HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140368 Ver 1_precon minutes_20140613Y'.'.l�i� Lti1�4��.�.��1� Crmv�;xNax. �t;. srNE � �o-� � - � w,� � � � .� ��. , . a : � . .. � • ..,,, ,, � � ���. . � � • I ��I � � � .. � � �.�. � � ,Tune 13, 2�14 A3�f"I'�1(]tVY .1. `�'�'1"�'A SECRE'3"ARY C�ar�tract N�.: 1�B001 �4 W�35: 49�}�5 Ca�nt�y: L�noir Descri�atio�: Ext�nsnon �� SR 2021 (Sm�thfr�Id Viiay) from SF� 1548 (i-�ill F�. (�d) to �1S 258 Anth�a�y �3a1�er Bor��r��n Cta�structicar� PC� ��a� l0I l K.insto�, I��C 2$504 �UBJ��"T: Pre-�ons�tructi�n C�nfcren�e Minutes A pre-cons�tr�uc�ican c�rafere�ce wa:� h�Id VVe�����a�, J�ne 4, 2�14 for the abQVe referenc;ee� �rr�aj���. '1'h� ��l�awin� pe�s�ns r�erc in �tt�nc�an��. �az-��: Jcah��ny Metcalfe �4�ra�n B�allard Cha°is Bantc+s Te�ri I'eap�es C�ar°l� �u�;h �a �. Milto�� Rucid �1nt�aoz�y Saker C�a�rcy �r'a�d �er��ra1 Iter�s. Fra�ress Schedule Cc�mpa�v/A�e��c� �C�1C)"I" - Div � Di�t�-ict 3 �C��T - .Div 2 �77ist�ict 3 ��DOT - Div 2 �ist�ict 3 t�C�1Ui` .- Div 2 �uarvey 1"��CL)OT - RF [ � 1°�.tiCDOT - �&T B�rnuna� Cc�n�iruction ��pW�. �1arr�tiv� was provided. Pa•�gress schedule ch�rt needs to be subrn�tted. I,efiter A�tl�or�zing S,�'s: Cor�tracior �r�vided a lisi �f st�f% ine�icatin�; t�at .iason Bt�rn�na� (�rn��erl1'r�j�ct M�nag�r� �r�d Anths�ny Baker (�iv�1 l�ir�ctar/Superintend�nt) have the �ufi���ity to sign Sup�l��n�ntal .Agx�erraen�s. Subcon�ract Requests: Mt�nthly E�tir�t�te F,nd; MAILCNG t�J>DRC�S,S: �IC I]�F'AR'�'M�NT QF �TP.ANSPOFtTATH�N PJ¢VISI�N i7F �-1Bfi1P4VAYS T�rvisi�,�v 2„ DisTCZ��'� 3 1629 Hwr. 258 St7U'1'�¢ KI�sT�N, NC 2i�5f�4 I�deed to be submitt��i fc�r ai� sul�cQntractars. 15�� of thc �'Ic�nth r��,�rr����: �zs�� sza-raas� Fr\�:: (252) 527-792�i WEBSII�L: V✓W'JJ.IVCSiU"f'.GCIV �..c�c;���r��: 162�? I-�w�. 25� Sa�°[•x KINSTOt�d, E1C Mr. B�[cer 1're-Canst�uc�iran Min�t�s 7une 1.�, 2t114 Pabe 2 of 4 The Di��ri�t �ngineer for t�e �rc�ject is Jalanny M�tcal�'e. All carrespc�nden�e shauld be directed �o the �ffice as follaws: N1r. Jcahn�y M�icaife, �'E District Ea�.�in�cr T*T� ��p�rtrrient �f ri rai�spc�rtation 1'�ivis�on �f" [�igl�wa�s 1�i29 H� 2�� � �instc�n, �C 285(��k Prcaject �n�ine�r vviii �e t'�ar�n ��ilard. Th� Fraj��t Tnspect�ar will be !Chris Bantos. P�-+��ect Sc�ed�lel�Contractar �chedrzl� �7ai� of �vafliabi�ity: l�/I�y 19, 2014 �ompletian T�ate; �"ebru�y 12, 2015 ICT �1: 1`lovemher l5, 2f�14 (al� worl� exce�t Perma7�.en� Vegetatin� Establishrr�en�� �Can�ractar's �"ian of �C}���-ati+�mfStart ��te: �'er ��xativ�, e.ons�z-�ctic�� surveyzng vai11 begin week c�f July i, 2014, bu1 M�-. Bak�r �tat�d they might actually start surveyi�� we�k o��une �, 2;C}14. P'er narra�ive, ��bil'zz�tiorr af�quipment and other w�rk widl be�ia� on ar bc�ore J�uly 7, 2��4. Mr. Bak�x stated tk�ey will st�rt o�� th� culvert. Ca�:fr�ctl�'la� �Z�vi�w. ��anstructi�n survcyir�� �ill be lby Ccantaract��r. �r. �ak�r stated they will i�c us�n� ]Nlatri� E�st fcar t�l�ir siu-v�ying. T-�e rec�uested thai the T�epart��nt send th� �arcrject di�ital fles to th��. Liquidated lDa�nages for this cc�mtr�ci are �2(lC�_04 per calendar day Liquidate� �arnag�s for �GT �1 are $-Ci�l�.€�0 per calez�ciar day, vvhic� cavers a11 worl� �x�e�t Permane�t Ve��tation Establis%ment. 1�1r. Bul1��. reviewed what the veget�tian provision cov�r�s. Majnr C�r�tract Itet� r�vilF b� Li�� It�m 4� —�C�ass r'� Concxete (Culver�). Specialty �t��xs �vIl111�e L�ne Itez�.s 2�-38 — E:ra�ion Contrca�. ��se Frice fc�r Fuel t�djustm.ents —$�.l 14°� MB�,CW'�3�; Goals _..