HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03351_Well Construction - GW1_20230512 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For hitcrani Uso ONLY: This form can be uwd far single or muilipk wells 1.Welt Contractor information: 'MMIERZONFS.. t. John Eisenman FROM 1t1 I DF_ICRIPrn)I 5!'e11 Coiuraaar Natnc kill. ft. 4439 NC Well Contractor CeniftcationNimint tS;'O<)TELZC SfNG`foi uauhiri'seiiweFlsl`ORLtNFR(tt i fkabkl FROM m Dla�t1 TFR 7tt]rti�VI TVIMRUL SAEDACCO Inc 0 fL 253 (L 6n in. SCH-80 PVC Cougrmy Name 26 INNER CMI'NG'OR>TLIBING i6ike clozad'lu FROM TO D!tMETER 711ICKNESS H.i7EruAL 2.Well Construction Pei-wit R: N/A 0 ft. 256 ft. 2 n SCH-40 PVC 1�ar«R c}.yrlirnhle ur11 p,nrui+s fir.Corrntc•.Shav,114d rrcr.!r)-'ac6e b rtr.1 ft, ft. - irt. 3.Well Use(ch"Imcll use): 17 541tt EN,: Water Supply Well: FROM i 7o I DvvimxF.st T SIATSt7%: I 7111000SS I MATMIAI, LIAgkultural Lihlunicipal/Pitblic 256 R. 266 ft. 12- JnL 1 .010 SCH-40 I PVC Meothelnrel(HeatinglCooting Supply) CiResidemtial Water Supply(single) (I. fL Cl lndusiriat(Cununcfcial OResidential INWer Supply(slxtird) �A GROUT _. FROM TO MATERIAL ES[Pr.ACEh1LNT]nElniOn&AMOUNT ❑irrination 0 fL 3 (L Portland pour Non-Water Supply Well: 3 ft. 250 ft. Aqua Guard Tremie Mhlonitoring ❑Recover• Injection Well: ft. fL ❑AquifcrRccharge I-r3roundiSalcrRcnicdiatioll F OArtlif]iGlt�O:EL'+CACILI^ItTF,RtLt�) F:MPI%CrS16'\TFiFTn(1n ❑Aquifer Stor,igc and Recovery 05alinily Bernier 254 ft, 266 ft. Sand #2 ❑Aquifer Tcst ❑Slom%vAter Driinigc fL ft. ❑Experimcniml Tcchnolnr• ❑$ubsidem c Control '2n;'+DRIGL1i\G'LOG(at(ach sddltr "' "'omen°sheets if neccsrsn•f ❑Geothennul(ClusedLoup) ❑Tricrr FROM TO DESCRIPTION(color.banlnca,xti'nAo-roe,% 1isife.Ne1 ❑Geodtemnal(Heating+Cooling Return) ❑Gdter(explain under#21 Renwrts) 0 (L 25 ft. clay/sand 25 ft. 50 fL PWR 4.Date Welt(s)Canipleled: 3-29-23 WellID#MK-43E 50 fL 266 (L Rock Sa.Well[arcation: fL ft. Corning Glass Works N/A fL rL �✓�r.; °"'' "-"- Facility-KhvnerName Fac(iil}-IM(ifapplic.'ible) ft. (t. MAY 1 uMT 3900 Electronics Drive, Raleigh, NC, 27604 ft. rL Pli}sieal Addmm City.and Zip ' 'Jn =2LRCMARKS-;, 1n c;,,r,; ;.:. Wake N/A Bentonite seal 250-254e (:%wary Pane]]rmntiLe;dion No.(PIN) Ski,Latitude:Ind Longitude in dcgr•ccsiroinutt:.sfscconds or dt'Cimal dcgives: 22.Cerlification- (if a ell rwld,one lat•lmrA I%sidlickrd) 35.830758 N -78.603564 ��• = _- 4-12-23 Sigtntnrc of: •'r:'�'��':9; v dt.?i;. _- - -=...- Dale. 6.is(are)Ure w'ell(s)r SlPenuanent or ❑Tenquorat} Hr srgntiiR Pkir(b+rr ,'• .4Pref�•. �.;n••+., .,i+:e:�i cx�crrnrrrexl iir rrcre.rrPann• n'irii 1 S;1,VC..4C ozc.';�-�':�•�-r::lfC:ir�'�:Pt:,tt:fJV?11i'i1 C'nnsPrP+t'nilq Sto+ufnrPis ame!rlktr er 7.isth6a repair toanrmisingwell- 0Vc-s Or NNU eryirojdiisrevonihnsly,rni»nri,IP•rllorh+:nNnu+Irr. 1f rMis is n rels�dr,fli rn9r krrnnlr ur!!c•cr+u7+u'i 7krn Nrfureus3i+n auxl r,17+inln rlar�+I�+r,Pre rf die repair render 021 re markv srcile.-a or an the besk of Phis jnrm. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use Uie bacl:of this page to provide additional%Veil site details or%veil S.Number of wells coustrucied: 1 eonsiructiorl delaits. You ina}'also attach additional pages if necessary. For,nulriple lrrjee-rlon at oven-uzrter supla r wells ONIA'}rlrh the samrconsrrurdim.yva rein xaagjjdr one jemn. SI BMI'171'AL fNSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 266 (ft.) 24a. Ear All Wells: Subndt tltis form within 30 days of completion of well Fur,uailrilife welk liar efl,trpOn it dit)e•rent(arampk-3@21-V'and 2@ 199) construction to lite following-. iII.Static water level below tap Of easing: 40.15 (ft.) Division Of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, If Irmo.level is allove cres?11;"am"t^ 1617 Mail Service'.Center,Rack h,NC 27699-1617 it.Borehole diameter.12 n/6 n (in.) 24b. nr I i nr WeIty ONLY: In addition to sending Me foml to the address in 2 to abate.also submit a capy of this fonn within 30 days of completion of well 12,Well e11ustructiou method:HSA/AIR constructior to the followine: (i.e.auger.rolar}',cabin dint push c(c.) I Division of Water Remurees.Uuder'ground injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Sen'icelCenler.Raleigh,NC 27699.1636 13;1.Yield(glim) hletliod of test: 24c.For Water Supply&Igicetion Wells: Also subunit one copy of this fofnl within 3o days of completion of 13h.Dirinfcetiun hpe:. Amnunt %veil constriction to the count. henith department of the county where constructed. i Fenn G%1-I Nanh C3GAIIIt L\-P2nr1!Cur Of En%HOILI 11 and Natural Resources-Division of 1Voic,r il(-Kotrcr— Revised AuglM 2al:i