HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW4230101_Stormwater Narrative_20230526NARRATIVE / CALCULATIONS / MAPS/ SUPPORTING INFORMATION FOR STORMWATER, EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL REVIEW for project EM HOLT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL QUEUING IMPROVEMENTS TG#52013 Stormwater Permit No. SW4230101 GTON 3Cy * G�� Off! kP * �Gf July 1, 1996 * *ING SUGGF-5�'F* ,?o SE � 0,5780 ......,... + a ►,.,, err w i' Site Address: 4751 NC-62, Burlington, NC 27215 Issued: May 26, 2023 f TIMMONS GROUP YOUR VISION ACHIEVED THROUGH OURS. 5410 Trinity Road, Suite 102 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 Phone:919.866.4951 Fax:919.859.5663 TABLE OF CONTENTS Project Narrative USGS, Soils, & FIRM Maps Deed Supporting Calculations: Rip Rap Outlet Protection Design Sediment Basin Design Channel Design Pre/Post Impervious Map. (Refer to Full size plan set for additional information) PROJECT NARRATIVE Project Narrative 1. General Information a. Project: EM Holt Elementary School On -Site Queuing Improvements b. Address: 4751 NC-62, Burlington, NC 27215 c. Site Area: 30.2 Acres d. Disturbed Area: 4.64 Acres e. Wetlands and Jurisdictional Streams: None located within project area. f. Ownership: Alamance-Burlington School System g. Proposed Development: This project will be to provide an approximate 1,300 LF two-lane on -site queuing drive at EM Holt Elementary School in Burlington, North Carolina. The site work will include asphalt paving of the new queuing drive, concrete sidewalks, and installation of drainage culverts to accommodate the site improvements. The project will also repave an existing staff and visitor parking lot in front of the school. The total disturbed area is approximately 4.64 acres. The disturbed area will flow to a temporary diversion ditch to a temporary sediment basin to treat most of the disturbed area. The remaining disturbed area will be protected by silt fence, silt fence stone outlets, inlet protection, and rock pipe inlet protection. This project meets all low -density stormwater requirements. The proposed development will have a built upon area (BUA) below 24% and has maximized the usage of vegetated swales and culverts only for driveway crossings. The amount of impervious area flowing to the existing unmodified storm network has been reduced with new impervious flowing through the proposed swales. h. Phasing: This project will be completed in a single phase. i. Water & Sewer Service: None j. Historic Sites & Public Funding: This project is being funded with public monies. This site is not an historic site. k. NCDEQ Compliance Issues: None. 1. FEMA FIRM # 3710885200K, dated November 17, 2017 indicates there are no 100-year or 500-year flood plains that exist on the project site. m. Soils on the site consist of predominately Cullen clay loam (CnB2), Cullen clay loam (CnD2) and Udorthents loamy (Ud). Cn132 and CnD2 has an HSG Classifications of B. n. River Basin: Cape Fear o. Receiving Stream: Big Alamance Creek, Class WS-V;NSW 2. Permanent Ditch Calculations Ditch Slope (ova) Len th g (FT ) Bottom Width (FT )) Right Slope (H: V) Left Sloe p (H: V) Flow Depth p (FT) Permanent Liner Velocity (FPS) Erosive (Y/N) PDD1 3.2 138 0 4:1 5:1 0.35 Grass 2.73 N PDD2 1.9 155 2 20:1 11:1 0.40 Grass 3.37 N *PDD3 1.6 122 2 1 12:1 14:1 0.15 Grass 1.90 N PDD4 3.7 195 0 9:1 13:1 0.35 Grass 2.98 N PDD5 3.1 159 0 11:1 7:1 0.35 Grass 2.74 N PDD6 1.0 357 0 4:1 6:1 1.10 Grass 3.19 N PDD7 4.7 147 0 3:1 7:1 0.30 Grass 2.93 N PDD8 4.1 124 2 20:1 18:1 0.30 Grass 3.71 N PLANNED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PRACTICES: 1. Silt Fence: Silt fence will be utilized to filter sediment laden runoff in locations where the drainage area is less than acre per 100-ft of fence. 2. Tree Protection Fencing: Tree protection fencing will be installed to protect existing trees that are intended to remain. In some locations, silt fence will serve as tree protection fence 3. Construction Entrance: Temporary gravel construction entrances will be utilized to minimize soil being tracked off the site by construction traffic. 