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SW3221004_Plansheet - Grading/Drainage Plan_20230531
MAINTENANCE PLAN: OFF-SITE BORROW AND DEMOLITION REQUIREMENTS THIS DOCUMENT, PRESENTED AS NARRATIVE: CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: \ ' , AN INSTURMENT OF SERVICE, IS NOTE: SITE GRADING TO BE COVERED UNDER GENERAL STORMWATER PERMIT NCG010000. Proposed project is the installation of a synthetic turf field 1. Obtain plan approval and permits prior to beginning work. - INTENDED ONLY FOR THE COMPLIANCE WITH THIS PERMIT IS REQUIRED IN ADDITION TO THE FOLLOWING Any off-site borrow and waste required for this project must SPECIFIC PURPOSE AND CLIENT i inside the existing running track at Mount Pleasant High i, MAINTENANCE PLAN REQUIREMENTS. come from a site with an approved erosion control plan, a site FOR WHICH IT WAS PREPARED. regulated under the Mining Act of 1971 or a landfill regulated by School off Walker Rd in Mount Pleasant NC (Cabarrus 2. Flag the work limits to prevent unnecessary clearing. E IT SHALL NOT TO BE The following maintenance plan shall be followed until the site is completely stabilized after County). `�:. REPRODUCED OR COPIED IN ��+ the Division of Solid Waste Management. construction. During construction the Contractor shall be responsible for inspection and � WHOLE OR IN PART, NOR USED 3. Hold preconstruction meeting at least One week prior t0it ON ANY OTHER PROJECT r r maintenance of all erosion and sediment control structures. The area Of work is primarily limited to the natural grass starting construction. g a WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION. Trash/debris from demolition activities or generated by any J t `, �► field inside the track perimeter. The turf field scope of work Mount Pleasant y P 9 Y P Y •regulated• Y Includes installation of silt fence, inlet High School 1. All erosion control measures shall be checked for stability and operation following an activities on site must be disposed of a a facility b protection, removal of 4. Notify NCDEQ LQS inspector 48 hrs before project starts. rainfall producing runoff and at least once every week. Any needed repairs shall be the Division Of Solid Waste Management or per Division of Solid existing organics and soil, compaction of subgrade, �� ,`0° -\N CAP ` made immediately so that all erosion control measures are maintained as designed. Waste Management or Division of Resources rues an installation of perimeter curbing, stone base, and synthetic . protection around existing inlets.Ilkt M t Dii f Water R l d 5 Install Inlet d iti O 0 2. Washed stone at inlet protection devices to be cleaned or replaced when the sediment regulations. turf. Scope of work also includes construction of new • no longer drains properly. concrete pole vault runway and landing pad outside the 6. Install track protection, construction entrance, silt fence, and f track. ff concrete washout in areas shown. = 20165 - �'', 3. All seeded areas will be fertilized, reseeded as necessary, and mulched in accordance EROSION CONTROL INSPECTION NOTES K .FHCINL�`�:' with the seeding specifications In order to maintain a dense vegetative cover. High Jump Pads and Long Jump/Pole Vault runways to be 7. No grading activities are to take place during wet weather L� ....••..•• ..