HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplicationa STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Roy COOPER GOVERNOR February 20, 2023 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality N.C. Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Ave. Morehead City, NC 28557 ATTN: Mr. Stephen Lane NCDOT Coordinator J. ERic BOYETE SECRETARY Subject: Application for CAMA Major Development Permit for the Proposed Replacement of Bridge No. 28 over Long Creek on NC210 in Pender County, North Carolina; TIP No. B- 5156; Debit $475 from WBS No. 42331.1.2 Dear Sirs, The North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) proposes to replace the existing 170-foot, four -span bridge No. 28 with a 205-foot, four -span bridge on a new alignment, slightly upstream of the current structure. Traffic will be maintained on the existing bridge during construction. There are no impacts to coastal wetlands with this project. Permanent impacts to riparian wetlands managed by the USAC.E total 0.93 acre. Temporary impacts to Long Creek will occur due to the use of a work bridge for construction of the new bridge and removal of the existing structure. The work bridge is designed to match the low chord of the existing bridge. Aerial utilities will be relocated with minor impact to jurisdictional wetlands, due to hand clearing. Existing water lines will remain in place. Please see enclosed copies of the Division of Coastal Management Major Permit Fors land 5, permit drawings, stormwater management plan, utility drawings, and roadway plans for the above referenced project. A Categorical Exclusion (CE) was completed in July 2019 and distributed shortly after. Additional copies are available at the NCDOT website: This project calls for a letting date of September 19, 2023, and a review date of August 1, 2023. The project schedule may be advanced if funding becomes available. Regulatory Approvals CAMA Major Development Permit: NCDOT requests that the proposed work be authorized under a f4W(¢ '.r "Aah: Coastal Area Management Act Major Permit. Adjacent riparian landowner certified mail return receipts will be provided once they are received. Authorization to debit the $475 Permit Application Fee from WBS Element 42331.1.2 is hereby given. 10t,"W,V i,i p. s ,_ Mailing Address: Location: NC DEPARTMENT of TRANRPORTATION Telephone.'(919)707-6000 1000B1RCHRmGEDRNE EN ONMERTAL ANALYSTS UNIT Customer Service: 1-877-368A968 RA GHNC27610 1598MAR.SERwECENTER Websire: xww.ncdot. ov FA ETGH NC 27699-1598 g A copy of this permit application will be posted on the NCDOT Website at https://connect.ncdot.gov/resources/Environmental/Pages/default.aspx, under Quick Links > Permit Applications. Should you have any questions regarding this information, please contact Jason Dilday at (919) 707-6111 orjldildayl@ncdot.gov. AonL'YU�Iday4 J ECAP Eastern Regional Team Lead cc: NCDOT Permit Application Standard Distribution List iO iO �L�`V�II iP✓ `a. ��� DCM MP4 APPLI for Maier Development Permit past revised 12(27/08) North Carolina DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 1. Primary Applicant/ Landowner Information Business Name Project Name (if applicable) North Carolina Department of Transportation B-5156 Applicant 1: First Name MI Last Name Jaime Lancaster Applicant 2: First Name MI Last Name N/A If additional applicants, please attach an additional page(s) with names listed. Mailing Address PO Box City State 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC ZIP Country Phone No. FAX No. 27909-1598 USA 919 - 707 - 6065 ext. - - Street Address (if different from above) City State ZIP 1000 Birch Ridge Drive Raleigh 27610 - Email 2. Agent/Contractor Information Business Name N/A Agent/ Contractor 1: First Name MI Last Name Agent/ Contractor 2: First Name MI Last Name Mailing Address PO Box City State ZIP Phone No. 1 - - ext. Phone No. 2 - - ext. FAX No. Contractor # Street Address (if different from above) City State ZIP Email j: <Form continues on back> 252-808.2808 :: 1.888-4RCOAST :: wwwr.nccoastal management. Form DCM MP-1 (Page 2 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit 3. Project Location County (can be multiple) Street Address State Rd. # Pender County Bridge 28 Over Long Creek on NC 210 NC 210 Subdivision Name City State Zip N/A N/A NC 28457 - Phone No. Lot No.(s) (if many, attach additional page with list) - - ext. I , a. In which NC river basin is the project located? b. Name of body of water nearest to proposed project Cape Fear Long Creek c. Is the water body identified in (b) above, natural or manmade? d. Name the closest major water body to the proposed project site. ®Natural ❑Manmade ❑unknown Northeast Cape Fear River e. Is proposed work within city limits or planning jurisdiction? f. If applicable, list the planning jurisdiction or city limit the proposed []Yes ®No work falls within. 