HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120396 Ver 1_IRT Proposal for Project Closeout_5-24-2023 STATE u.03 O �y �n ROY COOPER - Governor ELIZABETH S.BISER Secretary *fssrouU v'� MARC RECKTENWALD NORTH CAROLINA Director Environmental Quality Moores Fork—Proposal for Project Closeout DMS Project#: 94709 USACE Action ID#: SAW-2011-02257 NCDWR Project#: 2012-0396 Yadkin 03040101 Surry County, NC Introduction/Background NCDMS met with the NCIRT to view the Moores Fork stream mitigation project on March 15, 2023. This site visit was scheduled to be the regulatory closeout site visit; however, DMS withdrew the site due to several concerns identified in February 2023. DMS used this opportunity to show the site to the NCIRT with the purpose of receiving input, discussing potential repair areas, and developing a path to closure. The surrounding land use around the conservation easement area has changed dramatically in the recent year due to a change in property ownership and land management practices. A portion of the property is an active dairy with a rotation of up to 500 head of cattle. The intense pressure from the cattle and resulting ground disturbance has created several areas of instability within the project area due to concentrated flow. At the conclusion of the March 151" meeting,the NCIRT requested DMS to propose a repair plan and a path to closure for the site. This plan outlines the DMS multi-faceted approach to address the issues identified at the March 151" meeting and close the site. DMS conducted a site assessment on May 10, 2023, to identify and assess repair opportunities. Four areas were identified along Silage Tributary and Moore's Fork for repair. These four areas were selected because they are unstable areas that developed within the last monitoring year due to change in land use, damage from intense storms, and the ability to access the area with construction equipment. These four areas exhibit varying degrees of bank erosion and bed instability and unless stabilized will continue to degrade. There are other areas of instability primarily on Silage Tributary; however, accessing these areas would be difficult due to steep slopes and mature vegetation. Accessing these areas with equipment would create additional problems including slope instability,vegetation loss, and disrupt dairy operations. These additional areas have been watched throughout the course of monitoring and have remained unchanged over the last several monitoring years. DMS is proposing to plant these additional areas with live stakes, bare roots, and containerized plants to increase stability. DMS is also proposing to reduce the credit ratios on Silage Tributary Reach 1 and Reach 2. Trash observed in the conservation easement from farm operations will be removed as part this repair effort. Invasive species treatment and beaver management will continue until project closeout. DMS will contract with a designer to review the site, develop a repair plan, and implement the repair. Maps and tables are included in the appendix. Repair Area#1: Existing conditions: Repair Area#1 consists of a non-credited drainage coming into Silage Tributary at the top of the project reach. A change in land use from grassed pasture to over-grazed bare earth has accelerated the rate at which runoff enters Silage Tributary. While the drainage area is small, 0.8 acres, a large gully has formed D E Q�� North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Mitigation Services 217 West Jones Street 1 1652 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1652 NORTH CAROLINA oeP.mmaMofEnaronmem lQusiity /� 919.707.8976 and continues to migrate upstream. To exasperate the situation, a corrugated HDPE pipe has been installed outside the conservation easement boundary and is