HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091236 Ver 3_Year 1 Monitoring Report_20150622LOWER CAPE FEAR UMBRELLA MITIGATION BANK BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA YEAR 1 ANNUAL MONITORING REPORT SNEEDEN TRACT Prepared For: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Wilmington District and Inter - Agency Review Team (IRT) Prepared By: LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP INC. Environmental Consultants Land Management Group, Inc. Wilmington, NC www.lmgroup.net May 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW ....................................................................................... ..............................1 A. Introduction .................................................................................................. ..............................1 B. Mitigation Goals and Objectives ................................................................ ..............................1 C. Project Implementation ............................................................................... ..............................2 2.0. MONITORING REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................... ..............................2 A. Riparian Wetland Restoration Success Criteria ....................................... ..............................2 B. Stream Restoration and Wetland Enhancement Success Criteria .......... ..............................3 3.0 MONITORING RESULTS ................................................................................... ..............................4 A. Summary of Precipitation ........................................................................... ..............................4 B. Riparian Wetland Restoration .................................................................... ..............................5 C. Riparian Wetland Enhancement ................................................................. ..............................8 D. Stream Restoration .................................................................................... .............................10 4.0 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................... .............................11 LIST OF FIGURES, TABLES, AND APPENDICES Figure 1 ................................................................................. ............................... Sneeden Tract Vicinity Map Figure 2 ..................................................................................... ............................... Sneeden Tract Boundary Figure 3A ...................................................................... ............................... Sneeden Tract Restoration Plan Figure 313 ...................................................................... ............................... Sneeden Tract Restoration Plan Figure 4 ................................................................................ ............................... Monitoring Gauge Locations Table 1 . ............................... Summary of Year 1 Hydrologic Monitoring Data (Riparian Wetland Restoration) Table 2 ........................... Summary of Year 1 Hydrologic Monitoring Data (Riparian Wetland Enhancement) AppendixA ........................................................................................... ............................... Site Photographs Appendix B ........................................................ ............................... Palmer Hydrologic Drought Index Maps Appendix C ............................................................. ............................... North Carolina Drought Status Maps AppendixD ....................................................................................... ............................... Hydrographs (2014) Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank - Sneeden Tract Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report (May 2015) 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW A. Introduction Construction of the Sneeden Tract (441 acre project area) portion of the Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank was initiated in March 2014. The overall tract boundary is depicted in Figures 1 and 2. The project includes approximately 2,441 linear feet of first -order stream restoration and 0.5 acre of riparian (riverine cypress -gum swamp) wetland restoration. The project also includes 427 acres of riparian wetland enhancement and preservation, 1,843 linear feet of first -order stream preservation, and 366 linear feet of zero -order stream preservation. Restoration activities included earthwork (causeway removal and grading of natural channel connection); planting of characteristic riparian wetland vegetation; and the installation of monitoring devices. Removal of the causeway was authorized under a CAMA Major Permit issued by the NC Division of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) with attached conditions (issued August 13, 2012), Nationwide Permit 27 issued by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) with attached conditions (issued August 13, 2012), and the NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ) 401 Water Quality Certification with attached conditions (issued June 26, 2012). The Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank is intended to provide suitable, high - quality wetland mitigation for authorized impacts within the Lower Cape Fear River Basin (Cataloging Unit 03030005). B. Mitigation Goals and Objectives The objective of the Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank is to provide for the functional restoration and ecological up -lift of wetland and stream habitat via the re- establishment of characteristic hydrologic conditions and vegetative assemblages. It is anticipated that a number of key wetland functions and values will be restored including floodwater retention /abatement, sediment retention, nutrient transformation, and increased habitat connectivity. The entire project offers the opportunity to restore, enhance, and preserve riparian and non - riparian wetland and stream habitat. The Sneeden Tract provides a rare opportunity to restore the flow regime of a tidally - influenced freshwater stream and preserve a large expanse of rare and vulnerable tidal freshwater swamp forest. Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank - Sneeden Tract t Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report (May 2015) C. Project Implementation Restoration activities were initiated in March 2014. Earthwork consisted of causeway removal and the grading of a natural channel connection. Grading work required the construction of a temporary diversion ditch to allow for removal of the road to be conducted during drier conditions. The channel at the location of the causeway was graded to 3:1 slopes to tie to existing grades on both the upstream and downstream sides. The existing corrugated metal pipe was also removed. Riparian wetland restoration areas (in the footprint of the removed causeway) and riparian wetland enhancement areas (upgradient from the removed structure) were planted with characteristic swamp forest species. Planting was conducted in 2014. All planting activities were supervised by environmental scientists from Land Management Group, Inc. (LMG). Species planted included bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) and Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides). As part of the implementation of the restoration project, LMG installed a total of twelve (12) automated water level monitoring gauges (RDS, Inc. WM -40s & WM -80s) within the 20 -ac riparian wetland enhancement/first-order stream restoration area (Figures 3A, 313, and 4). Of the twelve (12) monitoring gauges, two (2) are located within the riparian wetland restoration area (in the footprint of the removed causeway). A total of four (4) automated gauges have been installed along the restored first -order stream channel. An existing gauge located immediately downstream of the causeway has been left in place to document the tidal signature at the point immediately below the stream restoration reach. Three (3) gauges were installed upstream to document the extent of tidal influence post- construction. These gauges (in conjunction with riparian wetland wells) will document the reduction of impounded waters and restoration of characteristic hydroperiods. Shallow groundwater hydrology in the riparian wetland enhancement areas is monitored via six (6) automated wells. 2.0 MONITORING REQUIREMENTS A. Riparian Wetland Restoration Success Criteria Given the size of the causeway to be removed and the relatively small area of planting, no permanent vegetation plots have been established per the restoration plan. Rather than employing typical performance criteria, the area will be monitored for the presence of invasive species. Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank - Sneeden Tract 2 Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report (May 2015) Percent coverage of any invasive species will be reported relative to the relative abundance of other species (either planted or volunteers) within the area of the former causeway. Note that invasive species include, but are not limited to: (1) Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense); (2) mimosa tree (Albizia julibrissin); (3) tallowtree (Triadica sebifera); (4) kudzu (Pueraria montana); and (5) morning glory (Ipomoea spp.). The success criteria of the restored riparian wetland will be: (1) Invasive species not to exceed 20% relative abundance compared to other planted or volunteer noninvasive shrubs /trees. Note that red maple (Acer rubrum) and sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) are not to be considered invasive for the purpose and intent of this success criterion. If invasive species exceed 20% relative abundance, then adaptive management measures (through coordination with the IRT) will be implemented. (2) For the riparian (riverine) swamp community, the hydrologic criterion will be the establishment of a static water table at, or within, 12" of the soil surface for 25% of the growing season (equivalent to 76 days based upon a growing season between February 1st and November 301")I during periods of normal precipitation conditions ". B. Stream Restoration and Wetland Enhancement Success Criteria Monitoring of the restoration and enhancement areas will focus on documentation of free - flowing conditions within the system. Hydrology data has been collected in the stream channel and adjacent riparian wetlands targeted for enhancement. This information will provide the baseline data from which to evaluate post- construction results. The primary success criteria for the Stream Restoration are: (1) Demonstration of tidal signature (increased amplitude with semi - diurnal frequency) upstream of causeway to be removed (anticipated signature up to 1000 ft beyond causeway); 1 Growing season based upon direction of IRT. Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank - Sneeden Tract 3 Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report (May 2015) (2) Documentation of free - flowing conditions (relative to pre- construction data and reference stream data) and documentation of removal of impounded waters; (3) Demonstration of stable channel geometry; and (4) Establishment of characteristic geomorphologic heterogeneity (riffle, pool, and run) beyond the limits of the restored tidal influence as identified via physical monitoring. The primary success criterion for the Riparian Wetland Enhancement is: (1) The hydrologic criterion will be the establishment of a static water table at, or within, 12" of the soil surface for 25% of the growing season (equivalent to 76 days based upon a growing season between February 1St and November 30th during periods of normal precipitation conditions and the duration of surface ponding (in excess of 2 inches above soil surface) not to exceed 10% of the growing season (equivalent to 30 days based upon a growing season between February 1St and November 30th) during periods of normal precipitation. 3.0 MONITORING RESULTS (YEAR 11 A. Summary of Precipitation Regional drought indices, including the Palmer Drought Index and the North Carolina Division of Water Resources (DWR) Drought Status Maps, were examined to interpret precipitation patterns and predicted subsurface water storage conditions relative to long -term climatic data. In particular, the Palmer Hydrological Drought Index maps depict hydrological (long -term cumulative) drought and wet conditions, which more accurately reflect groundwater conditions. Based upon the 2014 index maps, the Brunswick County area of North Carolina exhibited normal groundwater conditions on a monthly basis during the entire year. The Palmer Hydrologic Drought Index maps for 2014 are included in Appendix B. The NC Drought Status Monitoring Program compares existing data to long -term (1965 -2013) climatic conditions for well data, stream baseflow data, and combined well and baseflow data. Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank - Sneeden Tract 4 Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report (May 2015) Contoured percentile data (30th/70th percentiles) are graphically displayed on monthly drought images. Based upon these maps, subsurface storage (i.e. groundwater) conditions were considered normal during January, February, June, October, and November. Subsurface storage conditions were considered above normal during March through May, July through September, and December. The NC DWR Drought Status Maps for 2014 are included in Appendix C. The nearest rain gauge (Wilmington International Airport — KILM) documented variable rainfall conditions throughout the year. Local rainfall data beginning in May are included on the hydrographs in Appendix D (wells were installed between May 7 and May 9). Rainfall conditions were generally normal in late May, early through mid -July, September through early October, early November, and mid - December. Rainfall conditions were generally below normal ( <30t" percentile) in June, late October, and mid - November. Precipitation was generally above normal ( >70t" percentile) during early through mid -May, late July through August, late November through early December, and late December. Total rainfall for the year was 59.89 inches. According to the WETS long -term climatic data, mean annual rainfall for Wilmington, NC is 57.07 inches (with a 30% of having less than 52.87 inches of annual precipitation and a 30% chance of having more than 60.76 inches of annual precipitation). As a result, the 2014 calendar year is considered normal for precipitation based upon data from the Wilmington International Airport (NC) CRONOS station. B. Riparian Wetland Restoration No invasive species were noted within the restored riparian wetland during multiple site visits. The area will continue to be monitored for the presence of invasive species. If any invasive species are documented, then appropriate contingency measures will be discussed. Refer to Appendix A for photographs of current site conditions. As indicated above, two (2) automated water level recorders were installed within the restored riparian wetland due to the relatively small size of the area. Both of these wells exhibited hydroperiods of greater than 25% of the growing season (the hydrologic success criterion for riparian wetland restoration). Both wells exhibited water tables within 12" of the soil surface for the entire monitoring period (May 8 through December 31). The monitoring period during the growing Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank - Sneeden Tract 5 Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report (May 2015) season was 207 days (68.3% of the growing season). Tidal influence is apparent on the well hydrographs (Appendix D). Refer to Table 1 for a summary of the hydrologic data for the riparian wetland restoration wells. Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank - Sneeden Tract 6 Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report (May 2015) Table 1. Summary of 2014 Hydrologic Monitoring (Riparian Wetland Restoration) 2014 Growing Season February 1 - November 30 Total Number of Longest Number Of Percentage of ° Dates of Longest Number of Growing 25/° Success days within 12" Consecutive Days >6- 12.5 - 25- ° Well Number Consecutive Days Meeting Season Criteria (76 >75/° (May 8 Dec Meeting Wetland Wetland Hydrology Criteria (Feb 1 — Days) 12.5% 25% 75% 31) , Hydrology Criteria Nov 30)2 R1 238 207 May 8 — Nov 30 68.3 Yes -- -- X -- R2 238 207 May 8 — Nov 30 68.3 Yes -- -- X -- Wells installed May 8 2 Percentage calculated based on entire growing season; no data collected beginning of growing season Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank - Sneeden Tract 7 Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report (May 2015) C. Riparian Wetland Enhancement As indicated above, six (6) automated water level recorders were installed within the riparian wetland enhancement area. All of these wells exhibited hydroperiods of greater than 25% of the growing season (the hydrologic success criterion for riparian swamp forest enhancement). All six (6) wells exhibited water tables within 12" of the soil surface for the entire monitoring period (May 9 through December 31). The monitoring period during the growing season was 206 days (68.0% of the growing season). Refer to Table 2 for a summary of the hydrologic data for the riparian wetland enhancement wells. Hydrographs are provided in Appendix D. Three (3) of the six (6) wells exhibited surface ponding (in excess of 2" above the soil surface) in excess of 10% of the growing season (30 days). However, with the exception of Well E6, tidal influence is apparent on the well hydrographs which indicates that surface storage is not the result of restricted drainage. In addition, each of the three wells exhibited water levels below 6 inches throughout most of the year also confirming that waters are not impounded. These wells (E3, E5, and E6) are all located on the northwest side of the stream channel. It appears that these wells are experiencing more groundwater discharge from adjacent uplands relative to the wells on the southeast side of the stream channel. Rainfall during this time (late June through late November) was generally normal with some extended periods of above normal precipitation. The other three (3) wells (E1, E2, and E4) exhibited surface ponding ( >2 ") for less than 10% of the growing season. The tidal influence has resulted in several of the wells exhibiting inundation of greater than 2 inches for only a few hours within a day. Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank - Sneeden Tract 8 Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report (May 2015) Table 2. Summary of Hydrologic Monitoring (Riparian Wetland Enhancement) 2014 Growing Season February 1 - November 30 Longest Number Of Dates of Longest Number of Percentage of ° Longest Number of Percentage of Total Number of days within 12" 25% Success Criteria >6 - 12.5- 25- ° Dates of Longest Number of Growing ( y ) Well Number Ma 8 —Dec 31 Consecutive Days Meeting Consecutive Days Meeting Growing Season (76 Days) 12.5% 25% 75% >75 /o Consecutive Days Consecutive Days Ponded >2" Season 1 Wetland Hydrology Criteria Wetland Hydrology Criteria (Feb 1 — Nov 30)� Ponded >2 —Nov (Feb Fe E1 238 207 May 8 — Nov 30 E2 238 207 May 8 — Nov 30 E32 237 206 May 9 — Nov 30 E4 238 207 May 8 — Nov 30 E52 237 206 May 9 — Nov 30 E62 237 206 May 9 — Nov 30 1 Percentage calculated based on entire growing season; no data collected beginning of growing season 156 2 Wells installed May 9; other wells installed May 8 51.5 68.0 Yes -- 68.3 Yes -- -- X -- 2 Sep 12 — Sep 13 0.7 68.3 Yes -- -- X -- 17 Aug 14 — Aug 30 5.6 68.0 Yes -- -- X -- 128 Jul 10—Nov 14 42.2 68.3 Yes -- -- X -- 4 Aug 2 —Aug 5 1.3 68.0 Yes -- -- X -- 156 Jun 28 — Nov 30 51.5 68.0 Yes -- -- X -- 108 Jul 7 — Oct 22 35.6 Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank - Sneeden Tract 9 Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report (May 2015) D. Stream Restoration As indicated above, four (4) automated water level recorders were installed along the stream restoration channel. The three (3) gauges located furthest downstream (C1, C2, and C3) are located within the stream channel. These gauges clearly exhibited tidal influence on the hydrographs (Appendix D). The gauge located furthest upstream (C4) is located within the riparian wetland enhancement area approximately 75 ft. from the stream channel. This gauge exhibited minor tidal influence occasionally (late May, mid -June, mid - July, and August through early October). As expected, the tidal signature was most pronounced at the gauge located immediately downstream of the removed causeway (C1) and at the gauge located immediately upstream of the removed causeway (C2) (with a mean tidal amplitude of approximately 40 inches at both gauges). The tidal signature was less pronounced as a function of distance upstream. However, tidal signatures were observed at all four gauges (including C4 which is located in the riparian wetland approximately 1,600 l.f. from the former causeway). Overbank flooding has been observed onsite and documented via the stream gauges. The two (2) gauges located furthest downstream (Cl and C2) exhibited daily periodic overbank flooding consistent with strong tidal influence. Gauge C3 exhibited water levels at or above the stream top of bank throughout the majority of the monitoring period. Water levels at this gauge were below the stream top of bank for brief periods in June and early July. The gauge responded to flood tides similar to gauges C1 and C2. However, ebb tides did not drain the stream channel at gauge C3 as effectively as at gauges C1 and C2. The gauge located furthest upstream (C4) exhibited water levels above the top of bank for the entire monitoring period (ranging from 12 to 31 inches above the top of bank). The upstream portion of the stream restoration area appears to exhibit some surface water impoundment. Beaver activity has been documented in the area. Several beaver dams have been removed from the project area. Several periods of above normal precipitation throughout the year may have exacerbated the overbank flooding conditions. The site will continue to be observed to ascertain whether beaver dams are contributing to overbank flooding upstream. Contingency measures may include increased beaver management if necessary. With the exception of beaver dams at the upreach extent of the stream, free - flowing conditions have been observed and documented within the stream. Removal of the causeway has resulted in hydroperiods of a duration and amplitude consistent with first -order streams. In addition, tidal signatures are evident approximately 1,600 I.f. upstream of the former causeway. This was the projected tidal extent determined Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank - Sneeden Tract 10 Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report (May 2015) by LMG staff in March 2012 in an elevation study using a laser level. Refer to Appendix A for photographic documentation of the causeway removal. Physical monitoring to determine channel geometry and geomorphologic heterogeneity will be conducted in subsequent monitoring years. 