HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000573_ROS requst_20230523 Mews Creek SLenin Station
1�O1\E bUl:e Energy Pine inns,Road
���''`JJCCj�',�J 3 195 Pine Hall Ruad
ENERGYENERGY, Belews Creek,NC 27449
May 17,2023 EMIR-Slamwater Program
Ms. Brianna Young
NC DEMLR Stormwater Permitting Program
1612 Mail Service Center
Raleigh,NC 27699-1612
Subject: Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC.
Belews Creek Steam Station
NPDES Industrial Stormwater Permit NCS000573
ROS Request
Dear Ms. Young:
Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC is submitting herewith, supplemental information in support of
representative outfall status(ROS)for outfalls permitted via NPDES permit NCS000573. Duke Energy
requests the changes summarized below.
1. Requests representative outfall status for the following:
ROS for SWO06 being representative of SW003; SWO04 and SWO05
(Attached is Matrix showing history of sampling results similarities. These SW outfalls
Are 50 feet or less in line with each other. SW003; SWO04 and SWO05 were granted non
Tier status for Zn and Cu benchmark exceedance in 2018 by DEQ. SWO06 is in the same
location and has been in Tier III status for Zn and Cu benchmark exceedance since 2017).
ROS for SW016 being representative of SW017
ROS for SW028 being representative of SW029
Attached is supplementary information in support of modifying the status of the outfalls listed above.
Should you have any questions please contact Ms. Lori Tollie at Lori.Tollie cr,duke-energy.cotn or at
Michael Lanning. General Manager III
RRE CDG Belews Creek Steam Station
Supplemental Information
' Belews Creek Stormwater Sampling Matrix Summary through April 2023
Analytical monitoring of stormwater discharges shall be performed during a measurable storm event,with sampling beginning during the first 30 minutes of flow and continues until completed. A"measurable storm event'is a storm event that results in an actual
discharge from the permitted site outfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm interval does not apply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for local storm events during the sampling
period,and the permittee obtains approval from the local DWQ Regional Office. Grab samples shall be collected within the first 30 minutes of discharge. When physical separation between outfalls prevents collecting all samples within the first 30 minutes,sampling shall begin
within the first 30 minutes and shall continue until completed. Qualitative SDO observations must be completed quarterly(unless in Tier status)during a measurable storm event,but do not have to be within the first 30 minutes of flow.
Next Sample Sample 'I ier I *Fier 11 30-Da.t Draft DNIR
Outfall Required Collection Collected SDO' Frequency Compliant or Fier currvctiA e Corrective 'Fier fit Completed Comments
Sampling Attempts (Nes/Nol Inspection inspection Notification
Action, Action
SW001 6/17/17 No Flow SA no flow I no flow(according to contact same as SW024-no separate outfall
24"CMP to None 12/20/17 No Flow SA no flow I no flow F I� n
Belews Lake (No separate outfall for SWOQI-This is the same as SW024)
SWO02 None Non-contact cooling water in retired stack area-covered under Permit NC0024406 covered by different permit
missing previous data
6/13/2017 Yes Yes SA TSS,Cu,Zn Tier I(TSS,Cu,Zn) CLEM-Stommater Program
7/28/17 No Flow M no flow 8/4/2017 no flow
8-2017 No Flow M no flow no flow
9/1/2017 Yes Yes M —comment Cu,Zn 10/2/2017 Tier II(Cu,Zn)(19 compli—("c"):TSS)
10/23/2017 Yes Yes M s<e—t Cu,Zn Tier II(Cu,Zn)2nd c:TSS
11-2017 No Flow M no flow 12/20/2017 no flow
1220/2017 Yes Yes M re-ins ected Actions Taken notified Tier III(Cu,Zn),3rd C:TSS,Hg high(odd very high x 10)
01-2018 No Flow M no flow-see comment no flow
02-2018 No Flow M no flow-see comment 3/9/2018 Per DEMLR return to SA monitoring*.