4. Site Description N/A a. Total length of shoreline on the tract (ft.) b. Size of entire tract (sq.ft.) 500 ft. (approximately 250 ft. on each shore) approximately 45,000 sq ft. c. Size of individual lot(s) d. Approximate elevation of tract above NHW (normal high water) or NA NWL (normal water level) (if many lot sizes, please attach additional page with a list) loft ❑NHW or ❑NWL e. Vegetation on tract Maintainedidisturbed vegetation, forested wetlands f. Man-made features and uses now on tract Roadway, bridge g. Identify and describe the existing land uses adjacent to the proposed project site. Minor residential and agricultural businesses h. How does local government zone the tract? i. Is the proposed project consistent with the applicable zoning? rural agricultural, residential performance (Attach zoning compliance certificate, if applicable) ®Yes ❑No ❑NA j. Is the proposed activity part of an urban waterfront redevelopment proposal? ❑Yes ®No k. Hasa professional archaeological assessment been done for the tract? If yes, attach a copy. DYes []No ❑NA If yes, by whom? NCDOT staff I. Is the proposed project located in a National Registered Historic District or does it involve a ❑Yes ®No []NA National Register listed or eligible property? <Form continues on next page> 252-808-2808 .. 1-888-4RCOdAST ,. wevw.nrcoastalnea a�ae e�ma; er E.ne(¢g(�r ei +tfl r.^,� Y ° "," Form DCM MP-1 (Page 3 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit m. (i) Are there wetlands on the site? ®Yes ❑No (ii) Are there coastal wetlands on the site? ❑Yes ®No (iii) If yes to either (1) or (ii) above, has a delineation been conducted? ®Yes ❑No (Attach documentation, if available) n. Describe existing wastewater treatment facilities. NIA o. Describe existing drinking water supply source. N/A p. Describe existing storm water management or treatment systems. NIA 5. Activities and Impacts a. Will the project be for commercial, public, or private use? ❑Commercial ®Public/Government Public ❑Private/Community b. Give a brief description of purpose, use, and daily operations of the project when complete. Proposed bridge no. 28 on Long Creek will replace the current bridge on NC 210. The proposed bridge and roadway is designed to accommodate safety and future traffic projections. c. Describe the proposed construction methodology, types of construction equipment to be used during construction, the number of each type of ef�ment arw$e�e it is to a stored. Cons r ion me s of two phases. Phase 1 is to construct the bridge and roadway realignment ad- proposed jacent to the existing roadway. Once proposed roadway is reconstructed, Phase 2 will consist of excavating the existing road- way embankment to reestablish the floodplain of Long Creek. Construction equipment expected to be used for this project in- clude d. List all development activities you propose. Proposed Bridge No 28 replacement and roadway realignment. e. Are the proposed activities maintenance of an existing project, new work, or both? Both, bridge replacement, roadway realignment and future maintenance. f. What is the approximate total disturbed land area resulting from the proposed project? ❑Sq.Ft or ®Acres Built -Upon Area = 1.6 ac g. Will the proposed project encroach on any public easement, public accessway or other area ®Yes ❑No ❑NA that the public has established use on B-5156 will be constructed on existing NCDOT ROW and acquired ease h. Describe location and type of existing and proposed discharges to waters of the state. Existing conditions consist of roadway shoulder where runoff sheet flows off roadway and into adjacent wetlands. Proposed conditions will incorporate shoulder berm and gutter at locations down grade from the proposed bridge and will be captured in four individual drainage system that will outfall into existing adjacent wetlands. Energy dissipator pads have been proposed at each outfall to protect against erosive velocities. I. Will wastewater or slormwater be discharged into a wetland? ®Yes []No ❑NA If yes, will this discharged water be of the same salinity as the receiving water? ❑Yes ❑No ®NA j. Is there any mitigation proposed? []Yes ❑No ®NA If yes, attach a mitigation proposal <Form continues on back> ents. 1,( �I't� &a .i.,..,,, 252-808-2808 .. 