4. Outlet Protection: Riprap outlet protection aprons will be installed at outlets as they are constructed to slow storm -water velocities and dissipate energy to protect downstream channels from erosion. 5. Sediment Skimmer Basin: Sediment skimmer basin will be installed to filter concentrated sediment laden runoff prior to discharge from the site. 6. Channel Matting: Straw or excelsior matting will be installed in permanent channels and swales to stabilize the seedbed and promote vegetative growth. 7. Check Dams: Rock check dams will be installed in permanent channels to reduce flow velocities and erosion in the channel. 8. Temporary Wattles: Temporary Wattles will be installed around installed curb inlet to prevent sediment from entering storm drainage systems. 9. Temporary Inlet Protection: Gravel block inlet protection will be installed around existing drop inlets to prevent sediment from entering storm drainage systems. 10. Rock Pipe Inlet Protection: Rock pipe inlet protection will trap sediment at the approach to the storm drainage systems. Refer to drawings C-4.0-4.1 for Erosion Control Construction Sequences and Maintenance Plan. USGS, SOILS, Et FIRM MAPS (Sheet 13) i.' I mile It j vvv �__ j Scale 1:20000 t 1 1 E I 'She,,! 251 1:20000 FLOOD HAZARD INFORMATION SEE 1-1101 I—SID LEEINI INI Mll IER ..Al M.Ol —.1 Rh.1 ft. FI.d B.— (BFQ Depth .—I A. HAZARD AR Regulatory Roopwey —RO NO SCREEN —ER AREAS H.ml— GENERAL ------- "E' F—R. NOTES TO USERS SCALE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP I-- R.- 1., ld 0eon 8852 9920 A1:6,000 0 2.- F-1 M— N 0 EL 100 200 WO 400 COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL NGE, T 11.1.1:1 E 00 2m MAP NUMBER 3710885 OOK EFFECTIVE DATE N.,..b., 17,2017 DEED t 204 f' 1 - — - - - — —�- RECORD OF DEED 64 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA---Alamance County THIS 311179. M1[110 thlp� a-.� 1Y 4 G'�� , er_�ii.G. ef... ... 1 07 - .. dal 19 ...., br» IJ- •Ca,_� . , a«.i l }r 1 ! } .rf-�..a.a.� C..a ia-a•r t.�....},.:r.[.a�y� / ' y, Va-.-✓t .-•-� Y7 :=.•a-Y�i 0...-.1�..,,xw « ia........... !ir 0... '•" .c�ax�. oG......... .... . .................. and Slats of.... 't ,S}y WITN1:39]'sT}r1. 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The foregoing ecrtlfleate'nt.�.� as •�• d'F* u+•"`� /�Q -.. t-e��c .. ••, M v'74 �^ /`--!G�+�w' .e jjs C .4 r.. z r , 61erk Superior Court, Doeda for Alamapce t onnV. Ip Hook No........�...; pds,....cY __day Qay of........�`ie3 4 regfetnwra lYI .a Mad for registration at........t..:�... .. o'cl k...... _ ID7�., and ogles a! the Raglsler of F C4� s ri C .»..... f r/ tid/j Used. '....._»»......»............_........_. a..� _.lcL�•ice•.-•,�................_�.«., Register of Deeds. u SUPPORTING CALCULATIONS RIP RAP OUTLET DESIGN Rip Rap Calcs 5/3/2023 Page 1 of 6 Rip Rap Calcs 5/3/2023 Page 2 of 6 Rip Rap Calcs 5/3/2023 Page 3 of 6 Rip Rap Calcs 5/3/2023 Page 4 of 6 Rip Rap Calcs 5/3/2023 Page 5 of 6 Rip Rap Calcs 5/3/2023 Page 6 of 6 SEDIMENT BASIN DESIGN Skimmer Basin A EM Holt Elementary School TIMMONS GROUP Anaad Sinah 52013 Time of Concentration Calculation Modified Rational Highest Elevation = 650 feet Inlet Elevation = 634 feet Difference = 16 feet Travel Length = 556 feet Tc = L� 3 I H)0.385 Equation 2.3 i(irpich Equation 128 Where: Tc =Time of Concentration (min) H =Height of the most remote point on the watershed above the outlet (ft) L =Length of flow from the most remote point on the watershed to the outlet (fl) (Civil Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 6,June 1940,p.362.) A graph of the Kirpich Equation also appears in Figure 2.4. Tc = 3.98 min Tc = 5 min Intensity 10 year = 7.08 in/hr C = 0.60 Disturbed Area = 4.31 acres Additional Drainage Area = 0.00 acres Total Drainage Area = 4.31 acres Equation 2.1 Rational Equation Q = C I A *RED IS USER INPUT Where: Q = Peak flow from the drainage area (cfs) C = Coefficient of runoff (dimensionless) I = Rainfall intensity for a given time to peak (in/hr) A = Drainage area (acres) Q10 = 18.31 cfs LATEST REVISION: 1/2/2023 11:41 AM Skimmer Basin A EM Holt Elementary School TIMMONS GROUP IIIIIE3T.67TTO Angad Singh ENGINEERING I DESIGN I TECHNOLOGY 52013 Skimmer Basin A Disturbed Area: 4.31 ac Additional Drainage Area: 0.00 ac Total Drainage Area: 4.31 ac Runoff Coeff [Cc]: 0.60 10-yr Rainfall Intensity [I]: 7.08 in/hr 10-yr Discharge [Q10]: Sizing 18.31 cfs 7758 Required Volume ft3 (Disturbed Area x 1800 cf/ac) 5950 Required Surface Area ft2 (Q10 x 325) 54.5 Suggested Width ft 109.1 Suggested Length ft 112 Width at Surface Area (ft) 125 Length at Surface Area (ft) 3 Side Slope Ratio Z:1 2 Depth (ft) 24 Bottom Width (ft) 79 Bottom Length (ft) 4177 Bottom Area (ft2) 14854 Actual Volume (ft3) Okay 6500 Actual Surface Area (ft2) Okay 7 Emergency Spillway Width (ft) 1 Depth of Flow (ft) 21.0 Spillway Capacity (cfs) Okay 4 Skimmer Size (in) 0.333 Head on Skimmer (ft) 1.25 Orifice Size (1/4 inch increments) 3.72 Dewatering Time (days) Suggest about 3 days Skimmer Size (Inches) 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 8 631.50 4177 0.00 0 0 632.50 5310 1.00 4744 4744 633.50 6500 2.00 5905 10649 634.50 7746 3.00 7123 17772 635.50 9049 4.00 8398 26169 Emergency Spillway Elevation: 634.00 ft Top of Embankment Elevation: 635.00 ft Bottom Elevation: 631.50 ft Embankment Width: 5 ft *RED IS USER INPUT LATEST REVISION: 1/2/2023 11:41 AM CHANNEL DESIGN W*C6't 61 0002922MEM3 TDD Al E M HOLT TIMMONS GROUP IN U.T97f Angad Singh 52013 Drainage Ditch Design (Velocity Constraint) This worksheet is designed to determine channel lining based on flow and ditch geometry (base width, side slope, & channel slope). This program determines depth of flow, velocity and tractive force assuming n=0.03 for grass or rip rap (n can be varied if desired). (Vary depth until z actual equals z required; v & t will be correct; select appropriate lining based on tractive force) Area (A) = 2.70 (Acres) Coef. (C) = 0.75 (Dimensionless) Inte. (1) = 7.08 (in/hr) Flow (Qlo) = 14.3 (cfs) Known Quantities Line channel with: 6 " rip -rap (Assume 6" even if using grass) Manning n = 0.030 (Dimensionless) Ditch Length = 183 LF Slope = 0.005 (ft/ft) Highest Elevation = 635.5 Z Required = 3.90 Ratio Lowest Elevation = 634.5 Side Slope (M) = 3 :1 Flow Depth (Y) = 1.35 ft 16.2 in Bottom Width (B) = 0.00 It 0.0 in Freeboard = 0.00 ft 0.0 in T=YxDxS T = 0.46 LB/SF Y = Weight of water (62.4 LB/CUFT) D=Depth of flow in channel (ft) S=Slope of channel (ft/ft) General Lining LB/SF North American Jute Net 0.45 Green Lining LB/SF Curled Mat 1.55 S75 1.55 Class A (4"@9"THK) 2.00 S150 1.75 Class B (8"@18"THK) 3.50 SC150 2.10 Class I (12"@22"THK) 5.00 C125 2.25 Class II (18"@30"THK) 7.50 P300 8.00 Determine New A = 5.47 SF New P = 8.54 Wetted perimeter New R = 0.64 Hydraulic radius Z Actual = 4.06 Must be greater than z required=> 3.90 Okay New V = 2.73 fps Liner: Curled Mat 1.55 LB/SF > 0.47 LB/SF Okay ................................... .... To.. ._ Width - 8.1 ft Min. Ditch Depth 1.35 ft ..................:....... 3 Flow Depth (Y) = 1.35 ft Bottom Width (B) = 0 ft Min. Ditch Depth (ft) Bottom Width (ft) Flow Depth (ft) Top Width (ft) Side Slope 1.35 0.00 1.35 8.1 371 Ditch Liner Curled Mat *RED IS USER INPUT LATEST REVISION: 12/8/2022 4:12 PM TDD Al Angad Singh ego* op TIMMONS GROUP NNNNGWE�� E M HOLT - • 52013 Ditch Outlet Protection (NYDOT Method) Ditch Name: DD Al Velocity = 2.73 fps From Fig. 8.06.c: ZONE = 1 Top Width = 8.1 ft Ditch Area = 5.4675 sf Rip Rap Class = A Equivalent Pipe Diameter = 31.66 in Apron Thickness = 12 in Equivalent Pipe Diameter = 36 in Apron Length = 12.0 ft Apron Width = Top Width.