HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03245_Well Construction - GW1_20230511 'WELL CONSTRUCTION.RECORD Far Internal Usc ONLY: i ' vais farm can be used far single or intdtipk wells• 1.Well.Colitractor Inforuation: t1 WA-rEEaZONES • • • - . Brian Ewinq FtaO%1 iU DrSCItIPTION Well Coeur etor Name R. ft. 4240—B R. It. NCRe l CorauactorCcnifir�tianNiunc�r -tS::Ot1TER CASING(fur Midi Veti eirn-dfisy OR LINER'(ifap'licablel. ._ . FROST , ! To • DIAMETER TFnCF:NRSS MATEAtAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 ft. 10 (L• 1" in.• . SCR-40 PVC. (.'0110:un•h'autc. 16 INNER.CASING OR•TQBING thi";rihiilitaI'cW+r:d.loiij) •. • • FROM TO_ ' DIAMETER THICKNESS MATERIAL 2.'VYe1I Construction Permit#: . R. ft, in. . List di amilird!.,Wrlperrw>s(i.c.County.State,Variance.Preen r4 rs-.J R. ft, tn. 3.Well[Sse(cheek.\yell nisc): . I7:SG:RElN • `VaterSupply Well: • -_: FR051 r TO MAMMA Sr.OT5i7.E vibe Nle(S I tr,aria-nat. CIAgncultaital DMtitiicip:lll'Public 10 it. 20 R. 1" in O10 SCH-40 PVC °Geothermal(HeatinglCoolitr3 r Supply} DResidential.WateSupply(single) 6. ft in DludustrialiContorercial °Residential Water.Supply(slurred) •to GR011T i _' I PROM TO. MATERIAL I EMPLACEMENT METHOD.A AMOINi' Olrrir'ntlon . . . . . .fL ft.. Non-Vater Supply Weil: ft, ft, SdMtinitoring . DRccovery , injection Well: • ft. ft. . °Aquifer Recharge OCitontidrtster Rciitcdiation ,19:SANDIGRAVEL PACK tirtlrpuear,ttV •. • . . - -- . -B'ROSI TO SLlrt:RIAL. EMPLACEMENT SrrTtiOu - DAgnifcr Storage and Rceeveiy El Salinity Hamer' 8 R. 20 IL FILTER SAND # 2 ❑Arltrifer Test ❑Stornict atcr!Drainage DErperinicntitl Te Broke DSitbsidence.Cotdml h. . . . . 4�20:DRFLLCNG'LOG'fatlidiadilitiirnal slireIs'ifitccessan•1• OGesiltetal(Cluset[Luupl 'OTrdcer • FROM . d TO ' DESCRIPTION(oobr.htirdncti,xoIA'rnv4nisc.men srrt,dm DGr otlteimal(Hcatine Cuolitlg Return? DOther(explain under Ik2I Remarks) 0 .It. 10 ft. FILL SILT AND SAND t 10 ft. ! 20 fL WET SAND CLAY , .. '.DateWetl(s).Canrpieted: 4-3-23 WeltiD#DA—PZ—i Fes' �` 4' - • fL . ft, ri. ...i i V 1..- 5a,Well Location: .ft. ft. MAY 1 1 9023 Patsy Davis ft.. ft,• FactlityJKIwticrNauoc ' Facility IPt(irappliabls) R. ft. l g{,; u� f C""" ' y'�'ir 7242 Fire ,Department Rd„ Fayetteville, NC, 28348 ft. ft. Plgsichl Address_City..iind Zip 21:REM1f v[tAS . Cumberland PIEZOMETER INSTALLED. BENTONITE SEAL 6 TO County 1'atccl ltleadifleation No,(f iNt 8' 56,.I.iatitudc and Longitude in degtt.•cs/minutes/seconds 01'decimal degrees: 22.Certification:- - fthaeit fCtd,oat lat1OUhi%•srdtici::id) d IC ��! Brian E ofl ' 4/12/2023 Sign3turafCcititiiedWell Contractor• �R g Date 6.Is(are)the•w'ell(s): I:Permanent. or S]Temporary , !ly Aignbrl gar him,.1 hereby c•errejv rhw MN rr'edhiii mu(MrreJ etrr4irnc'red hr...r iY•ojthrnc Oult 15.4 NCAC 02C.(100 or Mt NOW o2C,0200 MU C'oastiirrrittn Standards and silos 7,Lc this a renaicto an ceistin„well: Oyes air No OW.o'frlw-rPlordJhi ss lima provided roJ1.sir II rimier.po)r . (f th(s:1%a rs ,fill e�ur kraoirit wolf cs!ua!r cthira trfctrorrarlo (Mi l rl to t1t(ahr the nttnare oftIic relmir wafer d21'remarks'Milian arion the bail of this forme. 23.Site dlai run or additional welt detnits: Yon may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details:or Well 8.Nemrller of welly constructed: 1 constluetloet details. You May aLo'atlaclt additional pages if iictessaty. For malrlple Ii*eilon err non-usurer saippJy u't?h ONLY it Wi rhe.sirrne cotrstrtrrtiatr,you on submit one form. SLiBM ITTAL iNSTUCTIONS 9.Total Welt depth beteiw-Iand surface: • 20 (ft,) 241.For Ali Wells Submit this farm within 311 days of comptctioti of well For rntrlsiplc:cells liar all depths ird.fferenr(example-30200'and.2 Gat 1017) constniction topic following: M.Static water level below top of easing: . (ft.) Divisiuu of Waiter Resources,Information Processing Unit, /firer hv.1 J.I above casia;;,bst'^+" [G17 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 2 7 699-16 17 11.Borehole diameter:2.25" . '(in.) 24b.For I)iketign Welts ONLY: in addition tosending the form to the address in 24a above. also submit a copy of this form within 39 days-of completion of well 12.Well oonsatwction method:DRIVEN construction to the follow ire: (i.e.odour,rrAu,l',cubic;diner push.c(c:J Division of Water Resource's,Unde►ground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699.1636 IJ;a Yidd(},rlinl) Method of test: 24c.For Water St pply Si Injection Wells: Also submit'one copy of this Irma within 34).days of completion of 1Jb.Disinfection typo Amount: -well canstrnctian to the county health department of tire coiinh•where • constructed. Farm GW-1 Nonit Carolina Ik someat of Encimrurvit and Natural Resources-Division of Water R tatrom Revised August 1013