channeling water directly into this gully. Unless stabilized, it is expected that the gully will continue to widen and the headcut will migrate upstream and potentially outside of the conservation easement. Proposed approach: DMS proposes that the entire drainage path (approximately 100') of the gully be regraded to evenly distribute the elevation loss through the reach. Multiple boulder sills will be installed throughout the drainage path, along with rock cascade riffles between each sill. This approach will continue until the gully ties into Silage Tributary. Sills will be keyed into the bank and the flow path will be directed to the middle of the structure. This will provide vertical grade control throughout the entire gully area until vegetation can be established and aid in erosion control. Live stakes, bare roots and/or containerized plants will be installed in the disturbed areas. NR Looking outside of conservation easement Looking toward conservation easement Looking up stream from Silage Tributary Repair Area#2 Existing conditions: Repair Area#2 consists of an eroded bank and mid-channel bar on Moore's Fork Reach 3 near Sta: 40+00. This Enhancement I section of Moore's Fork was designed in an overwide section of the existing stream alignment. As a result, the conditions created an optimal situation for sediment and material to accumulate. Following several large storms in 2022, a mid-channel bar formed, and stream flow was DE Q North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Mitigation Services _ 217 West Jones Street 1 1652 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1652 NORTH CAROUNA e Department t Environmental Dual 919.707.8976 V 2 split. The increased bank stress has caused the left bank to erode and migrate back several feet exposing the originally installed boulder toe. The repair area is approximately 50' in length. Proposed approach: DMS proposes installing a two-layer vegetated geolift along the left bank of this area. The lift will consist of heavy coir fiber matting and willow/dogwood whips along with a stone base for added stability. The existing mid-channel bar will be removed and used to establish a new flow path for the thalweg. Live stakes, bare roots, containerized plants and/or transplants will be installed in the disturbed areas. . i s n i W ' 1rr � v Left bank Looking upstream from mid-channel bar ,t yfi '4�M r Looking downstream at left bank Left bank close-up Repair Area#3 Existing conditions: Repair Area#3 consists of an eroded left bank on Moore's Fork Reach 3 near Sta: 43+25. The repair area is approximately 75' in length. A portion of the bank(-20') is lacking vegetation and slumping. The remainder bank length is vegetated; however, the banks are vertical. Proposed approach: DMS proposes installing a two-layer vegetated geolift along the left bank of this area. The lift will consist of heavy coir fiber matting and willow/dogwood whips along with a stone base for added stability. Live stakes, bare roots, containerized plants and/or transplants will be installed in the disturbed areas. DE Q North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Mitigation Services _ 217 West Jones Street 1 1652 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1652 NORTH CAROUNA e Department t Environmental Dual 919.707.8976 V 3 tV _ Left bank start Left bank middle �l nth a Left bank end Looking upstream Repair Area#4 Existing conditions: Repair Area#4 consists of extending a previous repair area from 2019 on Moore's Fork near Sta: 56+90. The original repair consisted of stabilizing an eroding wetland outlet that enters Moore's Fork. Lateral wetland drainage over the right bank of Moores Fork caused a migrating headcut due to the elevation transition. The 2021 repair consisted of a series of boulder steps, log