= 8.1 ft From Fig. 8.06.e: LATEST REVISION: 12/8/2022 4:12 PM W*C6't 61 0002922MEM3 TDD A2 E M HOLT TIMMONS GROUP IN U.T97f Angad Singh 52013 Drainage Ditch Design (Velocity Constraint) This worksheet is designed to determine channel lining based on flow and ditch geometry (base width, side slope, & channel slope). This program determines depth of flow, velocity and tractive force assuming n=0.03 for grass or rip rap (n can be varied if desired). (Vary depth until z actual equals z required; v & t will be correct; select appropriate lining based on tractive force) Area (A) = 0.47 (Acres) Coef. (C) = 0.75 (Dimensionless) Inte. (1) = 7.08 (in/hr) Flow (Qio) = 2.5 (cfs) Known Quantities Line channel with: 6 " rip -rap (Assume 6" even if using grass) Manning n = 0.030 (Dimensionless) Ditch Length = 79.1 LF Slope = 0.040 (ft/ft) Highest Elevation = 643.6 Z Required = 0.25 Ratio Lowest Elevation = 640.4 Side Slope (M) = 3 :1 Flow Depth (Y) = 0.50 ft 6.0 in Bottom Width (B) = 0.00 It 0.0 in Freeboard = 0.00 ft 0.0 in T=YxDxS T = 1.26 LB/SF Y = Weight of water (62.4 LB/CUFT) D=Depth of flow in channel (ft) S=Slope of channel (ft/ft) General Lining LB/SF North American Jute Net 0.45 Green Lining LB/SF Curled Mat 1.55 S75 1.55 Class A (4"@9"THK) 2.00 S150 1.75 Class B (8"@18"THK) 3.50 SC150 2.10 Class I (12"@22"THK) 5.00 C125 2.25 Class II (18"@30"THK) 7.50 P300 8.00 Determine New A = 0.75 SF New P = 3.16 Wetted perimeter New R = 0.24 Hydraulic radius Z Actual = 0.29 Must be greater than z required=> 0.25 Okay New V = 3.83 fps Liner: Curled Mat Min. Ditch Depth = 0.5 ft 1.55 LB/SF > 1.27 LB/SF Okay .......................... Top Width = 3 ft 3 Flow Depth (Y) = 0.5 ft _j Bottom Width (B) = 0 ft Min. Ditch Depth (ft) Bottom Width (ft) Flow Depth (ft) Top Width (ft) Side Slope 0.50 0.00 0.50 3 3:1 Ditch Liner Curled Mat *RED IS USER INPUT LATEST REVISION: 12/8/2022 4:13 PM *000 MENEGME TDD A2 w E M HOLT TIMMONS GROUP • Angad Singh 52013 Ditch Outlet Protection (NYDOT Method) Velocity = 3.83 fps From Fig. 8.06.c: ZONE = 1 Top Width = 3 ft Ditch Area = 0.75 sf Rip Rap Class = A Equivalent Pipe Diameter = 11.73 in Apron Thickness = 12 in Equivalent Pipe Diameter = 18 in Apron Length = 6.0 ft Apron Width = Top Width.= 3.0 ft From Fig. 8.06.e: LATEST REVISION: 12/8/2022 4:13 PM W*C6't 61 0002922MEM3 TDD A3 E M HOLT TIMMONS GROUP IN U.T97f Angad Singh 52013 Drainage Ditch Design (Velocity Constraint) This worksheet is designed to determine channel lining based on flow and ditch geometry (base width, side slope, & channel slope). This program determines depth of flow, velocity and tractive force assuming n=0.03 for grass or rip rap (n can be varied if desired). (Vary depth until z actual equals z required; v & t will be correct; select appropriate lining based on tractive force) Area (A) = 0.78 (Acres) Coef. (C) = 0.60 (Dimensionless) Inte. (1) = 7.08 (in/hr) Flow (Qlo) = 3.3 (cfs) Known Quantities Line channel with: 6 " rip -rap (Assume 6" even if using grass) Manning n = 0.030 (Dimensionless) Ditch Length = 293.5 LF Slope = 0.032 (ft/ft) Highest Elevation = 640 Z Required = 0.37 Ratio Lowest Elevation = 630.5 Side Slope (M) = 3 :1 Flow Depth (Y) = 0.60 ft 7.2 in Bottom Width (B) = 0.00 It 0.0 in Freeboard = 0.00 ft 0.0 in T=YxDxS T = 1.21 LB/SF Y = Weight of water (62.4 LB/CUFT) D=Depth of flow in channel (ft) S=Slope of channel (ft/ft) General Lining LB/SF North American Jute Net 0.45 Green Lining LB/SF Curled Mat 1.55 S75 1.55 Class A (4"@9"THK) 2.00 S150 1.75 Class B (8"@18"THK) 3.50 SC150 2.10 Class I (12"@22"THK) 5.00 C125 2.25 Class II (18"@30"THK) 7.50 P300 8.00 Determine New A = 1.08 SF New P = 3.79 Wetted perimeter New R = 0.28 Hydraulic radius Z Actual = 0.47 Must be greater than z required=> 0.37 Okay New V = 3.87 fps Liner: Curled Mat 1.55 LB/SF > 1.22 LB/SF Okay ................................... .... To.. ._ Width - 3.6 ft Min. Ditch Depth 0.6 ft ..................:....... 3 Flow Depth (Y) = 0.6 ft Bottom Width (B) = 0 ft Min. Ditch Depth (ft) Bottom Width (ft) Flow Depth (ft) Top Width (ft) Side Slope 0.60 0.00 0.60 3.6 371 Ditch Liner Curled Mat *RED IS USER INPUT LATEST REVISION: 12/8/2022 4:13 PM PROJECT NAME DD A3 E M HOLT CALCULATED BY TIMMONS GROUP PROJECT NUMBER ... Singh 52013 Ditch Outlet Protection (NYDOT Method) Velocity = 3.87 fps From Fig. 8.06.c: ZONE = 1 Top Width = 3.6 ft Ditch Area = 1.08 sf Rip Rap Class = A Equivalent Pipe Diameter = 14.07 in Apron Thickness = 12 in Equivalent Pipe Diameter = 18 in Apron Length = 6.0 ft Apron Width = Top Width.