4/23/2018 Yes Yes SA Cu,Zn completed com lets 5/16/2018 Cu&Zn non-tier per DEQ 1/29/18,Hg high;resume semi-annual sampling
12/20/2018 Yes I Yes SA Not Received analyses not received until after January 2019
1220/2018 received Feb 2019 SA TSS Cu,Zn !W1
b 2/15/19 Need 2/6/2019 Tier I(TSS),Cu&Zn non-tier er DEQ 1/29/18,H>12
2/3/2019 No Flow M no flow no flow
4/5/2019 Yes Yes M TSS Zn,CuNeed 5/2/2019 Tier I(Ist c:TSS),Cu&Zn non-tier er DEQ 1/29/18,H>12
5-102019 No Flow 3Q2019 M no flow-see comment no uali flow-SDO Jul 2019
SWO03 11/12/2019 Yes Yes M TSS Cu Zn Need 12/6/2019 Tier I(TSS),Cu&Zn non-tier er DE 1/29/18 H>12
21"CMPto NextFlow 01-02/?0?0 No Flow no flowIntake Canal 3/32020 Yes Yes M TSS Cu Zn422020 Tier I(Ist c:TSS),Cu&Zn non-tier per DE 1/29/18 H>12
42020 No NA M no flow No Flow
5/27/2020 Yes Yes M TSS Zn 6/17/2020 Tier I(2nd c:TSS),Zn non-tier per DEQ 129/18 H>12
06-072020 No NA M no flow No Flow
8/21/2020 Yes Yes M Zn 9/15/2020 Zn non-tier er DEQ 1/29/18 H>12
9/172020 Yes Yes M Cu Zn 10/13/2020 Cu&Zn non-tier er DE 1/29/18 H >12
10/2020 No NA M no flow No Flow
12/14/2020 Yes Yes M Zn 12/30/2020 Zn non-tier per DEQ 129/18
622/2021 Yes Yes SA TSS Cu Zn 7/12/2021 TSS,C.,Zn non-tier per DEQ I/29/18(IfconsecutiveTSS>Bki=Tierlll)
921/2021 Yes Yes SA Cd Need Need Need Need Need 10/22/2021 Tier III(TSS,Cu,Zn),Tier I(Cd),Hg>12
10-12/2021 No NA M no flow No Flow
01-02/2022 No NA M no flow No Flow
323/2022 Yes Yes SA Cd 4/122022 Tier III(TSS,Cu,Zn),Tier I(1st C:Cd),Hg>12
4-122022 No NA M n0 uali mg flow no qualifying flow
1/42023 2NOo
s Yes M Cd 1/262023 Tier III(Zn,1st C.TSS,Cu).Tier I(2nd C:Cd)
2/172023s Yes M 3/14/2023 Tier III(Zn,2nd C:TSS,Cu)
3 42023 NA NI no flow INoFlow
missing previous data
6/13/2017 Yes Yes SA Zn Tier I(Zn)
7/28117 No Flow M no flow 8/4/2017 no flow
8-2017 No Flow M no flow no flow
9/12017 Yes Yes M Zn 10/2/2017 Tier II(Zn)
10/232017 Yes Yes M Zn Tier II(Zn)
11-2017 No Flow M no flow 12/20/2017 no flow
12/20/2017 Yes Yes M re-ins ected Actions Taken notified Tier III(Zn),Hg high
1/11/2018 No Flow M no flow-see comment I Per NCDEQ return to SA monitoring*.
2/28/2018 No Flow M no flow 3/9/2018 no flow
SWO04 4/23/2018 Yes Yes SA Zn I completed I completed 1 5/16/2018 Zn non-tier per DE 1/29/18,Hg high;resume semi-annual sam ling per DEQ
18"CMP to Jan-22 12/20/2018 Yes Yes SA Not Received analyses not received until after January 2019
Intake Canal 12/20/2018 received Feb 2019 SA Cu Zn by 2/15/19 Need by 2/15/19 Need 2/6/2019 Tier I(TSS),Cu&Zn non-tier per DEQ 1/29/18,H>12
2-32019 No Flow SA no flow no flow
4/5/2019 Yes Yes SA Zn Need 5/2/2019 Zn non-tier per DE 1/29/18,H>12
5-10/2019 No Flow SA no flow no flow
11/12/2019 Yes Yes SA Zn Need 12/6/2019 Zn non-tier per DEQ 1/29/18,H>12
3/3/2020 Yes Yes SA Zn 4/2/2020 Zn non-tier per DEQ 129/18,H>12
9/17/2020 Yes Yes SA Zn 10/132020 Zn non-tier per DEQ 1/29/19,H>12
2/11/2021 Yes Yes SA Zn 3/4/2021 Zn non-tier per DE 1/29/18,H>12
7/8/2021 Yes Yes SA Zn,Cu 7/30/2021 Zn&Cu elevated,but non-tier per DEQ 1/29/18,Hg>12 remains semi-annual
3/23/2022 Yes Yes SA Zn,Cu 4/12/2022 Zn elevated,but non-tier per DEQ 129/18,Hg>12 remains semi-annual
21-12O22 No Flow SA no flow no flow
Page 1 of 8
Belews Creek Stormwater Sampling Matrix Summary through April 2023
Analytical monitoring of stormwater discharges shall be performed during a measurable storm event,with sampling beginning during the first 30 minutes of flow and continues until completed. A"measurable storm event"is a storm event that results in an actual
discharge from the permitted site outfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm interval does not apply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for local storm events during the sampling
period,and the permittee obtains approval from the local DWQ Regional Office. Grab samples shall be collected within the first 30 minutes of discharge. When physical separation between outfalls prevents collecting all samples within the first 30 minutes,sampling shall begin
within the first 30 minutes and shall continue until completed. Qualitative SDO observations must be completed quarterly(unless in Tier status)during a measurable storm event,but do not have to be within the first 30 minutes of flow.