steps and constructed riffles to evenly distribute the elevation change for the wetland drainage. The migrating headcut has continued upstream of where the repair ended. The headcut is difficult to see in photos due to vegetation, but there is approximately 18"-24" deep headcut extending from where the repair ends approximately 20'. Implementing this repair will protect the upstream preservation reaches from a migrating headcut. Proposed approach: DMS proposes continuing the original repair with additional boulder or log steps and constructed riffles between steps. The series of steps will be tied into a stable point to prevent a headcut from occurring in the future. DEN Q orth Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Mitigation Services _ 217 West Jones Street 1 1652 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1652 NORTH CAROUNA LL Department t Environmental Dual 919.707.8976 V 4 *.1 f /ivy /.F Looking upstream Looking upstream Planting Areas: As part of the assessment, DMS verified the areas of concern depicted on the MY7 CCPV. The areas were evaluated for potetial repairs as this plan was developed. Ultimately, it was determined that these areas were not good candidates for repairs areas due to the landscape position and access difficulty. Many of the areas located on Silage Tributary and Cow Triubutary 2 are in extremely steep valleys surrounded by mature vegetation. DMS is proposing to plant these areas with livestakes, bare roots, and containerized plants to help stabilize these locations. >t 4 4 t - •r i "e Silage Trib, Sta: 21+50, left bank Silage Trib, Sta: 23+25, left bank t K a Silage Trib, Sta: 24+75, left bank Silage Trib, Sta: 31+25, left bank DE Q North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Mitigation Services _ 217 West Jones Street 1 1652 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1652 NORTH CAROUNA e Department t Environmental Dual 919.707.8976 V 5 y �yy i Silage Trib, Sta: 32+50, left bank Cow Trib 2, near photo point 44, left bank Cow Trib 2, near photo point 46, left bank Moores Fork, Sta: 43+20, left bank f " lip Amompp— 1 , t^�.'Y�rv,W.' �`! 1 l fin• it'tpv yaq- � g Moores Fork, Sta: 47+00, left bank Credit Reduction: As part of this repair proposal. DMS is proposing to reduce the credit ratio on Silage Reach 1 and approximately 66% of Silage Reach 2. Silage Reach 1 (900 ft)was approved as Enhancement 1 at a ratio of 1:1 in the Mitigation Plan. DMS is proposing a reduced ratio of 2:1 for this reach for a reduction of 450 mitigation credits. Silage Reach 2 (2,448 ft) was approved as Enhancement 1 at the standard 1.5:1 ratio in the Mitigation Plan. DMS is proposing to split this reach into two reaches. The first reach (1,650 ft) will begin where Silage Reach 1 ends and continues to the confluence of Cow Tributary 2. DMS is DE Q North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Mitigation Services _ 217 West Jones Street 1 1652 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1652 NORTH CAROLINA Department e t Environmental Dual 919.707.8976 V 6 proposing a 2:1 ratio for this reach. The second reach (798 ft) will begin at the confluence of Cow Tributary 2 and continue to the end of the reach. The credit ratio of this second reach would remain unchanged from the Mitigation Plan. The total reduction for Silage Reach 2 would be 273.045 mitigation credits. The total credits on the site would be reduced from 11,587.543 to 10,864.498 for a total reduction of 723.045 mitigation credits. This total includes reductions due to overhead powerline easements. The original asset table and proposed revised asset table are included in the appendix. Additional Repair Tasks: Trash/Debris Removal: During the March 15t"site visit,trash from the farm was noted in the conservation easement. This