HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03461_Well Construction - GW1_20230518 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can he used for single or multiple wells For Internal Use ONLY: I.Well Contractor Information: Mitchell Dean Cook h uY:�... .:;.j• 52 f Y::l,..:Yt,:., :z..r:'f:.:M.t ..... ,,1�:w'�i��� .Es:>- s;:r,.::�; .�:,,:A �}�u:,,:��:::<r;;.,:.:,.,.•;4;�;���:.:�<i FROM TO DESCREMON Well Contractor Name , ft. 1 1 M 2043 A ft. � ft. NC Well Contractor Certification Number KRiG'SYPLfS f•fkti imu7ti cif1 e "51�t.'II�E 7 if4" "'6ie :w'''•"`.?;{;a •; FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL Dennis Holland Well Drilling, Inc. D r ft. ft. ,, i°• _� �vG Company Name .E`ItG••'A�fN_lr..`:�1�`�t1131N ; i!'U 'fi�li>e°`1$se11z ".%�sr;';iz;'""s"•y�;'a. "°. r FROM TO DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 2,Well Construction Permit#:aLt,2/ z�L y- //S�;� _ fr, ft. List all applicable well permits(i.e.Coun%State, Variance,Injection,etc) 3.Well Ilse(check well use): ft. fr. inip '17:175'RI$k ,-s r- f. .'. ; i3„ �`�1,. y�..: .sy...k.,..;j:...:.. .•. Water upply Well: FROM TO I :DIAMETER SLOT SIZE I THICKNESS 11lATEAIAI,,3` ❑Agricultural OM/unicipaUPublic ft. fr. in. ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) GaR sidential Water Supply(single) ft, ft. ❑Industrial/CominercialSupplyCR si ntial Water Shafed) -ti R.U�'"�::.;:' ,v :;::' azt;;�:�^»<.; .�',.,.::•:....;ss�. . . . . ,,:: •»' ,;.r;, r: ••=.: rc++:.aa;:e,,..,....li�r•r�sri�;.£ti<�-ec-... FROM TO MATERIAL ry 1 EMPLACEMENT MFTHOII&AMOUNT ❑Irri atl0tl .. Non-Water Supply Well: 6 r ft. 3 ft. lisy� !>laoS Pcs /� ❑Monitoring DRecovery r ft. 2-0, ft. Injection Well: fr. ft. ❑Aquifer Recharge OGroundwater Renmediation fla' i Ali is ❑Aquifer Storage and Recove FROM TO MATERAAI, EMPLACEMFNTME'THOD Recovery C7Sulhmity Barrier ft. fr. ❑Aquifer Test ❑Stornmwater Drainage ft. ft. ❑Experimental Technology ❑Subsidence Control ;�2QiDR 'I:IlY,G3sih(s'aitae 6dilifiiiniel:9�'ecfs'•i n':eg�a :.'t�v ='i<i`�`-`�„��<.°:�`: �:�>:•=:: _ ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) 01'racer I3ROM TO DESCRIPTION color,bardnt3h pollfrock lyfg,graina1w etc. ❑Geothermal (Heating/Cooling Return) ❑Other explain underN21 Remarks) ft, ft. ' 4.Date Well(s)Completed:cmH- ,2 Well IDN , ft. ft. � Sa,Well Location: ft. ft. � eAle ' By A / -, fr. ft, MAY I Q2 Z3 Facitity/Owlier Name Facility lD#(if applicable) — ft. ft. I� RIJ. ft. _ ft fm► ,.a r, r .. Physical Address,City,and Zip Comity Parcel Identification No.(PIN) Sb.Latitude and Longitude In degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22,Certification:(if well field,one lat/long is sufficient) ��� Signature ofCciti6ed Well Contractor Date 6.Is(are)the well(s): frlTermanent or ❑Temporary By signing this form,/hereby rer•t6 that the well(s)was(ware)constructed in nccur•dnner. with 1 SA NCAC 02C.0100 a•I.SA NCAC 02C.07.00 Well Construction Standards and that a 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or ' !zJ'IVo copy of this rerord has been provided to the well owner. If this is a repair,fill our known well consir•trction information and explain the nature of the repair under#21 reinarks.seerion or on the back of thisform. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: construction details. You may also attach additional pages if necessary. For multiple injection or non-water supply wells ONLY with the same construction,you can submit one farm. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: lam S_ (ft.) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well Fa'multiple wells list all depths tfdii ferent(example-3@200'and 2@100') construction to the following: 10.Static water level below top of casing: 1.2 5 _ (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, Ifwater•level is above casing,use"+" 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11,Borehole diameter: 6a (ill.) 24b.Eor Injection Wells ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in Rota 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: construction to the following: . (i.e.auger,rotary,cable,direct push,etc.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELIS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 _ Air lift 24c.For Water Su &Injection Wells: 13a,Yield(gPm)___1?I Method of test: i '�� Also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of 13b.Disinfection type: H & H Amount: 2 OZ. well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-1 North Carolina Department of Enviroumcnt add Natural Resources-Division of Water Resoru,ces Revised August 2013 if -plap�pfl,�r The Jackson County Department of Public Health 'k 538 Scotts Creek Rd.Suite 100 *Sylva, NC'28779• Tel: 828-586-8994 * FAX: 828-586-3493 {� Shelley Carraway = __ DIRECTOR = Shelley.Carraway Authorization to Construct Reference Number: Permit Number: 2021-22124-9-11508 1 PIN: 7489-0076765 Application Date: 11/5/2021 -- Owner: --- BEGERRA­j-MIS-T-Y — ----City: - -CLERMONT-FL - - - Address: 921 S MAIN AVE Zip Code: 34715 9I Lot Number: BULL PEN RD 3,Service Type: IP/CA/ OP/Well Permit Bedrooms: 2 Directions To Site: Bull Pen Rd. l� t Initial SYstem l'y`pe. I174=25�0%-REi?OETtUA« - - S .A Distribution: D-BOX OR STEP-DOW[ S f. Minimum Grade level: I•I _ { � Nitrification: 400 SQ FT i� Pump Tank Size: t ti T stem Repair S p y Type: IIIe-PPBPS .'•,�f Septic Tank Size: 1000 GALLON 3 I,I Water Supply: PROPOSED WELL Attached drawing not to.scale. Do'not fill over proposed septic area. Install I� drainiines.level and on contour. Stay 10' from any property line. Stay 10' from any ! � water line. Stay 100' from_.any drinking water spring. Stay 50' from any Well. Stay --- ---- ---15--' from a basement cut.. Stay 15-from-any-cut-bank 2'or greater.-Stay-5-from any--'. i.l foundation, including decks. Stay 50' from all surface waters. Stay 9' on centers. f Ia t l INSTALL A 1000 GALLON'S/T',,FEEDING 16W OR DRAINLINE 36" WIDE AND 18" Remarks: !i� DEEP ON LOW SIDE. = 'i SYSTEM ADEQUATE FOR 2 BEDROOM240,GPD MAXIMUM.00QUPANCYi4 PEOPLE €�"' -.- THIS PERMIT EXPIRES ON:-11/22/26 Fee: $680.00 _ R__4Pti. EHS: l/i",-�kl P Date: .;.. Da e: Signature: : J,