HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080868 Ver 2_Stratigraphy Study Addendum_20150623WPotashCoro' PotashCorp -Aurora Helping Nature Provide Scanned E-mail June 23, 2015 Ms. Karen Higgins 401 and Buffer Permitting Unit Supervisor NC DENR — Division of Water Resources 512 N. Salisbury St, #942-E Raleigh, NC 27604 Dear Ms. Higgins: The NC Division of Water Quality (now Division of Water Resources) issued to PCS Phosphate (PCS) 401 Certification No. 3771, DWQ 42008-0868 version 2.0 on January 15, 2009, for our mine expansion in Beaufort County. Language within the second paragraph of Condition 9 of the Certification, talking about the 1,145-foot wide mining corridor through the narrowest portion of the Bonner-ton Non-Riverine Wet Hardwood Forest states: "The exact location of this 1,145 foot wide mining corridor shall be submitted to DWQ and the Corps for written approval." When the Corps issued the 404 permit to PCS for Modified Alternative L on June 10, 2009, they essentially approved the location of the mining corridor. However, in order to address this condition with DWR, enclosed are three drawings showing the exact location of the mining corridor. The biotic community map is the Modified Alternative 1, line from the 404 permit, and the other two are aerial photos showing the now-surveyed permit boundary line. Another portion of the second paragraph of Condition 9 states "In addition, a reclamation and revegetation plan for the mining corridor shall be submitted to DWQ for written approval." The narrow mining corridor just north of SR 1958 will be reclaimed beginning with a detailed stratigraphy study to be done on both sides and throughout the area to be mined in order to determine the presence, extent and permeability of any aquitards and aquicludes within the mining corridor. A plan for the restoration of each of these aquitards and aquicludes will be developed as appropriate. Groundwater monitoring will be done before, during and after mining and restoration to ensure that restoration has established reference hydrology for this site. The mine excavation within the corridor will be backfilled with overburden, and a 1-2 foot layer of topsoil will be placed on top of the overburden to bring the land surface back to natural grade. The details of the overburden placement will be developed once the results of the stratigraphy study are complete. Once the placement of topsoil is complete, the corridor will be planted with a variety of native tree species. As the permit condition states, the mining corridor will be restored and replanted within ten years of the initiation of mining preparation for the area. 1530 NC Hwy 306 South, Aurora, NC USA 27806 T (252) 322-4111 PotashCorp. I www.potashcorp.com If you have any questions, please call me at (252) 322-8249, or email at ifurness(�t)csr)hos,t)hate.com. I look forward to your approval of these two permit conditions. Sincerely, L C", Je ey C. Furness Senior Scientist Enclosures PC: Anthony Scarbraugh — DWR, Washington w/encl. 23-01-004-29 w/encl. T.L. Baker w/encl. M. Brom w/encl. R. Smith w/enel. J. Pierce w/encl. R. Jenner w/encl. T. Cvetan w/encl. To 1s �VRHAM CREEK 1,800 0 1 500 0 ■�I...wri BONNERTON BASE PROJECT AREA MODIFIED ALT L — BONNERTON PROPOSED IMPACT BOUNDARY 5/13/09 MODIFIED ALT L — BONNERTON PROPOSED IMPACT BOUNDARY 5/13/09 — EXCAVATION LIMITS RECOVERABLE CONCENTRATE = 33,478,000 TONS* GREEKS /OPEN WATER 1A PUBLIC TRUST AREAS 1B PERENNIAL STREAM — 1C INTERMITTENT STREAM WETLAND BRACKISH MARSH COMPLEX 3 WETLAND BOTTOMLAND HARDWOOD FOREST 4 WETLAND HERBACEOUS ASSEMBLAGE 5 WETLAND SHRUB — SCRUB ASSEMBLAGE 6 WETLAND PINE PLANTATION 7 WETLAND HARDWOOD FOREST 8 WETLAND MIXED PINE — HARDWOOD FOREST 9 WETLAND PINE FOREST 10 WETLAND POCOS3N — BAY FOREST 11 WETLAND SAND RIDGE FOREST 12 POND 13 WETLAND MAINTAINED AREA 14 UPLAND HERBACEOUS ASSEMBLAGE 15 UPLAND SHRUB — SCRUB ASSEMBLAGE 16 UPLAND PINE PLANTATION 17 UPLAND HARDWOOD FOREST 18 UPLAND MIXED PINE — HARDWOOD FOREST 19 UPLAND PINE FOREST 20 UPLAND SAND RIDGE FOREST 21 UPLAND AGRICULTURAL LAND 22 UPLAND NON — VEGETATED /MAINTAINED AREA 71 WATERS OF THE US AREAS DWETLAND AREAS (WITHOUT PONDS AND CREEKS) UPLAND AREAS *PROVIDED BY PCS PHOSPHATE 5/13/09 NOTE: BOUNDARY AS SHOWN INCLUDES DCM /LAMA AVOIDANCE 0 LF 2,533 LF 4,786 LF ACRES 2,806 2,526 1,698 0 <1 4 0 51 45 274 206 369 463 208 264 22 <1 0 5 64 58 39 117 13 42 243 39 1,906 1.902 620 Biotic Communities Modified Alternative L — Bonnerton 1,800 Feet PCS PHOSPHATE MINE CONTINUATION Sc9le: Ag shown irawn by: BFG /TLJ 500 Meters Date: J/1 809 14/ BON_MCDALTL D51309(BON BC 030206)_.BIOTICS AApproved b Revision: pp }�• JP5 5 -13 -09 R,' DURHAM CREEK r I r f% P IWO R P'' R-4 R -5 Minus ;► Unowned Parcels BONNERTON 7 -1 MINE PERMIT MODIFICATION BONNERTON 404 PERMIT BOUNDARY CURRENT MINE PERMIT 7 -1 PERMIT BOUNDARY BONNERTON MINING CORRIDOR E 2 1 DATE 3,42015 SCALE IN FEET a tu0n 29W POTASHCORP- AURORA BEAUFORT COUNTY, NC