= 3.6 ft From Fig. 8.06.e: LATEST REVISION: 12/8/2022 4:13 PM PDD1 EM Holt ES TIMMONS GROUP ' Lynsie Barnes 52013 Drainage Ditch Design (Velocity Constraint) This worksheet is designed to determine channel lining based on flow and ditch geometry (base width, side slope, & channel slope). This program determines depth of flow, velocity and tractive force assuming n=0.03 for grass or rip rap (n can be varied if desired). (Vary depth until z actual equals z required; v & t will be correct; select appropriate lining based on tractive force) Area (A) = 0.31 (Acres) Coef. (C) = 0.54 (Dimensionless) Inte. (1) = 7.08 (in/hr) Flow (Qlo) = 1.2 (cfs) QuantitiesKnown Line channel with: 6 " rip -rap (Assume 6" even if using grass) Manning n = 0.030 (Dimensionless) Ditch Length = 138 LF Slope = 0.032 (ft/ft) Highest Elevation = 644.7 Z Required = 0.13 Ratio Lowest Elevation = 640.25 Side Slope (M) = 4 :1 Flow Depth (Y) = 0.35 ft 4.2 in Bottom Width (B) = 0.00 It 0.0 in Freeboard = 0.00 ft 0.0 in T=YxDxS T = 0.70 LB/SF Y = Weight of water (62.4 LB/CUFT) D=Depth of flow in channel (ft) S=Slope of channel (ft/ft) General Lining LB/SF North American Jute Net 0.45 Green Lining LB/SF Curled Mat 1.55 S75 1.55 Class A (4"@9"THK) 2.00 S150 1.75 Class B (8"@18"THK) 3.50 SC150 2.10 Class I (12"@22"THK) 5.00 C125 2.25 Class II (18"@30"THK) 7.50 P300 8.00 Determine New A = 0.49 SF New P = 2.89 Wetted perimeter New R = 0.17 Hydraulic radius Z Actual = 0.15 Must be greater than z required=> 0.13 Okay New V = 2.73 fps Liner: Grass 3.20 LB/SF > 0.71 LB/SF Okay ................................... .... To..Width ._- 2.8 ft Min. Ditch Depth 0.35 ft ..................:....... 4 Flow Depth (Y) = 0.35 ft Bottom Width (B) = 0 ft Min. Ditch Depth (ft) Bottom Width (ft) Flow Depth (ft) Top Width (ft) Side Slope 0.35 0.00 0.35 2.8 471 Ditch Liner Grass *RED IS USER INPUT LATEST REVISION: 5/24/2023 2:49 PM PDD2 EM Holt ES TIMMONS GROUP' Lynsie Barnes 52013 Drainage Ditch Design (Velocity Constraint) This worksheet is designed to determine channel lining based on flow and ditch geometry (base width, side slope, & channel slope). This program determines depth of flow, velocity and tractive force assuming n=0.03 for grass or rip rap (n can be varied if desired). (Vary depth until z actual equals z required; v & t will be correct; select appropriate lining based on tractive force) Area (A) = 1.64 (Acres) Coef. (C) = 0.58 (Dimensionless) Inte. (1) = 7.08 (in/hr) Flow (Qlo) = 6.7 (cfs) QuantitiesKnown Line channel with: 6 " rip -rap (Assume 6" even if using grass) Manning n = 0.030 (Dimensionless) Ditch Length = 155 LF Slope = 0.032 (ft/ft) Highest Elevation = 639.9 Z Required = 0.76 Ratio Lowest Elevation = 635 Side Slope (M) = 11 :1 Flow Depth (Y) = 0.40 ft 4.8 in Bottom Width (B) = 2.00 It 24.0 in Freeboard = 0.00 ft 0.0 in T=YxDxS T = 0.79 LB/SF Y = Weight of water (62.4 LB/CUFT) D=Depth of flow in channel (ft) S=Slope of channel (ft/ft) General Lining LB/SF North American Jute Net 0.45 Green Lining LB/SF Curled Mat 1.55 S75 1.55 Class A (4"@9"THK) 2.00 S150 1.75 Class B (8"@18"THK) 3.50 SC150 2.10 Class I (12"@22"THK) 5.00 C125 2.25 Class II (18"@30"THK) 7.50 P300 8.00 Determine New A = 2.56 SF New P = 10.84 Wetted perimeter New R = 0.24 Hydraulic radius Z Actual = 0.98 Must be greater than z required=> 0.76 Okay New V = 3.37 fps Liner: Grass 3.20 LB/SF > 0.79 LB/SF Okay ................................... .... Top _ Width - 10.8 ft Min. Ditch Depth 0.4 ft ..................:....... 