1-883-4RCOAST .. www.nccoastalmanagernent.net Form DCM MP-1 (Page 4 of 4) APPLICATION for Major Development Permit 6. Additional Information In addition to this completed application form, (MP-1) the following items below, if applicable, must be submitted in order for the application package to be complete. Items (a) - (1) are always applicable to any major development application. Please consult the application instruction booklet on how to properly prepare the required items below. a. A project narrative. b. An accurate, dated work plat (including plan view and cross -sectional drawings) drawn to scale. Please give the present status of the proposed project. Is any portion already complete? If previously authorized work, clearly indicate on maps, plats, drawings to distinguish between work completed and proposed. c. A site or location map that is sufficiently detailed to guide agency personnel unfamiliar with the area to the site. d. A copy of the deed (with state application only) or other instrument under which the applicant claims title to the affected properties. e. The appropriate application fee. Check or money order made payable to DENR. I. A list of the names and complete addresses of the adjacent waterfront (riparian) landowners and signed return receipts as proof that such owners have received a copy of the application and plats by certified mail. Such landowners must be advised that they have 30 days in which to submit comments on the proposed project to the Division of Coastal Management. Name Phone No. Address SEE ATTACHED LIST Name Phone No. Address Name Phone No. Address g. A list of previous state or federal permits issued for work on the project tract. Include permit numbers, permitted, and issuing dates. N/A h. Signed consultant or agent authorization form, if applicable. I. Wetland delineation, if necessary. j. A signed AEC hazard notice for projects in oceanfront and inlet areas. (Must be signed by property owner) k. A statement of compliance with the N.C. Environmental Policy Act (N.C.G.S. 113A 1-10), if necessary. If the project involves expenditure of public funds or use of public lands, attach a statement documenting compliance with the North Carolina Environmental Policy Act. 1 7. Certification and Permission to Enter on Land I I understand that any permit issued in response to this application will allow only the development described in the application. The project will be subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in the permit. I certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to representatives of state and federal review. agencies to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application and follow-up monitoring of the project. I further certify that th information provided in this application —istruthful to the best of my knowledge. �J Date z-!J Print Name A) r /Signature Please indicate application attachments pertaining to your proposed project. ❑DCM MP-2 Excavation and Fill Information ®DCM MP-5 Bridges and Culverts ❑DCM MP-3 Upland Development ❑DCM MP-4 Structures Information i.�j�Yi�l t81Qlr,ll-1 Lee, Gail Herring 22550 NC Hwy 210 Long Creek Meadows LLC Corbett Brothers LLC Rocky Point, NC 28457 PO Box 228 PO Box 210 Wrightsville Beach, NC Wilmington, NC 28480 Porter, David R 23338 NC Hwy 210 Rocky Point, NC 28457 Form DCM MP-5 BRIDGES and CULVERTS Attach this form to Joint Application for CAMA Major Permit, Form DCM MP-1. Be sure to complete all other sections of the Joint Application that relate to this proposed project. Please include all supplemental information. 1. BRIDGES ❑This section not applicable a. Is the proposed bridge: ❑Commercial ®Public/Governmenl ❑Private/Community c. Type of bridge (construction material): 2@45'-0' ; l@65'-0' ; l@50'-0' ; 45" Girder Deck 2/ 4'-0" caps and spill thoueh abutements e. (i) Will proposed bridge replace an existing bridge? ®Yes []No If yes, (ii) Length of existing bridge: 169'-7" (III) Width of existing bridge: 31'-6" r� (iv) Navigation clearance underneath existing bridge: (v) Will all, or a part of, the existing bridge be removed? (Explain) Proposed bridge will be built beside existing bridge. Once bridge is complete Traffic will be d to new bridge d existing bridge will be removed. g. Length of proposed bridge: 205'-0" b. Water body to be crossed by bridge: Long Creek d. Water depth at the proposed crossing at NLW or NWL: 15ft f. (i) Will proposed bridge replace an existing culvert? ❑Yes ®No If yes, (ii) Length of existing culvert: (iii) Width of existing culvert: (iv) Height of the top of the existing culvert above the NHW or NWL: (v) Will all, or a part of, the existing culvert be removed? (Explain) h. Width of proposed bridge: 32'-0" I. Will the proposed bridge affect existing water flow? ®Yes []No j. If yes, explain: Max decrease of 0.3' during 100-yr storm Will the proposed bridge affect navigation by reducing or increasing the existing navigable opening? ®Yes ❑No If yes, explain: Span arrangement increases the horizontal opening k. Navigation clearance underneath proposed bridge: 4i�* IOr i1- I. Have you contacted the U.S. Coast Guard concerning their approval? ❑Yes ®No If yes, explain: m. Will the proposed bridge cross wetlands containing no navigable n. Height of proposed bridge above wetlands: 12'-6" waters? ®Yes ONO If yes, explain: Proposed bridge will impact and cross existing wetlands 2. CULVERTS ®This section not applicable a. Number of culverts proposed: b. Water body in which the culvert is to be placed: f 'j 252-808.2808 :: 1-888-411G1AST :: www.ncc®asffiwlmanagemena.net revised: 10120/06 F®ff'ffilB M)CM MP-S (Bridges and Cuhrertsr Page 7 of 4) < Form continues on back> c. Type of culvert (construction material): it. (i) Will proposed culvert replace an existing bridge? []Yes ❑No If yes, (ii) Length of existing bridge: (Ili) Width of existing bridge: (iv) Navigation clearance underneath existing bridge: (v) Will all, or a part of, the existing bridge be removed? (Explain) f. Length of proposed culvert: h. Height of the lop of the proposed culvert above the NHW or NWL. j. Will the proposed culvert affect navigation by reducing or increasing the existing navigable opening? ❑Yes ONO If yes, explain: e. (1) Will proposed culvert replace an existing culvert? []Yes []No If yes, (it) Length of existing culvert(s): _ (Ili) Width of existing culvert(s): _ (iv) Height of the top of the existing culvert above the NHW or NWL: _ (v) Will all, or a part of, the existing culvert be removed? (Explain) g. Width of proposed culvert: I. Depth of culvert to be buried below existing bottom contour. k. Will the proposed culvert affect existing water flow? ❑Yes []No If yes, explain: 3. EXCAVATION and FILL ❑This section not applicable a. (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any excavation below the NHW or NWL? []Yes ®No If yes, (ii) Avg. length of area to be excavated: (ill) Avg. Width of area to be excavated: (iv) Avg. depth of area to be excavated: (v) Amount of material to be excavated in cubic yards: b. (1) WII the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any excavation within coastal wetlands/marsh (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ❑CW _ ❑SAV ❑SB OWL I6553 sgft❑None (11) Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas: B-5156 proposes to excavate the existing roadway fill after the proposed bridge has been built. It is intended to reestablish the floodplain in the old roadway footprint c. (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any high -ground excavation? ®Yes []NO If yes, (if) Avg. length of area to be excavated: 1060 FT ( 560 STA 16+50 to 22+00, 500 STA 23+93 to 28+50) (iii) Avg. width of area to be excavated: 38 FT (iv) Avg. depth of area to be excavated: 8 FT (v) Amount of material to be excavated in cubic yards: 13�073 CY 757-808.2808 :: 1-880-4RC67AST :: vvww.nccoastalmanaaement.not revised: 10/20108 FOrM 0CM MP-S (0ridges and Culverts, Page 3 of 4) d. If the placement of the bridge or culvert involves any excavation, please complete the following: (i) Location of the spoil disposal area: TBD (11) Dimensions of the spoil disposal area: (iii) Do you claim title to the disposal area? ❑Yes ❑No (If no, attach a letter granting permission from the owner.) (iv) Will the disposal area be available for future maintenance? []Yes []No (v) Does the disposal area include any coastal wetlandsimarsh (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAVs), other wetlands (WL), or shell bottom (SB)? ❑CW ❑SAV ❑WL ❑SB ❑None If any boxes are checked, give dimensions if different from (ii) above. (vi) Does the disposal area include any area below the NHW or NWL? ? ❑Yes [:]No If yes, give dimensions if different from (ii) above. e. (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert result in any fill (other than excavated material described in Item d above) to be placed below NHW or NWL? []Yes ®No If yes, (11) Avg. length of area to be filled: (iii) Avg. width of area to be filled: (iv) Purpose of fill: f. (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert result in any fill (other than excavated material described in Item d above) to be placed within coastal wetlands/marsh (CW), submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), shell bottom (SB), or other wetlands (WL)? If any boxes are checked, provide the number of square feet affected. ❑CW _ ❑SAV ❑SB OWL 0.692 ac ❑None (it) Describe the purpose of the excavation in these areas: B-5156 proposes to fill into existing wetlands in order to construct e proposed bridge to the North of the ex[s mg n ge. e n ge is proposed to the North of the existing bridge in order to