4.0 CONCLUSION Hydrologic data confirm the re- establishment of hydrology characteristic of the target habitats across the site as a result of the earthwork completed during the early growing season. Removal of the causeway has resulted in the connection of tidal freshwater stream and riparian wetland areas to the Cape Fear River. There has been a discernible hydrologic response indicating the restoration of key hydrologic functions relating to floodwater abatement and nutrient recycling within the system. The restored and enhanced riparian wetlands exhibited hydroperiods that met the success criteria, with the exception of the three enhancement wells. The three wells not meeting the enhancement criteria exhibited fluctuations in water levels with surface water depths under 6 inches for much of the growing season. No invasive species were observed. Increased tidal signatures relative to pre- construction conditions were documented well upstream of the removed causeway. The site will be continued to be monitored over the next six years (through Year 7), and the findings of such will be provided in subsequent annual monitoring reports for agency review and concurrence. Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank - Sneeden Tract Year 1 Annual Monitoring Report (May 2015) FIGURES Off -001 MILL RD t105 lip. e lQ4at BAt Pr 74 17 74 7'6 133 Waste rn tRol SUTrON I ft, ho ix, 6WELAND woo Lake Cedar Hilli OWN -A 9L Rd te ST °Boundaheo are approximate and are not meant tobeabsolute. Map Source: DeLonne: North Carolina Atlas and Gazetteec.1897p.O3&84. Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank (SneedenTraot) �U~v Brunswick County U O 1 2 Miles Figure 1. Snoodon Tract Vicinity Map LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP- Boundaries are approximate and are not meant to be absolute. Map Source: 2010 ArcGIS World Imagery Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank Sneeden Tract Brunswick County, NC LMG LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP iHC. Environmental Consultants www.ImRroui).net 3805 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 Phone: 910.452.0001 Fax: 910.452.0060 Figure 2 Aerial Photograph with Overall Tract Boundary SCALE 1" = 1,000' (when printed at 11"x17") Boundary Wetland Line Upland Buffer First Order Stream Restoration (2,441 I.f.) First Order Stream Preservation (1,843 I.f.) Zero Stream Preservation (366 I.f.) Riparian Wetland Restoration (0.5 a.c.) Riparian Wetland Enhancement (20 a.c.) Riparian Wetland Preservation (407 a.c.) Upland Buffer (13.5 a.c.) Total Mitigation Site = (441 a.c.) \WETLANDS \2009 WETLANDS FILES \01 -09 -117 - -- Lower CF Umbrella Mitg„ Vincent \ACAD \Sneeden Tract\ Sneeden _Restoration_Plan_11_19_12,dwg NOTE: This Is Not An Engineered, Survey, or Architectural Drawing. Linear Measurements and Area Calculations are Approximate. NOTE: Parcel Boundaries From Pender County GIS. 1998 Aerial From NC DOT. PRELIMINARY Project: Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank Lr Sneeden Tract LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP — EnvironmenfaiConsu +ton r5 Title: Post Office Box 2522 Restoration Plan Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Telephone: 910-452-0001 0 5000 Date: 11/21/11 Scale: 1" =1000' Drawn By GSF 2000 Revision Date: 11/26/12 Job Number: 01 -09 -117 Figure: 3A Boundary Riparian Wetland Restoration (0.5 a.c.) NOTE: This Is Not An Engineered, Survey, or Architectural Drawing. Wetland Line Linear Measurements and Area Calculations are Approximate. Riparian Wetland Enhancement (20 a.c.) NOTE: Parcel Boundaries From Pender County GIS. Upland Buffer 1998 Aerial From NC DOT. PRELIMINARY Riparian Wetland Preservation (407 a.c.) First Order Stream Restoration (2,498 I.f.) Project: Upland Buffer (13.5 a.c.) L Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank First Order Stream Preservation (1,323 I.f.) LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP exc Sneeden Tract Zero Stream Preservation (366 I.f.) Total Mitigation Site = (441 a.c.) fnvlronm enta;Consuttant5 Title: Postoffice Box 252z Restoration Plan Wilmington, North Carolina 28402 Telephone: 910452 -0001 \WETLANDS \2009 WETLANDS FILES \01 -09 -117 - -- Lower CF Umbrella Mitg., Vincent \ACAD \Sneeden Tract\ Sneeden _Restoration_Ptan_ll_19_12,dwg 0 1503 0 Date: 10/10/12 Scale: 1 " =300' Drawn By VLJ 600 Revision Date: Job Number: 01 -09 -117 Figure: 3B t J Map Source: 1998 Infrared Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank Sneeden Tract Brunswick County, NC IL A6� a L_ LMG IAND M"A'EMtW GRO r www.LMGroup.net Phone: 910.452.0001 •1.866.LMG.1078 Fax 910.452.0060 3805 Wrightsville Avenue Wilmington, NC 28403 4 ,MW r7 6 • it Legend A. Monitoring Gauges Channel Property Boundary SCALE 1" = 300' Figure 4 Monitoring Gauge Locations APPENDIX A. SITE PHOTOGRAPHS (2014) (1) View of causeway pre- construction (2) View of channel gauge C3 Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Appendix A. Mitigation Bank AI�LMG Site Photographs LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP urc. Annual Monitoring Sneeden Tract urr Environmental consanrs (Year 1) (3) View of riparian wetland restoration area (causeway removed) (4) View of hydrology monitoring at riparian enhancement well E3 Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Appendix A. Mitigation Bank LMG Site Photographs LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP urc. Annual Monitoring Sneeden Tract Environmental Consultants (Year 1) (5) View of Atlantic White Cedar planted in riparian wetland restoration area r: i' (6) View of restored stream channel downstream of gauge C2 MA !. \. 5 I r R• Y. t U Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Appendix A. Mitigation Bank LMG Site Photographs LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP mc. Annual Monitoring Sneeden Tract Environmental Consultants (Year 1) (7) View of riparian wetland enhancement area at well E4 (8) View of restored stream and riparian wetland enhancement area Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Appendix A. Mitigation Bank LMG Site Photographs LAND MANAGEMENT GROUP mc. Annual n u ,C� I II M A O n �to r� n g Sneeden Tract Environmental Consultants A (Year 1) APPENDIX B. PALMER HYDROLOGIC DROUGHT INDEX MAPS A.ao —aw anG' 10 below -3199 Palmer Hydrological Drought Index January, 2014 10 10 to -2.99 41.99 #2.99 Palmer Hydrological Drought Index February, 2014 'n a- rarye -4.00 -0.DO -240 -194 4200 AM +4.00 d06 In 10 1p to to and below -3.99 -2.99 +1.99 42.99 #3.99 above ti 4M +a_oo to and *3.99 shove T-11, Palmer Hydrological Draught Index March, 2014 4.66 -3.4D -2AD -1.99 X2.4® Am +7.OD and 10 la 10 to to and below - 3.99 -2.99 a1.99 +2.99 +3.99 above Palmer Hydrological Drought Index April, 2014 4.66 340 -24a -1.99 +2:00 .8.00 +4.40 and 1a 10 10 to to and glow - 3:49 -299 41.99 42.94 +3.99 above Palmer Hydrological Drought Index May, 2014 -4.M -2" -1.99 4100 +am +4.40 aria W 10 t0 to to and below -199 -2.99 41.99 +2.99 +3.99 AM* Palmer Hydrological Drought Index Jude, 2014 4.00 -3.43 -2.00 -1.99 42.00 +3A0 +4.40 and 1a 10 10 to t© and below -3:99 -2.99 41.99 «2.99 +3.99 AWY* Palmer Hydrological Drought Index July, 2014 modurale draught Ofoughl drought map MW nit maisl -4.W -3,00 -240 -1.99 4?-m +1M +4.00 and 10 In la t0 to and below -3;99 -2.99 +1.99 42.98 4.3.99 above Palmer Hydrological Drought Index August, 2014 modera,o dtaughl AM -10� -2.00 -1.99 *2.M Ad0 +4.00 and la to to do to and below -3:999 -2.90 41.99 *2.99 *3.99 above Palmer Hydrological Draught Index September, 2014 -4.00 403 -240 -1.99 4240 +300 +7.04 and to 10 10 to to and below -194 -9.99 41.99 .2.99 +3.99 above Palmer Hydrological Drought Index October, 2014 -4.00 -340 -2A0 -1.99 4100 +am +4.00 and 1a 10 10 to to and below -3:99 -2.99 41.99 42.99 *3.99 above Palmer Hydrological Drought Index November, 2014 -4.00 -143 -2A0 -1.99 42M +3A0 +4.00 Ord to la to to to and below -193 -2.99 41.99 42.99 +3.98 above Palmer Hydrological Draught Index December, 2014 r— A.W -to -2A -1.99 .2.W 4M +4.40 and to 10 1" to to and below -3.99 -2.99 41.99 +2.99 +3.99 above APPENDIX C. NORTH CAROLINA DROUGHT STATUS MAPS North Carolina Division of Water Resources January 31, 2014 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 — 30 DO — 20 D1 — 10 D2 D3 D4 n North Carolina Division of Water Resources February 28, 2014 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 — 30 DO — 20 D1 — 10 D2 D3 D4 n North Carolina Division of Water Resources March 31, 2014 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 — 30 DO — 20 D1 — 10 D2 D3 D4 n North Carolina Division of Water Resources April 30, 2014 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 — 30 DO — 20 D1 — 10 D2 D3 D4 n North Carolina Division of Water Resources May 31, 2014 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 — 30 DO — 20 D1 — 10 D2 D3 D4 n North Carolina Division of Water Resources June 30, 2014 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 — 30 DO — 20 D1 — 10 D2 D3 D4 n North Carolina Division of Water Resources July 31, 2014 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 — 30 DO — 20 D1 — 10 D2 D3 D4 n North Carolina Division of Water Resources August 31, 2014 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 — 30 DO — 20 D1 — 10 D2 D3 D4 n North Carolina Division of Water Resources September 30, 2014 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 — 30 DO — 20 D1 — 10 D2 D3 D4 n North Carolina Division of Water Resources October 31, 2014 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 — 30 DO — 20 D1 — 10 D2 D3 D4 n North Carolina Division of Water Resources November 30, 2014 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 — 30 DO — 20 D1 — 10 D2 D3 D4 n North Carolina Division of Water Resources December 31, 2014 DWR Drought Image Percentile 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 — 30 DO — 20 D1 — 10 D2 D3 D4 n APPENDIX D. HYDROGRAPHS (2014) Precipitation data obtained from Wilmington International Airport - KILM (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data H obtained from Wilmington s International Airport - KILM 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o / 2 .Q - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank a` - Brunswick County, NC - 01- 13 -038A - Restoration Tide Gauges 1 & 2 - Ecotone WM 40 - May 8, 2014 to May 15, 2014 - Readings recorded every % hour N t 24 v 18 > 12 d J 6 0 O -6 � -12 N s_ -18 O -24 L Hydrology Assessment May 2014 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 5 4 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 3 2 1 0 Y� 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% I I I I I I )e �a� ��A �e ��A �e 10, Land Management Group, Inc. —Gauge R1 (14E1636F) —Gauge R2 (16A91A8C) www.lmgroup.net Tide 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 Slide A -1 �D 0 S M N Precipitation data obtained Hydro lo Assessment t gy A May 2014 from Wilmington International 15 Airport - KILM 14 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 13 30% & 70% precipitation data H m 11 12 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — obtained from Wilmington 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g 7 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 Mitigation Bank a 4 — — — - - — — — — — — — — — - - Brunswick County, NC 3 2 - 01- 13 -038A - Restoration Tide Gauges 1 & 2 1 0 Y7 - Ecotone WM 40 - May 16, 2014 to May 31, 2014 - Readings recorded every % hour ^� ^N ^t' ^N ^N ^N ^N ^N ^t' ^N ^N NN NN ^t' �a� �a� �a� �aa �a� �a� �a'A �a1 �a'A �a'A �a'A �a'A �a'A �a'A �a'A �a'A .-. JWKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 60 > 12 d - - - 50 � 6 40 CD 0 30 -6 20 n CD -12 10 N 'a -18 c 0 -24 -10 C. N� NIX N ' N�` N� ,��x ,��` N� Nt N� ,\DX 4X ,\Dx —Gauge R1 (14E1636F) —Gauge R2 (16A91A8C) Land Management Group, Inc. Tide Slide A -2 www.lmgroup.net " Precipitation data obtained Hydrology Assessment June 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data w 12 11 obtained from Wilmington m 10 International Airport - KILM c 9 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) g .2 7 " .2 6 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella 5 Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 0-1. — - 01- 13 -038A 2 y - �- - Restoration Tide Gauges 1 & 2 1 - Ecotone WM 40 0 1 1 I I I I � - June 1, 2014 to June 15, 2014 �� �� �� �� N�' Nt ` Nt ` Ntx Nt' Nt� Ntx N�' Ntx Ntx Ntx - Readings recorded every % hour N3 ^ 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% N t 24 - 70 v 18 60 > 12 ^ — - - 50 J q �� �� e 6 - - - - 40 CD 0 30 O -6 - 20 CD � N -12 - 10 N -18 0 c O -24 -10 L V' 4j, Land Management Group, Inc. —Gauge R1 (14E1636F) —Gauge R2 (16A91A8C) www.lmgroup.net Tide Slide A -3 Precipitation data obtained Hydro lo gy A t Assessment June 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data w 12 11 obtained from Wilmington m 10 International Airport - KILM c 9 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) g o 7 ` 2 6 - - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella 5 Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 �- - 01- 13 -038A 2 - Restoration Tide Gauges 1 & 2 1 - Ecotone WM 40 0 - June 16, 2014 to June 30, 2014 �� �� �� �� N�' Nt ` Nt ` Ntx Nt' Nt� Ntx N�' Ntx Ntx Ntx - Readings recorded every % hour N3 .-. 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v � 18 a 60 � 12 - �' 1-0 - - - - 50 J � 6 40 CD 0 30 D n -6 20 CD -12 - 10 N 'D -18 0 c O -24 -10 � t R Ck D Ck ti ti ti ti I Land Management Group, Inc. —Gauge R1 (14E1636F) —Gauge R2 (16A91A8C) www.lmgroup.net Tide Slide A -4 Precipitation data obtained Hydro lo gy A t Assessment July 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data 12 11 obtained from Wilmington s 10 International Airport - KILM c g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) / 2 7 r i - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella r .2- 6 5 - Mitigation Bank a. 4 - Brunswick County, NC - 01- 13 -038A 3 2 - Restoration Tide Gauges 1 & 2 - Ecotone WM 40 1 0 — — — — i 1 — — 1 �■ i 1=7A i — — — — i Mnl""L_� - July 1, 2014 to July 15, 2014 N t, a tx p a a Na a a Na Na a Na a - Readings recorded eve % hour g every �^ �� �^ �� �^ �� �� �^ �^ �^ �� �� �� �� �� �^ .-. 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 60 d 12 — - - 50 6 - - pl— — - �- — — - - 40 CD 0 30 D -6 - - - - UUUU U U 20 n N -12 - - - - - - - - - 10 N -18 0 c O -24 -10 —Gauge R1 (14E1636F) —Gauge R2 (16A91A8C) Land Management Group, Inc www.lmgroup.net Tide Slide A -5 Precipitation data obtained Hydro lo Assessment t gy A July 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data 12 11 obtained from Wilmington s 10 International Airport - KILM c g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) / 2 7 r i - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella r .2- 6 5 - Mitigation Bank a. 4 - Brunswick County, NC - 01- 13 -038A 3 2 - Restoration Tide Gauges 1 & 2 - Ecotone WM 40 1 0 — — — — — — i 1 1 �■ i 1=7A i — — — — i Mnl""L_� - July 16, 2014 to July 31, 2014 N t, a tx � p a a Na a a Na Na a Na a - Readings recorded eve % hour g every �^ �� �^ �� �^ �� �� �^ �^ �^ �� �� �� �� �� �^ 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% N t 24 70 v 18 60 w- d12 -� _��- - -w- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 6 - - - - - 40 � 0 30 � -6 U U U U Q U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 20 n CD -12 U) '0 -18 c 0 0- -24 ! -10 N� NIX Ntx N� �� �♦� �♦� Ntx Ntx N� �� �♦� �♦� �� Ntx N� —Gauge R1 (14E1636F) —Gauge R2 (16A91A8C) Land Management Group, Inc. Tide Slide A -6 www.lmgroup.net t gy A lo Assessment Precipitation data obtained Hydro August 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 —� — = N — —"N — — — — — — — 30% & 70% precipitation data H 12 obtained from Wilmington s 11 10 —� — International Airport -KILM � g _ _ — — — — — — 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g 7 i r •Q 6 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 - 01- 13 -038A 2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - Restoration Tide Gauges 1 & 2 1 - Ecotone WM 40 0 i i I i I I I - August 1, 2014 to August 15, 2014 1�x NN 1�x NN NN ern �rx �� Nt. N� �� �� ,ern N� NN NN - Readings recorded every % hour S:5 �55 o°5 o'4 o°' �55 �0" 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 - - 60 > 12 - - - - 50 6 - - - 40 r. 0 30 n `U -6 UUU - - - L 20 y � -12 - - 10 N c -18 0 -24 -10 Nl�` N� 1�x NIX N� Land Management Group, Inc. —Gauge R1 (14E1636F) —Gauge R2 (16A91A8C) www.lmgroup.net Tide Slide A -7 t gy A lo Assessment Precipitation data obtained Hydro August 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 —� — = N — —"N — — — — — — — 30% & 70% precipitation data H 12 obtained from Wilmington s 11 10 —� — International Airport -KILM � g _ _ — — — — — — 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g 7 i r •Q 6 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 - 01- 13 -038A 2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - Restoration Tide Gauges 1 & 2 1 - Ecotone WM 40 0 - August 16, 2014 to August 31, 2014 1�x NN 1�x NN NN - Readings recorded every % hour S:5 �55 o°5 o'4 o°' �55 �0" 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 60 > 12 - - - - - 50 6 - - - - 40 r. � 0 30 � n `U -6 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 20 y CD z -12 - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 N '0 -18 0 c 0. -24 -10 "I 11� IfV 11`r tip` �� 11ro r l �y4i r� §O l� Land Management Group, Inc. —Gauge R1 (14E1636F) —Gauge R2 (16A91A8C) www.lmgroup.net Tide Slide A -8 Precipitation data obtained Hydro lo Assessment t gy A September 2014 from Wilmington International 15 Airport - KILM 14 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 13 30% & 70% precipitation data H m 12 11 obtained from Wilmington 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o - r g 7 i •Q 6 , - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - 01- 13 -038A - Restoration Tide Gauges 1 & 2 1 0 - Ecotone WM 40 - September 1, 2014 to Sept 15, 2014 - Readings recorded every % hour NN NN N� �� Nt� Nt� Ntx Ntx Nt` Ntx ^k Ntx Nt' Nt' �e� 5eQ �eQ 5eQ 5eQ 5�Q 5�Q 5zQ 5�Q 5�Q 5zQ 5eQ 5zQ 5�Q 5�Q .-. JMKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v G 18 -- 60 > 12 - - 50 J 6 - - _ - - 40 CD 0 30 -6 u u - 20 N -12 10 N -18 c 0 0. -24 ! -10 Ntk N�x Nl�' Ntk N� 1�x N� N� NIX `1% D h 'l' N —Gauge R1 (14E1636F) —Gauge R2 (16A91A8C) Land Management Group, Inc. Tide Slide A -9 www.lmgroup.net Precipitation data obtained Hydro lo gy A Assessment t September 2014 from Wilmington International 15 Airport - KILM 14 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 13 30% & 70% precipitation data H 12 m 11 obtained from Wilmington 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g - 7 r i •Q 6 , - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - 01- 13 -038A - Restoration Tide Gauges 1 & 2 1 0 - Ecotone WM 40 - September 16, 2014 to Sept 30, 2014 - Readings recorded every % hour NN NN N� �� Nt� Nt� Ntx Ntx Nt` Ntx ^k Ntx Nt' Nt' �e� 5eQ �eQ 5eQ 5eQ 5�Q 5�Q 5zQ 5�Q 5�Q 5zQ 5eQ 5zQ 5zQ 5�Q .-. JMKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 + AL 60 > 12 - — - - - - 50 J 6 - - 40 CD 0 30 -6 - - UUUU - UUU - UUUU 20 n N -12 10 N -18 c 0 O -24 ! ! -10 GJQ'Q GJQ'Q GJQ'Q GJQ'Q IQ I CJel GJQ,Q GJQ'Q �Q,Q �Q'Q GJQ'Q GJOR GJQ'Q GJQ'Q GJzq —Gauge R1 (14E1636F) —Gauge R2 (16A91A8C) Land Management Group, Inc. Tide Slide A -10 www.lmgroup.net Preci itation data obtained H d I A t October 2014 p from Wilmington International y ro ogy ssessmen Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data in 12 11 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — obtained from Wilmington 10 International Airport - KILM c 9 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) g ♦ i ° 7 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella r .2- 6 S - 7� - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mitigation Bank a 4 - - Brunswick County, NC 3 1 - 01- 13 -038A 2 - Restoration Tide Gauges 1 & 2 1 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - Ecotone WM 40 0 I I I I I - October 1, 2014 to October 15, 2014 N� Nk Ntx Nt� N� Ntx Ntx Ntx Ntx Ntx � NN Nt' Ntx NN NN - Readings recorded every % hour O o o` o� o� 0 o O o r 0 0 0 0 o O o 0 0 NV NA .-. 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 7 v c > 12 � '� J i 6 - - - _ _ - 4 0 3 v -6 U U U U - UUUUUUUUUUUUU 2 ca -12 - - - - - - - - - - - 1 N -18 0 c O -24 -1 DNN NN NN NN N D D Ntx ♦� BOG OG OG OG OG OG OG OG OG OG OG OG OG OG OG —Gauge R1 (14E1636F) —Gauge R2 (16A91A8C) Land Management Group Inc 0 0 0 � 0 CID 0 n 0 CD 0 0 www.lmgroup.net 3 Tide Slide A -11 Precipitation data obtained Hydro lo Assessment t gy A October 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data in 12 11 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — obtained from Wilmington 10 International Airport - KILM c 9 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) g ♦ i ° r 7 6 - - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .2- S 7� - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mitigation Bank a 4 - - Brunswick County, NC 3 1 - 01- 13 -038A 2 - Restoration Tide Gauges 1 & 2 1 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - Ecotone WM 40 0 I I I I I - October 15, 2014 to October 31, 2014- N� Nk Ntx Nt� N� Ntx Ntx Ntx Ntx Ntx � NN Nt' Ntx NN NN - Readings recorded every % hour o` o� O o 0 o O o r 0 C 0 0 o O o� o 0 0 NV NA .-. 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 60 6 - !� - — - - - - 40 CD 0 30 n U -6 lu uuuutu UU JuUV -1 U J j U U 20 CD -12 - - - - - - - - - - - 10 N -18 c 0 O -24 ! -10 � R D D C � D D tk D D tk G� G� O� G♦' G� N� G� G� G� G� G� G� G� G� O� G� O� "I NA' NV N ��; �"� �D�' �h fro �'l' 4 � 1O —Gauge R1 (14E1636F) —Gauge R2 (16A91A8C) Land Management Group, Inc. Tide Slide A -12 www.lmgroup.net / Precipitation data obtained ` Hydrology Assessment November 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 14 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 13 30% & 70% precipitation data H 12 11 obtained from Wilmington m 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g i r •Q 7 6 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 - Mitigation Bank - Brunswick County, NC a 4 3 - 01- 13 -038A 2 1 — — — — — — — — — — - �s - Restoration Tide Gauges 1 & 2 0 - Ecotone WM 40 i i i I I - November 1, 2014 to Nov 15, 2014 1� NN 1�1 NN Na NN NN NN NN NN QX NN NN NN NN - Readings recorded every % hour i o� o° o� o° o� oX oX o -A, o° o� o 'A, o� o -A, oAl '� �� �� 1\1 q� ll� 3� 5� /\ a� ,� 3� r 41 � � � � � ti ti ti ti ti .-. JWKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 6 _ _ _ - —' - 40 rL CD 0 30 -6 _j J JUUUUUUUU_1UUU U 20 U n N -12 - - - - - - - 10 N w -18 0 O -24 -10 OJT OAl OJT OJ O, OJT O, OJT OA O, Al OJ —Gauge R1 (14E1636F) —Gauge R2 (16A91A8C) Land Management Group, Inc. Tide Slide A -13 www.lmgroup.net / Precipitation data obtained ` Hydrology Assessment November 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data H 12 11 obtained from Wilmington m 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g - 7 i r •Q 6 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 - Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 - 01- 13 -038A 2 — — — — — — - - Restoration Tide Gauges 1 & 2 1 0 �s - Ecotone WM 40 i i i I I - November 16, 2014 to Nov 30, 2014 1� NN 1�1 NN Na NN NN NN NN NN QX NN NN NN NN - Readings recorded every % hour i o� '� o° o� o° o� oX �� �� 1\1 q� ll� oX o -A, o° o� o 'A, o� o -A, oAl 41 3� 5� /\ a� ,� 3� r � � � � � ti ti ti ti ti .-. JWKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 60 J12 ' , - - -- 50 6 — - 40 CD 0 30 n CD -6 - w I - - 20 N -12 - - - - - - - - 10 N '0 -18 0 c O -24 -10 Al .41 Al OJ' pJ' QJ �J' �J' �J' �J' OJ' �J' �J' �J' �J . b . %" ti ti ti o Land Management Group, Inc. —Gauge R1 (14E1636F) —Gauge R2 (16A91A8C) www.lmgroup.net Tide Slide A -14 / Precipitation data obtained ` Hydrology Assessment December 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data H 12 11 obtained from Wilmington m 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g - 7 i r •Q 6 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Mitigation Bank a 4 - - -- - Brunswick County, NC 3 ■ - 01- 13 -038A 2 - — — — — — — - - Restoration Tide Gauges 1 & 2 1 - Ecotone WM 40 0 I I 11 I I I I I i - December 1, 2014 to Dec 15, 2014 NN �� NN NN ^N NN NN N� Ntx NN NN NN NN NN Ntx - Readings recorded every % hour C e0 e� eC e� eC e� N 'IV N N ti ti ti ti ti 3 .-. JMKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v G 18 — - 60 1 > 12 °� A - 50 6 40 0 -1 30 (D -6 uuuuuuu UU - j 20 n N U z -12 - - - - - - - - - - - 10 N '0 -18 0 c 0. -24 ! -10 CY QO NO �O br V 4j0 —Gauge R1 (14E1636F) —Gauge R2 (16A91A8C) Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Tide Slide A -15 / Precipitation data obtained ` Hydrology Assessment December 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data H 12 11 obtained from Wilmington m 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g 7 i r •Q 6 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Mitigation Bank a 4 - - -- - Brunswick County, NC 3 ■ - 01- 13 -038A 2 - — — — — — — - - Restoration Tide Gauges 1 & 2 1 - Ecotone WM 40 0 1 I 11 I I I I I i - December 16, 2014 to Dec 31, 2014 1�x NN 1�x NN NN ^N NN NN N� Ntx NN NN NN NN NN Ntx - Readings recorded every % hour C e0 e� eC e� eC e� N 'IV N N ti ti ti ti ti 3 .-. JMKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 60 d 12 LLhAA 50 6 ilk CD 0 30 n n U CD -6 m u u - - - 20 N z -12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 N '0 -18 0 c 0- -24 -10 Ntx NV N1Y NV Nqr Or 11^ � fVO 113r DQ �� �� A' Y 0 OO ��� Land Management Group, Inc. —Gauge R1 (14E1636F) —Gauge R2 (16A91A8C) www.lmgroup.net Tide Slide A -16 Precipitation data obtained from Wilmington International Airport - KILM (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 30% & 70% precipitation data H obtained from Wilmington s International Airport - KILM 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o / 2 .Q - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank a` - Brunswick County, NC - 01- 13 -038A - Enhancement Gauges 1, 2 & 3 - Ecotone WM 40 - May 8, 2014 to May 15, 2014 - Readings recorded every % hour N t v c m d J L }r O v ca N c O I- M 24 18 12 6 0 -6 -12 -18 -24 a Hydrology Assessment May 2014 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 5 4 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 3 2 1 0 Y� 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% I I I I I I Land Management Group, Inc. —Gauge E1 (14E19E46) —Gauge E2 (14E1AC03) www.lmgroup.net Gauge E3 (14E15980) Tide 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 Slide A -1 0 S CD U) Precipitation data obtained Hydro lo Assessment t gy A May 2014 from Wilmington International 15 Airport - KILM 14 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 13 30% & 70% precipitation data H m 11 12 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — obtained from Wilmington 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g 7 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 Mitigation Bank a 4 — — — - - — — — — — — — — — - - Brunswick County, NC 3 2 - 01- 13 -038A - Enhancement Gauges 1, 2 & 3 1 0 Y7 - Ecotone WM 40 - May 16, 2014 to May 31, 2014 - Readings recorded every % hour ^� ^N ^t' ^N ^N ^N ^N ^N ^t' ^N ^N NN NN ^t' �a� �a� �a� �aa �a� �a� �a'A �a1 �a'A �a'A �a'A �a'A �a'A �a'A �a'A �a'A .-. JWKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 60 > 12 d - 50 50 --I 6 A 0 30 U -6 20 n y � ... -12 10 N 'D -18 c 0 0. -24 -10 \aX ��� 0 �a� ��� �a� ��� A ��� ��� A ' �a� ��� �aA �' NV N�� 11 00 ti� by ,P3 tip` tip' f �) —Gauge E1 (14E19E46) —Gauge E2 (14E1AC03) Land Management Group, Inc. Gauge E3 (14E15980) Tide Slide A -2 www.lmgroup.net Precipitation data obtained Hydro lo Assessment t gy A June 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data w 12 11 obtained from Wilmington m 10 International Airport - KILM c 9 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) g o 7 ` 2 6 - - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella 5 Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 �- - 01- 13 -038A 2 - Enhancement Gauges 1, 2 & 3 1 - Ecotone WM 40 0 - June 1, 2014 to June 15, 2014 �� �� �� �� N�' Nt ` Nt ` Ntx Nt' Nt� Ntx N�' Ntx Ntx Ntx - Readings recorded every % hour N3 .-. 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 - 70 v 18 60 > 12 - 50 J 6 — 40 0 30 n U -6 20 CD -12`- 10 N 'D -18 0 c O -24 -10 D N QN N l�l I�K `l;� ' V h� —Gauge E1 (14E19E46) —Gauge E2 (14E1AC03) Land Management Group, Inc. Gauge E3 (14E15980) Tide Slide A -3 www.lmgroup.net Precipitation data obtained Hydro lo Assessment t gy A June 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data w 12 11 obtained from Wilmington m 10 International Airport - KILM c 9 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) g o 7 ` 2 6 - - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella 5 Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 �- - 01- 13 -038A 2 - Enhancement Gauges 1, 2 & 3 1 - Ecotone WM 40 0 - June 16, 2014 to June 30, 2014 �� �� �� �� N�' Nt ` Nt ` Ntx Nt' Nt� Ntx N�' Ntx Ntx Ntx - Readings recorded every % hour N3 .-. 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 — — — — — — — — — — — — — 60 d12 — - — f- - 50 6 - - L 40 0 30 U -6 - - 20 CD z -12- 10 N 'D -18 WON 0 c O -24 -10 Cx �l �X '�l �l DX I�K N� —Gauge E1 (14E19E46) —Gauge E2 (14E1AC03) Land Management Group, Inc. Gauge E3 (14E15980) Tide Slide A -4 www.lmgroup.net Precipitation data obtained Hydro lo Assessment t gy A July 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data 12 11 obtained from Wilmington s 10 International Airport - KILM c g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) / 2 7 r i - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella r .2- 6 5 - Mitigation Bank a. 4 - Brunswick County, NC - 01- 13 -038A 3 2 - Enhancement Gauges 1, 2 & 3 - Ecotone WM 40 1 0 — — — — Lm — — - — �■ 1 i — — — — i Mnl""L_� - July 1, 2014 to July 15, 2014 N t, a tx p a a a a a Na Na a Na a - Readings recorded eve % hour g every �^ �� �^ �� �^ �� �� �^ �^ �^ �� �� �� �� �� �^ .-. JWKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 - 70 v 18 60 d > 12 • - - 50 6 40 CD 0 30 U -6 20 n N � �. -12 10 N 'D -18 c 0 O -24 ! -10 R Cx R R R R tk Ck tk �♦',�? ,♦? ,J ,�? ,J ,� ,J ,�? ,� �♦? �J �J �J �J .31? —Gauge E1 (14E19E46) —Gauge E2 (14E1AC03) Land Management Group, Inc. Gauge E3 (14E15980) Tide Slide A -5 www.lmgroup.net Precipitation data obtained Hydro lo Assessment t gy A July 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data 12 11 obtained from Wilmington s 10 International Airport - KILM c g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) / 2 7 r i - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella r .2- 6 5 Mitigation Bank a. 4 - Brunswick County, NC - 01- 13 -038A 3 2 - Enhancement Gauges 1, 2 & 3 - Ecotone WM 40 1 0 — — — — Lm — — - — �■ 1 i — — — — i Mnl""L_� - July 16, 2014 to July 31, 2014 , t x �x a a a a a - Readings recorded eve ry % hour �1p �Nt. �Ntx �Na �Na �^ �Nt � �^ �^ �^ �^ �^ �NN �Na �^ .-. JWKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 60 d12 50 ' 6 40 CD 0 30 U -6 U 20 0 N � Cal �. -12 - 10 co 'D -18 c 0 0. -24 -10 1♦x Ntx NtK 1♦ 1 1♦ 1 1♦x Nt, NIX Ntx r♦�` r♦� �♦�` NR ,♦tk 1♦x 1♦ 1 ♦?� J� J� J� � J� ♦?� J� J� J� J� J� J� J� J� J� N� J� �A ��� ��� �� —Gauge E1 (14E19E46) —Gauge E2 (14E1AC03) Land Management Group, Inc. Gauge E3 (14E15980) Tide Slide A -6 www.lmgroup.net t gy A lo Assessment Precipitation data obtained Hydro August 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 —� — = N — —"N — — — — — — — 30% & 70% precipitation data H 12 obtained from Wilmington s 11 10 —� — International Airport -KILM � g _ _ — — — — — 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g - 7 i r •Q 6 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 - 01- 13 -038A 2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - Enhancement Gauges 1, 2 & 3 1 - Ecotone WM 40 0 - August 1, 2014 to August 15, 2014 1�x NN 1�x NN NN - Readings recorded every % hour S:5 �55 o°5 o'4 o°' �55 �0" 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v G 18 - 60 > 12 - - 50 6 - — - - - - - - 40 CD 0 30 U -6 20 N -12 10 �. N c -18 0 O -24 -10 R R �x R R tK IP lP V �P �P ,�P �P �P l�P �P �P �P VP V Land Management Group, Inc. —Gauge E1 (14E19E46) —Gauge E2 (14E1AC03) www.lmgroup.net Gauge E3 (14E15980) Tide Slide A -7 t gy A lo Assessment Precipitation data obtained Hydro August 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 —� — = N — —"N — — — — — — — 30% & 70% precipitation data H 12 obtained from Wilmington s 11 10 —� — International Airport -KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g - 7 i r •Q 6 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 - 01- 13 -038A 2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - Enhancement Gauges 1, 2 & 3 1 - Ecotone WM 40 0 - August 16, 2014 to August 31, 2014 1�x NN 1�x NN NN - Readings recorded every % hour S:5 �55 o°5 o'4 o°' �55 �0" 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 60 > 12 - - - - - 50 J 6 - - — — - - - - 40 CD 0 30 n U -6 20 N � -12 10 �. N '0 -18 0 c 0. -24 -10 —Gauge E1 (14E19E46) —Gauge E2 (14E1AC03) Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Gauge E3 (14E15980) Tide Slide A -8 Precipitation data obtained Hydrology Assessment September 2014 from Wilmington International 15 Airport - KILM 14 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 13 30% & 70% precipitation data H m 12 11 obtained from Wilmington 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o - r g 7 i •Q 6 , - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - 01- 13 -038A - Enhancement Gauges 1, 2 & 3 1 0 - Ecotone WM 40 - September 1, 2014 to Sept 15, 2014 - Readings recorded every % hour NN NN N� �� Nt� Nt� Ntx Ntx Nt` Ntx ^k Ntx Nt' Nt' �e� 5eQ �eQ 5eQ 5eQ 5�Q 5�Q 5zQ 5�Q 5�Q 5zQ 5eQ 5zQ 5�Q 5�Q .-. JMKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 - - - 60 > 12 J - - - - 50 � 6 - 40 rL CD 0 30 5 U -6 20 n N � �. -12 10 N 'D -18 c 0 0 -24 -10 Ntk N�x Ntx Ntk N� N� NIX AXI —Gauge E1 (14E19E46) —Gauge E2 (14E1AC03) Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Gauge E3 (14E15980) Tide Slide A -9 H drolo Assessment September 2014 Precipitation data obtained from Wilmington International Y �v Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data H 12 m 11 obtained from Wilmington 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g 7 i r •Q 6 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 - 01- 13 -038A 2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - Enhancement Gauges 1, 2 & 3 1 - Ecotone WM 40 0 - September 16, 2014 to Sept 30, 2014 NN NN N� �� Nt� Nt� Ntx Ntx Nt` Ntx ^k Ntx Nt' Nt' - Readings recorded every '/2 hour �e� 5eQ �eQ 5eQ 5eQ 5�Q 5�Q 5zQ 5�Q 5�Q 5zQ 5eQ 5zQ 5�Q 5�Q JMKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 A L) Z 18 6( d12 - �� - - - - - 5( J 6 UL 4 0 0 3 0 U -6 2 0 z -12 1( N 'D -18 0 c O -24 ! -1 Nt. Ntx NtK Q C' ��Q �zQ C: Q ��Q C Land Management Group Inc ��Q ��Q —Gauge E1 (14E19E46) —Gauge E2 (14E1AC03) � � n � A www.lmgroup.net 3 Gauge E3 (14E15980) Tide Slide A -10 Preci itation data obtained H d I A t October 2014 p from Wilmington International y ro ogy ssessmen Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data in 12 11 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — obtained from Wilmington 10 International Airport - KILM c 9 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) g ♦ i ° 7 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella r .2- 6 S - 7� - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mitigation Bank a 4 - - Brunswick County, NC 3 1 - 01- 13 -038A 2 - Enhancement Gauges 1, 2 & 3 1 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - Ecotone WM 40 0 I I I I I - October 1, 2014 to October 15, 2014 N� Nk Ntx Nt� N� Ntx Ntx Ntx Ntx Ntx � NN Nt' Ntx NN NN - Readings recorded every % hour o` G` o� 0 0 0 C 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NV NA .-. 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 60 @ > 12 M - - — 50 d J 6 _. _ _ 40 0 30 v -6 20 � -12 10 N -18 0 c -24 -10 G♦ G� G♦ G♦ G G� G� G♦ G� G G� G CGS G G C —Gauge E1 (14E19E46) —Gauge E2 (14E1AC03) Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Gauge E3 (14E15980) Tide Slide A -11 0. CID n CD Preci itation data obtained H d I A t October 2014 p from Wilmington International y ro ogy ssessmen Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data in 12 11 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — obtained from Wilmington 10 International Airport - KILM c 9 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) g ♦ i ° r 7 6 - - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .2- S 7� - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mitigation Bank a 4 - - Brunswick County, NC 3 1 - 01- 13 -038A 2 - Enhancement Gauges 1, 2 & 3 1 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - Ecotone WM 40 0 I I I I I - October 15, 2014 to October 31, 2014 N� Nk Ntx Nt� N� Ntx Ntx Ntx Ntx Ntx � NN Nt' Ntx NN NN - Readings recorded every % hour 0 0 0 o` o` C 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 o� 0 0 0 NV NA .-. 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 7 v 18 6 J 12 �� - 5 6 - - -- _ 4 0 3 v -6 2 � -12 1 N -18 c 0 -24 ! -1 N� �� �� �� �� �� ♦� ♦� �� N� �� N� Ntk �� �� Nt` G G O G♦ G G G G G G G G G O G ON NV NA NV N1W —Gauge E1 (14E19E46) —Gauge E2 (14E1AC03) Land Management Group Inc 0 0 0 � 0 CID 0 n 0 CD 0 �. 0 www.lmgroup.net 3 Gauge E3 (14E15980) Tide Slide A -12 / Precipitation data obtained ` Hydrology Assessment November 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data H 12 11 obtained from Wilmington m 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g - 7 i r •Q 6 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 - Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 - 01- 13 -038A 2 — — — — — — — — — — - - Enhancement Gauges 1, 2 & 3 1 0 �s - Ecotone WM 40 i i i I I - November 1, 2014 to Nov 15, 2014 1� NN 1�1 NN Na NN NN NN NN NN QX NN NN NN NN - Readings recorded every % hour i o� '� o° o� o° o� oX �� �� 1\1 q� ll� oX o -A, o° o� o 'A, o� o -A, oAl 41 3� 5� /\ a� ,� 3� r � � � � � ti ti ti ti ti .-. JWKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v c fi T 18 60 ■ ■ A > 12 -- -- - 50 6 — - - - — - - —' -� > 40 r CID 0 30 U -6 20 N � -12 10 �. N '0 -18 0 c 0 -24 -10 O,, O, O� OJ O, OJT OJT O, OJT OX O, Al OJ —Gauge E1 (14E19E46) —Gauge E2 (14E1AC03) Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Gauge E3 (14E15980) Tide Slide A -13 / Precipitation data obtained ` Hydrology Assessment November 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data H 12 m 11 obtained from Wilmington 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g - 7 i r •Q 6 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 - Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 - 01- 13 -038A 2 — — — — — — — — — — - - Enhancement Gauges 1, 2 & 3 1 �s - Ecotone WM 40 0 i i i I I - November 16, 2014 to Nov 30, 2014 1� NN 1�1 NN Na NN NN NN NN NN QX NN NN NN NN - Readings recorded every % hour o� o° o� o° o� oX oX o -A, o° o� o 'A, o� o -A, oAl 41 JWKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 60 A CD 0 30 n U -6 20 N � -12 10 �. N '0 -18 0 c 0. -24 -10 Al .41 Al OJ' pJ' QJ �J' �J' �J' �J' '41 Al �J' Al �J ,. b . %" �. �. ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti o Land Management Group, Inc. —Gauge E1 (14E19E46) —Gauge E2 (14E1AC03) www.lmgroup.net Gauge E3 (14E15980) Tide Slide A -14 / Precipitation data obtained ` Hydrology Assessment December 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data H 12 m 11 obtained from Wilmington 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g 7 i r •Q 6 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Mitigation Bank a 4 - - -- - Brunswick County, NC 3 ■ - 01- 13 -038A 2 - — — — — — - - Enhancement Gauges 1, 2 & 3 1 - Ecotone WM 40 0 I I 11 I I I I I i - December 1, 2014 to Dec 15, 2014 NN �� NN NN ^N NN NN N� Ntx NN NN NN NN NN Ntx - Readings recorded every % hour C e0 e� eC e� eC e� N 'IV N N ti ti ti ti ti 3 JMKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 60 d12 A A - 50 6 - - - 40 CD 0 30 U -6 20 N � -12 10 �. N '0 -18 0 c 0. -24 ! -10 QO QO NO �O nJO Dc0 4j0 Land Management Group, Inc. —Gauge E1 (14E19E46) —Gauge E2 (14E1AC03) www.lmgroup.net Gauge E3 (14E15980) Tide Slide A -15 Precipitation data obtained Hydrology Assessment December 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data H 12 11 obtained from Wilmington m 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g - 7 i r •Q 6 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 — Mitigation Bank a 4 - -- -- -- - - / - Brunswick County, NC 3 �/ ■ - 01- 13 -038A 2 — — — — - Enhancement Gauges 1, 2 & 3 1 - Ecotone WM 40 0 1 I 11 I 1 I I I i 1 I 1 - December 16, 2014 to Dec 31, 2014 1�x NN �� NN NN ^N NN NN N� Nt ` NN NN NN NN NN Nk - Readings recorded every % hour C e0 e� eC e� eC e� N 'IV N N ti ti ti ti ti 3 .-. JMKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 60 d12 - - - °) _�_ A - - 50 6 - 40 CD 0 * 30 U -6 20 N � �. -12 10 N '0 -18 0 c O -24 -10 tx D D� D � D� D� D Dk �G Or � D' 1O Y 0O ��� NV ",\' NV NCY 11^ fVO 113r 1§1r —Gauge E1 (14E19E46) —Gauge E2 (14E1AC03) Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Gauge E3 (14E15980) Tide Slide A -16 t 24 U � 18 > 12 d J 6 0 CD v -6 z -12 N c -18 O -24 Hydrology Assessment May 2014 I I � I I I I I I Y7 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% I I I I I I NV \h Land Management Group, Inc. —Gauge E4 (14E17A59) —Gauge E5 (14E16092) www.lmgroup.net Gauge E6 (14E17939) Tide 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 Slide B -1 Q M n CD 0 Precipitation data obtained from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 — 30% & 70% precipitation data H 12 — 11 obtained from Wilmington m 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g \ / 2 7 •Q 6 - - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 Mitigation Bank a 4 — - Brunswick County, NC 3 - 01- 13 -038A 2 - Enhancement Gauges 4, 5 & 6 1 - Ecotone WM 40 0 - May 8, 2014 to May 15, 2014 ^� - Readings recorded every % hour t 24 U � 18 > 12 d J 6 0 CD v -6 z -12 N c -18 O -24 Hydrology Assessment May 2014 I I � I I I I I I Y7 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% I I I I I I NV \h Land Management Group, Inc. —Gauge E4 (14E17A59) —Gauge E5 (14E16092) www.lmgroup.net Gauge E6 (14E17939) Tide 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 Slide B -1 Q M n CD 0 Precipitation data obtained Hydro lo Assessment t gy A May 2014 from Wilmington International 15 Airport - KILM 14 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 13 30% & 70% precipitation data H m 11 12 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — obtained from Wilmington 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g 7 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 Mitigation Bank a 4 — — — - - — — — — — — — — — - - Brunswick County, NC 3 2 - 01- 13 -038A - Enhancement Gauges 4, 5 & 6 1 0 Y7 - Ecotone WM 40 - May 16, 2014 to May 31, 2014 - Readings recorded every % hour ^� ^N ^t' ^N ^N ^N ^N ^N ^t' ^N ^N NN NN ^t' �a� �a� �a� �aa �a� �a� �a'A �a1 �a'A �a'A �a'A �a'A �a'A �a'A �a'A �a'A .-. JWKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 - 60 d 12 - - -, A 1 1 50 J 6 - - - — 40 CD 0 30 U -6 20 N � �. -12 10 N 'D -18 c 0 0. -24 -10 N� Nix NIX N� N� Ntx 1�x NV N�� �� ,�� �o �,�. ��; �� �,� �� �� ��� �� tip' §o l� —Gauge E4 (14E17A59) —Gauge E5 (14E16092) Land Management Group, Inc. Gauge E6 (14E17939) Tide Slide B -2 www.lmgroup.net Precipitation data obtained Hydro lo Assessment t gy A June 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data w 12 11 obtained from Wilmington m 10 International Airport - KILM c 9 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) g o 7 ` 2 6 - - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella 5 Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 �- - 01- 13 -038A 2 - Enhancement Gauges 4, 5 & 6 1 - Ecotone WM 40 0 - June 1, 2014 to June 15, 2014 �� �� �� �� N�' Nt ` Nt ` Ntx Nt' Nt� Ntx N�' Ntx Ntx Ntx - Readings recorded every % hour N3 .-. 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 - 70 v 18 — -- — 60 > 12 — 50 J + � 6 — 40 0 30 n U -6 20 CD z -12`- 10 N 'D -18 0 c O -24 -10 ,,tX N l�l ND l�l t tX �X l�l I�K `l;� "�� D�� h� N N N —Gauge E4 (14E17A59) —Gauge E5 (14E16092) Land Management Group, Inc. Gauge E6 (14E17939) Tide Slide B -3 www.lmgroup.net Precipitation data obtained Hydro lo Assessment t gy A June 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data w 12 11 obtained from Wilmington m 10 International Airport - KILM c 9 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) g o 7 ` 2 6 - - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella 5 Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 �- - 01- 13 -038A 2 - Enhancement Gauges 4, 5 & 6 1 - Ecotone WM 40 0 - June 16, 2014 to June 30, 2014 �� �� �� �� N�' Nt ` Nt ` Ntx Nt' Nt� Ntx N�' Ntx Ntx Ntx - Readings recorded every % hour N3 .-. 