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GW1--03412_Well Construction - GW1_20230515
WELT,CONSTRIICTIO RECO —` GW 1 For Iateznal Use Only. Well Name MS FROM TO DES or? tc ` ? �/ 'f UD 0 NC Wen CO°��rC�atioaN ft 15.o°TIER TCASIIVG formnlheasedttells ORLDMR Ufa Gable nr�urr a Tmcra�ss r.sr• Mw1En mps°yName 7// ft: 2.Well Construction permit#• / (� if.IlVNERCASDVGORTUBIN therm aldaled4oc TO Lief affappUeabb well censotralon pamrtr(La M;Cot&%Sale,Ya"aneq ele) FRO-t-M DrAM zffiCafEss is rr>RrAt 3.Well Use(checicwell use): ft g is Water Supply WeIL- 7.SCREEN ❑Agricultural ❑ FROM To 11) �' Iv�mdicipaUPublic tt tt DID E ❑Geothermal(Seatiag/CoolingSupP1Y _ m ential Water tsa�ss nfAs rAL ❑lndushWCornmetcial �•' ❑Residenhal'Watea Supply(shared) GROAT AT ❑� ° ❑Wells>100 000 GPI FROM TO Noa--Water Supply Well: M►TmwL Fa�1,01, ErnMeaoD&AMouNr ❑Monitoring 3 ft K Injection Well: ❑Recov er. � 42 ft ❑AquiferRecbarg .. ft fe • eO�C,raBadwaterRemediatioa . ❑Aquifer Stomp and Recovery fp 1 '• 19.SAND/GRAVELPACK d a liable ❑AquiferTest MAY❑ tom Cwate;l e , FROM To MATEItrAL EII�LACAVIINra�TaOn ❑FxperimentalTechnology s• ► �l8 es"'�or�rol ft ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) Jvw'� tr' —'A ❑Geothermal($eatjpg/CoolingRetum) ❑Other( lain under#21Remadss) 20.DRII.LIIVGLOG attaehadditio%Wsheebifneeas PROM TO DES-C MON(.1. hardo =Wnek a - sin,ere ft. 4.Date Well(s)Completed: Well ID# ft $ Sa. SULocation: ft. ft AA )'c -e 1 •r; v fL • Fa 'ty/O+merName es FaalitYIDt€(�faPPliable) ft vDy, V' r t Li ' lu ��--� .r --'ft: ft 1 P Gay,aadTp Wo--4rtJl� & - • 2LREMA.RKS! COS Parca ldeotific ationNa(PIIQ 5b.Latitude and longitude in degreedminutWseconds or decimal degrees: (iNell field. on . g s(su�tliamt) r ` � •N�� • l .. � 3 , 2ZC W Per D v G.Is(are)the weII(s): permanent• or ❑Temporary. (}/ Si 6f o 3 • ` Dato 7.Is this a repair toanexistingwelL. ❑Yes or 0 BYsfgnfngth Ahkrherebyca*,hWfhcveU(s)way 6rere)cOmvuacdfnoeeordencewith Iflhlr frorgwfr fiff=alo m wffl cOM&A alon ormadon and esp f ohs rceordhas been pvS:l dto th 02C.0200 Well Coruonedon Stmidardr and!lint a copy rrpairrmder#21rrmon6•reedonoronthebackoftVrjorm enotrveo the 1 prwldedlorheweIIowner. 23.Site diagram or additional well detar7r- S.For Geoprobe/DPT or Qosed-Loop(Geothermal Wells havingtbe same You may use the back of this page to provide additional Well construction info drill construction,only i GW i is needed Indicate TOTAL NUMBI�i of Wells (add'See Over'in R emarlts B0x)•Youmay also attach additional pages ifaecessary. drrllcd 9.Total well depth below land surface: Z_Zo 24•SIIBMITTAL�STRUG'I'IONS ' FormrrhlpleweQr/irr all depthrld/BuenlI—aPle-7W000•arrd2©100� (ft) Submit this GWi within 30 days ofwell completion per the following. 10.Static water Level below top of casing. LO • .(K) 24a:For A11 .;; Original form to Division of Water Resources (D Ifwara level is above earr +- ` Infom�ationProeessing Uait,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 ) 11.Borehole diameter. 24b.For Inieetion We1Ls:Co ' Pmtp-am,1636 MS Rid Pr to DWI,Underground Injection Control(IUC) 12.Welt construction method: b Q gb,NC 27699-1636 (Le.PMretaxy.cable.direetpmb.etO 24e.For Water Suup�and Ooen-Loon Copyto the FOR WATER SUPPLY O0�'eatruanmenhl health deparnumt of the county where installed WELLS ONLY: � ) /( p Bo�roWater Wells rodncia over 100 000 GPD:Copy to DWIt.CCpCUA 13a.Yield m U Method of test b'r'�,1 11 MSC,Raleigb,NC 27699-1 11 • _ tt 13b.Disinfection type: Amount Form GW-] ' North Lsnrm.rl.....�......��__..... .. _...