HomeMy WebLinkAbout20230766 Ver 1_CheekCrk_2023_Specifications_20230526 Cheek Creek Stream Rehabilitation Project - Specifications STREAM RESTORATION SPECIFICATIONS EQUIPMENT AND OPERATOR SPECIFICATIONS A) Manner of Construction - Excavation will be done in a manner which will minimize sedimentation in the stream channel. Silt fence will be installed downstream of the construction area to reduce the risk of sediment entering the stream. B) Equipment Operator Performance - Equipment operators shall be experienced and competent in the use of the equipment to which they are assigned. They shall be expected to demonstrate a level of proficiency with the equipment which enables them to be productive in all aspects of stream restoration work. Equipment operators shall be experienced in the construction of Rosgen designed structures; including the cross vane, J-hook vane, and Toe-wood/Sod mat. Operators will be instructed by the construction inspector as to the desired result of construction activities. Operators will be responsible for determining how best to use equipment to achieve the desired results. Chain saw operators will be required to cut trees, limbs and root masses as necessary to facilitate the removal and placement of debris in the stream. C) Environmental Considerations - Earth moving equipment will cross and operate in the streamflow only when necessary and only when directed to do so by the construction inspector. Equipment shall be new or of low hours and be maintained to prevent fuel, oil and lubricant spills in the vicinity of the stream. Refueling, repairs and lubrication will be performed at a safe distances from the stream and only at locations approved by the construction inspector where water is controlled by runoff control measures. Equipment shall be clean; free of mud and plant seeds when arriving to the construction site to control non-native weed introdution. D) Safety Considerations -At work sites, where equipment will be operated on Forest Roads, flagman shall be stationed to warn oncoming traffic of congestion. Construction road signs shall be in place and a means of removing sediment, mud or rocks from roadways shall be established. The contractor will be responsible for the implementation of these measures. E) Equipment Specifications Hydraulic Excavator: Track mounted, hydraulic powered. Excavator: Weight Range—30,000-41,000 Ibs Min. Reach —25 feet Min Digging Depth — 19 feet Min Bucket size—0.6 Cu Yd. Min 100 HP Equipped with hydraulic thumb, with experienced operator as described above. (More than 1 excavator may be required. Unit price bid should be for one excavator for one hour of running time). Dump—Track Truck: Track mounted Min. weight—8,000 Ibs Min. carrying capacity—7,000 Ibs (Unit price bid should be for one truck for one hour of running time and experienced operator). Payment will be made under: Hydraulic Excavator/Mobilization........................................................................HOURS/EACH Dump—Track Truck/Mobilization........................................................................HOURS/EACH Cheek Creek Stream Rehabilitation Project Page 1 IN-STREAM STRUCTURES SPECIFICATIONS Structure Stone Description The work covered by this section consists of furnishing, stockpiling, placing and maintaining approved stone to be utilized to construct rock and log vanes, root wad structures,the step-pool structures, stream crossings,sediment and erosion control measures for use in locations as directed by the Designer.The quantity of stone may be increased, decreased,or eliminated entirely at the direction of the Designer. Such variations in quantity will not be considered as alterations in the details of construction or a change in the character of the work. Materials Stone for"Boulder'shall consist of blasted stone or other stone approved by the Designer.All stone shall be largely clean of fines, sound,tough, dense, resistant to the action of air and water, and suitable in all other respects for the purpose intended. All stone shall meet the approval of the Designer.While no specific gradation is required,the various sizes of the stone shall be equally distributed within the required size range.The size of an individual stone particle will be determined by measuring its long dimension. Accept nce Criteria for Stone REQUIRED STONE SIZES (INCHES) CLASS Minimum Average Maximum Boulder 36 48 60 48"x 30"x 20" No more than 5 percent of the material furnished can be less than the minimum size specified, more than 10 percent of the material can exceed the maximum size specified. Boulders shall be relatively flat