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GW1--03433_Well Construction - GW1_20230518
• • Feb 151905:43p Clearwater Well Drilling 828.822.4241 ti PA WELL C(�1�T ,Z'R1,TCTI ,> (GW 11 f For intern r ►al Use ly: ' . 1. ICnnttttt'mr n don:• _ 1 1 7iYR TO DI i momWen Comma Mann .• ft. I I ** I _1 VC e1tL'ant►agorl'attgertonii,m,t,er \ � _ t 1 �1 J• L � � 1CI / t� 6RCASINF(tiEe e1tAQR�1.l?�{If1 tptu►b \�1�v1'1Q/)Y 9 ✓ ( to ft. �1n. I ���Yn Cmupanywnmo i3 lxsr �16.INNER CMG Oii _neei~loop) 2.Well Colf1trnetian Permit fit TO _ muMecr>>i terAtgUiGps MAMA Mrta8 applicable tail sauvnrmlonparmur(f,ta WC County,&ai Marla et4) '• $. tt. tn. 1 3.Well Ilse(cam well use): ft. ft. lc. r Water Supply Wells rr.s t�ricaknral �MtatkipaVPubihr �v�aot.• ► B. women tteareas raveaa xAri:*fA►.• , Geothermal(Beating/Cooling supply) Residentlet Wool.Supply(single) ,"' It, At. + ! lndtattialICmT�ial Residential WatlerSupply(sitared) tis.dour , I -- trtigatlon Tt) AThatt*. �y1�R.ACC101#100r AAA mutton. Nna-Water n e' 11�.IVC Monitoring DiReaavery a njectlan Well: at. h. I Rt'>terhalgc DOroundwatcrRemcdiatinn �t3 VBLPACK if 1 pig:el ort o end Rummy y f Seliuity Barrier _ tint -,1 ,'` 1 •-•," f uo AgtdtbrTest E3stennwaterDrainagc ft. a' ExperimeoRlTeclmology (SuhsidettceComrai re. n. Geothermal(Closed Loop) rliTimacr ••PRILLi LOC(a�1i:_ 1 _ '' ci (lent (Ne cimal atinVCoottin6 Rant„•. ■kher(etplaiuunder#21 itemerks) • x tf. ft. ci t 4 i� : .• �`+ Ate _ d.Date Wens)Completed: Well IDO -° h, • '1 pLautilw Se.Well Lase t t WL 16 I S .. Ann' - * it. SiretatilE F. • .(lwttetRoue . �{{„LAD DotlyIDO(if appllcaldc) .. h. tt. • ( [a n r"-`�g s.. lR fr. � 3.,.,a �` 7_�jt Phyla I Addnota1 City Zip n• ft. I �. IV I Q L U Ll coney Nod r7tt.JNN.MARttt► I in ro;�;, • ::-�.n Prx,;, Eri n Y , 1 Pined kleatiilmtian No.(P[N) .,, CV."'�;�C1 'i Sip.trtntude rued longitude In dcgleeslmhuueslaceondsor decline. l degrees: t 1 uwo11 Aatd.sae tatlteaaiaetdtlataM) ' [0.41 N 83' tk-5 'Srl avw 1,.., 4t (1.-- 2 0 - 23 6.store)the wtit(a Ptermenent or ©Pramporsry Shin a of Mot •. ,, pate By sigmas MN farm,I hm3;v ootO tkat Mr eell(4 KW 4ovvJ canon red m aa'rderce ?.IN Qis a rcpairto no aldsthtg wells Dice or *o with MA Ante 02C..0100 or MA NCAC 07C..0111AWd11 Cn;Wnaelairylmataidc and dye a irthiar0 olookfif1a lbum%urn cowmctlnah +miatlaamalcpdatnnceaatxneau Yeflhis ream,AogbeepProw tlaMa well myna.f Moir under A21 rasa*sit flan ordittRd hack offhis,famh, 23 Site diagram or additional well delft: ` 8.Air Gagsrobe/1lPT or(9ereed•Long Geothermal Welie Wink the sane Vou may use the back of this page to provide additional WW1 hits details or well tsn uantalian,only I GW.l Isrroeded. Want TOTAL NUMBER afwolts erMstruetion details. You may also easel]addltloriat pages If necessary. drilled:• DM. AT,iN tiC nONS g.roar well de Newland mane {tt-t sem. 6or,a weigh: submit Otis firm within 30 days of completion of well r+err.vuuipre two tortradatelsr yeilarrntpoawP/¢- 'and.4)/oa? construction tothcfollolring:. 1 10.Stade'rater Ind below top of'carhtg: -• (rt.) DivisionotWater Resources.I ibreonNonPocegai gUnit, Ifmafrh•laralLt Awe citing toe . 1i617MillSlerviceCenter, Wleiitb.1t1C27699 ibl? l re.%Malediamteter; L) ,(In.) trb.nor t.lertiop%yeilp To addition to sensing the Alms to dm eddrom in?yin •13.Well riot : ] ( ohm,also submit one copy of*Ls within 30 days of completion of well tt c.a»SC1+ocul.cable Owl push,etc.)• ' •w construction to the fehlawing i 1�OfY WATER FF Cit,'pAI.V{yam ONLY: Division of Water Rt�Irees.Underground Injection Contra)PRIMP?, n o(� inn Map Service Center,Rrttetab.NC2769946i6 I s.Yield(rtpm) Method of test: •,t","I 24e.Oar Water.Snc .&;Mention Wells; la melon to sundtog the AAm l0 the addrcss(ce) above,also submit.one,copy of'j ink bow n Within 30 days of tab.Dtsinfectton type: . . .Aetauot: completion of well constan ylon to the comity htsalth department of the county - a wines eanentteted. . . l+orm GW.l i North ofttavltilclttcthW Qn;hllty->aiWshatnot'Weter Wanes RevFte12 22-tad