP BOY'S C PLAZA APPLIANCE C CARWASH--CORNER OF RICE RD B-H(CD) KRISPY KREME B-H(CD) I-HOP B-H(CD) HOOTERS/VACANT B-H(CD) MIDAS B-H(CD) INFINITYSHOWROOM B-H(CD) INFINITY PARKING B-H(CD) DUNKIN DONUTS part of Hill Sand & Gravel zoning #19 part of Hill Sand & Gravel zoning #19 zoning in 1996 #18 zoning in 2008 #17 zoning in 2008 #17 part of Matthews Corners #16 part of Matthes Corners #16 part of Sycamore Commons #15 part of Sycamore Commons #15 part of Windsor Square; then zoning in 2012 #13 & 14 part of Windsor Square #13 part of WindsorSquare #13 part of Windsor Square #13 part of Windsor Square #13 part of Windsor Square #13 part of Windsor Square #13 part of Windsor Square #13 part of Windsor Square #13 part of Windsor Square #13 part of WindsorSquare #13 part of East Point initial zoning #12 part of East Point initial zoning #12 part of East Point initial zoning #12 part of East Point initial zoning #12 part of Griffin's at East Point #11 part of Gri�n's at East Point #11 part of Griffin's at East Point #11 part of Griffin's at East Point #11 zoning in 1988 #10 zoning in 2003 #9 zoning in 2004 #8 PIN ZONING 215-241-04 B-H(CD) 215-241-OS O(CD) 215-081-28 B-1SCD 193-293-01 B-15CD 193-292-10 C 193-292-08 C 193-292-09 193-292-11 193-231-04 193-231-38 193-231-34 193-231-25 193-231-23 193-231-27 193-231-20 193-231-22 193-231-04 C�7 C B-1(CD) B-1(CD) B-1(CD) B-1(CD) B-1(CD) B-1(CD) B-1(CD) B-1(CD) B-1(CD) HEADING WESTTO CHARLOTTE-SOUTH SIDE BUSINESS HENDRICK HENDRICK ELEVATION CHURCH PLAZA TARGET TEXASROADHOUSE TEXAS ROADHOUSE BIG LOTS PLAZA CARRABBA'S CROSSING MATTHEWS PLAZA LONGHORNSTEAKHOUSE CHIGFIL-A TILTED KILT RED LOBSTER CAPELRUGS SHOWMAR'S APPLEBEE'S NOVANT HEALTH 193-221-OS B-H(CD) BOSTON MARKET 193-221-06 B-H(CD) NTBTIRE 193-221-13 B-H(CD) HOLIDAY INN 193-221-22 B-H(CD) AAA 193-221-11 B-H(CD) CRACKER BARREL 193-221-10 B-H(CD) AUDI 193-221-02 193-221-04 B-H(CD) TESLA 193-221-07 B-H(CD) LIBERTY BUICK 193-221-08 B-H(CD) KEEFER HYUNAI part of Hendrick initial zoning #7 part of Hendrick initial zoning #7 oId K-Mart zoning #6 (no change to existing driveway) part of Target initial zoning #5 part of Matthews Festival initial zoning #4 (1984 zoning predates collector roads concept) part of Matthews Festival initial zoning #4 (1984 zoning predates collector roads concept) part of Matthews Festival initial zoning #4 (1984 zoning predates collector roads concept) part of Matthews Festival initial zoning #4 (1984 zoning predates collector roads concept) part of Matthews Park initial zoning #3 part of Matthews Park initial zoning #3 part of Matthews Park initial zoning #3 part of Matthews Park initial zoning #3 part of Matthews Park initial zoning #3 part of East Walk initial zoning #2 part of East Walk initial zoning #2 part of East Walk initial zoning #2 part of East Walk initial zoning #2 unable to determine final notes; discussion in minutes regarding adding a note on "temporary access' to Independence part of Martin Marietta initial zoning #1 part of Martin marietta initial zoning #1 part of Martin marietta initial zoning #1 part of mMartin Marietta initial zoning #1 part of Martin marietta initial zoning #1 because owner continued to live on site when initially rezoned for commercial, no notes on driveway limitation to Independence part of Martin Marietta initial zoning #1 part of Martin Marietta initial zoning #1