HomeMy WebLinkAboutIredell_Well Abandonment_20230526 (6) WELL ABANDONMENT RECORD For lrrlannllUseONLY: i This form can be used.for single or multiptrt.wells I.Well Contractor Information: WELL ABANbf)NMENI`DETA ,S DETAILS Stefan Smith '7a.Number of wells being abandoned: 1 Wd14euracterl.arm. 4r well uwrs11 p aa1clly.uban:tanikr 4ull.oa fiisar r'proper/y) Feu. nnrinpk rtl fecunrt a.. rhea-l.i•ir(cr suppl Wells .CO,WLY wttb A. •some eamo entaar omlatun rn.irrrr or si lilt atmj'i rnr, 3576A . . . NC 1Vsq CamraaarCcrtificetion Nntl+cr 71r.Apprn:clinate volume of tratcv remaining in well('): (gal) SAEDACCO Inc FOR-WATER SUPPLY WEL.1 S.OM.Y: . Canaan)Nuns. 7e.Type of disinfectant hired: 2.Welt Cuustiuctinu Permit#:, -WM0301280, . Lt+t'all ttpipllotldc iivdlparnri&(1.e_Camay,&i:Q.larlrurc+e.Bice iris4.rYci ifromivrt 7d.Atnonnt.of.disinfectant used: • • 3.Well uSle(cheek well use): -Water Supply Well: 7e.Scaling materials used(cheer;all that apply): ❑eAgricultttnil 17htimicipil/Public f,7.NGttC.cnrciit.Grout bi 13craonitc Chips or Pellets', ❑Goothernal(Heoling,'Coollug Supply) EResidentuil Water Supply(single) El Sand Cement Grout ❑,Dry'Clay ❑IndastriaLtomnrercial ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) • El Concrete'Grout ❑Drill Callings ❑lttiration •• O Specialty Grout 0 Gnwel • • Non-Water Supply Wdll: 0 BentoniteShiny C1 Other(explain under lg)• 181Munitorine. ORecovery Injection Nell: • . 7f.For each material selected above,provide atm:motet materials used: • ❑AijaiferRccbarge ❑GruuridnalerFtentediatinn . ❑Aquifer Sianige and Reccverr ❑Sulinily Dartier• • Bentonite.:251b ,Wtr:gal. •❑Atinifcr Test •❑Stortnwuter D.raittaie -"- . -- ❑E reriuieutal To:latology OSubsideuce Corttnil 7p;Provide a brief description oldie abandonment procedure: ❑Geothermal(Closed Loop) ClTracer �.,�._,;..-,C ©Geothermal(11ettingCooling Return) ❑Other(explain under 7g), pour S 'r .\-," —ii V •o, j MAY 2 6 ?023 • 4..Date wcil(s).ahandoned: 4/26/2023.. . Sa Well location: C 1 Q1BOG Premier Tech • Faeility/0ivncrNanro Facility ins 0fapptiable} 8..Certiflealioin.111.MeNess Rd. Statesville, NC.28677 ., YI 5/9/2023 Physical Address,City,-aiid Zip Sw-�:Iirrc 0:101 cd Well Coronarot or Well gwrar U;ue • Iredell lit..naming-tins fit rrrr,.1 ltereby-eertify-that dire welts) was(were)rrhaudaned in Co WAY b PwielliLnlllloilinii NO.(PIN) ' ac-conlalrto with 1. [.lCICO2C,0100•or2(7.0200ifiil'CoisrrurrlariSlnnchrrds and Oral a cvp)r of iltis record lair been provided/a tire-troll owner. • 5b.t atitude and longitude in de ccslminutcslscionds or decimal degrees: ot‘son riolorwwlat,olI5issllnccierw) '9.Site diagram or-additional well.detaits: 35.75801180.79491 You.may.use the back-of this page to provide additional well.site details-or well N . . . • W abandonment details: You inti alsa attach additional pages if necessary. C()NSTRiICTlON.IIETAILS t)N WELL)BRING ABANDONED STUBMiTTAL INSTRUCTIONS :Ittarn my!)cnnBtructrart recurilf.)i7 aiiriilrb!iL Pcir nruhtple oblivion w•ran•wat r supply wells ONLI'u-u0 the avrnecwia acrton%atteiritirt)riant ion can iuAnril a eArm 10a: For All Welts: Submit this farm within 30 days of completion of well 6a.Well IDd:TMW_2 abandonment to the followin1, Division of Water Resources,Information Prueesing Unit; 611.Total well depth: 25 (It,) 1617 Mail-Service Ceutcr,_Raleil h,NC 27699-1617 lob.For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the fonn,to the address in 10n 6c,Borehole diameter:1 pti:} . •abroe,aka submit.one copy.of this font within 30 days-of completion of.well abaudauntenl to the following: lid.Water IeF'r l.be[nn .Division of Water Resources;.Uudergrottnd'hiject(uu Control Prrigriim, ground surface: (ft.) 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 Gc Outer casing length(if known): 15 • (ft.) 10c Fur Water Slimily.4_infection Vella: In addition to sending the form to the-address(es) above. also Submit,one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well abandeonent to the county hnihii department of the comity Where aba 6f.Inner casing tuI,wg length Of lmuwn): (ft.) doned, 6g.Street length(if Imown):10 (ft.) I Form GW-30 North Carntlrn-Depanrrr nr of En-irorancal alai Natural 1 csoreTCS-Division of Warcr tt Samos Revised Angelo 2013