was primarily empty bags of fertilizer and feed that have blown from the dairy into the easement. As part of this repair effort, trash in the easement will be removed. Any additional items that are identified will also be removed. Invasive Species Treatment: Invasive species treatment has been ongoing throughout the seven years of monitoring. DMS will continue treating invasives throughout the easement until project closeout. Beaver Management: APHIS is currently contracted to remove beaver and dams from the site as they are identified. This will continue until project closeout. Additional Monitoring: There have been 7 years of monitoring reports submitted for the Moores Fork project. MY7 vegetation survey resulted in an average stem density of 465 planted stems per acre and an average height of 18.2 feet. The site has met the MY7 density requirements of 210 planted stems per acre,with all 12 plots (100%) exceeding this requirement. Visual assessments revealed that invasive plant populations have been reduced due to ongoing treatments and over 99%of the easement acreage is unaffected by invasive populations. Visual assessments reveal that over 95%of enhanced and restored reaches are stable. Surveyed cross-sections indicate the channel is supporting stable dimensions and functioning as designed. The performance standard of two recorded bankfull events in separate years was also met. DMS is proposing to suspend traditional monitoring of the site and instead provide the IRT with a memo/report once repairs are completed and a second memo at year end prior to closeout. Due to the amount of supplemental planting for this repair, construction would not occur until winter 2024. The first memo would be submitted immediately following construction and will include pre- repair and post-repair photos, asbuilt documentation, and a brief description of work completed for each area. A second memo will be provided at the end of the growing season with additional photo documentation and discussion regarding the performance and success of the repair areas and additional plantings. If the repair effort is successful, DMS would like to present this site for project closeout late 2024. D E Q e North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Mitigation Services _ 217 West Jones Street 1 1652 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1652 NORTH CAROUNA Department t Environmental Dual 919.707.8976 ''7 V / Appendix Repair Plan Overview — MY7 CCPV Asset Table — Mitigation Plan Asset Table — Proposed - --•- Conservation Easement Overhead Power Line Easement i ' + Stream Restoration - / g Stream Enhancement Level Ir .� Stream Enhancement Level 1; Reduced Credit ! Stream Enhancement Level 11 i Stream Enhancement Level 11; Reduced Credit i Stream Preservation ;i Repair Area,#2 r Reach Break Non Project Streams !� Repair Area #3 ® Existing Wetland ' , Photo Point Crest Gage 1 Z- x �� g ''�.,� ' - � , '"'�*. r Repair Area #4 ,. M♦ Cross-Section ' '• �� �` � �, - - - _ Vegetation Monitoring Plots(VP)-MY7 ��� ..'� �� �'��• - Criteria Met '�. OY. Vegetation Areas of Concern-MY7 Chinese Privet ` - Japanese Honeysuckle Kudzu 0 Morning Glory Multiflora Rose Q t Oriental Bittersweet English Ivy Bare/Poor Herbaceous Cover rye, Silage Reach 2 19+00-35+50: -� Reduced Ratio ,,.-�-' ',-.