Next Sample Sample Tier I Tier It 30-Dav
Outfull Required Collection Collected SDO' Frequeinc� Compliant or Fier 'Fier If I Draft D.NIR Comme"L, .......
Sampling Attempt-, I Yes/No) Inpection Correethe Inspection Cijryecti�e Notification C ompleted
Action Action
missing previous data
6/13/2017 Yes Yes SA Zn Tier I(Zn)
7/28/17 No Flow M no flow 8/4/2017 no flow
8-2017 No Flow M no flow no flow
9/1/2017 Yes Yes M TSS,A ,Cu I Zn 10/2/2017 Tier I TSS,Ag.Cu),Tier II(Zn)
10/23/2017 Yes Yes M I TSS,Ag,Cu,Zn TSS,Ag,Cu implement Tim 11 wi—dive Tier II(TSS,Ag,Cu,Zn)received 11/8/17
11-2017 No Flow M no flow action by J...y s,2018 12/20/2017 no flow
12/20/2017 Yes Yes M TSS,Cu re-ms ected Actions Take notified Tier III(Zn),Tier II(TSS,Cu),Hg>12,istc:Ag
1/11/2018 No Flow M a Per NCDEQ month) until 3 consecutive compliant TSS results*
2282018 No Flow M "1 .0.
flow" 3/92018 no flaw
3-2018 No Flow M 4/3/2018 no flow
4/23/2018 Yes Yes M ,Cu,Zn completed completed 5/16/2018 Tier III(TSS),Cu&Zn non-tier DE 1/29/18,H>12
05-2018 No Flow Mflow no flow
06-2018 No Flow Mflow no flow
07-2018 No Flow M no flow no flow
No Flow M no flow no flow
No Flow M no flow no flow
SW005 No Flow M no flow no flow
15"CMP to Jan-22 No Flow M no flow no flow
Intake Canal Yes Yes M Not Received analyses not received until after January 2019
12/20/2018 received Feb 2019 M Cu,Zn 2/6/2019 Tier III(TSS),Cu&Zn non-der per DEQ 1/29/18,H>12
1/29/2019 Yes Yes M Cu,Zn Tier III(1st C:TSS),Cu&Zn non-tier perDEQ 1/29/18,H>12
2-3/2019 No Flow M no u flow event no flow
4/5/2019 Yes Yes M Cu,Zn 5/2/2019 Tier II(2nd c:TSS),Cu&Zn non-tier per DEQ 129/18,H>12
5-10/2019 No Flow 3Q2019 M no flow-see comment no qualifying flow-SDO July 2019
11/12/2019 Yes Yes M TSS Cu,Zn 12/62019 return to semi-annual per DEQ letter 1/29/18,H>12
12/102019 Yes Yes SA TSS Cu,Zn 12/312019 semi-annual per DEQ letter 129/18,Cu&Zn>BMs,H>12
1242020 Yes Yes SA TSS Cu,Zn 2/132020 semi-annual per DEQ letter 129/18,Cu&Zn>BMs,H>12
022020 No Flow SA no flow no flow
3/32020 Yes Yes SA TSS Cu,Zn 422020 semi-annual per DEQ letter 129/18,Cu&Zn>BMs,H>12
42020 No NA SA no flow No Flow
5/272020 Yes Yes SA TSS Zn 6/172020 semi-annual per DEQ letter 129/18,Zn>BM,H >12
9/17/2020 Yes Yes SA 10/132020 semi-annual per DEQ letter 129/18,H>12
2/112021 Yes Yes SA 1 3/4/2021 semi-annual per DEQ letter 129/18,H>12
7/82021 Yes Yes SA Zn 7/302021 semi-annual per DEQ letter 129/18,Zn>BM,H>I2
3/232022 Yes Yes SA 4/122022 compliant
2H2O22 No Flow SA no flow no flow
Page 2 of 8
Belews Creek Stormwater Sampling Matrix Summary through April 2023
Analytical monitoring of stormwater discharges shall be performed during a measurable storm event,with sampling beginning during the first 30 minutes of flow and continues until completed. A"measurable storm event'is a storm event that results in an actual
discharge from the permitted site outfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm interval does not apply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for local storm events during the sampling
period,and the permittee obtains approval from the local DWQ Regional Office. Grab samples shall be collected within the first 30 minutes of discharge. When physical separation between outfalls prevents collecting all samples within the first 30 minutes,sampling shall begin
within the first 30 minutes and shall continue until completed. Qualitative SDO observations must be completed quarterly(unless in Tier status)during a measurable storm event,but do not have to be within the first 30 minutes of flow.
