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GW1--03246_Well Construction - GW1_20230511
• 'WELL CONS'CRUCTION RECORD Far Hernal Use ONLY; This form can be used far single or multiple wells I.Wdi.Ct iitractoc Information: 1 41..A AT'LRZONES . . • . . Brian Ewing FROM 'TO DF$4.iIPTlON WelI Corartclor 14:nn4. ft. ft. I . 4240-B R. R. NC Well Conlraclar Certification Thurbert&:0UTER CASING deim4tl=rised-oc115).OR LINER till.d :atable):. . . _ . moat To - DIAMETER TITICKNESS a MATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 ft, 10 (l. 1" in. SCH-40 PVC • (.ant]r;uq•Naptc. , T.MANNER CASING OR TQItBtNG:( iibeiruui cttrsed-milli.; . _ FROM TO . DIAMETER. TIIIWKNESS MIATERIAL 2.Weitt Construction Penult*: It, It. ut. lilt all applicable v,.ellpeneits(i.e.County..)-(file,Varimrrr,lrydC7i co.('rr.) ft. It. in 3.'Wcll Use(eller!:well use): - '17.SCREEN . -- _ - - Water Supply VeI1:' EtiOM TO ttrAMRTER sr.(ITsin Ttti(;KSI s MMArrnr.sr, 0Agricultural 0.Mti]iicipaliPubhic . • 10 ft. 20 R. 1." In oi0 sex-4o PVC I Geothemat(Ideating/Cooling'Supply) DResiidentiai•WaterSupply(single) (t. rt. in, ©ludustriaUContntcrcial DRcidential linter Supply(slurred) 't8:GROUT - I FROa1 TO. .IiATERLaL EMPL10E7IENTalE11110D&A110LINT I Olrrigation 'ft ft. Notl4.Ite'rSupplyWell: h. tt. • . . RIMt nitarini; I:Recovery Injection Well: ft.• ft. D aquifer Recharge G7Gronndaatcr Rciucdialion .t9:SAND1(7{AVEL t•ACK alulii licbt:t' .. - - : - -FROMTO alATKRrAI. RUPi. CMIENt merino] ❑AgnifcrStoragc and Rccm'i n' .DSalinity flamed 8 It. 20 tt. FILTER SAND # 2 ❑Aquifer Test DStornisTatcr nrtina a rt.. ft, °Exp rimental Toz.hnology DSlihsidcnec C4ltiml ' tn.DRILLING LOG7altach addltiiniatgheets ifiteeessnn'1 OGeoiltenilal(Closed Loop) DTraeer ROM To • Dri5CRtvTION(color.It 111,01,xiiVnIC;tr1A..Vsinarcaim) ❑Cre+othennal(Heatine/Cuolillg Retur) DOther(explain under.l2I Retuaths) 0 At. 10 ft. FILL SILT AND SAND • 10 ft. 20 ft. WET SAND CLAY 4.Date Weli(s)Completed: 4-3-23. Welt int/PI-PZ-1 „ ft. rL ��- j a,x g ���!—}}}y,,, 54.Well Location: .ft. ft. , ., „,i+ 4' Allison Pini ft. ft. ®MAY i 1 20Z3 Facil€tyAttr o:rNamc Facility Mk(ifappli:able) 405 Jax Ct., Fayetteville, NC, 28312 ft. ft. lnfcr�;` rC+7�t,s ;it 1!tt Physical Address_Cit..and Zi tea• '"�' • l. S P 3 L.REM11.tRI{S' . . , Cumberland PIEZOMETER INSTALLED. BENTONITE SEAL 6 TO Comity Parcel hici tiftcatlnu No,(PINT ' 8' 5h..i.:ttitudc'and l.ongituitc in degrees/minutes/secondsoi'deeintal degrees; 12,Certification: (if u cif fxid,Ogal;ti.Tgugi;iodtiCktd) ' N '1V Brian Ewing.. 4/12/2023 Signature.afCcrtificd Well Contrrctoi Dale 6.Is(ore)the R'el!(s): 17Plotllattettt or SITeul1(orar}' try 5'i$nhrj Mix_Oita..1 hereby cerrifv thni the❑vdiiay nn (Hyrrej aor4Inwted ar.aatorthrn ce ri.(i 154,YGtC 02C,010,9 fir 1 SA NCAC 02C,0200 N i ll ConsNaction Starukrrds and rhar a 7.Is this a repair to an eiisting went °Yes or XNtl 'reirs.of rhi.,rerorri hhs bean prnrided di the well choler, if thls:it ft-i.i r,fill f(tr krtouw WO rvtra,tnrrtlafi irfilreuuion rttt;l t tplain the norms of the (*lair o der 021-rOmocks secirun or at the bark-of this form. 23:Site diagram or additiouat,well detaits: You may use the back of this page•to provide additional well she details.or Well 8.Number of wells contracted: 1 construction details. You inac'also albeit additional Pages if necessary. For trudripTe!njecrhan or arum-natter supply welds ONLY mirk the armor corrs(rirrriar,you can sukmir one farm. $CTBh1iTTAL iNSTUCTiONS 9.Total welt depth below hind surface; 20 (('t•) 244 Fur All Wells: Submit this form within 311 days of completion of well For innlriplc icells—&t rdl depths ifdiffart•nt lexarnpie•-3@?,Pf'an 1.263. D) construction to the foltolsingg: 10.Static.Inter kr-rel below top of casing: 040 Iliris°tun of Witer Resources,Information Processing Uilit, if natter lcvrl Is idiom!t'ciusitt;.itv"t" £617 hlait.Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 It,Borehole diameter,2.25" (in.) 24b.For Injection'kVetls ONLY: In addition to sending the Cann to the address hi 24aabove. also submit a copy of this form within 30 days-of completion of well 12.Well construction method:DRIVEN - cottsti melba to the following - (i.e.anger.rc(ary,cable,direct push.ate.) ' . Division of Water Resources,Underground injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27659-1636 f3, Field Method of test: 14e._For Water Supply'&Injection.Wells: 4 (g(InI) Also submit one'copy of this Than Within'30 days of completion of 13b.Disinfection hoe: Amount: well construction to the county health department of We coilnty where constructed. ; j Funs GW.1 Nonh Carolina fxpaamein of EE)t•mnunenr and Natural Resources-Division of Wailer Rantrca Revised August ND