keep traffic operations Flowing while construction is taking place. g. (i) Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert result in any fill (other than excavated material described in Item d above) to be placed on high -ground? ®Yes []No If yes, 984 FT STA 11+50 to 22+00 LT, 522 FT STA 10+50 to (11) Avg. length of area to be filled: 16+00 RT, 277 FT STA 23+90 to 27+00 LT (III) Avg. width of area to be filled: 27 FT (iv) Purpose of fill: 19,774 CY Roadway fill needed to construct relocated bridge and roadway realignment a. <MII the proposed project require the relocation of any existing b. Will the proposed project require the construction of any temporary utility lines? ®Yes ❑No detour structures? ❑Yes ®No If yes, explain: If yes, explain: Existing 24" Waterline will remain in place. Aerial utilities will be moved No detour structures will be constructed for this project. However, a resulting in an. of handclearing in a 404 wetland. temporary work bridge is required to cross Long Creek. If this portion of the proposed project has already received approval from local authorities, please attach a copy of the approval or certification. < Form continues on backs f 3r`�aln!°s�d rr+, t„i 26i2.808-2808 :: 1-888-4RC®AST :: www.nccoasfalmaroan�oment.net revised: 10/18/06 C. Will the proposed project require any work channels? ❑Yes MNo If yes, complete Form DCM-MP-2. e. What type of construction equipment will be used (for example, dragline, backhoe, or hydraulic dredge)? Construction equipment expected to be used for this project include bulldozer, skid steer loader, backhoe loader, excavator, asphalt paver, motor gra er, drum roller, compactor, and crane. g. Will the placement of the proposed bridge or culvert require any shoreline stabilization? []Yes MNo If yes, complete form MP-2, Section 3 for Shoreline Stabilization only. ';—�VZ3 Date �-S�SIP Project Name Applicant ApplicanU�ignature d. How will excavated or fill material be kept on site and erosion controlled? Fill material will be placed in accordance to location proposed in plans. ,xcavated material will e disposed at properly as excavation practices occur. NCDOT Best Management Practices will be employed during all facets orconstruction and demolition. f. Will wetlands be crossed in transporting equipment to project site? MYes Oslo If yes, explain steps that will be taken to avoid or minimize environmental impacts. A temporary work bridge has been proposed to cross the stream on the north side of the existing bridge. Temporary impacts to the wetland have been accounted for and coir malting and plantings will be required i �� 4L•N��dt,9 ,. , r, ° - ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. RISER Secretary MARC RECKTEN WALD Director Mr. Jamie Lancaster, P.E. Environmental Analysis Unit North Carolina Department of Transportation 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1598 Dear Mr. Lancaster: Subject: Mitigation Acceptance Letter: NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality February 21, 2023 B-5156, Replace Bridge 28 over Long Creek on NC 210, Pender County The purpose of this letter is to notify you that the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality — Division of Mitigation Services (NCDEQ-DMS) will provide the mitigation for the subject project. Based on the information receivedfrom you on February 21, 2023, the impacts are located in CU 03030007 of the Cape Fear River basin in the Southern Outer Coastal Plain (SOCP) Eco-Region, and are as follows: Cape Fear 03030007 Stream Wetlands Buffer (Sq. Ft.) Cold Cool Warm Riparian Non- Coastal Zone t Zone 2 Ri arian Marsh Impacts (feettacres) 0 0 0 0,930 1 0 1 0 0 0 The impacts and associated mitigation needs were not projected by the NCDOT in the 2022 impact data. NCDEQ — DMS commits to implementing sufficient compensatory mitigation credits to offset the impacts associated with this project as determined by the regulatory agencies using the delivery timeline listed in Section F.3.c.iii of the ha -Lieu Fee Instrument dated July 28, 2010, if the above referenced impact amounts are revised, then this mitigation acceptance letter will no longer be valid and a new mitigation acceptance letter will be required from NCDEQ-DMS. Uf you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Ms. Beth Harmon at 919-707-8420. Sincerely, for. James B. Stanfill DMS Deputy Director cc: Mr. Monte Matthews, USACE—Raleigh Ms, Amy Chapman, NCDWR Mr. Brad Chilton, NCDOT — EAU File: B-5156 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I [Division of Mitigation Services 217 West Jones Street 11652Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1652 ar�a�n.,waaanremi o-aub 919.707,8976