Day Draft DMR
Outfall Required Collection Collected Sj)(� Frequency Compliant or Fier Corrective Con-ective ,Fier If I Completed Comment"
Sampling Attempts (Yes/No) Inspection Inspection Notification
Action, Action
Imissin previous data
6/13/2017 Yes Yes SA Cu,Zn Tier I(Cu,Zn)
7/28/17 No Flow M no flow 8/4/2017 no flow
8-2017 No Flow M no flow no flow
9/1/2017 Yes Yes M H,TSS Cu,Zn 10/2/2017 Tier I(pH,TSS)Tier II(Cu,Zn)
10/23/2017 Yes Yes M —oa as,,t Cu Tier 1I(Cu),Tier III at next Cu exceedance,1st c:pH.TSS,Zn
I 1-2017 No Flow M no flow 12/20/2017 no flow
12/20/2017 Yes Yes M see--t I —conmk a High Hg,2nd C:pH,TSS,Zn,1st C:Cu
1/11/2018 No Flow M no flow no flow
2/28/2018 No Flow M no flow 3/9/2018 no flow
3-2018 No Flow M no flow-see comment 4/3/2018 no flow
4/23/2018 Yes Yes M TSS !"' com leted com leted com leted 5/16/2018 Tier I(TSS),Tier II,(Zn),Tier III(Cu),Hg high
05-2018 No Flow M no flow no flow
06-2018 No Flow M no flow no flow
07-2018 No Flow M no flow no flow
08-2018 No Flow M no flow no flow
09-2018 No Flow M no flow no flow
10/10/2018 Yes Yes M TSS needed for Zu Tier III(Cu,Zn),Ist C:TSS,Hg high
11/2/2018 Yes Yes M TSS Tier III(Zn),1st C:Cu),2nd C:TSS,Hg high
12/14/2018 Yes Yes M Tier III(Zn,2nd C:Cu),3rd C:TSS,Hg high
1/29/2019 Yes Yes M Tier III(3rd C:Cu,1st C:Zn),Hg high
2-3/2019 No Flow M no qualifying flow event no flow
4/5/2019 Yes Yes M 5/2/2019 Tier III(Zn,>3rd c:Cu),H>12
5-10/2019 No Flow 3 2019 M no flow-see comment no qualifying flow-SDO July 2019
SWO06 11/12/2019 Yes Yes M 12/6/2019 Tier III(1st c:Zn,>3rd c:Cu),H>12
18"CNT to Next Flow 12/10/2019 Yes Yes M 12/31/2019 Tier III(2nd c:Zn,6th c:Cu),H>12
Intake Canal 1/24/2020 Yes Yes M 2/132020 Tier III(Zn,7th c:Cu),H>12
2-42020 No Flow M no flow no flow
5/272020 Yes Yes M 6/17/2020 Tier III(1st c:Zn,8th c:Cu)
06-07/2020 No NA M no flow No Flow
8/21/2020 Yes Yes M 9/15/2020 Tier III(2nd c:Zn,9th c:Cu),H>12
9/17/2020 Yes Yes M 10/17/2020 Tier III(3rd c:Zn,loth c:Cu),H>12
10/2020 No NA M no flow No Flow
12/14/2020 Yes Yes M 12/30/2020 Tier III(4th c:Zn,I lth c:Cu),H>12
012021 No NA M no flow No Flow
2/11/2021 Yes Yes M 3/42021 Tier III(Zn,12th c:Cu),H>12
03-05/2021 No NA M no flow No Flow
6222021 Yes Yes M 7/12/2021 Tier III(Cu,Zn),H>12
07-082021 No NA M no flow No Flow
9/21/2021 Yes Yes M 10222021 Tier III(Cu,Zn),H>12
10-12/2021 No NA M no flow No Flow
01-02/2022 No NA M no flow No Flow
3/23/2022 Yes Yes M TSS Need Need 4/12/2022 Tier III(Cu,Zn),Tier I(TSS)next TSS>BM=Tier Ill,Hg>12
4-52022 No NA M no flow No Flow
6/27/2022 Yes Yes M TSS 7/18/2022 Tier III(1st a Cu&Zn),Tier I(1st c:TSS)next TSS>BNI=Tier III,Hg>12
7-122022 No NA M no flow No Flow
1/42023 Yes Yes M TSS 1/262023 Tier III(2nd c:Cu&Zn),Tier I(2nd c:TSS)next TSS>BNI=Tier 111,Hg>12
2/172023 Yes Yes M 3/14/2023 Tier III 3rd c:Cu&Zn),note:next TSS>BM=Tier III
3/2023 No NA M no flow No Flow
4/14/2023 Yes Yes M 5/10/2023 Tier III(4th c:Cu&Zn),note:next TSS>BM=Tier III
Page 3 of 8
Belews Creek Stormwater Sampling Matrix Summary through April 2023
Analytical monitoring of stormwater discharges shall be performed during a measurable storm event,with sampling beginning during the first 30 minutes of flow and continues until completed. A"measurable storm event"is a storm event that results in an actual
discharge from the permitted site outfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm interval does not apply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for local storm events during the sampling
period,and the permittee obtains approval from the local DWQ Regional Office. Grab samples shall be collected within the first 30 minutes of discharge. When physical separation between outfalls prevents collecting all samples within the first 30 minutes,sampling shall begin
within the fast 30 minutes and shall continue until completed. Qualitative SDO observations must be completed quarterly(unless in Tier status)during a measurable storm event,but do not have to be within the first 30 minutes of flow.
