HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03347_Well Construction - GW1_20230512 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD ForirtarnalUscONLI': This faun can In usad far single or nitdtipk teens 1.Neil Contractor Lnfornlation: Yd:.WATLR ZONES- John Eisenman FROM TO OMCHIPT1ON Well Cor=ctor Name 4439 ft. fL NC Well ContrictorCcniftcatiotiNunitcr .15.;OUTER`CAStNG dlrjilatli=eE kde icttsl`OR LiNFR(if a'it16 FROM TO PEA-SIFTERTinCENESS MATERIAL. SAEDACCO Inc 0 ft. 58 fL 6" in. I SCH-40 PVC ('ante;uty Nmttc Id:'INNER CASING OR,l'UHINGi(Ceaittei'mid cluscJ-btu`)' - FROM TO DtAStETER TIIICANR55 MATERLIU. 2,Wdl Construction PGlmlit#: NIA 0 ft, 65 ft, 2^ in. SCH-40 PVC 1JFr irLr 0J�7hi rJlde v.cllpenuilr(i.e..Cnuart•..9jov,Cor(urce.Iry,'ert7Cab rr,:J ft. ft. ill. 3.Welt Use(chtxlaticll use): 17 SCREEN Water Supply Welk FROM TO DrAdrE.TER 9LOT5173: TniCltNt,S I MATERbtI. ❑Agricultural OlvlunicipatWublic 65 ft. 75 ft. 2" in, .010 SCH-40 PVC ❑Gcodlemtal(IicatinWC0011119 Supply) Mesidenrial RraterSupply(singly) ft. M 1 ❑hidustriaUConnnctcial ORcsidcntialAVitcrSuppb•(sl><ilr(i) =18 GROUT .= FROM To AMTERFAL EXPLACEMENTAIM101)CAMOUNT ❑irriagation 0 fL 3 fL Portland Pour Non-Water Supply Well: 3 fL 57 ft. Aqua Guard Tremie MkiloniOring 1111cm-cry injection Well: rL fL ❑Agltifcr RCCltargC Qtirotttxlwatcr Rcnicdiatioq 319YSANDIf:RAYEL•PACK(if Avid i6brO - FROM TO NI&TF:RIAL I ESIPIJI(:FMENT urnion QAgnifCr Storahc alyd RccnvCn' QSalinin'H;trricr 61 ft. 75 fl, Sand' #2 ❑AquifcrTo ❑S(onnwatcrDraina:.,c ft. ft. ❑E..Vcrinicnial Tcchnolol,v ❑Subsidmcc Cordrol 2ri DRiLLi\C`LOG;(iillach 8dditi,iiialsficetstf necresartil ❑Geothemutl(Closed Loop) ❑Tracer 1 FRONT TO OF-MUPTION(tobrJmrdoca,.r,iyntel,tt fe. rR n uvc.cic.t ❑Geodtertal(Heating+Cooliug Return} ❑t]thcr(4 plain mRier t)?!Reutarks) 0 fL 60 fL clay/sand 60 f, 75 f, PWR 4.Date Well(s)Completed: 3-7-23 Well IDsIMW-40B fL fL 54.Nell LIIC;It(Iln: ft. ft. + .,`t,�•�,.,'�Y: Corning Glass Works N/A FL fL FacilitpUivncrNan+c FaciN)-ID#(if apphzanblc) -- ft, 3900 Electronics Drive, Raleigh, NC, 27604 fL ft. r�?r^G"y-M'�•` Physical Address-Cim rind Zip 31-REM1tARM,` v Wake NSA Bentonite seal 57-61' Cuuoq farce]ldcntiricrtioti No.(PIN) 5b,lattitude ant)Lou};itttllC bt ifGgncsfnninutCsiscComis pr dCGimal flGl i'G15: 22.Certification: (Irkldl field,ottV Intlong iti stlRickni} 35.830758 N -78.603564 �>.• �. '�_-' 3/8/2023 Sigatturcaf _�r:'a'•�-': 7;('u„!•�:;.`- -- �— _ - Da1c 6.Is(are)the twell(s)r EPertna lent or ❑Tennporat}` � ^v r�su f��� :c-7 lli s:g)th, riir lint, ilr!i?3 1 t,:rrar cxnrinrrrrd in recewrlcnce ni'll Cr,nsrrurr irnt Sromdards and TI.Va of 7.Is this a mpairto all existing well: O V&--s or K'N11 e4?pl{y(IIAi fP1'f+,t11,(L�'Irr!!pnil'1r11'd1 rA llr Ut•11 nmiu•r. if tl:(s 1F o f<•Jxrir,Ir1 ra',r Crrntrri rcrlf rc,rurnrrr(c,fi 1tr/oruurdfnt anf7 erpfahl rube nvrr+re•rf rhr reprir under 021 rernardx.wriian or,:m the hark of/his form. 23.Site diagram or additional wetl details: You tuay use 4te back of this page to provide additional well site details or w•el l S.number of wells constructed: 1 eons(tu ctimt details. You mat`alsi)attach addifioual pages if necessary. For to iNple l,*vrlon nr am-it'ctrer suplili•n•rtls ONLY iorh rube sirme corrstrlrcliulr,}'e=n aatu .1avntrrmu forin. SUBMITTAL iNSTLTCTIONS 9.Total rwelt depth betuw land surface, 75 (TI,) 24a. Par All Wells- Subudt this fume.twithin 30 days of compic6on of well For maMplu irafls;isr fell rkprl,'s ifdiL i f<nr fernr,,,p(:•-tr.i77 and 2@ fw'1 construction M the Follolvin;: III.Static water level below full of casing;: 25.85 (ft.) DIvi\inn of Water Resources,Information Poucessin.Unit. lfttxu,v Ind is al,rn'r cnstii;r ase"+" 1617 Mail Bewley Center,Raleigh,Y('27G9')-1617 11.Borehole diameter.12"/6" (in.) 24b.fnr Inihilon WeIW ONLY: lit addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above. also submit a copy of this form lwitbin 30 days of conipletiou of it-ell 12.Well construction method:HSA/DMD construction to the followfiw: (i.e.auger.rulary,cable direct push c(c.l Division of Water Resources,Underground injection Control Pro;rani, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,YC 2 7699-1636 134L Vield(gpm) Method of test.. 24c.For Water Suppy'&injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this fonti within 30 daysofconipleliot of 13h.DisinfLe inn type: Amount: well construction to the couluy itcatth depanmetu of lily county w herc _— constructed. Fonn GC\r-I Nonh Carolina Uepanarcni of Ent trowuctu and varnral Resources-Divsior,of Waicr Resourem ileviscd August_H 1