HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0065986_Permit Issuance_20160708Water Resources ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY PAT MCCRORY Gomm, DONALD R. VAN DER VAART Se. elm) S. JAY ZIMMERMAN Direelar July 8, 2016 Mr. H. Evans Jones Dogwood Trails Homeowners' Association P.O. Box 63 Maggie Valley, NC 28751-0063 Subject: Issuance of NPDES Permit NCO065986 Dogwood Trails Subdivision WWTP Class WW-2 Haywood County Dear Mr. Jones: The Division of Water Resources (the Division) hereby issues the attached NPDES permit for the subject facility. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency dated October 15, 2007, or as subsequently amended. We have made the following updates to your previous permit with no subsequent changes from the draft permit mailed to you: ➢ Section A. (2) has been added to require electronic submission of effluent data. Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs), effective December 21, 2016. ➢ Regulatory citations have been added to the permit. ➢ An updated outfall map has been included. Starting on December 21, 2016, federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) and specify that, if a state does not establish a system to receive such submittals, then permittees must submit DMRs electronically to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The final NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule was adopted and became effective on December 21, 2015. The requirement to begin reporting discharge monitoring data electronically using the NC DWR's Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report (eDMR) internet application has been added to your final NPDES permit. [See A. (2)] For information on eDMR, registering for eDMR and obtaining an eDMR user account, please visit the following web page: httD://deo.ne.gov/about/divisions/water-resources/edmr. For more information on EPA's final NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule, please visit the following web site: htti)://ww w 2. ei)a. gov/comb liance/final-national-p oUutant-discliarge-elimination-system-node s- electronic-reporting-rule. If any parts, measurement frequencies, or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing, upon written request submitted within thirty (30) days after receiving this letter. Your request must take the form of a written petition State of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Water Resources 1617 Mail service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 919 807 6300 conforming to Chapter 150B of North Carolina General Statutes, and you must file it with the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714. Unless such a demand is made, this permit shall remain final and binding. Please note that this permit is not transferable except after notice to the Division. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Resources or any other Federal, State, or Local governmental permits that may be required. If you have questions, or if we can be of further service, please contact Jennifer Busam at [jennifer.busam@ncdenr.gov] or call (919) 807-6393. espe tfull�/� lG S. Jay Zimmerman, ctor Division of Water Resources, NCDEQ Enclosure: NPDES Permit NC0065986 (Issuance Final) he: Central Files NPDES Program Files ARO Files ec: Environmental, Inc. [environmentahnc@aol.com] Mr. H. Evans Jones [hevansjones@gmail.com] Permit NCO065986 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, the Dogwood Trails Homeowners Association is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at the Dogwood Trails Subdivision WWTP Cottontail Trail, North of US-HWY 19 Maggie Valley Haywood County to receiving waters designated as Evans Branch in subbasin 04-03-05 of the French Broad River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III and IV hereof. This permit shall become effective August 1, 2016. This permit and authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on January 31, 2021. Signed this day July 8, 2016. S. Zimmerman, P.G., Direct sion of Water Resources By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Page 1 of 6 Permit NCO065986 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET All previous NPDES Permits issued to this facility, whether for operation or. discharge are hereby revoked, and as of this issuance, any previously issued permit bearing this number is no longer effective. Therefore, the exclusive authority to operate and discharge from this facility arises under the permit conditions, requirements, terms, and provisions included herein. Dogwood Trails Homeowners Association is hereby authorized to: I. Continue to operate an existing 0.020 MGD extended aeration package plant with the following components: ♦ Aeration basin ♦ Clarifier ♦ Chlorine -contact chamber with tablet chlorinator ♦ Digester This facility is located at the Dogwood Trails Subdivision WWTP off of Evans Cove Road (north of Highway 19, Maggie Valley) in Haywood County. 