Ourfall Required Collection Collected SNext 1 Sample Sample Tier I Tier If 30-Dat
missing previous data
6/4/2017 Yes SA Compliant
10/23/2017 No Flow SA Compliant
1/11/2018 Yes Yes SA Compliant
4/23/2018 Yes Yes SA 5/16/2018 Compliant
10/10/2018 Yes Yes SA Compliant
SWO07 4/5/2019 Yes Yes SA 5/2/2019 Compliant
24"CMP to 1/l/2022 11/12/2019 Yes Yes SA 12/6/2019 Compliant
Belews Lake 1/24/2020 Yes Yes SA 2/13/2020 Compliant
9/25/2020 Yes Yes SA 10/13/2020 Compliant
1/25/2021 Yes Yes SA 2/12/2021 Compliant
7/8/2021 Yes Yes SA 7/30/2021 Compliant
3/23/2022 Yes Yes SA 4/12/2022 Compliant
11/15/2022 Yes Yes SA 12/7/2022 Compliant
2/17/2023 Yes Yes 3/14/2023 Compliant
SW008 None No industrial activity
1 H-2017 No Flow SA no flow no flow
2H-2017 No Flow SA no flow no flow
1H-2018 No Flow SA no flow no flow
21-1-2018 No Flow SA no flow no flow
4/5/2019 Yes Yes SA 5/2/2019 Compliant,Hg>12
12/10/2019 Yes Yes SA TSS by 1/15/20 Need 12/31/2019 Tier I(TSS) Becomes Monthly
SWO09 1-5/2020 No Flow M no flow
54"conc 06-07/2020 6/2020 No M no flow
1/1/2022 8/21/2020 Yes Yes M TSS 9/15/2020 Tier I(1st compliance("c"):TSS),Hg>12
cols 9/17/2020 Yes Yes M TSS 10/13/2020 Tier I(2nd c:TSS)
Belews Lake 10-11/2020 No NA M no flow No Flow
12/14/2020 Yes Yes M 12/30/2020 H>12
2/11/2021 Yes Yes SA 3/4/2021 H>12
9/21/2021 Yes Yes SA 10/22/2021 H>12
3/23/2022 Yes Yes SA 4/12/2022 H>12
2H2O22 No Flow M no flow
SWO10 Abandoned
6/4/2017 Yes Yes SA Compliant
10/23/2017 Yes Yes SA Compliant
IH-2018 No Flow SA no flow no flow
12/14/2018 Yes Yes SA Compliant
4/5/2019 Yes Yes SA 5/2/2019 Compliant
12/10/2019 Yes Yes SA 12/31/2019 Compliant
1/24/2020 Yes Yes SA 2/13/2020 Compliant
SW011 9/17/2020 Yes Yes SA 10/13/2020 Compliant
15"CMP to sect Flow 2/11/2021 Yes Yes M TSS by 3/16/21 Need 3/4/2021 Tier I(TSS) Becomes Monthly
Discharge 03-05/2021 No NA M no flow No Flow
Canal 6/22/2021 Yes Yes M TSS 7/12/2021 Tier I(1st c:TSS)
07-12/2021 No NA M no flow No Flow
01-02/2022 No NA M no flow No Flow
3/23/2022 Yes Yes M TSS 4/12/2022 Tier I(2nd c:TSS)
4-5/2022 No NA M no flow No Flow
6/27/2022 Yes Yes M 7/18/2022 Compliant
21-12O22 No NA M no flow No Flow
SWO12 1H-2017 Comin led Inotsampled
12"CMP to removed 1H-2017 Comin led not sampled
Discharge from 1H-2018 No Flow I I SA I no flow I no flow
Canal Removed from sampling(SW013 is representative of this outfall)-Continue Quarterly Qualitative SDO Observations.
