HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0024392_Fact Sheet_20230525 DEQ/DWR FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT DEVELOPMENT Duke Energy Carolinas LLC/McGuire Nuclear Station NC0024392 Facility Information Facility Name: McGuire Nuclear Station Address: 12700 Hagers Ferry Rd. Huntersville,NC 28078 Permitted Flow (MGD): • Not Limited County: Mecklenburg Facility Class: II Regional Office: Mooresville Pretreatment Program: N/A USGS Topo Quad: B33NE Permit Status: Renewal USGS Quad Name: Lake Norman Stream Characteristics Receiving Stream: Catawba River(002,005) Stream Classification: WS-IV Lake Norman(001,004) WS-IV B Sub-basin: • 03-08-33 HUC: 03050101 Drainage Area (mi2): N/A _ 30Q2(cfs): N/A Summer 7Q10(cfs): • 80 cfs (min release Winter 7Q10(cfs): 80 cfs (min release Catawba River) _ Catawba River) Average Flow (cfs): N/A IWC°A): 005-2.9 % 002- 0.8 % Summary Duke Power Company operates the McGuire Nuclear Station in Mecklenburg County at the Cowans Ford Dam on Lake Norman. The station operates two nuclear steam generating units. Intake water for cooling purposes is withdrawn from Lake Norman through a dual intake system,a surface and a subsurface system. The Station operates five outfalls. These outfalls are 001,002,004,005,and 006. Outfall 004 is an internal outfall discharging to outfall 001 before the discharge to Lake Norman. Outfall 006 is an internal outfall discharging to outfall 002. The permitted outfalls are summarized below: • Outfall 001 (Once Through Cooling Water) -This outfall discharges once-through non- contact cooling water from the nuclear service water system(RN),low pressure service water,low level intake water,ventilation unit condensate,and storm drains. This outfall is subject to 40 CFR 423.12 (6),once through cooling water. The facility received a 316(a) variance for temperature for this outfall. There is no treatment at outfall 001. • Outfall 002 (Conventional Wastewater Treatment) - This outfall is a discharge of treated wastewater from miscellaneous systems components cleaning, turbine building sumps, water treatment room sumps, RO reject flow,condensate demineralizer backwashes,closed cooling systems,the Standby Shutdown Facility sumps,laboratory drains,landfill leachate, steam generator blowdown,wet lay-up, dewatering pumps,and other low volume wastewater generating activities. Treatment system consists of a 200,000 gallon polyurethane coated concrete initial holdup pond,two parallel 2.5 MG HDPE geomembrane lined settling ponds,a 1 MG concrete based Geothane lined final holdup pond,chemical addition of coagulants,oxidants,catalysts,pH control, and effluent pH adjustment by CO2 addition. This discharge is subject to 40 CFR 423.12 (b)(3),low volume waste. This outfall discharges to the Catawba River below the dam. The discharge occurs in batches two to three times per week. Page 1 of 26 NC0024392 • Internal Outfall 004(Low Volume Wastes/Radwaste Liquid Waste Monitoring System)- This outfall discharges water from the radwaste liquid monitoring system,floor and equipment drains,laundry drains,ventilation unit drains,and other low volume wastewater generating activities.This discharge is subject to 40 CFR 423.12(b)(3)low volume waste.This outfall combines with Outfall 001 before discharge to Lake Norman. • Outfall 005(Wastewater Collection Basin)-This outfall discharges standby nuclear service pond overflow,administrative building drains,main condenser cooling dewatering,HVAC unit drains,storm drains,fire tank flushing,reverse osmosis reject flows. Treatment consists of a 13.4 acre settling pond and surface skimmer. Discharge is to the Catawba River below the dam. This discharge is subject to 40 CFR 423.12(b)(3) low volume waste. • Outfall 006(Chemical Metal Cleaning Waste) -This outfall is an internal outfall to the waste treatment system(outfall 002) and discharges chemical metal cleaning wastes on an as- needed basis. This discharge is subject to 40 CFR 423.12 (b)(5). Receiving Stream The Catawba River (Lake Norman) is listed in the 2014 North Carolina 303(d) list as impaired for PCB Fish Tissue Advisory. 316 (a) Thermal variance Outfall 001 includes alternative thermal limitations less stringent than the limits required by Clean Water Act (CWA) section 306. The request for continuation of the variance is incorporated into this permit renewal.To support the alternative limits and to comply with the terms and conditions of the 316(a) variance Duke has implemented an annual monitoring plan for Lake Norman. The Division has reviewed the annual reports and determined that the fish community currently found in Lake Norman qualify as a balanced and indigenous community typical of a meso-oligotrophic piedmont reservoir.The results of the studies support the implementation of less stringent thermal limits. Duke was granted the thermal variance for this facility on October 1985 and it has been renewed with subsequent permits.Operations and load factors at the facility have remained unchanged. 316(b)Requirements The McGuire Nuclear station is subject to the CWA 316(b)cooling water intake structure rules effective October 2014. Below,please find Executive Summary of the 316(b) document submitted by Duke. Introduction Duke Energy requests that determinations for impingement and entrainment best technology available(BTA)be provided separately for the stations' two intake structures: • Main Intake:withdraws raw water for cooling purposes through a shoreline-situated intake structure. • Low Level Intake (LLI):withdraws water through a secondary intake to provide service water (continuously) and to support cooling system needs(on an infrequent basis)for thermal efficiency. Page 2 of 26 NC0024392 Main Intake Based on the current design and operations of the Main Intake,Duke Energy requests the following determinations based on the supporting information listed below. 1. A determination of de minimis rate of impingement,based on the following: • A 2002 study documented low rates of impingement (2.2 to 2.3 fish/day excluding fragile species) and species diversity; additional information is provided in Section 4.5.1. • Operations at McGuire (detailed in Section 5) and the fish community documented in Lake Norman (detailed in Section 4) have remained consistent since the 2002 impingement study,thus the data are valid and representative of current conditions. • The cost-benefit analyses (Section 11) indicated that the potential benefits of implementing an impingement-reduction technology for McGuire's Main Intake does not justify the potential social costs, as each potential alternative technology evaluated resulted in net negative benefits. 2. A determination of de minimis rate of entrainment,indicating that no additional control requirements are warranted beyond existing facility operations,based on the following: • Results of a two-year entrainment characterization study performed at McGuire's Main Intake (Section 9) demonstrated that entrainment at McGuire consists primarily of post yolk-sac larvae of forage species (Clupeidae) and White Perch; however, data from ongoing annual monitoring (Section 4) demonstrates that Lake Norman continues to support a healthy forage fish base supportive of predatory species such as temperate and warm water basses. As such, reduction of clupeid losses due to entrainment and impingement is not expected to provide a substantial benefit to the fishery, as evidenced by a low equivalent yield impact of the various compliance scenarios (see Section 11). • The cost-benefit analyses (Section 11) indicated that the potential benefits of implementing an entrainment-reduction technology for McGuire's Main Intake does not justify the potential social costs,as each potential technology evaluated resulted in net negative benefits. Low Level Intake Based on the current design and operations of the LLI (secondary intake used for nuclear service water and thermal compliance during peak demand of late summer), Duke Energy requests the following determinations based on the supporting information listed below. 1 . A determination of de minimis rate of impingement,based on the following: • Continuous operation of service water pumps results in through-screen velocities (TSVs) of less than 0.5 feet per second (fps) at the LLI. • TSVs at the LLI structure are greater than 0.5 fps only when the LLI pumps operate,which is limited to one to five weeks during the warmest part of the year when the potential for impingement is low (i.e., during peak reservoir stratification). • The design depth and restriction of operations to during peak summer temperatures support the withdrawal of hypoxic water from the hypolimnion of a thermally stratified Lake Norman,when fish are least Page 3 of 26 NC0024392 likely to be present at the depth of the LLI,and thus reducing the susceptibility of fish to impingement at the LLI. • The operational precautions employed prior to pump initiation and periodically during pump operation(periodic hydroacoustic monitoring of LLI to determine fish presence and density near the intake). 