HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03309_Well Construction - GW1_20230512 -WELL CONST 2UCPION RECORD FIN ivtamalUseONLY: This form can be used for single or multiple%sc[!s I.IVL41 Contractor hiformatiou: 14. Scott Hunt, Jr F14051 TO D6_SCRrP"ON WolCormnctorNamc 0 ft. 30 ft, water and sand 4561-A fL f4 NC Well ComtaciorCenificationNuniier �`tS.OUTEfi.CASiNGtfoi,kuftliikdisclls ORLiNERtIf'a'� ia66el'. FROMTO DIAMETER TfnCh'�iE1I MATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 fL 1 25 ft. 1 2" in. SCH-40 PVC Cenelm:ug•NAutc 1G INNER'CASING.OR TUBING eotYermat t:Wsed-lon '•FROM TO D1A11iETER THICKNESS I MATERML 2.Well Construction Permit#: R, rt. 10L !rua11 nlry,tiCablc tsell perrieitl(i_k.Cou„ry.5'14nr.,:Vadaurr.1j8:dC4 er'.) ft. ft.' in 3.Well Use(ehcckwell It [7 SCREEN _- - -- . . -_- -- -- FROM � To PtASrF.TFR SiOTSM. THF"NESS WaterBupptt Well: Clttg[iculntrai gtMlunicipaliFublic 25 R. 30 R. 2" in 010 SCH-40 Pvc ®Geothermal(Heado 'Coolie Supply) OResidendal Water Su rL fL !0' IY g uFF pply(single} ®industdaUCornnicicial l311csWntial Water Suppb-(shared) 1e:GROUT ' FROM TO MATHR1nI EMPLACENHIM METHOD&ATUOUNT Olrri ation 0 ft. 22 fL Portland Tremie Norm-Water Supply Well: � t� i8llYlanitaring (7Rccavmry Injection Well: t7AquKer13cc4arre OGroundmacrRcntsdiation M'SANDIGRAVELVAC[{(if rdlcabf�y. - arn'rKRrar. EtNiPI tC:F:tira:NTN9t:rlrOn ElAquit'cr-StoragcandRccovciy Q.5alinityHamer FROM To24 ft. 31 ft.' Filter Sand #2 QArlu cr Orainaq; ❑Experimental Techriolou l:1 CSrtbsidencc 1*0 re. ft. /I07DRILLIING,LOG%attach addifonal.sliccta if'neccsmn't OGeodleniud(Closed Loop) . ❑Tracer FRONT To DF-iCDm ON*oow.Gardno+a wa;'mckt n iir tell OGeodiennal(IieatinglCooling Return} OOdier(e.Viairt mtder#2!Retuar&s) 0 ft: 30 ft,. sand. tL rt N r V i. . 4.Date NWI(s)Completed: 4-12-23 Wcll[Dd12MW-23R 1L f4 SA:Well Location: ft. fL V USCG Base.- Elizabeth City (t: fL i11E{rkrw-, M41 „r�f^Y9 r;�. lJry�� Facililyffiwopr Name Fatuity IDk(i�applicablc) R. ft, ®� i 1664 Weeksville Rd. Elizabeth City, NC, 27909 rt. ft. Pltr'sical Addresk City.and Zip .2 L REMAfi1:S- Pasquotank - Bentonite seal from 22-24' Quail), Mrcel htoilific10011 No.(PIN) 5h,Iu tngitdc i 9cgiem onds or decimal degrees,_ u ee 22:Ccrtificatiteu: (If rrcil field,olme 1.010mg is"'Idlici=rmt) N W ��'� � 4/21/2023 Sigmtsire afCorttiled Well Co_ tar Date 6.is(are)the-well(sy: EPer Manent or OTempormry. . 1�,sfgning 1hir.nrm,i turreby cer1t t rlmar the well Y nmy %r.nj e a inrefed is'atxvrdanne ivirh I SA NC,tC 02C.0100 ar 11%NCAC 02C.0200 Ifni!C6nstrrrcriar Srtrn cards and Mar a 7.Lc this a riepair to an existing vve11: ®Ycx or ®No rgrr njrhir record!mess Derr f,mr';r&'d rn 1IA%n Ji mcncm if rh(sIs a repair.fill rsmrkaouvr tvellCmimn.(.Moa hrjarularlOrtand explahr the rarrure of rife rrryQirumler$31 rrrnarfY xretiuia ar at the bark ojthir jnmr 23.Site diltgram or additional well delaits: You tray use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or%velt 13.Numberof wells constructed: 1 consituction deiaits: You w4v also,atiach additional pages if nei;essary. For souldple.iizjecdo,r:or ami-ir rer supply wells O,VLY ulth the saeteconswi4tiorr,you can .ralunironc form. SUBMITTAL RVSTIIM&S i 0.Total well depth hetmT laird surfac.: 30 ({y;) 2da. Ear All Wells: Suhirtil this form within 30 days of conviction of I'Vell For mnmrhlple wells list atltteprhs if daveeov(extunple-3@200'euu!2491NVy con54mctipa to Cite foltoRing: 10.Stabs water level below lop of casing: l ([1,) Div'iNinu of Water Resaurces,Information Prueessing Unit, !f uxrler level is shave ruabtg,asr"+" 1617 Mail Service Center,RAlctg e,VC 27699-I617 11..Borchotc diameter.6 OIL) 24b.For Dij�llan Aglly ONLY: in addition to sending the farm to the.address in 24dabove.also submit a copy,of this fotul within 30.days of completion of well 1.2.Well construction method:Mud Rotary consimctiouto tile following: (Lc.augcr..rotary,cables direct paste coca Ilivision of Water Resources,Underground fujecilon Control Prograin. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY, i636 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,YC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(Rpm) Method of test: 24c.For.Watcr Supply&'Injection Wells: Also submit one copy of this faim,within 30 days of completion of 13b.Dkinfection jh pt: Amount: %veil consaroction to the county health department or(tic counly whcM constructed. Fort GS<'-L Monh Caraltna Mpauntem of Endrottnrtm and;Natural Resources-Divi ion of Water Rmptl m Revised Atgtat 1t11.1