- 3,(�°f� 1�.Cl %(�c�al� w�r� met) Therc i� �� subs�.rrface ir�fc�r.rrnatio� availab�e �n tlais pr��ect. I7az�nestic St�el is tr� b� �,i�ed c�n this �rojec#. �ria. I3ak�r prc�vi�ied Btty Arrmerica Certificati�n. Mr. �3aker Pre-Constructian Minutes June �3, 2(�14 Page 3 of 4 Cc�ntractor prQV��I�cI iist �a� L,�vel 2�rasi�n C�ntral F'ersanr��l. Cl�aring &�rubbing �✓il� b� l��y M�th�d II. }3u�ldin� c�n fik�e east end c�f the ��pJect has been r�rnav�d. Lanier �onstructinn w�ll be installin� a casi�g in t�is vi�inity f€�r th�; ��ty c�f :�i�ston. Do n�t antici�at� a��y cc�nflict wii� the worl� on this c��airact. Base k'rice far AC ��just���ts -- $556.33. �'Sr., Bal�er s��atec� lhat �3ar�°��ili wi11 be paving sub��z�iract�r. �s�ssion �r�n��l �rravisior�s and �lans we�e rev�e�ued, NIs. Pu�h state� that sorr�e s�lt fenc;e shown c�n tlxe pla�s �nay �e el����a��d. She also pa�nt�d caut th�t safety fence �vi11 n�ed ta� bc installed 5�' on either �id� pf buffer z�ne�. iw?Is. Pugh is available tc� rneet on-site with contr�ctc�� wh�n r�ark begins tc� en5�re EC ra�easu�es are ins��ll�d �ro�aerly. �1�� vvill a�so vvc�rk witk� the contra�trar regarding the permanernt v��etati�m IC:T'. lf su��'icier�t grou�c� caver��e is established, requirem�nt� rnay be reIe�sed �arl��r t1�an cantr�act dat�. �u�stion w�s aslced concernin� tlxe rn�t��ia1 to be used �'��r fhe Imp�rvious I�ik�. Mr. Bal�ex stated they were leanin� towaard� sa�dbags due to �h� nanna� lc��a �ow of th� �tze�zn. M.r. 1'Vletcalfe caut�c��aed them an this since that Ioc�tioan daes t��aad �cc�sic���ally a��� laeavy ra�n:�`alI and th�t sandbags may ncat be su�fficient. l�fis. Pu�l� told �r. �aker �:hat wkae� �hey a�•e ready t�a instai� the ���n�a ar�umd, she is avail�ble to he1� �nd a suitabTe Ioc;at�on �ar ���e s�lt ��g. N�r. �iaker state�i that eurrently Bornrri�ra is p�a�:ng on �laing r�ast of t�� �C w�ark themse�v�s� 1VIr. Bu�lard pe�inte� c�ut that if th�� da, the ii:em �`or I�es�acarase �'e�r Frosian C�r�trc�l would noi ap�1y, as t�i�t is iar subc�n4ract�ars. l'vir. Ward rer�ie�w�cl tl�e p�ea7nits an� hi�hlightec� sc�zn� c��t�e conditao�s the cQr�tractar s�c�uld be awar� a�: Mr. }�ullar� a�ked i�th�y wa�ld be constructing � cast-ira-pt�c� ar precast culvert. Mr. B�ker s�at�d they will be �si�.g �he pr�cast aptic�n and th� M�ck Indus�i-i�s wi11 be the s�p�li�r. Mr. L�ullarc� r�viewed tla� payment sectior� o#` �h� Precast Culverti pravisi�n. �General Cor�rr�en�s: Mr. Balcer sl:ate� they wil� b�e using a cc�mmercial pit fca�• all l�oz�aw rnaierial. The pit i� kre u�cd is tlie �1ale;m�ine Pit in Tick Bitie. M��, Rudd a�ked abc�ut n�at�raal supplYers and reviev,�ed the certifieatit�ns thati wi�1 �e rcquired fcar sevc;ral �aa�e��a� tiypes, at�'' �esi bars ar� to be provid�d f�r rebar, along v�ritl� r�r�uixed paperwrark. �teady Mi� C€�ncr�te v�ill �e the concr�t� �arc�ducer. �fi was rec�uested that they �i��ish an on-site tcchn�c�an during lar�e pours tc� assi�t wrth t��tin� an�f ar�y required �djus�rzaents. �f thc ec�r�tractar wvants �y �arly breaks, at is their resp�ns�bilit� ta ask fi�r thea�. Otherwis�, an�y 28 day �realcs will be dan�e. Th.�re b��za� za� fi���er b�asine�s, th� rneetan� was a�l�ourrLer�. iV�t-. I�ak�r Pre-Constr�.ic���n N1in�tes 7une 13, 2fl14 Page 4 caf 4 These m�nut�s are ��ep�•�d as they axe d�c�mented. Any c�isc�epar�ci�s w�th the conterat of il�ese rninutes 5hauid be sub�n�tte� iz� writin� �a this c�ffce. �ailure tc� cia so wi1� be an indACatian o�' a�reement. Sinccr�ly, Aara�n Bullar�, P� Senir�r �issistant T���firic� �nginecr c�: Iv�r. �a��1 Rou�e, PE �ee�iz�� AtC�ndees F���