2. A determination of de minimis rate of entrainment,indicating that no additional control requirements are warranted beyond existing facility operations,based on the following: • Continuous operation of service water pumps results in TSVs of less than 0.5 fps at the LLI. • TSVs at the LLI structure are greater than 0.5 fps only when the LLI pumps operate,which is limited to one to five weeks during the warmest part of the year when the potential for entrainment is low (i.e.,during peak reservoir stratification). • The design depth and restriction of operations to during peak summer temperatures support the withdrawal of hypoxic water from the hypolimnion of a thermally stratified Lake Norman,when fish are least likely to be present at the depth of the LLI,and thus reducing the susceptibility of fish to impingement at the LLI. Station Description McGuire is a two-unit nuclear steam electric generating station in Huntersville,North Carolina, and is owned and operated by Duke Energy. Commercial operation of Unit 1 began in 1981, followed by Unit 2 in 1984. McGuire uses once-through(open-cycle)condenser cooling and withdraws more than 125 million gallons per day(MGD) of raw water through a shoreline situated cooling water intake structure (CWIS) referred to as the Main Intake. Raw water is also withdrawn at a second intake (LLI)for nuclear service water(continuously) and to support cooling system needs (on an infrequent basis)for thermal efficiency and/or for compliance with a CWA§316(a) thermal effluent variance as identified in the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(NPDES)permit. Nuclear service water is piped directly to the two nuclear units via two17,500 gallons per minute (gpm) (25 MGD) pumps.Cooling water is pumped via three 150,000 gpm(216 MGD)pumps and routed through a pipe to the Main Intake. The discharge of the non-contact cooling water withdrawn via McGuire's Main Intake is currently authorized under NPDES Permit No. NC0024392. Regulatory Nexus On August 15,2014,the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(USEPA) published in the Federal Register the NPDES — Final Regulations to Establish Requirements for Cooling Water Intake Structures at Existing Facilities and Amend Requirements at Phase I Facilities,referred to as the Final Rule (Rule).The Rule establishes requirements under§316(b)of the CWA to ensure that the location,design,construction,and capacity of a CWIS reflect the BTA for minimizing impingement and entrainment at the CWIS.The Rule applies to existing facilities that withdraw more than 2 MGD from Waters of the United States (WOTUS),use at least 25 percent of that water exclusively for cooling purposes,and have an NPDES permit. The Rule is applicable to McGuire due to the following: Page 4 of 26 NC0024392 • McGuire withdraws raw water from Lake Norman, the source waterbody, through the Main Intake for use in a once-through cooling water system and from the LLI for service water and to support(on an infrequent basis) the station's cooling system. • McGuire meets the minimum 2 MGD withdrawal rate criteria for actual intake flows(AIF) and design intake flows (DIF). The total DIF at McGuire is 2,969 MGD (2,926 MGD at the Main Intake and 43 MGD at the LLI). Based on data from January 2015 through December 2017, average annual AIF was 2,604 MGD at the Main Intake and 27 MGD at the LLI. • McGuire uses greater than 25 percent of the water withdrawn from Lake Norman exclusively for cooling water purposes (approximately 98.5 percent,or 2,926 MGD). Because McGuire is subject to the Rule,Duke Energy has prepared technical information required under CFR §122.21(r)(2) through (r)(13) for submittal to the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality(NCDEQ) Division of Water Resources NPDES permit Director(Director) to facilitate the determination of BTA for the facility. Under the Rule, the owner or operator of a facility must choose from one of seven compliance options for impingement mortality (IM) reduction or an alternate exemption, as provided by the Rule.The facility must also provide results from site-specific entrainment studies and information identified at §122.21(r)(2) through (r)(13) and §125.98 to the permitting authority to aid in the determination of whether site-specific controls would be required to reduce entrainment. At§125.98, the Rule identifies specific information that the Director Must(§125.98 (f)(2)) consider and information that the Director May (§125.98 (f)(3)) consider in a site-specific entrainment BTA determination. This Executive Summary describes the evaluation of these compliance options and the Must and May factors for the Director to consider,as they relate to McGuire. Impingement Mortality Compliance Per §122.21(r)(6),the owner of a facility must identify the chosen method of compliance with the IM standard for the entire facility, or for each CWIS. Facilities may select one of seven IM BTA compliance options (IM Options) provided in §125.94(c) paragraphs (1 ) through (7) unless pursuing compliance under paragraphs (c)(11) de minimis rate of impingement or (c)(12) low capacity utilization power generating units. The facility must also provide sufficient information and justification to support the selected alternative compliance approach.Methods used to assess the compliance options for addressing the requirements of §122.21 (r)(6) of the Rule are summarized in Section 6 of this document. Duke Energy performed a screening-level evaluation of IM reduction technologies and alternative operational measures for the LLI and the Main Intake to identify feasible options that could be implemented to reduce impingement at McGuire. Alternatives that were not considered feasible were removed from further consideration.The remaining(i.e.,short-listed) options were evaluated in greater detail and the findings,which are presented in Section 6,identify the technology or technologies that could result in the greatest benefit while minimizing implementation,maintenance, and operational costs. The compliance options were evaluated using the following step-wise process: 1 . Determine if McGuire is currently compliant with BTA for impingement under IM Options 1,2,or 3,based on existing design and operational data. 2. Evaluate existing impingement data to determine if impingement rates support a de minimis rate of impingement determination by the Director. Page 5 of 26 NC0024392 3. Calculate the most recent three-year average low capacity utilization rate (CUR) to determine if it is below the 8 percent average capacity factor threshold established in the Rule. 4. Assess the potential efficacy,technical feasibility,and relative costs of IM reduction technologies and operational measures applicable to open-cycle cooling systems (IM Options 4,5,and 6). 5. Evaluate the potential efficacy,technical feasibility,and relative costs of ceasing operations. McGuire is an open-cycle system withdrawing more than 125 MGD of raw water and the existing design and operation of the Main Intake results in TSV estimates of greater than 0.5 fps; therefore,it does not comply with BTA Options 1,2,or 3. Nuclear service water is withdrawn continuously via the LLI structure resulting in TSVs less than 0.5 fps at the LLI. During limited periods (i.e.,one to five weeks per year),the additional LLI pumps are operated to supply raw water from the bottom of Lake Norman to the Main Intake,resulting in TSVs greater than 0.5 fps at the LLI.Additionally,based on existing conditions,McGuire does not currently comply with IM BTA compliance Option 4 (typically applies to facilities in coastal environments) or Option 7 (not applicable as the most recent impingement study performed at McGuire did not include an assessment of latent mortality). Further,McGuire does not meet the requirements for compliance based on Low Capacity Utilization Rate (CUR) as a year-round,base load facility. Therefore,Duke Energy performed a screening-level evaluation of IM reduction technologies and alternative operational measures for the Main Intake and LLI to identify feasible options that could be implemented to reduce impingement at McGuire and achieve compliance under the remaining IM BTA options (provided in Section 6 and Appendix 6-A).The results of this evaluation were used to identify the de minimis rate of impingement as the preferred compliance option for McGuire's Main Intake and LLI,as described in the following sections. Impingement Mortality Characterization Although not required by the Rule, data from an impingement characterization study were analyzed(see Section 4)to support the evaluation of IM Options.The study was performed at the Main Intake from December 2000 to November 2002 (Duke Power 2003) and these results were used to estimate annual IM losses representative of actual water withdrawals during 2016 and 2017. Based on the Duke Power(2003)impingement study summarized in Section 4 and actual volumes withdrawn at McGuire (from 2016 and 2017),annual IM was estimated at 2,175 fish in 2016 and 2,113 fish in 2017 for an estimated two-year average of 2,144 fish. Discounting the fragile species (clupeids with impingement survival rates of less than 30 percent)from the annual IM estimates resulted in revised annual estimates of 826 and 797 fish for 2016 and 2017, respectively,or a loss of approximately 2.2 to 2.3 non-fragile fish per day. The 10-year-old study employed methodologies that are consistent with contemporary methods and quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC)protocols. Further,the withdrawal rates and screen operations at McGuire have remained consistent over time (see Sections 3 and 5) and are therefore representative of current conditions at the facility. Based on Duke Energy's annual Maintenance Monitoring Program data,the biological community of Lake Norman has remained consistent over the past twenty years,with expected,routine annual variation observed in the Page 6 of 26 NC0024392 abundance of specific clupeid species (Duke Energy 2015). As such, these data indicate that the impingement data collected during the 2000-2002 study performed at McGuire are representative of existing conditions at the Main Intake the fish community in Lake Norman is not adversely impacted by operations at McGuire. Summary of Selected Impingement Mortality Compliance Options Duke Energy performed a screening-level evaluation of IM reduction technologies and alternative operational measures for the LLI and the Main Intake to identify feasible options that could be implemented to reduce impingement at McGuire. The evaluation supports a determination of de minimis rate of impingement for McGuire's LLI and