HomeMy WebLinkAbout20121103 Ver 1_Pre-Con Minutes 060514_20140620 Junne 19, 2014 ContractNos.: DA000162 WBS Eleement: 17BP..1.R.25 County: Hertfoord Description: Replaccement of Brridge #57 in HHertford Couunty on SR1150 T.A. Lovving Companyy Mr. Markk Perkins, Prooject Manageer PO Box 9919 Goldsborro, NC 275333 Subject:PPre-Construcction Confereence Minutess A pre-connstruction coonference wass held Thursdday, June 5, 22014 at 10:00 a.m. for the above referenceed project. Thhe followingg persons werre in attendannce: NAME POSITIONCOMPANYY/AGENCYY John AbeelBridgePProgram MannagerNCDOT Paul Willliams Environmmental SpeciialistNCDOT Quent Thhomas Materials TechniciannNCDOT Carla PugghREU Opperations TechNCDOT Andy Blaankenship Roadsidee EnvironmeentalNCDOT Garcy WardEnvironmmental SpeciialistNCDWQ Tracey WWheelerProjectMManagerArmy Corps of Eng. Jeff ThatccherResidentt EngineerRK&K Kelly Maarshall Assistant Resident EnngineerRK&K Bucky MMcCullough Senior Project InspecctorRK&K StephenSSalterVice PreesidentT.A. Lovingg Company Mark Perrkins ProjectMManagerT.A. Lovingg Company GeneralItems: ProgressSchedule: Proogress scheduule has been submitted annd approved. Letter Auuthorizing SAA’s: The Contractor provided a lletter stating the names off those personnel autthorized to siign supplemeental agreemeents. Subcontraact Requests: The Contractor indicated alll Subcontracttor Agreemeent Forms havve beeen submitted. The MBE Goall was 3% andd the MBE coommitment is 0%. Th e WBE Goall was 3% andd the WBE coommitment iis 3.73%. MaterialSuppliers:The Contractor has providedd a list of antticipated supppliers. th Monthly Estimate Endd Date: The estimate ennd date will bbe the 7 of tthe month. Resident Engineeer The for this prroject is Mr. Jeff Thatcheer. All corresspondence shhould be directed to the offfice as followws: Mr. Jeeff Thatcher, PE, CCM Resideent Engineer RK&KK 111UUS Highway 113 Bypass Windssor, NC 279883 Project Enginneer Represennting the Department as will be MMr. Kelly MMarshall, PE ((RK&K). Thhe ProjectIInspector will be Mr. Steve Harrell (RRK&K). ProjectMManagerProjectt Foreman For the CContractor, the will kk Perkins andd the wwill be be Mr. Mar Mr. AK RReeves. ProjectDDates: Date of AAvailability: January 6, 2014 Completiion Date: 120 days frfrom start of cconstructionor Novembeer 21, 2014 (wwhichever coomes first) for coompletion offRoadway annd Structure. Completionn of Erosion Control Meeasures is 900 days beyondd acceptancee of Roadwayy and Structuure. Contracttor’s Plan off Operation//Start Date: th T.A. Lovving plans to cclose the roaad to traffic annd begin survveying on thhe 9 day of JJune, followeed immediattely by erosioon control. The contractorr will demo tthe old bridge, construct bboth end bennts, completethe superstruucture, and fifinally complete the roadwway work. Contractt/Plan Revieew: Liquidateed Damages For completioon of the Roaadway and Sttructure, $10000 per day. or completioon of the Erossion Control Measures, $yy. F1000 per da For failure to pprosecute thee work in a ccontinuous annd uninterruppted manner, $250 per dayy. The contrractor providded proof of lliability insurrance. DA00162 Pree-Construction MinutesPagge 2 of 5 June 19, 20144 The contrract requires a 21 day nottice to close tthe road for bbridge replaccement, and tthis has been completed already by the Residentt Engineer’s office. GeneralComments: Kelly Maarshall expresssed his desirre to work together to commplete the prroject successsfully. This office hass worked witth TA Lovingg before and hopes to repeat previous successes. FFurther, Kellyy expressedd his desire too avoid claimms by workinng together inn a partneringg mentality. Safety: Kelly emmphasized the importance that the Conttractor followws the appliccable OSHA safety requiremeents and commpany safety policy. The work may bee stopped forr situations oof immediate or eminent ddanger to workers or the ttraveling pubblic. Supplemmental Agreeements: No Suppllemental Agrreements werre discussed at the meetinng. Environmmental - Perrmits: Tracy Whheeler discusssed the envirronmental isssues regardinng the projectts which bothh require an Army Coorps of Enginneers Nationwwide 3 permitt and a Divission of Waterr Quality Cerrtification #3883. This permmit pertains too the repair, rehabilitationn or replacemment of any ppreviously auuthorized, currently serviceablesstructure. The impaacts for these projects are