2. Discharge from said treatment works via Outfall 001, at the location specified on the attached map into Evans Branch [5-26-9] currently classified C-Trout waters in subbasin 04-03-05 [HUC: 0601010602] of the French Broad River Basin. Page 2 of 6 Permit NCO065986 Part I A. ( 1 ) EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS [15A NCAC 02B.0400 et seq., 15A NCAC 02B.0500 et seq.] Beginning with the permit effective date and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge treated domestic wastewater from Outfall 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored' by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS Parameter Code EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS MONITQRING REQUIREMENTS Monthly ` { Average Daily Maximum Measurement Frequency. Sample Type Sample Location Flow 50050 0.020 MGD Weekly Instantaneous Influent or Effluent BOD, 5-day, (20°C) C0310 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Weekly Grab Effluent Total Suspended Solids C0530 30.0 mg/L 45.0 mg/L Weekly Grab Effluent NH3 as N - *Summer C0610 11.0 mg/L 35.0 mg/L Weekly Grab Effluent NH3 as N - *Winter C0610 27.0 mg/L 35.0 mg/L Weekly Grab Effluent Fecal Coliform 31616 (geometric mean) 200/100 ml 400/100 ml Weekly Grab Effluent Total Residual Chlorine 2 50060 28 Ng/L 21Week Grab Effluent pH 00400 > 6.0 and < 9.0 standard units Weekly Grab Effluent Temperature (*C) 00010 Daily Grab Effluent *Summer. • April 1- October 31 *Winter.- November 1- March 31 Footnotes: 1. No later than December 21, 2016, the permittee shall begin submitting discharge monitoring reports electronically using the NC DWR's eDMR application system [see A. (2))- 2. The Division shall consider all effluent TRC values reported below 50 -pg/L to be in compliance with the permit. However, the Permittee shall continue to record and submit all.values reported by a North Carolina certified laboratory (including field certified), even if these values fall below 50 pg/L. THERE SHALL BE NO DISCHARGE OF FLOATING SOLIDS OR VISIBLE FOAM IN OTHER THAN TRACE AMOUNTS. Page 3 of 6 Permit NCO065986 A. (2) ELECTRONIC REPORTING OF MONITORING REPORTS [NCGS 143-215.1 (b)] Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) and program reports and specify that, if a state does not establish a system to receive such submittals, then permittees must submit monitoring data and reports electronically to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The final NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule was adopted and became effective on December 21, 2015. NOTE: This special condition supplements or supersedes the following sections within Part II of this permit ( Standard Conditions for NPDES Permits) : • Section B. (11.) Signatory Requirements • Section D. (2.) Reporting • Section D. (6.) Records Retention • Section E. (5.) Monitoring Reports 1. Reporting Requirements [Supersedes Section D. (2.) and Section E. Effective December 21, 2016, the permittee shall report discharge monitoring data electronically using the NC DWR's Electronic Discharge Monitoring Report (eDMR) internet application. Monitoring results obtained during the previous month(s) shall be summarized for each month and submitted electronically using eDMR. The eDMR system allows permitted facilities to enter monitoring data and submit DMRs electronically using the internet. Until such time that the state's eDMR application is compliant with EPA's Cross -Media Electronic Reporting Regulation (CROMERR), permittees will be required to submit all discharge monitoring data to the state electronically using eDMR and will be required to complete the eDMR submission by printing, signing, and submitting one signed original and a copy of the computer printed eDMR to the following address: NC DEQ / Division of Water Resources / Water Quality Permitting Section ATTENTION: Central Files 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 If a permittee is unable to use the eDMR system due to a demonstrated hardship or due to the facility being physically located in an area where less than 10 percent of the households have broadband access, then a temporary waiver from the NPDES electronic reporting requirements may be granted and discharge monitoring data may be submitted on paper DMR forms (MR 1, 1.1, 2, 3) or alternative forms approved by the Director. Duplicate signed copies shall be submitted to the mailing address above. See "How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting" section below. Page 4 of 6 Permit NCO065986 Regardless of the submission method, the first DMR is due on the last day of the month following the issuance of the permit or in the case of a new facility, on the last day of the month following the commencement of discharge. Starting on December 21, 2020, the permittee must electronically report the following compliance monitoring data and reports, when applicable: • Sewer Overflow/ Bypass Event Reports; • Pretreatment Program Annual Reports; and • Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 316(b) Annual Reports. The permittee may seek an electronic reporting waiver from the Division (see "How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting" section below) . 