-� Note: from 1 .5:1 to 2:1 ► 1 . Additional live stake, understory and containerized � Silage Reach 1 planting planned for additional CAN 10+00-19+00: areas shown on sheets. �,.. Reduced Ratio 2. Trash will be removed from rr from 1 :1 to 2:1 conservation easement. _ 3. Invasive species and beaver - f 0 , management will continue until ro ect closeout. Repair Area 41 p 1 Figure 3.0 Current Condition Plan View(Key) Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No.94709 W I L D L A N D S 0 300 600 Feet Monitoring Year 7-2022 ENGINEERING �I I I II I I Surry County, NC Structures -- - Conservation Easement ® Constructed Riffle __; Overhead Power Line Easement Brushmat • - • . • . Stream Restoration Geolift Stream Enhancement Level I Debris Plug Stream Enhancement Level 1; Reduced Credit 0 Bridge Stream Enhancement Level II =n� Gully Stabilization Stream Enhancement Level 11; Reduced Credit ••• Fascines Stream Preservation ' Reach Break Structures Root Wad J-Hoak Non Project Streams - - • Top of Bank O Rock Vaned Log Vane - ® Existing Wetland Step . ; 0 Photo Point(PP) ra Stone Toe � 4 Crest Gage Cross-Section Vegetation Monitoring Plots(VP)-MY7 0 Criteria Met Vegetation Areas of Concern-MY7 Chinese Privet Japanese Honeysuckle o Kudzu j i Morning Glory Multiflora Rose Oriental Bittersweet English Ivy Bare/Poor Herbaceous Cover Stream Areas of Concern-MY7 1.. Aggradation r � m Erosion t Headcut 1 1� 1 1 ♦ Moores Reacft,?" ' •- s - �. - ,W - �k O ' p O 4 •, �a+ Ar 31 +00 Figure 3.1 Current Condition Plan View(Sheet 1 of 6) Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No.94709 W I L D L A N D S 0 125 250 Feet Monitoring Year 7-2022 ENGINEERING rk � I I I I Surry County, NC ?,eac • Boulder 1 �� orn �9x0 ANVOWundermined - ► ' •: G�77r O - c D11+00 �jx0 00 1.2+00,,,6 �' >' 6YOO O, 4 35+00 0 + RPM 31 0 N • 00 C '✓.� Structures + ++CD W ® 30+0�_+ Constructed Riffle Structures O o Brushmat J-Hook �� -��,, 3 Root Wad Geolift Pb _ Debris Plug /� c N Rock Vane Log Vane �- N / 29+0 g J �, Bride + c •��-• •• •'- =n� Gully Stabilization Step o .. Fascines V N Gi?I3� . Stone Toe 4 y + O N O O -- - Conservation Easement Vegetation Areas of Concern-MY7 + --' Overhead Power Line Easement Chinese Privet _ Stream Restoration Japanese Honeysuckle 4 Stream Enhancement Level I ® Kudzu x Stream Enhancement Level I; Reduced Credit - r ` Stream Enhancement Level II PM Morning Glory Stream Preservation Multiflora Rose Reach Break \\\ Oriental Bittersweet Non Project Streams English Ivy Top of Bank Bare/Poor Herbaceous Cover ® Existing Wetland Stream Areas of Concern-MY7 Photo Point(PP) Aggradation + Crest Gage m Erosion •.' — Cross-Section m Beaver Dam Vegetation Monitoring Plots(VP)-MY7 0 Headcut 0 Criteria Met " iM. ..- Figure 3.2 Current Condition Plan View(Sheet 2 of 6) Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No.94709 W I L D L A N D S 0 150 300 Feet Monitoring Year 7-2022 ENGINEERING rk � I I I I I Surry County, NC �R �.' �,�•.,,�' �Y ,gum pL. % �. , Repair Area #3 Live Stake _ � I ' 46 + 6, �. CD 110 '`,♦.� '�' '` Repair Area #2 g 1 c, O o + ` s ��• 5 1100 o ♦mac,, ♦ ' 60+00 o Um 39+ xOO 0 0/ 48+0 o ' � 8+00 / �i o `� _ SOxO c 58+00, ` 3 x0 0 0 o O +o 37+00 0 �} GP 4'&00 o S w. CA S + rn 3.�+00 w �xOO c c O 7 LZIWW 0 334+00 9M Repair ArJ#4 11 32+00 _ ._ __ •- -- - -- N -- - Conservation Easement Vegetation Monitoring Plots(VP)-MY7 Structures Overhead Power Line Easement Q Criteria Met ® Constructed Rife Stream Restoration Vegetation Areas of Concern-MY7 0 Brushmat Stream Enhancement Level I Chinese Privet Geolift Stream Enhancement Level I; Reduced Credit M Japanese Honeysuckle 0 Debris Plug Stream Enhancement Level II No Kudzu Bridge Stream Enhancement Level II; Reduced Credit EM Morning Glory ten= Gully Stabilization —•••Stream Preservation Multiflora Rose Fascines Reach Break No Oriental Bittersweet Non Project Streams ® English Ivy Structures - - - • Top of Bank ® Bare/Poor Herbaceous Cover Root wad 11 J-Hook Existing Wetland Stream Areas of Concern-MY7 oil Photo Point(PP) Aggradation O Rock Vane /�� Log Vane + Crest Gage m Erosion Step Cross-Sectionlux Stone Toe , ♦ .