Main Intake located on Lake Norman. Main Intake Based on the evaluations and data presented in Section 4 and Section 11,annual impingement at McGuire's Main Intake was estimated to be between 2,113 (based on 2016 operations) and 2,175 (based on operations in 2017) fish per year. Over half(approximately 62 percent) of the estimated total annual impingement losses presented for 2016 and 2017 were comprised of fragile clupeid species (as defined at 40 CFR §125.92(m)),which exhibit inherently low impingement survival (less than 30 percent survival as defined by the Rule) and are not subject to the IM standard. Excluding these fragile species,total annual impingement at McGuire is estimated at 826 and 797 fish per year,or approximately 2.3 and 2.2 fish per day in 2016 and 2017,respectively. The estimated annual IM losses at McGuire are relatively low with respect to the natural life history of the resident fish species in Lake Norman. In general,fish have reproductive strategies which promote early maturity with high fecundity and no parental care (referred to as r-selection reproductive strategy [MacArthur and Wilson 1967]). Therefore,fish spawn many eggs but few survive through the developmental stages,from eggs to larvae to adults. The high reproductive capacity (fecundity) compensates for the high natural mortality rates experienced in early life stages. For example, the low end of estimated fecundity rates of Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) or Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) is approximately 10,000 eggs per female per spawning event. Assuming 99 percent of eggs do not reach adulthood (EPRI 2004a),25 reproducing adult fish would replace the number of fish lost annually to impingement at McGuire. Based on the species composition(high numbers of fragile species),minimal estimated annual IM losses,low rate of impingement,and estimated equivalent adult,production foregone,and equivalent yield losses to the fishery (see Section 11), a determination of de minimis rate of impingement is requested as the IM BTA for McGuire's Main Intake,as defined by the Rule. Further,Lake Norman is a managed fishery that continues to support a balanced and productive fish community. These data demonstrate that the current design and operations result in minimal IM and that the cost of implementing an impingement- reduction technology for McGuire's Main Intake does not justify the potential social benefits. Page 7 of 26 NC0024392 Low Level Intake Results from the screening-level evaluation(Section 6)support the selection of the de minimis rate of impingement compliance option for the McGuire LLI,as defined by the Rule, based on the following factors: 1 . Continuous operation of service water pumps results in TSVs of less than 0.5 fps at the LLI; 2. TSVs at the LLI structure are greater than 0.5 fps only when the additional LLI pumps intermittently operate,which is limited to one to five weeks per year and only occurs during the period of peak reservoir stratification when the potential for impingement is low; 3. The design depth and restriction of operations to during peak summer temperatures support the withdrawal of hypoxic water from the hypolimnion of a thermally stratified Lake Norman,when fish are least likely to be present at the depth of the LLI, and thus reducing the susceptibility of fish to impingement at the LLI;and 4. The operational precautions employed prior to pump initiation and periodically during pump operation (periodic hydroacoustic monitoring of LLI to determine fish presence and density near the intake). These factors represent a framework for evaluating and adaptively managing LLI operations to minimize the risk of operating when impingeable-sized fish are present near the LLI,and minimizes the susceptibility of aquatic organisms in Lake Norman to impingement during LLI operations. Analyses Performed in Support of an Entrainment BTA Determination This section summarizes the analyses required by the Rule for submission to the Director in support of a site-specific best professional judgment(BPJ) review and entrainment BTA determination. Although information presented under the requirements of§122.21(r)(2) through(r)(8)of the Rule(i.e.,Sections 1-8 of this document)provides useful perspective on the location,design,and operation of the existing facility,this section focuses on those reports prepared under§122.21 (r)(9)through(r)(13) of the rule(i.e.,Sections 9-13),which offer perspective on entrainment BTA.The process and results for evaluating the social costs, social benefits,and other environmental impacts related to entrainment BTA,as prepared under§122.21(r)(9) through(r)(12),are outlined along with a description of and results from the peer review process in§122.21 (r)(13). Entrainment Characterization Study — §122.21 (r)(9) A two-year Entrainment Characterization Study(Study)was performed at McGuire in 2016 and 2017.The Study plan was reviewed by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ)and comments were incorporated into the Study plan report.Section 9 of this document summarizes the two-year entrainment Study and the final report is provided in Appendix 9-A. Twice-monthly entrainment samples were collected at the entrance to the Main Intake structure on Lake Norman,upstream of the bar racks and screens,using a pumped sampling technique. Sampling was performed from March 1 through October 31 in 2016 and 2017(16 sampling events in each year). Mean daily densities for days between each of the twice-monthly Page 8 of 26 NC0024392 sampling events were determined through linear interpolation. The daily densities were then used to calculate the mean rate of entrainment by month,which was multiplied by the total monthly cooling water volume withdrawn at McGuire (see Section 5) to estimate total annual entrainment losses at the McGuire Main Intake for 2016 and 2017 using actual water withdrawal volumes. These data were also used to develop annual entrainment loss estimates under hypothetical maximum water withdrawals at McGuire. Comprehensive Technical Feasibility and Cost Evaluation Study -1122.21(r)(10) The Rule requires an evaluation of feasibility and costs for alternative entrainment control measures to support an entrainment BTA determination by the Director. Potential social costs of alternative entrainment control measures must be estimated and compared to potential social benefits. Due to the diversity in organism biology,habitat requirements, and different body sizes of entrainable organisms,the available technologies and measures expected to be reasonably effective at reducing entrainment are relatively limited. An evaluation of potential entrainment reduction technologies for McGuire was performed to identify those that are feasible and practicable to address requirements listed at§122.21(r)(10). The process for developing this information for McGuire included. • Evaluating potential siting locations to identify options posing minimal impact on station operations and the surrounding community; • Assessing potential for impact on nuclear safety; • Assessing potential for overcoming operational problems (e.g., no negative impacts to intake velocities or flows, does not exceed pressure specifications of condensers); • Evaluating potential for impacting operational reliability of McGuire; • Evaluating facility-level Operation and Maintenance (O&M) costs associated with each technology;and • As required by the Rule,considering the feasibility and costs of three potential technologies that could reduce rates of entrainment at McGuire,which include: 1. Retrofit to closed-cycle cooling; 2. Installation and operation of fine-mesh screens (FMS) with an aquatic organism return system(includes fine-slot wedgewire screens and/or dual-flow screens) at the Main Intake;and 3. Use of alternate water sources to replace all or some of the water used in the once-through cooling system. Assessment of Compliance Technology Feasibility A cursory assessment of aquatic filter barriers,porous dikes,and variable speed pumps indicated these technologies are infeasible and/or impractical at McGuire;thus, they were excluded from further consideration. Alternate water supply sources were identified; however none could provide the amount of water needed to replace the significant volume of McGuire's intake flow,and thus were excluded from further consideration. However, conversion to closed-cycle cooling (mechanical draft cooling towers [MDCT]) and installing Page 9 of 26 NC0024392 FMS with an aquatic organism return system were considered technically feasible retrofit technologies for McGuire;these two technologies were retained for further evaluation. For the two potentially feasible technologies, a conceptual design, including location of infrastructure,costs associated with engineering,scheduling,permitting,and constructing the retrofit, and O&M costs through the remaining life of the station were developed. The net present value (NPV) of the social costs of each technology was then developed based on the estimated start of operations for each technology and estimated retirement date for the facility. The complete process and results of the evaluations are provided in Section 10. A summary of the results are presented below. Costs of Compliance Technologies Social Costs Social costs were used to determine whether the potential entrainment reduction technology costs would result in the plant becoming economically unfeasible to operate.Since a premature shutdown of McGuire would result in social costs (i.e.,lost jobs,income,and tax base,and increased generation costs and emissions),installing entrainment reducing technologies at McGuire to comply with the Rule represents additional operational costs that would most likely be passed onto Duke Energy's electric customers in the form of higher rates.Thus,the social