HomeMy WebLinkAbout20150070 Ver 1_Emails_20150615 (2)Strickland, Bev From: Dev ne,8ovd Sent: Monday, June l5'ZUl5l:47PK4 To: Strickland, Bev Subject: PLease file in#l5'U7UUVViUovvcroft From: Reddick Rob[nlaiKo:reddickKbnlcadanlsco.conI Sent: Monday, 3une15,2015 11:54 AM To: Oevane,Boyd Subject: RE: did you get my email on last The goal was to have it to you last Friday. The forms are all completed and ready to go but we are having the geotech verify the seasonal high water table. Once we have that the documents are being emailed your way. From: Devane, Boyd [mai|to:bovd.devane@ncdenr.Rov Sent: Monday, June 15,ZU1S11:S3AM To: Reddick,Rob Subject: RE: did you get my email on last Monday? Do you have any idea how long it will take? I was supposed to place the project on an official hold. If you can get the info in this week, I will not do that. However, if you think it will take longer, I should place it on hold. That's no big deal. From: Reddick Rob[nlaiKo:reddickKbnlcadanlsco.conI Sent: Monday, ]une 15, 2015 11:49 AM To: Oevane,Boyd Subject: RE: did you get my email on last | did receive the email. My client and us are working through the required sheets you requested. VVe will send them to you as soon asvvecan! From: Devane, Boyd [mai|to:bovd.devane@ncdenr.Rov Sent: Monday, June 15,ZU1S11:Z9AM To: Reddick,Rob Subject: did you get my email on last Monday? From: Oevane,Boyd Sent: Monday, 3une08 2O152:26 PM To: 'reddick@mcadamsco.onm' Subject: will need some additional informaton This note is not an official notification but you will get an email or letter soon, sent by the appropriate staff member, documenting our need. However, in order to let you know as soon as possible, I'm sending you this note directly so you can get working on this information as soon as possible. The information needed is specified in the "ContechSupp|ement sheet. VVe will need that sheet along with the Required Item Checklist and the O&M agreement. They can all be found on the DEIVILK web page at: http://porta|.ncdenr.orR/vveb/|r/bmp'manua| Go to BIVIP Supplement Forms and then to "Proprietary Systems". See the bottom of the Excel table for the checklist and example Supplement sheet. Let me know if you have questions. F61