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v d12 50 6 — - - 40 0 30 n U -6 - 20 CD z -12- 10 N 'D -18 0 c O -24 -10 Cx �l �X '�l �l DX I�K N� —Gauge E4 (14E17A59) —Gauge E5 (14E16092) Land Management Group, Inc. Gauge E6 (14E17939) Tide Slide B -4 www.lmgroup.net Precipitation data obtained Hydro lo Assessment t gy A July 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data 12 11 obtained from Wilmington s 10 International Airport - KILM c g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) / 2 7 r i - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella r .2- 6 5 Mitigation Bank a. 4 - Brunswick County, NC - 01- 13 -038A 3 2 - Enhancement Gauges 4, 5 & 6 - Ecotone WM 40 1 0 — — — — Lm — — - — �■ 1 i — — — — i Mnl""L_� - July 1, 2014 to July 15, 2014 N t, a tx p a a a a a Na Na a Na a - Readings recorded eve % hour g every �^ �� �^ �� �^ �� �� �^ �^ �^ �� �� �� �� �� �^ .-. JWKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 60 12 � 50 J � 6 - — 40 CD 0 30 U -6 20 n N � �. -12 10 N 'D -18 c 0 O -24 ! -10 R Cx R R R R tk Ck tk —Gauge E4 (14E17A59) —Gauge E5 (14E16092) Land Management Group, Inc. Gauge E6 (14E17939) Tide Slide B -5 www.lmgroup.net Precipitation data obtained Hydro lo Assessment t gy A July 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data 12 11 obtained from Wilmington s 10 International Airport - KILM c g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) / 2 7 r i - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella r .2- 6 5 Mitigation Bank a. 4 - Brunswick County, NC - 01- 13 -038A 3 2 - Enhancement Gauges 4, 5 & 6 - Ecotone WM 40 1 0 — — — — Lm — — - — �■ 1 i — — — — i Mnl""L_� - July 16, 2014 to July 31, 2014 , t x �x a a a a a - Readings recorded eve ry % hour �^ �Nt �1p �Nt. �Na �Na �Na �^ � �^ �^ �^ �^ �NN �Na �^ .-. JWKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 60 d12 _ _� 50 J � 6 — 40 rL CD 0 30 U-6 - 20 n N � �. z -12 10 N 'D -18 c V 1 0 0. -24 -10 ♦?� J� J� J� J� ♦?� J� J� J� J� J� J� J� J� J� J� —Gauge E4 (14E17A59) —Gauge E5 (14E16092) Land Management Group, Inc. Gauge E6 (14E17939) Tide Slide B -6 www.lmgroup.net t gy A lo Assessment Precipitation data obtained Hydro August 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc - climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 —� — — IN — 30% & 70% precipitation data H 12 11 obtained from Wilmington s 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g - 7 i r •Q 6 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 - 01- 13 -038A 2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - Enhancement Gauges 4, 5 & 6 1 - Ecotone WM 40 0 - August 1, 2014 to August 15, 2014 1�x NN �� NN NN - Readings recorded every % hour S:5 �55 o°5 o'4 o°' �55 �0" 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 -- 60 > 12 - A A- 50 d J 6 - — — - 40 rL CD 0 I 30 -6 20 N -12 10 �. N c -18 0 O -24 -10 Land Management Group, Inc. —Gauge E4 (14E17A59) —Gauge E5 (14E16092) www.lmgroup.net Gauge E6 (14E17939) Tide Slide B -7 t gy A lo Assessment Precipitation data obtained Hydro August 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 —� — = N — —"N — — — — — — — 30% & 70% precipitation data H 12 obtained from Wilmington s 11 10 —� — International Airport -KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g - 7 i r •Q 6 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 - 01- 13 -038A 2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - Enhancement Gauges 4, 5 & 6 1 - Ecotone WM 40 0 - August 16, 2014 to August 31, 2014 1�x NN 1�x NN NN - Readings recorded every % hour S:5 �55 o°5 o'4 o°' �55 �0" 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 60 J r � 6 - - 40 rL CD 0 30 n U -6 20 N � -12 10 �. N '0 -18 0 c 0. -24 -10 P�� NV .A, N �� �O 1� I 1�r 1� 4j 1 y �� �Qj I —Gauge E4 (14E17A59) —Gauge E5 (14E16092) Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Gauge E6 (14E17939) Tide Slide B -8 Precipitation data obtained Hydrology Assessment September 2014 from Wilmington International 15 Airport - KILM 14 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 13 30% & 70% precipitation data H m 12 11 obtained from Wilmington 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) 0 - r 8 7 i •Q 6 , - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - 01- 13 -038A - Enhancement Gauges 4, 5 & 6 1 0 - Ecotone WM 40 - September 1, 2014 to Sept 15, 2014 - Readings recorded every % hour NN NN N� �� Nt� Nt� Ntx Ntx Nt` Ntx ^k Ntx Nt' Nt' �e� 5eQ �eQ 5eQ 5eQ 5�Q 5�Q 5zQ 5�Q 5�Q 5zQ 5eQ 5zQ 5�Q 5�Q N `br V rte^ N'b NV NY N �N .-. JMKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 60 d12 -- 50 J 6 — - - - 40 CD 0 30 U-6 - 20 n N � �. -12 10 N 'D -18 c 0 0. -24 -10 Ntk N�x Ntx Ntk N� N� N� NIX AXI —Gauge E4 (14E17A59) —Gauge E5 (14E16092) Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Gauge E6 (14E17939) Tide Slide B -9 Precipitation data obtained Hydrology Assessment September 2014 from Wilmington International 15 Airport - KILM 14 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 13 30% & 70% precipitation data H 12 m 11 obtained from Wilmington 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g - 7 r i •Q 6 , - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - 01- 13 -038A - Enhancement Gauges 4, 5 & 6 1 0 - Ecotone WM 40 - September 16, 2014 to Sept 30, 2014 - Readings recorded every % hour NN NN N� �� Nt� Nt� Ntx Ntx Nt` Ntx ^k Ntx Nt' Nt' �e� 5eQ �eQ 5eQ 5eQ 5�Q 5�Q 5zQ 5�Q 5�Q 5zQ 5eQ 5zQ 5�Q 5�Q .-. JMKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 60 d12 -_ - -- • 50 6 — — - - - 40 0 ^ n_ _.� J�,ti �.� 30 CD U -6 20 N � �. -12 10 N 'D -18 c 0 O -24 ! -10 GJQ'Q GJQ'Q GJQ'Q GJQ'Q IQ I CJel GJQ,Q GJQ'Q �Q,Q �Q'Q GJQ'Q GJOR GJQ'Q GJQ'Q GJzq —Gauge E4 (14E17A59) —Gauge E5 (14E16092) Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Gauge E6 (14E17939) Tide Slide B -10 " Precipitation data obtained Hydrology Assessment October 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data in 12 11 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — obtained from Wilmington 10 International Airport - KILM c 9 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) g 7 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .2- 6 S - Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 - 01- 13 -038A 2 - Enhancement Gauges 4, 5 & 6 1 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - Ecotone WM 40 0 I I I I I - October 1, 2014 to October 15, 2014 N� Nk Ntx Nt� N� Ntx Ntx Ntx Ntx Ntx � NN Nt' Ntx NN NN - Readings recorded every % hour C o` r C o� o� o� C o� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .-. 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 — 60 12 � 50 J � � 6 — - 40 CD —� 30 n U -6 20 N � �. -12 10 N 'D -18 0 c 0. -24 -10 CGS G G C —Gauge E4 (14E17A59) —Gauge E5 (14E16092) Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Gauge E6 (14E17939) Tide Slide B -11 Precipitation data obtained Hydro lo Assessment t gy A October 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data in 12 11 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — obtained from Wilmington 10 International Airport - KILM c 9 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) g ♦ i ° r 7 6 - - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .2- S 7� - - - - - - - - - - - - - Mitigation Bank a 4 - - Brunswick County, NC 3 1 - 01- 13 -038A 2 - Enhancement Gauges 4, 5 & 6 1 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - - Ecotone WM 40 0 I I I I I - October 15, 2014 to October 31, 2014 N� Nk Ntx Nt� N� Ntx Ntx Ntx Ntx Ntx � NN Nt' Ntx NN NN - Readings recorded every 1/2 hour o` o` 0 0 0 C 0 0 r 0 C 0 0 0 0 o� C 0 0 NV NA .-. 111111111111KILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 60 > 12 50 J 6 40 CD 0 30 U -6 20 n N � �. -12 10 N 'D -18 c 0 0. -24 ! -10 N� ♦� ♦� N� N� Ntk NtK G G O G♦ G G G G G G G G G O G ON NV NA NV N —Gauge E4 (14E17A59) —Gauge E5 (14E16092) Land Management Group, Inc. Gauge E6 (14E17939) Tide Slide B -12 www.lmgroup.net Precipitation data obtained Hydrology Assessment November 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data H 12 m 11 obtained from Wilmington 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g 7 i r •Q 6 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 – Mitigation Bank a 4 - Brunswick County, NC 3 _ - 01- 13 -038A 2 — — — — — — � — — — — — Y - Enhancement Gauges 4, 5 & 6 1 - Ecotone WM 40 0 i i i I I - November 1, 2014 to Nov 15, 2014 1� NN 1�1 NN Na NN NN NN NN NN QX NN NN NN NN - Readings recorded every % hour o� o° o� o° o� oX oX o-A o° o� o 'A, o� o -A, oAl o� ^ JWKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 60 > 12 50 6 _hAA 1 40 CD 0 r r ■ ■ ■ ■ r•i j 30 U -6 20 N � -12 10 �. N 'D -18 0 c 0. -24 -10 O, OAl OJT OAl OJT OJ OX OJT O, OJT OX O, Al OJ —Gauge E4 (14E17A59) —Gauge E5 (14E16092) Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Gauge E6 (14E17939) Tide Slide B -13 / Precipitation data obtained ` Hydrology Assessment November 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 14 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 13 30% & 70% precipitation data H 12 11 obtained from Wilmington m 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g i - 7 r •Q 6 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 - Mitigation Bank - Brunswick County, NC a 4 3 - 01- 13 -038A 2 1 — — — — — — — — — — - �s - Enhancement Gauges 4, 5 & 6 0 - Ecotone WM 40 i i i I I - November 16, 2014 to Nov 30, 2014 1� NN 1�1 NN Na NN NN NN NN NN QX NN NN NN NN - Readings recorded every % hour i o� o° o� o° o� oX oX o-A o° o� o 'A, o� o -A, oAl '� �� �� 1\1 q� ll� 3� 5� \� a� ,� 3� r o� � � � � � ti ti ti ti ti .-. JWKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 60 12 � 50 ' , � � J � 6 - - — - 40 CD 0 30 U -6 20 n N � �. -12 10 N '0 -18 c 0 0. -24 -10 Al Al Al OJ' lb 1� 4�� 0� pJ' O� QJ �' �J' �J' �J' pJ' �J' Al Al �J J `�� `L� "�� Cx� h� O� 1� —Gauge E4 (14E17A59) —Gauge E5 (14E16092) Land Management Group, Inc. Gauge E6 (14E17939) Tide Slide B -14 www.lmgroup.net / Precipitation data obtained ` Hydrology Assessment December 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data H 12 11 obtained from Wilmington m 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g 7 i r •Q 6 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Mitigation Bank a 4 - - -- - Brunswick County, NC 3 ■ - 01- 13 -038A 2 - — — — — — — - - Enhancement Gauges 4, 5 & 6 1 - Ecotone WM 40 0 I I 11 I I I I I i - December 1, 2014 to Dec 15, 2014 NN �� NN NN ^N NN NN N� Ntx NN NN NN NN NN Ntx - Readings recorded every % hour C e0 e� eC e� eC e� N 'IV N N ti ti ti ti ti 3 .-. JMKILM Raingauge —30 day total 30% —70% t 24 70 v 18 60 > 12 50 J 6 40 CD 0 30 U -6 20 n N � �. -12 10 N '0 -18 0 c 0. -24 ! -10 QO QO NO �O nJO Dc0 4j0 —Gauge E4 (14E17A59) —Gauge E5 (14E16092) Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Gauge E6 (14E17939) Tide Slide B -15 / Precipitation data obtained ` Hydrology Assessment December 2014 from Wilmington International Airport - KILM 15 (www.nc- climate.ncsu.edu) 14 13 30% & 70% precipitation data H 12 11 obtained from Wilmington m 10 International Airport - KILM g 1971 -2000 (wcc.nres.usda.gov) o g 7 i r •Q 6 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella .5 5 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Mitigation Bank a 4 - - -- - Brunswick County, NC 3 ■ - 01- 13 -038A 2 - — — - - Enhancement Gauges 4, 5 & 6 1 - Ecotone WM 40 0 I I 11 I I I I I i - December 16, 2014 to Dec 31, 2014 1�x NN �� NN NN ^N NN NN N� Ntx NN NN NN NN NN Ntx - Readings recorded every % hour C e0 e� eC e� eC e� N 'IV N N ti ti ti ti ti 3 .