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GW1--03355_Well Construction - GW1_20230515
vvizu,',.. -,,&y.-.....„..1. -,fit,-, ,,;(ii-e.,,„, -,,-,-,.:-. )e,fi,i,--,s,, feif ' ,, 1,1iiiiitaa ils''.'tolii'jr-'-.--. ., ,., , 7''—ff--- -- , . I.Well Contractor Information: . . • "Cameron Bazin Wall CorttrartorName . 325 a: '''ft • •fr 4518-A . -'::44,„,•,-,' .. ' . . . ' ---f--.- , _ NCWell CcmirecurrCertificotionNmnher. IS.0111'ERCASING(thimtalti-cotisluells)ORLINERff• limb/0 - •..••,;.-". - Agtia Drill,Inc. fROASI -. TO : , own=; •-,-TWOCEMESS" • 0'6"., c,5';'-lt; . C'„- in-:- CompanyNama 2.Well Construction Permit#fi -7 I 1,`4/ 16...ENEReAsEquoirround65.14.614 .---_z.-- .-.-, ---• • List all applicable we I I eansessettan peintits(i.e.WC Cotath:Sta(e,Variance.eta) ft 3.Well Use(cheelc wed use): . ,„ , • .• . - . , qa:r Supply Well: FROM TO IMAM=_:stursuu _TRICKNESS MATERIAL -cudhual (3MunicipallPublic it • it In. ';',. : - , - ' : • , - .0-Geothermal(ReatingPCooling Supply) ,•*-4 ResideatialWater Supply(single) ft. ft. 4IndustrialiCommercial . Irrigation FlisOM T3 - .MALTERIAL' . EMPIACTRORIT METHOD&Amoterr tiANon-Water Supply'Well: , ft'' 2g ft.' ' ',/,c' - - '- • '''' :- 1-• .- -- ' Monitoring pRecoveryft Injection Well: •:. golfer Recharge • "OGroundwaterRenindation. 19.SAIXEP/CRAVELPACK fif aPplieablei..- •'•-" ''•- - - : - " '' i LAquifer Storage and Recovery 'ElSalinity Binder • Aquifer Test E3Storrawater Drainage ' ft. _ . , ,. - • __. . ; -...."r=ental Technology E3Snbsidence Coninal , .. . , ,• • -. -..„ Geothermal(Closed Loop) '1.21Tracer 20.DRIELIING LoG thtteeb..- addidonal Sheets KeicconsrY). _ .- '-• - .. FROM, - 'TO' ".-..- MOIORIPTION(dolar,bradawl,sellftnektiva,grain 51212.ma:''' :. ,„ " -73Geothermal(HeatingiCooling Reheat) nOther(explainunder1/211temants) .. - - .-- -.--. - •-., •- ' , ': '- • -• - '' • ''- - " • .'0 1,*:•,40..:' -1-!' •"• . - '':'"-!:- ••• =-•' - - .= -:-: ..-' ' • . . .. -.. , 4.Date Welt(s)Completed: 072 r WellEDS 50 !r-' 62:6,!.L.,:,, .r...,0:-,-*-,':..,.'..•• .. ,- - --.., _, . i: . ,. - : : .-.12.-, • ,.• ,,:It',1 ....::, .-...-,,-.:- ...:-... -. • -_, •-...;,-:,... ' -. - ,.,- , . Sa.Well Location: .--. . , , - . _ . • . --pgsie-CA keeil - _ . • -- . . • . • _ . FactinyfOwnerName Fatality WO(if applimble) - it• -. .15t- .7 .- ''';' 'Pz:.b-*.-77-A''-Th i_7, :-.•:, $.;--7;•;‘•.•.: 4165' 114/ '1 A/1//ij 5071-- 6 . a. ir.• . . .. . .. ..,.. Physical Address,City,andETp ,MAY 1, 5 2n2,q Ye4• • Lcin - • •xt.11031ARKS - _ _ , In n acel tffratt . PCurl:-i-, .., . • County PIdmaenNo(PIN) • .' go.Latitude and longitude in degreedneinuMiseconds or decimal degrees: ' - •• . - • • • (ifwell field,cam Inflong is mificfmat)' 22,Certification: `36 25 20-3 N Sp /t4 771 g • Sienntnre of Cznified Well Centrador 6.Is(are) J(s)Qfennaflent• or Ekremporary By signing this form-1 hereby avg.that the ygell(r)MIS iiwse)constructed b anconionce • with 7.Is this a repo_ to on existing wen: cifes er Oro coith 15ANCArecarriC 02Es.Obeen.100 or.prowdealSA NOth i dteC(LC 1.02:vaerti117:ell Constreetio dsn Standar and that a irs a repotr,Jill out bum:will 4:mediae& terinnation ant 1 erplaintherteerre oftfte 132 ethis .°& i ' ando-021 remarks-se:donor on the back of thisfitmt. 23.Site diagram or additional well&thaw • You may use the back of this page to plOvide additional well site detaSor s well 3-For b,e/DPT or Closed-Loop Gstothermal Wens having Mc same construction details.You rimy also attach additional pages ifnecessary. . 'on,only 1 GW-I is needed.Indicate TOTALNUMBEEL of vigils dulled: SUBMEITAL DISTRUCIIONS 0 5 , depth below/and surfs= (ft-) 24a.For All Welk, Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well 9.Total well . - For reads&was tfrrailikpag#.&..re.nt fraimP te.-3®200.and 2((p1001 construction to the followilw VO • (ft) • Division of Water Resonrces„Information Processing Unit, . •- 10.Stale water level below top of casing: 1617 Mali Service Center,ItileIgh„NC 276394617 Iftumter level is(dime cash tg are + 24b.For_InicelIon Wells:,In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a 1.1„Borehole diameter: __ __(.----.Cm) above,-also submit one copy of this form within 30 days-of completion of well ... --, • . Well construction method: -___---- /--------(1•91- constanction to the fogowinF (ie.anger,rotary.cable,directpusb,etc.) Division of WaterResources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER.SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: . 1636 bliel Service Center,Raleigh,NC 29699-1635 - .. /66ti<ex- 24c.For Water Snondv&bring=.Wells: In addition to sending the form to method of test 13a.Yield(gpm) the address(es)above,also submit one copy of this ft=within 30-days of Araounfz___ _ completion of tewa.ell construction to the,county health depadment of the county f1-2- ,3,,...„ oi, ,,g —ect,-, _ __Y__It____-7- , Natatozugna r warfront ofEnviru amectul QualitY-Division ofWaterResonces Revised 2-22-2016 Fenn GW-I • . . . . ' I • -$7,m7-7,7,7,.---4.:.,.i.r....71-„ - . - !„-,-,7„,..-.1-„: 6.,-..- ,-„...,,,, ,i..r. -•-• •,... __. • 7.4.0......4.4f-:, IVIZTAITraggig.L-1;&).4.:7:31•r.:1-...e.r...-:,',.....i.,.;-21-v.,7 r..,.7ji-'_.„.:-.'t'e,;.,',,.2::,:21;'1".."LS:1,-...,,,;:,,,,41:4;,.,..I::,111211.1.1; *::.''...,'''...f.'"1 ::7,1 '1::::.14,;:7;:':L.', F, "•