6/4/2017 Yes Yes SA Compliant
10/23/2017 Yes Yes SA Compliant
4/23/2018 Yes Yes SA 5/16/2018 Compliant(SWO13 is representative of SWO12 and SW014)
1 011 0/2 0 1 8 Yes Yes SA Compliant
4/5/2019 Yes Yes SA 5/2/2019 Compliant
SWO13 11/12/2019 Yes Yes SA 12/6/2019 Compliant
21"CMP to 1/1/2022 1/24/2020 Yes Yes SA 2/13/2020 Compliant
Discharge 9/17/2020 Yes Yes SA 10/13/2020 Compliant
Canal 1/25/2021 Yes Yes SA 2/12/2021 Compliant
7/8/2021 Yes Yes SA 7/30/2021 Compliant
3/23/2022 Yes Yes SA 4/12/2022 Compliant
I1/15/2022 Yes Yes SA 12/7/2022 Compliant
2/17/2023 Yes Yes Q 1 3/14/2023 Compliant
Page 4 of 8
Belews Creek Stormwater Sampling Matrix Summary through April 2023
Analytical monitoring of stormwater discharges shall be performed during a measurable storm event,with sampling beginning during the first 30 minutes of flow and continues until completed. A"measurable storm event"is a storm event that results in an actual
discharge from the permitted site outfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm interval does not apply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for local storm events during the sampling
period,and the permittee obtains approval from the local DWQ Regional Office. Grab samples shall be collected within the first 30 minutes of discharge. When physical separation between outfalls prevents collecting all samples within the first 30 minutes,sampling shall begin
within the first 30 minutes and shall continue until completed. Qualitative SDO observations must be completed quarterly(unless in Tier status)during a measurable storm event,but do not have to be within the first 30 minutes of flow.
Next Sample Sample 'Fier I 'Fier It 30-Day
Draft DMR
Outtaill Requi"d Collection Collected Frequency Compliant or Fier Tier fit
orrective Corrective Completed
Sampling Attempts (Yrs/No� Inspection la"pectiou Notification
wtion Action
SWO14 1H-2017 Comin led nsampled
12"CMF to from 2H-2017 Comingled Inot sampled
Discharge sampling 1H-2018 No Flow no flow
Canal Removed from sampling(SW013 is representative of this outfall)-Continue Quarterly Qualitative SDO Observations.
6/4/2017 Yes Yes SA Compliant
10/23/2017 Yes SA TSS Tier I(TSS)results received 11/8/17.
11-2017 No Flow M no flow no flow
12/20/2017 Yes Yes M TSS inspect corr.Actions 12/20/2017 Tier II(TSS)results received 1/5/18
1/11/2018 Yes Yes M see comments 1st compliant("c"):TSS;continue monthly sampling.
SWO15 2/28/2018 No Flow M no flow 3/9/2018 no flow
42"CMP to 3/6/2018 Yes Yes M see comments 4/3/2018 2nd c:TSS;continue monthlysampling.
Next Flow 4/23/2018 Yes Yes SA 5/16/2018 Compliant-3rd c for TSS-return to Semi-Annual sampling
Discharge 2H-2018 No Flow no flow(comin led)
Canal 1H&2H 2O19 3Q SA No Flow no flow
1H&2H-2020 SA No Flow no flow
IH&2H-2021 3Q SA No Flow no flow
1H-2022 3Q SA No Flow no flow
214-2022 4Q SA No Flow Ino flow
Page 5 of 8
Belews Creek Stormwater Sampling Matrix Summary through April 2023
Analytical monitoring of stormwater discharges shall be performed during a measurable storm event,with sampling beginning during the first 30 minutes of flow and continues until completed. A"measurable storm event"is a storm event that results in an actual
discharge from the permitted site outfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm interval does not apply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for local storm events during the sampling
period,and the pemmttee obtains approval from the local DWQ Regional Office. Grab samples shall be collected within the first 30 minutes of discharge. When physical separation between outfalls prevents collecting all samples within the first 30 minutes,sampling shall begin
within the first 30 minutes and shall continue until completed. Qualitative SDO observations must be completed quarterly(unless in Tier status)during a measurable storm event,but do not have to be within the first 30 minutes of flow.