• �� • ' 4. Sediment deposits shall be removed from sediment fence after each storm event or 1. Reference Sheet 4 for applicable erosion control details and sheet 5 reconstructed and surfaced with synthetic track surfacing. conditions or periods of predicted weather (i.e. Hurricanes) N E, sediment fence should be replaced. They must be removed when deposits reach for applicable NCGO1 Ground Stabilization and Inspection requirements. i y'`N jo �, approx. half the height of the barrier. An sediment deposits remaining In lace 2. Sediment containment areas to be inspected and monitored Spoils to be hauled to designated area on-site. 8. Clear and rub area to be graded. v ' ` _ � g y P g P throw hout ALL construction activities. P Reference Maintenance Plan P g g g 612 Z3 o ; F- Q;p after the sediment fence is removed shall be dressed to conform to the existing 9 m 0',� -` % grade, prepared and seeded. (this sheet). The total disturbed acreage for this project is 2.50 acres. 9. Excavate soil to design subgrade. All spoils to be hauled to designated area on-site. Based on USDA Web Soil Survey data the area soils primarily VICINITY MAP (Not to Scale) CONSTRUCTION NOTES: classify as MeD (Mecklenburg), a loamy soil indicative of 10. Additional fill to be added as needed. Borrow shall come from i i 1 •• hydraulic group C. a site with an approved erosion control plan, a site regulated 1) Top 8 of field subgrade to be compacted to minimum 95% std. Proctor maximum dry density. under the Mining Act of 1971, or a landfill regulated by the SITE & CONTACT INFO Division of Solid Waste Management. SITE LOCATION: Mount Pleasant High School 1, 2) Field subgrade to be proofrolled prior to stone STREAM CLASSIFICATION 11. Grade area to proposed grades shown. Mo ntVPleasantalker dNC 28124 _ `�� -- i placement. Receiving Stream Adams Creek 35.405139 / -80.482950 TEMPORARY \�-'' �'' ;' '� LAT. LONG' � - 2. Install perimeter curbing 9 / SILT FENCE ---------- I earth be compacted to minimum 9 DEED REFERENCE: 4051 / 0181 ` �� 3) All fill to comps 5� of std. Stream Index & Class 13-17-11-7, C Proctor max. dry density. 13. Install field fabric and stone base as required MAIN PARCEL ID: 5650766035 Kevin E. Herring River Basin Yadkin Pee-Dee SITE AREA: 98.84 AC (GIS) Stk T FENCE \\ 4) It is the responsibility of the contractor to locate all utilities 14. Reconstruct high jump P 9 ad in D-Area and add track surfacing. INTERIOR PARCEL ID: 5650862338 ENGINEERING -, �` �'�� ���' I prior to begining construction. STONE)QUTLET - . TEMPORARY �� ; SITE AREA: 2.06 AC (GIs) AT LOWPOINT SILT FENCE 15. Provide groundcover in accordance with NPDES Ground 16101 Silver Road 'y ` TOTAL SITE AREA: 100.90 AC (GIS ' Stabilization requirements. ---0�0 j�------------ - ` - '' `----------- -_____--------_________ EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 18.52 AC* = 18.35% (18.52/100.90) Oakboro, NC28129 PROPOSED PROJECT LOW DENSITY -- PROPOSED SCOPE: ARTIFICIAL TURF FIELD WITH NEW HIGH JUMP PAD 15. Permanent roundcover must be established on all disturbed xEx/st/ng /mpervious based on Goog/e Earth De/lneat/on 980-621-0935 AND LONG JUMP AND HIGH JUMP RUNWAYS g evin@kevinherringengineering.co ASPHAALT areas. Additional mechanical measures may be required if the PROPERTY DEEDED TO: Cabarrus County PROPOSED LAND DISTURBANCE: 2.5 AC P.0 Box 707 vegetative cover cannot be established as proposed. EXISTING SITE AREA: 4395200 SF = 100.90 AC Concord, NC 28026 DATE: 06/01/2022 ------------------ ----------------- %r EXISTING SITE BUA: 806614 SF = 18.52 AC 16. Notify NCDEQ LQS Inspector after disturbed areas are stabilized. PROPERTY ADMINISTRATION: Cabarrus County Schools HORIZ. SCALE = 1 = 30 ` EXISTING SITE BUA REMOVED: 5700 SF = 0.13 AC 4401 Old Airport Rd _ �'` - VERT. SCALE = N/A ` i �, : ;'- NEW BUA ADDED: 102500 SF 2.35 AC 17. Remove all other temporary erosion and sediment control Po Box ass P Y Concord NC 28026 DRAWN BY: keh NET BUA ADDED: 96800 SF = 2.22 AC structures after vegetation is established on all disturbed areas. PROPERTY CONTACT: Brain C. Cone TRACK&FIELD % ! ' PROPOSED SITE BUA: 903414 SF = 20.74 AC = 20.55% < 24% Dir. of Architecture, Planning, & Const. DRAINAGE OUTFALL ,n . ,' o 0 LOCATION(HOME) o; \ '`, ;' ,' 18. File for NPDES NCGO10000 e-Notice of Termination when final 704-260-5611 Hb1Q/E CiOrtH&GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION Closeout inspection report is received from NCDEQ LQS. © TO BE USED DURING INITIAL GRADING ACTIVITIES. I TURF & TRACK CONTRACTOR: Geosurfaces SE, Inc 0a I INLETS TO BE COVERED WITH CONCRETE LID. 150 River Park Rd _ v REF DETAIL SHEET 4 Mooresville NC 28117 ' 1 �\ ---------- 704 660 3000 01 ;y cp., -______________ CONTRACTOR CONTACT: Lance Rosenberger 0 9 Senior VP Construction Services \ ' �` ------ YARD INLET BLEACHERS BASE ON ----------------- Lrosenberger®geosurfaces.com Ir \ -------------------- ---------------- 704-301-0263 - AERIAL PHOTOG HY SEDIMENT CONTAINMENT NOTE: ---------------- RIM-616.67 I ` FENCE - -------------------- SILT ( ) » -- __--- Q� __________________________ IN NE 12 RCP-610.96 1 \I� STONE OUTLET -------- -------------------- ---------------------- IN(NW)12"RCP-610.91' 1 -------------- YARD INLET ------__ _� Typical construction process of a synthetic turf field is to gut out the r ;� _________________________- 1 -!-------------- RIM-616.68 organics and soil to a depth of a rox. 6"-8". Additional fill is \ `-AT LOW POINT -------------------- IN(SE)6"HDPE-612.12' » 9 P PP �`, ---------------------- IN(NE)12 RCP-612.65 too'-8"PERF HDPE added in low areas if needed. The subgrade is sloped toward the - OUT(SW)12 RCP-610.91 -r------------- , I YARQ_JNL_FT______ °' 1 IN NW 6 HDPE-614.32 _$LOPED @ 0.5% �� U 9 P �.\ --------------t1iMtT��F- -------------------- - - LIMITS OF A I ( ) -__ _, perimeter and compacted. The outside perimeter edge is left at ------ TEMP INLET PROTECTION CONSTRUCTION o CONSTRUCTION T------------- ( ) HDPE-613.88 T- --------------- RIM-616.99 IN SE 6" ' I I I f v a " PROP.4"x8"TEE pplIr approx.the same elevation as the surrounding ground. Perforated , 1 TO BE ADDED IF DETERMINED TO BE REQUIRED --------- ____-- --- - IN(NE)12 RCP-611.30 M I OUT(SW)12 RCP-612.7 z drains are installed and tied to existing on-site drainage for runoff �\ - » ______________ _______ i___ _--______--_______-_ __ -------- _ _ --INVERT:613.80 O �. AS ADDITIONAL MEASURE DURING CONST) IN(NW)6 HDPE-614.95 - that drains through the turf and stone base layers. The subgrade i OUT(SE)12"RCP-611.30' j ! ----- U) 9 y g - _ HDWE CLOTH&GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION YARD INLET Is then covered with filter fabric, washed stone, and synthetic turf. _- ---" ---- -- -_" _ _____------ _ ___ _ ___---- - ----------------____ BE USED DURING INITIAL GRADING ACTIVITIES. > r - ---- �, RIM-616.70 Ir- ---- - -- i----- -- -------------YARD INLETLli _0 -- -- I I ----------------- ______ � �. INLETS TO BE COVERED WITH CONCRETE LID. ' IN(NE)12"RCP-610.27' ASPHALT j - Q This method allows for sediment to be contained within the 1 ! \\, » N" 1 REF DETAIL SHEET 4 RIM-616.75 _ OUT(SW)12 RCP-610.14 =II 1 TIE TO EXISTING INLET 220'-8"PERF HDP TIE TO EXISTING