11 Flow Depth (Y) = 0.4 ft Bottom Width (B) = 2 ft Min. Ditch Depth (ft) Bottom Width (ft) Flow Depth (ft) Top Width (ft) Side Slope 0.40 2.00 0.40 10.8 11:1 Ditch Liner Grass *RED IS USER INPUT LATEST REVISION: 5/24/2023 2:50 PM PDD3 EM Holt ES TIMMONS GROUP' Lynsie Barnes 52013 Drainage Ditch Design (Velocity Constraint) This worksheet is designed to determine channel lining based on flow and ditch geometry (base width, side slope, & channel slope). This program determines depth of flow, velocity and tractive force assuming n=0.03 for grass or rip rap (n can be varied if desired). (Vary depth until z actual equals z required; v & t will be correct; select appropriate lining based on tractive force) Area (A) = 0.18 (Acres) Coef. (C) = 0.76 (Dimensionless) Inte. (1) = 7.08 (in/hr) Flow (Qlo) = 1.0 (cfs) QuantitiesKnown Line channel with: 6 " rip -rap (Assume 6" even if using grass) Manning n = 0.030 (Dimensionless) Ditch Length = 122 LF Slope = 0.031 (ft/ft) Highest Elevation = 638.75 Z Required = 0.11 Ratio Lowest Elevation = 635 Side Slope (M) = 12 :1 Flow Depth (Y) = 0.15 ft 1.8 in Bottom Width (B) = 2.00 It 24.0 in Freeboard = 0.00 ft 0.0 in T=YxDxS T = 0.29 LB/SF Y = Weight of water (62.4 LB/CUFT) D=Depth of flow in channel (ft) S=Slope of channel (ft/ft) General Lining LB/SF North American Jute Net 0.45 Green Lining LB/SF Curled Mat 1.55 S75 1.55 Class A (4"@9"THK) 2.00 S150 1.75 Class B (8"@18"THK) 3.50 SC150 2.10 Class I (12"@22"THK) 5.00 C125 2.25 Class II (18"@30"THK) 7.50 P300 8.00 Determine New A = 0.57 SF New P = 5.61 Wetted perimeter New R = 0.10 Hydraulic radius Z Actual = 0.12 Must be greater than z required=> 0.11 Okay New V = 1.90 fps Liner: Grass 3.20 LB/SF > 0.29 LB/SF Okay ................................... .... To.. ._ Width - 5.6 ft Min. Ditch Depth 0.15 ft 12 Flow Depth (Y) = 0.15 ft Bottom Width (B) = 2 ft Min. Ditch Depth (ft) Bottom Width (ft) Flow Depth (ft) Top Width (ft) Side Slope 0.15 2.00 0.15 5.6 12:1 Ditch Liner Grass *RED IS USER INPUT LATEST REVISION: 5/24/2023 2:50 PM PDD4 EM Holt ES TIMMONS GROUP' Lynsie Barnes 52013 Drainage Ditch Design (Velocity Constraint) This worksheet is designed to determine channel lining based on flow and ditch geometry (base width, side slope, & channel slope). This program determines depth of flow, velocity and tractive force assuming n=0.03 for grass or rip rap (n can be varied if desired). (Vary depth until z actual equals z required; v & t will be correct; select appropriate lining based on tractive force) Area (A) = 0.65 (Acres) Coef. (C) = 0.63 (Dimensionless) Inte. (1) = 7.08 (in/hr) Flow (Qlo) = 2.9 (cfs) QuantitiesKnown Line channel with: 6 " rip -rap (Assume 6" even if using grass) Manning n = 0.030 (Dimensionless) Ditch Length = 195 LF Slope = 0.037 (ft/ft) Highest Elevation = 644.25 Z Required = 0.30 Ratio Lowest Elevation = 637 Side Slope (M) = 9 :1 Flow Depth (Y) = 0.35 ft 4.2 in Bottom Width (B) = 0.00 It 0.0 in Freeboard = 0.00 ft 0.0 in T=YxDxS T = 0.81 LB/SF Y = Weight of water (62.4 LB/CUFT) D=Depth of flow in channel (ft) S=Slope of channel (ft/ft) General Lining LB/SF North American Jute Net 0.45 Green Lining LB/SF Curled Mat 1.55 S75 1.55 Class A (4"@9"THK) 2.00 S150 1.75 Class B (8"@18"THK) 3.50 SC150 2.10 Class I (12"@22"THK) 5.00 C125 2.25 Class II (18"@30"THK) 7.50 P300 8.00 Determine New A = 1.10 SF New P = 6.34 Wetted perimeter New R = 0.17 Hydraulic radius Z Actual = 0.34 Must be greater than z required=> 0.30 Okay New V = 2.98 fps Liner: Grass 3.20 LB/SF > 0.82 LB/SF Okay ................................... .... To.. ._ Width - 6.3 ft Min. Ditch Depth 0.35 ft ..................:....... 9 Flow Depth (Y) = 0.35 ft Bottom Width (B) = 0 ft Min. Ditch Depth (ft) Bottom Width (ft) Flow Depth (ft) Top Width (ft) Side Slope 0.35 0.00 0.35 6.3 971 Ditch Liner Grass *RED IS USER INPUT LATEST REVISION: 5/24/2023 2:50 PM PDD5 EM Holt ES TIMMONS GROUP' Lynsie Barnes 52013 Drainage Ditch Design (Velocity Constraint) This worksheet is designed to determine channel lining based on flow and ditch geometry (base width, side slope, & channel slope). This program determines depth of flow, velocity and tractive force assuming n=0.03 for grass or rip rap (n can be varied if desired). (Vary depth until z actual equals z required; v & t will be correct; select appropriate lining based on tractive force) Area (A) = 0.49 (Acres) Coef. (C) = 0.46 (Dimensionless) Inte. (1) = 7.08 (in/hr) Flow (Qlo) = 1.6 (cfs) Known Quantities Line channel with: 6 " rip -rap (Assume 6" even if using grass) Manning n = 0.030 (Dimensionless) Ditch Length = 159 LF Slope = 0.031 (ft/ft) Highest Elevation = 641.5 Z Required = 0.18 Ratio Lowest Elevation = 636.5 Side Slope (M) = 7 :1 Flow Depth (Y) = 0.35 ft 4.2 in Bottom Width (B) = 0.00 It 0.0 in Freeboard = 0.00 ft 0.0 in T=YxDxS T = 0.69 LB/SF Y = Weight of water (62.4 LB/CUFT) D=Depth of flow in channel (ft) S=Slope of channel (ft/ft) General Lining LB/SF North American Jute Net 0.45 Green Lining LB/SF Curled Mat 1.55 S75 1.55 Class A (4"@9"THK) 2.00 S150 1.75 Class B (8"@18"THK) 3.50 SC150 2.10 Class I (12"@22"THK) 5.00 C125 2.25 Class II (18"@30"THK) 7.50 P300 8.00 Determine New A = 0.86 SF New P = 4.95 Wetted perimeter New R = 0.17 Hydraulic radius Z Actual = 0.27 Must be greater than z required=> 0.18 Okay New V = 2.74 fps Liner: Grass 3.20 LB/SF > 0.69 LB/SF Okay ................................... .... To..Width ._- 4.9 ft Min. Ditch Depth 0.35 ft ..................:....... 7 Flow Depth (Y) = 0.35 ft Bottom Width (B) = 0 ft Min. Ditch Depth (ft) Bottom Width (ft) Flow Depth (ft) Top Width (ft) Side Slope 0.35 0.00 0.35 4.9 771 Ditch Liner Grass *RED IS USER INPUT LATEST REVISION: 5/24/2023 2:50 PM PDD6 EM Holt ES TIMMONS GROUP' Lynsie Barnes 52013 Drainage Ditch Design (Velocity Constraint) This worksheet is designed to determine channel lining based on flow and ditch geometry (base width, side slope, & channel slope). This program determines depth of flow, velocity and tractive force assuming n=0.03 for grass or rip rap (n can be varied if desired). (Vary depth until z actual equals z required; v & t will be correct; select appropriate lining based on tractive force) Area (A) = 3.71 (Acres) Coef. (C) = 0.55 (Dimensionless) Inte. (1) = 7.08 (in/hr) Flow (Qio) = 14.4 (cfs) Known Quantities Line channel with: 6 " rip -rap (Assume 6" even if using grass) Manning n = 0.030 (Dimensionless) Ditch Length = 357 LF Slope = 0.010 (ft/ft) Highest Elevation = 635 Z Required = 2.98 Ratio Lowest Elevation = 631.6 Side Slope (M) = 4 :1 Flow Depth (Y) = 1.10 ft 13.2 in Bottom Width (B) = 0.00 It 0.0 in Freeboard = 0.00 ft 0.0 in T=YxDxS T = 0.65 LB/SF Y = Weight of water (62.4 LB/CUFT) D=Depth of flow in channel (ft) S=Slope of channel (ft/ft) General Lining LB/SF North American Jute Net 0.45 Green Lining LB/SF Curled Mat 1.55 S75 1.55 Class A (4"@9"THK) 2.00 S150 1.75 Class B (8"@18"THK) 3.50 SC150 2.10 Class I (12"@22"THK) 5.00 C125 2.25 Class II (18"@30"THK) 7.50 P300 8.00 Determine New A = 4.84 SF New P = 9.07 Wetted perimeter New R = 0.53 Hydraulic radius Z Actual = 3.18 Must be greater than z required=> 2.98 Okay New V = 3.19 fps Liner: Grass 3.20 LB/SF > 0.66 LB/SF Okay ................................... .... To.. ._ Width - 8.8 ft Min. Ditch Depth 1.1 ft ..................:....... 4 Flow Depth (Y) = 1.1 ft Bottom Width (B) = 0 ft Min. Ditch Depth (ft) Bottom Width (ft) Flow Depth (ft) Top Width (ft) Side Slope 1.10 0.00 1.10 8.8 471 Ditch Liner Grass *RED IS USER INPUT LATEST REVISION: 5/24/2023 2:50 PM PDD7 EM Holt ES TIMMONS GROUP' Lynsie Barnes 52013 Drainage Ditch Design (Velocity Constraint) This worksheet is designed to determine channel lining based on flow and ditch geometry (base width, side slope, & channel slope). This program determines depth of flow, velocity and tractive force assuming n=0.03 for grass or rip rap (n can be varied if desired). (Vary depth until z actual equals z required; v & t will be correct; select appropriate lining based on tractive force) Area (A) = 0.23 (Acres) Coef. (C) = 0.45 (Dimensionless) Inte. (1) = 7.08 (in/hr) Flow (Qlo) = 0.7 (cfs) Known Quantities Line channel with: 6 " rip -rap (Assume 6" even if using grass) Manning n = 0.030 (Dimensionless) Ditch Length = 147 LF Slope = 0.047 (ft/ft) Highest Elevation = 642.9 Z Required = 0.07 Ratio Lowest Elevation = 636 Side Slope (M) = 3 :1 Flow Depth (Y) = 0.30 ft 3.6 in Bottom Width (B) = 0.00 It 0.0 in Freeboard = 0.00 ft 0.0 in T=YxDxS T = 0.88 LB/SF Y = Weight of water (62.4 LB/CUFT) D=Depth of flow in channel (ft) S=Slope of channel (ft/ft) General Lining LB/SF North American Jute Net 0.45 Green Lining LB/SF Curled Mat 1.55 S75 1.55 Class A (4"@9"THK) 2.00 S150 1.75 Class B (8"@18"THK) 3.50 SC150 2.10 Class I (12"@22"THK) 5.00 C125 2.25 Class II (18"@30"THK) 7.50 P300 8.00 Determine New A = 0.27 SF New P = 1.90 Wetted perimeter New R = 0.14 Hydraulic radius Z Actual = 0.07 Must be greater than z required=> 0.07 Okay New V = 2.93 fps Liner: Grass 3.20 LB/SF > 0.88 LB/SF Okay ................................... .... To.. ._ Width - 1.8 ft Min. Ditch Depth 0.3 ft ..................:....... 