Next Sample Sample Tier I Tier If 30-Day Draft DNIR
�114&11 Required Collection Collected SDO' Frequency Compliant or I ier Tier III Comment,
Correcthe Corrective Completed
Sampling Attempts j 1'es/Noli Inspection inspection Notification
Action Action
IH-2017 Comin led not sampled
2H-2017 Comin led not sampled
1H-2018 No Flow no flow
SW016 2H-2018 No Flow no flow(comin ed)
30"CMP to Next Flow lH&2H 2O19 3Q SA No Flow no flow
Belews Lake 1H&2H-2020 SA No Flow no flow
IH&2H-2021 3Q SA No Flow no flow
1H-2022 3Q SA No Flow no flow
21-1-2022 4Q SA No Flow no flow
IH-2017 Corningled not sampled
2H-2017 Comingled not sampled
IH-2018 No Flow no flow
SW017 21-1-2018 No Flow no flow(comin ed)
30"CMP to Next Flow IH&2H 2O19 3Q SA No Flow no flow
Belews Lake IH&2H-2020 SA No Flow no flow
iH&2H-2021 3Q SA No Flow no flow
I H-2022 3Q SA No Flow Ino flow
21-1-2022 4Q SA No Flow Ino flow
1H-2017 No Flow SA no flow SW018 internal outfall not to SW.Permit not required
2H-2017 No Flow SA no flow (SWOIBA&B see Table 1 and page 9 of 21-permit not required for SWO18 flow
1H-2018 No Flow under current configuration)
12/14/2018 Yes Yes SA TSS inspect corr.Actions Tier 1(fSS),begin monthly monitoring
2-3/2019 No Flow M no qualifyirig flow event no flow
4/5/2019 Yes Yes M TSS inspect corr.Action: 5/2/2019 Tier II(TSS),inspect-implement corrective action
5-1012019 No Flow M no qualifying flow event no qualifying flow SDO 3Q2019-July 2019
SW018A 12/10/2019 Yes Yes M TSS 12/31/2019 Tier II(1st c:TSS)
24"CMP to Next Flow 1/24/2020 Yes Yes M TSS 2/13/2020 Tier II(2nd c:TSS)
Belews Lake 2-5/2020 no flow M no qualifying flow event no flow
06-07/2020 No NA M no flow No Flow
8/21/2020 Yes Yes SA 9/15/2020 Compliant-return to SA monitoring frequency
10/29/2020 Yes Yes SA 11/13/2020 Compliant
2/11/2021 Yes Yes SA L 3/4/2021 Compliant
2H2021 No NA SA no flow No Flow
3/23/2022 Yes Yes SA 4/12/2022 Compliant
21-12022 No NA SA no flow No Flow
not required SWO18 internal outfall not to SW.Permit not required
no longer 12/14/2018 Yes Yes SAMEN- Compliant
SWO18B sampled 4/5/2019 Yes Yes SA Compliant
B.Johnson per DEQ letter of 3/13/2017,no further sampling required. 3 2019 SDO July 2019
SW019 None No industrial activity
SW020 None discharges to ash basin(SW monitoring not required)
SW021 None discharges to ash basin(SW monitoring not required)
1H-2017 No Flow no flow
2H-2017 No Flow no flow
IH-2018 No Flow no flow
21-1-2018 No Flow no flow
SW022 11-1-2019 No Flow no flow
24"CMP to Next Flow 2H-2019 No Flow 3 2019 SDO July 2019
Belews Lake Yes Yes SA 3/5/2020 Com liant
2, Yes Yes SA 12/30/2020 Com liant
021No Flow no flow
022 No Flow no flow
SW023 None discharges to ash basin(SW monitoring not required)
missing revious data
6/4/2017 Yes SA Compliant
12/20/2017 Yes Yes SA Compliant
IH-2018 No Flow no flow
SW024 12/14/2018 Yes Yes SA Compliant
24"CMP to Next Flow 4/5/2019 Yes Yes SA 5/2/2019 Compliant
Belews Lake 12/10/2019 Yes Yes SA 12/31/2019 Compliant
12/14/2020 Yes Yes SA 12/30/2020 Compliant
2/11/2021 Yes Yes SA Compliant
1H&2H-2022 No Flow no flow
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Belews Creek Stormwater Sampling Matrix Summary through April 2023
Analytical monitoring of stormwater discharges shall be performed during a measurable storm event,with sampling beginning during the first 30 minutes of flow and continues until completed. A"measurable storm event"is a storm event that results in an actual
discharge from the permitted site outfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm interval does not apply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for local storm events during the sampling
period,and the pemilttee obtains approval from the local DWQ Regional Office. Grab samples shall be collected within the first 30 minutes of discharge. When physical separation between outfalls prevents collecting all samples within the first 30 minutes,sampling shall begin
within the first 30 minutes and shall continue until completed. Qualitative SDO observations must be completed quarterly(unless in Tier status)during a measurable storm event,but do not have to be within the first 30 minutes of flow.
