HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03305_Well Construction - GW1_20230512 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For tmcrttal Use ONLY: This form can be used for single or multilil:wclis' i 1.Well Contractor Information: 14EAYATER ZONES' Scott Hunt, Jr FROM TO DFICRIPTION Well CorltraciotNartc o R. 27 R, sand and water 4561-A It. IL NC Well Comlaclor Carlifnaatian Nttrrller IS:0[C[ER CA SING(foru[li eaIH itictls'OR LINER FRONT Ttl DTAbrETER THIC6r ag hrATERTAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 (L 22 (L 2" Iu, I SCH-40 PVC Cerl,^V;ur)•Namo MINNER.CASING Ok� BING poibernW ciased4ou , . FRONT TO DO METER I THICKNESS I MATERIAL 2.Well Constl•uctiou pellult#; R. It: n� Liu a!l r.J�yr1i[Trhlr.rrerl l/CnirirE(ix.County,Sta:e.:Yariarrcr,117}rgDCQj rsr_J - 3.W R'Usc(cheelmd.1 as91, t7 SCRXEN -- Wnter Supply Well: _- --- --- -.-- __-- -. FROM TO THANt6TPR SrATS67T. TI f(7tNM6; I NTATPRTM. OAgdcultund Cl1L9unicipaVPublic 22 R. 27 R. 2" in 010 SCH-40 PVC Meorhann l(tleaUnglCooting Supply) t]Residential Water Supply(single) ft. EJ1udustriWCoRmtcrcial ©Residential AViter Supply(shared) 16;GROUT FRONT To -MATMAL EMPLACEMENT MOTIOD&ASIO[NT ❑Irri0tiall 0 ft. 19 (t: Portland Tremie Non:Water Supply Well: IlOfv9dnitoring C]R�orxr} R. ft. I"Jecilon Well: rr, ri QA[(ttifcrRcctrtiTge l]GroundmircrRcowdiation r9 SANDlG%tVEL ,ACKYif t lj'=M0 -FRONT TO MTT;FtrAL RNIPIA(T.M.NTMI:r110n AAquifcrStoragc and Rccovery Milinityl3aitict. 21 R. 28 R.' Filter Sand #2 ❑AiluituTcst O5tornnatcr lmtilag ❑8=, rin cpml Tochnol'ogy g51thsidckc C014TOt 20 DR1LL111 G'I oG faltach ndriltionatsltcclsit nccessan) OGeorlteTnal(ClusedLoop) OTracer FRONT TO DFSCR1rTlaf\(cobr.has+rneaw,R'nrckl nFuede.T t]Geodier al(Ileaiing1CaolWPRetum}. . '00dier(explaiuuiider#IlReivat6s) o tL 27 rL sand (L f6 4.DateWCU(S)Cmpleted: 4-10-23 CLIIID(t12MW-11R rL (L 54,Well IAMMIII: (L ft. USCG Base. Elizabeth City (L rL v Faeilit),Otvocr Nance Ficilk-ID#tif4plimble) ►str ft. It, 7 1664 Weekspille Rd.. Elizabeth.City, NC, 27909 rL ft u+ • ' t �1;; Physical Address;.,City,and Zip =21.REMARKS Pasquotank Bentonite seal from 19-211 Caput} Panel Ide+iIM Mon Na;(PIM) 56.i atitudt and i png[tade in degriceslminutcsJscconds or decimal dcglvm 22.Certification: (Ifuelt field,ate-I.'Mong it siel1160111) N W '�"" �'"� 4/21/2023 3igmiLtm ofcei[ifipd Well Con . toy Date 6.IS(are)the.R'ell(s): M- Terittanent or. .ETempora.ry MT•.signfng IN farm.1lrereLl•rerrifv filar the lrrllfs•)xYrs.(scen!)nenarmered in tweortJmire with 15A NCW 02C.0[0)or 15A+VCAC 021C.0200 MIT Cons[r edarr Sraruta?ds and iMf<T 7.&tkisaxcliahrtoan existing well.- a]Vcs or MNo ccyir_nlrhisrrcnrr)hnshvenpmrirbrlrgdfia�rcllinrnrc i'/Ihts'ISO fire owrrne of r1le Trpair udder 621 reniarki•.irerfan ar on the Lurk ajtidr farm. 23.Site diagram or additional well det.1iC4: You'may use Ube back of this page to proxide Additionat'tcell site details or well 8.Number.of wells capstmeted: 1 CottsliuctiOn details. You may also attach additional pages if nei:essary. For rard#pMftdevdodt or mvi-ti^nrer srppJr a'rils,O,VLY.n4rh rife same cerrstrucrdon,yore can su&�nitoicc jnnn. SUBMMAL INSTUCTI ONS 9.Total well del►th betrnf land surface: 27 (('t,) 24a. For all Wells: Suhrnit dtis form within 30 days of completion of well Fornwhiple wells 16rat1deprhs 2@1M)" consinictipnto live fgltoaiRg: 10.Static water•level below top of casing. 1 (ft.) Div iKiun of Water Rcs• urces.information Erveessing Unit, if tvdrdr level is i helve aaShrg,MA."+" 1617 Mail Seel ice Ccafer,1L•1lcigh,NC 27699-1617 II,Horchpte diamctcr;6" (ia) 24b.Ur iillindea MMONLY;' lit addition rG.sending the fora to the.address in 24A abom'e.also submit a copy of,INS form within 30'days of Completion of welt 12.Well constritetion method Mud Rotary coustructloo to the following (i.c.augcr..ratury,sable direct ptrslEc[c:) Division of Water Resources,Underground IaJectlau Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mull Service Conifer,Raleigh,NC 27699.1636 13a Yield(gl►m) 7wlctlrod of test- Also For.Water Supply&in_icetfnn`Vclfs: Also Submit one cop), of this fointlwithin 30 days ofcoulpletionof 13b.Disinfection type: Amount: ;yell construction to the county licnhh department of the counts where constructed. Fenn GWA Nonh Carolina fAparimctn of Emironn►:1a and Natural Resources-Division of WalcrRMoLlon Revised Atgust 211t:1