-. JMKILM Raingauge -30 day total 30% -70% t 24 70 v 18 60 > 12 50 d A J 6 - 40 CD 0 30 n U -6 20 N � �. -12 10 N '0 -18 0 c O -24 -10 tx D ND D � tx D� tx D� D tx tk N ^ Q O 3 O D O OO �� O Y O � If 111, lf� —Gauge E4 (14E17A59) —Gauge E5 (14E16092) Land Management Group, Inc. www.lmgroup.net Gauge E6 (14E17939) Tide Slide B -16 40 30 20 N 10 ,s U S". O ct 0 U W N M -10 -20 -30 Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation -40 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank —Gauge C1 - 14E16065 —Gauge C2 - 14E1572B - Brunswick County, NC Gauge C3 - A28A7B6 —Gauge C4 - 14E173CD - 01- 13 -038A - Channel Gauges 1, 2, 3 & 4 Tide —Top of Bank (0 ") - May 7, 2014 to May 15, 2014 - Readings recorded every %2 hour Land Management Group, Inc. - Tide information: Cape Fear River Harmonic Stn 2849 www.LMGroup.net 70 60 50 40 y CD 30 n 20 10 0 -10 Slide A -1 70 30 20 4i 10 U �i O 0 U (i1 N � -10 -20 -30 Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation V V V 70 60 50 40 h--j 30 n CD 20 10 0 -40 -10 Ne ti^ tip' ti� tio' ti~ titi tip' ti� tih �O' �� _�r - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank —Gauge C1 - 14E16065 —Gauge C2 - 14E1572B - Brunswick County, NC —Gauge C3 - A28A7B6 —Gauge C4 - 14E173CD - 01- 13 -038A - Channel Gauges 1, 2, 3 & 4 Tide —Top of Bank (0 ") - May 16, 2014 to May 31, 2014 - Readings recorded every 1/2 hour Land Management Group, Inc. - Tide information: Cape Fear River Harmonic Stn 2849 www.LMGroup.net Slide A -2 40 30 20 10 U S~ O 0 U (il N -10 -20 -30 -40 ti� ti� 1� tib a9 4i� O 5 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank - Brunswick County, NC - 01- 13 -038A - Channel Gauges 1, 2, 3 & 4 - June 1, 2014 to June 15, 2014 - Readings recorded every 1/2 hour - Tide information: Cape Fear River Harmonic Stn 2849 Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation .fib 1R ti� tiA .fib 1A 'tiA �A 1� 1� 0' 1' 4f q' �� ,�V �� .�,+• tea' �5' —Gauge C1 - 14E 16065 —Gauge C2 - 14E 1572B —Gauge C3 - A28A7B6 —Gauge C4 - 14E173CD [::]Tide — Top of Bank (0 ") Land Management Group, Inc. www.LMGroup.net 70 60 50 40 h--j G1. 30 n CD 20 10 0 -10 Slide A -3 Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation 40 30 - - n 4i to — 1 ji O ! � Q r-. -10 - - - - - - - - - - '1 1111 VQ, o11P�1�1P�,IP�PgVi�ugVuVuVVPQP� -40 1 1 1 1 1 S`St' S`9 S`tt� S`S4 S`lS` S`t9 S�9 S`19 ��'• � ^, tip, ti°�, S`tO �,�, �� S4'4 'LR' S� �`�, 2.�` S`lS �,`�, Sy{. ��. SJS' �, ^, �,�' S40 2q, ^��, - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank - Brunswick County, NC - 01- 13 -038A - Channel Gauges 1, 2, 3 & 4 - June 15, 2014 to June 30, 2014 - Readings recorded every 1/2 hour - Tide information: Cape Fear River Harmonic Stn 2849 —Gauge C1 - 14E 16065 —Gauge C2 - 14E 1572B —Gauge C3 - A28A7B6 —Gauge C4 - 14E173CD 0 Tide —Top of Bank (0 ") Land Management Group, Inc. www.LMGroup.net 70 60 50 40 30 n CCD 20 10 0 -10 Slide A -4 40 30 20 10 U O 0 U (il N -10 -20 -30 Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation -40 cv - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank —Gauge C1 - 14E16065 —Gauge C2 - 14E1572B - Brunswick County, NC —Gauge C3 - A28A7B6 —Gauge C4 - 14E173CD - 01- 13 -038A - Channel Gauges 1, 2, 3 & 4 OTide —Top of Bank (0 ") - July 1, 2014 to July 15, 2014 - Readings recorded every 1/2 hour Land Management Group, Inc. - Tide information: Cape Fear River Harmonic Stn 2849 www.LMGroup.net 70 60 50 40 h--j G1. 30 n CD 20 10 0 -10 Slide A -5 40 30 20 � 10 U O 0 N W S~ -10 -20 -30 Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation -40 ♦b ti^ l4 tiq ti� �ti tiry ti� ti� tih ti� �1 ti� ry°1 „�O "�'� - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank —Gauge C1 - 14E 16065 —Gauge C2 - 14E 1572B - Brunswick County, NC —Gauge C3 - A28A7B6 —Gauge C4 - 14E173CD - 01- 13 -038A - Channel Gauges 1, 2, 3 & 4 OTide —Top of Bank (0 ") - July 16, 2014 to July 31, 2014 - Readings recorded every 1/2 hour Land Management Group, Inc. - Tide information: Cape Fear River Harmonic Stn 2849 www.LMGroup.net 70 60 50 40 h--j G1. 30 n CD 20 10 0 -10 Slide A -6 40 30 20 10 U O 0 N W S~ -10 Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation � n -40 ;irk ti� ti� tia �a �� irk ti� �� �� irk tirk irk �a �rx J4o Pad Paao PSG PJ4o PJ6o Pp4o �a� Pp4o �a¢o Pa4o PJ6a PJbo Pabo P.'�" N - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank —Gauge C1 - 14E 16065 —Gauge C2 - 14E 1572B - Brunswick County, NC —Gauge C3 - A28A7B6 —Gauge C4 - 14E173CD - 01- 13 -038A - Channel Gauges 1, 2, 3 & 4 OTide —Top of Bank (0 ") - August 1, 2014 to August 15, 2014 - Readings recorded every 1/2 hour Land Management Group, Inc. - Tide information: Cape Fear River Harmonic Stn 2849 www.LMGroup.net 70 60 50 40 h--j +W 30 . n CD 20 10 M -10 Slide A -7 U O cd N W Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation 70 30 70 60 20 50 10 - I - - — - - 40 0 ����� � i ������� 30 -10 -20 -30 Y ' -40 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank —Gauge C1 - 14E 16065 —Gauge C2 - 14E 1572B - Brunswick County, NC —Gauge C3 - A28A7B6 —Gauge C4 - 14E173CD - 01- 13 -038A - Channel Gauges 1, 2, 3 & 4 1]Tide —Top of Bank (0 ") - August 16, 2014 to August 31, 2014 - Readings recorded every 1/2 hour Land Management Group, Inc. - Tide information: Cape Fear River Harmonic Stn 2849 www.LMGroup.net -10 G1. n CD Slide A -8 20 u 0 -40 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank —Gauge C1 - 14E 16065 —Gauge C2 - 14E 1572B - Brunswick County, NC —Gauge C3 - A28A7B6 —Gauge C4 - 14E173CD - 01- 13 -038A - Channel Gauges 1, 2, 3 & 4 1]Tide —Top of Bank (0 ") - August 16, 2014 to August 31, 2014 - Readings recorded every 1/2 hour Land Management Group, Inc. - Tide information: Cape Fear River Harmonic Stn 2849 www.LMGroup.net -10 G1. n CD Slide A -8 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank —Gauge C1 - 14E 16065 —Gauge C2 - 14E 1572B - Brunswick County, NC —Gauge C3 - A28A7B6 —Gauge C4 - 14E173CD - 01- 13 -038A - Channel Gauges 1, 2, 3 & 4 1]Tide —Top of Bank (0 ") - August 16, 2014 to August 31, 2014 - Readings recorded every 1/2 hour Land Management Group, Inc. - Tide information: Cape Fear River Harmonic Stn 2849 www.LMGroup.net -10 G1. n CD Slide A -8 40 30 20 10 U O 0 9 N W S~ -10 -20 -30 -40 SzR Su4 5�4 Sd,4 Sd,4 5� 0� 5� Sz4 5¢,4 5¢,4 5e,4 5e,4 Si4 5i4 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank —Gauge C1 - 14E 16065 —Gauge C2 - 14E 1572B - Brunswick County, NC —Gauge C3 - A28A7B6 —Gauge C4 - 14E173CD - 01- 13 -038A - Channel Gauges 1, 2, 3 & 4 O Tide —Top of Bank (0 ") - September 1, 2014 to September 15, 2014 - Readings recorded every 1/2 hour Land Management Group, Inc. - Tide information: Cape Fear River Harmonic Stn 2849 www.LMGroup.net Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation 70 60 50 40 h--j G1. 30 n CD 20 10 0 -10 Slide A -9 Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation 40 70 30 60 20 10 U O 0 9 N W -10 -20 -30 50 40 h--j G1. 30 n CD 20 10 0 -40 1 1 1 1 -10 >b 1^ 1� 1°1 ti� ti� tiry ti� tia ti5 ti� ti^ ti� tiq ^�� - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank —Gauge C1 - 14E 16065 —Gauge C2 - 14E 1572B - Brunswick County, NC —Gauge C3 - A28A7B6 —Gauge C4 - 14E173CD - 01- 13 -038A - Channel Gauges 1, 2, 3 & 4 OTide —Top of Bank (0 ") - September 16, 2014 to September 30, 2014 - Readings recorded every 1/2 hour Land Management Group, Inc. Slide A -10 - Tide information: Cape Fear River Harmonic Stn 2849 www.LMGroup.net 40 30 20 10 U O 0 N W S~ -10 -20 -30 -40 .lP ,fib ti l h' b 1V - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank —Gauge C1 - 14E 16065 —Gauge C2 - 14E 1572B - Brunswick County, NC —Gauge C3 - A28A7B6 —Gauge C4 - 14E173CD - 01- 13 -038A - Channel Gauges 1, 2, 3 & 4 1]Tide —Top of Bank (0 ") - October 1, 2014 to October 15, 2014 - Readings recorded every 1/2 hour Land Management Group, Inc. - Tide information: Cape Fear River Harmonic Stn 2849 www.LMGroup.net Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation �b lP 1P O�w 70 60 50 40 h--j G1. 30 n CD 20 10 0 -10 Slide A -11 40 30 20 10 U O 0 N W S~ -10 -20 -30 Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation -40 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank — Gauge C 1 - 14E 16065 — Gauge C2 - 14E 1572B - Brunswick County, NC —Gauge C3 - A28A7B6 —Gauge C4 - 14E173CD - 01- 13 -038A - Channel Gauges 1, 2, 3 & 4 OTide —Top of Bank (0 ") - October 16, 2014 to October 31, 2014 - Readings recorded every 1/2 hour Land Management Group, Inc. - Tide information: Cape Fear River Harmonic Stn 2849 www.LMGroup.net 70 60 50 40 30 n CD 20 10 M -10 Slide A -12 Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation 40 30 U O 0 N W -10 _20 -30 r -40 boa boa boa boa boa �o� �oa boa boa �o� boa boa boa boa boa I V q tio' ti^ tip` tih - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank —Gauge C1 - 14E 16065 —Gauge C2 - 14E 1572B - Brunswick County, NC —Gauge C3 - A28A7B6 —Gauge C4 - 14E173CD - 01- 13 -038A - Channel Gauges 1, 2, 3 & 4 [::]Tide — Top of Bank (0 ") - November 1, 2014 to November 15, 2014 - Readings recorded every 1/2 hour Land Management Group, Inc. - Tide information: Cape Fear River Harmonic Stn 2849 www.LMGroup.net 70 60 50 40 h--j 30 n CD 20 10 0 -10 Slide A -13 40 30 20 10 U O 0 9 N W S~ -10 -20 -30 Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation -40 1 1 1 1 tiP tiP 7� }�` 1� 1tk ti� tiR tib 1� L� }tk }a 1�` tiR ti' � � � ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ^� - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank —Gauge C1 - 14E 16065 —Gauge C2 - 14E 1572B - Brunswick County, NC —Gauge C3 - A28A7B6 —Gauge C4 - 14E173CD - 01- 13 -038A - Channel Gauges 1, 2, 3 & 4 t] Tide —Top of Bank (0 ") - November 16, 2014 to November 30, 2014 - Readings recorded every 1/2 hour Land Management Group, Inc. - Tide information: Cape Fear River Harmonic Stn 2849 www.LMGroup.net 70 60 50 40 h--j G1. 30 n CD 20 10 0 -10 Slide A -14 Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation 40 -20 -30 70 60 50 r� 40 v -40 ��c 1, W _p, tiff _,). N . - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank —Gauge C1 - 14E 16065 —Gauge C2 - 14E 1572B - Brunswick County, NC —Gauge C3 - A28A7B6 —Gauge C4 - 14E173CD - 01- 13 -038A - Channel Gauges 1, 2, 3 & 4 Tide —Top of Bank (0 ") - December 1, 2014 to December 15, 2014 - Readings recorded every 1/2 hour Land Management Group, Inc. - Tide information: Cape Fear River Harmonic Stn 2849 www.LMGroup.net 30 n CD 20 M -10 Slide A -15 30 - 20 - - 10 - - U O . r, 0 N W S~ -10 -20 -30 70 60 50 r� 40 v -40 ��c 1, W _p, tiff _,). N . - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank —Gauge C1 - 14E 16065 —Gauge C2 - 14E 1572B - Brunswick County, NC —Gauge C3 - A28A7B6 —Gauge C4 - 14E173CD - 01- 13 -038A - Channel Gauges 1, 2, 3 & 4 Tide —Top of Bank (0 ") - December 1, 2014 to December 15, 2014 - Readings recorded every 1/2 hour Land Management Group, Inc. - Tide information: Cape Fear River Harmonic Stn 2849 www.LMGroup.net 30 n CD 20 M -10 Slide A -15 Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation 40 30 20 � ]0 U O 0 N W S~ -10 -20 o 1 II � -30 -40 0G 0V 0�' �G �G 0v 0G 0G 0G F,G LG 2G 2G 0G QG 0G 9 ,4 �0 q9 09 ti9 V� �A �0 5� b� O �0 q9 00 tiA 1 b � 1 - Lower Cape Fear Umbrella Mitigation Bank — Gauge C 1 - 14E 16065 — Gauge C2 - 14E 1572B - Brunswick County, NC —Gauge C3 - A28A7B6 —Gauge C4 - 14E173CD - 01- 13 -038A - Channel Gauges 1, 2, 3 & 4 E:]Tide —Top of Bank (0 ") - December 16, 2014 to December 31, 2014 - Readings recorded every 1/2 hour Land Management Group, Inc. - Tide information: Cape Fear River Harmonic Stn 2849 www.LMGroup.net 70 60 50 40 30 n CD 20 10 0 -10 Slide A -16