as follows: Hertfoord Bridge #557 Permmanent Fill 17779 SF Permmanent HC 13SF Tempporary HC 18332 SF Any moddification to the impacts will require a written mmodificationaand if the tottal impact th (temporaary and permmanent) exceeeds 1/10 off one acre it will require a written WWater Qualityy Certificattion. Mrs. Whheeler also nooted that shoould somethiing be incorrrect on the pplans regardinng elevationns, the contrractor is not tto follow thee plan elevattions but shoould instead seek furtherr guidance too ensure thhere are no hhills or notchhes in grade wwork. Garcy Ward with the NNorth Caroliina Division of Water Quuality summaarized the folllowing: ondition 1: o Impacts Byond those uthorized CCNNeeAA ondition 2: tandard Eroson and Sedient Control Practices CCSiimm ondition 3: o Sediment nd Erosion ontrol Measres in Wetlnds or Waes CCNNaaCCuuaatrr ondition 4: onstructiontormwater Permit CCCCSS DA00162 Pree-Construction MinutesPagge 3 of 5 June 19, 20144 ondition 9: ive concrete does not coe in contact ith water. CCLLmmww ondition 11: Bridge Deck Drains CC ondition 15/6: Riprap is lean, free opollutants, ad large enogh to withstnd high flo CC11ccffnnuuaaww cnditions oo ondiion 17: Fertilizer Aplication CCtpp ondition 21: ll activities should comly with State water qualit standards CCAppyy Additionaally the following items wwere discusseed: UUnknown remmains or artifaacts that are uuncovered att the site shouuld result in aa call to Mrs. WWheeler. UUse of unacceeptable materrial for fill is prohibited. TThe site is nott a protected fish area. Paul Willliams reviewCCAMA permiits pertainingg to this projeect on behalf fof the CAMA ed the two representative. The fiirst permit is a Section .23300 permit ppertaining to tthe bridge coonstruction annd the seconnd permit is aa Section .16000 permit perrtaining to thhe utility reloocation. Paull reviewed thhe general annd specific conditions forr each of the permits. The abovve referencedpermits are included by rreference intto these meetting minutes. Environmmental – Othher Notes: Clearingand grubbingg will be perfformed in accordance witth Article 2000-3, 200-4, 2200-5 of the StandardSpecificationns. Clearingg will be perfoformed to the limits establlished by Meethod “II” Modifiedd which requiires clearing five (5’) feett from the toee of the slopee with no gruubbing. The Contractoor will place their silt fencce on the toe of the slope and meet wiith Carla Puggh to resolve plan discrepanncies related tto Silt and Saafety fence. Safety fencee will be usedd to delineatee the jurisdicttional boundariees. The clearring limits shhould be treatted as a maxiimum and anny unnecessaary clearing ddoes not necesssarily need to be performmed. The Conttractor will need to providde the Resideent Engineer’’s Office withh the proposeed Commerccial Borrowaand Waste sittes to be usedd for this projject. The Conttractor was reeminded thatt this project is within a pllant and pestt quarantine ccounty and thhat his equipmment should be brought in clean and rremoved cleaan and is requuired to notiffy the Resideent Engineer’s office of thhe location oof any waste ssites to be ussed for waste material fromm this projecct. Utilities: There is nno conflict wwith the CentuuryLink utilitty. The onlyy conflict for the water linne is the guarrdrail. The water line will bee moved conccurrent with tthe beginningg of the projeect since cleaaring and grubbingis require for the waterlinne relocationn. Other Isssues and MiiscellaneousItems: NCDOT’’s Geotechniccal unit has rrequested a PPDA on the innterior bents and did not pprovide criteria. Criteriawwill be determmined once thhe PDA data has been subbmitted. DA00162 Pree-Construction MinutesPagge 4 of 5 June 19, 20144 Deck draiins are shownn on the planns. A revieww of their locaation is required prior to cconstruction to ensure coompliance wiith the permitts. No deck ddrains are peermitted overr open water. Submittaals: All requirred submittalls have been submitted annd there are nno outstandinng items. These minutes are preepared as theyy are documeented. Any ddiscrepanciess with the content of these minutes sshould be subbmitted in wrriting to this office. Failuure to do so wwill be an inddication of agreemennt. incerely, SS SS. Kelly Marsshall, PE ssistant Resident Engine AAeer cc: Shawwn Mebane Eddiee Bunn Meetiing Attendeees File DA00162 Pree-Construction MinutesPagge 5 of 5 June 19, 20144