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GW1--03427_Well Construction - GW1_20230518
• Feb 1519 05:43p Clearwater Well Drilling 828-622-7241 ; P.1 I •VlJ.• WELL coi11TS1RucrION RECORD(GW,-11 Far Internal Use Only: cliCnntraeterI oamatlon: _ _ .x i ak)S —u,WATER sexes i SIMI T- asseurrson Well(:antroutif rrs • clialliocuctrNC Well GmttadorCatilieatian limber ,(� s p t 1 1 TO IL t,)UTBR CASING(Get vrdb>�>�a ) 1 Y V tUL �� l 4 n1 M it.�AL in,_ (e ( CompapName _6.1NN�RC y OR 1p thos a1�0.4kopl x.Wen Coa>sarllcliatl knelt ii: p ) 0 e12 CY2L PRoa+ 'to au setae ., nt[cta EMS MnllgillAL Moan oardlaeDlewallaxvurrorlotrparmUr(LeWCCaaaty.StemMilliner:.cm) fl ib in. 3 Well fits(cheek sell use): it. in. - . WatarSa - �i7 - PPl!Well: ra ntANLIMart . Ar en= Ywrdenaa rants. b. Agricultural MartiaipaVPubllc U a.Cieaatemnal(tier ing/C«atagSupply) Residendat Water Supply(single) ft. tr. - J fnduslrW!Commeralal riResidsoulal Water Supply(shared) r aGikour - ' irrigation . - Vado 4A r$A'r'751ttA1. ttiirtaelemoirstallOna Aietitnrr Non-Water Suppirwdl: t n' 20 if" (.iCMI V t► , ` u Cid 1 Manilori% Ic Recovery .. a. It. njtaani al: D We-Recharge - ©GronndwaterRcmediatinn 19 SAN/IA/AWL PACKiit'tnittlL4lirlt) qu+fasWrago ant Bosomy E3Salinity Barrier "nos[ 1.0 MA 1ilr. i tat fMellvltfritt:ruoo Aquifer Test J3tmnwat -Drohlagc 0 Experimental Technology OSukaidenee Comrol ft. rt. r I • . Geothermal(Closed Loop) f Taco 2a DRILLiitiG LOG taltt a.:,,.r. _ It:_.. _trswiurli. coal rmel(Hcetit:g)Cootirtg Rcwm) 3Odter(exploitrundor1P21 Rama+is) FR k "TO •. h : f.. ..-hotel Oaittia,.tal I t.DamWdl(s)Completed:T (4 2 Weil MDS - It. `) !' ant 7L 5a Welt L : �l 1 rt. tJG 1 Z� r ���, I • S�,o' �- Goms ' I 1 IDS i:, It /.l ., i p 1% t .1 r Y� :, Its Name . lieiltlylDil(ifspplical,le) n. ft. • • R Lr. MAY a a 90?31 _maim)Address,City(,and Zip rev(Jam t #J C R R trr yL / q U 31.AEMARKTi J lr.^ur' ,' e�t1 ";;r :v'.v Ur:: Cauaiy Parcel ldaoiificarimtNo.(PiN) t 5b.Latitude and longitude la degrees/min iteasteeands or decimal degree= L WWI field,OnZ tsNloagiarrdnOterdj 2 • L'j '7 Syr �—i y' S , WI 40 # 4-- o Z3 ---N..____,- , 6•t arc a( )the wNl(rkierninnern or Clircollyoral7 Sian c of Catifial Well Contractor ' I Date By atptmg rhte form,I hereto aatttfy that tla wcL law M®et)alnetir htilIn itrakete rce 7.IN this a repair toan= baagwd1: ElVes or o with l.i1. .ACa2C_QlpperISA.YCACWC.OXJDWattCasstrnoaanStandamb mot dtat4 FAOia a repalr.Jlll ourbsom n sflaoaa+uurm►infoneatt a,r?Laplaire rho up,n yf,hc omelet's ward Imebxa protdded In rust aw n-. f n;roir tan ter 112I neon*secant orettUlc lock PJr,ft(erns. 23..Site diagram or addltioaat well dell a: &ForGenproberdlrl or Ors Lanp Geothermal Wells having the saute You may use the bock of[his Inge to provide additiooai well site debits er well colettnttslan,only I GW I is needed. lndimze TOTAL NUMBER ofwclls cvatniction Mails. You may also attach additional pages ifacces ary. drilled•-- + - .....i SPIM1•AT.INST6>i��'II� ! 9.Total will depth below land aurlircc: 1 VS lTkits) An. !far Aft WSW Submit this form within 3n days of completion or Melt Perntah ofeWt eliaeadrnthrV'A8••aceasoatio-36aem o• d taut construction to the follo►sing:. - 1n.Static writer 1evc1 below tap of easing: (it) Division of Water Resources,!affirmation Proeessi;g Unit, lixwtr.r(acal rs ohm casing WE ^L(2 1617 Mail Service Ceuta;Rdeigh,NCIN10-1617 II.Borehotediat on.) ?sal►Nor taicrltop Was: In addition to sending the form to die address in Z4n 12.Well rimslrpcHgp m4Uled: f J about;also submit one copy of sits tam within 3t1 dope of completion of well (i e.aim r,sny;tut*,dim!putt,eta.) ctmstrraction m the falhait+rog: 1 FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: Division of Water Resources.Underground lq)eetka Centre)Program, 1636 MaillStrvine Cone r,leakelah.NC 276994636 1Ja Yield lup>rtl Method of teas g zaa Fur%trauer SpraW&ilakrilea Wei In addition to sending tits form To tab.tllslnfcetlon the addresses) above; also submit one copy of This form within 30 days of types Amount completion of well constnx6on to the county health department of the enunty whore constricted.' Foos GW-I Noah CaredintiDepanmontofi:moist;hihiatr.ilQtality-Division of Ware Ro omeeu Itsu 2 20t6