costs were determined assuming that Duke Energy would incur these additional costs and pass them on to electric customers. The social costs of installing entrainment reduction technologies are estimated by determining the design,construction,and installation costs of the evaluated technologies along with the operation and maintenance (O&M),power system,externality,and permitting costs. Following the requirements of the Rule,social costs were evaluated under two discount rates:3 and 7 percent(79 FR 158,48428).Social costs include costs associated with compliance with governmental regulations,power system effects,and externalities. The estimated social costs (in 2018 dollars) of potential compliance technologies at McGuire are presented in Table E-6.The analysis discounts the future stream of each of these social costs at the relevant discount rate and sums them over the years they are specified to occur to develop the total social cost estimate presented in the next to last column in Table E-6;annual social costs for each technology are presented in the last column. Also shown on Table E-6 are the compliance costs.Compliance costs are assumed to occur over a 13-year period for the cooling tower retrofit scenario and over the remaining life of the station(a 19year period)for FMS scenario,as discussed in Section 10.1.2. Power system costs are due to construction-related outage impacts and efficiency and auxiliary load impacts during operation. Page 10 of 26 NC0024392 Table E-6.Total Engineering and Social Costs of Feasible Technolo j 0.tions at McGuire Compliance' Social Costs Discount Technology Total Design, Annum Power Total Annual Rate Type Construction, 08,M Compliance System Externality Regulatory Social Social &Installations Costs Costs2 Costs CostsCos Costs Costs Costs Closed- Cycle Cooling $1.49B $6.4M $1.85B $557.1M $14.2M $0.2M $1.47B $113.2M Retrofit 3% 2.0-mm Fine-Mesh Ristroph $34.45M $2.42M $50.53M $0.63M $0M $4.2K $51.2M $2.69M Traveling Screens Closed- Cycle Cooling $1.49B $6.4M $922.10M $277.1 M $8.1M $0.1M $733.6M $56.4M Retrofit 7% 2.0-mm Fine-Mesh Ristroph $34.45M $2.42M $29.01M $0.36M $0M $2.8K $29.4M $1.55M Traveling Screens Note:$M=million dollars;$8=billion dollars Note: =million dollars;SB=billion dollars I The compliance costs are undiscounted and in 2018 dollars. The social costs associated with each technology are discounted at 3 and 7 percent using the timing of technologies(see Section 10,Table 10-17). 2 Costs that contribute to increases in electricity prices. 3 Externality costs include decreases in social wellbeing resulting from property value,water consumption (i.e.,lost hydroelectric generation),and winter fishery(i.e.,recreation)impacts. Other Costs Under certain compliance technology scenarios, the reduction or elimination of warm water discharges at McGuire could occur, and could potentially lead to the loss of the thermal refugia that supports the existing winter fishery and associated social costs (from reduced angler catch rates) and benefits (potential localized improvements in water quality parameters such as dissolved oxygen). However, DO does not typically decrease to levels below the North Carolina water quality standards within the McGuire discharge zone; therefore, the reduction in thermal discharges may not alter water quality substantially in this area (Duke Energy 2017,2018). The fish species composition found in the vicinity of the discharge may also change in response to reduced warm water discharges. Depending on the species,this may be seen as either a cost or a benefit. Introduced species native to tropical regions may find refuge in the discharge areas of power plants,which allows these species to persist in their non-native range and the reduction or elimination of this refuge would be seen as a benefit. However,an example of a species which may use the thermal discharge as refuge in Lake Norman is the Threadfin Shad,which also provides an important forage base for recreational predator species. Annual fish community sampling throughout Lake Norman shows that abundance and size structure of representative important species (defined as Largemouth Bass, Alabama Bass, Bluegill, and Redbreast Sunfish) are not statistically different between thermally-influenced Page 11 of 26 NC0024392 zones and non-influenced zones(Duke Energy 2017,2018).Therefore,the effects(i.e.,benefits) of reducing thermal discharges with the installation of MDCTs at McGuire are not expected to be substantial. Benefits Valuation Study — §122.21(r)(11) The goal of the Benefits Valuation Study was to demonstrate the estimated social benefits that would be derived from impingement and entrainment reductions based on implementation of one or more technologies at McGuire. Estimates of Changes in Stock Size or Harvest Levels Baseline (existing)impingement and entrainment losses (under actual and maximum water withdrawals) and impingement and entrainment losses under selected compliance technologies (MDCT and FMS)were estimated using 2016 and 2017 entrainment data collected at McGuire (Section 9).The estimated reductions in entrainment were calculated for the MDCT scenario assuming a percent reduction in water withdrawal volumes estimated based on preliminary design assumptions,while the FMS scenario was estimated by applying an exclusion calculation based on body size dimensions and a 2.0-mm mesh opening. The potential benefits to the fishery,due to changes in stock size or harvest levels,of the estimated entrainment reductions were then estimated using commonly applied population and harvest models (EPRI 2004a,2012) that use numeric and mass based data in the Production Foregone (PF) model,Equivalent Adult(EA) model,and Equivalent Yield (EY) model.These three models were used to determine the potential entrainment reduction benefits(for both"use"and"nonuse" scenarios) on commercial and recreational harvest,as well as the effects of loss of forage associated with the entrainment of other finfish. Parameters used in population modeling were derived from the literature (EPRI 2004a; USEPA 2006) and also reflect site-specific information on the fishery of Lake Norman(when available) and data specific to the recreational uses of the fishery.An evaluation of model uncertainty was performed and is discussed in Appendix 11-E. In evaluating the potential social benefits of entrainment reducing technologies determined to be feasible for McGuire,a third option was evaluated:a complete or 100 percent reduction in entrainment.This option assumes a shutdown and subsequent retirement of both units at McGuire,as described in Section 11.To develop the NPV estimates,the benefits estimated for each alternative were discounted at 3 and 7 percent annually and summed over the specified time period used in the analysis. Monetization of Benefits The benefits of reductions in entrainment and impingement losses of early life stage fish are best evaluated by translating losses to an ecological or human-use context,and assessing differences in total losses among compliance technology scenarios discussed in Section 10. The methodology for developing species and life-stage specific estimates of the potential incremental reductions in entrainment or impingement among compliance technology scenarios is detailed in Section 11 . The estimation of social benefits was based on use benefits derived from potential changes in recreational fishing stocks(e.g.,equivalent adults,forage production foregone,and equivalent yield) and their associated economic effects annualized over the remaining useful Page 12 of 26 NC0024392 plant life (Section 10.1.2). Based on an evaluation of the potential for nonuse benefits of entrainment reduction at McGuire,and given the precepts of nonuse values, the nonuse benefits of reducing entrainment at McGuire are anticipated to be low.Specifically, given estimated entrainment reduction costs and benefits,and the absence of federal or state listed species in entrainment(Section 9),impingement(Section 4 and Section 6),and source waterbody assessments (Section 4),correctly measured nonuse benefits would not impact a BTA determination that considers benefits and costs based on historically applied criteria. To develop the present value estimates, the benefits estimated for each feasible alternative are discounted at 3 and 7 percent annually and summed over the specified time period used in the analysis. Other Benefits Other benefits from reducing entrainment can include ecosystem effects such as population resilience and support, nutrient cycling, natural species assemblages, and ecosystem health and integrity (79 FR 158,48371 ). The fisheries benefits study (summarized in Section 11) does not evaluate other effects on the fish community, such as density-dependent influences including increased competition, predation, or increased introduced species populations. Increased survival of forage species would increase competition among the forage fishes, as well as provide a greater forage base for predators.The dynamic effects among native and non- native predators are not known (for instance, improved Largemouth Bass relative weight [Duke Energy 2017], or greater increases in the Spotted Bass population). The existing Main Intake does not include an aquatic organism return system and has no means to return biomass to the source waterbody. A reduction in entrainment or impingement, as well as the installation of an organism return system would allow carbon (as live or dead fish) to be returned to Lake Norman. Live returned organisms would then be made available as prey or to grow as adults,and dead organisms would be made available as a resource for scavengers, detritivores,or decomposers. Non-water Quality Environmental and Other Impacts Study —§122.21(r)(12) The Rule at §122.21 (r)(12) calls for assessment of other non-water quality environmental