INLET M " °' excavated area during the installation process. IN(NE)12 RCP-612.14 „= INVERT IN:613.30 I'`� SLOPED @ 0.5% INVERT IN:613.30 TOP OF CURB 617.10 YARD INLET N Low areas at the proposed tie-in drainage locations serve as the \ IN(SE)6 HDPE-614.65 0 ! W required sediment containment areas during construction. Inlet I SUBGRADE 616.4 LI »gBi�pp_ Milli �ppgg� II m RIM-616.58 q 9 ;\��� ������■ ����������������� - -�������������������������������� ���Il ImEU �M1,11Il�■■■iIII1 '11 1.9951-11.11- f�� ����� ■//� OUT(SW)6"HDPE-614.60- Q CO protection is provided at these locations and will remain until the \� YARD INLET _ _ I I ti' RIM-615.24' �� -- ___-_..................._ - - ----- __=--�Fx. 12"-RCP - - --- ---=_ - " Ex. 1'2Z RCP ----------------- --- -----_ - ------ ,��� OUT(SW)12 RCP\613.21 Q NL #3 p N ---... ............... _ __ __ c `. - - - _____ -'��- --- - subgrade Is compacted and non woven fabric and stone base Is - - - - _ _ -- _ .:::::............................................... ... --------- ----------------- - ------------------ -- - ----- ---- I �a IN(NE)12"RCP-609.00' �� - ••--- ---------------- -------- - -- --- - _ ,- - �- - -__- ------------------------------------------------------ -- - applied to the entire field. r , -.•• �= �-- ------------------ --- -------- ---- ------------------------------------ �- -- _ ��� \ E:1558 N PP � �������'������ � �� .- .• �" � , �------------------ ---' a-� - �•_ _ �� E:1558231582�`, IN(NW)12"PVC-611.04' ;,g;. �-�- �--- 1 i Ilk :•- 100'8"PERF HDPE IIICV II '�_� '•:;. ` EL:639.57 OUT(SW)12"RCP-608.59' SLOPED =�� Ex.6"HDPE TO 100 8 PERF HDPE �_` .•���'\ . \ ' f••''• �\ �RGp @ 0.50% u - BE ABANDONED SLOPED @ 0.50% 1 CONCRETE ----- Ex. 12"RCP ' .•, �-_�" �o IN PLACE P i •.; ` z ND 8"PERF HD 16.6 _ "'WASHOUT STATION _ O '- rim' _ =� PE(CAPPED) 8"X8"TEE rn END 8"PERF HDPE(CAPPED) _' _ i ��.; 120'8"PERF HDPE E ER -- ----- .^ TOP OF TRENCH:616.40 TIE TO EX. INLET TOP OF TRENCH:616.40 �`�� •� SLOPED @ 0.5% i I !(SEE DETAIL SHT 5}r- - ��� �n�f,� n � ;� I � -- --------------------- BOTTOM OF TRENCH=6-'F4?1b" - INVERT 613.90 \ BOTTOM OF TRENCH:614.40 • -------- - 00 l ------------- 1� 1 1 EX. ASPHALT CONSTRUCTION •��� ♦♦ -618------ y0 ILj I I TRACK ;'•�' o a PROP.4"PERF HDPE p` ..� ENTRANCE IN NEW SAND PIT `` PROT. _ 16.8 ♦♦ --------------- ------' �� ®P©WER, BOX'' O I UNDERDRAIN HIGH POINT •!i EX.ASPHALT HIGH JUMP TOP OF CURB: 617.10 ' I,/ PAD TO BE DEMO'D NEW 8'OFFSET \��, ♦ l UNDERDRAIN HIGH POINT TOP OF TRENCH: 616.40 / GOOSENECK \ TOP OF CURB: 617.10 O BOTTOM OF TRENCH:614.40 11 17. � .,I � �`.�`, � TOP OF TRENCH: 616.40 , n 1 RADIUS :' 1 P / co j BOTTOM OF TRENCH:614.40 w w an 1111 POINT ® A as PHALT o 0 0 0.75% \ 0.75% 4 TOP OF INFILL 617.87 SUBGRADE 617.17 �` -� I' !SCORE BOARD EXISTING BUILDING RIM=617.3.� � o RADIUS I s• ----!� n o o �I I i r` ; I I Icy r O = = = POINT 1•f ; T� LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION 00 17. i 1 NEW 8'OFFSET GOOSENECK O 1" �4 /12.5'WIDE CONCRETE RUNWAY l �� PROP.CONCRETE POLE •�. ' `\ - EX.LONG JUMP ASPHALT RUNWAYS AND ;;;' FOR NEW LONG JUMP EVENTS VAULT RUNWAY Via` L_____ SAND PITS TO BE DEMO'D ;' 1' CONSTRUCTED AT GRADE. `1Z,�� 616. "1 220=8"PERF HDP •� SZ�` ` ` �' o PROP. PERF HDPE 00 �0, ♦♦ �j TRACK&FIELD ':` �'-` SLOPED @ 0.5% t' •� ���� \"61 o IN NEW SAND PIT ti DRAINA` E OUTFALL :. \ O '•'�• ♦ / / I�L.� END 8"PERF HDPE(CAPPED) 8"X8"TES 617 %' ♦ 115'8"PERF HDPE LEGEND (PROP. GRADING) _END8"PERF HDPE(CAPPED) ♦ SLOPED ° LOCATION VISITORS ', '� � •• \ '�� --- � 0.5/0 SILT FENCE ``" `- �E TO EX.INLET TOP OF TRENCH:616.40 .'