• Figure 3.3 Current Condition Plan View(Sheet 3 of 6) Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No.94709 W I L D L A N D S 0 250 500 Feet Monitoring Year 7-2022 ENGINEERING rk � I I I I Surry County, NC -- - Conservation Easement Stream Enhancement Level I sYn * ` �� _.M ' y Stream Enhancement Level II Stream Preservation ' •�s � Reach Break Non Project Streams t = �• w' ��" �' �' ! `4��'rep ' r •`+'� 1 ,. �'�- .•♦ '� d 1 'ram-`.`.. Top of Bank �r � '4 e'�. v ? ; 0 Existing Wetland a. 4%, � Photo Point(PP) + Crest Gage Cross-Section Vegetation Monitoring Plots(VP)-MY7 :fib n 0 Criteria Met I_F Vegetation Areas of Concern-MY7 Chinese Privet t ' . t a Structures A. 0 Japanese Honeysuckle ' - 3 .;- ® Constructed Riffle Kudzu . vd :ar �� ,4' � �� ,. 0 Brushmat Morning Glory a=_ `'' r �r Geolift Multiflora Rose �� �,. <'' ` 0 Debris Plug � ��`� 4: 0\\ Oriental Bittersweet Bridge-►.z., - , v Gully Stabilization English Ivy • _'. _... Fascines Bare/Poor Herbaceous Cover �i - ;t►:: Stream Areas of Concern-MY7 t. Aggradation Structures Erosion Root Wad J-Hook ORock Vane /�� Log Vane «� Step Stone Toe ♦ R '♦ M 4+00, ♦ ! 12+00� ► z. '♦ 12 ! 11+0" * 1 MO. JQ .• _ J p Figure 3.4 Current Condition Plan View(Sheet 4 of 6) Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No.94709 W I L D L A N D S , 0 250 500 Feet Monitoring Year 7-2022 ENGINEERING I I I I I Surry County, NC Ilk Structures ® Constructed Rife � Brushmat A� "� �ry ✓ o' Live Stake # Geolift '�+' ' ♦ ' ' Debris Plug Silage Reach 2 �♦ �• g r 19+00-35+50: ti -- --- Bride ` ---- Gully Stabilization Reduced Ratio o -•••• Fascines from 1 .5:1 to 2:1 ° C Structures ', 28+00 - J-Hook Understory _ - G + Root Md - - g \ I ' O OO O — Planting Rock Vane Log Vane k� LIN - Log Step Silage Reach 1 '� o \ ��x o o - step footer exposed Stone Toe 10+00-19+00: 0 o Reduced Ratio ti ram: Live Stake ' from 1 :1 to 2:1 v � Co + xo GG7 0 Gully 'a,� Live Stake - oo _ 14+ 0 " - Conservation Easement Vegetation Monitoring Plots(VP)-MY7 Overhead Power Line Easement Q Criteria Met Stream Restoration Vegetation Areas of Concern-MY7 13+0 0 Stream Enhancement Level I \\\\ Chinese Privet Stream Enhancement Level 1; Reduced Credit Japanese Honeysuckle ' Stream Enhancement Level II Kudzu 12+00 , ' Stream Preservation Morning Glory Reach Break Multiflora Rose a i Non Project Streams \\\ Oriental Bittersweet i cu G �� Top of Bank I English Ivy Repair Area #1 Existing wetland Bare/Poor Herbaceous Cover s` •.�.. i � ' �.8 Photo Point(PP) Stream Areas of Concern-MY7 Gallon 1 �� � Crest Gage Aggradation v� Container Cross-Section m Erosion Plantings Headcut Figure 3.5 Current Condition Plan View(Sheet 5 of 6) Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No.94709 W I L D L A N D S 0 125 250 Feet Monitoring Year 7-2022 ENGINEERING I I I I I Surry County, NC Structures -- - Conservation Easement FM Constructed Riffle __; Overhead Power Line Easement Brushmat Stream Restoration Geolift Stream Preservation Debris Plug Stream Enhancement Level I Bridge Stream Enhancement Level 1; Reduced Credit i =n� Gully Stabilization Stream Enhancement Level II •• Fascines i - - - • Top of Bank i a ma's Structures Non Project Streams Root Wad J-Hook Existing Wetland � �♦ �' � i �. ♦ �, T Photo Point(PP) i ❑ , + Crest Gage f`, :• O Rock Vane 14Z Log Vane Cross-Section f Q' ♦♦ Step Vegetation Monitoring Plots(VP)-MY7 i 0 Criteria Met � r '♦� Stone Toe Vegetation Areas of Concern-MY7 ♦♦ Chinese Privet A `♦ I:i:i Japanese Honeysuckle % 0, ,♦ � ♦ Kudzu ', Morning Glory ♦ ��''` `�� Multiflora Rose Oriental Bittersweet ♦♦ `- English Ivy ♦ Bare/Poor Herbaceous Cover t.: Live Stake Stream Areas of Concern-MY7 ' ♦ ' ♦ 'si '' ; Aggradation Erosion Headcut Live Stake NNWW22 � O 4s + - 10 • ox w Silage Reach 2 35+50-43+48. Ratio Unchanged %mow 1 .5:1 -. o0 Y. Silage Reach 2 .. 