impacts, including estimates of the level of impact, for each technology or operational measure considered under S12.21 It also calls for discussion of reasonable efforts to mitigate the impacts; this information is presented in Section 12. The evaluation must address, if relevant to the alternative technology being assessed,the following items: • Estimates of changes to energy consumption,including but not limited to, auxiliary power consumption and turbine backpressure energy penalty;. Estimates of increases in air pollutant emissions; • Estimates of changes in noise generation; • A discussion of potential impacts to safety; • A discussion of facility reliability; • Estimation of changes in water consumption; and • Discussion of efforts to mitigate these adverse impacts. The conceptual approach to each technology(e.g.,location and design of the cooling towers), as defined in Section 10,has an important effect on the level of impacts discussed in Section 12. The quantitative engineering and costing analyses presented in Section 10 includes an evaluation of potential impacts and incorporates reasonable estimates of impact mitigation Page 13 of 26 NC0024392 and associated costs, thus concepts and approaches presented in Section 10 and 12 are related. Peer Review-$122.21(r)(13) As required by the Rule at S122.21(r)(13),the reports prepared under$122.21 (r)(10)—(r)(12) underwent external peer-reviewed by subject matter experts.Four expert peer reviewers were selected in fields relevant to the material presented in the submittal package (i.e.,power plant engineering,aquatic biology,and resource economics).The qualifications of the peer reviewers were submitted to NCDEQ on July 27,2015.Consistent with the Rule's requirements,Section 13 of this document provides a summary of the peer reviewer qualifications (Appendix 13-A), documentation of formal peer review comments and responses to those comments,and includes confirmation from reviewers of their satisfaction with responses to comments and recommended revisions. Additionally, informal peer review and guidance was requested during project development regarding the overall approach to developing the Study Plans for entrainment characterization as well as specifics on key technical issues related to entrainment-related reports. Entrainment BTA Factors that Must Be Considered The Rule requires that the Director consider several factors in the written explanation of the proposed entrainment BTA determination.The following Must factors to be considered for entrainment BTA(§125.98(f)(2)) are: • Numbers and types of organisms entrained,including federally listed,threatened and endangered species,and designated critical habitat(e.g.,prey base,glochidial host species); • Impact of changes in particulate emissions or other pollutants associated with entrainment technologies; • Land availability as it relates to the feasibility of entrainment technology;. • Remaining useful plant life;and • Quantitative and qualitative social benefits and costs of available entrainment technologies. While each of the Must factors are considered separately in Section 10 for the potential technologies considered(i.e.,MDCT and FMS with an aquatic organism return),a brief summary of findings for each factor is presented below along with references to the relevant section(s) of the report. Numbers and Types of Organisms Entrained Sections 9 and 11 present the number and type of organisms entrained based on the two-year Study at McGuire,which were then annualized and adjusted for station flows (design and actual intake flows) to estimate total annual entrainment at McGuire.The annual estimates are presented separately for 2016 and 2017 based on the rates of entrainment documented during the 2016-2017 Study.Total annual entrainment at McGuire,based on the actual water withdrawn over the two-year period,was estimated at 476.8 million ichthyoplankton in 2016 and 374.7 million ichthyoplankton in 2017. Annual entrainment at McGuire included 12 distinct species from 8 families of fish,and consisted primarily of post yolk-sac larvae (48 percent) and young-of-year(51 percent)in 2016,and post yolk-sac larvae(98 percent)in 2017. Page 14 of 26 NC0024392 The primary period of ichthyoplankton entrainment at the McGuire CWIS occurred during late spring to early summer,from March through June (see Section 9). The period of entrainment observed in the Study is consistent with observations made at other southeastern U.S. reservoirs (EPRI 2011). It is also consistent with documented life history information for the species entrained at McGuire (summarized in Appendix 4-A). Annual entrainment loss estimates for the young-of-year life stage are primarily based on a single event collection of a relativelylarge number of Inland Silverside (Menidia ber llina . g g Y ) This collection is considered an anomaly and represents the first documented occurrence of this species in Lake Norman; as such,a sensitivity analysis was performed to quantify model response to inclusion of this species (see Appendix 11-A). Excluding this introduced species from the data, the 2016 entrainment losses were dominated by post yolk-sac larvae (95 percent),similar to 2017. These data indicate that post yolk-sac larvae of introduced White Perch(Morone americana)and several species from the Clupeidae family are most susceptible to entrainment at the McGuire CWIS (Main Intake). With the exclusion of anomalous Inland Silverside,clupeids represented 82 to 90 percent of entrainment and other than White Perch, few recreational species were entrained.No endangered or threatened species were collected during either year of the Study, and based on the absence of documented occurrences in Lake Norman, none are anticipated to be susceptible to entrainment at the McGuire Main Intake. It is important to place the rates of entrainment at McGuire into the context of the trends documented for Lake Norman, the source waterbody (see Section 4): • Duke Energy has monitored the Lake Norman fishery for over 30 consecutive years; this monitoringhas demonstrated a stable and balanced, self-sustainingpopulation p P with a healthy forage fish base supportive of predatory species such as temperate and black basses (Duke Energy 2017). • Some interannual variation has been documented in Lake Norman, which shows a shifting species composition in response to introduction of non-native species; however, these trends are not associated with or impacted by operations at McGuire (Duke Energy 2017). • The direct and indirect effects of the loss of organisms at McGuire, as demonstrated through modeling (specifically designed to overestimate effects), resulted in a non- observable impact to the recreational fishery (see Section 11). These findings are interrelated and driven by the same factors: (1) species and life stages entrained at McGuire exhibit high natural mortality, and (2) entrainment losses affect a very small portion of the total resources available in Lake Norman. The majority of entrainable organisms at McGuire were common fragile forage species resulting in a non-observable impact on the recreational fishery and minimal nonuse value impacts. Recreational species entrained at McGuire represented between 4.2 percent (2016) and 17.4 percent(2017)of total annual entrainment,with the majority of those consisting of post yolk- sac larvae.The largest contribution to these values was from White Perch with an estimated average 32.5 million post yolk-sac larvae entrained between 2016 and 2017. The relatively small portion of White Perch eggs that were entrained(approximately 1.1 million)was likely due to the demersal, adhesive nature of White Perch eggs (Rohde et al. 1994). To put these entrainment numbers into context, a single White Perch female (depending on age) can produce between 50,000 and 360,000 eggs per spawning event (Rohde et al. 1994). Because this species reaches reproductive maturity early in life (as early as age 1), exhibits high Page 15 of 26 NC0024392 fecundity (50,000 and 360,000 eggs per spawning event), and is a habitat generalist during spawning,White Perch can rapidly become established in reservoirs and has been shown to outcompete other natives in the fish community (Rohde et al. 1994). Further, White Perch was introduced into Lake Norman, and has been implicated as one of several introduced species likely responsible for declining populations of the native Largemouth Bass (Duke Energy 2017). Based on this information and the high fecundity of this species, the entrainment of White Perch at McGuire is not anticipated to have a negative impact on the species diversity and abundance of Lake Norman. Based on the estimated annual losses under existing conditions,the total annual foregone fishery yield was estimated to be 16,682 pounds (lbs) in 2016 and 542 lbs in 2017. Foregone fishery yield represents the total annual biomass lost from the recreational fishery due to entrainment at McGuire. However,these values likely represent a conservative estimate(i.e., overestimate) of lost yield in response to multiple assumptions and BPJ decisions (i.e.,100 percent mortality of entrained organisms,all entrainment losses affect recreational taxa, absence of density-dependent effects in the model that would occur in the biological population,and BPJ decisions on surrogate species or values to utilize in the model) employed during model development to maximize benefits of evaluated technologies(see Section 11). The incremental reductions in estimated entrainment losses and their impact to fishery production and yield were modeled for each of the potential compliance scenarios described in Section 1 1 ,and results are summarized in Table E-8 and Table E-9.The variability in FMS efficacy between the two years was driven by differences in species composition and abundance;with a large number of post yolk-sac