2. Electronic Submissions In accordance with 40 CFR 122.41(1) (9), the permittee must identify the initial recipient at the time of each electronic submission. The permittee should use the EPA's website resources to identify the initial recipient for the electronic submission. Initial recipient of electronic NPDES information from NPDES-regulated facilities means the entity (EPA or the state authorized by EPA to implement the NPDES program) that is the designated entity for receiving electronic NPDES data [see 40 CFR 127.2(b)]. EPA plans to establish a website that will also link to the appropriate electronic reporting tool for each type of electronic submission and for each state. Instructions on how to access and use the appropriate electronic reporting tool will be available as well. Information on EPA's NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule is found at: http: / / www2 . epa. gov / compliance/ final-national-pollutant-discharge-elimination- system-npdes-electronic-reporting-rule . Electronic submissions must start by the dates listed in the "Reporting Requirements". section above. 3. How to Request a Waiver from Electronic Reporting The permittee may seek a temporary electronic reporting waiver from the Division. To obtain an electronic reporting waiver, a permittee must first submit an electronic reporting waiver request to the Division. Requests for temporary electronic reporting waivers must be submitted in writing to the Division for written approval at least sixty (60) days prior to the date the facility would be required under this permit to begin submitting monitoring data and reports. The duration of a temporary waiver shall not exceed 5 years and shall thereupon expire. At such time, monitoring data and reports shall be submitted electronically to the Division unless the permittee re- applies for and is granted a new temporary electronic reporting waiver by the Division. Approved electronic reporting waivers are not transferrable. Only permittees with an approved reporting waiver request may submit monitoring data and reports on paper to the Division for the period that the approved reporting waiver request is effective. Page 5 of 6 Permit NC0065986 Information on eDMR and the application for a temporary electronic reporting waiver are found on the following web page: htti)://deci.nc.gov/about/divisions/­water-resources/­edmr 4. Sianatory Requirements rSupplements Section B. 11. b and Su ersedes Section B. (11.1(d)] All eDMRs submitted to the permit issuing authority shall be signed by a person described in Part II, Section B. (11.)(a) or by a duly authorized representative of that person as described in Part II, Section B. (11.)(b). A person, and not a position, must be delegated signatory authority for eDMR reporting purposes. For eDMR submissions, the person signing and submitting the DMR must obtain an eDMR user account and login credentials to access the eDMR system. 'For more information on North Carolina's eDMR system, registering for eDMR and obtaining an eDMR user account, please visit the following web page: httix / / deq. nc. gov / about/ divisions / water -resources / edmr Certification. Any person submitting an electronic DMR using the state's eDMR system shall make the following certification [40 CFR 122.22]. NO OTHER STATEMENTS OF CERTIFICATION WILL BE ACCEPTED: ►►I certaf , under penalty of law, that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations.'