19+00-35+50: Reduced Ratio : • from1 .5:1to2:1 Figure 3.6 Current Condition Plan View(Sheet 6 of 6) Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No.94709 W I L D L A N D S , 0 125 250 Feet Monitoring Year 7-2022 ENGINEERING I I I I I Surry County, NC Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No.94709 Monitoring Year 7-2022 Type Restoration Enhancement I Enhancement II Preservation Total Total 2071.000 5757.790 2902.953 855.800 11587.543 aProject Components Project Component or Pre-project RestorationFootage Restoration or Mitigation Mitigation Stationing Footage or Restoration Level Notes Reach ID or Acreage Rest Equiv. Ratio Credits Acreage Moores Reach 1 STA 989-1750 761 761 N/A Ell 2.5:1 304.400 Moores Reach 2 STA 1750-3578 1,636 1,828 P2 R 1:1 1,828.000 Reduction in 10.39 SMU because of 20' Moores Reach 3 STA 3578-6410 2,856 2,832 P2/3 El 1:1 2,821.610 overhead powerline easement Silage Reach 1 STA 1000-1900 900 900 P1 El 1:1 900.000 Reduction in 7.82 SMU because of 20' Silage Reach 2 STA 1900-4348 2,448 2,448 P3 El 1.5:1 1,624.180 overhead powerline easement. Cow Trib 1 STA 1219-1386 167 167 P4 Ell 1.5:1 111.333 Cow Trib 2 STA 1331-2098 767 767 P4 Ell 1.5:1 511.333 Pond Trib STA 1000-1243 194 243 P2 R 1:1 243.000 Barn Reach 1 STA 1000-1300 300 300 P3 El 1:1 300.000 Barn Reach 2 STA 1350-3746; STA 3,134 3,134 N/A Ell 2.5:1 1,253.600 4069-4757 Reduction in 4.114 SMU because of 20' Corn Reach 1 STA 1000-2350 1,350 1,350 N/A Ell 2.5:1 535.886 overhead powerline Corn Reach 2 STA 2350-2462 112 112 P3 EI 1:1 112.000 UT1 STA 1000-1466 466 466 N/A EII 2.5:1 186.400 Preservation Reaches UTs 2,3,6,7,8,9,10 4,279 4,279 N/A P 5:1 855.800 Length and Area Summations Non-riparian Restoration Level Stream(Linear Feet) Riparian Wetland(acres) Buffer(Square feet) Upland(acres) Wetland(acres) Riverine Non-Riverine Restoration 2,071 Enhancement Enhancement 1 6,592 Enhancement II 6,645 Creation Preservation 4,279 High Quality Preservation N/A-Not Applicable 1Project components and mitigation credits reverted back to Mitigation Plan totals as requested by IRT. Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Moores Fork Stream Mitigation Project DMS Project No.94709 Reivsed Asset Table-2023 Type Restoration Enhancement I Enhancement II Preservation Total Total 2071.000 5034.745 2902.953 855.800 10864.498 Project Components Project Component or Pre-project Restoration Footage Restoration or Mitigation Mitigation Stationing Restoration Level Notes Reach ID Footage or Acreage or Acreage Rest Equiv. Ratio Credits Moores Reach 1 STA 989-1750 761 761 N/A Ell 2.5:1 304.400 Moores Reach 2 STA 1750-3578 1,636 1,828 P2 R 1:1 1,828.000 Moores Reach 3 STA 3578-6410 2,856 2,832 P2/3 El 1:1 2,821.610 Reduction in 10.39 SMU because of 20' overhead powerline easement Silage Reach 1 REDUCED STA 1000-1900 900 900 P1 El 2:1 450.000 Silage Reach 2 REDUCED STA 1900-3550 1,650 1,650 P3 El 2:1 819.135 Reduction of 5.865 SMU because of 20' overhead powerline easement. Silage Reach 2 UNCHANGED Sta 3550-4348 798 798 P3 El 1.5:1 532.000 Cow Trib 1 STA 1219-1386 167 167 P4 Ell 1.5:1 111.333 Cow Trib 2 STA 1331-2098 767 767 P4 Ell 1.5:1 511.333 Pond Trib STA 1000-1243 194 243 P2 R 1:1 243.000 Barn Reach 1 STA 1000-1300 300 300 P3 El 1:1 300.000 Barn Reach 2 STA 1350-3746; STA 3,134 3,134 N/A Ell 2.5:1 1,253.600 4069-4757 Reduction in 4.114 SMU because of 20' Corn Reach 1 STA 1000-2350 1,350 1,350 N/A Ell 2.5:1 535.886 overhead powerline Corn Reach 2 STA 2350-2462 112 112 P3 El 1:1 112.000 UT1 STA 1000-1466 466 466 N/A Ell 2.5:1 186.400 Preservation Reaches UTs 2,3,6,7,8,9,10 4,279 4,279 N/A P 5:1 855.800 ( ) P ( ) Non-riparian (Square ) P ( ) Restoration Level Stream Linear Feet Riparian Wetland acres Buffer feet Upland acres Wetland(acres) Riverine Non-Riverine Restoration 2,071 Enhancement Enhancement 1 6,592 Enhancement II 6,645 Creation Preservation 4,279 High Quality Preservation N/A-Not Applicable