� @ Icy (VISITORS) k _ -TAP OF TRENCH:616.40 yIh . '' / /,' STONE OUTLET �" ' �' BOTTOM OF TREIVQl� 14.40 INVERT 613.90 BOTTOM OF TRENCH:614. _� ;� / / R/W Right-of-way � � .�, - � = Utility Pole i AT LOW POINT s1 = E=_'P _�-� �`� '•VV,'Q, �\ �_� 16"RCP 617. _ �q�\� o GF _ m HDPE = High Density Polyethylene Pipe �� �_ _ �- 7�. \ `'+ii;. ` 100'-8"PERF HDPE \ " ��"� /� '�� �' LIMITS OF O � 100'8"PERF HDPE rn _� � . o �f SLOPED @ 0.50% �- ( •'/' i --816- - = Existing Grade Contour X.24"RCP Sloped @ 1.6/ ____-_---_ �, ° _ �_ 7 \ CONSTRUCTION,, ---- =� --- --- - -- - "� = �' r T 1 ' �i YARDINLET •'::- - ---------ts -------------- -- -------------------------------------------------------------- - --- 818 Proposed Finished Contour \ � � � . --------- ----...................................� E----- - --- ......Si ---------------------- - ---- ------ --_ 14' RIM-615.16 ��, ---------------------------------------- -<- __ x.12"RCP -- -------Sim.,....---.............:� ---------- •� / IRV=608T :::..;,> '-- --•.:.---------------_ ----- n ��11��11�■������������ ����� ������������������������ ���� �� �������������������B ills � - loolonsi�illons NIii��■/� � `ffARD INLET= IN(NE)24"RCP-609.86' - Hdwe Cloth & Gravel Inlet Prot. \ '� `�'�`,•io:=x'-`:` \ � OUT(SW)24"RCP-RCP " .��;�r:=; /j/ `� TOP OF CURB 617.10 TIE TO EX. INLET �' RIM-616.63' O TEMPORARY `\ SUBGRADE 616.4 II = INVERT IN:613.30 OUT SW 12"RCP-613.56' -0--❑---o- = Temporary Silt Fence v-�'�::;.: P // / \,\ o ( ) II rn 105'-8"PERF HDPE.. IN(SE)6"HDPE-614.74' SILT FENCE -.;;::fti!:,f PG TIE TO EXISTING IN r2' \ - > Icy Limits of Construction s // IN VERT ASPHALT ' ' \\ �;,:s.::„�'•::,.>::>;! jy IN:613.30 '�L'A�\. ASPH " �a 0.,5°f', / PROP.CONCRETE POLE '// -------------------- -- -- ---- ,\ ---- _ _ •h - ------------------- SLOPED J/ / Silt Fence Stone Outlet VAULT PAD CONSTRUCTE - ----- ------- AT \ GRADE. /----- \_�--- -------- ----- PROP.4"x8"TEE YARD INLETS YARD INLET ___------------------ ---------------- ---- --------- ------- ---- YARD INLET --------- - -- INVERT:613.80 ` RIM-616.68 RIM-617.12' ,--------- RIM-616.64' ------------------ \ IN(NE)16"RCP-610.33' YARD INLET HDWE CLOTH&GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION IN(NE)12"RCP-611.85'----- ------------- - \ OUT(NE)12"RCP-RC RIM-616.71 " __ IN(SE)6 HDPE-611.55 - TO BE USED DURING INITIAL GRADING ACTIVITIES. OUT(SW)16 RCP-611.84 \` OUT(SW)24"RCP-610.33' ��� ---___-----IN(NE)16"RCP-611.41' INLETS TO BE COVERED WITH CONCRETE LID. YARD INLET _---- /HDWE CLOTH&GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION \ _-IN(NE)12"RCP-611.41' REF DETAIL SHEET 4 ----- ----- RIM-616.66' BE USED DURING INITIAL GRADING ACTIVITIES. IN(SE)12"RCP-611.37' - ------- IN NE 12"RCP-612.31' '- --_--- - INLETS TO BE COVERED WITH CONCRETE LID. `\ ---- OUT(SW)16"RCP-611.02' BLEACHERS BASED ON IN(N)6"HDPE-614.12' __ - -REF DETAIL SHEET 4 - - - ----------- AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY - - - - '' ' - __ IN(SE)6"HDPE-613.90' N 0 TE: - ---------- ------- OUT(SW)12"RCP-612.25'__-------- - - GRAPHIC SCALE ;' /- - ----- - SURVEY AND TOPO DATA PROVIDED BY BEN PATTON LAND -- - --- SURVEYING, P LLC. 9 31 N. MAIN ST. SUITE 5, M AR I ON N C 28752 ' ' ----- ---------------------------- 0 30' 60' WM� b l V�. PHONE: 828 559-8004, EMAIL: BEN@BPSURVEYING.COM IN FEET H. ( � ------- NL #5 ( ) N:605797.33 E:1558424.89 1 inch = 30 ft. 3 OF/ Call b u di EL:639.47 5