HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03287_Well Construction - GW1_20230511 WELL CONSTRUCTION RUCM(GW-1) For term)uk Only; A.NVdll Contractor hiforimitioli: cooC7 i3. YATEi�2� S WellComractorName bROA7 TOI DESCMIT10N - -- - R TIC/��'Nq�er1`lCa(u`'t��(�e�roaCe;Si£�tca_ti1on2i-umbcr J y] D Ia`IiLZERC+'lSL�G fb"r'i�aiti-ease+i}cUs iDR3:Lr1ER da icub7e :? - - ►u .Nan V'�e i ll l 1 1 7 3R91_i TO DUMUIM `FUMIM — 3l•1"aitii£LIL _ _ R IC in Compamy Name -- : WtFU W 2.'ir-d : 2,Well Cocoon Pcrlrtitt< � rlto�l - To nu►xier i�acess H►TFXLIL list all applicoble well c=trucdon perrmts#.e-WC:Cao 0 Sure Klrianc�eta) — �---— m - - 1A' -- 3.Well Use(chedkvreA use): t1 n in, Water Su A[�ao�e��a DtaximFu-sroTsra� iIItcic�ess~ '3Li'IEt2LV. Agricultural CIlvlurt_icipallPublic IL IL - is — --- Oeothermal(HeatwgfCwlmg Snppl}) JaResWmfialWaW Supply(siDglz) h, tL to Indusbrtal/Cm1tJAerceal E3Restdentia_I War-Supply(sharod) M-Pation FROM TO--- ➢LAT6RL'+i. [Ali?I.ACENW,41`METHOD&A-MOTUN7 NOn-Water Supply WeB: 70 Monitoring Remit y fi IL Injection AWL* --- - - - --- --- R, ft , AquiferRocha%o DGroundwerReinediation t9 Sl1D1CRAYELI'�CK Sm61e` . Aquifer Storage and Recovay= r3Saliwty Barrier VOW-- To -nLKTERuL-- 6au'LacEmE7s-r r1Em(5n -Aquifer'Test [3StounwaterDrAnage h - EV. e6nental'f-1-uiol0_ 13SubsidmW Control n IL Geothermal(Closed Loop) ElTlaczs 20.`iIFtLLidtiG7 attacrraddlhamistudslfnecuxsn -- Fltnm it- TO -.. DESCBD�lOA mice tlar> sZx sal7fitxkh s+u eic.---- Geothermal(heating CooIi R-eft Oft=(t% IL ultd r ;2I Rcmarl`5) - --- - --- -- ------ - tt, 4.Date Weil(s)Cornpleteda 3 Well l __- __ —_-- 5° �' C✓1 5a IL Well Lodat= _ �,�i(,�S P , �,$ is p tz Faciltt}lOwttc j+?atns tucitityFh(u"applKabk) ILt1 Physical Add-=,City,and Zip � col/► -- - - - Casnry I'zr..eIIdcatificauani�To.(PI�7 _ '^�, s ---- ' Kb.T.atitude and loD�tade fn d�r�/atlittutesls�nds ol'ticduml dam: _-- -------- ,s .�� (if well field,ors{latllora is sufficient) 24 Oil 6,Is(are)the weU(s) -PemmncDt or E3 Tensporuz ssgc turn m atitied I Contactor Data 1J,sigring ties jamb J hereby ecrdfy that the r•efl(V teas flrerel conunwfed?n acwrdanre 7,Is this a repair t9 AD t�istiltg{Ykll: E]J yes or No witB 15,1 iVCAC 02C-0I00 or 1SA,MAC 02C•0200 Wen Constrvction Stm;dards tv d that o Ifthis is a repair,fill out AW";r well comrucdou informod0fi.od.714IO 11w'WHrs of hs SPY oftb+s record lmsbc¢n prorided fa the y ell gw7 r. repelirmfdcrx2l rentorkssectionormttlrcbaekafflrisfomL 23.Site diagrarnoradditional tx±:lldctails: $ For Oeoprobe/M or Closed-Loop Geother mi Wells having the same You may use the back of this page to provide additional wall site details or well cons"ction,only I GW I is Acted 4 Indicate,"I'OTALNN MBER of)velts construction dolails. You may also attach additional pnesifnsxessary. drilled: SUBiVIITTAL INiSTRUCT ONI S 9.Total well depth below land surface: �� (fL) 24a, For All wells: Submit this form tri ffi 30 day.of completion of ivell Fornmiip!cYwIlslrst all deplhsifc3•ferelY=(t'rarfple-3@2D0'and2a—iM cm"WontothefollolNing. 710,Static roster level below top of casing: of Water Resources,Wermatiorr I'IVicessIng Linn, Ij'ivater level is above casing.use '+' 1617 MQ Service Center,Raleigh,NT C 27699-2617 11,Borehole diameter. �q�e� (in) 2¢la For Injection Si'ells: In addition to sermding, the form to the address in 24a Q/] also t ,nt J a_3tove, submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of Nvell 12,Well construct ion method: H W y/ conshuction to the following: (i.c.auger,rotary,cable,direct push,ctc.) —' ----_ - Misioll of Water Resources,Undetgrouaad 1njt ction Control Procram, FOR WATER SUPPLY UT ONLY: 1636 Alan Senice Center,RWrjgk NC 27699-1636 L33 add(gpm) - I!) A3etllod of t -- 24c.I'or hater SMR I &iniertiou;3e1kt In addition to sending the form to -- - the addrrss(.$)abut e.also submit.one;copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.DisMection Vpc. a74MW coa®� completion of V6e]l stiucticm to time count health department of the county -- . — - --_ C9n5hr1ciSd.