on either side in the same dimension, preferably the long dimension. Construction The Contractor shall place stone, in locations shown on the construction plans to the thickness,widths, and lengths as shown on the construction plans or directed by the Designer.All stone shall be placed neatly and uniformly with an even surface to form an in-stream structure or a sediment and erosion control device or in accordance with the construction plans and special provisions, and shall meet the approval of the Designer. Method of Measurement The quantity of stone required to construct the structures or sediment and erosion control measures detailed in these special provisions will be incidental to those bid items. However,field conditions may warrant the need for additional stone greater than the quantity specified or detailed for each bid item.The quantity of stone that has been incorporated into the project, as directed or approved by the Designer,which exceeds 110%of the quantity required for each bid item will be measured by weight. Measured by weight will require the quantity to be weighed in trucks on certified platform scales. Stone that was previously stockpiled for other bid items will not be measured a second time for this provision. Basis of Payment When field conditions dictate the need for additional quantity greater than 10% of the bid item, the quantity of stone measured as provided above, will be paid for at the contract unit price per ton for "Boulder". Such price and payment will be full compensation for all work covered by this section, including but not limited to furnishing, weighing, stockpiling, re-handling, placing, and maintaining the stone and disposal of any materials not incorporated into the project if directed by the Designer. Payment will be made under: Boulder...........................................................................................................................................TON Cheek Creek Stream Rehabilitation Project Page 2 Log Vane Description This structure serves to decrease stress in the near-bank region while promoting scouring in the downstream pool. Logs are placed at an angle to the stream bank, gradually inclining in elevation until they are located near'/z bankfull elevation directly adjacent to the stream bank. Water flowing downstream is forced over these logs towards the middle of the channel, effectively scouring out a pool below. The quantity of log vanes may be increased, decreased, or eliminated entirely at the direction of the designer. Such variations in quantity will not be considered as alterations in the details of construction or a change in the character of the work. Materials Trees to be used for the vane shall be provided by the Forest Service from near the site. All log materials shall be at least 10 inches in diameter. A sheet of non-woven geotextile fabric (4oz. or greater, 6 feet wide) shall be placed the length of the vane arm on the upstream side, nailed or stapled to the top log in a manner that they will be out of site when covered by back fill material. Back fill material shall be obtained from the stream channel bed. Installation An excavator, with a bucket that includes a hydraulic thumb, shall be used to push designated trees over to make the vane logs. Placement of logs to fashion the log vane shall occur under the supervision of Designer. A trench shall be dug in such a manner that the upstream end of the footer and header logs are buried beneath the bed surface elevation and pinched with boulders. Logs shall be tightly sealed with minimal gaps between the header and footer log. Filter fabric shall be placed on the upstream side of the structure, extend from near the toe of the bank to the header log and shall be placed the entire length of the structure. This area shall be backfilled with materials excavated on-site to prevent the washout of sediment through log gaps. Header and footer logs shall be tied in securely to the bank in such a way that eliminates the possibility of water diverting around them. Structures shall be built to the approval of the Designer. The Designer may adjust the number and placement of structures in the field. Basis of Payment This payment shall be considered full compensation for all labor, equipment, hauling, placing, handling, sorting, fitting, materials, and incidentals necessary to construct the Log Vane. Trees to be used for the vane shall be provided by the Forest Service. Payment will be made under: Equipment& Labor............................................................................................HOURS Materials: Non-woven geotextile fabric................................................................LINEAR FOOT Cheek Creek Stream Rehabilitation Project Page 3 o 1/8 TO 1/4 OF LOGS BURIED C) IN STREAM BED WITH 2:1 Log Vane Detail BOULEDELEV ELEVATION R BED ELEVATION SLOPE TO BANKFULI MATERIAL FROM POOL USED TO f•.,1 CONSTRUCT INNER BERM& BACKFILL P 0 PLAN VIEW LOGSPLACED ATA20-ANGLE '. FRO MBANKANDATA2-3% tr':.:`• SLOPE FROM%BANKFULL MATERIAL F';_�„ ELEVATION AT STREAMBANK FROM POOL USED TO CONSTRUCT 1,35,. ]345. { INNER BERM ........ ..........41.......................... ..... 5 •• CONSTRUCTED POOL MAX.DEPTH " ,;. @ W�DOWNSTREAM FROM a1 INVERT PL BAnkfullel—tion ''0- X-SECTION VIEW '^° SILL LOG .yl -7'IN BANK PLACED RIVER ROCK .j..` :. LOWFLOW ELEVATION /GC-OTE%TILE FABRIC O _ HEADER LOG r FOOTER LOG l� Constructed vW 0 yaav D Toe-wood/Sod mat (bankfull bench) Description This structure serves to protect a length of stream bank by biulding a new bank with a bankfull area where one did not exist before due to unstable conditions (See Toe-wood/Sod mat detail below). The structure creates a large undercut bank providing an abundance of aquatic cover type habitat. Materials Trees and brush to be used for the structure shall be provided by the Forest Service from near the site. Shrubs and willow shall be provided by the Forest Service from near the site. Excavated soil shall be dispersed on the site. Seed, mulch, and Coir 700 matting (6-8 feet wide) shall be provided and installed by the contractor. Installation The channel shall be excavated to build a bench on the channel bottom on the outside of the meander bend. Its elevation shall be well below determined low water elevation. A deep pool shall be constructed where the new thalweg will be located and excavated material shall be used to build the point bar and back fill the structure. Footer logs laying parrallel to the stream channel shall be placed on the bench, then the toe-wood on top of that. Toe- wood shall consist of a mixture of sizes, but include several large tree stems with root wads attached. Stems shall be pushed into the bank were possible. Trees, brush, and limbs shall all be used to fill this area with woody debris, and be placed up to the low flow elevation. Bundles of live stakes, e.g. willow, shall be placed on top of the woody debris and alluvial backfill shall be placed on the structure (amount determined by Designer). Shrubs, excavated from nearby, shall be placed on top of the toe-wood up to the bankfull elevation. This shrub mat will replace the "sod mat". From the bankfull elevation the verticle slope shall be excavated to the 2:1 slope (run to rise). Excavated soil material shall be scattered on the adjacent terrace. All slopes shall have seed, mulch, and coir matting installed. Riparian plantings shall be installed on the slope and during the plant dormant season, live stakes shall be installed in the bench and bank. Cheek Creek Stream Rehabilitation Project Page 4 Stabilization of Vertical Banks on outside Meander Bend Terrace elevation Construction of Bankfull Bench using TOE WOOD/SOD MAT DETAIL EXCAVATED BANK MATERIAL CONSTRUCTION ITEMS AND SEQUENCE: Excavate high bank to construct a 2:1 slope from bankfull to terrace ....................... ..............5.aDKfVII.El9Y.dQn..................... elevation �- Excavate&construct toe wood bench and new channel pool feature based on reference pool SOD MAT dimensions i Place trees/logs/tops on toe wood bench&in toe of bank below low Low flow Elevation flow _ _ Place willow cuttings/bundles on toe wood • Excavate sod mats(using a front TOE WOOD end loader)or shrub transplants ; Pre-Construction - (e.g.alder,willow)and place on toe _ Channel Bottomni-------- wood up to bankfull elevation FOOTER LOGS Toe wood nenon - Seed bank with native grass seed Cover sod mat and sloped bank with coir erosion control matting Channel Bottom Plant willow/silky dogwood/elderberry cuttings into relocated sod mat and bank to help Brady Dodd "pin"sod into bank NFNC Hydro Basis of Payment This payment shall be considered full compensation for all labor, equipment, hauling, placing, handling, sorting, fitting, materials, and incidentals necessary to construct the bankfull bench. Trees to be used for the structure shall be provided by the Forest Service. Payment will be made under: Equipment& Labor................................................................................................HOURS Materials: Matting, Coir- 700 ..................................................................................... LINEAR FOOT EROSION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS Seed & Mulch Description Seeding shall occur within 24 hours of ground disturbing activities. Seed shall be applied by hand or with a cyclone seeder and on steep slopes be immediately covered certified weedfree wheat or pine straw. On streambanks, Coir 700 matting shall be placed to keep seed and soil in place. Below are native grass species to be sown and their seeding density of pure live seed. Community Type:Riparian Scientific Name Common Name Planting Density EI mus vir inicus Virginia wild rye 22 Ibs/acre Festuca rubra Creeping red fescue 5 Ibs/acre Dichanthelium clandestinum Deerton ue 2 Ibs/acre Materials All materials shall meet the approval of the Designer. Cheek Creek Stream Rehabilitation Project Page 5 Basis of Payment Payment for installation of seed and mulch will be paid for as outlined.This payment shall be considered full compensation for all labor, equipment,furnishing materials, hauling, rehandling, sorting, materials, and incidentals necessary to seed and mulch. Payment will be made under: Seed ...............................................................................................................................ACRE Matting Materials All materials shall meet the approval of the Designer and include Coir fiber mat (700 weight, 6.5 feet wide), hardwood stakes, and live stakes (see"Planting" Specs). Installation Coir fiber mat shall be used on upper and lower stream banks (above and below the bankfull elevation). The matting shall be fastened in place using both hardwood and pine stakes. Provide stakes made of hardwood, 2' tall and 1 inch square, to anchor the matting along the edges. These edge-stakes shall be installed to no less than 1 foot deep. Also, provide 1' tall pine wood stakes for the interior of the matting. Place the matting upon final grading, following seed and mulch application. Provide a smooth soil surface free from stones, clods, or debris which will prevent the contact of the matting with the soil. Unroll the matting on the contour, starting at the bottom of the slope and apply without stretching such that it will lie smoothly but loosely on the soil surface. Bury the top end of each piece of matting in a narrow trench at least 6 in. (150 mm) deep and tamp firmly after staking with evenly spaced stakes. Stake the matting according to the manufactures recommended pattern for specific product and slope. Where one roll of matting ends and a second roll begins, install matting end-over-end with approximately 6 inches of overlap. Stake through overlapped area. Install stakes across the matting at ends, junctions, and trenches approximately 3 feet apart, no less than 1 foot deep. Basis of Payment Payment for installation of matting will be paid for as outlined.This payment shall be considered full compensation for all labor, equipment, furnishing materials, hauling, stockpiling, rehandling, sorting, fitting, materials, and incidentals necessary to install matting. Payment will be made under: Matting ..................................................................................................................LINEAR FEET Plantings Description Plantings shall consist of container and live staking. Plantings from containers shall be from one gallon containers and can be planted throughout the year. Live staking shall occur during plant dormancy. Below is a list of woody vegetation species to be planted on stream banks and floodplains. Scientific Name Common Name Percent of plantings Spacing feet Container& Bare Root Species: Alnus serrulata Tag Alder 20% 3 Cal canthus floridus Sweetshrub 10% 3 Clethra acuminata Cinnamon Bark Clethra 10% 4 Hamamelis vir iniana Witch Hazel 10% 4 Hypericurn densiflorum Bushy St. Johns 10% 4 Itea vir inica 10% 4 Xanthorhiza sim licissima Yellowroot 10% 2.5 Platanus occidentalis Sycamore 20% 6 Live Stake Species: Cornus ammonum silky dogwood 10 3 Salix ni ra black willow 20 3 Cheek Creek Stream Rehabilitation Project Page 6 Salix sericea silky willow 20 3 Salix humilis prairie willow 10 3 Sambucus canadensis common elderberry 30 3 Ph socarpus opulifolius ninebark 10 3 Materials All materials shall meet the approval of the Designer. Basis of Payment Payment for installation of plantings will be paid for as outlined.This payment shall be considered full compensation for all labor, equipment,furnishing materials,hauling,rehandling, sorting, materials, and incidentals necessary to plant. Payment will be made under: Plantings............................................................................................................................EACH Cheek Creek Stream Rehabilitation Project Page 7