larvae and juvenile Inland Silverside collected in 2016 samples only.These small-bodied fish would be easily excluded on a 2.0- mm FMS,thus increasing the exclusion efficiency. As such,the number and type of organisms entrained(primarily non-protected,forage species) do not provide a compelling basis under the Rule to evaluate additional entrainment measures.The rates of entrainment at McGuire are not believed to negatively affect the Lake Norman fishery. Impacts of Changes in Air Emissions of Particulates and Other Pollutants The assessment of entrainment technologies for BTA considers changes in pollutant air emissions in Section 12.The increase in emissions is associated with two factors: (1 ) particulate matter(PM) emissions from the cooling tower associated with the concentration of total dissolved solids(TDS) and total suspended solids (TSS)in the make-up water,and (2) loss of generation capacity associated with parasitic loads and loss of efficiency based on the entrainment technology operating requirements. Increased emissions are estimated to be far more substantial for a potential retrofit to cooling towers than a retrofit to FMS. Particulate emissions were estimated to travel 2,500 to 3,600 feet(ft)from the cooling towers and not anticipated to result in damage to vegetation and/or infrastructure near McGuire. Emissions associated with replacement of lost generation(approximately 18 percent of Duke Energy's base load generation) would be dominated by carbon dioxide with substantially lower amounts of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and PM. These increased emissions are assumed to occur at off-site fossil-fuel fired generators in the area. No attempt was made to monetize the social costs of the increased emissions. Page 16 of 26 NC0024392 Land Availability Related to Technology Retrofit Options The availability of space for infrastructure associated with retrofitting for entrainment technologies was considered in the assessment of entrainment BTA for McGuire. While available land at McGuire is limited, space was identified for the placement of two sets of cooling towers,one set for each of the two units,and the piping required to transmit cooling water. Although this retrofit is potentially feasible, the constrained site results in higher estimated installation costs,which affect the social cost estimates for the MDCT scenario.The space constraints related to the FMS scenario were substantially reduced in comparison to the closed-cycle cooling scenario. Remaining Useful Plant Life The remaining life of each generating unit impacts technology selection,O&M costs,potential future technology repair costs (if the life of the unit is longer than the anticipated life of the technology), and the benefits. Operating licenses for McGuire are due to expire in June 2041 for Unit 1 and in March 2043 for Unit 2(USNRC 2002). A potential second license renewal could extend the station's life by another 20 years,but for the purposes of this evaluation, McGuire generating units were assumed to operate through June 2041 and March 2043. If the original entrainment reduction technology is in good operating order at the respective retirement date,it is assumed that the technology would be retired (no salvage value has been evaluated). If the anticipated life of the technology is shorter than the anticipated life of the units,this evaluation assumes that the technology would be repaired or rebuilt and remain in service until the unit is retired. • Quantitative and Qualitative Social Benefits and Costs of Available Entrainment Technologies Consistent with the Rule's requirements,and with review and input from external expert peer reviewers, Duke Energy has developed rigorous estimates of both social costs and social benefits of the two feasible entrainment BTA technologies for McGuire (i.e., MDCT and FMS with aquatic organism return system). The methodologies and assumptions associated with these estimates are discussed in detail in Section 10 and Section 11, and summarized in the previous section. Quantitative Cost to Benefit Comparison The Director must consider the social costs (detailed in Section 10) and benefits (detailed in Section 11) of each evaluated entrainment compliance option when determining the maximum entrainment reduction warranted. In benefit-cost analysis, determinations of compliance alternatives are made based on application of the concept of economic efficiency under increasing costs and diminishing benefits. In this context,compliance alternatives are economically efficient if they either have higher benefits and higher costs or lower benefits and lower costs than other compliance alternatives;compliance alternatives with higher costs and lower benefits are ruled out. When these economically efficient technologies are ordered by increasing cost(or benefit),net benefits (benefits minus costs) increase,reach a maximum, and then decrease. The Rule,at§125.98(f)(4) indicates that where evaluated technologies result in social costs that are in disproportion to and do not justify the social benefits,or result in unacceptable adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated,the Director has the option of determining that no additional control requirements are necessary beyond the existing technologies and operational measures. Directly comparing social costs and social benefits is a sound approach Page 17 of 26 NC0024392 to determining if a potentially feasible technology represents entrainment BTA on a BPJ basis. In the event that the net benefits of a proposed entrainment technology or measure are negative (i.e.,social costs outweigh social benefits),there is no reasonable justification for the selection of that technology/measure as BTA for entrainment. A calculation of the total social cost, total impingement and entrainment benefits, and net benefits associated with each feasible compliance alternative identified for McGuire shows that the selected IM BTA option for McGuire has a net negative benefit of $457. The incremental impact of entrainment compliance to the IM BTA requirement of the Rule is that the net benefits become increasingly negative,estimated between-$50.7M for FMS to-$1.47B for closed-cycle retrofit (MDCT),indicating that the disparity between social costs and social benefits increases with increasing investment in entrainment reduction technologies, especially in relation to the costs required for the IM compliance component of the Rule. The comparison indicates that the social costs of entrainment reduction technologies at McGuire clearly outweigh the social benefits,and the net benefits of both alternatives(MDCT and FMS) are substantially negative.Further,the 100 percent reduction scenario (i.e., immediate retirement of McGuire),does not overcome the substantial social costs associated with either the MDCT or FMS technologies;while the lost generation capacity would have a significant impact on the operations and costs of electricity production for Duke Energy, which would be passed onto electricity customers. McGuire's chosen method to comply with the impingement compliance requirement(de minimis rate of impingement)has zero net benefits:the social benefits and social costs are the same. By comparison,2.0-mm fine mesh screens have net benefits of-$50.7M and mechanical draft cooling towers have net benefits of-$1.47B.Given that the net benefits beyond what is required for impingement are negative,neither entrainment compliance option is warranted as the BTA for meeting the site-specific entrainment requirement. As such,in reviewing this application package for McGuire,NCDEQ has the discretion to "reject otherwise available entrainment controls if the costs of the controls are not justified by their associated benefits(taking into account monetized,quantified,and qualitative benefits), and the other factors discussed in the Rule." Based on the evaluation of social costs and benefits of each technology,McGuire's current configuration represents BTA for meeting the site-specific entrainment requirements.The basis of this conclusion relies on the fact that each of the potentially feasible compliance options evaluated for McGuire have negative net benefits,meaning that the social costs of each of the entrainment compliance options are greater than the social benefits: • 2.0-mm fine-mesh screens have negative net benefits of-$50.7M and • MDCTs have negative net benefits of-$1.47B. Qualitative Cost to Benefit Comparison The qualitative costs and benefits of reducing entrainment and IM are difficult to evaluate and therefore are not quantified in the benefits valuation discussed in Section 11.The se qualitative effects,however,may result in ecosystem benefits such as increased population resilience and support,and overall health and integrity of the ecosystem(79 FR 158,48371). The reduction in entrainment losses could also result in qualitative costs to the fish community due to density-dependent influences such as increased competition,predation,or increased population size of introduced species. However,based on species composition and Page 18 of 26 NC0024392 entrainment losses documented at McGuire,qualitative benefits are not expected to be significant or sufficient to outweigh the disproportionate social costs of entrainment and IM reduction controls. The elimination of warm water discharges at McGuire is a potential outcome under the MDCTs scenario (see Section 11),which could lead to social costs or benefits. The warm water discharges provide a thermal refuge for fish, thereby creating a winter fishery near McGuire. Threadfin Shad, an important forage species,is one example of a species that would potentially be impacted by the loss of thermal refuge provided by warm water discharges at McGuire. Thus the loss of the warm water discharges can be viewed as a social cost,especially to anglers