3 Flow Depth (Y) = 0.3 ft Bottom Width (B) = 0 ft Min. Ditch Depth (ft) Bottom Width (ft) Flow Depth (ft) Top Width (ft) Side Slope 0.30 0.00 0.30 1.8 371 Ditch Liner Grass *RED IS USER INPUT LATEST REVISION: 5/24/2023 2:51 PM PDD8 EM Holt ES TIMMONS GROUP' Lynsie Barnes 52013 Drainage Ditch Design (Velocity Constraint) This worksheet is designed to determine channel lining based on flow and ditch geometry (base width, side slope, & channel slope). This program determines depth of flow, velocity and tractive force assuming n=0.03 for grass or rip rap (n can be varied if desired). (Vary depth until z actual equals z required; v & t will be correct; select appropriate lining based on tractive force) Area (A) = 0.64 (Acres) Coef. (C) = 0.61 (Dimensionless) Inte. (1) = 7.08 (in/hr) Flow (Qlo) = 2.8 (cfs) Known Quantities Line channel with: 6 " rip -rap (Assume 6" even if using grass) Manning n = 0.030 (Dimensionless) Ditch Length = 124 LF Slope = 0.041 (ft/ft) Highest Elevation = 645 Z Required = 0.27 Ratio Lowest Elevation = 639.9 Side Slope (M) = 3 :1 Flow Depth (Y) = 0.30 ft 3.6 in Bottom Width (B) = 2.00 It 24.0 in Freeboard = 0.00 ft 0.0 in T=YxDxS T = 0.77 LB/SF Y = Weight of water (62.4 LB/CUFT) D=Depth of flow in channel (ft) S=Slope of channel (ft/ft) General Lining LB/SF North American Jute Net 0.45 Green Lining LB/SF Curled Mat 1.55 S75 1.55 Class A (4"@9"THK) 2.00 S150 1.75 Class B (8"@18"THK) 3.50 SC150 2.10 Class I (12"@22"THK) 5.00 C125 2.25 Class II (18"@30"THK) 7.50 P300 8.00 Determine New A = 0.87 SF New P = 3.90 Wetted perimeter New R = 0.22 Hydraulic radius Z Actual = 0.32 Must be greater than z required=> 0.27 Okay New V = 3.71 fps Liner: Grass 3.20 LB/SF > 0.77 LB/SF Okay ................................... .... To.. ._ Width - 3.8 ft Min. Ditch Depth 0.3 ft ..................:....... 3 Flow Depth (Y) = 0.3 ft Bottom Width (B) = 2 ft Min. Ditch Depth (ft) Bottom Width (ft) Flow Depth (ft) Top Width (ft) Side Slope 0.30 2.00 0.30 3.8 371 Ditch Liner Grass *RED IS USER INPUT LATEST REVISION: 5/24/2023 2:49 PM PRE/POST IMPERVIOUS MAP I � I I I I I I I I 11 EXISTING CONDITIONS E M HOLT RENOVATION AND ADDITION BUA: A: TOTAL PARCEL SIZE: 30.2 AC Ind SCALE 1 "=100' 0 160, 200' B: 2007 GRANDFATHERED BUA: 5.46 AC (PRE -ORDINANCE) C (A-B): NEW "PARCEL" SIZE SUBJECT TO 24% BUA: 24.74 AC D (C X 24%): ALLOWABLE IMPERVIOUS: 5.94 AC E (B + D): TOTAL ALLOWABLE IMPERVIOUS: 11.40 AC F: TOTAL ONSITE IMPERVIOUS 2023: 5.77 AC G (F - B): 2023 ADDITIONAL IMPERVIOUS: 0.31 AC H (G/C x 100): % BUA 2023: 1.25% (UNDER 24%) IMPERVIOUS AREA UNDER ALLOWABLE (D-G): 5.63 ± ACRES % BUA UNDER ALLOWABLE (24% - H): 22.75% BUA 11 POST CONDITIONS E M HOLT RENOVATION AND ADDITION BUA: EXISTING IMPERVIOUS PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS PROPERTY BOUNDARY THIS DRAWING IS FOR AGENCY REVIEW ONLY - NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DRAINAGE TO EXISTING PIPE NETWORK -POINT OF ANALYSIS 1 PRE -DEVELOPMENT POST -DEVELOPMENT DIFFERENCE IMPERVOUS AREA 0.457 ACRES (19,923 SQFT) 0.439 ACRES (19,119 SQFT) 0.018 ACRES (804 SQFT) co 00 0 Q z SCALE 1 "=100' 0 100, 200' FnP RF\/TFW nNI Y 2 Al ji TT W DO NOT USE FOR CONSTRUCTION E O v C N O C O N E LuU .9 = Z F_ F_ 0 W (a a' Lu U LL Lu O M C� c' - J Gi � x (0 � 0 �­I Ln 4rn H E L O � ri O� Ln J w F_ N Ln 0 z LU LUJ U J z _J 0 Q U _ 0 0 z z O tz a U w 0 z O I --I w clf DATE 0510512023 DRAWN BY LMB DESIGNED BY GWF CHECKED BY GWF SCALE AS SHOWN >- � g N d W N z Uz ° a ~ J z"� z z w J O °C U m C)� N Lu Lu Q z Lu 0 � c~n W JOB NO. 52013 L SHEET NO C3. I