HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03307_Well Construction - GW1_20230512 I WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD Rif timnid Use ONLY: � This form can be used for single of multipk wells- 1.�V@hl Cautnctar Ittformatiun: tJ:IVATER_ZONFS Scott Hunt, Jr FROM - TO bFiCRIMOY 1VellCoiAmclorllnrnc 0 R. 42 ft. sand�wnd water 4561-a (L ft. NC Well CommcforCer ification Ntnrbcr .11 OUTER CAiSiNG Moi enutIl cis it vWTs1 OR=GiNE7t fle'I6k1: FROM TO DEA31F,TER TrrlQ:ttNESS MAMIL SAEDACCO Inc 0 ftw 32 tL 2" id SCH-40 I PVC Cowp;uty Nana td.INNER CASING OR BINaIgpikrrAil clowd•loo FROM TO DVO ETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 2,Well Construction Fer•t;Rit R ft, ft, Lift Oil applfrable wrli penidls(i.r..Cmmry,S1wv.%2 amrr,Ay-drA efr..) - ft. ft. 1>e 3,Well Use(chcelcwell uNO., t1:SCRIKEN ---. _"— FROM TO� orAlrr6:TF.it srnrS1jW. TrtrCMNFSS Water Sut►plr W��1L• — srArnRtst, Clttgzicitlnital: ONfunicipal/Pu lic 32 ft. 42 Q. 2" in. .010 SCH-40 PVC 13Geothertual(1fleating1Cooliog Supply) ®Residential Wirer Supply(single) rL R- OludustriallCommefcial DResidential Water Supply(shiired) tit.GROUT FROM TO HATEMI, ENIPLACENHINT WFI110D S AMOUNT 01rd lion - 0 ft. 29 fL Portland Tremie Non-Water Supply Well: ft. rf� . pilh9onitoring QRCC* cry Inject Ion Well: ft. rL C]Agttifcl-Rcc.barge E713tollmllatcrRcutcdialion IMSANDIGRAVEL PACK(fa tdirable) FROM TO T MATPIUM, RMPI.A(:F:SrH:VT HtZnOn CIAgnifcrStorageandRccofcry O&Ilinity13arC1C( 31 R. 43 ft. Filter Sand 1#2. ❑ quifct-Tcst CIStonmsaterQmIffli o ft. ft I]Expcdmcntae TWIlnotogy C9Sobsidcocc Con rot 1W DRILLING'I.OG(attach additionakhects if acccssan•l OGeatheniml(Closed Loop) OTracer FROM TO DF,SCRFIMON mbr.t,ardnea enirlrnck tv x'" 'n*e,tie l Meothenlial(Ileafing[Cooliu Retumi -;]Other(explain under A21 Retnatls) 1 0 [L 43 ft, sand, fL fL 4.Date Wetl(s)Congllelet& 4-11-23 Well iD#12MW-14R ft.. rL 54,Well LAIC:0011: '� ^, USCG Base.- Elizabeth City ft. A. FacilityODwrxr 74am Factlfty ADM(ifapplicablc) A�$ d 1664 Weeksville Rd. Elizabeth,City,'.NC, 27909 Pfryskd Address City,ana zip zt:Rr ntAIeKS Pasquotank Bentonite seal, from 29-311 County t orec]Id mlifnC rllou No.(PIN) 56.I ititudc and Longitude in degmceslminutestsceonds or dechiml degrees: 22.Certification, (if trcl!ficord,tare 1,010112,Is Sniiiekod) (� Ik W �« / 4/21/2023 Sigr>3weaofCcitifictl PicllCont Dale 6.is(dCC)tb@.{YCIIQs)r �PerinaneRt oc 17T@WllOt"IL}'. ( •.fignbtg tirlr form.1 hereby cerfife char the irY11(s9 erne form)cura inrered irr a contan e id1h 15A NCAC 02C.010)or 15A NCAC 02C.,0200 lVelf Consinoct(ou Srarkiards and Am a 7.Is this a repair to an exhUng well: OYcs or MNo rrlrr gfrhlr woirf has be a PM1,4A.4 ra 04'.brrl Mellen lfthld is a rs Xrlr,fill neat kalAlli tuff cmism(cftoa hifurmarlon dart explain Me lulrare of rile relrair aieler921 remarks•nrctian or rm the Lark ofdhrs form_r. 23:Site diagram or additional well devails- You may use lice back of this page to'provide additional well site details or well 8.Number of{yells cotlsimcced: 1 constiuctiott detaifs. You amy also attach additional pages if necessary. Fur)il+ltiple 1ri Mom or orut-barer supplrnells ONLY m1rh die s7me eortatrireflon,yblt card snfntftanejorrn. SUM TPTAE iNS'fLTC'f'iONS ?.Total welt depth below L•Lad surface , 42 24a. Far all Wells:. Submit this farin within 30 days of completion of well For nralrlpfe;lefts.Mir affdepfhr ltdi/ferem(trample-3@ 00'arks 2@ 1001 con-51mction to lire folloniog: 10.Static water level below(at)of casing: 1 A) Dir•irian of Water Resoumces,tnformatian Prucessiug Unit, If hitter level&above easfo,mm '+" 1617 NWI Service Center;Ralei*NC 17699-1617 11,Borehole diamctcr.6" tin,) 246.Fur Infect; n'WeIIa ONLY: in addition to sending the fort address in Ilia addr in 24a abmve.also submit a copy of this fo to within 30 days of completion of well . 12.Well coustmethoumethod:Mud' Rotary constmetionto tile fouavving: (i.e anger..nAaq,cable.direct paste etc4 Division of Water Resourc@g;Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY' 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,N.C.276"-1636 Mal,Yield Wm) Method of tat:* 24c.For W;rtcr Sup&.Sr Inicetro'a Wclls: Also subruit one copy of this forth'{t-ithin 30 days of completion of 13b.Disinfection ih p. Amount: well constmetion to[tic county k4alib dcpanment of the county when: rnnstnrctcd. j Ferny G{V-L Noah Carolina Depulment of Envirm meta aid Mintral Resources-Division of LVoler Remlraes Revised August 2013