that rely on the winter fishery each year. The elimination of warm water in Lake Norman near McGuire's discharge zone could also have a benefit in the form of improved water quality,which could result in increased dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations during peak summer temperatures when water temperatures are already warm. However,since the DO levels in McGuire's discharge zone do not typically decrease to levels below the North Carolina water quality standards,the impact (i.e.,benefit) to water quality would not be substantial. • The direct and indirect effects of the loss of organisms at McGuire,as demonstrated through modeling (specifically designed to overestimate effects), resulted in a modest measurable impact to the recreational fishery. • The social cost to social benefit comparison indicates that all modeled scenarios result in zero or net-negative benefits. Entrainment BTA Factors that May Be Considered The May factors to be considered for entrainment BTA (§125.98(f)(3)) are: • Entrainment impacts on the waterbody; • Thermal discharge impacts; • Credit for reductions in flow associated with the retirement of units occurring within the ten years preceding October 14,2014; • Impacts on the reliability of energy delivery within the immediate area; • Impacts on water consumption;and • Availability of process water, grey water,waste water,reclaimed water,or other waters of appropriate quantity and quality for reuse as cooling water. The information from this list is included or addressed in detail in the study reports and supporting documentation provided in Sections 2 through 12 of the compliance submittal document. The findings of the entrainment BTA assessment relative to the factors that NCDEQ may consider are provided below. Entrainment Impacts on the Waterbody Based on the information presented above and in Sections 1 through 12, entrainment at McGuire does not result in substantial or adverse impacts to Lake Norman,with no observable Page 19 of 26 NC0024392 or measurable impacts occurring based on the stability of the fishery and presence of a balanced indigenous population(Sections 4 and 9).Duke Energy has over 30 years of biological data to support this conclusion as detailed in Section 4.This was confirmed with quantitative modeling of the effects of entrainment,using recent entrainment monitoring data collected at McGuire in 2016 and 2017 (Section 9),including direct losses of recreational species as well as indirect losses from trophic transfer of forage species to consumers or predators (see Section 11). An assessment of cooling water residence time(CWRT),a volumetric rate,was performed for McGuire.The CWRT,an alternative approach to defining the proportion of the source waterbody that is withdrawn at the CWIS,is appropriate for a lacustrine waterbody and presents a theoretical estimate of the time required for cooling water that exits the discharge to be withdrawn by the intake in the recirculation process. Lake Norman,which was created to provide cooling water for both McGuire and Marshall Steam Station,a facility owned by Duke Energy to the north of McGuire,has a volume of approximately 356,374 million gallons. The combined AIF for McGuire's Main Intake and LLI is 2,631 MGD based on the three most recent years of data. Based on this withdrawal volume,Lake Norman's CWRT is approximately 135 days.Additionally,estimates of the Main Intake and LLI area of influence (AOI)were developed based on existing operations and targeted TSV thresholds of 0.5 fps (impingement) and 0.1 and 0.3 fps (entrainment).At the most protective entrainment TSV threshold (0.1 fps),the AOI extends 400 ft from the front of the Main Intake,an area representing approximately 5.77 acres or approximately 0.02 percent of the total volume of Lake Norman.Therefore,the AOI of the Main Intake is contained within the small intake cove,between the floating debris boom and the intake structure. The AOI at the LLI structure with just the nuclear service water pumps running is estimated at 3 ft(0.5 fps velocity threshold)and 13 ft(0.1 fps velocity threshold).During the one to five week period each summer when both the nuclear service water pumps and LLI pumps are running,the AOI at the LLI structure is estimated at 43 ft(0.5 fps velocity threshold) and 212 ft(0.1 fps velocity threshold).However,as discussed in Section 6,the potential implications of the impingement AOI for the LLI are reduced based on the location and depth of the structure,timing,frequency,and duration of LLI operations,and adaptive management strategies that minimize potential impacts resulting from LLI operations. Thermal Discharge Impacts The thermal discharge from McGuire is authorized under the facility's NPDES permit and a §316(a) thermal variance based on a review that determined the variance is protective of the balanced indigenous community in Lake Norman.Further,the thermal discharge from McGuire provides thermal refuge for fish during cold winter months,and is currently supporting a recreational winter fishery.As such,the reduction in thermal loading that would occur with a potential cooling tower retrofit would not have a meaningful beneficial effect on the nearby aquatic community,and instead,would eliminate a winter fishery that provides social and economic value to the community.See Section 10 for additional details. Credit for Flow Reductions No unit retirements or associated reductions in flow occurred at McGuire within the preceding 10year period. Page 20 of 26 NC0024392 Impacts on the Reliability of Energy Delivery McGuire is a large generating asset that supplies zero carbon electricity to Duke Energy's customers. Maintaining safe and reliable energy delivery is imperative to Duke Energy, their customers, and their shareholders, and has been considered in this entrainment BTA assessment in the following manner: • During the conceptual design phase for potential entrainment technologies, consideration was given to the location, configuration, operational requirements, and other design specifics for each potential technology to improve generation reliability. This information was incorporated into capital and social costs estimated for each potential retrofit option. • Power system modeling (PROSYM) was performed by Duke Energy to evaluate extent and system-wide impact of loss of generation capacity associated with potential retrofit options to ensure reliable energy delivery and to estimate the social costs of securing it. Under the MDCT retrofit scenario,the station would need to operate at reduced power during the warmest and most humid periods;the reduction is anticipated to result in reliability impacts due to main condenser backpressure energy penalty. Additionally, during periods of peak demand in winter, there would be potential for icing at McGuire's switchyard and/or on off-site transmission lines. During normal winters,heat emanating from the cables may be sufficient to prevent or minimize icing impacts. However,transmission corridors and switchyards may be at increased risk during severe ice storm events potentially jeopardizing nuclear generation safety. The MDCT could be designed for the maximum wet bulb temperature to mitigate the likelihood of reduced power at McGuire,however,this option would result in a significantly larger footprint and increased costs. Under the FMS retrofit scenario,the primary source of reliability impacts would be due to screen fouling or clogging,which would be mitigated by the assumed continuous rotation of the screens and the use of pressure wash system. Therefore,the FMS retrofit scenario is not anticipated to have substantial impacts to station reliability. Impacts on Water Consumption Section 12.2.6 considers changes in water consumption for candidate technologies evaluated in Sections 10 through 12. Potential changes in water consumption with FMS would be negligible. Monthly water consumption due to increased consumptive evaporation with the use of cooling towers was quantified and compared to the monthly increased evaporation associated with discharge of heated effluent from the once-through cooling system(forced evaporation). The results of such an analysis are dependent on ambient weather conditions. Depending on the month,cooling towers were estimated to increase water loss by 33 to 42 percent compared to the once-through cooling system. Such losses would potentially require Duke Energy to release water from upstream reservoirs to support Lake Norman pond elevations,or reduce zero carbon hydropower generation at Cowans Ford Hydroelectric Station and six downstream hydroelectric stations to mitigate the increased evaporative losses. Availability of Alternate Water Sources for Reuse as Cooling Water Based on a review of several potential sources of water in the area,no alternate source of cooling water was found to be feasible. Factors considered in this assessment include the potential quantity of water available and the distance of the source from McGuire. Page 21 of 26 NC0024392 Groundwater and wastewater supplies within 5 miles of McGuire were determined to be insufficient to support even a fraction of McGuire's cooling water requirements. Conclusions Based on the current design(location and depth)and operations of the Main Intake and low rate and composition of impingement(2.2 to 2.3 non-fragile fish/day),a determination of de minimis rate of impingement is requested as the IM Option for McGuire's Main Intake. Further,based on the current design(location and depth),operations (frequency,timing,and duration),and adaptive management(periodic hydroacoustic monitoring for fish presence and density) of the LLI,Duke Energy requests a determination of de minimis rate of impingement as the compliance approach for the LLI.The data presented in Section 6 and summarized in this Executive Summary demonstrate that the