Ourfall Required Collection Collected SDO' Frequency Compliant or Tier 'rier 111 Draft Sample Sample
Corrective COrrective Completed
Sampling Attempts (Yes/Nol Inspection Action inspection Action Notification
SW025 12/20/2017 No Flow I La down yar7 no flow
24"CMP to Next Flow 1H-2018 No Flow Ino flow
Belews Lake 2H-2018 No Flow Inew discrete outfall needed for la down yard/parking area/w-storage
SW026 No industrial activity(see page 10 of permit)
24"CMP to Next Flow 12/20/2017 Yes Yes SA Com liant
Belews Lake Not included in permit as long as there is no industrial activity for the drainage area.
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Belews Creek Stormwater Sampling Matrix Summary through April 2023
Analytical monitoring of stormwater discharges shall be performed during a measurable storm event,with sampling beginning during the first 30 minutes of flow and continues until completed. A"measurable storm event"is a storm event that results in an actual
discharge from the permitted site outfall. The previous measurable storm event must have been at least 72 hours prior. The 72-hour storm interval does not apply if the permittee is able to document that a shorter interval is representative for local storm events during the sampling
period,and the permittee obtains approval from the local DWQ Regional Office. Grab samples shall be collected within the first 30 minutes of discharge. When physical separation between outfalls prevents collecting all samples within the first 30 minutes,sampling shall begin
within the first 30 minutes and shall continue until completed. Qualitative SDO observations must be completed quarterly(unless in Tier status)during a measurable storm event,but do not have to be within the first 30 minutes of flow.
Next Sample Sample Tier I Tier If 30-Day,
Ont%ll Required Collection Colterted i DINIR Comments
Corrective Corrective Completed
Sampling Atte mpts (Yes/No) I-Ins pection Inspection Action Noti ication
1H-2017 No Flow SA no flow no flow
10/24/2017 Yes SA Compliant,Hg>12n
1 H-2018 No Flow no flow
12/14/2018 Yes Yes SA Compliant
SW027 1H-2019 No Flow no flow
24"HDPE to Next Flow 2H-2019 No Flow no uali flow 3Q2019 SOO July 2019
Belews Lake 2/6/2020 Yes Yes SA 3/5/2020 Compliant
9/25/2020 Yes Yes SA 10/13/2020 Compliant
1H&2H-2021 No Flow no flow
IH&2H-2022 No Flow no flow
2/17/2023 Yes Yes Q 3/14/2023 Compliant
1H-2019 No Flow no flow
2H-2019 No Flow no flow
2/6/2020 Yes Yes SA 3/5/2020 Compliant,H>12
SW028 Next Flow 10/29/2020 Yes Yes SA 11/13/2020 Compliant,H>12
iH&2H-2021 No Flow no flow
1 H&2H-2022 No Flow no flow
1H-2019 No Flow no flow
SW029 2H-2019 No Flow no flow
2/6/2020 Yes Yes SA 3/5/2020 Compliant,TSS at BM,H >12
Next Flow 12/14/2020 Yes Yes SA 12/30/2020 Compliant
1H&2H-2021 No Flow no flow
iH&2H-2022 No Flow no flow
*Per North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality(NCDEQ)letter of January 29,2018,for SW003,SWO04 and SW005,no change in sampling frequency after first exceedance;and monthly sampling required after consecutive exceedances
SA-Semi-Annually Q-Quarterly Ivt-Monthly CA-during coal or ash transporting TSS-total suspended solids
Stormwater Discharge Outfall(SDO)Qualitative Monitoring Report-X=Completed NA-not applicable
_Compliant=Below Benchmark DEMLR-Division of Energy,Mineral and Land Resources
Tier Requirements for Benchmark Exceedances
Tier I parameters One exceedance of benchmark value-Inspection and evaluate causes within two weeks after receiving results and implement corrective actions within two months. Monthly sampling frequency of outfall until three(3)consecutive results
above are below benchmark value.
Tier II benchmark
or outside Two consecutive exceedances of benchmark value-evaluate causes within two weeks and implement corrective actions within two months. Sam2ling conducted month! until three(3)consecutive results are below benchmark value.
Tier III range listed t days ofreceiving results for fourth exceedance.Sampling protocols evaluated and potentiall5a
by tier.
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