► 5. Records Retention [Supplements Section D, The permittee shall retain records of all Discharge Monitoring Reports, including eDMR submissions. These records or copies shall be maintained for a period of at least 3 years from the date of the report. This period may be extended by request of the Director at any time [40 CFR 122.41]. Page 6 of 6 ASl IEVU-U C.1 MN TB ES VOICE OFTHEMOUNrAINS• crriZE24-71AIES•C°m AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION BUNCOMBE COUNTY SS. NORTH CAROLINA Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duly commissioned, qualified and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared Kelly Loveland, who, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: that she is the Staff Accountant of The Asheville Citizen -Times, engaged in publication of a newspaper known as The Asheville Citizen -Times, published, issued, and entered as first class mail in the City of Asheville, in said County and State; that she is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn statement; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in The Asheville Citizen -Times on the following date: May 190' 2016. And that the said newspaper in which said notice, paper, document or legal advertisement was published was, at the time of each and every publication, a newspaper meeting all of the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statues of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. Sworn to and 2016.1 Signed this 19t1 day of May, 2016 me the 19' day of May, expires the 51h day of October, 2018. (828) 232-5830 1 (828) 253-5092 FAX 14 O. HENRY AVE. I P.O. BOX 2090 1 ASHEVILLE, NC 28802 FACT SHEET FOR EXPEDITED PERMIT RENEWALS This form must be completed by Permit Writers for all expedited permits which do not require full Fact Sheets. Expedited permits are generally simple 100% domestics (e.g., schools, mobile home parks, etc) that can be administratively renewed with minor changes, but can include facilities with more complex issues (Special Conditions, 303(d) listed water, toxicity testing,. instream monitoring, compliance concerns). Basic Information for Expedited Permit Renewals Permit Writer/Date Jennifer D. Busam — 4/27/2016 Permit Number NCO065986 Facility Name Dogwood Trails Subdivision WWTP Basin Name/Sub-basin number French Broad / 04-03-05 Receiving Stream Evans Branch Stream Classification in Permit C-Trout Stream Index: 5-26-9 Does permit need Daily Max NH3 limits? No — already resent Does permit need TRC limits/language? No — already resent Does permit have toxicity testing? No Does permit have Special Conditions? No Does permit have instream monitoring? No Is the stream impaired on 303(d) list)? No Any obvious compliance concerns? No. No enforcements during the current permit cycle. One flow exceedance in 2015. Any permit mods since lastpermit? No New expiration date 01 /31 /2021 Changes to 2011 Permit? i Added eDMR requirements Added regulatory citations Created a new outfall ma Changes to Draft Permit? Most Commonly Used Expedited Language: • 303(d) language for Draft/Final Cover Letters: "Please note that the receiving stream is listed as an impaired waterbody on the North Carolina 303(d) Impaired Waters List. Addressing impaired waters is a high priority with the Division, and instream data will continue to be evaluated. If there is noncompliance with permitted effluent limits and stream impairment can be attributed to your facility, then mitigative measures may be required". TRC language for Compliance Level for Cover Letters/Effluent Sheet Footnote: "The facility shall report all effluent TRC values reported by a NC certified laboratory including field certified. However, effluent values below 50 µg/L will be treated as zero for compliance purposes." Dogwood Trails Homeowners Association P.O. Box 63 Maggie Valley, N.C. 28751 March 18, 2016 Wren Thedford NCDENR/ DWR/ NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1617 Re: NPDES Permit NCO065986 for Dogwood Trails Subdivision Dear Mr. Thedford, RECEIVEDI NCDEOWWR MAR 2 4 2016 Water Quality Permitting Section am writing this letter on behalf of the Dogwood Trails Homeowners Association. The purpose of this letter is to request the renewal of the above referenced permit. There have been no changes at the facility since the issuance of the last permit. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration. If you have any questions or need additional information, I can be reached by email (hevansjones@amail.com) or by phone (803.730.1879). Kindest regords, It LL11 H. Evans Jones President Dogwood Trails Homeowners Association NPDES APPLICATION - FORM D For privately -owned treatment systems treating 100% domestic wastewaters <1.0 MGD Mail the complete application to: N. C. DENR / Division of Water Resources / NPDES Program 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 NPDES Permit 00000065986 ff you are completing this form in computer use the TAB key or the up — down arrows to moue from one field to the next. To check the boxes, dick your mouse on top of the box Otherwise, please print or type. 1. Contact Information: Owner Name Dogwood Trails, HOA Facility Name Dogwood Trails Subdivision RECEIV R Mailing Address PO BOX 63 City Maggie Valley State / Zip Code NC/ 28751 Water Quality Permitting Section Telephone Number 803 730-1879 Fax Number N/A e-mail Address hevansjones@gmail.com 2. Location of facility producing discharge: Check here if same address as above ❑ Street Address or State Road Cottontail Trail, Lot 8B City Maggie Valley State / Zip Code NC/ 28751 County Haywood 3. Operator Information: Name of the firm, public organization or other entity that operates the facility. (Note that this is not referring to the Operator in Responsible Charge or ORC) Name Mailing Address City State / Zip Code Telephone Number Fax Number e-mail Address Environmental, Inc. PO BOX 954 Cullowhee NC/ 28723 828 586 5588 828 586 0800 environmentalinc@aol.com 1 of 1 FomfD 912013 NPDES APPLICATION - FORM D For privately -owned treatment systems treating 100% domestic wastewaters <1.0 MGD 4. Description of wastewater: Facility Generating Wastewater(check all that apply): Industrial ❑ Number of Employees Commercial ❑ Number of Employees Residential ❑ Number of Homes 13 School ❑ Number of Students/Staff Other ❑ Explain: Describe the source(s) of wastewater (example subdivision, mobile home park, shopping centers, restaurants, etc.) : Subdivision Number of persons served: 30 5. Type of collection system ® Separate (sanitary sewer only) ❑ Combined (storm sewer and sanitary sewer) 6. OutfvM information: Number of separate discharge points 1 Outfall Identification number(s) .001 Is the outfall equipped with a diffuser? ❑ Yes ® No 7. Name of receiving stream(s) (NEW applicants: Provide a map showing the exact location of each outfa11): Evans Branch S. Frequency of Discharge: ® Continuous ❑ Intermittent If intermittent: Days per week discharge occurs: Duration: 9. Describe the treatment system List all installed components, including capacities, provide design removal for BOD, TSS, nitrogen and phosphorus. If the spade provided is not sufficient, attach the description of the treatment system in a separate sheet of paper. Dogwood Trails Subdivision wastewater treatment facility consist of an existing 0.020 MGD extended -aeration package plant for 100% domestic subdivision wastewater treatment facility consisting of: • Aeration basin • Clarifier • Chlorine -contact chamber with tablet chlorinator • Tablet dechlorinator, and • Digestor The facility is located at the Dogwood Trails Subdivision. off NCSR 1306. 0.95 miles 2 of 2 Forni-D 912013 NPDES APPLICATION - FORM D For privately -owned treatment systems treating 100% domestic wastewaters <1.0 MGD north of US Hwy 19 in Maggie Valley, Haywood county, and discharge from said treatment works at the location specified as Outfall 001 on the attached map, into Evans Brach (stream segment 5-26-9), a waterbody currently classified C-Trout within subbasin 04-03-05 of the French Broad River Basin. 3 of 3 Form-D 912013 NPDES APPLICATION - FORM D For privately -owned treatment systems treating 100% domestic wastewaters <1.0 MGD 10. Flow Information: Treatment Plant Design flow 0.020 MGD Annual Average daily flow 0.0012 MGD (for the previous 3 years) Maximum daily flow 0.0020 MGD (for the previous 3 years) 11. Is this facility located on Indian country? ❑ Yes ® No 12. Effluent Data JWW APPLICANTS.• Provide data for the parameters tasted. Fecal Collfonn, Temperature and pH shall be grab samples, for all other parameters 24 hour composite sampling shall be used. If more than one analysis is reported, report daily maximum and monthly average. If only one analysis is reported, report as daily maximum. RENEWAL APPLICANTS: Provide the highest single reading (Daily Maximum) and Monthly Average over the past 36 months jorparameters currently in yourperndt. Mark other rarneters `N/A'. Parameter Daily Monthly Average Units of Measurement Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BODs) 25.6 9.6 mg/l Fecal Coliform 172 105.1 ml Total Suspended Solids 41 24.8 mg/1 Temperature (Summer) 22 21.3 C Temperature (Winter) 18 16 C pH 7.5 7.1 units 13. List all permits, construction approvals and/or applications: Type Permit Number Type Hazardous Waste (RCRA) NESHAPS (CAA) UIC (SDWA) Ocean Dumping (MPRSA) NPDES NCO065986 Dredge or fill (Section 404 or CWA) PSD (CAA) Other Non -attainment program (CAA) 14. APPLICANT CERTIFICATION Permit Number I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application and best of my nowledge and belief such information is , complete, and accurate. J/ Printed name oOerson Sigrjihg Title U J-IS-lb Date that to the North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6 (b)(2) states: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document flies or required to be maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, or who falsfies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $25,000, or by imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides a pur&nrnert by a fine of not more than $25,000 or imprisonment not more than 5 years, or both, for a similar offense.) 4 of 4 Form-Q 9/2013 NOV J� ` , ~� Mm /.Sobdivioslon, WIT