current design and operations at McGuire result in minimal IM and that the cost of implementing an impingement-reduction technology for McGuire's Main Intake or LLI does not justify the potential social benefits. As outlined in the Rule,the requirements of the NPDES Director include the following(40 CFR§125.98(f),Site-specific Entrainment Requirements): (� :P q ) (4) If all technologies considered have social costs not justified by the social benefits,or have unacceptable adverse impacts that cannot be mitigated, the Director may determine that no additional control requirements are necessary beyond what the facility is already doing.The Director may reject an otherwise available technology as a BTA standard for entrainment if the social costs are not justified by the social benefits. Model-based estimates of the direct and indirect effects of the loss of organisms at McGuire, based on conservative assumptions and BPJ decisions,indicated a non-observable impact to the recreational fishery of Lake Norman.These data were then used to assess the social costs and social benefits of potential entrainment reduction technologies,including: (1) a potential retrofit to closed-cycle cooling(MDCT) and(2) the installation of FMS with an organism return system. Monetized social costs and social benefits were estimated for both technologies to provide a common basis for comparison,which is consistent with the goals and requirements of the Rule. The estimates were based on conservative assumptions(e.g.,all entrained organisms were considered to affect recreational fisheries either directly as EAS or indirectly through trophic transfer of PF) and include evaluations of uncertainty at multiple stages of the development process.The social cost to social benefit comparison yielded substantial net-negative benefits for the modeled entrainment reduction technologies,and unavoidable adverse effects were identified for both technologies evaluated;however,a potential retrofit to closed-cycle cooling (MDCT)would also result in increased air emissions,increased noise,loss of zero carbon generation output,and potential impacts to system reliability. Based on over 30 years of historical biological monitoring data,historical impingement monitoring,and results of the entrainment Study presented in Section 9,Lake Norman supports a diverse and balanced fishery in the presence of ongoing McGuire operations. No federal or state threatened or endangered species are known to occur in Lake Norman,none were collected in Duke Energy monitoring studies or the historical impingement study,and none were collected during the 2016-2017 entrainment sampling activities.These data,combined with the evaluations described in Sections 10 through 12,demonstrate that the two entrainment reduction technologies (MDCT and FMS) are not justified as BTA for entrainment at McGuire as they Page 22 of 26 NC0024392 would result in adverse effects and the social costs would be wholly disproportionate compared to the potential social benefits. The Director must consider the social costs and benefits of each evaluated entrainment compliance option when determining the maximum entrainment reduction warranted. Based on the evaluation of social costs and benefits of each technology,McGuire's current configuration represents BTA for meeting the site-specific entrainment requirements The Division agrees with the conclusion of the Duke report that"McGuire's current configuration represents BTA for meeting the site-specific entrainment requirements" of the Rule.The Division also agrees that station demonstrates de minimis rates of impingement at both intakes,which does not warrant any additional impingement control measures. These conclusions are supported by the four independent peer reviewers retained by Duke and by the DWR environmental scientists. It is also important to emphasize that the biological monitoring for more than 30 years at McGuire concluded that Balanced and Indigenous Population is being maintained in Lake Norman,which supports conclusions of the report. Whole Effluent Toxicity The facility has WET testing requirements on 3 outfalls: 001,002 and 005. Outfall 001 discharges to Lake Norman and has a current test requirement for acute toxicity ceriodaphnia Pass/Fail Limit at 90%. All WET tests resulted in passing for this outfall. No changes are recommended. Outfall 002 discharges to the Catawba River and has an acute toxicity cerodaphnia LC 50 at 64%. All WET tests resulted in passing. Outfall 005 discharges to the Catawba River and has a chronic toxicity ceriodaphnia permit limit at 1.4%. All WET tests resulted in passing for this outfall. Reasonable Potential Analysis (RPA) The Division conducted EPA-recommended analyses to determine the reasonable potential for toxicants to be discharged at levels exceeding water quality standards/EPA criteria by this facility. For the purposes of the RPA, the background concentrations for all parameters were assumed to be below detection level. The RPA uses 95% probability level and 95% confidence basis in accordance with the EPA Guidance entitled"Technical Support Document for Water Quality-based Toxics Control." The RPA included evaluation of dissolved metals' standards, utilizing a default hardness value of 25 mg/L CaCO3 for hardness-dependent metals. Outfall 001 Calculations included: As, Be,Cd,Total Phenolic Compounds,Cr,Cu,CN, F, Pb, Hg,Mo, Ni,Se, Ag,Zn,Al, B,Sulfate,and Tl (please see attached). The renewal application listed 2,926 MGD as the highest reported flow during the last permit cycle. This flow was used in the RPA. The analysis indicates no reasonable potential to violate the surface water quality standards or EPA criteria. Page 23 of 26 NC0024392 The Division also considered data for radioactive parameters of concern in the EPA Form 2C that the facility submitted for the renewal,including Total Alpha radioactivity,Total Beta radioactivity,Total Radium,and Radium 226. All these parameters were not detected in the discharge. Outfall 002 Calculations included: As,Be,Cd,Total Phenolic Compounds,Cr,Cu,CN,F,Pb,Hg,Mo,Ni,Se, Ag,Zn,Al,B,Sulfate,and Tl (please see attached).The renewal application listed 0.73 MGD as the highest reported flow during the last permit cycle.This flow was used in the RPA.The analysis indicates no reasonable potential to violate the surface water quality standards or EPA criteria. The Division also considered data for radioactive parameters of concern in the EPA Form 2C that the facility submitted for the renewal,including Total Alpha radioactivity,Total Beta radioactivity,Total Radium,and Radium 226. All these parameters were not detected in the discharge. Outfall 005 Calculations included:As,Be,Cd,Total Phenolic Compounds,Cr,Cu,CN,F,Pb,Hg,Mo,Ni,Se, Ag,Zn,Al,B,Sulfate,and Tl(please see attached).The renewal application listed 12.79 MGD as the highest reported flow during the last permit cycle.This flow was used in the RPA The analysis indicates no reasonable potential to violate the surface water quality standards or EPA criteria. The Division also considered data for radioactive parameters of concern in the EPA Form 2C that the facility submitted for the renewal,including Total Alpha radioactivity,Total Beta radioactivity,Total Radium,and Radium 226. All these parameters were not detected in the discharge. The only exception was Total Beta radioactivity,which was well below state water quality standard. The proposed permit requires that EPA methods 200.7 or 200.8 (or the most current versions) shall be used for analyses of all metals except for total mercury. Compliance History DMR data were reviewed for the period of April 2018 to April 2023. The facility violated permit limits four times. All violations occurred in August of 2018.Two violations were for Oil and Grease and two violations were for Total Suspended Solids. Permit Limits Rationale Outfall Parameter Limits/Condition* Basis for Condition Outfall 001 Flow Monitor 14A NCAC 02B .0505 Free Available Total Residual Chlorine 40 CFR 423.12(b) (6) Chlorine was replaced with Free Time of chlorine Available Chlorine addition Temperature 95 °F (35°C) (Oct- 316(a) temperature variance June) Page 24 of 26 NC0024392 99 °F (37.2°C) (July- Sept) Outfall 002 Flow Monitor 14A NCAC 02B .0505 TSS 30 mg/L (MA) 40 CFR 423.12 (b) (3) 100 mg/L(DM) Oil&Grease 15 mg/L (MA) 40 CFR 423.12 (b) (3) 20 mg/L (DM) TRC Monitor Monthly 14A NCAC 02B .0200 WTP discharge which is chlorinated is included in this outfall. pH 6 to 9 S.U. 40 CFR 423.12 (b) (1) Outfall 004 Flow Monitor 14A NCAC 02B .0505 TSS 30 mg/L (MA) 40 CFR 423.12(b) (3) 100 mg/L (DM) Oil&Grease 15 mg/L (MA) 40 CFR 423.12(b) (3) 20 mg/L (DM) Outfall 005 Flow Monitor 14A NCAC 02B .0505 TSS 30 mg/L (MA) 40 CFR 423.12(b) (3) 100 mg/L(DM) 15 mg/L (MA) 40 CFR 423.12(b) (3) Oil&Grease 20 mg/L (DM) pH Monitor 40 CFR 423.12 (b) (1) Outfall 006 Flow Monitor 14A NCAC 02B .0505 TSS 30 mg/L (MA) 40 CFR 423.12(b) (3) 100 mg/L (DM) 15 mg/L (MA) 40 CFR 423.12 (b) (3) Oil&Grease 20 mg/L (DM) Total Recoverable 1 mg/L MA 40 CFR 423.12 (b) (5) Copper 1 mg/L DM Total Recoverable Iron 1 mg/L MA 40 CFR 423.12 (b) (5) 1 mg/L DM *MA-monthly average,DM-daily maximum Summaryproposedpermit ofchanges 1. The Division approved 316(b) report submitted by Duke and updated Section A. (21.) accordingly. 2. The Section A. (16.) entitled Lake MonitoringAquatic Environmental Maintenance q Monitoring Program has been removed to eliminate redundancy with 316a requirements. 3. Total Thallium limits were eliminated based on the results of the Reasonable Potential Analysis (Outfall 001). Page 25 of 26 NC0024392 Proposed Schedule for Permit Issuance Draft Permit to Public Notice: Permit Scheduled to Issue: State Contact Information If you have any questions on any of the above information or on the attached permit,please contact Sergei Chernikov at(919) 707-3606. Page 26 of 26